helio aircraft company hello model ht-295 … · c ailerqns akd intercept0rs.t the ailerons are the...


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Page 1: HELIO AIRCRAFT COMPANY HELlO MODEL HT-295 … · c AILERQNS AKD INTERCEPT0RS.t The ailerons are the Frieze type, of 2024 alclad diagonal rib truss structure, fabric covered, They



Page 2: HELIO AIRCRAFT COMPANY HELlO MODEL HT-295 … · c AILERQNS AKD INTERCEPT0RS.t The ailerons are the Frieze type, of 2024 alclad diagonal rib truss structure, fabric covered, They

SEcTLcm x Gemma Descr ipt ion o f Airp lane PAGE

c Descriptfon af Structure - - - * - ” - - * - - - - - - - - - - 1Ailerons and Interce$tore- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2


SECTION XI Flight And Operating xastructions- - I

Flight Controls c (I) 0 a II, e I, e I e m a L a m * m e w m a m Ir

Pre-Flfght Inspection a m e a a a a m m - c w m m . r m m w oOperation a - - m 0 a m a - - - a a -. a a a a - a a -. . wGeneral Operating Instructfom And Lintitations- - - - - - - -Pilot Check List- Ir a lit m m a a a a a a c a a I a a a m a m aPilot Emergency Check List--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -S u m m a r y of O p e r a t i o n a l Afrspeab- - - - - - - - - -‘- - - - -Take-Off, Cruise and Landing Technfques - - - - - - - - - - -Cross-Wind Take-Of f md Landing Techniques- - - - - - - - - -Mi8cellaneoua Provisions - * - - - - - - - - - - - - * - - -Brake System Schmatic - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Fuel System SePtematic - - * - - - - - - - * - - - v - - -



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Page 3: HELIO AIRCRAFT COMPANY HELlO MODEL HT-295 … · c AILERQNS AKD INTERCEPT0RS.t The ailerons are the Frieze type, of 2024 alclad diagonal rib truss structure, fabric covered, They



General Description of Airplane

‘i The W-295 is a high wing monoplane. The wing is fully cantilever andof all metal construction. The fuselage cabin section is a metalcovered tubular structure and the aft section is all metal semi-monocoque. The tail surfaces are of all metal construction. Poweris supplied as follows:


Engine PropellerIs-Lycoming (295hp) GO-480-GlA6 Hartzell Constant speed

96" dia.

The Model WT-295 is a six place plane, The occupants are seatedin two individual adjustable front seats, two individual middleseats with two reclining posftians, and a two place rear seat,Entrance to the front seat is through a left front door. Entranceto the rear seats fs through a rear right door, the sill of whichis at floor level height for easy loadbg and unloading, The rearseat is easily removable i'or added cargo space. '

Surface control is by conventional wheel and rudder pedals. Provisiare made for wheel, rudder pedals and brakes on the right sfde, Toebrakes are provided on the left side. (Brakes for the right side areoptional*) The flaps are actuated by an electric motor on the 1700series. Longitudinal trim is by an elevator trim tab actuated by anelectric motor on the 1700 series.

The airplane is equipped with long span slotted flaps and full spanleading edge slats for high lift operation. Lateral control isobtained by short span Frieze ailerons operated in conjunction withleading edge interceptors, The latter are provided for low-speedcontrol, Pitch change is obtained with an all-moving horizontaltail. Directional control is obtained with a conventional type rudder.

The engine section is composed of the engine installatfan, oil cooler,carburetor, ram air filter screen, oil system piping, fuel system piping,electrical system, cowl flap system and the necessary mechanicalcontrol units* The engine section is completely enclosed byaluminum wrap-around cowl. The engine mount is a welded steel tubestructure bolted to the forward end of the fuselage. The engine issuspended on the engine mount by four vibration isolators. The fire-wall is of stainless steel.

Description of Structure-

WING PANEL. The wing is a two-panel full-cantilever unit and all metalconstruction. Ribs are formed 2024 alclad members. The main sparconsists of 2024 alclad web and 2024 extruded angle capstrips. Therear spar is a 2024 alclad formed channel. The wings are attachedto the fuselage through a welded steel truss.



Page 4: HELIO AIRCRAFT COMPANY HELlO MODEL HT-295 … · c AILERQNS AKD INTERCEPT0RS.t The ailerons are the Frieze type, of 2024 alclad diagonal rib truss structure, fabric covered, They


AILERQNS AKD INTERCEPT0RS.t The ailerons are the Frieze type, of2024 alclad diagonal rib truss structure, fabric covered, They arehinged at both ends and operated by a push-pull tube at the ce&ex,The interceptors consist of heavy aluminum alloy curved plates (inboard)and forward of each aileron). They emerge from the wings incon-junction with the ailerons.

FLAPS. The flaps are of a single spar all-metal constructfon, Theyare supported to the wing structure by three flap tracks and areactuated by push-pull tubes at the center and outboard tracks,

TAIL GROUF. The tail group is composed of a vertical fin and rudder,and an all-movable horizontal surface equipped with an anti-balanceand t&n tab. All tail surfaces are of aluminum alloy construction.

FIN: Two-spar construction,RUDDER: Single-spar constructionSTABILATUR: Sfngle-spar construction

FUSELAGE. The forward fuselage structure is a welded steel tubetruss. It is covered with alclad sheet in the cabin section; theremaining portion is semi-monocoque.

LANDING GEAR.- The main landing gear is the Spring Steel type mountedin a box section of the fuselage structure. The Nose Wheel is theair-oil shock strut type and is attached to the engine mount.


Gross Weight

Empty Weight

Wing Span

Wing Chord

Wing Area(Slats retracted)

Overall Length

Aileron Area(Each Surface)

3400 lbs, Fuel Capacity (Useable)

2023 lbs. Octane Rating

39 ft. Oil Capacity

72 in. Power Plant

231 sq. ft, Take-off Horsepower

30 ft. 4 in. Normal Rated Horsepower

10135 sq. ft. Flap Area (Each Surface)

Slat Span (Each Wing) 203.93 in. Stabilator Area

Rudder and Fin Area 24.40 sq. ft. Wheel Tread

58,s gals.

100 (Min.)

12 qts. (Max.)10 qts. (Desired)




19.05 sq* ft.

37.50 sq, ft.

102.00 in.


Page 5: HELIO AIRCRAFT COMPANY HELlO MODEL HT-295 … · c AILERQNS AKD INTERCEPT0RS.t The ailerons are the Frieze type, of 2024 alclad diagonal rib truss structure, fabric covered, They


c The HT.295 incsrporates flight control devices to insure safeflight at slow air speeds without detriment to high-speed flight.The cockpit contmls, however, are conventional and their operationis the same as in any ather fixed-wing airplane. The exceptionaldegree of control is obtained by the use of reading edge slats,large flaps, interceptors and a fully movable horimntal tailsurface with its anti-balance tab. Each contml is described indetail in the following discussions.

