hastings public school to hastings public school hastings public school, situated in port macquarie,...


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Page 1: HASTINGS PUBLIC SCHOOL to Hastings Public School Hastings Public School, situated in Port Macquarie, was established in 1981. The school is of modern design and set amidst many trees




Page 2: HASTINGS PUBLIC SCHOOL to Hastings Public School Hastings Public School, situated in Port Macquarie, was established in 1981. The school is of modern design and set amidst many trees

Welcome to Hastings Public School Hastings Public School, situated in Port Macquarie, was established in 1981. The school is of modern design and set amidst many trees and landscaped gardens. The original section of the school comprises 15 classrooms, with each group of three classrooms sharing a creative activities area (wet area) which includes tables, benches, sink, stove and oven. Most of these classrooms have interconnecting walls which slide back to allow for team teaching between classes. Each pair of classrooms shares a mini-lab which houses four computers. These are connected to the internet and all computers in the school’s network. iPads are also used by students during class and technology lessons. All classrooms, along with the library and LaST (Learning & Support) room, have an interactive whiteboard. The most recent addition to the school is our double-storey building known as “The Sherwood Block”. This contains five classrooms and one resource room. These classrooms are currently used by our Stage 3 classes but are not air-conditioned. Eight demountable classrooms complete our 27 classes for 2017. The majority of our school grounds are on a slope with the areas for the buildings being cut into the hill at several different levels. Part of the playing area is sloped but there is a flat playing area to allow students to play running games in school breaks. Our COLA (covered outdoor learning area), netball court, basketball court, gazebo and fixed equipment are playground features for student use during breaks. In 2015 the school community developed an unused section of land into our sensory playground which is south of the COLA. The school community reclaimed the rainforest area to the west of the COLA, involving the planting of rainforest species and koala food trees, and the construction of a nature path throughout the whole system. It is hoped this area will provide a corridor for local wildlife and also many educational and recreational opportunities. We encourage parents to discuss any issues via our “open door” policy as we believe a positive home and school partnership enhances the effectiveness and value of learning.

Page 3: HASTINGS PUBLIC SCHOOL to Hastings Public School Hastings Public School, situated in Port Macquarie, was established in 1981. The school is of modern design and set amidst many trees



Mrs Deb Baker


Mrs Robyn Domanski Mr Tony Scott Mrs Janyce Sherrard Mrs Christine Sprague

ADMINISTRATION Mrs Sue Wilson Mrs Trish Brest Mrs Janine Collar Mrs Ginette Kobelke




Friday 27th January


Monday 24th April


Monday 17th July


Monday 9th October


Years 1 to 6

Monday, 30th January Kinder

Friday, 3rd February

Wednesday 26th April

Tuesday 18th July

Monday 9th October


Friday 7th April

Friday 30th June

Friday 22nd September


Friday 15th December Staff *

Tuesday 19th December

* School development days occur at the beginning of Terms 1, 2 and 3 and the last two days of Term 4. Students do not attend school on these five (5) designated School Development Days. The purpose of these days is to address statewide and school priorities along with school-based curriculum and training activities that occur in an environment where the staff are free from classroom responsibilities.


8:35 - 9am Supervised Play

9:00 - 11.00am Morning Session

11:00 - 11:25am Recess

11:25 - 12:50pm Middle Session

12:50 - 1:00pm Supervised Lunch

1:00 - 1:40pm Play

1:40 - 3:00pm Afternoon Session

7 YEARS - 7 VALUES The values below were established by a parent committee to provide a guide for all students and staff. Each scholastic year is allocated a value to explore as part of their personal development unit at the start of the year. It is anticipated by the end of Year 6 all students will understand and appreciate the importance of each value.

Respect treat others the way you want to be treated - Kindergarten Responsibility for yourself, others and the environment - Year 1 Initiative give it a go - Year 2 Resilience pick yourself up and move on - Year 3 Commitment don’t give up - Year 4 Courage do what you know is right - Year 5 Achievement be the best you can be - Year 6

Page 4: HASTINGS PUBLIC SCHOOL to Hastings Public School Hastings Public School, situated in Port Macquarie, was established in 1981. The school is of modern design and set amidst many trees

ABSENCES Parents are not required to contact the school if their child is going to be away for one or two days. If your child is going to be away for three or more days please contact the office. All absences must be explained in writing (or email – please include your child’s name & class) within seven days of the student’s return to school.

ABSENCES (EXTENDED) due to ILL HEALTH or FAMILY HOLIDAYS If your child is absent for an extended period due to ill health and/or family holidays it is not necessary to ask teachers for work stencils to be sent home. The best homework a child can do during this time is to keep a diary. Why are they away? What are they doing? A diary will help with spelling and writing and, if it’s illustrated, their art work. Your child’s diary can then become a memorable keepsake!

Maths games can also be played or times tables practised to assist with mathematics. Children should be encouraged to read every day.

ARRIVING & DEPARTURES On arrival at school students should take their bag to their classroom then move to the COLA. Playground supervision commences 8:35am. Playground equipment is out of bounds before and after school ie. before 8:35am and after 3pm.

Students are not to arrive or leave via the main office door unless arriving late or leaving early in which case they must be signed in/out at the office by a parent.

Parents picking up their child/ren at 3pm are asked to organise an arranged area outside the school fence or wait under the COLA. Please do not wait outside classrooms as this can be disruptive for students.

ASSEMBLIES All School Monday & Thursday mornings 9am under the COLA Parents are welcome to attend the Infants and Primary assemblies which are held in the hall …

Infants (Kinder, Year 1 & Year 2) Every Monday 2:20pm. Awards given even weeks to even numbered classrooms; odd weeks to odd numbered classrooms.

Primary (Years 3 to Year 6) Fortnightly Friday mornings 9:15am

BE ON TIME! Students who are late not only miss important morning messages and assembly presentations but also disrupt the class as teachers have to stop their lesson to explain what has already taken place. Interruptions to this important morning session affect other children and put your child behind. Please be on time for the benefit of everyone.

BIKES, SCOOTERS and SKATEBOARDS Children should not ride a bike to school until they turn ten (10) years of age as research has shown their peripheral vision is not fully developed until then. Students riding their bike to school MUST wear a helmet. Students who are unable to demonstrate safe cycling behaviour will not be permitted to bring their bike to school.

Due to the traffic conditions around our school the riding of scooters and skateboards to school is not permitted.

Page 5: HASTINGS PUBLIC SCHOOL to Hastings Public School Hastings Public School, situated in Port Macquarie, was established in 1981. The school is of modern design and set amidst many trees

BIRTHDAYS You are welcome to send in a treat when it’s your child’s birthday. Cupcakes, icy poles or lolly treats are preferred instead of a round cake (not easy cutting into 20-30 pieces).

Please check with your child’s teacher for class numbers and allergies and don’t forget one for the teacher!

BOOK CLUB / BOOK FAIR The school participates in the Scholastic Book Club. Brochures / order forms are sent home each term for your convenience. The decision to purchase books is yours – there is no obligation. Orders will only be accepted on the morning of Book Club. For the security of payments and due to the time it takes to collate orders, early and/or late orders will not be accepted.

The Library also coordinates Book Fair in Term 3 each year.

BUS TRAVEL Applications for free bus travel in rural and regional NSW must be completed online at www.transportnsw.info/school-students Applications are to be printed off, signed and returned to school to be endorsed. All children are required to show their current bus pass when boarding K-2 All children are eligible for a bus pass which entitles them to free bus travel to/from (Infants) their home address.

3-6 Children living outside a 1.6km radius (2.2km walking distance) also qualify for free (Primary) travel to/from their home address. Students within the zone may apply to the NSW Department of Transport for free travel. Please see the school’s office ladies for assistance in this area.

Please Note The school discourages students in Kindergarten from catching the bus until Term 2.

CALENDAR The calendar on the school’s website is regularly updated. Keep up to date with what’s happening and what’s coming up at http://www.hastings-p.schools.nsw.edu.au/calendar

CANTEEN Our School Canteen operates on a “traffic light” system - Green foods can be sold every day; Amber foods are sold on a weekly basis; and Red foods are a once a term treat. The canteen opens daily and relies on the voluntary help of parents under the direction of a paid supervisor. Lunch orders are to be written out at home on a paper bag or envelope and taken to the canteen before 9am. Snacks and drinks can also be purchased over the counter at recess and lunch time. The canteen is hoping to move to online ordering to assist busy parents.

Lunch Orders … Lunch orders are to be clearly written on a paper lunch bag in either blue or black pen and don’t forget to include your child’s name and class. Orders are to be taken to the canteen on arrival at school. Money is kept secure if bags are folded in half then in half again.

Drinks … All students must present their lunch order bag at the canteen to collect their drink.

No Credit … Please do not ask for credit. All lunch orders must include payment on the day.

If your child brings a lunch from home that requires a spoon or fork please pack one in their lunch box. Canteen cutlery is for lunches purchased from the canteen only.

Our canteen is operated by the P&C Association and managed by Mrs Tina Hamel.

Page 6: HASTINGS PUBLIC SCHOOL to Hastings Public School Hastings Public School, situated in Port Macquarie, was established in 1981. The school is of modern design and set amidst many trees

CARPARKS and FOOTPATHS Staff car parks are not to be used by parents dropping off or picking up their child/ren (except if they are sick or injured). We also ask parents to use designated footpaths when entering or leaving school grounds. Please do not use the main carpark as a shortcut to Waniora Parkway and do not walk through the Braemar Drive carpark and behind the “Sherwood Block”. Cars, delivery vehicles and small children are a dangerous combination.

CHANGES to ROUTINE Children quite often forget what their afternoon pick up arrangements are if changes are made. We have found laminating small reminder cards and putting them in your child’s lunch box or school bag helps them to remember and stops your child becoming upset. The cards can read “walk home today”; “catch the bus home”; or “Grandma is picking you up today”. These help to ease any uncertainty.

CHAPLAINCY PROGRAM The school has been funded to employ a chaplain. The school chaplain is a non-religious role which covers:

• mentoring children experiencing problems, especially boys from single parent households; • assisting children undergoing change in their lives through separation, divorce, death or moving recently to our school; • assisting in the school's anti-bullying strategies; • playing an important part in the transition stages of school life – Kindergarten, moving from Year 2 to Year 3 and from Year 6 to Year 7; • Our chaplain is at school on Tuesdays.

CHESS CLUB Chess Club is held in the Library most Friday lunchtimes. Students wanting to challenge each other (and at times a staff member) are welcome to attend.

CHOIRS Students are welcome to join the Junior and Senior choirs. Performances throughout the year include school assemblies, school concerts and nursing home visits.

CLOSING DATES for PAYMENTS Payments for school excursions, camps, sporting and/or cultural events will have a closing date on the permission note. This is to allow office staff time to collate payments and mark your child’s name off participation lists. It also gives teaching staff time to complete risk assessment forms and arrange work for students not attending. Please do not request a late payment be accepted.

COMMUNICATION with TEACHERS Many of our teachers are using Seesaw, Class Dojo and other email systems to keep parents informed of student progress. Parents are also emailing teachers directly with issued and concerns. It would be appreciated if all parents could understand busy teachers are sometimes only able to respond to requests early in the morning or after school hours. Teachers will try to respond to requests as soon as possible but parents should realise an immediate response is not always possible.

If you wish to make an appointment to speak with your child’s teacher, please write to the teacher to organise a mutually convenient time and list on your note the times/days that suit you. Emails will be forwarded.

Page 7: HASTINGS PUBLIC SCHOOL to Hastings Public School Hastings Public School, situated in Port Macquarie, was established in 1981. The school is of modern design and set amidst many trees

COMMUNITY - MUFTI DAYS We pride ourselves on the support our school gives to the wider community and those in need. Our Mufti Days in 2016 were:

Wacky Wednesday $1103.75 raised for the Papua New Guinea Sister Schools program

Blue Mufti Day to assist a Year 6 student participate in the Australian Swimming Titles in Darwin

Pyjama Party $1035.40 raised for the Ride for Sick Kids and Ronald McDonald House

Black Friday Assisting our Tournament of Minds Maths Engineering team to compete at the Australasian Pacific Finals

Christmas Toy Appeal Raising funds and donating toys to the Port Macquarie Salvation Army and Harley Hogs Christmas Toy Appeal.

CRUNCH & SIP Crunch & Sip aims to promote healthy eating habits. All students are encouraged to bring a small serve of bite size pieces of fruit and/or vegies and a water bottle each day. During the morning session, the children will be encouraged to “crunch” on their snacks and “sip” their water. Please ensure apples, oranges etc. are peeled / quartered. Do not send in a whole orange or apple.

CYBERSAFETY SITES Parents who may be interested in improving their knowledge and that of their children in keeping them safe when using the internet are advised the following sites may be helpful:

K-6 students http://www.cybersmart.gov.au/Young%20Kids.aspx http://www.cybersmart.gov.au/Kids/Watch%20Videos/GameOn.aspx

Teens http://www.cybersmart.gov.au/Teens/Games%20and%20videos.aspx

DANCE GROUPS Boys and girls, beginners and those with a little more experience are encouraged to join our dance groups. Dance groups are formed at the beginning of Term 1. Performances may include the District Dance Festival as well as school, nursing homes and/or Port Macquarie concerts throughout the year. All students must commit to practice which is held during recess, lunch and/or sport time. Our philosophy is to include as many as we can but are limited by stage size. A joining fee is charged to cover the cost of costumes and professional instruction. Parents may be required to purchase incidentals or cover bus fares during the year. Costumes will become the property of your child once all dance commitments for the year are completed.

Page 8: HASTINGS PUBLIC SCHOOL to Hastings Public School Hastings Public School, situated in Port Macquarie, was established in 1981. The school is of modern design and set amidst many trees

DISCOS Themed discos are held (usually) on the second last Friday night of Terms 1, 2 & 3 and mid Term 4. Infants (K-2) 5pm to 6:30pm and Primary (3-6) from 7pm to 8:30pm. The nights are for Hastings students only and parents are welcome to stay and help with supervision and/or canteen but please no toddlers for safety reasons.

Students must be picked up from the hall promptly at 6:30pm / 8:30pm.

The canteen is open during both discos selling hot snacks and cold drinks. It is recommended dinner spending money be secured in pockets or a shoulder bag. Nothing spoils your child’s enjoyment more than losing their money on the night.

DRESS CODE The school community expects students to wear the school uniform in a neat and presentable manner. The policy was formulated by the School Council. Sleeper earrings, (stud gun) studs, a watch and/or a plain signet ring are the only jewellery that should be worn. Students will be asked to remove jewellery (that does not fall within policy guidelines), make-up and/or nail polish.

School hats are part of the uniform and are the only hats to be worn.


Lockdown Continual BEEPING blasts

Classroom blinds are pulled down and students will be kept away from windows and doors and out of sight until an “all clear” announcement is made. * If Lockdown occurs during break times, all students and staff will move to the hall.

Fire in Buildings “Whooping” alarm

Classroom teachers/school staff will escort students to the

designated Netball Court Assembly Point

Rainforest Fire “Whooping” alarm with a

“Bushfire” announcement. All Sherwood Block classes stay in their rooms. Classes in Demountable 24, 25 and 26 join the Sherwood Block classes. All other classes go to the hall. *If the alarm is sounded during breaks everyone (students and staff) go to the hall.

The safety and welfare of all students is our priority during emergency situations.

END OF DAY ASSISTANCE 1. At times we have a large number of parents who are arriving at school to collect children very

early. The majority of the people sit under the COLA where sometimes PE lessons are taking place and the presence of parents can be a distraction to our younger children. Parents are asked to stay away from this area when it is being used by teachers and students.

2. While some parents arrive early we also have the opposite with others who find it difficult to

leave, allowing their children extended playtime on the fixed equipment or under the COLA. To this end, we ask all students and parents to be off the grounds by 3:15pm unless involved in an organised school activity. This will enable us to account for any missing children or children who are loitering and need to be on their way home.

3. Parents are requested to wait and meet their child/ren either under the COLA (arriving at 3pm)

or outside the school fence. Waiting outside classrooms can be disruptive.

Page 9: HASTINGS PUBLIC SCHOOL to Hastings Public School Hastings Public School, situated in Port Macquarie, was established in 1981. The school is of modern design and set amidst many trees

ETHICS CLASSES Classes are inquiry-based and children use dialogue and discussion to learn how to think about ethical matters through the give-and-take of reasoned argument. Trained and vetted volunteer parents lead discussions. Ethics classes are held during Scripture time and are offered as an alternative to standard religious lessons or our Ba’hai group.

EXCURSIONS and CAMPS During the year students participate in a variety of day excursions that relate to the unit/s of work their grade has been working on.

Year 4 students participate in a three day camp to Point Wolstoncroft with Year 6 participating in a five-day excursion to Canberra.

It is school policy students with outstanding textbook fees/paper levies are unable to participate in excursions, camps, sports programs and/or cultural events until these accounts are paid.

EXCURSIONS – WET WEATHER If the weather is iffy on the day of your child’s excursion and/or sports event please send them to school prepared to attend the activity / stay at school. It doesn’t matter if your child is out of uniform and they will have their recess and lunch as per the activity’s instructions. Facebook messages and emails will be posted. PLEASE DO NOT PHONE THE SCHOOL to check.

FACEBOOK Like us on Facebook. Search Hastings Public School and click on our school logo. School information, day to day reminders and photos will be regularly posted. Students will appear in photos but names will not be mentioned. Please contact us if you see a photo you want removed.

Negative Comments … We ask parents to consider their actions very carefully before putting negative comments on facebook. Making a general or in-direct comment on your page, or another page, is seen by others, liked, shared and eventually seen by the person implied (or named) or a family member! The best policy is “if you can’t say anything nice then don’t say anything at all”!

Photos / Videos … Parents are asked not to take group shots or video school events such as dance groups and sports teams/carnivals and post them on social media without first seeking permission from the staff members or the parent/carer of the other children in the photo/video. There may be students in the group who are not to be photographed for safety and legal reasons.

FAMILY HOLIDAYS From the beginning of 2015 travel outside a school vacation period is now counted as an absence for statistical purposes. If you are going on holidays, we would appreciate a note outlining dates before you go. It is often difficult for teachers to supply work for their students who are not at school as many concepts need to be taught directly. We have found the best holiday homework is to keep a travel diary which becomes a great keepsake and also something their teacher and class can enjoy on their return. Maths games can also be played or times tables practised to assist with mathematics. An extended time away may mean the student should enrol in distance education.

FIRST AID Part of a child’s healthy development involves coping with the usual bumps and knocks encountered in the playground. Children who are sick or injured may be referred to Sick Bay by their class teacher or playground duty teacher. The School Administrative Officers are qualified Senior First Aid carers and will see to injuries and/or escort the child to sick bay, observe the child’s progress, and, if necessary, contact parents. In an emergency an ambulance will be called.

Sometimes children may just need a little “time out”; ice is not the cure for everything!

Page 10: HASTINGS PUBLIC SCHOOL to Hastings Public School Hastings Public School, situated in Port Macquarie, was established in 1981. The school is of modern design and set amidst many trees

FIVE FAIR RULES The Five Fair Rules operate in all rooms and are designed to ensure the rights of all are respected, especially the right to learn without interruptions to the learning environment. The Five Fair Rules are:

1. I can work quietly 2. I can follow instructions 3. I can listen 4. I can raise my hand and wait 5. I can control my body and my mouth

Students who demonstrate acceptable behaviour are acknowledged as part of our Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) system and receive star cards and a Hastings 4-Star badge for consistent positive behaviour throughout the year.

GATS - Gifted & Talented Programs A wide variety of programs is set in place to cater to the individual needs of Gifted and Talented students in all classes at Hastings Public School. Programs provide opportunities for students in the five identified areas of talent: Intellectual, Social, Leadership, Physical and Creative.

HASTINGS HEADLINES We like to acknowledge in our newsletter student achievements that have been gained outside of school. If your child excels in sport, the arts or if it’s just a good community deed, please let us know and they will feature in our newsletter’s “Hastings Headlines”.

HOME READERS Home Readers are used by Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 class teachers to supplement the class reading programs. It is beneficial to your child’s learning for you to spend at least five to ten minutes each day listening to and encouraging them to want to read. Home Reader sets are expensive to replace. Lost or damaged Home Readers must be replaced and cost $13.00 each.

HOMEWORK Homework is a vital part of the home-school partnership which supports students while they learn. Homework provides activities for the child to refine the skills and concepts being developed in the classroom. All students are encouraged to read daily and borrow books from the library regularly.

KILOMETRE CLUB The Kilometre Club runs for five weeks in Term 2 and 5 weeks in Term 3 and provides an opportunity for Hastings students and their family members to improve their fitness. Students can walk/run the course which runs through school grounds and the rainforest area. Students can wear joggers to school on the days they are participating. In 2016, students completed an amazing 20,018 kilometres!

Page 11: HASTINGS PUBLIC SCHOOL to Hastings Public School Hastings Public School, situated in Port Macquarie, was established in 1981. The school is of modern design and set amidst many trees

KINDERGARTEN PLAYGROUND Kindergarten have their own playground where they are able to develop friendships with their peers. There is a sandpit, climbing equipment and a range of activities including painting, construction and ball games to encourage creativity, problem solving and teamwork.

Sibling Visits … Older siblings can visit their brother or sister in the Kindergarten playground before school or at lunchtime but we encourage only a short visit as it discourages the younger ones to interact with other Kinders and also unsettles them when their sibling leaves.

KISS & DROP ZONE The school has a five-car Kiss & Drop zone on the northern side of Braemar Drive just before the intersection with Waniora Parkway. This area is for you to pull in, drop the kids off and drive off. Drivers must stay within 3m of their vehicle at all times and can only be “parked” in the zone for two minutes. The zone is marked by the “No Parking” sign. Breaking the Kiss & Drop Zone restrictions may cost you $180.00 and 2 demerit points.

LEARNING SUPPORT The Learning & Support Team facilitates and co-ordinates a whole school approach to cater for students with identified learning support needs. All students who are in need of support are to be referred to the Learning Support Team. The team consists of the principal, executive teachers, class teachers, DSC (District School Counsellor), L&ST (Learning and Support Teacher), School Chaplain and outer agency representatives (if required).

Their role is to identify resources within the school and the community to support the learning needs of students, and allocate resources to best meet students’ needs.

Learning support programs which operate at Hasting Public School include: L&ST (Learning & Support Teacher) 5 days per week S.L.S.O (School Learning Support Officer) - Playground and in class support Social support groups which include boys & girls groups at recess and lunch Fine Motor Skills Program Let’s Read Program Speech Program Tutor Program Transition Programs

LIBRARY Our Library is stocked with many types of books, games and activities, catering for students of all ages. A qualified teacher/librarian is on hand 5 days per week.

The Library is open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday mornings 8:40am to 9am and Monday to Friday lunchtimes 1:05pm to 1:35pm. It is expected each student borrows at least one book per week.

To assist with the proper care of our books, all children must have a library bag in which the book is carried to and from school. Lost or damaged books and CDs must be paid for at replacement cost.

Once a term, the Library offers Book Club catalogues for book purchasing. A Book Fair is held during Term 3.

Our library is a focal point of the school curriculum enhancing English and Information Skills.

LOST PROPERTY Lost Property is kept in the office area. Clearly labelled items nearly always find their owners – unlabelled items never do. Please clearly label all your child’s clothing and containers and check the legibility during each holiday break as some labelling fades very quickly. Please also check regularly that your child is wearing THEIR hat/jacket and not someone else’s.

Page 12: HASTINGS PUBLIC SCHOOL to Hastings Public School Hastings Public School, situated in Port Macquarie, was established in 1981. The school is of modern design and set amidst many trees

LOYALTY PROGRAMS RITCHIE’S IGA … Ritchie’s Community Benefit Card program donates a percentage of the money spent by customers back to their nominated club, school or charity. Since the inception of the card our school has benefitted greatly with donations received used to create the rainforest boardwalk, the garden area outside the main office and part of the foyer refurbishment. Donated funds are now used to look after our aquarium and we need your help to earn funds for the school. The office has barcoded cards and key tags for parents to use when they purchase groceries from Ritchie’s IGA in Port Central. If you shop at Ritchie’s and would like to help look after our fish we can send a card or keytag home. Give us a call as all you then have to do is shop in-store and have your card/tag scanned every time you go through the checkout. It’s that easy!

THE ATHLETE’S FOOT … Leading up to the start of the school year, Athlete’s Foot donate back to the school $5.00 for every pair of school/sports shoes purchased by our students. Don’t forget to mention Hastings Public School if purchasing from Athlete’s Foot Port Macquarie.

AMART SPORTS … Amart Sports also donate a percentage on all sports shoes and equipment purchased for our students in their Port Macquarie store. Again, please mention Hastings Public school when purchasing your sports equipment!

MEDICATION Medication can only be administered at school when the appropriate information and permission forms have been completed. Any medications brought to school must be handed in at the Main Office – a safer place than a child’s bag.

Asthma medication and epiPens are allowed to be with the student for immediate access for treatment.

MESSAGES Please try and confirm afternoon arrangements before your child leaves home of a morning. The school does not have a “runner” system so at busy times and/or change to classroom routines, it can sometimes be difficult to pass messages onto students. Messages phoned in after 1:30pm are not guaranteed to reach your child before 3pm dismissal. DO NOT email a message for your child with change to afternoon arrangements or that requires an immediate response.

MOSQUITOES If mosquitoes like your child, please give them a quick aerogard spray before leaving home of a morning. As our school is surrounded by bush, mozzies can sometimes be a problem during the spring and summer months.

NO HAT - SIT ON THE BLUE STEPS Students are required to wear a school hat outside. Those who are not wearing a hat will be directed to the steps under the COLA.

NEWSLETTER Our newsletter is published each Friday and aims to keep parents informed about school, classroom and community happenings and activities. Most families receive the newsletter via email and a paper copy is sent home to each family. The newsletter is also uploaded on our website each week and a link posted on the school’s facebook page.

Page 13: HASTINGS PUBLIC SCHOOL to Hastings Public School Hastings Public School, situated in Port Macquarie, was established in 1981. The school is of modern design and set amidst many trees

OFFICE ETIQUETTE In a school as large as ours it is hoped everyone appreciates they cannot have immediate access to the principal or deputy principal. There have been situations when confidential matters are being discussed in these two offices and parents have suddenly arrived at the door or window wanting to have a chat. ALL parents must make an appointment at the office first to see Mr Heaton or Mrs Baker. There will be no exceptions and parents who forget this simple request will be reminded. You would not walk straight into a doctor’s room – please show us the same respect!

P&C The P&C meets the third Wednesday of each month in the Staffroom at 7:30pm. Meetings are a “round-table” format giving all parents the opportunity to raise any issues pertinent to the school. All parents are most welcome to attend. A great way of staying informed, getting to know other parents and contributing to your child’s school.

PARENT HELPERS The kids feel proud when they see mum, dad, grandma or pop helping at school and they love to show you off to their classmates. Parents are always welcome to help in the classroom with reading and/or in specialised areas and in the canteen. Check with your child’s teacher if they require assistance in the classroom or our canteen manager, Tina Hamel, if you can help in canteen. Canteen parent helpers are required between 10:30am and 2pm on a once a month roster. A free lunch is provided.

All parent helpers must provide the office their Working With Children number of complete a Parent Volunteer Declaration and provide 100 points documentation.

PARKING RESTRICTIONS Council Rangers and Police regularly carry out random checks around the school. It’s sometimes better to park and enjoy a two minute walk with your child!

Fines for disobeying School Zone signs/restrictions are:


$180 2 points


$325 2 points

BUS ZONE (Stopping on/Parking in)

$325 2 points


$325 2 points


$425 2 points

Children Crossing Unlike Pedestrian Crossings, where a car can drive through when their side of the crossing is clear, on a CHILDREN CROSSING (Braemar Drive, Waniora Parkway and Kennedy Drive) the crossing must be free of all pedestrians (both ways) before traffic can drive through.

Page 14: HASTINGS PUBLIC SCHOOL to Hastings Public School Hastings Public School, situated in Port Macquarie, was established in 1981. The school is of modern design and set amidst many trees

PAYMENTS With the exception of Eftpos (card swipe) payments, money for excursions, visiting performances, sport levies, textbooks, school fees etc. is to be handed to class teachers as soon as possible after 9am. Payments are collected in a class envelope and taken to the office for receipting. Receipts are then returned to the classroom and handed to students to take home. Credit card payments are also accepted over the phone.

Cash / Cheque The preferred payment system by office staff. If paying by cheque please check the permission slip for payee details.

Eftpos / Credit Card

Due to the time is takes to process one Eftpos payment and the cost of bank fees, payments under $10.00 will not be available. Parents can complete their credit card details on permission slips, pay directly at the office or pay over the phone. Your personal card details are shredded once your payment has been processed.

Parent Online Payments (POP)

POP payments are also restricted to $10.00 and over. Restrictions may also apply when the activity has limited numbers. Again, please refer to your permission note.


Where a permission note states Eftpos / POP payments are not acceptable due to being under $10 but your family payment goes over $10, Eftpos and/or POP payments will be accepted but each child must return their own completed permission slip to their class teacher.

PAYMENTS - ONLINE On the school’s webpage www.hastings-p.schools.nsw.edu.au you will find a $ Make a Payment link Click and complete all information to make your payment. If you are paying / part-paying school fees please complete the payment information under “Payment Options – Voluntary School Contributions”; textbook and paper levies should be paid under “Payment Options – Sales to Students”; Canberra and Year 4 Point Wolstoncroft camps can be paid under “Payment Options – Excursions” etc. Permission notes must still be returned with your payment confirmation completed on the slip. Online payments do not cover permission to attend an activity and/or leave school grounds.

PE / FITNESS Class teachers conduct PE and/or fitness activities most days in either class or grade groups. Activities range from aerobics, dance, ball skills (catching, throwing, hitting), the play equipment and gross motor.

PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT Toddlers and pre-schoolers are only permitted to use the fixed playground equipment if they are under the direct supervision of their parent/carer. Noise must be kept to a minimum as this is a distraction for students in nearby classrooms.

POLICIES & PROCEDURES Information outlining our school policies and procedures may be found on the school’s website - www.hastings-p.schools.nsw.edu.au Please contact the office if you would like a paper copy.

Page 15: HASTINGS PUBLIC SCHOOL to Hastings Public School Hastings Public School, situated in Port Macquarie, was established in 1981. The school is of modern design and set amidst many trees

PUBLICITY Throughout the year various activities take place that require parent permission. These include publication of names and/or photos in school newsletters, local newspapers and television and photos on our facebook page and school website. If you DO NOT wish to have your child's name/photo published please notify the school office in writing.

RAINFOREST During the cooler months students participate in class learning activities that take place in the rainforest regeneration area adjoining the school. If you DO NOT wish your child to enter the rainforest area please notify the school in writing.

Pictured is Toni Waniora, a special young lady rescued by our previous GA, Tony Wright. Toni Waniora (named after her rescuer & Waniora Parkway) spent 6 weeks at Port Macquarie Koala Hospital before being released back at the tree where she was found.

SCHOOL BAND Students in Year 3 to Year 6 are welcome to join the School Band. Rehearsals and tutorials are held Friday mornings and are conducted by Mrs Ann Hamilton and Mr Frank Rugers. Fees are payable to Blue Gum 2. Guitar and violin lessons are also available.

Beginner keyboard lessons are also held at school on Wednesday mornings, 8:15 to 8:45am. Lessons are provided by Port Macquarie Academy of Music. Students require their own keyboard.

Page 16: HASTINGS PUBLIC SCHOOL to Hastings Public School Hastings Public School, situated in Port Macquarie, was established in 1981. The school is of modern design and set amidst many trees

SCHOOL FEES School Fees are voluntary contributions the school seeks from parents to help in the payment of exercise books, art & craft supplies, classroom pens & pencils, maths & science equipment, first aid supplies, tissues and soap. In 2012 the P&C set school fees and these charges still remain: $40.00 – single child family; $60.00 - 2 children in the family; $80.00 - 3+ children in the family. Accounts are sent home at the beginning of the school year. Pro-rata accounts are given to parents if enrolling students during the year.

SCHOOL PARLIAMENT The aims of our school parliament are to:

· provide a more constructive and relevant role for the school leaders · provide more students with the opportunity to play a leadership role in our school. · ensure the concept of participative, democratic decision-making is appreciated and

incorporated into the school’s ethos. · use the Australian parliamentary framework as the model for our school parliament.

Children wishing to run for Parliament have an informal talk with our deputy principal to discuss a range of general school issues and what they would like to do for the school. They are then presented with a nomination form which is endorsed by their parent and class teacher.

Candidates deliver speeches to the student community which votes for the 14 vacant places. Upon election, each successful candidate also receives a name badge with his or her name and cabinet portfolio and the Presentation Assembly in December.

The Hastings Public School Parliament provides students with a clear understanding of Australia’s system of government on a regular and on-going basis. Students have reaped the benefits of a participative and democratic system where their proposals have gone from a simple idea to see it examined, debated and voted on in a public forum. Many of their proposals have become part of school routine and have improved the life of the school. This aspect, above all of the outstanding features of the program, has demonstrated to the students the power of the individual in instigating and influencing change. Coupled with this has also been the proviso of enlisting the support of the majority to ensure the success of any proposals.

Page 17: HASTINGS PUBLIC SCHOOL to Hastings Public School Hastings Public School, situated in Port Macquarie, was established in 1981. The school is of modern design and set amidst many trees

SCHOOL WEBSITE - www.hastings-p.schools.nsw.edu.au For all the latest news and information. Also includes schools policies and procedures. Our website is updated regularly.

SCRIPTURE All Department of Education schools in NSW must provide the option for religious education for 30 minutes per week. A group of lay clergy hold lessons in classrooms and follow a set text approved by local ministers. Lessons in Bah’ai’ and Ethics are also offered. Families may also nominate for non-scripture. Early in Term 1 parents are asked, via our newsletter, to choose the Scripture activity they would like for their child.

SOCIAL MEDIA PHOTOS Parents are asked not to take group shots or video school events such as dance groups and sports teams/carnivals and post them on social media without first seeking permission from staff members and/or the parent/carer of the other children in the photo/video. There may be students in the group who are not to be photographed for safety and legal reasons.

SPORTS DAYS Infants K-2 students participate in a variety of activities at school on Wednesday mornings. Sports uniform and joggers should be worn.

Primary Stage 2 (Years 3 & 4) participate in sports activities on Wednesdays and Stage 3 (Year 5 and Year 6) on Fridays. Summer & winter sports and activities vary from term to term and are held at school and outside fields and venues. Sports uniform & joggers should be worn for sport activities.

PSSA Knockouts Senior students also have the opportunity to compete in PSSA knockouts and representative trials in a variety of individual and team sports.


ALLMAN Surnames

A - D House Colour


BOSWELL Surnames

E - J House Colour



K - Q House Colour


WILSON Surnames

R-Z House Colour


Students are encouraged to wear the colour of their House for swimming and athletics carnivals.

Page 18: HASTINGS PUBLIC SCHOOL to Hastings Public School Hastings Public School, situated in Port Macquarie, was established in 1981. The school is of modern design and set amidst many trees

STUDENT BANKING Student Banking operates every Tuesday thanks to volunteer parents. All students are encouraged to open a Commonwealth Bank Dollarmite account and bank their pocket/birthday money on a regular basis. Deposits from 50c are accepted and each deposit made earns commission for the school. Application packs are available from the office.

** FACT ** If your child banks their age every week ie. $5 years = $5.00; 9 years = $9.00 for every year til they are 18 they will have a nice healthy bank balance of $8919 + interest to purchase their first car, enjoy a gap year or move on to uni!

SHOWCASE CONCERT Biennially, our students have the chance to take a bow on The Glasshouse stage. Students from Year 3 to Year 6 perform in a variety of acts including dance, drama, in song, school band and comedy. At the end of the night we are one very happy school with very proud parents!

Our next Showcase Concert will be in 2018.

TEXTBOOK FEES and PAPER LEVIES Textbooks are purchased on behalf of your child at a discounted rate, less GST and are used in class daily. In lieu of textbook fees, Kindergarten and Year 1 are charged a paper levy for the extra stencils used in class.

School policy states that students with outstanding textbook fees and paper levies may be excluded from extra-curricular activities including excursions, sports days/carnivals and visiting performances.

UNIFORM SHOP The uniform shop will open for new families only on or prior to their enrolment. For all other families the shop opens during school terms every Monday morning 8:30 – 9:30am; Thursday and Friday afternoons 2:30 – 3pm and the last Saturday of the school holidays – 9:00am to 12 noon. The Uniform Shop also has a selection of good quality, second hand uniforms for sale at reasonable prices.

Office staff are unable to open the shop outside these hours.

School hats are available from the canteen from 8:45am to 9am only.

Uniforms can now be ordered online through Flexi Schools. Please see the reverse side of your price list for ordering details.

VISITORS and PARENT HELPERS Parent helpers and visitors to our school are asked to sign the Visitors Book at the office on arrival and when leaving. This is a work and safety regulation to cover situations where the buildings may need to be evacuated and we would need to account for all people in the school.

Parents and grandparents are welcome to assist in younger grades with reading and maths groups. Please see your class teacher if you would like to be a parent helper. The canteen and uniform shop also welcome parents/grandparents.

WORKING WITH CHILDREN CHECK All parents, carers and grandparents who volunteer within the school in class groups or at sports activities, P&C functions, canteen and/or assisting with transport must provide the office with their Working with Children number and date of birth OR complete a Volunteer Declaration and provide 100 point documentation. This is a mandatory requirement by the Department of Education. It is best to provide this documentation when enrolling your child as 99% of our parents will help in some way over the years your child is at Hastings!

Page 19: HASTINGS PUBLIC SCHOOL to Hastings Public School Hastings Public School, situated in Port Macquarie, was established in 1981. The school is of modern design and set amidst many trees

THE PUBLIC HEALTH (AMENDMENT) ACT 1992 The Public Health (Amendment) Act 1992 requires parents of children starting school in the Kindergarten class from 1994, to provide an Immunisation Certificate. This is not compulsory immunisation and parents will always have the right of choice. However, in the event of an outbreak of a vaccine preventable disease in a child care facility, pre-school or school, un-immunised children will be required to remain at home for the duration of the outbreak.


Chicken Pox Exclude till fully recovered or at least 5 days after the eruption first appears.

Conjunctivitis Exclude until discharge from eyes has ceased.

Diarrhoea Exclude until diarrhoea has ceased.


Exclude until medical certificate of recovery following at least two negative throat swabs, the first not less than 24 hours after cessation of antibiotic treatment and the other 48 hours later. Exclude family/household contacts until cleared to return by an appropriate health authority.

Glandular Fever Exclusion is not necessary.

Head Lice

This issue creates more tension than any other in a school. There should not be any shame involved with a symptom that is caught from others just like any communicable disease. If a child has head lice or eggs (nits) they must be excluded until the problem has been addressed.

The best and simplest way to eradicate this problem is the use of an insect repellent such as Aerogard sprayed on the hair once a week.

Hepatitis A Exclude until receipt of a Medical Certificate of recovery but not before 7 days after the onset of jaundice.

Hepatitis B or C Exclusion is not necessary.

Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection (HIV)

Exclusion is not necessary unless the person has secondary infection requiring exclusion in its own right.

Impetigo (School Sores)

Exclude until appropriate treatment has commenced and sores on exposed surfaces are covered with a dressing.

Measles Exclude for at least 4 days from the appearance of rash.

Meningitis (Bacterial) or Meningococcal Infection

Exclude until well.

Mumps Exclude for at least 9 days after onset of symptoms.

Ringworm, Scabies, Trachoma Exclude until the day after treatment has commenced.

Rubella (German Measles)

Exclude until fully recovered or for at least 4 days after the onset of rash.

Whooping Cough Exclude for five days after starting antibiotic treatment.

Page 20: HASTINGS PUBLIC SCHOOL to Hastings Public School Hastings Public School, situated in Port Macquarie, was established in 1981. The school is of modern design and set amidst many trees

27 28


21 22 23


24 25 26

KEY AV Audio Visual

B/G Student Toilets

C Cleaner’s Room

GA General Assistant

M Music Room

RR Reading Recovery

SR Store Room

SS Sports Store

T Toilets

TA Teacher Aides

US Uniform Shop

Disabled Toilet

5 Car Kiss & Drop





d –


a 3

---------- RAINFOREST & BOARDWALK ----------




r L







1 S




Copy Room / First Aid




Sick Bay

Meeting Room




Deputy Principal

Staff Toilet




Staff Room














RT / B



-- EVA





T --


17 16

18 19 20





Play Area




8 9



COLA (Covered Outdoor Learning Area)

Playground – Area 1





14 15






Playground – Area 2




















Play Area

Page 21: HASTINGS PUBLIC SCHOOL to Hastings Public School Hastings Public School, situated in Port Macquarie, was established in 1981. The school is of modern design and set amidst many trees


Adele Close

Admirals Hideaway

Alkina Avenue

Allunga Avenue

Amaroo Parade

Amira Drive

Astronomers Terrace

Bell Court

Berida Street

Biloela Crescent

Binbilla Place

Boambee Street

Bodalla Avenue

Bowden Road

Braemar Drive

Bundaleer Crescent

Calwalla Crescent

Candelo Close

Canobolas Place

Captains Lookout

Cattlebrook Road

Chalmers Street (#1 to #26)

Chisholm Circuit

Compass Close

Coorella Circuit

Coral Street

Cullen Close

Denning Place

Dennis Street

Dianella Road

Dilladerry Crescent

Dixon Avenue

Durok Place

Emily Avenue

Fitzroy Place

Gardenia Avenue

George Crescent

Goorari Road

Grace Close

Grandview Parade

Granite Street (from #100)

Gurra Place

Hamlyn Drive

Hibiscus Crescent

Hillcrest Avenue

Jabuk Close

James Close

Jasmine Street

Jinalee Crescent

Jindabyne Place

Kabala Avenue

Kadina Crescent

Kalinda Drive

Kamona Close

Karalee Parade

Kennedy Drive

Kenny Street

Kerrabee Close

Koala Street

Leanda Street

Leura Place

Luton Court

Lyndale Avenue

Magnolia Place

Mareeba Crescent

Marumba Place

McIntyre Place

McLaren Drive

Merinda Drive

Mimosa Drive

Mitchell Circuit

Moonah Parade

Moruya Drive

Myee Place

Nangara Place

Navigators Way

Nelson Street

Northridge Drive

Nulla Close

O’Briens Road

Oleander Avenue

Orana Place

Orchid Avenue

Orr Street

Pacific Drive (from #74)

Palmview Place

Parklands Avenue

Parklands Close

Parkwood Court

Perks Parade

Pindari Parade

Plantation Parade

Primula Place

Reading Street

Regent Street

Shearer Street

Shelly Beach Road

Sunnyside Crescent

Swift Street (even numbers)

Talbingo Place

Talofa Crescent

Tasman Road

Teraglin Road

Timbarra Close

Treetops Crescent

Tristania Court

Verbena Avenue

Wandella Drive

Waniora Parkway

Warrego Place

Waverley Glade

Wesley Avenue

Wilga Place

Wisteria Place

Woodvale Place

Yarramundi Road

Yarran Close

Yarranabee Road

Page 22: HASTINGS PUBLIC SCHOOL to Hastings Public School Hastings Public School, situated in Port Macquarie, was established in 1981. The school is of modern design and set amidst many trees


Hastings Public School, Beautiful Port Macquarie.

Kids, teachers, family, Work in harmony.

Learning, Growing, Caring, Striving for quality.

We’re proud to be Hastings, A great place to be.

In nineteen eighty one

It was just the beginning A new place to go to school,

Up from Shelly Beach. Rainforest, gum trees,

Koalas, birds and lizards too. We’re proud to be Hastings

A great place to be.

Time has passed, We’re in the new century.

Internet, computers, Technology.

Life is learning, Never stop, achieve our best. We’re proud to be Hastings

A great place to be.

Hastings Public School, Beautiful Port Macquarie.

Kids, teachers, family, Work in harmony.

Learning, Growing, Caring, Striving for quality.

We’re proud to be Hastings, A great place to be.

We’re proud to be Hastings, A great place to be!

Sung to the original tune of Waltzing Matilda

Words by Jeanette Starr & Peter Murray

Page 23: HASTINGS PUBLIC SCHOOL to Hastings Public School Hastings Public School, situated in Port Macquarie, was established in 1981. The school is of modern design and set amidst many trees

HASTINGS PUBLIC SCHOOL 85 Yarranabee Road, PO Box 5715, Port Macquarie, 2444


www.hastings-p.schools.nsw.edu.au PHONE

6582 2566 FAX

6582 1380 EMAIL

[email protected]

Page 24: HASTINGS PUBLIC SCHOOL to Hastings Public School Hastings Public School, situated in Port Macquarie, was established in 1981. The school is of modern design and set amidst many trees