healing the sick

Healing the Sick Over the last two or three years I have become fascinated with healing the sick. I have seen an increase in success in this area; yet, I am incredibly far from where I desire to be and where I believe I will be in the upcoming months and years. The Holy Spirit continues to teach me through scripture, dreams and visions, training from the teachings of those successful in healing (both living and deceased), and practice. I have so much to learn about divine healing, yet I felt led of God to share the points that have made a huge difference for me. Healing the sick is for believers First I need to make clear I am persuaded healing the sick is for believers in general (not just leaders or those “with the gift”). Mark 16:17-18 tells us the believers will lay hands on the sick and they will recover. Certainly some people will walk in a gifting which makes healing easier for them than for other people. For all of us some things are easy and other things are more difficult, but we can all still grow in the areas that are more difficult for us. I Cor. 14:1 says, Pursue love, yet desire earnestly spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy.” Why would God tell us to desire (even earnestly desire) spiritual gifts if He had no intention to give them to us? That would be cruel. Go aggressively after prophecy, healing, and all the other gifts! It would be very easy to pray for a sick person or two, and give up if we don’t see the results we desire. Many have done this and used the excuse, “Well I don’t have the healing gift.” Many people that walk powerfully in healing did not see immediate success although it is possible. Be persistent. The kingdom of God is not for the passive but for the aggressive. The Holy Spirit is the giver of gifts, and if you are saved He is in you and so are the gifts. Through His power we can all have success in healing the sick.

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Post on 28-Jan-2016




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What I've learned the past 3 years about healing the sick.


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Healing the Sick

Over the last two or three years I have become fascinated with healing the sick. I have seen an increase in success in this area; yet, I am incredibly far from where I desire to be and where I believe I will be in the upcoming months and years. The Holy Spirit continues to teach me through scripture, dreams and visions, training from the teachings of those successful in healing (both living and deceased), and practice. I have so much to learn about divine healing, yet I felt led of God to share the points that have made a huge difference for me.

Healing the sick is for believers First I need to make clear I am persuaded healing the sick is for believers in general (not just leaders or those “with the gift”). Mark 16:17-18 tells us the believers will lay hands on the sick and they will recover. Certainly some people will walk in a gifting which makes healing easier for them than for other people. For all of us some things are easy and other things are more difficult, but we can all still grow in the areas that are more difficult for us. I Cor. 14:1 says, “Pursue love, yet desire earnestly spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy.” Why would God tell us to desire (even earnestly desire) spiritual gifts if He had no intention to give them to us? That would be cruel. Go aggressively after prophecy, healing, and all the other gifts! It would be very easy to pray for a sick person or two, and give up if we don’t see the results we desire. Many have done this and used the excuse, “Well I don’t have the healing gift.” Many people that walk powerfully in healing did not see immediate success although it is possible. Be persistent. The kingdom of God is not for the passive but for the aggressive. The Holy Spirit is the giver of gifts, and if you are saved He is in you and so are the gifts. Through His power we can all have success in healing the sick.

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God desires all people healed Most Christians I come into contact with believe God has the ability to heal. I have always believed this myself; however, believing God can heal and expecting the afflicted person standing in front of you to get healed are two entirely different things. Believing God can do it is a helpful start, but that belief is not enough. How can we have faith to see someone healed if we are not convinced God wants them healed? Faith is believing God’s word to be true. I am learning it is impossible to muster up enough faith to see someone healed if we lack revelation God wants them healed. In fact true faith is not mustered up at all. Romans 10:17 says, “Faith comes from hearing, and hearing from the word of Christ.” Faith is present tense. Faith is hearing not having heard. The Real Faith by Charles S. Price helped me to understand principles of faith. Biblically faith is always referred to as a gift or fruit. For a long time I would grit my teeth and say, “God, I am believing you for healing for this person.” I was doing my best to work up faith, but I couldn’t do it. I learned later what I was doing was simply a work of the flesh. What I really needed was the persuasion that God is a good God, and He wants people (all people) well. This persuasion made all the difference. You nor I have ever wanted anyone healed more than God does. We do not have to talk Him into it. It is us who need convincing of His goodness and His desire to heal. So, how do we know He wants all people healed? I could take the time to prove that there was no sickness in the Garden of Eden and there will be no sickness in heaven, but I am operating under the assumption that most of us will agree with these points. The issue for most of us is the present. I John 3:8 tells us that Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. Sickness is one of those works. Matthew 4:23 says that Jesus went about Galilee healing every type of disease and every type of sickness. Many have had the mentality that God puts sickness upon us to teach us. Although it is true that we do learn lessons while we are sick, we can’t assume that God puts sickness upon us for that reason or even that sickness is from God. If sickness were really from God to teach us don’t you think Jesus would have told at least one person, “I would really love to heal you, but The Father is trying to teach you something, and it would interfere with the lesson He has for you if I healed you.” I would be in error to say that God has never placed sickness upon anyone as a curse (the ten plagues in Egypt for example). He has done so, but I would still argue it was not His ultimate desire. It has always been

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the desire of God to draw people unto Himself. It was God, The Father, who sent Jesus, The Son, for this reconciliation. Isaiah 53:5 gives the prophecy of the coming of Jesus and that the stripes He would bear are provision for our healing. I Peter 2:24 makes reference to the same passage, but the tense is changed. The latter passage refers back to the cross saying we were healed by His stripes. In other words, provision for our healing has already taken place. We just have to make a withdrawal on the deposit Jesus has already placed into our account. Faith is the withdrawal slip. Exodus 12:13 says He brought the Israelites out of Egypt with none feeble among them. Can you imagine a group of over a million people (by conservative estimates) and nobody being sick? This was Old Testament. We have a better covenant built on better promises. Past, present, and future God has always desired we walk in health, and since the fall the scourging Jesus bore has always been the solution. Just as those we will meet in heaven from the Old Testament will be there through the resurrection power of Jesus, those healed in the Old Testament were healed through the stripes of Jesus. This provision the Father has made for us is not restricted by time (past, present, or future). Psalm 103:3 says, “Who pardons all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases;” David laid hold of this understanding in The Old Testament, and walked in New Testament principles. Under Old Testament law David should have been killed for some of his actions. David performed priestly acts, but he was not a Levite. David also understood New Testament forgiveness because he committed the sins of adultery and murder. Jesus gave us a model prayer (traditionally referred to as The Lord’s prayer) in Matthew 6 and also Luke 11. In this prayer He says, “Let your kingdom come, let your will be done also in the earth just as it is in heaven.” As Christians we have the responsibility and the delegated authority to implement change in areas not in alignment with heaven. Sickness is certainly one such area.

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Authoritative prayer As I listen to many believers pray I am not surprised the church is lacking breakthrough in healing the sick. Many prayers I hear in regard to sickness are petition prayers that do not match what we have been commanded to do. In fact we are not really told to pray for the sick (except for the elders in James 5:14); we are told to heal them (Matthew 10:8). In Luke 10:19 we are given authority over all the power of the enemy. We have often petitioned Jesus to do what He has already given us the authority to do. I am all for prayer, but no amount of prayer will give us any more authority in this area because we already have authority over all the power of the enemy. Certainly we should pray for wisdom, boldness, etc. in this area, but we can’t be given any more authority. We already have it all. Look at the success stories throughout scripture in regard to healing, and see what was said. A good example is Acts 3:6 where Peter said, “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.” I recently took a new job. The company I work for has accounts with many suppliers. I have the authority to make purchases from those suppliers. It is understood when I make those purchases the company I work for will cover the cost of the purchases. Theoretically I could say I went to supplier XYZ today and made a purchase. Nobody would argue with that statement, but everyone would understand that ultimately the company I work for is backing the purchase. So it is with healing. Scripture may say Peter healed him or Paul healed him, but we understand that ultimately Jesus is backing the healing. It is not wrong to say Peter or Paul healed as long as we understand they were acting upon God given authority.

If God wants people healed why is there so much sickness? The argument that if God wanted people healed He would simply heal them lacks validity. Many of us have bought into a lie of the enemy that has a faulty foundation as its source. We think that because God is sovereign everything around us is the plan of God, but this is not true at all. Most of us would agree according to II Peter 3:9 that God wants all people saved, but we certainly don’t see it happening. Likewise we would agree according to scripture that God

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desires we don’t sin, but the problem of sin in the world is ongoing. So, in the two areas I just mentioned we agree God has a plan that is not being completely fulfilled. Many of us have failed to understand the issue of healing is no different than these other two areas. I am convinced God does desire all healed, but His desires rest in the hands of His people. In Genesis God gave man dominion over the earth. God, true to His word, has never backed down from this delegation. Adam handed this dominion over to Satan at the fall thus Satan said in the temptation of Christ in Luke 4:6 that it had been handed over to him. Jesus restored dominion back to man by overcoming sin and death. Jesus came to restore that which was lost (Luke 19:10). God has entrusted the earth to us, and He is always looking for a man to partner with Him. Man is God’s avenue to get things done in the earth, so when we question why God allows evil, sickness, etc. the answer is because man has not stepped into Godly authority to do something about it.

Speak to the sickness or spirit Our American culture does not train us to speak to situations, conditions, or objects. In fact our culture usually ridicules us for doing such things. Jesus, however, says for us to do so. This is new to most of us, and it feels a little awkward at first. We are told to speak to the mountain in Mark 11:23. Earlier in the same chapter Jesus spoke to a fig tree. I began to see greater success in healing as I gained confidence speaking directly to the spirits, sicknesses, pains, etc. that were the roots of the problems. God spoke the world into existence and the world still responds to words. Reinhard Bonnke says, “Holy Spirit told me, ‘My word in your mouth is just as powerful as My Word in My mouth. The power is in the Word of God.” Proverbs 18:21 tells us that life and death are in the power of the tongue.

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How do we grow in success? Revelation of Truth Several issues have helped me grow in healing the sick. The most important is the revelation that God really does desire for all people to be healed. I have taken some time to prove this, but there are many more related scriptures. Search what God says in His word about healing. Also ask Him in prayer about it. He will speak to you if you seek Him with your whole heart. Many Christians will begin to soar in the healing ministry with this simple revelation.

Practice Don’t underestimate what happens with practice. Hebrews 5:14 Speaks of training of the spiritual senses. Professional athletes understand the importance of practice although most of them are incredibly gifted/talented in the sport they are paid to participate in. Practice is equally important for us as believers in spiritual areas.

Community Get around people going after healing. The kingdom is community business. Jesus always sent people out in a minimum of pairs. I feel the liberty to pray for people when I am alone if the situation arises, but I prefer to go with another believer or believers if I know in advance I am going to pray for someone. We have different strengths, and we all need encouragement. I feel very confident in praying for the sick. I understand the authority I have, but I am not nearly as strong in visions or prophecy as some of my friends. I am growing in these areas. I continue to aggressively pursue these areas, but the reality is many of my friends flow much easier in these areas. I prefer to have these friends with me when I am praying for someone. They often get insight into the specifics of a problem difficult for me to see. We need each other, and we need to learn to couple giftings together. We need Christian cultures where boldness is applauded even without seeing the fruit of the healing. I am convinced if we do not give up in the pursuit the fruit will soon appear. I truly believe the primary difference between Christians healing the sick, and Christians not walking in supernatural healing is the courage to place hands upon the sick and declare, “In Jesus name be healed.”

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Impartation It is possible to receive impartation of a spiritual gift from someone with that gift usually through (but not limited to) the laying on of hands. Impartation usually comes in seed form meaning the gift will still need developing. Impartation is not an excuse for laziness. The gift will still need pressing into.

Build Upon Success The Bible speaks of gifts of healing (plural). It is not uncommon to notice very high levels of success with certain sicknesses or ailments while very little initial success in other areas. Do not shy away from areas of struggle. Go aggressively after them. Be persistent. In our local church we are learning who has the greatest successes in certain areas. Although we know this, it is still the desire of our leadership that we all go after all areas.

Preach the Right Message Mark 16:20 talks about The Lord confirming His word with signs following. I believe God backs up His word with signs, but if our words are not His words we are on our on. I believe the kingdom message is key here. The new birth is the focus of the message in many churches, but it was not Jesus’s focus. Before you accuse me of heresy let me explain. John 3:3 says we can’t see the kingdom without being born again. The born again experience is critical, but it is the entry point to the kingdom not the end. Being born again is only mentioned twice in the gospels while the kingdom of God or the kingdom of heaven are mentioned over 100 times. As we make the transition to preaching the “gospel of the kingdom” we will see higher levels of success not because God desires to punish us for being so focused on the new birth experience, but because healing and the gospel of the kingdom are so closely linked.

Be Honest that We Don’t Always Understand I am yet to run into anyone that has not experienced some degree of frustration in not seeing the results in “praying for the sick” that they desired. The temptation with this is to develop a new theology to explain why we didn’t see what we had hoped to see. Such theologies say things like, “God sometimes heals, but it isn’t always His plan to do so.” When we begin to make excuses like this, we are giving ourselves an alibi to back off from the pursuit of God we need to experience breakthrough. We need the courage sometimes simply to say, “I

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don’t understand, but I am not giving up.” Run to Jesus with your frustration and disappointment.

Above All Pursue Love Gal. 5:6 says faith works through love. Matt. 14:14 says of Jesus, “When He went ashore, He saw a large crowd, and felt compassion for them and healed their sick.” Greater communion with God leads to more compassion for those around us. I desire to see breakthrough in areas of healing I have not yet seen. I am convinced this is not selfish or evil, but it should not be greater than the compassion for the person in front of me. Love is the component by which the world will recognize us as His.

Be On the Lookout for Faith Several months ago I was watching a video in which Randy Clark proposed the question, if you are ministering and there is a long prayer line across the front of a church, who would you pray for first? I did not know the answer. I learned a great deal from Randy’s answer, though. Randy said we should start where we perceive faith. It made perfect sense to me, but I had never considered the magnitude of the statement. I have since learned that the great “faith healers” understand this principle very well. I am also learning as we grow in faith it becomes easier to recognize. I challenge you to be the one that pours gasoline on the fires you perceive God has already started no matter where they are. Tug on the faith you see in others. Speak life. Call out the destiny in those around you.

Be Receptive to words of knowledge The desire of Jesus is to help us mature in faith. If we will be receptive to Holy Spirit He will give us words of knowledge about sickness, disease, pain, etc. that will help boost our faith and the faith of those around us. I frequently have a revelation about a specific pain or ailment of someone in our congregation. When I am given this word of knowledge I am able to describe (sometimes in incredible detail) the exact location of the pain, often the intensity of the pain, and sometimes how the pain moves through the body. When this happens the person with the condition I called out instantly grows in faith. I have seen very high rates of success in healing in these situations.

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It’s Our Time Reinhard Bonnke said, “The Book of Acts does not describe the climax of God’s power, but a first sampling of the potential of the Holy Spirit. Trust God to infinity. He has no maximum.” I pray we will be the generation that grabs hold of this statement to the point we see it manifest into physical existence. John 2:9b-10 says, “The headwaiter called the bridegroom, and said to him, ‘every man serves the good wine first, and when the people have drunk freely, then he serves the poorer wine; but you have kept the good wine until now.’’ This was Jesus’s first miracle, but it speaks of our destiny. Now is the time for the best wine. Jesus is uncorking that bottle now. Take a drink. Haggai 2:9 tells us the latter reign will be greater than the former reign. Jesus is moving. Will you move with Him or watch from a distance?

Blessings, Jeff Moore Senior Leader at The Church at Greenville Greenville, NC