AILERONS. The ailerons are operated in a conventionaL manner byefther of the dual control wheels. In addition to the ailerms,the control wheels actuate interceptor blades which extend throughthe upper surface of the wing directly behind the outboard slat,The ailerons are csnventional and they provide the nomal correctiveforces at high speeds. The interceptors provide the extremelypositive lateral control at the slowest speeds obtainable, This

- control is so effective that it is possible to overcame the effectof full rudder in a stall by use of the aileron-interceptorcontrol and roll into a turn in the opposite direc3tion. The aileroninterceptor combination produces a very high rate of sollat allspeeds with comparatively small control movements. Violent, fullthrow contra1 movements are not necessary ta produce satisfactoryxates of roll at all airspeeds.

RUDDER. The rudder and controls are conventional. The rudder pedalsare ground adjustable to four positions. Toe brakes are providedon the left-hand pair of pedals.

SWLBZLATOR. The horizontal tail surface, or stabilator, is a singlemovable surface instead of the usual elevator and horizontalstabilizer. The control operation is canventional and control feeland reaction in the cockpit are the same as in other aircraft.

There are two tabs attached to the horizontal surface, a trimtab and an anti-balance tab. The right hand surface has the anti-balance tab attached to it. It is an anti-balance tab becauseit moves in the same direction as the surface, thus providing aforce which always returns the surface to the trim position, Theactuating arm and pivot paint for this tab, which is mounted otzthe fuselage directly under the fin, should be inspected as apart of the daily pre-flight inspection.

The trim tab is located an the left hand surface. It is of theconventional type with a trim tab position indicator located onthe instrment panel.

sup l The leading edge wing slats operate fully automaticallyby the air-loads on them. Their use provides the very slowspeeds possible with this airplane. All slats are fully visiblefrom the cockpit, they should normally be open on the finalapproach, If it appears that any of the four slats have stuck,it is advisable to land about 10 MPH faster than the minimum landingspeed.


Page 6: HELIO AIRCRAFT COMPANY HELlO MODEL HT-295 … · c AILERQNS AKD INTERCEPT0RS.t The ailerons are the Frieze type, of 2024 alclad diagonal rib truss structure, fabric covered, They

It should be noted that the lateral and dixectiana.1 control is soeffective that through their normal use, it is possible to overcomethe effects of both slats remaining closed on one side.

c F L A P S l All 1700 series aircraft have electric powered flaps asstandard with a flap position Indicator on the instrument panel.Full flap can be used for landing under all normal wind conditions.Shortest take-off runs, under standard air, sea-level conditions,are performed with 30' flaps, although ZOO will give a better rateof climb once the airplane is airborne and provides better take-offat higher altitudes, or with maximum gross loads,


1 e Check interior of cabin for Fuel Valve "ON", ignition and MasterSwitch "OFF", mixture control "Idle CUTOFF”, remove gust lock,

2 l Pull propeller through several revolutions and inspect blades fornicks and cracks.

3 e Open engine cowl; check oil level and inspect fuel rend oil linesfor leaks. Give engine compartment a complete visual check.

4 (I Check nose wheel olea shock strut and tires for proper inflation,

5 8 Check main gear brakes and lines for leaks and security.

6 l Drain sediment bawl, (Accessible through small door under theforward windaw on right side fuselage.) Drain auxiliary fueltanks if applicable. (Drains located on the bottom of each wing,)

7 a Check fuel laad and make certain that the fuel caps are firmlysecured on the fillernecks.

8 & Check slat operation for freedom of movement and any unusual play.

9 * Move all control surfaces and check security of all hinge boltsand push-pull tubes,

10 l Check security of anti-balance tab on horizontal tail and itspivot point on the fuselage,

11 0 Remove cover if installed on pitot tube, and make sure it is freefrom dirt or other obstructions,


After entering the airplane and before starting the engine:

1 0 Adjust and fasten the combination seat and shoulder straps.


Page 7: HELIO AIRCRAFT COMPANY HELlO MODEL HT-295 … · c AILERQNS AKD INTERCEPT0RS.t The ailerons are the Frieze type, of 2024 alclad diagonal rib truss structure, fabric covered, They

2 a Check all controfs for freedom af mavement and proper direction.

3 l Pnsure that all cargo is secured and that the load is properlylocated,

4 0 Check positim of electrical and ignition switches.

5 l Open cowl flaps.

ENGINE STARTING. The following starting procedure is taken from theLycoming Operator's Manual, A copy of the Lycoming rfanual is furnishedwith each airplane and is considered a part of this manual,

Lock the wheels by efther wheel brakes OT chocks, I

Set the propeller control lever all the way forward in INCREASE RPMposition.

Be sure fuel valve is ttUNtt.

set throttle to l/4 open position*

Place mixture control in the "Idle Cut-off" position (Full out).

Turn on auxiliary fuel pump and check pressure.

Turn ignition switch to extreme right and push (this energizes starter)*


On aircraft with control lock pin located on pilot'scontrol wheel shaft, it is necessary to remove the pinbefore attempting to start the engine, The aircraftis designed so the starter circuit is inoperative with thecontrol lockpin installed. The magneto circuits are notinvolved in any way.

When the engine begins to fire, immediately put mixture control inFull Rich position (full in) and allow ignition switch to return to"both'" mag position. CAUTION - If engine fails to start immediately,return mixture control to Idle Cut-off position. Failure to do sowill create an excessive amount of fuel in the carburetor air scoopconstituting a fire hazard.

"Vapor locking is not a common occurrence on Lycoming Go-480 engines,However 9 under certain circumstances it can occur, i,e, when runwayand ramp temperatures exceed lOOoF particularly on sunny days and atairfields of high elevation where temperatures exceed 80*F, Duringthese conditions vapor locking can occur after a hot engine has beenshut-down and a start is attempted within a period of up to one hourafter initial shut-down. Vapor lock symptoms are; zero fuel pressurewith the electric fuel booster pump on, and by hearing an unusualsound in the booster pump which indicates it is cavitating ratherthan pumping.


Page 8: HELIO AIRCRAFT COMPANY HELlO MODEL HT-295 … · c AILERQNS AKD INTERCEPT0RS.t The ailerons are the Frieze type, of 2024 alclad diagonal rib truss structure, fabric covered, They

When it is suspected that a vapor lock exists, the follawfngprocedures should be used: Fuel selector ON, electric fuel boosterPump ON, throttle opened l/4, push mixture control to full rich andleave there until fuel pressure builds up and cavitating sounddisappears, then return migture control ta idle cut-off and proceedwith normal starting sequence. If a solid vapor lock exists, theengine primer is usually ineffective until the vapor lock 2s brokenby the method mentioned above."

