hearing god in the gospels · 2016-12-20 · world power shifted from babylon to persia. ... light;...

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 3 Hearing God in the Gospels In the church year of 2013-2014, Wilkesboro Baptist Church faced the challenge of a one-year journey reading through the Bible. As difficult as it was, the year went by more quickly than we expected. The words of the Bible are the words of our Creator telling the greatest story of redemption and restoration. From Genesis we see the creation of all things to be good, but sin arose within this beautiful world. Therefore, God punished the humans for their disobedience, but we see God giving people a hope for tomorrow. God chose Abram (Abraham) to become the father of His chosen people because of his great faith. In the Book of Exodus, God used Moses to lead the Israelites from Egyptian slavery. God redeemed His people; He set them free and God’s presence was with them, as a cloud during the day and a pillar of fire at night. God chose to dwell with them in the Tabernacle. God gave love, blessings, and care to His people but, repeatedly, God’s people rejected Him, disobeyed Him, and worshipped idols. He brought blessings for obedience and punishment for disobedience, but God’s people again disobeyed Him. Judgment was brought on the people in various forms. The Israelites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years after their refusal to obey God’s command to enter the Promised Land. With each judgment, God brought hope to His people and a means to restore them under God’s protective arm. Often, the people rejected Him. After 40 years in the wilderness, Joshua led God’s people across the Jordan River, into the Promised Land. The conquest of Canaan and the fulfillment of God’s promise were at hand. Land was allotted for each tribe of Israel and with God’s help, enemies were subdued. Again, the people disobeyed God; they did not completely drive the enemies from the Promised Land. The Israelites were seduced by pagan worship and practices. It was a dark period in Israel’s history. Judges among the people were replaced by kings. Saul, the first king looked like a king, but was a disappointment to God. King David, though not sin-free, walked in the ways of the Lord. Israel prospered under King David and his son, Solomon. The Temple was finally built in Jerusalem, but after the death of Solomon, the massive United Kingdom was divided. Warnings of the coming judgment, came through prophets from God, but the people did not hear. The Northern Kingdom of Israel fell to Assyria about 722 B.C. and eventually the Assyrians lost their world power status to Babylon. One hundred thirty-five years after the fall of the Northern Kingdom, the Southern Kingdom of Judah and Jerusalem fell to the Babylonians in 586 B.C. The city was destroyed and the people were taken into exile to Babylon. 1

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2017 Daily Journal | WBC 3

Hearing God in the GospelsIn the church year of 2013-2014, Wilkesboro Baptist Church faced the challenge of a one-year journey reading through the Bible. As difficult as it was, the year went by more quickly than we expected. The words of the Bible are the words of our Creator telling the greatest story of redemption and restoration.

From Genesis we see the creation of all things to be good, but sin arose within this beautiful world. Therefore, God punished the humans for their disobedience, but we see God giving people a hope for tomorrow. God chose Abram (Abraham) to become the father of His chosen people because of his great faith. In the Book of Exodus, God used Moses to lead the Israelites from Egyptian slavery. God redeemed His people; He set them free and God’s presence was with them, as a cloud during the day and a pillar of fire at night. God chose to dwell with them in the Tabernacle. God gave love, blessings, and care to His people but, repeatedly, God’s people rejected Him, disobeyed Him, and worshipped idols. He brought blessings for obedience and punishment for disobedience, but God’s people again disobeyed Him. Judgment was brought on the people in various forms. The Israelites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years after their refusal to obey God’s command to enter the Promised Land. With each judgment, God brought hope to His people and a means to restore them under God’s protective arm. Often, the people rejected Him.

After 40 years in the wilderness, Joshua led God’s people across the Jordan River, into the Promised Land. The conquest of Canaan and the fulfillment of God’s promise were at hand. Land was allotted for each tribe of Israel and with God’s help, enemies were subdued. Again, the people disobeyed God; they did not completely drive the enemies from the Promised Land. The Israelites were seduced by pagan worship and practices. It was a dark period in Israel’s history. Judges among the people were replaced by kings. Saul, the first king looked like a king, but was a disappointment to God.King David, though not sin-free, walked in the ways of the Lord. Israelprospered under King David and his son, Solomon. The Temple was finally built in Jerusalem, but after the death of Solomon, the massive United Kingdom was divided. Warnings of the coming judgment, came through prophets from God, but the people did not hear. The Northern Kingdom of Israel fell to Assyria about 722 B.C. and eventually the Assyrians lost their world power status to Babylon. One hundred thirty-five years after the fall of the Northern Kingdom, the Southern Kingdom of Judah and Jerusalem fell to the Babylonians in 586 B.C. The city was destroyed and the people were taken into exile to Babylon.


World power shifted from Babylon to Persia. King Cyrus of Persia allowed the first group of exiles to return to Jerusalem in 538 B.C. Their main objective was to begin rebuilding the temple. Ezra, a priest and scribe, brought the second group of exiles to Jerusalem and found the Jews in great spiritual decline. Through prayer and the teaching of Moses’ Law, Ezra brought about a great revival to the Jews. The temple was rebuilt and finally completed in 515/516 B.C. and Ezra led the people in a great celebration and dedication of the new temple. The spiritual lift, gained by Ezra’s teachings, did not last. Most of the city was in shambles. Rebuilding was almost overwhelming for the Jews and progress was slow, partially due to surrounding enemies and the economic conditions within the country. Finally, under the strong leadership of Nehemiah, the walls were rebuilt, and Jerusalem was again a great city for God’s people.

In the Old Testament, through His prophets, God gave warnings of the future, glimpses of hope, and prophecies of the Coming Messiah. Here are some of the prophecies:

About 2000 years before Jesus: Genesis 49:10 (NLT) The scepter will not depart from Judah, nor the rulers staff from his descendants, until the coming of the one to whom it belongs, the one whom all nations will honor.

About 1400 years before Jesus: Numbers 24:17 (NKJV) I see Him, but not now; I behold Him, but not near; A star shall come out of Jacob; A scepter shall rise out of Israel, and batter the brow of Moab, And destroy all the sons of tumult.

About 700 years before Jesus: Micah 5:2 (ESV) But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, who are too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel, whose coming forth is from of old, from ancient days.

About 600 years before Jesus: Jeremiah 23:5-6 (ESV) “Behold, the days are coming, declares the LORD, when I will raise up for David a righteous branch, and he shall reign as king and deal wisely, and shall execute justice and righteousness in the land. In his days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell securely. And this is the name by which he will be called: ‘The LORD is our righteousness.’

Isaiah 7:14 (ESV) Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.

Isaiah 9:2 (ESV) The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shone.

4 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal


Zechariah 9:9 (ESV) Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout aloud, Odaughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your King is coming to you; righteous and having salvation is he, humble and mounted on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.

Zechariah 11:12-13 (NKJV) Then I said to them, “If it is agreeable to you, give me my wages; and if not, refrain.” So they weighed out for my wages thirty pieces of silver. And the LORD said to me, “Throw it to the potter”- that princely price they set on me. So I took the thirty pieces of silver and threw them into the house of the LORD for the potter.

Psalm 22:1 (NKJV) My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me? Why are You so far from helping Me, And from the words of My groaning?

Psalm 22:16 (NKJV) For dogs have surrounded Me; The congregation of the wicked has enclosed Me. They pierced My hands and My feet;

The Prophet Malachi wrote his book to the Jews, who had returned from Babylonian exile. In his book, he brought attention to the sins of the people and gave them instruction to turn from their spiritual apathy. Malachi warned that God would bring judgment to the disobedient and hope for the faithful. So, after Malachi spoke, heaven went silent for 300-400 years until the introduction of Jesus.

Historically, that period between the Old and New Testaments was exciting in many ways, but also tragic; we have no biblical record of what happened during that time. To fill in that time period, we must rely on ancient history books and non-biblical references. At the close of the Old Testament, Persia was the dominant power, but Egypt was causing problems in world politics. Both Persia and Egypt faded from world dominance, as the United Greek forces began to sweep from the west. Alexander the Great conquered Macedonia, Asia Minor, Egypt, Babylonia, Central Asia, and India, on his way to Persia. He won every battle in the 11 year war defeating the Persians. The greatest empire in the world fell, but the Greek culture and language had spread throughout the empire. During his conquest, Alexander visited Jerusalem and was shown the prophecy of Daniel. He spared Jerusalem, while most cities were destroyed. Alexander had fevers and dysentery and was wounded many times during the long war, until his last fatal fever. Alexander the Great died at age 33, in Babylon where he had intended to rule his empire. The world empire was divided between 4 generals, each wanting his own way. Judea was annexed to Egypt. Syria attempted to take Judea, making it a battleground between Egypt and Syria, but ultimately Judea fell to Syria. In Daniel’s prophecy, Syria was called the Little Horn. Syria destroyed the Temple. Within a few years, a priest of Judea led a revolt against Syria.

