haqiqat al haqqani

HAQIQAT AL HAQQANI ( A TEXT ON SHEIKH NAZIM ) INTRODUCTION This is the first edition. This text explores the rank of the religious world leader Maulana Sheikh Nazim, and gives insight on his connection with Imam Mahdi (AS). Explaining the coming of the prophesized Mahdi (AS) and The miracles surrounding The Sufi Master’s demise. The soul is our eternal gift from the divine, we must remember that the prophet (AS) and saints are alive in their graves. Death is the movement of the eternal soul from the temporary earthly realm to the eternal realm. Finally, anyone wishing to visit Cyprus can do so. Following the guidelines below is well recommended. BY UZMA JONES CONTENTS SECTION A :BIOGRAPHY SECTION B :MAWLANA SHEIKHS’S SPIRITUAL RANKS SECTION C :THE PROPHESIZED MAHDI (AS) SECTION D : MAWLANA SHEIKH’S PASSING SECTION E :VISITS TO CYRPUS SECTION A: BIOGRAPHY In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful. Peace and Salutations be upon His Messenger His full name is Muhammad Nazim ‘Adil ibn al-Sayyid Ahmad ibn Hasan Yashil Bash al-Haqqani al-Qubrusi al-Hanafi, may Allah sanctify his soul and preserve his secret. His kunya is Abu Muhammad – after his oldest son – and he is also the father of Baha’ al-Din, Naziha, and Ruqayya. He is the Grand Mufti of Turkish Cyprus. He was born in 1341 (1922) in the city of Larnaca, Cyprus (Qubrus) to a family of Arab origin with Tatar roots. His father descended from the Cardinal Saint of Islam, Sultan al Awliya Sheikh ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani; who declared “My foot is on the necks of all Saints”. His mother descends from Mawlana Jalal al-Din al-Rumi. He grew up in Cyprus, as a top student in all of his classes and he also showed great signs of Wiliyat throughout his

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Haqiqat Al Haqqani by Uzma Jones


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This is the first edition. This text explores the rank of the religious world leader Maulana Sheikh Nazim, and gives insight on his connection with Imam Mahdi (AS). Explaining the coming of the prophesized Mahdi (AS) and The miracles surrounding The Sufi Master’s demise. The soul is our eternal gift from the divine, we must remember that the prophet (AS) and saints are alive in their graves. Death is the movement of the eternal soul from the temporary earthly realm to the eternal realm. Finally, anyone wishing to visit Cyprus can do so. Following the guidelines below is well recommended.BY UZMA JONES




In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful. Peace and Salutations be upon His MessengerHis full name is Muhammad Nazim ‘Adil ibn al-Sayyid Ahmad ibn Hasan Yashil Bash al-Haqqani al-Qubrusi al-Hanafi, may Allah sanctify his soul and preserve his secret. His kunya is Abu Muhammad – after his oldest son – and he is also the father of Baha’ al-Din, Naziha, and Ruqayya.He is the Grand Mufti of Turkish Cyprus. He was born in 1341 (1922) in the city of Larnaca, Cyprus (Qubrus) to a family of Arab origin with Tatar roots. His father descended from the Cardinal Saint of Islam, Sultan al Awliya Sheikh ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani; who declared “My foot is on the necks of all Saints”. His mother descends from Mawlana Jalal al-Din al-Rumi.He grew up in Cyprus, as a top student in all of his classes and he also showed great signs of Wiliyat throughout his youth. As a youth, he was initiated and trained in both the Qadri and Mevlavi Paths. He excelled in both of these to the extent that elders would come to visit him and ask him to make Istikharah for them regarding various matters concerning their personal lives.

