health and human services: hhs-2008-acf-orr-zv-0048

8/14/2019 Health and Human Services: HHS-2008-ACF-ORR-ZV-0048 1/46 Department of Health & Human Services Administration for Children and Families Program Office: Office of Refugee Resettlement Funding Opportunity Title: Rescue & Restore Victims of Human Trafficking Regional Program Announcement Type: Initial Funding Opportunity Number: HHS-2008-ACF-ORR-ZV-0048 CFDA Number: 93.598 Due Date For Letter of Intent:  09/05/2007 Due Date for Applications: 10/22/2007 Executive Summary: Building on the work of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Rescue & Restore Victims of Human Trafficking Campaign, which began to establish local anti-trafficking coalitions, the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), in the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) within HHS, seeks to continue and expand its efforts through regional grantees who will serve as the focal point for an intensification of local outreach to and identification of victims of severe forms of trafficking in persons. Each successful applicant will be required to sub-award 60 percent of grant funds received to local grassroots organizations that identify and work with victims of human trafficking, and retain no more than 40 percent of funds. In its role as planner, fiscal agent, monitor, and technical assistance provider, the successful applicant will establish and manage a local network or coalition of sub-grantee awardees. ORR seeks to award one cooperative agreement per geographic area for a period of three years. Applications will be screened and evaluated as indicated in this program announcement. Awards will be contingent on the outcomes of the competition and the availability of funds. The anticipated start date for awards is December 1, 2007. 1

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Department of Health & Human Services

Administration for Children and Families

Program Office: Office of Refugee Resettlement

Funding OpportunityTitle:

Rescue & Restore Victims of HumanTrafficking Regional Program

Announcement Type: Initial

Funding Opportunity



CFDA Number: 93.598

Due Date For Letter of 


09/ 05/ 2007

Due Date for


10/ 22/ 2007

Executive Summary:

Building on the work of the U.S. Department of Health and HumanServices (HHS) Rescue & Restore Victims of Human TraffickingCampaign, which began to establish local anti-trafficking coalitions, theOffice of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), in the Administration for

Children and Families (ACF) within HHS, seeks to continue and expandits efforts through regional grantees who will serve as the focal pointfor an intensification of local outreach to and identification of victims of severe forms of trafficking in persons. Each successful applicant willbe required to sub-award 60 percent of grant funds received to localgrassroots organizations that identify and work with victims of humantrafficking, and retain no more than 40 percent of funds. In its role asplanner, fiscal agent, monitor, and technical assistance provider,the successful applicant will establish and manage a local network orcoalition of sub-grantee awardees. ORR seeks to award onecooperative agreement per geographic area for a period of threeyears. Applications will be screened and evaluated as indicated in thisprogram announcement. Awards will be contingent on the outcomesof the competition and the availability of funds. The anticipated startdate for awards is December 1, 2007.


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Legislative Authority

These grants are authorized by three provisions of law: TraffickingVictims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA) § 106(b), 22 U.S.C. § 7104(b);

TVPA § 107(b)(1)(B), as amended by the Trafficking Victims ProtectionReauthorization Act of 2003 (TVPRA), Pub. L. No. 108-193, §4(a)(2)(B)(ii), 22 U.S.C. § 7105(b)(1)(B); and Immigration andNationality Act § 412(c)(1)(A), 8 U.S.C. § 1522(c)(1)(A).

Section 106(b) of the TVPA provides: "The President, acting throughthe Secretary of Labor, the Secretary of Health and Human Services,the Attorney General, and the Secretary of State, shall establish andcarry out programs to increase public awareness, particularly amongpotential victims of trafficking, of the dangers of trafficking and theprotections that are available for victims of trafficking."

Section 107(b)(1)(B) of the TVPA, as amended by the TVPRA, providesthat ". . .the Secretary of Health and Human Services. . . shall expandbenefits and services to victims of severe forms of trafficking inpersons in the United States and aliens classified as a nonimmigrantunder section 101(a)(15)(T)(ii) of Title 8, without regard to theimmigration status of such victims." The provision also notes that "Inthe case of non-entitlement programs funded by the Secretary of Health and Human Services, such benefits and services may includeservices to assist potential victims of trafficking in achieving

certification and to assist minor dependent children of victims of severe forms of trafficking in persons or potential victims of trafficking." This provision anticipates activities to assist victims priorto HHS certification, which would otherwise be required in order forvictims to access most Federally funded benefits.

Funding Opportunity Description


Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery. Victims of humantrafficking are young children, teenagers, men and women. Victims of 

human trafficking are subjected to sexual exploitation or forced laborthrough the use of force, fraud, or coercion by traffickers. Manyvictims of human trafficking are forced to work in prostitution or thesex entertainment industry, but trafficking also occurs in forms of labor exploitation, such as domestic servitude, restaurant work, janitorial work, sweatshop factory work and migrant agricultural work.


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Traffickers use various techniques to instill fear in victims and to keepthem enslaved.

The TVPA and subsequent reauthorizations designate HHS as theagency responsible for helping victims of human trafficking become

eligible to receive benefits and services so they may rebuild their livessafely in the U.S.

The legislative mandate of HHS is to:

1. Conduct public awareness, which is accomplished through a nationalpublic awareness campaign, outreach and education, and technicalassistance and training for capacity building; and

2. Certify victims to be eligible for services, which is accomplishedthrough victim outreach, identification, certification, and serviceprovision.

HHS currently fulfills this mandate through the use of contracts,grants, and other mechanisms designed to:

a) Identify trafficking victims and make service referrals through theprovision of direct street outreach to victims of human trafficking inthe United States, including international, U.S. citizen and lawfulpermanent resident victims;b) Coordinate regional outreach activities and service provision forvictims in specific geographic areas;c) Serve pre-certified and certified trafficking victims through a

network of service providers throughout the U.S.;d) Raise public awareness of trafficking through the national Rescue & Restore Victims of Human Trafficking campaign; ande) Connect trafficking victims to local service providers and provideinformation to the general public via the National Human TraffickingResource Center (toll free 888-3737-888).

Building on previous work under the HHS Rescue & Restore Victims of Human Trafficking Campaign, which included the establishmentof local anti-trafficking coalitions throughout the country, ORR intendsto leverage the strengths of grassroots anti-trafficking organizations

and actors through the awarding of cooperative agreementsto regional grantees to coordinate anti-trafficking efforts in a specificgeographical area.

Each successful applicant will serve as the focal point for anintensification of local outreach to and identification of victims of human trafficking and serve as a point of contact for coalition efforts intheir region. ORR's aim is to build a strong network of care that will


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build the capacity of participating organizations and result in greaternumbers of trafficking victims identified and rescued. To that end,each successful applicant will be required to sub-award 60 percent of grant funds to local grassroots organizations that identify and workwith victims of human trafficking, and retain no more than 40 percent

of funds. Recipients of sub-awards must be located in the localcommunity to which it provides services. As capacity building is animportant focus of ORR's anti-trafficking strategy, applicants arestrongly encouraged to provide sub-awards to recipients that have a)a human trafficking activities budget of $300,000 or less, OR b) six orfewer full-time equivalent employees. The budget limitationpreference includes only that portion of an organization's budgetallocated to providing outreach and services to trafficked persons. Itdoes not include portions of the budget related to administrativeexpenses or non-trafficking social services work. In its role asplanner, fiscal agent, monitor, and technical assistance provider,the successful applicant will establish and manage these local networksof sub-awardees. No more than 20 percent of retained funds may beused for administration and management of coalition efforts.Examples of allowable costs for the remaining 20 percent of fundsinclude transportation, provision of services, and outreach.


The Rescue & Restore Victims of Human Trafficking Regional Programcooperative agreements have the following objectives:

1. To increase the number of victims of trafficking who are identified,assisted in leaving the circumstances of their exploitation, andconnected to a service delivery system that may include the NationalHuman Trafficking Resource Center, the HHS certification process, andthe Services to Victims of Human Trafficking contract funded by HHS.Each successful applicant must establish, in coordination with its sub-awardees, numerical targets for the number of victims identified andconnected to services (all victims and derivative T status holders), andthe number of victims certified (for victims that are not U.S. citizens orlawful permanent residents).

2. To build on the work accomplished to date by the existing Rescue & Restore Campaign in establishing dedicated coalitions that mayinclude local government personnel, community health officials, localservice providers, community-based organizations, ethnicorganizations, law enforcement, family court and juvenile justiceofficials, victims of crime, and others working collaboratively to endtrafficking in their community.


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3. To establish a focal point for Rescue & Restore coalition activities;increasing and strengthening coalition membership, particularly in thetarget sectors of anti-trafficking organizations, social service providers(including runaway shelters, homeless shelters, substanceabuse treatment centers, domestic violence organizations and

shelters, sexual assault responders and organizations dealing withwomen's issues), faith-based organizations and congregations, ethnicand mutual assistance organizations, legal servicesorganizations, public health entities (including emergency room staff,clinic staff, family planning clinics, and schools of public health andsocial work), government (including local, State, law enforcement, ACFregional offices and consular offices), immigration organizations,business/labor, education, and transportation; and planning andexecuting outreach activities and training opportunities for coalitionmembers.