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 5



The Israelites suffered greatly during this era, but also had never been more heroic in their history. Rome was advancing to the world stage and about 100 years after the revolt against Syria, Jerusalem fell to Pompey, the Roman. Judea passed into the control of a new world power. It had been about 200 years since the Greeks were in power, but their influence remained. When the Romans took over, the Greek culture and language remained. TheGreco-Roman culture was born. Greek was spoken broadly across the Roman Empire. The New Testament was written in Greek. The Jews had always presented a difficult problem to their rulers, because they refused to follow the social and religious customs of their conquerors. The Jews were allowed religious freedom, but were required to pay taxes to Rome. Before the birth of Jesus and throughout the New Testament, Judea was underRoman control. Caesar Augustus was emperor of Rome. In 40 B.C., the Roman senate appointed Herod to be king of Judea. Under Herod, the Temple was rebuilt to be considerably larger than Solomon’s temple. The Jews turned from idol worship to an almost frantic legal holiness. Without the temple, local places of worship or synagogues were common. After the Temple was completed, faithful worshipers went there for appointed festivals, but also participated in local synagogues. The synagogue became the center of their lives in Judea and everywhere else the Jews went in the world because it gave the Jews a chance to gather together to recite the Shema, prayers, and scripture reading from the law and the prophets.

In their effort to totally devote themselves to God, political-religious groups were formed among the Jews. Some of those groups are never mentioned in the Old Testament, but they played a big role in the New Testament, even challenging Jesus. A quick review of these groups may help a little, as we get into the Gospels and Acts.

The Pharisees were the dominant party, which arose to defend the Jewish way of life against all foreign influences. They were very strict in following both written and oral laws and the prophets from the Old Testament. The Pharisees believed that the study of the law was true worship and were quite concerned with proper keeping of the Sabbath, tithing, and purification rituals to prepare them for life after death. Paul had trained as a Rabbi and had excelled because of his strong convictions for the traditions of his ancestors. Paul recognized, more than most Pharisees, the serious threat that the followers of Jesus had on the traditional Jewish religion. He was an ideal Pharisee, who carried out the persecution of the Christians with great zeal.

6 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal



The Sadducees were the materialistic, wealthy class who were attempting to attain and maintain the good life. Due to their concept of no life after death, they were from the philosophy of “Live, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die.” They only believed in literal interpretation of the Torah, Genesis through Deuteronomy.

The Zealots were similar to the Pharisees, but were more fanatical in their Jewish faith and in their devotion to the law.

The Scribes dated back to the time of Ezra. They were professionals in the knowledge of the Law. When the 3 wise men questioned Herod about where the King was born, the Scribes were the ones to tell Herod it was in Bethlehem. You would think that they would have rushed to Bethlehem, but they were just interested in the letter of the law, not in how it would apply to them.

Hopefully, this has prepared us, in some small way, for our journey. Over the next year, we will have the opportunity to read and experience an in-depth study of the Gospels and Acts. The daily reading will be minimal, but it will require time, study, thought, and prayer. The lesson each Sunday will be taken from the previous week of reading. As we begin our study, allow yourself to feel the joy of what Jesus is bringing to your life and find ways to apply God’s truth to your life. A receptive heart will allow you to hear God’s words in the pages.

The Herodians were wealthy, politically-influenced Jews that supported the Herods, who ruled over Palestine under Roman government at the time. They supported the Herods on the throne, because they wanted their party in power.

Hebrews 11:8-13

Holman Illustrated Biblical Dictionary

Ancient Civilizations Prehistory to the Fall of Rome by Carlton J.H.Hayes and James H. Hanscom

Daniel 8:5-9

Chronological Study Bible Explore God’s Word in Historical Order (NKJV)

Holman Illustrated Biblical Dictionary

Holman Illustrated Biblical Dictionary








2017 Daily Journal | WBC 7


We will be reading Bible passages each day in chronological order ofwhen they happened in the Gospel Story of Jesus. Furthermore, each week in Sunday School and in our worship service, we will have an in-depth study from scripture readings of the past week. You should use each page of this journal to make a daily record of your progress while studying the life-changing Word of God! To gain the best experience of reLIVING the gospels, you must do these three things everyday:

Read Refresh Renew8 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Read. Refresh. Renew.

LIVINGthe gospelsre

Read the daily scripture passages listed for you on each page.

Renew on what you have discovered.

Refresh yourself with the gospels daily by answering three questions. Write down the details of what you have discovered.

Two of the 3 questions will differ based on the subject of the daily reading. One Question will remain the same:

“What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?”

Each day try to refresh your thoughts about the Trinity from the Gospel reading. We need to continue to grow in our understanding of God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Pray.Commit to God what you need to commit.Plan what steps you will take next.

Make an intinerary for reLiving holiness in your life! Many of us have read through the gospels numerous times, but this year we want to commit to reLIVING the good news. Write down all your notes and thoughts, so at the end of the year you can look back at this journal seeing the changing power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

preliminary notes:

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 9

Prologue, Promise of the Birth of John Baptist Matthew 1:1 Mark 1:1 Luke 1:1-25 John 1:1-18

Why does each Gospel start differently?

What promises are being presented?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

1January 2017SUNDAY

Read Refresh Renew10 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

January 1, 2017SUNDAY

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 11



LIVINGthe gospelsre

What example do I need to follow?

What is the promise to claim?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

2January 2017MONDAY

The Annunciation, Mary’s Visit to Elizabeth, Birth of John the Baptist Luke 1:26-80

Read Refresh Renew12 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Read Refresh Renew

The Genealogy of JesusMatthew 1:2-17 Luke 3:23-38

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 13

3January 2017


What is the difference between the two genealogies?

What names stand out?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

What is different from the two accounts?

What promises are being presented?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

The Birth of Jesus Matthew 1:18-25Luke 2:1-7

14 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

4January 2017WEDNESDAY

What example do I need to follow?

What is different about the people represented in the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

The Adoration of the Infant JesusMatthew 2:1-12 Luke 2:8-20John 7:41-42

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 15

5January 2017


Read Refresh Renew16 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

The Circumcision and Presentation in the Temple, The Flight into Egypt and ReturnLuke 2:21-38 Matthew 2:13-21

What example do I need to follow?

What is the promise to claim?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

6January 2017FRIDAY

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 17

7January 2017


The Childhood of Jesus at NazarethMatthew 2:22-23Luke 2:39-52

What did I learn about Jesus?

How did people really experience Jesus?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

What command do I need to obey?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

What command do I need to obey?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

18 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

John the Baptist’s Preaching of Repentance Matthew 3:1-10 Mark 1:2-6 Luke 3:1-14John 1:19-23

Read Refresh Renew

8January 2017SUNDAY

John the Baptist’s Preaching of Repentance Matthew 3:1-10 Mark 1:2-6 Luke 3:1-14John 1:19-23

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 19



January 8, 2017SUNDAY

LIVINGthe gospelsre

What is the promise to claim?

What specific lesson do I need to learn?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

John’s Messianic PreachingMatthew 3:11-12 Mark 1:7-8Luke 3:15-18John 1:24-28

Read Refresh Renew20 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

9January 2017MONDAY

John’s Messianic PreachingMatthew 3:11-12 Mark 1:7-8Luke 3:15-18John 1:24-28

What did I learn about Jesus?

How did people really experience Jesus?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

The Baptism of Jesus Matthew 3:13-17; 17:5 Mark 1:9-11; 9:7Luke 3:21-22; 9:35 John 1:29-34

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 21

10January 2017


What did Jesus do?

What specific lesson do I need to learn?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

11January 2017WEDNESDAY

Read Refresh Renew22 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

The TemptationMatthew 4:1-11Mark 1:12-13 Luke 4:1-13John 1:51

What example do I need to follow?

How did people really experience Jesus?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

12January 2017


2017 Daily Journal | WBC 23

The Call of the First Disciples Matthew 4:18-22; 16:17-18 Mark 1:16-20; 3:16Luke 5:1-11; 6:14John 1:35-51

What did Jesus do?

What truth is Jesus revealing?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

The Marriage at CanaJohn 2:1-12

Read Refresh Renew24 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

13January 2017FRIDAY

Is there a sin to confess?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

The Cleansing of the TempleMatthew 21:12-13; 23-27 Mark 11:15-17; 27-33Luke 19:45-46; 20:1-8John 2:13-25

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 25

14January 2017


What did Jesus really say?

What example do I need to follow?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

The Discourse with NicodemusJohn 3:1-21

Read Refresh Renew26 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

15January 2017SUNDAY

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 27



January 15, 2017SUNDAY

LIVINGthe gospelsre

How did people really experience Jesus?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

John’s Testimony to ChristJohn 3:22-36

Read Refresh Renew28 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

16January 2017FRIDAY

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 29

How did people really experience Jesus?

Who does Jesus say I am?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

17January 2017


Read Refresh Renew

Discourse with Woman of SamariaJohn 4:1-42

What example do I need to follow?

How did people really experience Jesus?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

18January 2017WEDNESDAY

Read Refresh Renew

Ministry in GalileeMatthew 4:12-17; 13:47; 3:1-2 Mark 1:14-15; 6:4; 1:21; 1:4Luke 4:14-15,24,31; 3:2-3 John 4:43-46; 2:12

30 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

19January 2017


2017 Daily Journal | WBC 31

What promise do I claim?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Jesus’ Preaching at NazarethMatthew 13:53-58 Mark 6:1-6Luke 4:16-30John 7:15; 6:42; 4:44; 10:39

What is Jesus saying about the Kingdom of God?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

20January 2017FRIDAY

Read Refresh Renew

Teaching in the Synagogue at Capernaum Matthew 4:13; 7:28-29Mark 1:21-28Luke 4:31-37 John 2:12; 7:46

32 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 33

Who was healed and what was he/she healed from?

