
https://sites.google.com/site/ basicgreekmythology/hero-s/hercules/capturing- the-cretan-bull HERCULES 12th LABOR; CAPTURING AND BRINGING BACK CERBERUS Cerberus is said to have been a 3 headed dog with a mane of snakes, and a dragon for a tail. Cerberus was the godHades pet. Cerberus also guarded the entrance to the underworld making sure that none of the souls should escape and return to the land of the living. Hades was not only the god of the underworld it was also the name of his domain. The underworld existed beneath the surface of the earth, and was where all souls both good and bad would go. It was said that in order to get to the underworld you needed to cross the river Styx. It was believed that no mortal could venture into the underworld and return to the land of the living. Even though Hercules was half god, he was still mortal. A trip to a realm where no mortal has ever returned seemed like a perfect way to finish the great Hercules. So Hera and King Eurystheus told Hercules he would have to venture down into the underworld and bring back Cerberus. Hercules left for his last adventure. Hercules went looking for the priest Eumolpus, best known for starting the Eleusinian mysteries. The Eleusinian mysteries were thought to bring happiness in the underworld for those who learned the mysteries secrets. Just a little insurance should Hercules not be able to return back. Finally Hercules was ready to venture down into the underworld. Hercules found the entrance at a cave in Tanaerum. With the help of Hermes Hercules was able to make it to the deepest depths of the underworld where Hercules meetHades . Hercules asked Hades if he could take Cerberus back to the surface. Hades agreed to not only give Hercules safe passage back BUT also let him take Cerberus IF Hercules did so without weapons and no harm came to Cerberus. Hercules agreed. Hercules set off back to the entrance of the underworld to fetch Cerberus. Getting Cerberus to go along with Hercules was going to be a feat in itself but nothing the great Hercules wouldn't be able to accomplish. When Hercules found Cerberus he grabbed the creature by the throat and wrestled him to the ground, and then picked the beast up and threw him over his shoulders. With the help of Athena , Hercules was able to return to the surface and make his way back to King Eursytheus. Hercules arrived at the king's castle with Cerberus over his shoulders. Hercules dropped the giant monster at the base of the city gates, when Eurytheus saw the Cerberus he was frightened and begged Hercules to return the beast in exchange the king would release Hercules from his labors. Hercules let the beast go and the Cerberus went back to Hades and the underworld. With that Hercules, labors were at long last done, after 10 years of serving the king, and narrowly escaping 12 evil plots of Hera .Hercules was forgiven for his crimes was made immortal and went to live on Mount Olympus with his father Zeus . When Hercules got to mount Olympus, Hera announced that she no longer hate Hercules and wanted to make amends for all she had put Hercules through and offered Hercules her daughter Hebe for his wife. HERCULES 5th LABOR; CLEANING THE AUGEAN STABLES IN A SINGLE DAY This time Eurystheus gave Hercules the labor of traveling to Augean and cleaning the king of Augean's stables in a single day. This doesn't seem like much of a task. Although these particular stables housed thousands of cattle, sheep, goats, and horses and the stable had not been cleaned in 30 years. The Augean king was said to have more cattle then any man in Greece. When Hercules showed up he offered to clean the stables in a single day for 1/10 of the Augean king's entire cattle. Hercules didn’t say anything about how he was sent by

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Cerberus is said to have been a 3 headed dog with a mane of snakes, and a dragon for a tail. Cerberus was the godHades pet. Cerberus also guarded the entrance to the underworld making sure that none of the souls should escape and return to the land of the living.

Hades was not only the god of the underworld it was also the name of his domain. The underworld existed beneath the surface of the earth, and was where all souls both good and bad would go. It was said that in order to get to the underworld you needed to cross the river Styx. It was believed that no mortal could venture into the underworld and return to the land of the living.

Even though Hercules was half god, he was still mortal. A trip to a realm where no mortal has ever returned seemed like a perfect way to finish the great Hercules. So Hera and King Eurystheus told Hercules he would have to venture down into the underworld and bring back Cerberus. Hercules left for his last adventure. Hercules went looking for the priest Eumolpus, best known for starting the Eleusinian mysteries. The Eleusinian mysteries were thought to bring happiness in the underworld for those who learned the mysteries secrets. Just a little insurance should Hercules not be able to return back.

Finally Hercules was ready to venture down into the underworld. Hercules found the entrance at a cave in Tanaerum. With the help of Hermes Hercules was able to make it to the deepest depths of the underworld where Hercules meetHades. Hercules asked Hades if he could take Cerberus back to the surface. Hades agreed to not only give Hercules safe passage back BUT also let him take Cerberus IF Hercules did so without weapons and no harm came to Cerberus. Hercules agreed.

Hercules set off back to the entrance of the underworld to fetch Cerberus. Getting Cerberus to go along with Hercules was going to be a feat in itself but nothing the great Hercules wouldn't be able to accomplish. When Hercules found Cerberus he grabbed the creature by the throat and wrestled him to the ground, and then picked the beast up and threw him over his shoulders. With the help of Athena, Hercules was able to return to the surface and make his way back to King Eursytheus.