4. To build local, regional, and organizational capacity by facilitatinglinkages among grassroots anti-trafficking and victim serviceorganizations and local and Federal law enforcement agencies or taskforces for victim identification and provision of services.

5. To provide training and technical assistance to local organizationsand members of the local Rescue & Restore coalition, as well as locallaw enforcement agencies.

6. To build infrastructure by providing financial assistance to existingprograms of direct outreach and services to populations among which

victims of human trafficking may be found in order to support andexpand these programs' capacity to identify, serve, and seekcertification for trafficking victims.

7. To educate the general public through campaign messages andmaterials (may include demand reduction, such as the developmentand dissemination of information and education materials targeted tothe potential users, purveyors, or beneficiaries of labor or servicesperformed or as a result of services by victims of trafficking) andconnect local anti-trafficking efforts with the activities, materials, andassistance of the national Rescue & Restore Campaign funded by HHS.

8. To create a Regional Promising Practices Compendium to be madeavailable to the human trafficking community via the ORR website.This compendium will include promising practices and lessons learnedregarding regional victim identification, law enforcement collaborationand service provision; narratives regarding the trafficking-vulnerablepopulations and trafficking situations typical of the region; andmapping of areas where trafficking takes place.


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Applicants must set forth in detail information concerning thefollowing:

1. Overview:

- A comprehensive overview of the applicant organization, organizationqualifications and history, including philosophy, goals, and history of experience with respect to anti-human trafficking activities.

2. Management Plan:- A plan for overall fiscal and program management and accountabilityof awarded and sub-awarded funds.- A description of the organizational structure and lines of authority(organization chart).- A comprehensive program staffing plan and information regardingstaff qualifications.- The proposed strategy, timeline and benchmarks for each projectobjective listed above.- A comprehensive plan for coordination of activities among thevarious program components and community and governmentalagencies.- A comprehensive plan for coordination with both local and Federallaw enforcement entities, including but not limited to Department of Justice Task Forces, police departments, sheriffs departments,Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents, and FederalBureau of Investigation (FBI) agents, regarding victim identification

and certification, prosecution of traffickers, law enforcement training,and all other pertinent award activities.- A description of the role(s) and responsibility(ies) of any proposedconsultants and the rationale for their use.- A listing of all current and planned partnerships with othercommunity service providers, outreach organizations and other non-governmental organizations (NGOs) (if applicable).

3. Evaluation:- A plan for developing and maintaining internal programmatic andfiscal accountability;

- A plan for ensuring programmatic and fiscal accountability andmonitoring of sub-awardees; and- A plan for assessing sub-awardees performance.

4. Subawards:- A list of each proposed sub-awardee, including an overview of thesub-awardee organization, organization qualifications and history,including philosophy, goals, and history of experience with respect to


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direct outreach to vulnerable populations. In addition, include adescription of how each will contribute to the applicant's overall goalsof identifying, serving, and seeking certification for trafficking victims.Sub-awardees are not required to have previous anti-traffickingexperience, but must be able to contribute to the applicant's goals and

results expected.


Funding to a recipient may be terminated, including termination of agrant, if ORR determines, in its sole discretion that the recipient of thefunds has failed to comply with the requirements of thisannouncement.

A recipient whose funding has been terminated shall reimburse ORRfor all funds expended after the violation occurred, or, in the case of agrant, the funds in their entirety will be unallowable costs to the grantif ORR determines that an organization's certification was or hasbecome false. See Section IV concerning Certification RegardingProstitution.

In addition to termination of funding, a recipient in violation of SectionIV concerning Certification Regarding Prostitution may be suspendedor debarred from receiving any further Federal Government funds if ORR determines that the violation of that section was willful.

Terminations are subject to 45 CFR Part 74.61 and 74.62 for non-profits and 45 CFR Part 92.43 and 45 CFR 92.44 for governmental



Funding Instrument Type: Cooperative Agreement

Substantial Involvement w ith Cooperative Agreement:

Under a cooperative agreement, substantial involvement is anticipatedbetween the awarding office and the recipient during performance of the funded activity. Substantial involvement will require that theproject plan proposed be approved by the ORR Project Officer prior toimplementation. Substantial involvement may include collaboration bythe ORR Project Officer in certain specified activities as determined byORR and, as appropriate, decision-making at specified milestonesrelated to performance.


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Under the cooperative agreement, the successful applicant will beexpected to submit for Federal review and approval:

(1) Status meetings by telephone with ORR representatives to reviewproject implementation (weekly, or as required by the Project Officer);

(2) Memoranda of Understanding with organizations selected forreceipt of sub-awarded funds;(3) Schedule for monitoring sub-awardees with respect to location,dates and topics;(4) Reports following site visits of sub-awardees; and(5) Quarterly performance and expenditure reports, including trackingof victims positively identified, connected to services, and certified.

Anticipated Total Priority AreaFunding:


Anticipated Number of Aw ards: 8 to 10

Range of Amounts of IndividualAwards:

$100,000 to $300,000 per budgetperiod

Floor on Amount of Individual



Average Projected Award Amount: $250,000 per budget period

Length of Project Periods: 36-month project with three 12-month

budget periods

Initial awards will be made for the first 12-month budget period.Continuation awards for the second and third 12-month budget periodwill be subject to the availability of funds, satisfactory progress by thegrantee, and a determination that continued funding would be in thebest interest of the Federal Government.

Aw ards under this announcement are subject to the availabilityof funds. 


1. Eligible Applicants: 


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•  Unrestricted (i.e., open to any type of entity subject toexceptions specified below.)

Eligibility is open to all types of domestic applicants other thanindividuals.

Faith-based and community organizations that meet the statutoryeligibility requirements are eligible to apply under this announcement.

Foreign entities are not eligible under this announcement.

HHS funds may not be paid as profit to any recipient even if therecipient is a commercial organization (45 CFR 74.81).

Please see Section IV for required documentation supporting eligibilityor funding restrictions if any are applicable.

2. Cost Sharing or Matching: None

3. Other:

The applicant should have in-depth knowledge of the geographicalarea in which it will conduct the work of this Cooperative Agreement,as well as be familiar with the national, regional and local grassrootsgroups that are involved in anti-trafficking work. In addition, theapplicant must be located within the region in which it proposes towork.

Section 7 of the TVPRA, 22 U.S.C. § 7110(g), provides that "No funds

made available to carry out [the Act] may be used to promote,support, or advocate the legalization or practice of prostitution." Itfurther provides that "No funds made available to carry out [the Act]may be used to implement any program . . . through any organizationthat has not stated in either a grant application, a grant agreement, orboth, that it does not promote, support, or advocate the legalization orpractice of prostitution." Therefore, applicants seeking ORR-administered Federal anti-trafficking funds must certify that they willnot use the funds to promote, support or advocate the legalization orthe practice of prostitution. Applicants must include a completed,

signed certification with their application. More details about thecertification can be found at Section IV under "Forms, Assurances, andCertifications."

Disqualification Factors 

Applications with requests that exceed the ceiling amount (forresearch projects) or the upper range value (for all other


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projects) will be deemed non-responsive and will not beconsidered for funding under this announcement. See Section

II., Award Information.

Any application that fails to satisfy the deadline requirements

referenced in Section IV.3., Submission Dates and Times, will bedeemed non-responsive and will not be considered for fundingunder this announcement.

Applications that do not contain a certification that the applicantwill not use the funds to promote, support, or advocate thelegalization or the practice of prostitution will be deemed non-responsive and will not be considered for funding under thisannouncement.


1. Address to Request Application Package: 

Vanessa GarzaU.S. Department of Health and Human ServicesAdministration for Children and FamiliesOffice of Refugee Resettlement370 L'Enfant Promenade, SW.Aerospace Building, 8th Floor-West

Washington, DC 20447Phone: 202-401-2334Email: [email protected] 

2. Content and Form of Application Submission: 

Letters of intent are encouraged but not required. Letters of intent toapply are expected to be received by 4:30 p.m., eastern time, by thedue date found at the beginning of the announcement and in SectionIV.3. Letters should state the funding opportunity number, theapplicant's name and contact information, and the geographical area in

which the applicant will operate. One letter for each geographic areathat is being applied for should be submitted.

Letters of intent should be sent to the attention of Vanessa Garza,Director of Trafficking in Persons Program, Office of RefugeeResettlement, Administration for Children and Families, 370 L'EnfantPromenade, SW., Aerospace Building, 8th Floor-West, Washington,DC, 20447.


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Letters may also be sent by facsimile to: 202-401-5487; or by emailto: [email protected].

Applications must include, in an appendix, copies of all writtenmaterials that will be provided to victims of severe forms of trafficking,

including victims of sex trafficking, and these materials must be clearand appropriate.

Application ContentEach application must include the following components and in thefollowing order. Applications should be organized according to thechecklist found below in Section IV.3.

