hercules presentatiion

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Post on 09-Apr-2018




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  • 8/7/2019 Hercules Presentatiion



    Evil Leaders: Do they do any Good at all?

    The Evil leader in this part of the preasentation/report is Hades from the classic Disney movie

    Hurcules. Hades is the leader of the underground with few followers. Although not seen as big

    as a leader as Jafar or Captain Hook, he still leads his minions and titians in all the same ways.

    Using the same 5 sources of power as the Presedent of the United States for example.

    Hades is the older, evil brother of the greek god Zeus, Hades was banned to the

    underworld and must wait 18 years to try to steal the throne from Zeus. Hades is a verry

    cinical person. He is a very fast talker and is able to convince people to do what he

    wants/ needs. He uses cohersion and manipulation to get what he wants. His plan is to

    kill Hercules and retake the throne of olympus. Hades does hold legetimet power over

    the underworld, which entiltles him to use any villian in the movie to his advantage. He

    also holds some referent power also. Most of the underworld like him but most do not

    know why. He also uses some reward power in the film as well. He makes promises

    and deals that he usualy never follows through with as long as it benefits him. His expert

    power may be questioned, it is based on the premise that your followers like you.

    Hades, being immortal can instill fear in anyone at anytime, but does not always choose

    to. I think it is a split between Fear/Respect/Guidance in why people obey him. They are

    fearfull for their lives, whether it be life or death, or Hades making the rest of their

    immortal life hell. They respect him because he does give his followers some guidance

    and they really have no other choice.

    After watching this flick I have came to the conclusion that all the actions, desitions and

    motives made and used by Hades are all for his own good. He does not care what

    happens to his two sidekkicks, cyclops, the titans of the underworld, or even Zeus,

    Hercules nad Meg. He just wants to become the ruler of Olympus. He is willing to cheat,

    steal, lie and even kill for what he wants. There are many bad consiquenses that

    happened from Hadess actions. Many innocent civillians were injured or killed, many

    cities were crumbled, and a war was caused with the gods. Although there was so much

    bad consiquences, there was also some good. With Hades breaking a promise that

    Mmeg wouldnt get hurt, Hurcules gets his strength back to win the battle, and

    becoming the new leader of olympus. In my view of the movie I think Hades did not

    Intentionally do nice things for the greater good. He used villians as his pawns to do his

    dirty work for him.