Hercules arrived at the king's castle with Cerberus over his shoulders. Hercules dropped the giant monster at the base of the city gates, when Eurytheus saw the Cerberus he was frightened and begged Hercules to return the beast in exchange the king would release Hercules from his labors. Hercules let the beast go and the Cerberus went back to Hades and the underworld.

With that Hercules, labors were at long last done, after 10 years of serving the king, and narrowly escaping 12 evil plots of Hera.Hercules was forgiven for his crimes was made immortal and went to live on Mount Olympus with his father Zeus. When Hercules got to mount Olympus, Hera announced that she no longer hate Hercules and wanted to make amends for all she had put Hercules through and offered Hercules her daughter Hebe for his wife.


This time Eurystheus gave Hercules the labor of traveling to Augean and cleaning the king of Augean's stables in a single day.

This doesn't seem like much of a task. Although these particular stables housed thousands of cattle, sheep, goats, and horses and the stable had not been cleaned in 30 years. The Augean king was said to have more cattle then any man in Greece.

When Hercules showed up he offered to clean the stables in a single day for 1/10 of the Augean king's entire cattle. Hercules didn’t say anything about how he was sent by Eurystheus or about his labors of redemption. The Augean King was so shocked at his fortune he agreed to pay Hercules IF he could do it in one day.

Hercules took the Augean king's son with him to witness the stables being cleaned. Hercules set to work tearing a big hole in the front of the stable yards. Next Hercules made a hole in the back wall of the stable yards. Hercules then dug a trench between 2 rivers flowing nearby. He then diverted the 2 rivers into the front of the stable yards and out the rear of the stable yards and back into the river with taking all the filth along with it.

Hercules returned to the Augean King to collect his payment. The Augean king had found out that Eurystheus had been the one to send Hercules and refused to pay him saying that if Hercules didn't agree he could always take the Augean King to court. So Hercules did just that. Hercules even had the Augean King's son testify that his father did indeed promise to pay Hercules 1/10 of all his cattle. The King reluctantly paid Hercules and then promptly banished him from his kingdom.

Hercules returned to Eurystheus to inform the king of the completion of Hercules labor. Word traveled fast, even for a time when they didn't have iPods, and Eurystheus had found out that Hercules was paid for his cleaning out of the stables, and therefore told Hercules that this labor (just like the 2nd labor) didn't count and Hercules would have to complete yet another labor before he would be able to be forgiven and retire on Mount Olympus.


There was nothing special about the cattle they were just red, what was special and made this task dangerous is who the cattle belong to.

Geryon was a 3 headed and 6 legged giant who lived at the edge of the world, remember back in Hercules time they believed the earth was flat. Geryon was the son of the Callirrhoe, who was the daughter of Oceanus and Tethys, which made Geryon the grandson of the Titans. Geyron also had a 2 headed dog named Orthrus, who was the brother ofHades pet Cerberus. Geyron would have Orthrus and a shepherd named Eurytion to guard his cattle.

Being one of the last labors Hercules would have to perform King Eurystheus and Hera had to make it a REALLY dangerous one because they were running out of opportunities to destroy Hercules. They decided to make Hercules travel to the end of the earth to the island Erythia and bring back the red cattle of Geyron.

Upon receiving his next task Hercules began his long journey to the end of the world. Hercules traveled day and night for many days over mountains, through forests, rivers and streams. Hercules crossed the Libyan Desert. He was so hot and thirsty, by his 3 day of crossing the desert Hercules got angry and shot an arrow at Helios (the sun). Helios was not mad at Hercules failed attempt to kill him instead Helios admired Hercules courage and granted him a golden cup. This wasn't a cup for drinking for you see it was a cup that would allow the last leg of Hercules journey to be done in 1day and 1 night. It was a special cup that Hercules was going to sail in to the island of Erythia.

Exhausted Hercules finally made it to the island of Erythia.

No sooner had Hercules gotten out of his gold cup, did Orthus attack him. Hercules quickly disposed of the 2 headed dog, and the shepherd Eurytion.

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Hercules started to herd the cattle of the island to take back to King Eurystheus he was stopped by none other than Geyron himself.

Geyron seeing Hercules stealing his cattle charged after him. Hercules exhausted from his travels, took out an arrow and dipped it in the poisonous blood from theLerneaen Hydra and shot Geyron in each of his 3 heads killing Geyron instantly. With all obstacles out of the way Hercules continued to herd the cattle back to the king. To make the labor more difficult Hera sent a swarm of gadflies to bite the cattle. When the gadflies started biting the cattle they got scared and scattered all over the island. It took Hercules a whole year to gather back all the cattle and continue on his way to Eurystheus.