His Educational Background

After finishing school in Cyprus, young Sheikh Nazim went to university in Istanbul and graduated in Chemical Engineering. While in Istanbul, he also studied Arabic and Fiqh under Sheikh Jamal al-Din al-Alsuni (d. 1375/1955) and received ijaza from him. He also took initiation into the Naqshbandi Tariqa from Sheikh Sulayman Arzarumi (d. 1368/1948) who eventually sent him to Syria in search of the renowned Wali of the epoch, Sheikh ‘Abd Allah Daghestani, who held the secrets of the Naqshbandiyya.

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Sheikh Nazim then left his homeland and headed towards the Middle East, where he sought the company of Sheikh ‘Abd Allah Daghestani. He spen five years looking for his Sheikh. During these intense five years, he continued his Shari’a studies in Halab (Aleppo), Hama, and Hims. He studied at the shrine and madrassah of Khalid ibn al-Walid (radi allahu anhu) in Hims under its great Ulema and obtained ijaza in Hanafi fiqh from Sheikh Muhammad ‘Ali ‘Uyun al-Sud and Sheikh ‘Abd al-Jalil Murad, and ijaza in hadith from the Muhaddith Sheikh ‘Abd al-’Aziz ibn Muhammad ‘Ali ‘Uyun al-Sud al-Hanafi.Sheikh ‘Abd al-’Aziz ibn Muhammad ‘Ali ‘Uyun al-Sud al-Hanafi is one of the ten great hadith teachers of the late Rifa’i Hafiz of Aleppo, Sheikh al-Islam ‘Abd Allah Siraj al-Din (1924- 2002 CE) who met Sheikh ‘Abd Allah Daghestani in 1959 and gave bay’a to Mawlana Sheikh Nazim during the latter’s last visit to him in Aleppo in 2001.Sheikh Nazim also studied under Sheikh Sa’id al-Siba’i who sent him to Damascus after receiving a sign related to the coming of Mawlana Sheikh ‘Abd Allah al-Daghistani to Syria. After his initial arrival in Syria from Daghistan in the late thirties, Mawlana Sheikh ‘Abd Allah lived mostly in Damascus but often visited Aleppo and Hims. In the latter city he got to know Sheikh Sa’id al-Siba’i who was director of the Khalid ibn Walid madrassah. Sheikh Sa’id wrote to him, “We have a remarkable student from Turkey studying with us.” Mawlana Sheikh ‘Abd Allah replied to him, “That student belongs to us; send him over!” That student was Mawlana Sheikh Nazim who came to Damascus and gave his bay’a to Sheikh ‘Abd Allah Daghestani between 1941 and 1943.

According to the Ulema

The director of Dar al-Ifta’ in Beirut, Lebanon, Sheikh Salah al-Din Fakhri wrote by hand: “On the morning of al-Ahad 20 Rabi’ al-Akhir 1386 corresponding to Sunday 7 August, 1966, we were granted the privilege of visiting Sheikh ‘Abd Allah al-Daghistani – Allah have mercy on him – in Mount Qasyun in Damascus on the initiative and in the company of Mawlana al-Sheikh Mukhtar al-’Alayli – Allah have mercy on him – the Mufti of the Republic of Lebanon at the time; Sheikh Husayn Khalid the imam of Nawqara Mosque; Hajj Khalid Bashir – may Allah have mercy on both of them; Sheikh Husayn Sa’biyya [the present director of Dar al-Hadith al-Ashrafiyya in Damascus]; Sheikh Mahmud Sa’d; Sheikh Zakariyya Sha’r; and Hajj Mahmud Sha’r. The Sheikh received us most kindly, with a warm welcome full of happiness and mirth. This was in the presence of Sheikh Nazim al-Qubrusi – Allah save and keep him! We sat from nine o’clock in the morning until the zuhr call to prayer while the Sheikh – Allah have mercy on him – explained and spoke about Sham, its excellence, its extraordinary merits, and the fact that it is the site of the Resurrection and that Allah will gather all human beings in it for the final Reckoning. He mentioned things that moved our hearts and minds, imbued with the glorious spirit of the Salihiyya district, and he spoke about the indissoluble link – in practice as well as discourse – between tasawwuf and the Shari’a….”