If of1 pressure does not build up after 30 seconds running, stopengine and determine trouble.

Check Engine Driven Fuel Pump for proper pressure by turning offauxiliary fuel pumps I

Initial warm up should be at 1000 to 1200 RPM.


Engine is warm enough for take off when the throttle can be openedwithout backfiring or skipping. ,

Check magnetos at 2600 RPM. Drop off should not exceed 175 RPM oneither magneto and should be withfn 50 RPM of each other.

Exercise pro eller at 2200 RPM. Pull control to decrease RPM, notedrop to 1275P 50 RPM,

Cowl flaps should be open for all ground operation (pull handle out).Avoid prolonged ground operation as it will cause overheating.

For further information on cold weather starting and engine operation,consult the Lycoming Operator's Manual.


TAKE-OFF: Prior to take-off, a check should be made to insure that; I

1 e Weight and Balance is currect.

2 l All occupants have properly secured the combination seat andshoulder straps,

3 l Stabilator trim tab set.

4 l Flaps are extended 3Oo or less for take-off.

5 l Cowl flap lever is pulled out to fully open cowl flaps.

6 l Propeller control is pushed in for maximum RPM* (3400 Max.)

7 l Fuel selector valve is "ON".

8 0 Parking brake control is *'OFF" position.

9 (, Auxiliary boost pump '*ON".


Page 9: HELIO AIRCRAFT COMPANY HELlO MODEL HT-295 … · c AILERQNS AKD INTERCEPT0RS.t The ailerons are the Frieze type, of 2024 alclad diagonal rib truss structure, fabric covered, They

As SQQ~ as possible after take-off, reduce RPM t=o the maximumcontinuous setting (3000 RPM) and retract the flaps. Take-offpower may be used for 8 maximum of five (5) minutes, but it isadvisable to reduce power a6 soon as practical. Best rate ofclimb is obtained at 65 MPH IAS flaps down, and at 90 MPH IASflaps up at MET0 power. A cylinder head temperature gauge isprovided as standard equipment, and power, ctowl flaps, and speedsettings should be selected to maintain the cylinder headtemperature somewhat less than 475’F. The maximum pernt.lssibleis 45O*F. at cruise power, For take-off and normal rated power,the limit is 475*F.

LARDING. During the let down prior to the landing 8pproach:

1 e Close tile cowl flaps so that the engine does nat cool too rapidly.

2 e Open throttle occasionally to clear out engine and keep warm.

Prior to turning into the base leg in the landing approach:

3 l Auxiliary Boost Pump "ON". ,

4 0 Extend the flaps to the desired position (Maximum flap speed is80 MPH) l

5 l Set propeller control to 3000 RPM.


1 l Retract Flap.

2 & open cowl flaps.

3 l Auxiliary Boost Pump “OFF”.


1 l Pull mixture control full out to the idle cut-off position, (Apprax.1000 RPM).

2 l After the engine stops, shut off the ignition switch and then themaster and generator switch.

3 l Leave fuel valve in the *'ON" position,

4 l If the aircraft is to be parked overnight, push the mixture controlin l/3.


This airplane is licensed in the normal category and no acrobaticmaneuvers, including spins, are approved.


Page 10: HELIO AIRCRAFT COMPANY HELlO MODEL HT-295 … · c AILERQNS AKD INTERCEPT0RS.t The ailerons are the Frieze type, of 2024 alclad diagonal rib truss structure, fabric covered, They



Avoid high engine speed (2800 RPM or higher) in cambination withlow manifold pressure operation (under 15"), Avoid rapid closingor opening of the throttle (especially from a high RPM and manifoldpressure condition).

STALLS AKD SPINS, The leading edge slats and the restricted nationof the stabilator makes it impassible to fully stall the wing onthe HT-295. As the minimum speed obtainable is approached with theyoke full back, a center section separation causes tail buffeting,A slight aileron nibble is also noticed as the minimum speed isapproached. Minimum speed power-off with the flaps down is apprax-imately 40 WH IAS. This varies with load and C.G, cbndition.Voluntary spins are prohibited,

Although the airplane can be forced, under certain conditions, intoauto-xotatfon which is technically a spin&, this maneuver is not thesame as the well known "tailspin'* in that it cannot occur accident-ally and contrary to the pilot's movement of the controls. Na divenor forward movement of the control wheel is required for recovery.Recovery is effected by the normal use of either the aileron orrudder control.


The Never-Exeed Speed (We) for the HT.295 is 200 MPH C. A. S. A redline appears on the airspeed instrument at this speed. MAXIMUM FLAPSPEED (Vf) IS 80 MPH C. A. ,S. The white range on the airspeedindicator indicates the flap range. Cruising range is marked onthe airspeed indicator by a green arc, which extends to the maximumstructural cruising speed, 160 MPH C.A.S. In very gusty and bumpyEtiq the speed should be reduced ta 103 MPH C.A.S., Flaps Up. Thisspeed is known as the "maneuvering" speed.


The PS-5-BD carburetor should be operated at 9 to 15 psi in accordancewith manufacturer's recommendations,


Complete operating instructions covering the care and use of theLycoming engine are provided with each airplane and should be usedas a guide in selecting power settings. These instructions are inthe form of the Lycoming Operator's MrPnual.


Use fuel with 100/130 octane rating. 58.5 gallons usable withstandard wing. (See page 26 for fuel system schmatic.)


Page 11: HELIO AIRCRAFT COMPANY HELlO MODEL HT-295 … · c AILERQNS AKD INTERCEPT0RS.t The ailerons are the Frieze type, of 2024 alclad diagonal rib truss structure, fabric covered, They


Engine Nodel:GO-480~GlA6Average An3iant

Air Temperature Straight Multi-Grade,For Starting Minerai Additive

Type Type

Above 60*F SAE 50 SAE 40 or 5030' to !?O°F SAE 40 SAE 400* t o 7OoF SAE 30 a SAE 40Below lOoF - SAE 20 SAE 40



Qil InletTemperature

Desired Max.IL80° 235'F18V' 235*F180° 235O~

/170' 2100F170' 210°F

If beacon light is installed, this light should be turned off beforeentering overcast, as reflections from the rotating anti-collisionlight on clouds or dense haze can produce optical illusions andsevere vertigo. This is particularly true at night.