- Project Summary/Abstract of the Proposed Project - not to exceedone page (would be suitable to use in announcing the grant award, if selected), which identifies the type of project, the target population,

and the major elements of the work plan.- Table of Contents- Project Description/Narrative - a narrative that addresses issuesdescribed in the "The Project Description Overview" and the"Evaluation Criteria" found in Section V.1 of this announcement.- Budget- Narrative Budget Justification - for each object class categoryrequired under Section B, Standard Form (SF) 424A.- SF 424 - signed by an official of the organization applying for thegrant who has authority to legally obligate the organization.- SF 424A - Budget Information-Non-Construction Programs- Certification Regarding Prostitution- Certification Regarding Lobbying- Certification Regarding Environmental Tobacco Smoke- Third-Party Agreements- Third-Party Agreements with all sub-awardees- Letters of Support - up to three letters of support will be accepted.

Application Format- Do not include organizational brochures or other promotionalmaterials, slides, films, clips, etc.

- The font size may be no smaller than 12 point and the margins mustbe at least one inch on all sides.- Number all application pages sequentially throughout the package,beginning with the abstract of the proposed project as page numberone.- For those submitting in hardcopy, submit application materials onwhite 8.5 x 11 inch paper only.- Do not use colored, oversized or folded materials.


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- For those submitting in hardcopy, present application materialseither in loose-leaf notebooks or in folders with page two-hole punchedat the top center and fastened separately with a slide paper fastener.

Page Limitation

- Each application narrative should not exceed 30 pages double-spaced.- Attachments and appendices should not exceed 30 pages and shouldbe used only to provide supporting documentation such asadministration charts, position descriptions, resumes, and letters of intent or partnership agreements.- A table of contents and an executive summary should be includedbut will not count in the page limitations.- Each page should be numbered sequentially, including theattachments and appendices.- This limitation of 30 pages should be considered as a maximum, and

not necessarily a goal.- Application forms are not to be counted in the page limit. Any pagesthat go beyond the 30-page limit will not be considered in the reviewprocess.- Do not include books or videotapes as they are not easily reproducedand are therefore inaccessible to the reviewers. The review panel willnot consider submitted material that exceeds the 30-page limit.

The applicant must specify the geographic area in which it will conductactivities.

D-U-N-S Requirement 

All applicants must have a D&B Data Universal Numbering System (D-U-N-S) number. On June 27, 2003, the Office of Management andBudget (OMB) published in the Federal Register a new Federal policyapplicable to all Federal grant applicants. The policy requires Federalgrant applicants to provide a D-U-N-S number when applying forFederal grants or cooperative agreements on or after October 1,2003. The D-U-N-S number will be required whether an applicant issubmitting a paper application or using the government-wideelectronic portal, A D-U-N-S number will be required for

every application for a new award or renewal/continuation of anaward, including applications or plans under formula, entitlement, andblock grant programs, submitted on or after October 1, 2003.

Please ensure that your organization has a D-U-N-S number. You mayacquire a D-U-N-S number at no cost by calling the dedicated toll-freeD-U-N-S number request line at 1-866-705-5711 or you may requesta number on-line at


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Proof of Non-Profit Status 

Non-profit organizations applying for funding are required to submitproof of their non-profit status.

Proof of non-profit status is any one of the following:

•  A reference to the applicant organization's listing in the IRS'smost recent list of tax-exempt organizations described in the IRSCode.

•  A copy of a currently valid IRS tax-exemption certificate.

•  A statement from a State taxing body, State attorney general, orother appropriate State official certifying that the applicantorganization has non-profit status and that none of the netearnings accrue to any private shareholders or individuals.

•  A certified copy of the organization's certificate of incorporation

or similar document that clearly establishes non-profit status.•  Any of the items in the subparagraphs immediately above for a

State or national parent organization and a statement signed bythe parent organization that the applicant organization is a localnon-profit affiliate.

When applying electronically, we strongly suggest that you attach yourproof of non-profit status with your electronic application.

Private, non-profit organizations are encouraged to submit with theirapplications the survey titled "Survey on Ensuring Equal Opportunity

for Applicants" found under the "Survey" heading at:

Forms, Assurances, and Certifications 

The project description should include all the information requirementsdescribed in the specific evaluation criteria outlined in this programannouncement under Section V. Application Review Information. Inaddition to the project description, the applicant needs to complete allof the Standard Forms required as part of the application process forawards under this announcement.

Applicants seeking financial assistance under this announcement mustfile the appropriate Standard Forms (SFs) as described in thissection. All applicants must submit an SF-424, Application for FederalAssistance. For non-construction programs, applicants must alsosubmit an SF-424A, Budget Information and an SF-424B,Assurances. For construction programs, applicants must also submitSF-424C, Budget Information and SF-424D, Assurances. For research


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programs that involve human subjects, the Protection of HumanSubjects Assurance Identification/IRB Certification/Declaration of Exemption form must be submitted. All forms may be reproduced foruse in submitting applications. Applicants must sign and return thestandard forms with their application.

Applicants must furnish, prior to award, an executed copy of theCertification Regarding Lobbying. Applicants must sign and return thecertification with their application. The Certification RegardingLobbying may be found at: (If any fundshave been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing orattempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, aMember of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or anemployee of a Member of Congress in connection with thiscommitment providing for the United States to insure or guarantee a

loan, the applicant shall complete and submit Standard Form (SF)-LLL,"Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," in accordance with itsinstructions.)

Applicants must also understand that they will be held accountable forthe smoking prohibition included within Public Law (P.L.) 103-227,Title XII Environmental Tobacco Smoke (also known as the ProChildren Act of 1994). A copy of the Federal Register notice thatimplements the smoking prohibition is included with this form. Bysigning and submitting the application, applicants are providing thenecessary certification and are not required to return it.

Applicants must make the appropriate certification of their compliancewith all Federal statutes relating to nondiscrimination. By signing andsubmitting the application, applicants are providing the necessarycertification and are not required to return it. Complete the standardforms and the associated certifications and assurances based on theinstructions on the forms. The forms and certifications may be foundat:

Certification Regarding Prostitution 

The U.S. Government is opposed to prostitution and related activities,which are inherently harmful and dehumanizing, and contribute to thephenomenon of trafficking in persons. Reducing the incidence of prostitution is an inseparable part of the larger strategy to combattrafficking.

As noted in Section III, the TVPRA has two provisions concerningrestrictions on the use of trafficking funds that require from applicants


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a certification regarding prostitution: Restriction on Programs andRestriction on Organizations. Under the Restriction on Programs, nofunds made available by ORR for the purpose of monitoring orcombating trafficking in persons may be used to promote, support, oradvocate the legalization or practice of prostitution. See 22 U.S.C. §

7110(g)(1). Nothing in the previous sentence shall be construed topreclude assistance designed to ameliorate the suffering of, or healthrisks to, victims: (1) while they are being trafficked or (2) after theyare out of the situation that resulted from such victims beingtrafficked. Moreover, there is no prohibition on the provision of emergency medical care for an emergency medical condition,whenever provided. ORR has determined that the statutoryprohibition on "support" for prostitution does not prohibit the provisionof emergency medical care for an emergency medical condition, andthus that recipients of funds may provide emergency medical care foran emergency medical condition to victims during the two time periodsdescribed above.

Under Restriction on Organizations, no funds made available for thepurpose of monitoring or combating trafficking in persons may be usedto implement any program that targets victims of severe forms of trafficking in persons through any organization that has not certifiedthat it does not promote, support, or advocate the legalization orpractice of prostitution. However, the preceding sentence does notapply to organizations that provide services to individuals solely afterthey are no longer engaged in activities that resulted from such

victims being trafficked. See 22 U.S.C. § 7110(g)(2).

To aid applicants' understanding of these requirements, ORR providesthe following definitions:

"To support the legalization or the practice of prostitution" means toknowingly provide financial support, including the transfer of funds,services, or goods, to any individual or organization that engages inthe practice of prostitution or that promotes or advocates thelegalization or the practice of prostitution, or that supports thelegalization of prostitution; or to endorse a document or conference

that supports the legalization of prostitution; or to provide assistanceto trafficking victims that is not ameliorative assistance as defined inthis announcement. An organization or recipient shall not be deemedto have knowingly provided such support if that organization orrecipient did not know, and by the exercise of reasonable diligencewould not have known, that the support was being used for or wouldbe used for such purposes. Further, providing trafficking victims with


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emergency medical care for an emergency medical condition does notconstitute such support.

"To promote or to advocate the legalization or the practice of prostitution" means to use financial, personal, in-kind, or other

resources to further the legalization or the practice of prostitution,including sponsoring or supporting conferences or publications thatfurther the legalization or the practice of prostitution. This includes,but is not limited to, engaging in lobbying activities or publicinformation or advocacy campaigns.

"Ameliorative Assistance" means assistance intended to relieve thesuffering of, or health risks to, victims of trafficking caused by theirbeing trafficked or their engagement in activities resulting from suchvictims being trafficked, including incidental or limited assistancedeemed necessary to develop a relationship and rapport with the

victim as part of a strategy to help the victim escape his or hertrafficked condition and cease those activities which result from theirbeing trafficked. It does not mean assistance that supports thetrafficker or is not intended to facilitate the eventual rescue of thetrafficking victim.