Reverence From the Pious Ulema

There are many more prestigious names of the Ulema and Awliya’ of Syria who loved and associated with both Sheikh ‘Abd Allah Daghestani and Sheikh Nazim Al Haqqani during the golden thirty-year period of their association such as Sheikh Muhammad Bahjat al-Baytar (1311-1396), Sheikh Sulayman Ghawji al-Albani (d. 1378) the father of Sheikh Wahbi, Sheikh Tawfiq al-Hibri, Sheikh Muhammad al-’Arabi al-’Azzuzi (1308-1382) the Mufti of Lebanon and principal Sheikh of Sheikh Husayn ‘Usayran, al-’Arif Sheikh Shahid al-Halabi, al-’Arif Sheikh Rajab al-Ta’i, Sheikh al-Qurra’ Sheikh Najib Khayyata al-Farazi al-Halabi, al-’Arif Sheikh Muhammad al-Nabhan, Sheikh Ahmad ‘Izz al-Din al-Bayanuni, al-’Arif Sheikh Ahmad al-Harun (1315-1382), Sheikh Muhammad Zayn al-’Abidin al-Jadhba, and others – Allah have mercy on all of them!Thus has it been noted that in every encounter with the Awliya’ and righteous Ulema of this Ummah, they invariably show the highest respect and most fearsome humbleness to Mawlana and his silsila even when they are ostensibly on a different path such as al-Habib ‘Ali al-’Aydarus in Malaysia; Sayyid Muhammad ibn ‘Alawi al-Maliki in Makka; al-Habib ‘Umar ibn Hafiz of Tarim; Sayyid Yusuf al-Rifa’i of Kuwait; Sheikh ‘Isa al-Himyari in Dubai; Sayyid ‘Afif al-Din al-Jilani and Sheikh Bakr al- Samarra’i of Baghdad; al-Sharif Mustafa ibn al-Sayyid Ibrahim al-Basir in central Morocco; the Grandmufti of Syria Sheikh Ahmad Kuftaro ibn Mawlana al-Sheikh Amin and his friends Sheikh Bashir al-Bani, Sheikh Rajab Dib, and Sheikh Ramazan Dib; the Kattani Shuyukh

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of Damascus; the late Sheikh ‘Abd Allah Siraj al-Din and his nephew Dr. Nur al-Din ‘Itr; Mawlana al-Sheikh ‘Abd al-Rahman al-Shaghuri; Dr. Samer al- Nass; Sheikh Osman Sirajuddin from Kurdistan, Sheikh Abdul Karim Mudarris from Baghdad, Sheikh Mahmud Efendi from Istanbul, Sheikh Abdul Baki from Turkey, Sheikh Muhammad Sadiq from Kashmir, Sheikh Ahmad Habbal, Sheikh Muhammad Zakariyya al-Bukhari from Madina, Sheikh Muhammad Alauddin Siddiqui from Kashmir, Sheikh Faqir Rehmat Karim from NWFP, Pakistan, Sheikh Babikir Ahmed Babikir from Sudan, Sheikh Muhammad Iqbal Abbasi from Madinah, Sheikh Habib Abdul Qadir as-Saqqaf from Jeddah, Sheikh Muhammad Amin al-Hasanat Shah from Punjab, Sheikh Sufi Muhammad Aslam from Jhelum, Sheikh Muhammad Tahir from Jhang, Sheikh Shukri al-Luhafi from Damascus,  Sheikh Sayyid Shah Turab ul-Haq Qadri from Pakistan, Sheikh Murabit al-Hajj from Mauritania, Sheikh Sayyid Hashmi Miyan from India, Sheikh Sayyid Shabir Ali Shah from Attock, Sheikh Sayyid Naseer ud din Naseer from Islamabad, Sheikh Muhammad Naqib-ur-Rehman from Rawalpindi, Sheikh Hazim Abu Ghazala from Amman, Sheikh Muhammad Ahmad al-Mahi from Madinah, Sheikh Abdul Ghani al-Jafari from Egypt and more- may Allah have mercy on them! Each of the above-named Ulema all invoke tarazzi on Mawlana al-Sheikh Nazim, expressing belief in the loftiness of his wilaya and asking for his du’a. “And Allah suffices as Witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah” (48:28-29).