Page 12: HELIO AIRCRAFT COMPANY HELlO MODEL HT-295 … · c AILERQNS AKD INTERCEPT0RS.t The ailerons are the Frieze type, of 2024 alclad diagonal rib truss structure, fabric covered, They


1 a2 *3 a4 85 *6 *7 a8 69 l

1 0 0

11 012 013 014 015 a16 817 018 a19 l

20 *

Brakere = SET (zr HDLDThrottle CKElD AHXJT l/IOPropeller - FIsE;lL INcIbEASEl9fxture - IDLE CUT-OPFCarburetor Heat - Cow)Cuwl Fhps - OPENptpel VaPv6 - ONTrim Tab Trs.vel - CHECKAll Cfrcuit Breakera - INMaster Battery br Generator Switches - ONAUK. Fuel Ptupap - ONPl?h - AS EtEQUlREDPropeller - CLEARIgnition Switch - TURH TO EXTREME RPG)IT AND P&HIgnition Switch -TO BOTH AFTERENGINE STARTSMxture - RICH (Simultaneously with 15 above)Oil Pressure - CHECKAWL IPfxel Pump - Ol?FErmghe Wism-Up - 1000 to 1200 RPMFuel Quantity Gauge II* CEECK


1 a Taslchmcter - SET 1500 to 1700 RPM2 a Carburetor &at, - HOT THEN COLD3 a ter - CHECK4 * he1 and Oil Pressure - c%fxcIR5 l 8il and Cylinder Head Temperature - CHECK6 a Vaculam Gauge - CHECK7 l 3kwq?eller - SET 2200 RPM AI!tD EXERCISE SEVERAL TIMES (Should decrease

ta’ 1275 RPM + 50 RPM)8 * Propeller - iii3T 2600 RPN AND CHECK BOTH. M&S OiLpximm drop 175 RPM)9 * Power Check - 3400 RPM an8 28" .$iG'@ Sea Imrel

Page 13: HELIO AIRCRAFT COMPANY HELlO MODEL HT-295 … · c AILERQNS AKD INTERCEPT0RS.t The ailerons are the Frieze type, of 2024 alclad diagonal rib truss structure, fabric covered, They

1 42 43 *4 l

5 4

6 4

7 l

0 4

9 010 011 4

Flight Controls - FREE, FULLTRAWLFlight Instrtmmts = SETEhgine Instruments - CHECKEDTrim Tab - SETwing Flaps - 20 to 30 DEGREES AS; DESIREDPropa f hr - FULL IHXEASE RPMMixture - RICHCarbe Air - COLDCowl Fup(I - OPENSeat md Shoulder Straps - TIGRTENAwr. Fuel Pump - ON



AIRSPEED 80 MPH MAXLMJM3 4 Fl aprs - RAISE4 l Aux. he1 Pimp - OFF5 l Cylinder Head Temp. - CHECK (AIRSPEED - CLIMB 90 MPH)6 4 Cruf.se Cl%mb - WLL THIKJTTLE AND 2750 RI=

1 4 Thruttle - 23” ??Gc, M.P.2 0 Propeller- 2600 RPM3 4 Cowl Flaps - AS REQUIRED

1 * Seat 8elts - TIGHTEN2 4 carburetor Heat - CfoLD (EXCEPT IN XCIms)3 4 Mixture G RICH4 l Propeller * 3000 RPM5 4 Awe. Fuel Pump -ON6 0 Wing Flapr - AS DESIRED7 4 Propeller - FULL ZYCREASE ON FINAL APPROACH

1 4 Cowl Flaps -OPEN2 4 Wing Flaps - UP3 4 A*.:-heI Pump - OFF4 0 Electricrl Switches - UNNECESSARY SWISHES OF?

I 4 Cylinder Head Temp. - CooL (3SOop or LESS)2 0 Throttle a 1000 RPM3 0 Propeller - FULL mw PXTICH4 4 Mixture - XDLE CUT-OFF5 l All Switches - OFF

IMPOR’EMT NOTE: It fr atrongls reccmmndcd that cl1 pilots become thoroughlyfamilbm with the techntques outlined in the Omorr Mstausl before operrtiqgthirs; aircraft in full-flapped STOL rlaw-flight.

a 11 a

Page 14: HELIO AIRCRAFT COMPANY HELlO MODEL HT-295 … · c AILERQNS AKD INTERCEPT0RS.t The ailerons are the Frieze type, of 2024 alclad diagonal rib truss structure, fabric covered, They


1 0 Abort if BEmRE Airborne

8 . Throttle - Clasedb l Control Wheel - BackC. Wheel Brakes - Applyd l *Propeller - Full aaicreaae RPMe. Mrture - Idle ‘Cut-offf l *Fuel ScPe;ctor v&?e - Off8 l *Ignition Switch and Master Switch - Offh l %rixq Aircraft to Stop and Inveatigatc t

2 * Abort AFTER kcasrrfng Airbo+ne

8. If bchw 50 feet - Hold Yoke Back

b * If above SO feet - Hose over artd attampt to pick up approximately65 ME% to facilitate a normal ImHag flare-out with flaps down.Wheu flapa are Up - Glide at 80 KPH, for 6eat glfde distance, Iftime perlarite, luwer flaps, glide at 65 MPH and make Normal Landing.

c.. Throttfe - Cloudd l M i ⌧ t u r e - Idle Cut-Off


1 0 Throttl+ - ‘Closhd -2 0 *PrqMBller - Full Decrease RPM (OUT)3 l Maxfmm Glide Di8tsnce Airbpted - Attain 80 MEW, IAS with flaps up. USC

the txces~ in aimpeed 0-r 80 W% to attain altitude, if desired,4 l mixture - Idle Cut-Off5 l *Fuel Selectors - Off6 l *Zgnition Switch - Off7 l mdio Call = Acampliah8 * Flaps - As Required9 e Generatar Switch - Off10 l mater Switch - Off


1 l Propeller Overspeed

a. Throttle - Retardb 8 Airspeed - Reducec. Propeller - Attempt to decrcgst RpMt with Propeller Controld 0 If propeller govemmr regains control, maintain 2500 RPM and 70 HP&

IAS and lend at mearercrt airfield. If net, use an hitucie, airqmedand power cmbination to attempt to beep the RPM below 3400.land rt nearerrt landing area.