How can I relate to the healing?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

21January 2017


Read Refresh Renew

The Healing of Peter’s Mother-in-law Matthew 8:14-17Mark 1:29-34Luke 4:38-41

What example do I need to follow?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

22January 2017SUNDAY

Read Refresh Renew

Jesus Departs from CapernaumMatthew 4:23 Mark 1:35-39Luke 4:42-44

34 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 35



January 22, 2017SUNDAY

Read Refresh Renew

LIVINGthe gospelsre

Who was healed and what was he/she healed from?

What was the purpose of the healing?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

36 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

The Cleansing of the LeperMatthew 8:1-4 Mark 1:40-45Luke 5:12-16

Read Refresh Renew

23January 2017MONDAY

What is the meaning of the person being healed?

How can I relate to the healing?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 37

The Healing of the ParalyticMatthew 9:1-8 Mark 2:1-12Luke 5:17-26

Read Refresh Renew

24January 2017



What did Jesus do, or didn’t do?

How did people really experience Jesus?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew38 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

The Call of Levi (Matthew)Matthew 9:9-13Mark 2:13-17Luke 5:27-32

25January 2017WEDNESDAY


What is the meaning of the person being healed?

How can I relate to the healing?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 39

The Question about FastingMatthew 9:14-17 Mark 2:18-22Luke 5:33-39John 3:29-30

26January 2017


What is the promise to claim?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew40 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Plucking Grain on the SabbathMatthew 12:1-8 Mark 2:23-28Luke 6:1-5

27January 2017FRIDAY

What is the meaning of the person being healed?

How can I relate to the healing?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 41

The Man with the Withered Hand Matthew 12:9-14 Mark 3:1-6Luke 6:6-11

28January 2017


What example do I need to follow?

How did the other people in the story respond?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew42 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

The Imprisonment of JohnMatthew 14:3-4 Mark 6:17-18Luke 3:19-20

29January 2017SUNDAY

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 43



January 29, 2017SUNDAY

LIVINGthe gospelsre

What is the purpose of the healing?

How can I relate to the healing?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Jesus Heals Multitudes by the SeaMatthew 4:24-25 Mark 3:7-12Luke 6:17-19; 4:41

44 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

30January 2017MONDAY

What did Jesus do?

What did I learn about Jesus?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

31January 2017


Read Refresh Renew

The Choosing of the TwelveMatthew 10:1-4; 5:1 Mark 3:13-21; 6:6-7Luke 6:12-16; 9:1-2John 1:42

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 45

What events lead up to this passage?

How did people really experience Jesus?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

1February 2017WEDNESDAY

Read Refresh Renew

Occasion of the Sermon on the Mount Matthew 4:24-5:2Mark 3:7-13Luke 6:17-20

46 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

2February 2017


What promise do I claim?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

BeatitudesMatthew 5:3-12Luke 6:20-26

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 47

What did Jesus really say?

What command do I obey?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

3February 2017FRIDAY

Read Refresh Renew

The Salt of the Earth and Light of the WorldMatthew 5:13-16Mark 9:49-50; 4:21 Luke 14:34-35; 8:16; 11:33John 8:12

48 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

4February 2017


What example do I need to follow?

How did the other people in the story respond?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

On the Law and Prophets Matthew 5:17-20 Mark 13:31Luke 16:16-17; 21:33

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 49

What is the purpose of the healing?

How can I relate to the healing?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

On Murder and WrathMatthew 5:21-26Mark 11:25 Luke 12:57-59

50 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

5February 2017SUNDAY

February 5, 2017SUNDAY

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 51



LIVINGthe gospelsre

What did Jesus really say?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew52 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

On Adultery and DivorceMatthew 5:27-32 Mark 9:43-48Luke 16:18

6February 2017MONDAY

What did Jesus really say?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 53

On OathsMatthew 5:33-37 7

February 2017TUESDAY

What did Jesus really say?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew54 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

On RetaliationMatthew 5:38-42Luke 6:29-30

8February 2017WEDNESDAY

What did Jesus really say?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 55

On Love of One’s EnemiesMatthew 5:43-48 Luke 6:27-28; 32-36

9February 2017


What did Jesus really say?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew56 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

On Almsgiving and PrayerMatthew 6:1-610

February 2017FRIDAY

What did Jesus really say?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 57

The Lord’s PrayerMatthew 6:7-15Mark 11:25 Luke 11:1-4

11February 2017


What did Jesus really say?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew58 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

On Fasting and TreasuresMatthew 6:16-21 Luke 12:33-34

12February 2017SUNDAY

February 12, 2017SUNDAY

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 59



LIVINGthe gospelsre

What did Jesus really say?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

The Sound Eye and Serving Two Masters Matthew 6:22-24Luke 11:33-36; 16:13

60 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

13February 2017MONDAY

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 61

What did Jesus really say?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

14February 2017


On AnxietyMatthew 6:25-34Luke 12:22-32

What did Jesus really say?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

On JudgingMatthew 7:1-6Mark 4:24-25 Luke 6:37-42; 8:18

62 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

15February 2017WEDNESDAY

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 63

16February 2017


What did Jesus really say?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

God’s Answering of PrayerMatthew 7:7-11 Luke 11:9-13John 16:24; 14:13-14; 15:7

What did Jesus really say?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

The Two WaysMatthew 7:12-14Luke 6:31; 13:22-24

64 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

17February 2017FRIDAY

What did Jesus really say?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

“By their Fruits ...”Matthew 7:15-20Luke 6:43-45

18February 2017


2017 Daily Journal | WBC 65

What did Jesus really say?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

“Saying Lord, Lord”Matthew 7:21-23 Luke 6:46; 13:25-30

19February 2017SUNDAY

66 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal Read Refresh Renew

February 19, 2017SUNDAY



2017 Daily Journal | WBC 67Read Refresh Renew

LIVINGthe gospelsre

What truth is Jesus revealing?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew68 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

The House Built Upon the RockMatthew 7:24-27 Luke 6:47-49

20February 2017MONDAY

How did people really experience Jesus?

What is the specific lesson?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 69

The Effect of the SermonMatthew 7:28-29 Mark 1:21-22Luke 4:32

21February 2017


What did Jesus do?

What did I learn about Jesus?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew70 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

The Centurion of CapernaumMatthew 8:5-13 Mark 7:30Luke 7:1-10John 4:46-54

22February 2017WEDNESDAY

What is the meaning of the person being healed?

How can I relate to the healing?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 71

The Widow’s Son at NainLuke 7:11-17 23

February 2017THURSDAY

What command do I need to obey?

What is the specific lesson?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew72 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

On Following JesusMatthew 8:18-22Mark 4:35 Luke 9:57-62

24February 2017FRIDAY

What promise do I claim?

What is the one thing I know for sure about Jesus?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 73

Stilling the StormMatthew 8:23-27Mark 4:35-41Luke 8:22-25

25February 2017


Who was healed and what was he/she healed from?

What is the meaning of the person being healed?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew74 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

The Gadarene DemoniacsMatthew 8:28-34 Mark 5:1-20Luke 8:26-39

26 February 2017SUNDAY

February 26, 2017SUNDAY



2017 Daily Journal | WBC 75Read Refresh Renew

LIVINGthe gospelsre

Who were healed?

How can I relate to the healing?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Jairus’ Daughter and the Woman with a Hemorrhage Matthew 9:18-26Mark 5:21-43Luke 8:40-56

76 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

27February 2017MONDAY

28February 2017


What did I learn about Jesus?

What is the meaning of the person being healed?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Two Blind Men and Dumb Demon Matthew 9:27-34

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 77Read Refresh Renew

What did Jesus really say?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

The Harvest is GreatMatthew 9:35-38 Mark 6:6,34Luke 8:1; 10:2John 4:35

1March 2017WEDNESDAY

78 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

2March 2017THURSDAY

Read Refresh Renew

Commissioning the TwelveMatthew 10:1-16 Mark 3:13-19; 6:7-13Luke 6:12-16; 9:1-6; 10:3John 1:42

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 79

What did Jesus really say?

What is the specific lesson?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

What command do I need to obey?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

The Fate of the DisciplesMatthew 10:17-25 Mark 13:9-13Luke 12:11-12; 6:40; 21:12-19 John 13:16; 16:2; 14:26; 15:20

Read Refresh Renew80 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

3March 2017FRIDAY

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 81

4March 2017SATURDAY

What promise do I claim?

What specific lesson do I need to learn?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Exhortation to Fearless ConfessionMatthew 10:26-33Mark 4:22; 8:38Luke 12:2-9

What did Jesus really say?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Divisions Within HouseholdsMatthew 10:34-36 Luke 12:49-53

82 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

5March 2017SUNDAY

March 5, 2017SUNDAY



2017 Daily Journal | WBC 83Read Refresh Renew

LIVINGthe gospelsre

What did Jesus really say?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew84 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Conditions of Discipleship Matthew 10:37-39; 16:24-25 Mark 8:34-35Luke 14:25-33; 17:33; 9:23-24 John 12:25

6March 2017MONDAY

What did Jesus really say?

What specific lesson do I need to learn?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 85

John the Baptist’s Question and Jesus’ Answer Matthew 11:1-6Luke 7:18-23

7March 2017


What did Jesus really say?

What is the specific lesson?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew86 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Jesus’ Witness Concerning JohnMatthew 11:7-19 Luke 7:24-35

8March 2017WEDNESDAY

What did Jesus really say?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 87

Woes Pronounced on Galilean Cities Matthew 11:20-24Luke 10:12-15

9March 2017THURSDAY

What truth is Jesus revealing?