His Seclusions

During his thirty years of intense training under Sheikh ‘Abd Allah Daghestani, Sheikh Nazim was placed in numerous seclusions. When he was only 33 years old, he was ordered into seclusion by Sheikh ‘Abd Allah Daghestani who told him, “I have received an order from the Prophet for you to make seclusion in the mosque of Sheikh ‘Abd al Qadir Jilani in Baghdad. You go there and make seclusion for six months.”About this same seclusion Sheikh Nazim himself states, “I only emerged from my room for the five prayers. Other than that I spent my whole time in that room. I was able to reach such a state that I was reciting the whole Qur’an in nine hours. In addition to that I was reciting 124,000 times the Dhikr ‘Laa ilaha ill-Allah’ and 124,000 prayers on the Prophet (salawat) and I was reading the entire Dalail al-Khayrat [book of devotions]. Added to that I was regularly reciting 313,000 ‘Allah Allah’ every day, in addition to all the prayers that were assigned to me. Vision after vision was appearing to me every day. They used to take me from one state to another and give me a state of complete Annihilation in the Divine Presence.”

Inheritor of the MastersBefore his passing from this temporary abode, Sheikh ‘Abd Allah Daghestani made a will and appointed Sheikh Nazim Adil Al Haqqani as his Caliph and Sucessor. He granted to him his office and the secrets of the Naqshbandi Tariqa. He ordered that Sheikh Nazim’s name be included in the Silsila of the Naqshbandi Tariqat and that people take Sheikh Nazim as their Murshid in his place, who would now connect them to the Naqshbandi Masters. Since then, Mawlana Sheikh Nazim in addition to his travels towards the East, he began frequenting the West regularly, conveying to Europeans and Americans the spiritual and peaceful message of Islam and its mystical teaching as taught by the Naqshbandi Masters.Mashallah, Mawlana Sheikh Nazim Al Haqqani  dedicated his entire life to Defending Truth and constant ascetic worship of his Lord. His spirituality has attracted hundreds of thousands of Seekers to the Path from all walks of life and from all over the world, including internationally acclaimed musicians, artists, businessmen and even Monarchs and Heads of States such as the Sultans of Malaysia and the Sultans of the UAE. His miracles (Karamah) are countless, from literally disappearing into thin air and later reappearing while in presence of numerous witnesses to appearing countless times in dreams and visions with the Messenger of Allah, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) to guide his Murids to their heavenly destinations. Mawlana’s efforts to spread Islam in the West have resulted in more than 100,000 persons having taken the Naqshbandi Order through him both directly and indirectly and more than 10,000 people having embraced Islam through him.Grand Mufti of Syria the late Sheikh Yaseen Ahmed Kuftaro calls Mawlana al-Sheikh Nazim “Our greatest Sheikh”Sheikh Sayyid Muhammad al-Yaqoubi from Damascus never mentions Sheikh Nazim except with awe and respect.Sheikh Abd al-Qadir al-Jili of Madina the son of Sidi Muhammad Mahi al-Bukhari when

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he visited the shiekhs house in Damascus shook from head to toe and was saying Allah, Allah the whole visit.The Grand Sheikh of the Shadhili Tariqa, Sheikh Sayyid Abdul Rahman Shaghouri Rahimahullah, Sheikh Nuh Keller’s Sheikh, when he sees a Murid of Sheikh Nazim always says to them: “Remember us in your Du`a.”Sheikh Sayyid Alawi al Malaiki who is considered by millions to be one of the main supreme knowledgeable ulema of this century took bayat with the sheikh Nazim al Haqqani and said; “If you follow Sheikh Nazim then you must be Haqqani.” he also added Sheikh Nazim Is the ‘sheikh of sheikhs’ perhaps some of you don’t know Syedina Nazim al Haqqani holds many of the most fascinating hadith sharif’s along with there entire chains which have been narrated over period of time, which ulema such as Sheikh Syed Alawi al Malaiki have been presented with, which many sub continental ulema continue to translate even today.