Page 15: HELIO AIRCRAFT COMPANY HELlO MODEL HT-295 … · c AILERQNS AKD INTERCEPT0RS.t The ailerons are the Frieze type, of 2024 alclad diagonal rib truss structure, fabric covered, They

2 b Propeller Underrpeeding

Use power enough to maintain altitude without engine overtorqueand proceed to nesrest airport, If this is not pcralrfble mkaemergency landin& Use excem altitude otnd power available toextend glide to best available area*


1 0 Throttle - Cleaard2 l Propeller - Full Iacrease RPM3 l Wing Flaps - Full Down4 & Airspeed - Maintain Maximum of 80 MPH, IAS, Flaps Full-Down

1 0 Make a 8ai~iiwm safe-epaed touch-down,2 a Wtren landing with 8 flat tire OR the msain g8ar, the aircraft will turn

in the direction of the flat tire. mfntaiq directfmal controlwith the rudder and brakes,


1 * Xaudiug pracedure is arfsaflar to Hlnimm Run Lmdings (Full STOL)2 * On soft or rough ground, use caution in .-lying brakes.3 * If possible, avoId having ts re-start and rev-up engine in loose

sand or dirt to niaimize propeller damage,


Mnimum Speed - Paver OffFlaps Up: 60 MPH I . A . S .Flaps lh?wu: 50 MPH I.A.S.

Never Exceed Speed: 200 MPH I.A.S.I$mimuma Flap Speed: 80 MPH I.A.S.

*Minimum speeds are given because it fs not possible to fully stallthe airplane l


1 l Take-Off

It fs suggested that 30 degree flaps or less be used for alltake-offs m This is cmmred in greater detail under STOL TAKE-OFF AND LANDIMG.

When taking off, firrt align the aircraft alang the intendedtake-off track, Release brakes and apply power smoothly,

Page 16: HELIO AIRCRAFT COMPANY HELlO MODEL HT-295 … · c AILERQNS AKD INTERCEPT0RS.t The ailerons are the Frieze type, of 2024 alclad diagonal rib truss structure, fabric covered, They

As aircraft accelerates apply Blight back pressure m cantrolwhee 1 l When an atirapetsd of approxiwaely 40 MFH has been reachedthe awe ~hcel will rutrmte and the aircraft will bet- aPrborne.

When afrborae, reEeasc some bmlc pressure and aTlw tbe sirepeed tobncrasse to 64 Ki?it. while continuing tu climb at 64 XI?‘& reduca to3000 RPM and mahmia full throttlr! (5 slim&es at t&x!-off WM of3400 and full throttle ia permited),

Flaps may remain at 3Q” and an airspeed of 64 MPH used for berrrt rateof climb, or until cltaax or abatruct&ona. when opmIRting fmm 8clmw ama with ‘ITO o’tbIrtruct$ons, flaps my be raised, slowly topreveat lev~baff or settling, and allsw the air-speed to fncreaseto 90 MP?? for best rrate of climb. The RI?M may be reduced again ta2750 and full throttle for ellmb-out to insure deqcmte engfne cool-ing due td enriching fmturer of the carburetor,

Check fuet pseeaure and turn off fuel boost-pump, Re-adjust cowlflaps aa raqutired e Mmhwm penaiasibla cpIinder head temperatureis 475* for climb and 450* fur cruise.

Mast new pilots to the Currier tend to over rutate on take-off,Due to the hLgh lift of the wfng md the large area of the all-movable hsriosuntal tall, it Es posafblc to assume an excessivemm high attitude when making a short ‘field takewff. HCW@V~r,the mew pilot quickly hams from experience how soon the aircraftrssy be lifted off.

2 a Cruise Fl ight

Tktottle - Set {Approximately 23” HG)PropelZer * Set at 2600 RmCawl Flicpa = As RequiredCarburetor Heat - As &q&&d..

The above cruirre pwer setting isr considered a good average settfagfor cross~country flighta,

Cruise power settings can be determined from the appropriate enginepower schedule charts found in the Lpcrrrafag Operators Pfamml.

No Mmual lesning of the ntfxturc fs permitted. The AMC (AutomaticMixture Control) ccmymmatts fur altitude and temperature changer.

3 a Pmmr-Off mad Powm-On Landing@

Since the Courier, In the 20 degree flap (half-flap) configuration,has csnventimal or normal landing eharrctsriatics, it $8 apptapriateto rstart out on half-flap landings during the first hour of familiari-tation, Even though the Cuurier, with half-flaps, handles liks othercoavlenttaaal aircraft, it rtill hrs out-standing ahurt field ckrracttr-irtics.

Page 17: HELIO AIRCRAFT COMPANY HELlO MODEL HT-295 … · c AILERQNS AKD INTERCEPT0RS.t The ailerons are the Frieze type, of 2024 alclad diagonal rib truss structure, fabric covered, They

For half-flap landings, an approach speed of 65 to 70 miles anhour its ~~llp desirable when irastrectiag a pilot new tu theCourier l As the pilot’s profSciency ihcreascls, approcrch speedswf,th half-flaps can be reduced to 66 MI%, though use af mxmpmmx then becms ctdvtsable. When appstaaehfag for lauding atthis speed, the pilot should be rmitided that the darts will popout just 8s ha begins his flare-out and that they will have nc)effect upon the control-sbititp or balance of the aircraft. Withhalf-flaps at 60 MPH, however, the acitcxaft has little @@floatVQand should be flared or rotated out fairly-close to the ground sc)that it will nut develop tcm much rate-of-sink before touchingdawn.

Fur fu31-flap landinga the, best technique fcm aXowing the air-craft down in the ap~romh is first to extend the f&alps to 20°startfag it 80 MPH or less, Then, when aircraft has s2uwed toabout 65 MPIi ta half-flap condition, the flaps can then bebrought into fulI-dmm position and a landtag made by touchingdown on thet main gear first at ~rrini.sm.sm airspeed,

Qne approach to the full-flap landing ts tib have the pilot popout the slats by slowing the afrcraft down to 5f) ?%PR acfrile stillwweral hundred feet in the sir. and then to compcnsstc for theincaeased rate-of-sink by maintaining partial power until touch-d-n.

As we proceed to the fullmflap landings, it is well to realize thefact that when the lift of any normal wfng is doubled by the USCof a flap, the drag is increased Buzr-fold. This high drag at thefull-flap pssitfun nm only producelr a very steep rate-ofmdescentbut also mearm that the aircraft will have very litt*‘flcmt*@once ths nose Is raised for flare-aut, Consequently, %n a full-ftap no puwer landing, the ccirctaft should be held in a nose-dmm glide until about ten feet fram the grotui&if the glidingspeed is higher or lower, the altitude for beginning the flare-out can be higher or lower accordingly.

As an examplt, if the aircraft i8 lmmght in at the relativelyccmfmtable gliding aped of 60 ?%I% power off and a flare outis begun at the eustammy approximate thirty-feet above theterrain, speed will be lost very rapidly and a high rate-of-ainkccmld develop, The resulting impact could be quite hard. No.matter huw high the pilot levels out, the autcmatfc slats eliminateall risk of tolling off into an uncontrolled stall or spfa, al-though high rates of deocent can occur if insufftcLent power isused m

The best technique for full-flap landiws fftvolves the maintenanceof a Xfttle ~cmer-on, just sufficfent tt=o offset the added drag of theflaps and to produce a relatively normal glide mgle. This is doneby maintafnfag approximately ten to flfteca inches manifold pressure,depending upon the load md air conditfoa. The aircraft is thenflared out and land&d in a cunventionaf manner, much the sm as withhalf-flaps, The approach speed, however, is closer to 50 M% than to6Om1 .