What is Jesus trying to say about the Kingdom of God?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Jesus’ Thanksgiving to the FatherMatthew 11:25-30 Luke 10:21-22

Read Refresh Renew88 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

10March 2017FRIDAY

What is the purpose of the healing?

How can I relate to the healing?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 89

Jesus Heals Multitudes by the SeaMatthew 12:15-21 11

March 2017SATURDAY

What did Jesus do or didn’t’ do?

What is the one thing I know for sure about Jesus?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew90 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

The Woman with the OintmentLuke 7:36-50; 8:1-312

March 2017SUNDAY

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 91

March 12, 2017SUNDAY



LIVINGthe gospelsre

What is Jesus saying about the Kingdom of God?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

On Collusion with SatanMatthew 12:22-30 Mark 3:22-27Luke 11:14-23

13March 2017MONDAY

92 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 93

14March 2017


What did Jesus do or didn’t’ do?

What is the one thing I know for sure about Jesus?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

The Sin Against the Holy SpiritMatthew 12:31-37; 7:16-20Mark 3:28-30Luke 12:10; 6:43-45

Read Refresh Renew94 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

What is Jesus saying about the Kingdom of God?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

The Sign of JonahMatthew 12:38-42Luke 11:29-32

15March 2017WEDNESDAY

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 95

What truth is Jesus revealing?

What specific lesson do I need to learn?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

The Return of the Evil SpiritMatthew 12:43-45 16

March 2017THURSDAY

Read Refresh Renew96 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

What did Jesus do or didn’t’ do?

What specific lesson do I need to learn?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Jesus’ True KindredMatthew 12:46-50 Mark 3:31-35Luke 8:19-21

17March 2017FRIDAY

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 97

18March 2017SATURDAY

What truth is Jesus revealing?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

The Parable of the Sower Matthew 13:1-9 Mark 4:1-9Luke 8:4-8

Read Refresh Renew98 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

19March 2017SUNDAY

The Reason for Speaking in ParablesMatthew 13:10-17Mark 4:10-12Luke 8:9-10

What truth is Jesus revealing?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 99

March 19, 2017SUNDAY



LIVINGthe gospelsre


What is Jesus saying about the Kingdom of God?

What specific lesson do I need to learn?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew100 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Interpretation of the Parable of the Sower Matthew 13:18-23Mark 4:13-20Luke 8:11-15

20March 2017MONDAY


What command do I need to obey?

What is Jesus saying about the Kingdom of God?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 101

“He Who Has Ears to Hear, Let Him Hear” Mark 4:21-29Luke 8:16-18

21March 2017


Why would Jesus use this illustration?

How can I relate to the story?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew102 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

The Parable of the TaresMatthew 13:24-3022


What is Jesus really saying?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

The Parable of the Mustard SeedMatthew 13:31-32Mark 4:30-32Luke 13:18-19

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 103

23March 2017THURSDAY

What is Jesus saying about the Kingdom of God?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew104 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

The Parable of the LeavenMatthew 13:33-35Luke 13:20-21

24March 2017FRIDAY

What is Jesus really saying?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 105

Interpretation of the Parable of the TaresMatthew 13:36-43 25

March 2017SATURDAY

Why would Jesus use these illustrations?

What specific lesson do I need to learn?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew106 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

The Parables of the Hidden Treasure, the Pearl, and the Net Matthew 13:44-52

26March 2017SUNDAY

Read Refresh Renew

March 26, 2017SUNDAY

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 107



LIVINGthe gospelsre

Who were healed in contrast to those who were not healed?

What specific lesson do I need to learn?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

The Healing at the Pool John 5:1-47

108 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal Read Refresh Renew

27March 2017MONDAY

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 109

28March 2017


How did people really experience Jesus?

What specific lesson do I need to learn?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Opinions Regarding JesusMatthew 14:1-2 Mark 6:14-16Luke 9:7-9

What example do I need to follow?

What specific lesson do I need to learn?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

The Death of John the BaptistMatthew 14:3-12Mark 6:17-29

110 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

29March 2017WEDNESDAY

What did Jesus do?

How did people really experience Jesus?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Five Thousand are FedMatthew 14:13-21 Mark 6:30-44Luke 9:10-17John 6:1-15

30March 2017THURSDAY

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 111

How did people really experience Jesus?

What did I learn about Jesus?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

The Walking on the WaterMatthew 14:22-33 Mark 6:45-52John 6:16-21

Read Refresh Renew112 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

31March 2017FRIDAY

Who were healed and what was he/she healed from?

How can I relate to the healing?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Healings at GennesaretMatthew 14:34-36 Mark 6:53-56John 6:22-25

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 113

1April 2017


What events lead up to this passage?

What did I learn about Jesus?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

The Bread of Life John 6:26-59

114 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

2April 2017SUNDAY

Read Refresh Renew

April 2, 2017SUNDAY

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 115



LIVINGthe gospelsre

Read Refresh Renew

Defilement – Traditional and RealMatthew 15:1-20Mark 7:1-23Luke 11:37-54

What did Jesus really say?

How did people really experience Jesus?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

3April 2017MONDAY

116 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 117

The Syrophoenician (Canaanite) WomanMatthew 15:21-28Mark 7:24-30

Why did Jesus treat the beggar woman so harshly?

What did I learn about Jesus?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

4April 2017TUESDAY

Read Refresh Renew

Who were healed and what was he/she healed from?

How can I relate to the healing?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

118 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Jesus Heals a Deaf Mute and Many Others Matthew 15:29-31 Mark 7:31-37

5April 2017WEDNESDAY

What promise do I claim?

What specific lesson do I need to learn?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 119

Four Thousand are FedMatthew 15:32-39 Mark 8:1-10

6April 2017


Why do they need a sign?

What did I learn about Jesus?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew120 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

The Pharisees Seek a SignMatthew 16:1-4 Mark 8:11-13Luke 11:16John 6:30

7April 2017FRIDAY

What lesson is Jesus teaching?

What example do I need to follow?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 121

The Leaven of the PhariseesMatthew 16:5-12Mark 8:14-21Luke 12:1

8April 2017


What is the meaning of the person being healed?

How can I relate to the healing?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew122 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

A Blind Man is Healed at BethsaidaMark 8:22-269

April 2017SUNDAY

Read Refresh Renew

April 9, 2017SUNDAY

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 123



LIVINGthe gospelsre

How did people really experience Jesus?

What is the one thing I know for sure about Jesus?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Many Disciples Take Offense at Jesus John 6:60-66

124 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

10April 2017MONDAY

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 125

What did Peter say?

How would I respond to the question?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Peter’s ConfessionMatthew 16:13-20Mark 8:27-30Luke 9:18-21John 6:67-71

11April 2017TUESDAY

What is Jesus really saying?

What is the specific lesson?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Jesus Foretells His PassionMatthew 16:21-23 Mark 8:31-33Luke 9:22

126 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

12April 2017WEDNESDAY

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 127

What did Peter say?

How would I respond to the question?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

“If Any Man Would Come After Me ...”Matthew 16:24-28Mark 8:34-9:1Luke 9:23-27John 12:25

13April 2017


What is Jesus really saying?

What is the specific lesson?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

The TransfigurationMatthew 17:1-9 Mark 9:2-10Luke 9:28-36

128 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

14April 2017FRIDAY

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 129

What lesson is Jesus teaching?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

The Coming of ElijahMatthew 17:10-13Mark 9:11-13

Read Refresh Renew

15April 2017


How did Jesus point to the resurrection?

What does the resurrection mean to me?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Easter Sunday (Meaning of Resurrection) 1 Corinthians 15

130 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

16April 2017SUNDAY

Read Refresh Renew

April 16, 2017SUNDAY

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 131



LIVINGthe gospelsre

Why couldn’t the disciples heal the boy?

What is Jesus saying about the Kingdom of God?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew132 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Jesus Heals a Boy Possessed by a Spirit Matthew 17:14-21Mark 9:14-29Luke 9:37-43

17April 2017MONDAY

What promise do I claim?

What is the specific lesson?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 133

Jesus Foretells His Passion AgainMatthew 17:22-23 Mark 9:30-32Luke 9:43-45

18April 2017TUESDAY

What is Jesus saying about the Kingdom of God?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew134 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Payment of the Temple TaxMatthew 17:24-2719


What promise do I claim?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 135

True Greatness Matthew 18:1-5 Mark 9:33-37Luke 9:46-48John 13:20

20April 2017



What did Jesus really say?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew136 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

The Strange ExorcistMatthew 10:42Mark 9:38-41 Luke 9:49-50

21April 2017FRIDAY


What temptations do I struggle with?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 137

Warnings Concerning TemptationsMatthew 18:6-9; 5:13Mark 9:42-50Luke 17:1-2; 14:34-35

22April 2017



What is Jesus saying about the Kingdom of God?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew138 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

The Parable of the Lost Sheep Matthew 18:10-14Luke 15:1-7

23April 2017SUNDAY

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Read Refresh Renew

April 23, 2017SUNDAY

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 139



LIVINGthe gospelsre


What is Jesus really saying?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

On Reproving One’s BrotherMatthew 18:15-20Luke 17:3

24April 2017MONDAY

Read Refresh Renew140 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal


25April 2017TUESDAY

What truth is Jesus revealing?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

On Reconciliation and Parable of the Unforgiving ServantMatthew 18:21-35Luke 17:4

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 141


Why did Jesus head to Jerusalem?