HHS, as a member of the Senior Policy Operating Group (SPOG), astatutorily established inter-agency, U.S. Government coordinatingbody, has decided that a statement in the form of a certification is thebest means to ensure enforcement of these requirements. Therequired certification has three basic parts, each of which applicants

must complete. The actual text of each part is provided below forexplanatory purposes. A blank certification has also been reprinted inAppendix A for applicants' use.

The first part implements the statutory Restriction on Programsthrough a Use of Funds Certification, in which the applicant seekingORR-administered Federal anti-trafficking funds certifies that it will notuse the funds to promote, support, or advocate the legalization or thepractice of prostitution.

The second part implements the Restriction on Organizations through

three alternative certifications, of which applicants must sign at leastone. Organizations implementing a program targeting victims of severe forms of trafficking must provide the Primary EligibilityCertification, unless they serve only individuals who are no longerengaged in the activities that resulted from such victims beingtrafficked. In that case, they must provide Secondary EligibilityCertification A, stating that they serve only victims who are no longerengaged in the activities that resulted from the victims being


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trafficked. Other organizations that provide services to victims of non-severe forms of trafficking or otherwise do not meet the criteria fororganizations that must provide the other certifications must provideSecondary Eligibility Certification B, stating that the organization doesnot implement a program that targets victims of severe forms of 


The third part of the certification contains Acknowledgement and Sub-recipient Certifications. These require each applicant to acknowledgethat its provision of the certifications is a prerequisite to receivingFederal funds, that ORR can stop or withdraw those funds if ORR findsa certification to have been, or become, inaccurate, and that theapplicant will ensure that all sub-grantees listed in the application alsoprovide the required certifications. As detailed below, a sub-granteemust, at a minimum, provide the same certification as that providedby the original applicant.

The certification must be completed and signed by an officer or otherperson authorized to bind the applicant and must be submitted as partof the grant application.

All applicants must provide:- Use of Funds Certification, and- Acknowledgement and Sub-recipient Certifications

Organizations that are applicants must provide at least one of thefollowing:

- Primary Eligibility Certification; or- Secondary Eligibility Certification A; or- Secondary Eligibility Certification B.

Organizations that are listed in the application as sub-grantees of anorganization providing the Primary Eligibility Certification mustthemselves provide the Primary Eligibility Certification. Likewise,organizations that are listed in the application as sub-grantees of anorganization providing Secondary Eligibility Certification A mustthemselves provide Secondary Eligibility Certification A, andorganizations that are listed in the application as sub-grantees of an

organization providing Secondary Eligibility Certification B mustprovide Secondary Eligibility Certification B. Certifications by the sub-grantees must be included in the grant application.

The certifications shall state as follows:

Use of Funds Certification: "I hereby certify that the recipient of thefunds made available through this grant will not use such funds to


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promote, support, or advocate the legalization or the practice of prostitution."

Eligibility Certifications (an organization must check at least one). SeeAppendix A Certification Regarding Prostitution and Related Activities

at the end of this Announcement.Primary Eligibility Certification: "I certify that the organization does notpromote, support, or advocate the legalization or the practice of prostitution and will not promote, support, or advocate the legalizationor the practice of prostitution during the term of this grant. I furthercertify that the organization does not operate through any otherorganization or individual that supports, promotes, or advocates thelegalization or the practice of prostitution."

Secondary Eligibility Certification A: "I certify that the organizationprovides services to individuals only after they are no longer engagedin activities that resulted from such victims being trafficked, and thatthe organization does not operate through any organization thatprovides services to victims other than after those victims are nolonger engaged in the activities that resulted from their beingtrafficked. I further certify that if, during the grant term, theorganization or any sub-recipient begins to provide services to othervictims, the organization and all its sub-recipients, prior to the timesuch services are provided, will provide the Primary EligibilityCertification above."

Secondary Eligibility Certification B: "I certify that the organizationdoes not implement a program that serves victims of severe forms of trafficking, and that the recipient does not operate through anyorganization or individual that implements a program that servesvictims of severe forms of trafficking. I further certify that if, duringthe grant term, the organization or any sub-recipient begins toimplement such a program, the organization and all its sub-recipients,prior to implementation of such a program, will provide the PrimaryEligibility Certification above."

Acknowledgement and Sub-Recipient Certifications: "I further certify

that the recipient acknowledges that these certifications are aprerequisite to receipt of United States Government funds inconnection with this grant, and that any violation of these certificationsshall be grounds for unilateral termination by ORR of any grant prior tothe end of its term and recovery of appropriated funds expended priorto termination. I further certify that the recipient will include thisidentical certification requirement in any grant to a sub-recipient of 


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funds made available under this grant, and will require such sub-recipient to provide the same certification that the organization chose."

Sub-grantees listed in the application must provide ORR with acertification as set out above or in a separate writing signed by the

sub-recipients' officer or other person authorized to bind the recipient,either of which must be submitted as part of the application for thegrant.

Once awarded a grant, a recipient shall be considered in violation of itscertifications if an individual who is an employee, director, orotherwise under the control of the recipient supports, promotes, oradvocates the legalization or the practice of prostitution, unless:

(1) The recipient does not endorse or provide financial support for theaction by the individual and prohibits the individual from acceptingreimbursement from other organizations for such action insofar assuch reimbursement is given on account of the individual's positionwith the recipient.(2) The recipient takes reasonable steps necessary to ensure that areasonable observer would understand that the recipient is notrepresented by the individual and that the recipient does not endorsethe individual's promotion, support, or advocacy.

Recipients and sub-recipients of funds must file a renewed certificationupon any extension, amendment, or modification of the grant thatextends the term of such instrument or adds additional funds to it.

Restriction on Programs Operated with or through ConsortiaNo funds made available for the purpose of monitoring or combatingthe trafficking of persons may be made available through, or expendedby, programs operated with, or through, a consortium of organizationsthat includes any organization that has not provided ORR with acertification as set out in this section.

Record-Keeping and InspectionPress and public relations material, Internet content, and other broadlydisseminated documents (such as training manuals, curricula, andother educational matter) pertinent to establishing the validity of thecertifications provided shall be maintained by recipients and sub-recipients for a period of three years after the end of the term of thegrant through which the funds were provided. If any litigation, claimor audit is started before the expiration of the three-year period, therecords must be retained until all litigation, claims or audit findingsinvolving the materials have been resolved and final action taken.


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Authorized employees of ORR have the right to timely and unrestrictedaccess to the materials described in the paragraph above. This rightalso includes timely and reasonable access to a recipient's personnelfor the purpose of interview and discussion related to such documents.

Termination of FundingSee Section I concerning Termination of Funding.

Private, non-profit organizations are encouraged to submit with theirapplications the survey titled "Survey on Ensuring Equal Opportunity

for Applicants" found under the "Survey" heading at:

Please see Section V.1 for instructions on preparing the full projectdescription.

Please reference Section IV.3 for details about acknowledgement of 

received applications.

Electronic Submission 

Applicants to ACF may submit their applications in either electronic orpaper format. To submit an application electronically, please use the site. 

When using, applicants will be able to download acopy of the application package, complete it off-line, and then uploadand submit the application via the site. ACF will not

accept grant applications via facsimile or email.

Acceptable electronic formats for the application attachments(narratives, charts, etc.) must use the following standard technologies,i.e., Microsoft (Word and Excel), Word Perfect, Adobe PDF, Jpeg, andGif.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Before submitting an electronic application,applicants must complete the organization registration process as wellas obtain and register "electronic signature credentials" for theAuthorized Organization Representative (AOR). Since this process may

take more than five business days, it is important to start this processearly, well in advance of the application deadline. Be sure tocomplete all ww registration processes listed on

the Organization Registration Checklist, which can be found at 

Please note the following if planning to submit an applicationelectronically via


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•  Electronic submission is voluntary, but strongly encouraged.

•  Applicants may access the electronic application for this programat There applicants can search for thedownloadable application package by utilizing FIND function.

•  It is strongly recommended that applicants do not w aituntil the application deadline date to begin the application

process through w Applicants areencouraged to submit their applications well before the closingdate and time so that if difficulties are encountered there will stillbe sufficient time to submit a hard copy via express mail. It isto an applicant's advantage to submit 24 hours ahead of 

the closing date and time in order to address anydifficulties that may be encountered. 

•  To use, you, the applicant must have a D-U-N-S number and register in the Central Contractor Registry(CCR). Applicants should allow a minimum of five days tocomplete the CCR registration. REMINDER: CCR registrationexpires each year and thus must be updated annually.

Applicants cannot upload an application w ithout having a current CCR

registration AND electronic signature credentials for theAOR. 

•  The electronic application is submitted by the AOR. To submitelectronically, the AOR must obtain and register electronicsignature credentials approved by the organization's E-Business

Point of Contact who maintains the organization's CCRregistration.

•  Applicants may submit all documents electronically, including allinformation typically included on the SF-424 and all necessaryassurances and certifications.