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When win&the lower aped Irficiing tzue, the throt!fQ shouldsot be cztsaed camplletely until wheirlts magrounds at wMeh tfme tlw poke ahuuld be hald full beck.A nadvcrntage of the partial power approach is eae,se of glide pathcuntrol by slight imxeases or reductiom in the amount of pamr.

The full-flap no”~~“wer landing, while not difficult, fe usuallydesirable only as an. emergency procedure, Inatrucdon in thistype of landing is laeceasary, In order to make amooth landings,it iavolves a different te&nique with which Ccmrier pilatorahcmld be famiI.iar. For ful,I-flap, no-pop~rer Landingr, it isadvisable that the pflot keep the aipproach *peed st 60 to 65 MPH,but not below 60 WEi. miatain arpproach speed of 60 to 63 MPH=ii-&ec~f~s just off the rummy, With power-off, theflare out ahould not be ataxted tm3.l wfthfn 10 to Z3 feet offthe ground m that the n6se: barely ecmm up to the full landingpositfsa just as the sircxaft sinks dowa to gmuad level.

whfch is a safety feature for emergency or forced land$.ngs,Consequently, a stfghtly high flare-out will quickly re8uft ina xelcrtfvely high rate of descent, Le, j a hard landing! : Useof full-flape without .puwer iar nomally done ocrly in emelpgencylandings s Normal SIXJL approaches with full-flap8 are bestaccomplighed with part&al power so a~ to xmintaia tssentiallythe mme flight-psth’arrgle at about 55 MPH as results from 70 MPHat half-flaps and ao puww, The throttle thenmtts theapprocrch control device.

4 e STOL Take-0f.f and Landings

The shortest ground run take-off under aandetrd conditbons at3000 Iba, or less can usually be accomplished with full-flaps,Le. 4o”* (This W.11 nut, howmmr s provfde the beslt angle ofclkab if barrier clearance fs the objective,) The use of 3am orless, depending on load and prerraure gltltude, is reammended fortake-off.

Align aircraft along intended take-off track, Apply full powerin a steady mannetr. Do not *@japP” throttle farward l Releasebrake aa power is applied, Holding brakes on while full povclr isbeing applied is not necessary, or desirable. Keep aircraftstrafght on track by wing rudder. Try to avoid application ofthe foot brakes unless requfred tu matntaifn dire,ctiemal cantrol,

At approxiastrtcIy 35 MPH, apply back pressure on the yoke in apositive manner but nut LIU fast that the aircraft ~QIS~S anexcessive mse high attjttude after lift-off. When the aircraftbreaks ground j ullar it to remain just above the ground forapprmctitcly 2 or 3 aecsnds, so that the airaped will buildup to over SO KFH before the airplane rtarts full-climb-out.EstabZirrh a climb-out speed af SO to 64 &SPH as SQQ~ aa prmtical,


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Experience galned En th%s type sf take-off w%ll ermbh the pilotto determine tha aunt of yoke mcw~mernt and/or rapidity of actionneceaaary to get the aircraft airboxme with the rpinimtm of gxourtdrun. This type .of s~inimum run take-off is most useful when theground is rough, bumpy, muddy ok where very ICYW obsrmles, mehus hedgea fmcerr, dmzhes, etc. are present r,

a. Muddy Terrain Take-Off *

The Helllo Courier is an unusua1lp good “Blludder”. A modmatelymuddy field ummlly pre~cnta no problem;- At normal pxassurtaltftudt am? with loctds of 3000 lbs,, or lbss, fulll?flaps aceusually nm-xe advantageous fn breaking free from clfngfng mud.The following procc?dure ie rec~nded: Apply full power, (Da raatbald pa~~-on SO Pang am to ovlerhest the engixw if tha aircraftfaire te move,) HoId poke fur2 .back then rock poke abruptly, usiagfull, but not proloaged, fmmrd positfon, to help break the wheelsfree! (, When the aLrmaft begkns to mmm, the oscflIatfag: mmmmmmsof the stabffator athould be reduced m that there is equal **float-atiun” on all three wheels as the aircrrrf nmves fortim+. Then, whenrolling free, use esaentfallp the mme te hnique far the mtnimum runtake-off. Since the consistency and effect of diffwetlt types anddepth8 aX wd vmy grbi? y, nu stngle rule or technique can substitutefor expcr%ence aad jud nkt: cm soft and irrreguXar field surfaces,

A muddy landing or deep smw landing cmz u.sualXy best be mde byusing full-flaps and plrscfw the aircraft onto the groutrb iu aslight nom-high position st.minismm speed, Acttmlly touching the

fn wheels firat may bc adwmmgeous, but the mm should not beallowed to slam dawn into the mud. After the mime-wheel touch-duwntake rll power off and hold poke fully back. If fcmard speed isthus held low cTn the touchdown, it will tend to prevmtt mm-over.(This procedure is essentially the ame as that coaerrtonly rsccmmmdedfor ditching in water.)

Rough ground or other condi.tEons may be a datermfning factor where,iu spite of a barrier, the full-flap minimm ground run take-offmay be neceauary.

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It should be re-emphmtzed here thrat WG~ #hen tryfng to climb outaf a mall mea at too low u. apeed with the Helis Cmrier, thereis no dange r sf stlllfag, losing l a t e r a l c o n t r o l , or gofag iutaa s p i n . s!u~evar, a coaditfcm can develop, aspectally with full-flaps dm, whereby ther mme ir heId taa high and the Eapesd tootow cafter take-off, So that the afrcraft will actually logealtitude wLth power fall ma.

The asost emoa cause of HeIia crsahe~ and major daarage -- thoughnmmr with s~iatss fnjuxy to occupants -- has been from efforts topull the aircraft off the ground prematurely at toa law B speedand/m roactirr;ntly to try to cltaab aut with tao low an airspeedpsith flaps dcwa se that the remlting high-drag exceeda the re-drtced thrust ef the propeller a;t km fmrvmrd Bpeeds, Thus, withpower full-on, the rafrcr~ft my either sink ?mck ta the groundor fail ta clear otherwfiae -joy-sasaaoontable sbstactes.