Why does only Luke mention the Samaritans?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Decision to Go to Jerusalem Matthew 19:1-2Mark 10:1Luke 9:51-56

142 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

26April 2017WEDNESDAY

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 143

27April 2017


What instructions does Jesus give to the 72?

How can I apply the instructions to my life?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Commissioning the SeventyMatthew 9:37-38; 10:7-16 Luke 10:1-12


What example do I need to follow?

What did I learn about Jesus?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

The Return of the SeventyLuke 10:16-20

144 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

28April 2017FRIDAY

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 145

29April 2017


Why is Jesus full of joy?

What is Jesus saying about the Kingdom of God?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Jesus’ Thanksgiving to the FatherMatthew 11:25-27; 13:16-17Luke 10:21-24


Why did the lawyer ask this question?

What specific lesson do I need to learn?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

The Lawyers QuestionMatthew 22:34-40 Mark 12:28-34Luke 10:25-28

30April 2017SUNDAY

146 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Read Refresh Renew

April 30, 2017SUNDAY

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 147



LIVINGthe gospelsre


What example do I need to follow?

What is Jesus saying about the Kingdom of God?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew148 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

The Parable of the Good SamaritanLuke 10:29-371

May 2017MONDAY


What example do I need to follow?

What is Jesus saying about the Kingdom of God?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 149

Mary and MarthaLuke 10:38-42 2



What specific lesson do I need to learn?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew150 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Jesus Remains in GalileeJohn 7:1-93



What events lead up to this passage?

What surprises did I discover in this passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 151

Jesus Teaching in the TempleJohn 7:10-39 4



What example do I need to follow?

What is Jesus saying about the Kingdom of God?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew152 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Division Among the People Regarding Jesus John 7:40-525

May 2017FRIDAY


What example do I need to follow?

What sin should I confess?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 153

The Woman Caught in AdultryJohn 7:53-8:11 6



What events lead up to this passage?

What is Jesus saying about the Kingdom of God?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

154 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

“I am the Light of the World”John 8:12-207

May 2017SUNDAY

Read Refresh Renew

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Read Refresh Renew

May 7, 2017SUNDAY

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 155



LIVINGthe gospelsre


What is Jesus really saying?

What lesson is Jesus teaching the people?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Discussion with the JewsJohn 8:21-29

156 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

8May 2017MONDAY

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 157

What truth is Jesus revealing?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

“The Truth Will Make You Free”John 8:30-36 9



Why are the people offended?

How would I react in thissituation?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Children of the DevilJohn 8:37-47

158 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal


••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 159

What truth is Jesus revealing?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

“Before Abraham was, I am”John 8:48-59 11



Who was healed and what was he/she healed from?

How can I relate to the healing?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Jesus Heals the Man Born BlindJohn 9:1-12

160 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

12May 2017FRIDAY

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 161

How are the Pharisees reacting to Jesus?

What specific lesson do I need to learn?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

The Pharisees Investigate the HealingJohn 9:13-34 13



How did Jesus help the man thrown out?

How can I relate to the story?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Jesus Affirms His DeityJohn 9:35-4114

May 2017SUNDAY

162 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Read Refresh Renew

May 14, 2017SUNDAY

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 163



LIVINGthe gospelsre


What is Jesus really saying?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew164 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

The Good ShepherdJohn 10:1-1815

May 2017MONDAY


How did the people really experience Jesus?

What is the specific lesson?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 165

Division Among the Jews AgainJohn 10:19-21 16



What truth is Jesus revealing?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew166 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

The Importunate Friend at MidnightLuke 11:5-817



What truth is Jesus revealing?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 167

Parable of the Rich ManLuke 12:13-21 18



What is Jesus really saying?

What example do I need to follow?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew168 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Watchfulness and FaithfulnessMatthew 24:42-51Luke 12:35-48

19May 2017FRIDAY


What command do I need to obey?

How can I apply the instructions to my life?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 169

Interpreting the TimesMatthew 16:2-3 Luke 12:54-56

20May 2017



What promise is there to claim?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew170 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

The Parable of the Barren Fig TreeLuke 13:1-921

May 2017SUNDAY

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 171



May 21, 2017SUNDAY

LIVINGthe gospelsre


What is the purpose of the healing?

How can I relate to the healing?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

The Healing of the Crippled Woman on the SabbathLuke 13:10-17

172 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

22May 2017MONDAY

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 173

What did Jesus really say?

What did I learn about Jesus?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

A Warning Against Herod and Lament Over JerusalemMatthew 23:37-39Luke 13:31-35

23May 2017TUESDAY


What is Jesus really saying?

What truth is Jesus revealing?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

On DivorceMatthew 19:3-12Mark 10:2-12 Luke 16:18

174 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal


••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 175

What is the purpose of the healing?

How can I relate to the healing?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

The Healing of the Man with DropsyLuke 14:1-6 25



What is Jesus saying about the Kingdom of God?

What specific lesson do I need to learn?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Teaching on HumilityLuke 14:7-14

176 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

26May 2017FRIDAY

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 177

What did I learn from the story?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

The Parable of the Great SupperMatthew 22:1-14 Luke 14:15-24

27May 2017


•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Read Refresh Renew

The Parable of the Lost CoinLuke 15:8-10

178 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

28May 2017SUNDAY

How can I relate to the story?

What is Jesus saying about the Kingdom of God?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 179Read Refresh Renew



May 28, 2017SUNDAY

LIVINGthe gospelsre


How can I relate to the story?

What is Jesus saying about the Kingdom of God?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew180 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

The Parable of the Prodigal SonLuke 15:11-3229

May 2017MONDAY


How can I relate to the story?

What is Jesus saying about the Kingdom of God?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 181

The Parable of the Unjust StewardLuke 16:1-15 30



What is Jesus saying about the Kingdom of God?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew182 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus Luke 16:19-31



Why did Jesus use this example?

What is the specific lesson?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 183

We are Unprofitable ServantsLuke 17:5-10

1June 2017



What truth is Jesus revealing?

How can I relate to the story?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew184 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

The Cleansing of the Ten LepersLuke 17:11-192

June 2017FRIDAY


What is Jesus really saying?

What promises are being presented?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 185

The Day of the Son of ManMatthew 24:37-41 Mark 13:19-23Luke 17:20-37

3June 2017



How can I relate to the story?

What promises are being presented?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

186 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

The Parable of the Unjust JudgeLuke 18:1-8

Read Refresh Renew

4June 2017SUNDAY

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Read Refresh Renew

June 4, 2017SUNDAY

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 187



LIVINGthe gospelsre


What sins are there to confess?

What example do I need to follow?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

The Pharisee and the PublicanLuke 18:9-14

188 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

5June 2017MONDAY

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 189

6June 2017TUESDAY

How did people really experience Jesus?

What truth is Jesus revealing?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Jesus Blesses the ChildrenMatthew 19:13-15 Mark 10:13-16Luke 18:15-17


What is the man really asking?

What did Jesus really say?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

The Rich Young ManMatthew 19:16-22 Mark 10:17-22Luke 18:18-21

190 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal


••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 191

What command do I need to obey?

What is Jesus saying about the Kingdom of God?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

On Riches and the Rewards of Discipleship Matthew 19:23-30Mark 10:23-31Luke 18:24-30

8June 2017



What did I learn from the story?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

The Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard Matthew 19:16-22Mark 10:17-22Luke 18:18-21

192 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

9June 2017FRIDAY

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 193

How did the leaders experience Jesus?

How did Jesus defend his divinity?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Jesus at the Feast of Dedication in Jerusalem John 10:22-42 10



Why did Jesus wait to go to Bethany?

How can I relate to the story?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

The Death of LazarusJohn 11:1-1611

June 2017SUNDAY

194 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Read Refresh Renew

June 11, 2017SUNDAY

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 195



LIVINGthe gospelsre

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Read Refresh Renew

What is Jesus really saying?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

196 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Jesus the Resurrection and the LifeJohn 11:17-2712

June 2017MONDAY


Why do you think this story is only in John’s gospel?

What is Jesus saying about the Kingdom of God?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Lazarus Brought to LifeJohn 11:28-44

Read Refresh Renew

13June 2017TUESDAY

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 197


Why did the leaders react this way?

How would you have reacted to this experience?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

The Chief Priests and Pharisees Take Council Against JesusJohn 11:45-53

14June 2017WEDNESDAY

Read Refresh Renew198 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal


Did Jesus go into hiding? Why?

What specific lesson do I need to learn?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 199

Jesus Retires to EphraimJohn 11:54-57 15



Why is Jesus telling these things to the disciples?

How would I react to this conversation?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

June 201716FRIDAY

Read Refresh Renew200 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

The Third Prediction of the PassionMatthew 20:17-19Mark 10:32-34Luke 18:31-34


What do we learn about James and John?

What is Jesus saying about the Kingdom of God?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 201

The Sons of ZebedeeMatthew 20:20-28 Mark 10:35-45Luke 22:24-27

17June 2017



What is the purpose of the healing?

How can I relate to the healing?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew202 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

The Healing of the Blind Man (Bartimaeus) Matthew 20:29-34Mark 10:46-52Luke 18:35-43

18June 2017SUNDAY

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Read Refresh Renew

June 18, 2017SUNDAY

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 203



LIVINGthe gospelsre


Why is this encounter only in Luke’s gospel?