•  Though applying electronically, the application must still complywith any page limitation requirements described in this programannouncement.

•  After the application is submitted electronically, the applicant willreceive an automatic acknowledgement from

that contains a tracking number. ACF willretrieve the electronically submitted application

•  ACF may request that the applicant provide original signatureson forms at a later date.

•  Applicants will not receive additional point value for submitting agrant application in electronic format, nor will ACF penalize anapplicant if they submit an application in hard copy.


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•  If any difficulties are encountered in using,please contact the Contact Center at: 1-800-518-4726, or by email at [email protected] to report the problemand obtain assistance.

•  Checklists and registration brochures are maintained to assist

applicants in the registration process and may be found at:

•  When submitting electronically via, applicantsmust comply with all due dates AND  times referenced in SectionIV.3. Submission Dates and Times.

•  For applicants that must demonstrate proof of non-profit statusbefore the award date, ACF strongly suggests that proof of non-profit status be attached to the electronic application. Proof of non-profit status and any other required documentation may bescanned and attached as an "Other Attachment." Acceptabletypes of proof of non-profit status are stated earlier in thissection.

•  The website complies with Section 508 of theRehabilitation Act of 1973. webpages are designed towork with assistive technologies such as screen readers. If anapplicant uses assistive technology and is unable to access anymaterial on the site, email the contact center [email protected] for assistance.

Hard Copy Submission 

Applicants that are submitting their application in paper format shouldsubmit one original and two copies of the complete application. Theoriginal and each of the two copies must include all required forms,certifications, assurances, and appendices, be signed by an authorizedrepresentative, and be unbound. The original copy of the applicationmust have original signature(s).

Non-Federal Reviewers 

Since ACF will be using non-Federal reviewers in the review process,applicants have the option of omitting from the application copies (not

the original) specific salary rates or amounts for individuals specified inthe application budget as well as Social Security Numbers, if otherwiserequired for individuals. The copies may include summary salaryinformation.

If applicants are submitting their application electronically, ACF willomit the same specific salary rate information from copies made foruse during the review and selection process.


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3. Submission Dates and Times: 

Due Date For Letter of Intent: 09/05/2007

Due Date for Applications: 10/ 22/ 2007

Explanation of Due Dates 

The due date for receipt of applications is referencedabove. Applications received after 4:30 p.m., eastern time, on thedue date will be classified as late and will not be considered in thecurrent competition.

Applicants are responsible for ensuring that applications are mailed orhand-delivered or submitted electronically well in advance of theapplication due date and time.


Applications that are submitted by mail must be received no later than4:30 p.m., eastern time, on the due date referenced above at theaddress listed in Section IV.6.

Hand Delivery 

Applications hand carried by applicants, applicant couriers, otherrepresentatives of the applicant, or by overnight/express mail couriersmust be received on or before the due date referenced above, betweenthe hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., eastern time, at the address

referenced in Section IV.6., between Monday and Friday (excludingFederal holidays).

Electronic Submission 

Applications submitted electronically via must be submittedno later than 4:30 p.m., eastern time, on the due date referencedabove.

ACF cannot accommodate transmission of applications by facsimile oremail.

Late Applications 

Applications that do not meet the requirements above are consideredlate applications. ACF shall notify each late applicant that itsapplication will not be considered in the current competition.


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Extension of Deadlines 

ACF may extend application deadlines when circumstances such asacts of God (floods, hurricanes, etc.) occur; when there arewidespread disruptions of mail service; or in other rare cases. Adetermination to extend or waive deadline requirements rests with theChief Grants Management Officer.

Receipt acknowledgement for application packages will not be providedto applicants who submit their package via mail, courier services, or byhand delivery. Applicants will receive an electronic acknowledgementfor applications that are submitted via


You may use the checklist below as a guide when preparing yourapplication package.

What to SubmitRequiredContent Required Form or Format

When toSubmit

Letter of Intent SeeSectionIV.2

Found in Section IV.2 09/05/2007


SeeSectionsIV.2 andV

Found in Sections IV.2 and V Byapplicationdue date.

Table of Contents SeeSection V

Found in Section V Byapplicationdue date.

Project Description SeeSectionsIV.2 andV

Found in Sections IV.2 and V Byapplicationdue date.

Budget and BudgetJustification

SeeSectionsIV.2 andV

Found in Sections IV.2 and V Byapplicationdue date.

SF-424 SeeSection




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IV.2 rces.html due date.

SF-424A SeeSectionIV.2


Byapplicationdue date.



Found in Appendix A By date of award.

CertificationRegarding Lobbying



By date of award.

CertificationRegardingEnvironmentalTobacco Smoke



By date of award.


SeeSection V

Found in Section V Byapplicationdue date

Letters of Support SeeSection V

Found in Section V Byapplicationdue date

Additional Forms

Private, non-profit organizations are encouraged to submit with theirapplications the survey titled "Survey on Ensuring Equal Opportunityfor Applicants" found under the "Survey" heading at:

What toSubmit

RequiredContent Required Form or Format

When toSubmit

Survey onEnsuringEqualOpportunityfor


See form. See

Byapplicationdue date. 

4. Intergovernmental Review of Federal P rograms: 

State Single Point of Contact (SPOC) 


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This program is covered under Executive Order (Exec. Order) 12372,"Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs," and 45 CFR Part100, "Intergovernmental Review of Department of Health and HumanServices Programs and Activities." Under the Exec. Order, States maydesign their own processes for reviewing and commenting on proposed

Federal assistance under covered programs.

As of August 1, 2006, the following jurisdictions have elected toparticipate in the Exec. Order process: Arkansas, California, Delaware,District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine,Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire,New York, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Utah,West Virginia, Wisconsin, American Samoa, Guam, Northern MarianaIslands, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands. As these jurisdictionshave elected to participate in the Executive Order process, they haveestablished SPOCs. Applicants from participating jurisdictions should

contact their SPOC, as soon as possible, to alert them of prospectiveapplications and receive instructions. Applicants must submit allrequired materials, if any, to the SPOC and indicate the date of thissubmittal (or the date of contact if no submittal is required) on theStandard Form 424, item 16a.

Under 45 CFR 100.8(a)(2), a SPOC has 60 days from the applicationdeadline to comment on proposed new or competing continuationawards. SPOCs are encouraged to eliminate the submission of routineendorsements as official recommendations. Additionally, SPOCs arerequested to clearly differentiate between mere advisory commentsand those official State process recommendations, which may triggerthe "accommodate or explain" rule.

Comments submitted directly to ACF should be addressed to the U.S.Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Childrenand Families, Office of Grants Management, Division of DiscretionaryGrants, 370 L'Enfant Promenade SW., 6th Floor, Washington, DC20447.

Although the remaining jurisdictions have chosen not to participate inthis process, entities that meet the eligibility requirements of the

Program Announcement are still eligible to apply for a grant even if aState, Territory, or Commonwealth, etc., does not have aSPOC. Therefore, applicants from these jurisdictions, or for projectsadministered by Federally-recognized Indian Tribes, need take noaction in regard to Exec. Order 12372.


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The official list, including addresses, of the jurisdictions that haveelected to participate in Exec. Order 12372 can be found on thefollowing URL:

5. Funding Restrictions:

Fundraising is not an allowable cost under this program.

Grant awards will not allow reimbursement of pre-award costs.

Construction and purchase of real property are not allowable activitiesor expenditures under this grant award.

No grant funds may be used to promote, support, or advocate thelegalization or practice of prostitution. See Section IV concerningCertification Regarding Prostitution.

Current recipients of ORR's Anti-Trafficking in Persons Programfunding, via Intermediary contracts (awarded under Solicitationnumber 06Y009349, entitled "Provide Outreach and Detection of Victims of Human Trafficking") or Street Outreach grants (awardedunder Funding Opportunity HHS-2006-ACF-ORR-ZV-0108, "Grants forOutreach to Target Populations under the Trafficking in PersonsProgram") are eligible to apply to this announcement. ORR will notaward funding for activities that are duplicative of those currentlysupported with ORR funds.

6. Other Submission Requirements: 

Please see Sections IV.2 and IV.3 for deadline information and otherapplication requirements.

Submit applications to one of the following addresses:

Submission by Mail 

Ben SharpU.S. Department of Health and Human ServicesAdministration for Children and FamiliesOffice of Grants Management/Division of Discretionary Grants

370 L'Enfant Promenade, SW.Aerospace Building, 6th Floor-EastWashington, DC 20447

Hand Delivery 

Ben SharpU.S. Department of Health and Human Services


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Administration for Children and FamiliesOffice of Grants Management/Division of Discretionary Grants901 D Street, SW.ACF Mail Room, Second Floor Loading Dock, Aerospace CenterWashington, DC 20024

Electronic Submission 

Please see Section IV.2 for guidelines and requirements whensubmitting applications electronically via


The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (P .L. 104-13) 

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated toaverage 40 hours per response, including the time for reviewinginstructions, gathering and maintaining the data needed and reviewingthe collection information.

The project description is approved under OMB control number 0970-0139, which expires 4/30/2010.