Seeing that the gadfly was only a minor setback Hera sent a flood to stop Hercules and the cattle from being able to cross the river back to King Euystheus. The flood just like the gadflies was only a minor setback; Hercules threw rocks into the river until it was shallow enough for the cattle to safely cross it.

Hercules FINALLY reached King Eurystheus with the red cattle of Geyron. After all that trouble Hercules went through to get the cattle King Eurystheus sacrificed the cattle to Hera.


The Amazons were a tribe of woman warriors. Hippolyta was the young and beautiful queen of the Amazons. Hippolyta was the daughter of Ares, and it is said that the whole tribe of amazons descended from Ares as well.

Hippolyta's magic girdle was nothing more than a fancy looking leather belt. It was a gift from Ares and a symbol of Hippolyta's authority as queen, kind of like a crown but more functional.

Hera and King Eurystheus gave Hercules his next labor. Hercules was to find the Amazons and bring back the magic girdle of Hippolyta.

Hercules sailed off to find the Amazons. When he finally reached the shores were the Amazons lived he was warmly welcomed. He told the Amazons he would like to speak with Hippolyta in private. A few minutes later Hippolyta was at Hercules ship. Hercules told his sad story to Hippolyta who felt sorry for him and agreed to give up her belt to Hercules.

Hera was not pleased so she disguised herself as an Amazon and walked down to the other Amazon woman. Hera told the warriors that Hercules had tricked them and was trying to kidnap their queen. Enraged at being fooled by Hercules, the Amazons quickly hurried to Hercules ship. Hercules saw the warrior women coming in full battle formation. He gave Hippolyta a quick kiss, grabbed her girdle and sailed away, leaving Hippolyta behind on the shore.

Hercules sailed back to King Eurystheus and presented him with the girdle of Hippolyta.


The apples were on an island hidden at the edge of the world and were guarded by a dragon named Ladon who had 100 heads and Atlas's daughter the nymph Hesperides. The apples were a wedding present fromHera to Zeus and was said to grant immortality to whoever should eat the apples.

This seems like a perfect labor for Hercules to perform, and if all else fails it puts Hercules right in the path of Hera and her wrath. It was decided; Hercules would go and steal some golden apples from Hesperides.

Hercules set off at once to steal the apples. The problem was WHERE to steal them from. So Hercules wandered off in search of someone who could tell him where the garden and apples where hidden. Hercules came upon Kyknos, a son of Ares. Hercules challenged Kyknos in exchange for the location of the garden. After a few rounds Hercules finally won, but much to his dismay Kyknos did not know where the location of the garden was at.

Hercules left Kyknos and continued on in his search for information. Hercules then came upon Nereus a shape shifting water nymph. Hercules grabbed the Nymph and demanded to know the location of the garden, the nymph not knowing the location; Hercules beat him up and then continued on his way. Continuing on his what seemed to be fruitless quest Hercules was stopped by Poseidon's son Antaeus. Just as before Hercules challenged Antaeus to a fight in order to get the information Hercules so desperately needed. Yet again as before Hercules won, but the young Antaeus had no information to give Hercules.

When all seemed hopeless Hercules came to Mount Caucasus and the Titan Prometheus. The son of Lapetus and Themis, and the brother of Atlas, Prometheus was chained to a rock as punishment for stealing fire from Zeus and giving it to man. As if being chained to a rock wasn't bad enough of a punishment, every day a giant eagle would visit Prometheus and eat his liver and every night a new liver would grow back. This was Prometheus punishment basically 'grounded' and being pecked to death every day for eternity. Hercules laid in wait for the eagle to show up to "punish" Prometheus. When the eagle arrived Hercules killed it and freed Prometheus, well at least from the being pecked to death part of his punishment. Hercules asked Prometheus for the location of the garden. Prometheus apologized to Hercules for he did not know the location. Prometheus did have some useful information though. Even though he didn’t know the location himself, he did know how Hercules could get the golden apples. Prometheus told Hercules, that his brother Atlas would know how to get the golden apples and in exchange for Hercules taking the world from Atlas, he would be glad to accomplish the task for Hercules.

With his new purpose, Hercules set off to find Atlas. On the west edge of the world he found Atlas, holding the weight of the world. Hercules told Atlas he would hold the world IF Atlas would go to Hera's garden and gather some golden apples for him. Atlas glad to get the weight of the world of his shoulders gladly agreed. So Hercules took the world from Atlas shoulders. Atlas disappeared and was gone for some time. Eventually he did show back up to Hercules with 3 golden apples in his hand. Atlas not wanting to take the weight of the world back told Hercules he would take the apples back to Eurystheus. Hercules seeing that Atlas had no intention of taking the world back from him thought fast. Hercules tricked Atlas into taking back the world, by telling Atlas he just needed him to have Atlas hold the world for a moment, so he could make a pad for his shoulders. Atlas took the world back from Hercules, and Hercules took off with the golden apples back to King Eurystheus.

Hercules arrived back to the king with the gold apples. Quickly Hera called Athena down to take the apples back to the island. All that hard work undone in just seconds.