It takes considerable expcricn~e ta rscogaize the point at whichIthe nose high attitude starts to reduce the rate-of-climb aad thenmay finally progmss to an actual rate-of+fnk despite full power.This condition is often referred to am **the back side”* af thethrust drag curve, or simply as “the back side rof the mer curve”.Canstqueatlp, a **zocmw after take-off irr order to clear a clusebarrier should be strictly 8~ cpergeiacy ptocadure fur expcrfencedHcrli.0 pflots* Climb-out speeds below 50 MPH arc nqt recmmmdtd.

d a Sharcttst Distance Take-OffsOver Barrier (Grass Weight 3000Q OF Higher)

With 30 degree flaps alluw the aircraft to accelerate as quickly818 pcmsible to 40 KPH. Wfth the airspeed indicating at feast 40MPH, fly the ieircrsft off by applying the approprfPte back pxe8-msre on the elevator until it is airborne, Permit the sirsaecsd tobuild up for rpprcmimatalg two mxands au abaut 50 MPH, then begfnrotation to the point that will climb the aircraft over the barrierwithout further build up of airrpted.

After consfdtrable txperi.mcel ewea shorter barrier diatanee canbe attained by hoEding the aircraft to about 30 MPltI &n a smoothruuwuy and then %omimg** over the barrier at an amble sufficientlysteep to clcrar the barrier without lass of airspeed after whfch the~~cme can be lowered and the nmma rate-of-climb airspeed attaiaed.Grcrt skill ia: n6Ctssary, hcnmmr, ta avoid lass of speed andconsequent Mweatrry sfaking efthtr just before or just aftercraerslag the barrier, Such technique kr not rscmnmdcd for otherthaa cmcrgency tituutian&


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e* Shoxtcst Landis Over a Barrier


ISmy hours uf step-by-step ptactfce toattain sh.ort field proficiency is therefareezrratotfrl ia advance of any effort to easipXopM.xi tachn%ques l


For t h i s mare a.dvar[lrce tsading tmhniqrae, it UD a t the point uftruse-over, after pase~ahb; the bartier, that the pilot must deter-mia whether to mafatoin the amme pawet c)r to diminish pcrsrermtd then ?XMkQQ~y pawestr rat the seeccad rotcstf.ag point to avoida hard lamding. Centrally, mast of the originally selectedbarrier CrQssiag pcwet rcmafn# on, and, at the ftnal rotmd-uutpofat, mmlr amy have to be applttd to check thehigh rate-of-desseat,

It is advtsable, aa sum arll the aircraft tauchea dmm, to pullall pcmex off imdiately and to apply brakes accordingly. Thebrakes aharald bt applied evenly - increasing to umcimum brakiagbut stopping short of the point where brake %hattcP o~cur~r.If ‘khatter” QCCU’IIS, eme np on tfht brakes and then iummdirttlyrcE-8pp1y 4BQmUthly.

. (L)Thc mast adv0mbI.e tschafque fa sfmply ta mmtntafn the roean-mended SO ta ES MPH appraach speed with fall flaps through-out the satire atqutnce up to ths point af touch-dawn,Variation8 ia throttle oetting are them used to stetptn orflatten the glide angle as needed,


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(2)In that most radvimble tcchniquct, the aimraft approach patternis; LiO,et up arr to avafd any fntantional devfstfon fram a straightline appralech cwer the barrier, Nec~mar~ corrgCtiuns forturbulsnce ur for errem fn inftial judgment are then rcccrmplishedt?umugh changes $a the rate,of-descent by power adjustment8.The attttude of the rsircraft remalrsr more csr liedcs the nmmethrcsughout the entire a;pprosch. The me and only sotatian 5sthe lasr abrupt xaund-out just p&w to touch-dawn.

- for the S,ToL pflot toof htgh rstes-of-sd.nk. In the

importsince af this awarene~a, STOL.technfques differ mmte-what frum the custmmry techaitques with conventianal dsiircraft,A n~)mal, though not goad, aeactioa with an aircrrft, whea itappears to be sinking a bft fast, is ta rafee the uww oceordingSp,With the STOL-type eixcsaft, bouever, when the fhpr are setat or cwet 20 degrees reand when the airspeeds are btkw thitconventPun~1 aircraft mih&mmm, amy raising o f the nose vSthoutcaxpeasatiag pews wift reswft 31n the ofrcraft ainking rapidly,

A convanticmal eircrrft iu that conditfoa might thm simplystall out and crash, The llelia su abused ~111 pat #tall out,but if the p1161tt failer to xecognize this condition scmn mwmgh,the aircraft will thea necersitatt rcrstng a substantial mountof power to arrest thrr rate-afmsiuk, atherwfae, the aircraftwill touch duwn wmn~r and her&r than intsndad,

The STOL hmding ia essentially “throttlG flyiag'*. The pilotmat become I?thrQtt3t-conssiuus’~, The pilot% hand should alwaysbe on the throttle during the STOL final approach aad landing,The key to aaey poaftioely controlled landings with the Courierthen becmes stntple, mmn far inexperienced pilota. I t He8entireliy kn the me 06 81~~11 varfatians in crmouutr af paw=during the approach aad m mmremss of the importance of thethrottle to cmtrof glide-path, flare-out, and touch-down. ThereIs nothing difficult about STOL tmhniques that any pilot, withproper indocttinatioa aab instructi u, cannot reasonably expectto master ia a few how-s.

Until STOL tschaiqner are mastered, the me of lmlf*flapr aadconvtntfanal approach permits the aeaiest posaiblo flying withleast dependence ua piloting ukill, After STOL techaiqucss havebeen martered, #hart-fic!Id operations that are tough or impossiblefar ecmventiaaal aircraft C&Q be easily rccemplirhcd arr amatter of routine withI-the Elelio CaurXct.

l 20

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T h e HeHa Cauricr NT-295 ia very much IEke other convmtianaelrsircraft ia cross-vind apcratimr, During take-offs, greaterattention ts’dfrcctianal cxmtrol. is required when the cram-wind ia from the left, A left Cross-wfnd amplifies the *tprqfactor of the propelIxr, aad the tendency of the aimraft towtlzther v&ne into the wtnd.