Mawlana Sheikh Nazim is of the Highest Quality of Auliya so that the one who sits with Mawlana Sheikh Nazim feels that he himself is in the rank of a very Great Saint (Wali). This feeling is not from himself but from the Light and Spiritual Power of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim. He has been given power from Allah Almighty so that anyone who sits with him feels that he is so very near to Allah Almighty and to the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and that he is always going to be close to them. This is because theSpiritual Power of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim immediately enters into the one who sits with him which makes him to be always with Allah Almighty, the Prophets and the Saints.

When a person takes Bayyat from Mawlana the Spiritual Power of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim is always with that person immaterial of how far away in distance he is from the physical presence of Mawlana. Mawlana will be with him through every moment until that person reaches the grave. Until the Day of Judgement Mawlana will be with that person. Even until he reaches in front of Allah Almighty will Mawlana be with him.When Allah Almighty questions this person, Mawlana shall answer all these questions instead of him. In this time it is not possible to find this kind of Auliya who are the like of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim.

Mawlana says that this type of Auliya with these qualities are hidden now and all of them are presently with Sahib us Zaman Seyyidina Mahdi (AS). The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) has now during our time left between the East and the West in all of this earth only Mawlana Sheikh Nazim who is the only one able to give this type of Knowledge and Wisdom to the hearts of the people.

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Mawlana Sheikh Nazim is the Sultan ul Auliya of this age. Most people think that the rank of Qutub ul Ghauz is the highest because they have no knowledge of the rank ofSultan ul Auliya. Mawlana Sheikh Nazim was given the rank of Qutub ul Ghauz more than 30 years ago by his Grandsheikh. When Grandsheikh Abdullah Al Faiz ad Dhagistani (qas) passed away from this earth, Mawlana Sheikh Nazim became the Sultan ul Auliya of our times and he then granted the rank of Qutub ul Ghauz to someone else.

In actual fact the rank of Qutub ul Ghauz in comparison to the rank of Sultan ul Auliya is very low. The station of Qutub ul Ghauz entails the function of arranging the needs of the physical bodies of the people. For example to have their food and to have the mercies of Allah Almighty come to them. The Sultan ul Auliya however deals with the hearts, the soul and the spirit of humanity. He is the one who makes them always tobe with Allah Almighty in the place where the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) made Sajda on the night of Mihraj.

The Sultan ul Auliya is the Khaliphatullah of the time and he represents the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) while the other Saints represent one of the other 124,000 prophets. As all the other Prophets are also represented by the Seal of Prophets Seyyidina Muhammad (peace be upon him), the Sultan ul Auliya of the time also has the Tajjalli and the power of all the 124,000 Prophets.

The representative of Allah Almighty during one particular age is only one and in this time and age Mawlana Sheikh Nazim is this representative, and he is the Sultan ul Auliya and Khaliphatullah of this time.

As the Khaliphatullah or the representative of Allah Almighty in our time, it is Mawlana Sheikh Nazim who is inside the ka’abatullah. The ka’abatullah is also known as the Baithullah or the House of Allah. Allah Almighty is everywhere but especially in the Baithullah as He has Himself called it the House of Allah. For it to be called the House of the Lord, the Lord of the house must be in it. The Lord of the house is represented by His Khalifa who in this time is Mawlana Sheikh Nazim.