An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not requiredto respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently

valid OMB control number.1. Criteria: 



The project description provides the majority of information by whichan application is evaluated and ranked in competition with otherapplications for available assistance. The project description should beconcise and complete. It should address the activity for which Federal

funds are being requested. Supporting documents should be includedwhere they can present information clearly and succinctly. Inpreparing the project description, information that is responsive toeach of the requested evaluation criteria must be provided. Awardingoffices use this and other information in making their fundingrecommendations. It is important, therefore, that this information beincluded in the application in a manner that is clear and complete.


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ACF is particularly interested in specific project descriptions that focuson outcomes and convey strategies for achieving intendedperformance. Project descriptions are evaluated on the basis of 

substance and measurable outcomes, not length. Extensive exhibitsare not required. Cross-referencing should be used rather thanrepetition. Supporting information concerning activities that will not bedirectly funded by the grant or information that does not directlypertain to an integral part of the grant-funded activity should beplaced in an appendix.

Pages should be numbered and a table of contents should be includedfor easy reference.



Applicants that are required to submit a full project description shallprepare the project description statement in accordance with thefollowing instructions while being aware of the specified evaluationcriteria. The text options give a broad overview of what the projectdescription should include while the evaluation criteria identify themeasures that will be used to evaluate applications.


Provide a summary of the project description (one page or less) withreference to the funding request.


Clearly identify the physical, economic, social, financial, institutional,and/or other problem(s) requiring a solution. The need for assistancemust be demonstrated and the principal and subordinate objectives of the project must be clearly stated; supporting documentation, such asletters of support and testimonials from concerned interests other thanthe applicant, may be included. Any relevant data based on planningstudies should be included or referred to in the endnotes/footnotes.Incorporate demographic data and participant/beneficiary information,as needed. In developing the project description, the applicant mayvolunteer or be requested to provide information on the total range of projects currently being conducted and supported (or to be initiated),some of which may be outside the scope of the programannouncement.


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Identify the results and benefits to be derived. For example,

The Results/Benefits Expected correlate to each of the objectives of the Rescue & Restore Victims of Human Trafficking Regional Program.

Funding of subsequent award years will be contingent on satisfactoryperformance in meeting these objectives. -- (1) Number* of victims of trafficking who are identified, assisted in leaving the circumstances of their exploitation, and connected to a service delivery system that mayinclude the national Human Trafficking Resource Center, the HHScertification process, and the Services to Victims of Human Traffickingcontract funded by HHS. Each successful applicant must work with itssub-awardees to establish collective numerical targets for the numberof victims identified and connected to services (all victims andderivative T status holders), and the number of victims certified (for

victims that are not U.S. Citizens or lawful permanent residents). --(2) Demonstrated strengthening of the dedicated coalition of localgovernment personnel, community health officials, local serviceproviders, community-based organizations, ethnic organizations, lawenforcement, family court and juvenile justice officials, activists,students, and victims of crime working collaboratively to endtrafficking in their community. -- (3) Demonstrated leadership inregional anti-trafficking activities, including coalition activities;increasing and strengthening coalition membership, particularly in thetarget sectors of anti-trafficking organizations, social service providers(including runaway shelters, homeless shelters, substance abusetreatment centers, domestic violence organizations and shelters,sexual assault responders and organizations dealing with women'sissues), faith-based organizations and congregations, ethnic andmutual assistance organizations, legal services organizations, publichealth entities (including emergency room staff, clinic staff, familyplanning clinics, and schools of public health and social work),government (including local, State, law enforcement, ACF RegionalOffices and consular), immigration organizations, business/labor,education, and transportation; and planning and executing outreachactivities and training opportunities for coalition members. -- (4)

Effective creation and/or strengthening of linkages among grassrootsanti-trafficking and victim service organizations and local and Federallaw enforcement agencies or task forces. -- (5) Effective training andtechnical assistance to local organizations and members of the localcoalition, as well as local law enforcement agencies. -- (6) Financialassistance provided to existing programs of outreach to populationsamong which victims of human trafficking may be found in order tosupport and expand these programs' capacity to identify, serve, and


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seek certification for trafficking victims. -- (7) Increased publicawareness in the program area through campaign messages andmaterials and connection of local anti-trafficking efforts with theactivities, materials, and assistance of the national Rescue & RestoreCampaign. and -- (8) Creation of a Regional Promising Practices

Compendium to be made available to the human trafficking communityvia the ORR website. This compendium will include promising practicesand lessons learned regarding regional victim identification, lawenforcement collaboration and service provision; narratives regardingthe trafficking-vulnerable populations and trafficking situations typicalof the region; and mapping of areas where trafficking takes place. * Tobe predetermined by applicant and subject to approval by ORR


Outline a plan of action that describes the scope and detail of how the

proposed work will be accomplished. Account for all functions oractivities identified in the application. Cite factors that might accelerateor decelerate the work and state your reason for taking the proposedapproach rather than others. Describe any unusual features of theproject such as design or technological innovations, reductions in costor time, or extraordinary social and community involvement.

Provide quantitative monthly or quarterly projections of theaccomplishments to be achieved for each function or activity in suchterms as the number of people to be served and the number of activities accomplished.

When accomplishments cannot be quantified by activity or function,list them in chronological order to show the schedule of accomplishments and their target dates.

If any data is to be collected, maintained, and/or disseminated,clearance may be required from the OMB. This clearance pertains toany "collection of information that is conducted or sponsored by ACF."

Provide a list of organizations, cooperating entities, consultants, orother key individuals who will work on the project along with a short

description of the nature of their effort or contribution.EVALUATION

Provide a narrative addressing how the conduct of the project and theresults of the project will be evaluated. In addressing the evaluationof results, state how you will determine the extent to which the projecthas achieved its stated objectives and the extent to which theaccomplishment of objectives can be attributed to the project. Discuss


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the criteria to be used to evaluate results, and explain themethodology that will be used to determine if the needs identified anddiscussed are being met and if the project results and benefits arebeing achieved. With respect to the conduct of the project, define theprocedures to be employed to determine whether the project is being

conducted in a manner consistent with the work plan presented anddiscuss the impact of the project's various activities that address theproject's effectiveness.


Describe the precise location of the project and boundaries of the areato be served by the proposed project. Maps or other graphic aids maybe attached.


The following are requests for additional information that must beincluded in the application:

STAFF AND POSITION DATAProvide a biographical sketch and job description for each keyperson appointed. Job descriptions for each vacant key positionshould be included as well. As new key staff is appointed,biographical sketches will also be required.ORGANIZATIONAL PROFILESProvide information on the applicant organization(s) andcooperating partners, such as: organizational charts; financial

statements; audit reports or statements from Certified PublicAccountants/Licensed Public Accountants; EmployerIdentification Number(s); contact persons and telephonenumbers; names of bond carriers; child care licenses and otherdocumentation of professional accreditation; information oncompliance with Federal/State/local government standards;documentation of experience in the program area; and, otherpertinent information.

If the applicant is a non-profit organization, it should submitproof of its non-profit status in its application. The non-profitagency can accomplish this by providing any one of thefollowing: a) a reference to the applicant organization's listing inthe IRS's most recent list of tax-exempt organizations describedin the IRS Code; b) a copy of a currently valid IRS tax exemptioncertificate; c) a statement from a State taxing body, Stateattorney general, or other appropriate State official certifyingthat the applicant organization has a non-profit status and that


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none of the net earnings accrues to any private shareholders orindividuals; d) a certified copy of the organization's certificate of incorporation or similar document that clearly establishes non-profit status; or e) any of the items immediately above for aState or national parent organization and a statement signed by

the parent organization that the applicant organization is a localnon-profit affiliate.

THIRD-PARTY AGREEMENTSProvide written and signed agreements between grantees andsubgrantees, or subcontractors, or other cooperating entities.These agreements must detail the scope of work to be

performed, work schedules, remuneration, and other terms andconditions that structure or define the relationship.


Provide statements from community, public, and commercialleaders that support the project proposed for funding. Allsubmissions should be included in the application package or bythe application deadline.


Provide a budget with line-item detail and detailed calculations foreach budget object class identified on the Budget Information Form(SF-424A or SF-424C). Detailed calculations must include estimationmethods, quantities, unit costs, and other similar quantitative detail

sufficient for the calculation to be duplicated. If matching is arequirement, include a breakout by the funding sources identified inBlock 15 of the SF-424.

Provide a narrative budget justification that describes how thecategorical costs are derived. Discuss the necessity, reasonableness,and allocation of the proposed costs.

GENERALUse the following guidelines for preparing the budget and budget justification. Both Federal and non-Federal resources (whenrequired) shall be detailed and justified in the budget and budgetnarrative justification. "Federal resources" refers only to theACF grant funds for which you are applying. "Non-Federalresources" are all other non-ACF Federal and non-Federalresources. It is suggested that budget amounts andcomputations be presented in a columnar format: first column,object class categories; second column, Federal budget; next


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column(s), non-Federal budget(s); and last column, totalbudget. The budget justification should be in a narrative form.

PERSONNELDescription: Costs of employee salaries and wages.