The sburt take-off ground run can be used may times toelfimimte mme of the crasrs-wind c When pasrrible, thetake-off psth pslipsy be at a slight dfagsnal rriesasr 8B existingrun-way, _ Line up the aircrrft cm thes down wind bide of therummy or take-off arem facing 8s clasety BI pomible, intothe wind* By ddng &hfr, Lf6 &rt ptartlble tcs &m~ase t?m crodl;~~~

-wfnd cmnpanant b y 30 to 15 , aad #till have sufficient cunwapf o r t a k e - o f f . The maxfmum cmss-Wfmd ctrmponeat demonetratsdis 17 knots rt 9$r so many times 1Oo to tS* will make da differcncs.The aircraft should be held on the ground a little lungerthaa uormal OR take-of f , Thfir incxsosc in dtrepead will

II positivei lift-off without fhg danger -of: contmtttiagthe gtmtmd agafa in a side drift due to the eraThe aide fasd imposed by drift produces unwuntethe tanding gear, wheels, and tires,

When landfag hn u crass-triad, either crab or slip for exiatiagwind ercmdittaas as you wauld w5,th any coaveatkanat aircraft0111 the approach* Just prior to touch ~dmrt, @liga the QQ~Bstraight with the flight path, or touch dam on the up-windwheel fimt depend&i& on the method oaed. tatnd the aircrrftwithout delay, When the wheels tartich dawn, art slightly before,reduce power completely and retruet flaps 88 soon as possible.Apply both brakes evenly and alaw aircraft dawn tu taxi speed.Asi vith any aircraft, extra cuatfoa should be used when taxffngia gusty wind conditiona,

The fuel rtysteoe coarrirtr of the two fmel bladder cellr, onelocated fn each@in$’ panel, me fuel hat-off vulvt, a fuelselectar vtlvt, out gascolator located under the right hmdwidow, aa engine driven fuel pump, oue elecmrically drivenbooster pump and a hand operated tagint primer, The ftlelquantity troamittets axct of the float type and they are locateadon the inbeard Wia43 ribs, Each cell is filled througha filler neck which axttztdsr above the wing panel. The fuel cell8ilrt of tha collapaiblt type. The system ir suitable forartraPnotic frrelr *

The main fueli valve LI located on the right side of the cockpit,below the forwrrd window. Tbtrt urt anlg 2 @mitLotta, “DN rrade@cm?‘, when eQN’8~ the valve handle frr hori~ontsl. Thtrvalve control@ the fuel flaw from both wing tanks, which areinterconnected.


Page 24: HELIO AIRCRAFT COMPANY HELlO MODEL HT-295 … · c AILERQNS AKD INTERCEPT0RS.t The ailerons are the Frieze type, of 2024 alclad diagonal rib truss structure, fabric covered, They

The fuel filter is racccmfblc for faq~~tfoo. aad drhMB8efrom the outsldc sf the p1a.m through a maI1 door laeutedbelow the rilpht fonaard wZndaw. A raccdle v&m berfdc the ’fddter ems be aased to ahut off the fuel frm the tanka whenthe fi lter is ta r fsr c l e a n i n g , This valve shouldbe aafetted,

mwbtt f u e l eaipacity is 5825 gallona.

A twelve volt battery s;nd an ongtne driven afternator supplyeleetricst power for tAe single wira electx~eal syst@w onthe 1700 series aircraft the battery ka fcxxted on the IoftrPifde of the engine rccesaory mction, Pmmr fram thartltamator is fed to the electrical system through a voltageraguletor which im limited ta 50 asaperas.

The muter switch nmmt be ia the “OWt pusftion before opwrrtf-of the eEectrica1 spstem ts posrible.


kt is very impurmat that the brttery be properly f&lled atall timerr. Inspectian of ths liquid level in the betttry shrouldbe made rait ~~pxoximatefp every 20 burr:. The acid &ofutimshould be up to, smmr over, the baffle plate, (pratscthcahaet aver plate) or .raat mure thrta t inch ~bcwe tht separators.The use of aa strcrrrft type af battery hydmmmter will autcmat%callyfill to the proper height.

The rt8rter circuit is inoperativewhen tht, mntrof *Imel is held fnllfammrd by hand, or by the mntrollock pia, The control lock pin mustbe remwed bsforr the cagias cm barrtrrted. The magnttas .ate not Involvedill myway.


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Hut or cold air anterr ths ca;bia through ~taiwPsss steelvalves mourmt~d cm the fsrward side of the firewall. Teaapratureregulation is abraimed by tme af the eontral knob on the inatrtmrrrent,pame: l

Hot air is abtsfaad by paesiag cold outside air rrrmnd oneof the exhatmt stocks egrxfpped with a muff, The txhmat ats~kmuff maat be inrpected mmry 25 hours.

If defroster is ia\LPtaIXed, hat air may be deflected from thecabin heat vent ta vPRdshftrd by pulling out both heat anddefrolrt knobs. The 1tOO sori&B aircraft offcsrs the addition81ability of hot or cold or a mfxture of hot and cold &knobsto adjust the tasparature desired,

Broke System

See page 25 fur diagram of broke qmtem tastrltatian - Dual.Each rudder pedal on the pilot’s aide far equipped w%th a toebrake l The brakes are hydraulic,each psdaL octuaring a hydraulicpfseon,

TIM parking brake handle locks hydraulic prerraure ia themaster cyrtsderr l Acatathg the parking brake coatrol lotAsthe fluLd betwstn the brake and the master cylinder. Thfssystem utEH.ees a rctservofr located forward of the pilot rudderpedals and rrecured to the aft aide of the firewsll.

The brake fluid to be tme frr MIL-H-5606.

Controls are provfded for the throttle, ofxture control, cowlflaps and carbmrator heat. All are distgned 80 that they arepushed forward for takeoff conditions9 except the eawl flaps)which must be pulled to open.

Tire Brewrrures: mre-Tire’- 600 x 6 - 42 psiWph Tires- 800 x 6 - 35 psi

On the 1700 rrerlsrr aircraft, the pressure mad static partrarc) located in the left wing boonr. AR rruxil~rry strrtic saurcevalve is available am optional equipment9 and when installedis located overhead to the left af the pilot.

A heated pitat herd isr availabJie*I dmtrr, equipment.


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A +

8 l

c &



Out tit dawn r%ng Is grovfded an each wing psnel, The aftiimd of the! ftmelage bhuufd bb s-ecursd by the tit dawn ringpwri dad o

If the tzoatrof lock is wed utt the contra1 wheel, bs sure thatit is conspicuons to thcsr pilot on his gromd ehtck,

Proprsl rllrhoul;d be fn the full ap position. I


The parking brake control fs sperated in eonjunctfon wllth thetot brakes, To operute, pates the tat brakes ta the desiredpZX!88WVi!, thera pull mat the’parklng brake control lcwatedON THE Wekasd t o t brukea, ’

Ta a4Oelmse! the parkimg brake, depress tse brakes and holdmntil pushing the parking brake control all the way in,

Avoid heavy pulling forces anparkfag brake handle; tht cable

rolp actuates a small luck, a~chunical mechmi’tll, cm themaster brake cylinder.


Tfier airplane may be towed with the control wheel Idck pinfnstalled, A tow-bar that attacher ta the nose wheel strutshould be used.


When towing, do notmccced the turninglhitcr of the XIC)ILI$~gtar l


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