The rank Sultan ul Auliya in Tariqat means the rank of the Saint who possesses the secret of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). This secret was put in the heart of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) by Allah Almighty. Thereafter the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) transmitted this secret to the heart of Abu Bakr Siddique (ral). Thereafter this secret has been transmitted right down to our times through the Golden Chain of Spiritual Transmission

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of the Naqshbandi Tariqat (Silsila).

There have not been many who have held the rank of Sultan ul Auliya from the time of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). From the time of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) till now there are only forty of these representatives. This secret was passed down from the heart of Abu Bakr as Siddique (Ral) to Salman al Farsy and then from Siddique to Siddique, and now during our time Mawlana Sheikh Nazim is the possessor of this secret.

In the Spiritual Chain of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim all of them preceding him were the Sultan ul Auliya of their times - for example Salman al Farsy, Yusuf al Hamadani, Abdul Khaliq al Ghudjdawani, Shah Naqshaband, Mawlana Abdullah Dhagistani etc. Apart from the Saints in this chain of Spiritual Transmission only Mawlana Abdul Qadir Jeelani (qad) was of this rank.

This Divine Secret of Allah Almighty which was given to the heart of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and transmitted from heart to heart from one Siddique to another is the Divine Secret and Divine Breath which Allah Almighty blew into Adam (AS).


Everything that you know of is under the Spiritual Control of the Sultan ul Auliya. He is the one who is in charge of all Mankind in this Universe. He is also in charge of all the world of Jinns and Angels, as the Sultan of Mankind is also in charge of all the Jinn and of all Malaika (Angels). This Maqam (station) of Sultan ul Auliya is a Maqam related to the hearts. Not even a thought can be comprehended of the Greatness of this Maqam. This Maqam in this time is related to Mawlana Sheik Nazim.

Mawlana has been given the power to be in every heart of every human being in thisUniverse. He also has the immense power of being able to make the Divine Light of Allah Almighty and all the 124,000 Prophets to enter into the hearts and bodies of all humanity in just one moment.

In one moment Mawlana is able not only to make an unbeliever to believe but also to be able to make him attain the rank of Siddique (the rank of Siddique is the highest rank of Sainthood), and to make him to always be a Light of Allah Almighty to sit in front of Allah Almighty and to make him see and talk with the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and to comprehend the Holy Prophet’s Spiritual Rank. Mawlana Sheikh Nazim has the power to make the unbeliever be like him in rank and position.

In the case of all the Prophets they received their secret from the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). In the same manner all Auliya during this time receive their secrets form the Khaliphatullah of this time. As Mawlana

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Sheikh Nazim is the Khaliphatullah of this time, it is he who gives all ranks and all stations to the Auliya. No one can become a Wali or Qutub unless Mawlana Sheikh Nazim gives this rank to him. Mawlana is the representative of Allah Almighty who possesses this power.

Everything in this Universe has been created for the honour and for the sake of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Everything that has been created in this Universe is created from the Light of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). Everything that we see in the first instance is the Light of Allah Almighty. Due to this reason we say “La ilaha illallah”. Then thereafter Allah Almighty reduced these lights to the Light of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) so that there would be an intermediate stage between all that we see and Allah Almighty. This is why we also say “Muhammad ur Rasulullah” in the kalima.

During every age there is a Saint responsible for all these Lights. In our time this responsibility is given to Mawlana Sheikh Nazim as he is now the representative of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and also of all the 124,000 prophets. When Grandsheikh Abdullah Dhagistani (qad) left this world this secret was given to Mawlana Sheikh Nazim in Tave Muqallam, in a very big ceremony, and from this time onwards he became responsible for all of creation - the Humans, Jinns, Angels, animals, trees, Earths, stars and everything that is created from the Light of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him).

Grandsheikh Abdullah Dhagistani (qad) ordered Mawlana Sheik Nazim to do about 10 to 12 seclusions (Khalwats), in a lot of places. When Mawlana completed these seclusions, his physical body became annihilated and his body became a Divine Body which is related to Allah Almighty. It was only after this, that this responsibility and Secret was given to Mawlana, as this is never given except under these circumstances.