Justification: Identify the project director or principalinvestigator, if known at the time of application. For each staff person, provide: the title; time commitment to the project inmonths; time commitment to the project as a percentage or full-time equivalent; annual salary; grant salary; wage rates;etc. Do not include the costs of consultants, personnel costs of delegate agencies, or of specific project(s) and/or businesses tobe financed by the applicant.

FRINGE BENEFITSDescription: Costs of employee fringe benefits unless treated aspart of an approved indirect cost rate.

Justification: Provide a breakdown of the amounts andpercentages that comprise fringe benefit costs such as healthinsurance, FICA, retirement insurance, taxes, etc.

TRAVELDescription: Costs of project-related travel by employees of theapplicant organization. (This item does not include costs of consultant travel).

Justification: For each trip show: the total number of traveler(s); travel destination; duration of trip; per diem;mileage allowances, if privately owned vehicles will be used; andother transportation costs and subsistence allowances. Travelcosts for key staff to attend ACF-sponsored workshops should bedetailed in the budget.

EQUIPMENTDescription: "Equipment" means an article of nonexpendable,tangible personal property having a useful life of more than oneyear and an acquisition cost that equals or exceeds the lesser

of: (a) the capitalization level established by the organizationfor the financial statement purposes, or (b) $5,000. (Note:Acquisition cost means the net invoice unit price of an item of equipment, including the cost of any modifications, attachments,accessories, or auxiliary apparatus necessary to make it usablefor the purpose for which it is acquired. Ancillary charges, suchas taxes, duty, protective in-transit insurance, freight, and


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installation, shall be included in or excluded from acquisition costin accordance with the organization's regular written accountingpractices.)

Justification: For each type of equipment requested provide: a

description of the equipment; the cost per unit; the number of units; the total cost; and a plan for use on the project; as well asuse and/or disposal of the equipment after the project ends. Anapplicant organization that uses its own definition for equipmentshould provide a copy of its policy, or section of its policy, thatincludes the equipment definition.

SUPPLIESDescription: Costs of all tangible personal property other thanthat included under the Equipment category.

Justification: Specify general categories of supplies and theircosts. Show computations and provide other information thatsupports the amount requested.

CONTRACTUALDescription: Costs of all contracts for services and goods exceptfor those that belong under other categories such as equipment,supplies, construction, etc. Include third-party evaluationcontracts, if applicable, and contracts with secondary recipientorganizations, including delegate agencies and specific project(s)and/or businesses to be financed by the applicant.

Justification: Demonstrate that all procurement transactions willbe conducted in a manner to provide, to the maximum extentpractical, open and free competition. Recipients andsubrecipients, other than States that are required to use 45 CFRPart 92 procedures, must justify any anticipated procurementaction that is expected to be awarded without competition andexceeds the simplified acquisition threshold fixed at 41 USC403(11), currently set at $100,000.

Recipients might be required to make available to ACF pre-awardreview and procurement documents, such as requests forproposals or invitations for bids, independent cost estimates,etc.

Note: Whenever the applicant intends to delegate part of theproject to another agency, the applicant must provide a detailedbudget and budget narrative for each delegate agency, by


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agency title, along with the required supporting informationreferred to in these instructions.

OTHEREnter the total of all other costs. Such costs, where applicable

and appropriate, may include but are not limited to: insurance;food; medical and dental costs (noncontractual); professionalservices costs; space and equipment rentals; printing andpublication; computer use; training costs, such as tuition andstipends; staff development costs; and administrative costs.

Justification: Provide computations, a narrative description anda justification for each cost under this category.

INDIRECT CHARGESDescription: Total amount of indirect costs. This categoryshould be used only when the applicant currently has an indirectcost rate approved by the Department of Health and HumanServices (HHS) or another cognizant Federal agency.

Justification: An applicant that will charge indirect costs to thegrant must enclose a copy of the current rate agreement. If theapplicant organization is in the process of initially developing orrenegotiating a rate, upon notification that an award will bemade, it should immediately develop a tentative indirect costrate proposal based on its most recently completed fiscal year, inaccordance with the cognizant agency's guidelines for

establishing indirect cost rates, and submit it to the cognizantagency. Applicants awaiting approval of their indirect costproposals may also request indirect costs. When an indirect costrate is requested, those costs included in the indirect cost poolshould not be charged as direct costs to the grant. Also, if theapplicant is requesting a rate that is less than what is allowedunder the program, the authorized representative of theapplicant organization must submit a signed acknowledgementthat the applicant is accepting a lower rate than allowed.




The corresponding score values indicate the relative importance thatACF places on each evaluation criterion; however, applicants need notdevelop their applications precisely according to the order presented.Application components may be organized such that a reviewer will be


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able to follow a seamless and logical flow of information (i.e., from abroad overview of the project to more detailed information about howit will be conducted).

In considering how applicants will carry out the responsibilities

addressed under this announcement, competing applications forfinancial assistance will be reviewed and evaluated against thefollowing criteria:

APPROACH - 40 points

Quality of the Project Plan (30 points)The extent to which the application has addressed the ProgramPurposes, Objectives and complied with the budgeting guidancerelated to sub-awardees as delineated in Section I of this programannouncement will be assessed.

The plan must include plans for developing and maintaining internalprogrammatic and fiscal accountability, ensuring programmatic andfiscal accountability and monitoring of sub-awardees, and assessingsub-awardees performance.

Protocol for Service Provision to Victims (10 points)Applications will be evaluated for the quality of their planning for vitaloutreach and connections to service provision to victims of traffickingin the U.S. identified through this work. Applicants may utilize otherorganizations (including current ORR trafficking program grantees,contractors, and faith-based organizations) for service provision.


Applications will be evaluated for results and benefits expected to beachieved. The degree to which intended outcomes are quantifiableand achievable will be considered. The quality of the proposedmechanism for measuring outcomes will be considered.

Examples of results or benefits expected are:

- the number of victims of trafficking who are identified and connectedto services (all victims and derivative T status holders);

- the number of victims of trafficking that are certified (for victims thatare not U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents);

- increasing of membership and strengthening of a dedicated coalitionof organizations, entities, and individuals working collaboratively toend trafficking in their community;


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- facilitation of linkages among grassroots anti-trafficking and victimservice organizations and local and Federal law enforcement agenciesor task forces for victim identification and provision of services;

- provision of training and technical assistance to local organizations

and members of the local Rescue & Restore coalition, as well as locallaw enforcement agencies;

- building of infrastructure by providing financial assistance to existingprograms of direct outreach and services to populations among whichvictims of human trafficking may be found;

- education of the general public through Rescue & Restore Campaignmessages and materials; and

- creation of a Regional Promising Practices Compendium


Evaluations on this criterion will focus on the assessment of theprevalence of human trafficking in the area being served and the justification provided for the expectation that trafficking victims will beidentified within that population.


Evidence of the organizational capability to achieve the proposedoutcomes will be assessed under this criterion. Such capability isdemonstrated by prior relevant experience and by including a plan for

fiscal and programmatic management of each activity. Such plansshould be described in detail with proposed start-up times, ongoingtimelines, major milestones or benchmarks, a component/projectorganization chart, and management of sub-awardees. Capability isalso demonstrated through the presentation of qualifications of projectstaff, both applicant and sub-awardees, as well as any volunteers.


The budget is clear, logical, complete, and reasonable in relation to theexpected activities and outcomes. The line-item budget narrative is

understandable and adequately justifies the costs proposed. The dataprovided to justify the budget are consistently and logically presentedin terms of the population to be served. The budget must reflect that60 percent of funds will be sub-awarded to local grassrootsorganizations that identify and work with victims of human traffickingand that no more than 20 percent of the funds retained may be used


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for administration and management of coalition efforts. ORR is alsointerested in the following:

1. The amount and source of any additional funding, including in-kindcontributions, that will help support the project.

2. If service provision to victims is proposed, this should be clearlyidentified in the budget.

3. Applications should include separate estimates for each of the threeyears if funding levels are expected to be substantially different insubsequent years.


The extent to which third party agreements provide the detail andscope of roles and work to be performed, including specifics of how

each will contribute to the applicant's overall goals of identifying,serving, and seeking certification for trafficking victims.

Preferences - 10 points

A 5-point preference will be given to those applicants that have thirdparty agreements to sub-award funds to recipients that have a) ahuman trafficking activities budget of $300,000 or less, OR b) six orfewer full-time equivalent employees.

A 5-point preference will be given to those applicants that demonstrateprior work within an existing Rescue & Restore coalition.

2. Review and Selection Process: 

No grant award will be made under this announcement on the basis of an incomplete application.

Each application will be screened to determine whether it was receivedby the closing date and time (Section IV.3.) and whether therequested amount exceeds the ceiling or upper range value, whicheveris appropriate (Section II.) 

In itial ACF Screening: Each application submitted under thisprogram announcement will undergo a pre-review to determine that(1) the application was received by the closing date and time (SectionIV.3); (2) the amount requested does not exceed the stated ceiling(Section II); and (3) the application includes the CertificationRegarding Prostitution (see Section IV concerning CertificationRegarding Prostitution).