What specific lesson do I need to learn?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

ZacchaeusLuke 19:1-1019

June 2017MONDAY

204 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 205

20June 2017TUESDAY

What truth is Jesus revealing?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

The Parable of the PoundsLuke 19:11-27


What example do I need to follow?

What did I learn from this encounter?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

The Anointing at BethanyJohn 12:1-8 Matthew 26:6 Mark 14:3

206 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

21June 2017WEDNESDAY

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 207

Why is there a plot against Lazarus?

What did I learn from this passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

The Plot Against LazarusJohn 12:9-11 22



What are the differences in each gospel perspective?

How did people really experience Jesus?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

The Triumphal EntryMatthew 21:1-9Mark 11:1-10Luke 19:28-40John 12:12-19

23June 2017FRIDAY

208 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 209

24June 2017


Why is Jesus weeping?

What did I learn from this encounter?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Jesus Weeps over JerusalemLuke 19:41-44


Did Jesus do this once or twice in his ministry?

What did I learn from this encounter?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Jesus in Jerusalem Cleansing the Temple Matthew 21:10-19Mark 11:11-19Luke 19:45-48 John 2:13-17

Read Refresh Renew210 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

25June 2017SUNDAY

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Read Refresh Renew

June 25, 2017SUNDAY

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 211



LIVINGthe gospelsre


What is significant about the Greeks wanting to meet Jesus?

What is Jesus saying about the Kingdom of God?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew212 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Greeks Seek JesusJohn 12:20-3626

June 2017MONDAY


What truth is Jesus revealing?

How did the people experience Jesus?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 213

The Unbelief of the PeopleJohn 12:37-43 27

June 2017TUESDAY


What is Jesus really saying?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew214 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Judgment by the WordJohn 12:44-5028



What truth is Jesus revealing?

What did I learn from this passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 215

Fig Tree is WitheredMatthew 21:18-22 Mark 11:20-26

29June 2017



Why did the leaders ask these questions?

How would you have reacted to this experience?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew216 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

The Question About AuthorityMatthew 21:23-27 Mark 11:27-33Luke 20:1-8

30June 2017FRIDAY


Why would Jesus use this illustration?

What truth is Jesus revealing?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 217

The Parable of the Two Sons Matthew 21:28-32

1July 2017



What is Jesus saying about the Kingdom of God?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew218 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

The Parable of the Vine-Growers Matthew 21:33-46Mark 12:1-12Luke 20:9-19

2July 2017SUNDAY

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 219

July 2, 2017SUNDAY



LIVINGthe gospelsre


What command do I need to obey?

What truth is Jesus revealing?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

On Paying Tribute to CaesarMatthew 22:15-22 Mark 12:13-17Luke 20:20-26

220 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

3July 2017MONDAY

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 221

Why did the leaders ask these questions?

What truth is Jesus revealing?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

The Question About the Resurrection Matthew 22:23-33Mark 12:18-27Luke 20:27-40

4July 2017



Why did the leaders ask these questions?

What truth is Jesus revealing?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

The Question About David’s SonMatthew 22:41-46Mark 12:35-37Luke 20:41-44

222 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal


••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 223

What truth is Jesus revealing?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Woe to the Scribes and PhariseesMatthew 23:1-36 Mark 12:38-40Luke 20:45-47

6July 2017



What example do I need to follow?

What sin should I confess?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

The Widow’s MiteMark 12:41-44Luke 21:1-4

224 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

7July 2017FRIDAY

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 225

What warnings are Jesus talking about?

What truth is Jesus revealing?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Prediction of the Destruction of the TempleMatthew 24:1-8Mark 13:1-8 Luke 21:5-11

8July 2017



What warnings are Jesus talking about?

What truth is Jesus revealing?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Persecutions ForetoldMatthew 24:9-14 Mark 13:9-13Luke 21:12-19

Read Refresh Renew226 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

9July 2017SUNDAY

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 227

July 9, 2017SUNDAY



LIVINGthe gospelsre


What warnings are Jesus talking about?

What truth is Jesus revealing?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew228 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

The Desolating SacrilegeMatthew 24:15-22 Mark 13:14-20Luke 21:20-24

10July 2017MONDAY


What warnings are Jesus talking about?

What truth is Jesus revealing?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 229

False Christs and False ProphetsMatthew 24:23-28Mark 13:21-23Luke 17:23-24,37

11July 2017



What promise is there to claim?

How can I relate to the story?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew230 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

The Coming of the Son of ManMatthew 24:29-31 Mark 13:24-27Luke 21:25-28

12July 2017WEDNESDAY


Why did Jesus tell a parable at this time?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 231

The Time of the Coming: Parable of the Fig Tree Matthew 24:32-36Mark 13:28-32Luke 21:29-33

13July 2017



What is Jesus really saying?

How can I apply the instructions to my life?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew232 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Take, Heed, WatchMatthew 25:13-15; 24:42 Mark 13:33-37Luke 21:34-38

14July 2017FRIDAY


What is Jesus saying about the Kingdom of God?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 233

The Parable of the Ten VirginsMatthew 25:1-13 15



What is Jesus saying about the Kingdom of God?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew234 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

The Parable of the TalentsMatthew 25:14-3016

July 2017SUNDAY

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 235

July 16, 2017SUNDAY



LIVINGthe gospelsre


What is Jesus saying about the Kingdom of God?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Parable of the Sheeps and GoatsMatthew 25:31-46

236 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

17July 2017MONDAY

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 237

Why did the leaders react this way?

What did I learn from this encounter?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Jesus’ Death is PremeditatedMatthew 26:1-5 Mark 14:1-2Luke 22:1-2

18July 2017



How do you know that this is a second anointing?

What did I learn from these encounters?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Another Anointing at BethanyMatthew 26:6-13Mark 14:3-9John 12:1-2

19July 2017WEDNESDAY

Read Refresh Renew238 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal


What are the differences in each gospel perspective?

Why do you think Judas chooses to betray Jesus?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Betrayal of JudasMatthew 26:14-16 Mark 14:10-11Luke 22:3-6

20July 2017


2017 Daily Journal | WBC 239Read Refresh Renew


Why did Jesus give the disciples these instructions?

How do you think the disciples reacted?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Preparation for the PassoverMatthew 26:17-20Mark 14:12-17Luke 22:7-14

Read Refresh Renew240 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

21July 2017FRIDAY


What lesson is Jesus teaching?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Washing the Disciples’ FeetJohn 13:1-20

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 241Read Refresh Renew

22July 2017



What is Jesus really saying?

How would I react in this situation?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Jesus Foretells His BetrayalMatthew 26:21-25 Mark 14:18-21Luke 22:21-23John 13:21-30

23July 2017SUNDAY

Read Refresh Renew242 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal


July 23, 2017SUNDAY



2017 Daily Journal | WBC 243Read Refresh Renew

LIVINGthe gospelsre


How did the disciples experience Jesus?

How would I react in this situation?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew244 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

The Last SupperMatthew 26:26-29Mark 14:22-25 Luke 22:15-20

24July 2017MONDAY


Why did Luke record this disagreement later than the other accounts?

How would I react in this situation?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 245

Precedence Among the DisciplesMatthew 20:24-28 Mark 10:41-45Luke 22:24-30

25July 2017



What is Jesus really saying?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew246 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

New Commandment of LoveJohn 13:31-3526



What is Jesus really saying?

How would I react to this conversation?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 247

Peter’s Denial PredictedMatthew 26:30-35 Mark 14:26-31Luke 22:31-34John 13:36-38

27July 2017



What is Jesus saying about the Kingdom of God?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew248 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

The Two SwordsLuke 22:35-3828

July 2017FRIDAY


What is Jesus really saying?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 249

Jesus the Way, Truth and LifeJohn 14:1-14 29



What is Jesus really saying?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew250 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Promise of the Paraclete (Holy Spirit)John 14:15-2630

July 2017SUNDAY

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 251

July 30, 2017SUNDAY



LIVINGthe gospelsre


What is the peace Jesus is referring to?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Gift of PeaceJohn 14:27-3131

July 2017MONDAY

252 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal


Why is Jesus using an illustration of a vine?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Jesus the True VineJohn 15:1-8 1

August 2017TUESDAY

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 253


What truth is Jesus revealing?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Abide in My LoveJohn 15:9-17

254 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

2August 2017WEDNESDAY

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 255Read Refresh Renew

The World’s HatredJohn 15:18-27 3

August 2017THURSDAY

What is Jesus saying about the Kingdom of God?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?


What is Jesus saying about the Kingdom of God?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Work of the Holy SpiritJohn 16:1-15

256 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

4August 2017FRIDAY

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 257

What is Jesus really saying?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Sorrow Turned to JoyJohn 16:16-22 5

August 2017SATURDAY


What is Jesus really saying?

Do I really believe the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Prayer in the Name of JesusJohn 16:23-28

258 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

6August 2017SUNDAY

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 259

August 6, 2017SUNDAY



LIVINGthe gospelsre


What is Jesus really saying?

How would I react in this situation?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew260 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Prediction of the Disciples’ FlightJohn 16:29-337

August 2017MONDAY


What did I learn about Jesus?

What example do I need to follow?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 261

The Intercessory Prayer (High Priestly Prayer) John 17:1-26 8

August 2017TUESDAY


What example do I need to follow?

How did people really experience Jesus?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew262 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

GethsemaneMatthew 26:36-46Mark 14:32-42Luke 22:39-46John 18:1

9August 2017WEDNESDAY


What did Jesus do and/or didn’t do?

What example do I need to follow?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 263

Jesus ArrestedMatthew 26:47-56Mark 14:43-52Luke 22:47-53John 18:2-12

10August 2017THURSDAY


What differences do I see in the accounts?

What do I learn from the accounts?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew264 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Jesus Before the SanhedrinMatthew 26:57-68 Mark 14:53-65Luke 22:54-55; 63-71John 18:13-16; 19-24

11August 2017FRIDAY


What sins are there to confess?

How would I react in this situation?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 265

Peter’s DenialMatthew 26:69-75Mark 14:66-72Luke 22:56-62John 18:17-18; 25-27

12August 2017SATURDAY


What truth is revealed in this passage?

How would I react to this event?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew266 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

The Death of JudasMatthew 27:3-10Acts 1:16-20

13August 2017SUNDAY

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 267



August 13, 2017SUNDAY

LIVINGthe gospelsre


What did I learn about Jesus?

What example do I need to follow?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Jesus Before PilateMatthew 27:1-2; 11-14 Mark 15:1-5Luke 23:1-5John 18:28-38

268 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

14August 2017MONDAY

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 269

What did I learn about Jesus?

What example do I need to follow?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Jesus Before HerodLuke 23:6-12 15

August 2017TUESDAY


What did I learn about Jesus?

What example do I need to follow?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Jesus or BarabbasMatthew 27:15-23Mark 15:6-14Luke 23:13-23John 18:39-40

270 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

16August 2017WEDNESDAY

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 271

What did I learn about Jesus?

What example do I need to follow?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Pilate’s Final PleaJohn 19:1-15 17

August 2017THURSDAY


What did I learn about Jesus?

What example do I need to follow?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Pilate Delivers Jesus to be Crucified Matthew 27:24-26Mark 15:15Luke 23:24-25John 19:16

272 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

18August 2017FRIDAY

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 273

What did I learn about Jesus?

What example do I need to follow?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Jesus Mocked by the SoldiersMatthew 27:27-31 Mark 15:16-20

19August 2017SATURDAY


What did I learn about Jesus?

What example do I need to follow?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Road to GolgothaMatthew 27:31-32Mark 15:20-21Luke 23:26-32John 19:17

20August 2017SUNDAY

274 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 275

August 20, 2017SUNDAY



LIVINGthe gospelsre


What did I learn about Jesus?

What example do I need to follow?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew276 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

The CrucifixionMatthew 27:33-37 Mark 15:22-26Luke 23:33-34John 19:18-27

21August 2017MONDAY


What did I learn about Jesus?

What example do I need to follow?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 277

Jesus on the CrossMatthew 27:38-43 Mark 15:27-32Luke 23:35-38

22August 2017



What did I learn about Jesus?

What example do I need to follow?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew278 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

The Two ThievesMatthew 27:44 Mark 15:32Luke 23:39-43

23August 2017WEDNESDAY


What did I learn about Jesus?

What example do I need to follow?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 279

The Death of JesusMatthew 27:45-54 Mark 15:33-39Luke 23:44-48John 19:28-30

24August 2017THURSDAY


How did people really experience Jesus?

What example do I need to follow?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew280 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Witnesses of the CrucifixionMatthew 27:55-56 Mark 15:40-41Luke 23:49John 19:25-27

25August 2017FRIDAY


What truth is revealed in this passage?

What did I learn about Jesus?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 281

Jesus’ Side PiercedJohn 19:31-37 26

August 2017SATURDAY


What are the differences in each gospel perspective?

What did I learn from these encounters?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew282 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Burial of Jesus Matthew 27:57-61 Mark 15:42-47Luke 23:50-56John 19:38-42

27August 2017SUNDAY

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 283



August 27, 2017SUNDAY

LIVINGthe gospelsre


What sins are there to confess?

How did the leaders experience Jesus?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

The Guard at the TombMatthew 27:62-66

284 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

28August 2017MONDAY

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 285

How did people really experience Jesus?

What example do I need to follow?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

The Women at the TombMatthew 28:1-8 Mark 16:1-8Luke 24:1-2John 20:1-13

29August 2017



What surprises me about this passage?

How would I react in this situation?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Jesus Appears to the WomenMatthew 28:9-10Mark 16:9-11Luke 24:10-11John 20:14-18

286 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

30August 2017WEDNESDAY

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 287

What truth is revealed in this passage?

What did I learn from this passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

The Report of the GuardMatthew 28:11-15 31

August 2017THURSDAY


How did people really experience Jesus?

What did I learn from this encounter?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Two Men on Emmaus RoadMark 16:12-13 Luke 24:13-35

Read Refresh Renew288 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

1September 2017FRIDAY

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 289

What did I learn from the story?

How would I react to this event?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Jesus Appears to His Disciples Except Thomas Luke 24:36-43John 20:19-23

2September 2017



What is significant about Thomas’ reaction?

How would I react in this situation?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Jesus Appears to ThomasJohn 20:24-313

September 2017SUNDAY

290 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 291



September 3, 2017SUNDAY

LIVINGthe gospelsre


What example do I need to follow?

What sin should I confess?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

292 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Jesus Appears at the Sea of TiberiasJohn 21:1-14

Read Refresh Renew

4September 2017MONDAY


What is Jesus saying about the Kingdom of God?

How is Jesus reinstating me?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 293

Reinstatment of PeterJohn 21:15-23 5

September 2017TUESDAY


What are the differences in each gospel perspective?

How can I apply the instructions to my life?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew294 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Last WordsMatthew 28:16-20Mark 16:14-18 Luke 24:44-53John 21:24-25Acts 1:1-8

6September 2017WEDNESDAY


What promise is there to claim?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 295

AscensionMark 16:19-20Luke 24:50-53 Acts 1:9-12

7September 2017


What do we learn about the disciples?

How would I react as the one not chosen to be part of the 12?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew296 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Matthais ChosenActs 1:12-268

September 2017FRIDAY

What is the significance of the signs given?

How would I react in this situation?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 297

Day of PentecostActs 2:1-13 9

September 2017SATURDAY

What is Peter proving in his messge?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew298 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Peters’ Sermon at PentecostActs 2:14-3610

September 2017SUNDAY

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 299

September 10, 2017SUNDAY



LIVINGthe gospelsre

What promise do I claim?

What example do I need to follow?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Fellowship of BelieversActs 2:37-47

Read Refresh Renew300 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

11September 2017MONDAY

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 301

What is the purpose of the healing?

What specific lesson do I need to learn?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Healing of the Lame BeggarActs 3:1-10 12

September 2017TUESDAY

What did I learn about the Kingdom of God?

What promises are being presented?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Peter’s Second SermonActs 3:11-26

Read Refresh Renew302 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

13September 2017WEDNESDAY

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 303

How did people react to the resurrection?

What example do I need to follow?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Peter and John Before the CouncilActs 4:1-23 14

September 2017THURSDAY

What did I learn from the disciples’ prayers?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Unity of BelieversActs 4:24-37

304 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

15September 2017FRIDAY

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 305

What sins are there to confess?

What did I learn from this encounter?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Ananias and SapphiraActs 5:1-16 16

September 2017SATURDAY

What did I learn from the story?

How would I react in this situation?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

ImprisonmentActs 5:17-3217

September 2017SUNDAY

306 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 307



September 17, 2017SUNDAY

LIVINGthe gospelsre

Why did Gamaliel respond this way?

What specific lesson do I need to learn?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew308 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Gamaliel’s CounselActs 5:33-4218

September 2017MONDAY

What example do I need to follow?

How can I be a servant?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 309

Seven Chosen to ServeActs 6:1-7 19

September 2017TUESDAY

What did I learn about Stephen?

What example do I need to follow?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew310 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Stephen is ArrestedActs 6:8-1520

September 2017WEDNESDAY

What do we learn about Jesus?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 311

Stephen’s Defense SpeechActs 7:1-53 21

September 2017THURSDAY

What example do I need to follow?

How would I react watching this take place?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew312 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Stephen’s DeathActs 7:54-8:322

September 2017FRIDAY

What specific lesson do I need to learn?

What sins are there to confess?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 313

Philip in SamariaActs 8:4-25 23

September 2017SATURDAY

What did I learn from the story?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew314 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Philip and the EthiopianActs 8:26-4024

September 2017SUNDAY

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 315

September 24, 2017SUNDAY



LIVINGthe gospelsre

What did I learn about Saul?

If I were Ananias, how would I react?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Conversion of SaulActs 9:1-19aGalatians 2:13-19

316 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

25September 2017MONDAY

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 317

How did people react to this situation?

What example do I need to follow?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Saul Preaches ChristActs 9:19b-31 26

September 2017TUESDAY

What is the purpose of the healing?

How can I relate to the healing?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Healing of Aenaes and DorcusActs 9:32-43

318 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

27September 2017WEDNESDAY

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 319

What did I learn about Cornelius?

How would I react to this experience?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Cornelius’ VisionActs 10:1-8 28

September 2017THURSDAY

Why did Peter get this vision?

What specific lesson do I need to learn?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Peter’s VisionActs 10:9-16

320 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

29September 2017FRIDAY

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 321

What is significant about this encounter?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Peter and CorneliusActs 10:17-33 30

September 2017SATURDAY

What is significant about this encounter?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Preaching to the GentilesActs 10:34-481

October 2017SUNDAY

322 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 323

October 1, 2017SUNDAY



LIVINGthe gospelsre

What sins are there to confess?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew324 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Peter Reports to the ChurchActs 11:1-182

October 2017MONDAY

Read Refresh Renew

How did people react to the Gospel?