Mawlana Sheikh Nazim is one of the most remarkable Saints of all time. This type of Sainthood is not generally known by the people. All that they know is that somehow their hearts are attracted to him. People don’t even know why their hearts are attracted to Mawlana in this manner. This is because he is one of the biggest Saints of all time.

Mawlana does not generally perform miracles in the nature of flying in the air or walking on water as he says that even Shaitan has the power to perform these types of miracles. His miracles are however, of a different type. His miracles are to be found in the day to day life of his mureeds (followers). For

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example he is with every one of his mureeds at every given moment and all the time.

If at any time a mureed calls for him saying “Madad Ya Seyyidi” Mawlana immediately sends a divine look to his heart and then the heart of this mureed is lit up with a Divine Light. This Light is sent by Mawlana from his heart to the heart of this mureed. This mureed shall then be in a good situation and the bad thing that was to have happened to him would have been taken away from him.

Another of the miracles of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim is the miracle in the grave. When the Angels appear in the mureeds grave to question him, Mawlana Sheikh Nazim will immediately be there and say to the Angels “Don’t question my follower, question me instead of him and I will answer on his behalf. “The Angels shall not be able to bear the Light of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim and due to this they shall be forced to go away.

During the time of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) the Light of his heart came onto the hearts of the Sahabas around him. This is also so with Mawlana Sheikh Nazim. The same Light as in the case of the Sahabas shall come from the heart of Mawlana to the hearts of his followers. For as long as a person sits with Mawlana Sheikh Nazim this very same light shall at every moment come onto the heart of this person. This is the case for every follower, guest or visitor of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim.

A person if even for only once visits Mawlana Sheikh Nazim he shall not leave this lifeexcept as a believer. This is because, Allah Almighty shall ask this person “did you in this life of yours see any Sheiks?” He will then answer “Yes, I have seen Mawlana Sheikh Nazim.” Then it will be said to him “Let Mawana Sheikh Nazim come” This is the miracle of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim.

Still another miracle is that when on the Day of Judgement Allah Almighty asks as to what a person (a person who had taken Bayyat from Mawlana Sheikh Nazim, believed in him and visited him) did during his lifetime, Mawlana Sheikh Nazim shall act as this person’s lawyer and defender.

Mawlana will not allow any of his mureeds to enter hell. He will not even let them to enter the Paradises that are known to the people. No , Mawlana Sheikh Nazim will make them enter the Paradise that is related to Allah Almighty. The ordinary Paradises vanish into nothing when compared with the lights of this Paradise which is the Paradise that is related to Allah Almighty. Mawlana Sheikh Nazim shall make all his followers to enter into this Paradise.


Grandsheik Mawlana Abdullah Dhagistani (qas) said that the preserved tablet in each time and age is the Saint (Wali) that represents the Holy Prophet

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Muhammad (peace be upon him) and Allah Almighty. In this time Mawlana Sheikh Nazim is the Saint who represents Allah Almighty and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) therefore the Preserved Tablet in this time is Mawlana Sheikh Nazim. All Auliya see him now in this rank. The knowledge that comes in from the Preserved Tablet is really from the light of the palm of the Saint who represents Allah Almighty and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in this age. In this time age, this great Saint is Mawlana Sheikh Nazim (qas).