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Competitive Review and Evaluation Criteria: Applications thatpass the initial ACF screening will be evaluated and rated by anindependent review panel on the basis of evaluation criteria specifiedin Section V. The evaluation criteria were designed to assess thequality of a proposed project and to determine the likelihood of its

success. The evaluation criteria are closely related and are consideredas a whole in judging the overall quality of an application. Points areawarded on the basis of responsive to the evaluation criteria within thecontext of this program announcement.

Selection of Grant Recipients: In general, the most highly ratedapplications will be funded first, to the extent of available funds.However, the Director of ORR reserves the right to award less or morethan the funds described in this announcement. The Director of ORRreserves the right to award grants after taking into consideration thegeographic distribution of eligible recipients. The Director of ORR does

not intend to award more than one grant per distinct geographic areafor any particular target population, and the Director of ORR mayinsure that a grant is awarded for certain high-priority geographicareas. Funding availability for future years is at the ORR Director'sdiscretion.

Please reference Section IV.2 for information on non-Federal reviewersin the review process.

Approved but Unfunded Applications 

Applications that are approved but unfunded may be held over forfunding in the next funding cycle, pending the availability of funds, fora period not to exceed one year.

3. Anticipated Announcement and Award Dates: 

Not Applicable


1. Award Notices:

The successful applicants will be notified through the issuance of aFinancial Assistance Award document, which sets forth the amount of funds granted, the terms and conditions of the grant, the effectivedate of the grant, the budget period for which initial support will begiven, the non-Federal share to be provided (if applicable), and thetotal project period for which support is contemplated. The Financial


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Assistance Award will be signed by the Grants Officer and transmittedvia postal mail.

Following the finalization of funding decisions, organizations whoseapplications will not be funded will be notified by letter, signed by the

Program Office head.2. Admin istrative and National Policy Requirements:

Grantees are subject to the requirements in 45 CFR Part 74 (non-governmental) or 45 CFR Part 92 (governmental).

Direct Federal grants, sub-award funds, or contracts under this ACFprogram shall not be used to support inherently religious activitiessuch as religious instruction, worship, or proselytization. Therefore,organizations must take steps to separate, in time or location, theirinherently religious activities from the services funded under this

program. Regulations pertaining to the Equal Treatment for Faith-Based Organizations, which includes the prohibition against Federalfunding of inherently religious activities, can be found at the HHS website at: .

A faith-based organization receiving HHS funds retains itsindependence from Federal, State, and local governments, and maycontinue to carry out its mission, including the definition, practice, andexpression of its religious beliefs. For example, a faith-basedorganization may use space in its facilities to provide secular programsor services funded with Federal funds without removing religious art,

icons, scriptures, or other religious symbols. In addition, a faith-basedorganization that receives Federal funds retains its authority over itsinternal governance, and it may retain religious terms in itsorganization's name, select its board members on a religious basis,and include religious references in its organization's missionstatements and other governing documents in accordance with allprogram requirements, statutes, and other applicable requirementsgoverning the conduct of HHS funded activities.

Faith-based and community organizations may reference the"Guidance to Faith-Based and Community Organizations on Partneringwith the Federal Government" at: 

HHS Grants Policy Statement 

The HHS Grants Policy Statement (GPS) is the Department of Healthand Human Services new single policy guide for discretionary grantsand cooperative agreements. Unlike previous HHS policy documents,


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the GPS is intended to be shared with and used by grantees. Itbecame effective October 1, 2006 and is applicable to all OperatingDivisions (OPDIVS), such as the Administration for Children andFamilies (ACF), except the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The GPScovers basic grants processes, standard terms and conditions and

points of contact as well as important OPDIV-specific requirements.Appendices include a glossary of terms and a list of standardabbreviations for ease of reference. The GPS may be accessed at

3. Reporting Requirements:

Grantees will be required to submit program progress and financialreports (SF-269 found at: throughout theproject period. Program progress and financial reports are due 30 days

after the reporting period. Final programmatic and financial reports aredue 90 days after the close of the project period.

Final reports may be submitted in hard copy to the GrantsManagement Office Contact listed in Section VII of this announcement.

Program Progress Reports: QuarterlyFinancial Reports: Quarterly

A suggested format for the program report will be sent to all granteesafter the awards are made.

Copies of reports should be submitted to the Grants ManagementContact listed in Section VII as well as to the Project Officerdesignated upon award.


Program Office Contact: 

Vanessa GarzaU.S. Department of Health and Human ServicesAdministration for Children and FamiliesOffice of Refugee Resettlement370 L'Enfant Promenade, SW.8th Floor-West


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Washington, DC 20447Phone: 202-401-2334Fax: 202-401-5487Email: [email protected] 

Grants Management Office Contact: Ben SharpU.S. Department of Health and Human ServicesAdministration for Children and FamiliesOffice of Grants Management/Division of Discretionary Grants370 L'Enfant Promenade, SW.Aerospace Building, 6th Floor-EastWashington, DC 20447Phone: 202-401-5513Email: [email protected] 


More information about the Trafficking in Persons Program and theRescue & Restore Victims of Human Trafficking Campaign can be foundat

Date: 08/07/2007 Martha Newton



Appendix A

Information about the Certification Regarding Prostitution andRelated Activities

The U.S. Government is opposed to prostitution and related activities,which are inherently harmful and dehumanizing, and contribute to the


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phenomenon of trafficking in persons. Reducing the incidence of prostitution is an inseparable part of the larger strategy to combattrafficking.

The Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, as amended by the

Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2003, Pub. L. No.108-193, 22 U.S.C. § 7110(g), provides that "No funds made availableto carry out [the Act] may be used to promote, support, or advocatethe legalization or practice of prostitution." It further provides that"No funds made available to carry out [the Act] may be used toimplement any program . . . through any organization that has notstated in either a grant application, a grant agreement, or both, that itdoes not promote, support, or advocate the legalization or practice of prostitution." Therefore, an authorized representative of yourorganization must certify as part of your grant application that yourorganization meets these requirements.

All applicants must provide:- Use of Funds Certification, and- Acknowledgement and Sub-Recipient Certifications.

Organizations that are applicants must provide at least one of thefollowing:- Primary Eligibility Certification; or- Secondary Eligibility Certification A; or- Secondary Eligibility Certification B.

Organizations that are listed in the application as sub-grantees of anorganization providing the Primary Eligibility Certification mustthemselves provide the Primary Eligibility Certification. Likewise,organizations that are listed in the application as sub-grantees of anorganization providing Secondary Eligibility Certification A mustthemselves provide Secondary Eligibility Certification A, andorganizations that are listed in the application as sub-grantees of anorganization providing Secondary Eligibility Certification B mustprovide Secondary Eligibility Certification B. Certifications by the sub-grantees must be included in the grant application.

Certification Regarding P rostitution and Related Activities 

As an officer or other person authorized to bind the recipientorganization of U.S. Government funds in connection with this grantaward, I hereby make the following certification that is a prerequisiteto the receipt of funds under this grant:


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Use of Funds Certification: "I hereby certify that the recipient of thefunds made available through this grant will not use such funds topromote, support, or advocate the legalization or the practice of prostitution."

Eligibility Certifications (an organization must check at least one) _______ Primary Eligibility Certification: "I certify that theorganization does not promote, support, or advocate the legalizationor the practice of prostitution and will not promote, support, oradvocate the legalization or the practice of prostitution during the termof this grant. I further certify that the organization does not operatethrough any other organization or individual that supports, promotes,or advocates the legalization or the practice of prostitution."

 _______ Secondary Eligibility Certification A: "I certify that theorganization provides services to individuals only after they are nolonger engaged in activities that resulted from such victims beingtrafficked, and that the organization does not operate through anyorganization that provides services to victims other than after thosevictims are no longer engaged in the activities that resulted from theirbeing trafficked. I further certify that if, during the grant term, theorganization or any sub-recipient begins to provide services to othervictims, the organization and all its sub-recipients, prior to the timesuch services are provided, will provide the Primary EligibilityCertification above."

 _______ Secondary Eligibility Certification B: "I certify that theorganization does not implement a program that serves victims of severe forms of trafficking, and that the recipient does not operatethrough any organization or individual that implements a program thatserves victims of severe forms of trafficking. I further certify that if,during the grant term, the organization or any sub-recipient begins toimplement such a program, the organization and all its sub-recipients,prior to implementation of such a program, will provide the PrimaryEligibility Certification above."

Acknowledgement and Sub-Recipient Certifications: "I further certify

that the recipient acknowledges that these certifications are aprerequisite to receipt of United States Government funds inconnection with this grant, and that any violation of these certificationsshall be grounds for unilateral termination by the Administration forChildren and Families, Office of Refugee Resettlement of any grantprior to the end of its term and recovery of appropriated fundsexpended prior to termination. I further certify that the recipient willinclude this identical certification requirement in any grant to a sub-


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recipient of funds made available under this grant, and will requiresuch sub-recipient to provide the same certification that theorganization chose."

Name of Recipient Organization:

By:Printed Name:Title:Date: