healthwire - community memorial hospital · nosed as diabetes. diabetes doesn’t have to be...

NoNprofit org. U.S. poStage paiD permit 1003 DUlUth, mN Fall 2014 512 Skyline Blvd Cloquet mN 55720 Health Wire learn about: • Latest technology and medications for diabetes • Blood glucose meters • Insulin pumps • Pen devices • Managing diabetes • Healthy nutrition • Treating hypoglycemia Free health screenings • Blood glucose • Blood pressure • Bone density • Fat analysis senior health Fair saturday, oct 4, 2014 9am–12noon st. Matthews lutheran church 4 elizabeth ave, esko Meet CMH’s Certified Diabetes Educator Mary Kay Marciniak, RN at our booth! sane program begins at cMh emergency services T he Emergency Services Department at CMH now has specially trained SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) nurses who will be available to conduct examinations and take histories when sexual assault patients arrive at the ER. Another component of the SANE pro- gram includes trained community members who volunteer to be on call in order to act as advocates for sexual assault victims when they arrive at the hospital. diabetes health Fair wednesday, nov 5, 2014 1–5pM giveaways & door prizes! cMh ground Floor classrooM Free and open to the public upcoming health Fairs — Free and open to the public! Brock Wilton (Brookston, MN) graduated from UMD with a degree in Exercise Science and interned in the Cardiac Rehab Department. (Right photo, L to R) Emily Prazak (Grantsburg, WI) is a student in the UMD School of Medicine. She rotated among various hospital departments and Sunnyside Health Care Center. Amber Bloom (Carlton) and Jamie Gunnarson (Hermantown) are students in the UMD School of Pharmacy and were both Pharmacy interns. s r ***ECRWSS EDDM*** Postal Customer

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Page 1: HealthWire - Community Memorial Hospital · nosed as diabetes. Diabetes doesn’t have to be in-evitable and can be delayed, if you learn how to take charge of your pre-diabetes now

NoNprofit org.U.S. poStage

paiDpermit 1003DUlUth, mN

Fall 2014

512 Skyline Blvd Cloquet mN HealthWire

learn about:• Latesttechnology andmedications fordiabetes• Bloodglucose meters• Insulinpumps• Pendevices• Managingdiabetes• Healthynutrition• Treating hypoglycemia

Free health screenings• Bloodglucose• Bloodpressure• Bonedensity• Fatanalysis

senior health Fairsaturday, oct 4, 2014

9am–12noonst. Matthews lutheran church

4 elizabeth ave, eskoMeetCMH’sCertifiedDiabetesEducatorMaryKayMarciniak,RNatourbooth!

sane program begins at cMh emergency services

The Emergency Services Department atCMH now has specially trained SANE(SexualAssaultNurseExaminer)nurses

whowillbeavailabletoconductexaminationsandtakehistorieswhensexual assaultpatientsarriveattheER.AnothercomponentoftheSANEpro-gramincludestrainedcommunitymemberswhovolunteertobeoncallinordertoactasadvocatesforsexualassaultvictimswhentheyarriveatthehospital.

diabetes health Fairwednesday, nov 5, 20141–5pM • giveaways & door prizes!cMh ground Floor classrooMFree and open to the public

upcoming health Fairs — Free and open to the public!

Brock Wilton (Brookston,MN)graduatedfromUMDwithadegree inExerciseScienceandinternedintheCardiacRehabDepartment.(Right photo, L to R)Emily Prazak(Grantsburg,WI)isastudentintheUMDSchoolofMedicine.Sherotatedamong various hospital departments and Sunnyside Health Care Center. Amber Bloom(Carlton)andJamie Gunnarson(Hermantown)arestudentsintheUMDSchoolofPharmacyandwerebothPharmacyinterns.

Congratulations to our summer interns

***ECRWSS EDDM***Postal Customer

Page 2: HealthWire - Community Memorial Hospital · nosed as diabetes. Diabetes doesn’t have to be in-evitable and can be delayed, if you learn how to take charge of your pre-diabetes now


Have you or a loved onerecentlyexperiencedheartsurgeryorsufferedaheartattack?CardiacRehabilitationcanhelptospeedyourrecoveryandreduceyourchancesforfutureheartproblems.

The program focuses on increasing an individual’s abilitytofunction,decreasingtheriskof futureheartproblems,andhelpingeach



Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator; Megan Undeberg,PharmacistandMaryBeck,Chaplain.TheCardiacRehabprogramisofferedeveryweekday.Participantsmayreceiveupto36treatmentswithin36weeks.

Physician referral is required. For more information about the CMHCardiacRehabProgram,call218-878-7076.

take good care of your heart

the cardiac rehab program at cMh offers a full range of support to help heart patients

recover and improve their outcomes. azur coleMan, exercise physiologist, and kathy brackett, rn,

now run the cardiac rehab prograM Five days a week.

cardiac rehab is For anyone who has had:• bypass surgery• stable angina• angioplasty/ stenting• chF• heart valve replacement/ repair • heart transplant• heart attack (myocardial infarction)

introducing My cMh health—your convenient patient portalwww.cloquethospital.comVisitourwebsiteandclickontheMy CMH Health Portaltabatthetopleftformoreinformationaboutyourchoicesandhowtosetupyourconfidentialaccount.

Fall 2014

Page 3: HealthWire - Community Memorial Hospital · nosed as diabetes. Diabetes doesn’t have to be in-evitable and can be delayed, if you learn how to take charge of your pre-diabetes now

Fall GalaBlack Bear casino resort

Friday, octoBer 17, 2014L5:30 pm—Receptionandsilentauction

6:30 pm—Dessertauction7:00 pm—Dinner(Chicken Piccata, Prime Rib,

Walleye Almandine, Vegan or Vegetarian)7:30 pm—TimGabrielson’scomedy&magicshow

“HaveaGoodDay”8:15 pm—LiveAuction

9:00 pm—Newthisyear!FundtheNeedAuctionHelpustopurchasebirthingbedsforthe


Thisisasmoke-free,suit-to-formalevent.Gala proceeds will fund healthcare priorities at the hospital

and Sunnyside Health Care Center.

rsvp today!ContactJudyPossat218-878-7652or

[email protected]$50perperson($25istaxdeductible)


n cMh sleep clinic n ccMh Foundation news

sweet dreams: cMh sleep clinic can help you get your zzzzz’s

Mike salzar didn’t know how bad his sleep disturbanceswereuntilhehadkneereplacementsurgerywhichrequiredthathe stayovernightat thehospital.Hisnurse toldhimthatwhenshecameintohisroomtoadministermedica-


When Mike’s or-thopedic surgeon, Dr.Joseph Lemker, learnedabout Mike’s sleep dis-turbances, he referredhim to the CMH SleepClinic to undergo asleepstudy.

A sleep study in-volvesspendinganightat the CMH SleepClinic, where the par-ticipant is monitoredwhile they sleep.Mike’sovernight session con-firmedthathehadabigproblem.Whileheslept,heceasedbreathing112

times,upto30secondsatatime.Thereason?Whileheslept,hisairwaywascollapsingrepeatedly,preventingairfromgettingthrough.Thesefrequentin-terruptionsofhissleepwerealsocausinghimtoleavetheREM(RapidEyeMovement) stage of sleep, an important sleep stage for maintaining goodhealth.InterruptionofREMsleephasbeenlinkedtoanumberoflong-termproblems,includingheartdisease,diabetes,highcholesterolanddepression.Basically,ifabodydoesn’tgetrest,itcan’tfightillness.

Mikewasdiagnosedwith“obstructivesleepapnea,”whichistreatedthroughtheuseofaCPAP(continuouspositiveairwaypressure)machine.MikebeganwearingaCPAPmaskeachnight,connected toamachine thatgeneratesastreamofmildairpressure.Theairkeepshisairwayopen,allowinghimtosleepuninterrupted.(CPAPmachinesandsuppliesareavailableatCMH.)

MikesaysCPAPtreatmenthasmadeall thedifference in theworld;henowsleepsafullsevenhourswithoutinterruption.Infact,heissoenthusi-asticabouthisresultsthathe’sencouraginghiswifetoundergoasleepstudy.



you’re invited to the ccMh Foundation Fall gala

Autumn Elegance

n the birthing suites

learn the a-b-c’s of childbirth and newborn care sat, oct 4, 2014 n 9am–5pm cMh oak roomPrepareforasafe,healthyandjoyouschildbirthexperience.Weofferchildbirthedu-cationspecificallydesignedformoms-to-beandtheircoaches.Bringyourpartnerorlaborcoach,twopillows,andwearcomfortableclothes.You’llreceiveahandbook,ad-ditionalresourcesfornewparents,atourofthenewCMHBirthingSuites,lunchandsnacks.Thisisaclassyouwon’twanttomiss!$30/couple. call stef at 218-343-6077 for information or 218-879-4641 to register.

upcoMing cMhchildbirtheducation classes ➜ sat, oct 4, 2014 Mondays, jan 5 & 12, 2015 (2-day session)

MikE SAlzAR went from waking over a hundred times a night to getting a solid seven hours of restful sleep after being treated for sleep apnea at the CMH Sleep Clinic.

Page 4: HealthWire - Community Memorial Hospital · nosed as diabetes. Diabetes doesn’t have to be in-evitable and can be delayed, if you learn how to take charge of your pre-diabetes now

Fall GalaBlack Bear casino resort

Friday, octoBer 17, 2014L5:30 pm—Receptionandsilentauction

6:30 pm—Dessertauction7:00 pm—Dinner(Chicken Piccata, Prime Rib,

Walleye Almandine, Vegan or Vegetarian)7:30 pm—TimGabrielson’scomedy&magicshow

“HaveaGoodDay”8:15 pm—LiveAuction

9:00 pm—Newthisyear!FundtheNeedAuctionHelpustopurchasebirthingbedsforthe


Thisisasmoke-free,suit-to-formalevent.Gala proceeds will fund healthcare priorities at the hospital

and Sunnyside Health Care Center.

rsvp today!ContactJudyPossat218-878-7652or

[email protected]$50perperson($25istaxdeductible)


you’re invited to the ccMh Foundation Fall gala

living on the border with pre-diabetes Beforesomeonedevelopstype2diabetes,italmostalwaysbeginswithadiagnosisof“pre-diabetes”—aconditionwherebloodglucoselevelsarehigherthannormal,butnotyethighenoughtobediag-nosedasdiabetes.Diabetesdoesn’thavetobein-evitableandcanbedelayed,ifyoulearnhowtotakechargeofyourpre-diabetesnow.

Eachworkshopisdesignedforindividualsdi-agnosedwithpre-diabetes,aswellasanyonewhowould like to learnmoreaboutpre-diabetesanddiabetes.

you’ll learn:•Whatpre-diabetesmeansforyourhealth•Riskfactors•Diet,exerciseandotherlifestylechangesyou’ll receive: •Ahelpfulbookaboutpre-diabetes•Informationalhandouts•Pedometer•Bloodglucosemeter

Taught by certified diabetes instructors (Regis-teredNurseandRegisteredDietitian).

next upcoMingworkshop date:➜ tuesdaynov 18, 20143:00pm to 6:00pm

to register for a session, please call 218-878-7661

$20 registration fee

workshop held in cMh ground floor birch room

Mark your calendar For winter date:Monday jan 12, 20151:00pm–4:00pm

have you been diagnosed with pre-diabetes?take steps to prevent or delay type 2 diabetes in your future

Autumn Elegance

learn the a-b-c’s of childbirth and newborn care sat, oct 4, 2014 n 9am–5pm cMh oak roomPrepareforasafe,healthyandjoyouschildbirthexperience.Weofferchildbirthedu-cationspecificallydesignedformoms-to-beandtheircoaches.Bringyourpartnerorlaborcoach,twopillows,andwearcomfortableclothes.You’llreceiveahandbook,ad-ditionalresourcesfornewparents,atourofthenewCMHBirthingSuites,lunchandsnacks.Thisisaclassyouwon’twanttomiss!$30/couple. call stef at 218-343-6077 for information or 218-879-4641 to register.

live auction iteMs include:

• Flightforupto5peopleontheDeHavillandBeaverfromSkyHarborAirportinDuluthORMt.DoraFlorida—youchoose!

• 1weekinPortSt.Lucie,FloridaTimeshare

• (4)WildHockeytickets—ClubLevel

• (6)Sessionswithpersonaltrainer

• (2)One-yearmembershipatParkAvenueTherapies

• Newauctionitemsbeingaddedeveryday!

CMH Auxiliary Scholarship winners(l-r)ClaireRosen,HaleyBassett,CarlyRitchie,CarolAnderson(AuxiliaryPresident)andToriZime.