health homework the skeletal system

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  • 7/25/2019 Health Homework the Skeletal System



    Julian Bell

    Mr. Drayton


    22 September, 2014

    Vulnerabilities of the Human Skeletal System ! Brief "n#uiry

    $ith the start of human %i&ili'ation %ame numerous obsta%les that threatene( the &ery

    e)isten%e of mankin(. *han+es in %limate, (isastrous eather, an( e&en in&a(ers from opposin+

    %i&ili'ations ere all potential %hallen+es that still manifest in so%iety to(ay. Hoe&er, it seems

    that man-s e)ternal stru++les are often emphasi'e( in history hile (iminishin+ some of the other

    %onfli%ts he fa%e( an( althou+h many obsta%les that ere en%ountere( ere in fa%t of an e)ternal

    nature, (isease an( illness ha&e still ne&ertheless been a hu+e part human e)isten%e. he

    folloin+ is a brief (es%ription of some of the internal %hallen+es an( illnesses that people fa%e

    to(ay, pla%in+ +reat emphasis on those (iseases spe%ifi%ally affe%tin+ the skeletal system an(

    ho those (iseases that are pre&entable, %an be a&oi(e( ith %ertain pre%autions an( of %ourse, a

    healthy lifestyle.

    /nsurin+ the o&erall health of the skeletal system is &ital, espe%ially hen a((ressin+

    (iseases that are (e&elope( rather than +eneti%ally inherite(. Hoe&er, most of the (iseases that

    are (e&elope(, perhaps later in life, are still ne&ertheless +eneti%ally influen%e(. or instan%e,

    steosar%oma is a type of bone %an%er that most often o%%urs in youn+ a(ults an( teens. his

    (isease %auses those ho ha&e it to (e&elop eaker bones. his o%%urs be%ause the osteoblast

    hi%h ai(s in the formation of bones pro(u%es eaker %onne%ti&e tissue or bone matri), thus

    pro&i(in+ the in(i&i(ual ith inferior bone stren+th to the a&era+e person. he reason in hi%h

  • 7/25/2019 Health Homework the Skeletal System



    steosar%oma o%%urs at all is %urrently unknon hoe&er resear%hes belie&e that this %an%er is

    passe( (on +eneti%ally. "n other or(s, some people %an be born ith a pre(isposition to the

    (isease. Symptoms asso%iate( ith steosar%oma in%lu(e pain an( ti+htness in the affe%te(

    bone an( in rare %ases, bone fra%tures. he pain usually orsens in people ith this %on(ition

    (urin+ physi%al a%ti&ity. Hoe&er, +reat stri(es ha&e been ma(e in treatin+ steosar%oma.

    Before mo(ern te%hnolo+y, many people ith this (isease re#uire( amputation, but those ho

    are affli%te( ith steosar%oma %an no be %ure( ith the use of %hemotherapy. 3ike

    steosar%oma, there is another skeletal (isease that is (e&elope(, but perhaps %an still be linke(

    to here(itary ori+ins.

    *hon(rosar%oma, is a &ery rare form of bone %an%er that is also belie&e( to be +eneti%ally

    linke( (espite the fa%t that the (isease is (e&elope(. he maority of those ho obtain this

    (isease are men beteen the a+es of tenty an( si)ty. *hon(rosar%oma %an be foun( in any area

    that %ontains %artila+e in hi%h tumors be+in to form. !s state( pre&iously, those that (e&elop

    *hon(rosar%oma often ha&e a +eneti% pre(isposition to the (isease. or instan%e, it is belie&e(

    that those ith 5a+et-s (isease, hi%h is inherite(, are at a hi+her risk to (e&elop

    *hon(rosar%oma. !part from other %on(itions that %reate a hi+her risk in (e&elopin+ the (isease,

    the spe%ifi% %auses are unknon. hose ith this %on(ition often e)perien%e symptoms

    asso%iate( ith pain, sellin+, an( limite( mo&ement. Hoe&er, *hon(rosar%oma is most often

    treate( throu+h the sur+i%al remo&al of the tumors. nly in rare %ases ill amputation be

    su++este( in hi%h tumors %onstantly reo%%ur. "n a((ition to %on(itions that are (e&elope( o&er

    a %ertain perio( of time, there are also present skeletal (iseases that are purely +eneti% in nature.

    Multiple Here(itary /)ostoses is an inherite( (isease in hi%h small tumors (e&elop on

    the surfa%e of bone stru%tures. Some of the maor symptoms asso%iate( ith this skeletal (isease

  • 7/25/2019 Health Homework the Skeletal System



    in%lu(e bone pain, lumps in the bones as ell as (eformities, an( a small stature. "n a((ition to

    tumors in %ertain bones, Multiple Here(itary /)ostoses %an also be %ause( by pree)istin+

    %on(itions su%h as *hon(rosar%oma an( steosar%oma, hi%h ere pre&iously (is%usse(. Most

    often, sur+i%al pro%e(ures are %on(u%te( in or(er to treat this (isease hen tumors be+in to

    ne+ati&ely affe%t +roth. Hoe&er, the folloin+ skeletal (isease seems to ha&e the most

    profoun( effe%ts not ust insi(e the bo(y, but also e)ternally.

    !%hon(roplasia is a (isease that usually is not inherite( an( often times results from a

    spontaneous mutation. Males an( females are e#ually affli%te( ith this %on(ition hi%h is

    %onsi(ere( a type of (isproportionate (arfism. "n other or(s, those that are affe%te( by

    !%hon(roplasia are often no more than four feet tall an( ha&e limbs that are unusually short.

    his (isease o%%urs hen %artila+e refuses to form into bone as a normal human bo(y oul(. !s

    a result, a person ith !%hon(roplasia has limbs that fail to %omplement the rest of their bo(y.

    "n a((ition to an abnormally short stature an( short limbs, symptoms in%lu(e fin+ers that may

    point aay from ea%h other, an abnormally lar+e forehea( in %omparison ith rest of the bo(y,

    an( insuffi%ient (e&elopment beteen the forehea( an( upper a stru%ture. here are no

    spe%ifi% %ures treatments for !%hon(roplasia. Hoe&er, sometimes (o%tors utili'e +roth

    hormones for %hil(ren ith the (isease in or(er to stimulate the rate of bone +roth.

    $hen %onsi(erin+ the many (iseases an( %on(itions that affe%t the human skeletal

    system, spe%ifi%ally those that are here(itary in nature, one mi+ht #uestion hether there is

    anythin+ that %an be (one to pre&ent these (iseases. !lthou+h there is no sure ay to pre&ent

    bone %an%er or other skeletal (iseases, one may stri&e to ensure the health of their skeletal system

    throu+h eatin+ healthy, (aily e)er%ise, the utili'ation of prote%ti&e +ear hen parti%ipatin+ in

    %ompetiti&e sports, an( (aily %he%kups ith a (o%tor.

  • 7/25/2019 Health Homework the Skeletal System



    $orks *ite(

    6!%hon(roplasia.6 : Causes, Symptoms & Diagnosis. 7.p., n.(. $eb. 21 Sept. 2014.

    6Do $e 8no $hat *auses steosar%oma96American CancerSociety. 7.p., n.(. $eb. 21 Sept.


    6$hat "s *hon(rosar%oma96Liddy Shriver Sarcoma Initiative. 7.p., n.(. $eb. 21 Sept. 2014.