What example do I need to follow?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 325

Church at AntiochActs 11:19-30 3

October 2017TUESDAY

What example do I need to follow?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew326 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

James Killed and Peter ImprisonedActs 12:1-194

October 2017WEDNESDAY

What warnings did I learn from this passage?

What example do I not need to follow?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 327

The Death of HerodActs 12:20-25 5

October 2017THURSDAY

Why fasting and prayer?

What example do I need to follow?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew328 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Paul and Barnabas Sent to CyprusActs 13:1-126

October 2017FRIDAY

What specific lesson do I need to learn?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 329

Paul’s Old Testament HistoryActs 13:13-25 7

October 2017SATURDAY

What specific lesson do I need to learn?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew330 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

God’s Ultimate Provision in Jesus Christ Acts 13:26-378

October 2017SUNDAY

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 331

October 8, 2017SUNDAY



LIVINGthe gospelsre

What specific lesson do I need to learn?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Invitation of SalvationActs 13:38-43

332 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

9October 2017MONDAY

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 333

What sins are there to confess?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Paul Turns to the GentilesActs 13:44-52 10

October 2017TUESDAY

What specific lesson do I need to learn?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Paul and Barnabas at IconiumActs 14:1-7

334 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

11October 2017WEDNESDAY

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 335

What do we learn about people?

What example do I need to follow?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Mistaken for GodsActs 14:8-18 12

October 2017THURSDAY

What specific lesson do I need to learn?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Paul Stoned at LystraActs 14:19-282 Timothy 1:5-7

336 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

13October 2017FRIDAY

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 337

What example do I need to follow?

What did I learn about the Gospel?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

The Jerusalem CouncilActs 15:1-12 14

October 2017SATURDAY

What did I learn about the disciples?

Do I have expectations of the Gospel?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

James JudgmentActs 15:13-2115

October 2017SUNDAY

338 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 339

October 15, 2017SUNDAY



LIVINGthe gospelsre

What specific lesson do I need to learn?

What example do I need to follow?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew340 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Letter to Gentile BelieversActs 15:22-3516

October 2017MONDAY

What did I learn about Paul and the Gospel?

How can I relate to the story?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 341

Paul and Barnabas SeparateActs 15:36-41 17

October 2017TUESDAY

What did I learn about Paul and the Gospel?

How can I relate to the story?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew342 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Timothy Joins Paul and SilasActs 16:1-518

October 2017WEDNESDAY

What did I learn about Paul and the Gospel?

How can I relate to the story?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 343

The Macedonian VisionActs 16:6-10 19

October 2017THURSDAY

What did I learn about the Gospel?

How can I relate to the story?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew344 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Conversion of LydiaActs 16:11-1520

October 2017FRIDAY

What did I learn about Paul and the Gospel?

How can I relate to the story?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 345

Paul and Silas ImprisonedActs 16:16-24 21

October 2017SATURDAY

What did I learn about Paul and the Gospel?

How can I relate to the story?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew346 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

The Philippian Jailer ConvertedActs 16:25-4022

October 2017SUNDAY

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 347

October 22, 2017SUNDAY



LIVINGthe gospelsre

What specific lesson do I need to learn?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

ThessalonicaActs 17:1-9

348 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

23October 2017MONDAY

What did I learn about the passage?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

BereaActs 17:10-15

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 349

24October 2017


What did I learn about the passage?

How can I relate to the story?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

AthensActs 17:16-21

350 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

25October 2017WEDNESDAY

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 351

What truth is Jesus revealing? How is the Gospel presented?

How would I react to this experience?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Sermon on Mars HillActs 17:22-33 26

October 2017THURSDAY

What did I learn about the passage?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

CorinthActs 18:1-8

352 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

27October 2017FRIDAY

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 353

What did I learn about the Gospel?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Paul’s VisionActs 18:9-17 28

October 2017SATURDAY

What did I learn about Paul and the Gospel?

How can I relate to the story?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Priscilla and AquilaActs 18:18-23

354 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

29October 2017SUNDAY

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 355

October 29, 2017SUNDAY



LIVINGthe gospelsre

What did I learn about Apollos and the Gospel?

Who are you most like in this passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew356 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Apollos PreachingActs 18:24-2830

October 2017MONDAY

What did I learn about the Gospel?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 357

EphesusActs 19:1-10 31

October 2017TUESDAY

Who were healed and what were they being healed from?

How can I relate to the healing?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew358 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Miracles at EphesusActs 19:11-201

November 2017WEDNESDAY

What did I learn about Paul and the Gospel?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 359

A Riot at EphesusActs 19:21-40 2

November 2017THURSDAY

What did I learn from the story?

How can I relate to the story?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew360 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Macedonia and GreeceActs 20:1-63

November 2017FRIDAY

What is the purpose of the healing?

How can I relate to the healing?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 361

Eutychus Raised from the DeadActs 20:7-16 4

November 2017SATURDAY

What did I learn about Paul and the Gospel?

How can I relate to the story?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew362 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Paul Speaks to Ephesian EldersActs 20:17-385

November 2017SUNDAY

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 363

November 5, 2017SUNDAY



LIVINGthe gospelsre

What did I learn about the Gospel?

How can I relate to the story?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Paul Sails Toward JerusalemActs 21:1-14

364 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

6November 2017MONDAY

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 365

What did I learn about the Kingdom of God?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Paul at JerusalemActs 21:15-26 7

November 2017TUESDAY

Why was Paul arrested?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Paul Arrested in the TempleActs 21:27-36

366 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

8November 2017WEDNESDAY

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 367

What did I learn about Paul and the Gospel?

How would I defend the Gospel?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Paul’s Defense Before the JewsActs 21:37-22:21 9

November 2017THURSDAY

Read Refresh Renew

Paul and the Roman TributeActs 22:22-30

368 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

10November 2017FRIDAY

What specific lesson do I need to learn?

How can I relate to the story?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 369

What did I learn about Paul and the Gospel?

How can I relate to the story?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Paul Before the CouncilActs 23:1-11 11

November 2017SATURDAY

How is the Gospel displayed?

How can I relate to the story?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

A Plot to Kill PaulActs 23:12-22

370 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

12November 2017SUNDAY

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 371

November 12, 2017SUNDAY



LIVINGthe gospelsre

What am I learning about the Kingdom of God?

How can I relate to the story?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew372 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Paul Sent to Felix the GovernorActs 23:23-3513

November 2017MONDAY

What specific lesson do I need to learn?

How can I relate to the story?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 373

The Jews’ Case Against PaulActs 24:1-9 14

November 2017TUESDAY

What is significant about this encounter?

What did I learn about the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew374 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Paul’s Defense in Front of FelixActs 24:10-2115

November 2017WEDNESDAY

What specific lesson do I need to learn?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 375

Paul Kept in CustodyActs 24:22-27 16

November 2017THURSDAY

What did I learn about Paul and the Gospel?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew376 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Paul Before FestusActs 25:1-1217

November 2017FRIDAY

What specific lesson do I need to learn?

How can I relate to the story?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 377

Paul Before Agrippa and BerniceActs 25:13-27 18

November 2017SATURDAY

How is the Gospel presented?

How would I react in this situation?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew378 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Paul’s DefenseActs 26:1-1119

November 2017SUNDAY

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 379

November 19, 2017SUNDAY



LIVINGthe gospelsre

How is the Gospel presented?

How would I react in this situation?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Paul Tells of His ConversionActs 26:12-32

380 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

20November 2017MONDAY

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 381

What specific lesson do I need to learn?

How can I relate to the story?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Paul Sails for RomeActs 27:1-12 21

November 2017TUESDAY

What specific lesson do I need to learn?

How can I relate to the story?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

The Storm at SeaActs 27:13-38

382 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

22November 2017WEDNESDAY

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 383

How is the Gospel displayed?

How can I relate to the story?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

ShipwreckActs 27:39-44 23

November 2017THURSDAY

What is the purpose of the healing?

How can I relate to the healing?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Paul on MaltaActs 28:1-10

384 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

24November 2017FRIDAY

2017 Daily Journal | WBC 385

What did I learn about Paul and the Gospel?

How can I apply the truth of the passage?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Paul Arrives in RomeActs 28:11-16 25

November 2017SATURDAY

What did I learn about the Kingdom of God?

How would I react in this situation?

What is the new thought about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Read Refresh Renew

Paul’s Witness in RomeActs 28:17-30

386 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

26November 2017SUNDAY

November 26, 2017SUNDAY

Read Refresh Renew 2017 Daily Journal | WBC 387



LIVINGthe gospelsre

Read Refresh Renew388 WBC | 2017 Daily Journal

Every person in the Bible who met Jesus walked away a different

person. Eleven months ago, we committed to reLIVE the story that

changed history and meet Jesus, the Savior of the World! We have

taken moments to read the accounts of ordinary people telling the

story of how this man named Jesus changed them forever. We have

refreshed our understanding of the miracles, parables, and sermons

throughout this good news of Jesus. Hope has been renewed through

the careful study of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. Now we have

an opportunity to tell our story! We can tell the story of Jesus changing

our purpose in this world, showing our community that we are not

the same people because we are reLIVING the gospels daily!

Read. Refresh. Renew.

LIVINGthe gospelsre