Every time that Mawlana Sheikh Nazim gives a lecture, he looks into the Preserved Tablet. Mawlana generally has a habit of looking slightly upwards before commencing a lecture and then he continues delivering his lecture. This is because he reads what he is going to say from the Preserved Tablet. Mawlana once said “when I pray, I look to see what is written in the Preserved Tablet for me to recite in Salat ul Luhr and also for every prayer I do the same to find out what I should recite during that prayer from the Holy Quran. I don’t walk from this place to that except by looking and reading the Preserved Tablet. “Mawlana is the one who is in this time giving what Allah Almighty wants to give to any Saint and to all the people according to what is written for them in the Preserved Tablet. He is writing it to them bringing this knowledge both from Allah Almighty and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Mawlana gives an answer to any question that is asked from him from the Preserved Tablet. Mawlana says that there are many Preserved Tablets. There is a Preserved Tablet for the people, a Preserved Tablet for the Ulema, and there is a Preserved Tablet for the Auliya. Then there is a Preserved Tablet for the Khaliphatullah and a Preserved Tablet for the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Mawlana says that he can talk from all the preserved Tablets because he is in all these ranks. This is because Grandsheik Mawlana Abdullah Dhagistani (qas) gave to Mawlana Sheikh Nazim the secret of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Mawlana Sheikh Nazim is the representative of Allah Almighty and he possesses the Divine Secret of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). He is also now the representative of Allah Almighty because of which he is present in every cell of the Universe. How can it be otherwise because he is representing Allah Almighty in this Universe. Therefore he has to be in every place, in every star and in every part and portion of the Universe. This is why he is in every cell of the Universe.

Mawlana Sheikh Nazim can also be present in his shape and body in several places at the same time. Bayazid Bistami (Ral) (one of the Great Grandsheik’s of the Naqshbandi Tariqat) once multiplied himself and took on 24,000 bodies and prayed prayers at 24,000 different places. The people of all these towns and countries bore witness that they prayed with Bayazid Bistami (Ral) on that

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Where Mawlana Sheikh Nazim is concerned he is able to multiply himself and take on between 70,000 and 700,000 such bodies and to appear in as many places at the same time. Bayazid Bistami (Ral) lived a thousand years ago and the Tajjalli of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim is stronger and more powerful and more precious as he now has the secrets of all the previous Grandsheik’s including that of Bayazid Bistami (Ral) in his heart. He also possesses the secrets of all the prophets and the secret of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in his heart. He is therefore the most remarkable Saint in the Divan of the Saints of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Mawlana Sheikh Nazim is not only in our earth but he is also in a lot of other places which are not related to our earth. He is present in all these other places and he is also present with us at the same time. For example, there is a mountain called the “Mountain of Qaf”. This mountain is not related to this Earth. There are many Auliya of high rank and station in this mountain. Mawlana is the Imam of them all. He leads the prayer on this mountain on every Friday at Jummah.

Whenever Mawlana Sheikh Nazim delivers a lecture to his followers or to his visitors he also is with the Auliya on this “Mountain of Qaf” making this very same lecture. This lecture is not only for those people who are listening to him at that moment but also to all those who have been related on the Day of Promises to Mawlana Sheikh Nazim by having it written for them that they should listen to this lecture.

When Mawlana Sheikh Nazim lectures to somebody, this lecture is not meant for that somebody only, but for all the people throughout the East and throughout the West. His lectures are for all the Auliya and for the hearts of all the people in all the Universes in our time. This is because all of them need the secret of Quran to reach to the time of Seyyidina Mahdi (AS) who is going to be here soon.


Mawlana Sheikh Nazim has been given the grant that when in a lecture he speaks of the ranks of the Prophets or the Auliya all the people who sit with him at this lecture will also be dressed in these same ranks as these Prophets and Auliya that Mawlana Sheikh Nazim speaks of. It is for this reason that Mawlana often talks in his lectures of Prophets and Auliya so that he is able to dress these ranks to all those who sit andlisten to his lectures.

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Mawlana Sheikh Nazim also speaks about bad deeds when he addresses people in his lectures. The one who listens to this lecture shall not be asked of any bad deed or sin that Mawlana happens to mention in the course of this lecture. He does not mention these bad deeds to stop the mureeds from doing them, but in order to take away his bad deeds or sins. He then puts his mureed in his Mercy Oceans then he throws them into the Mercy Oceans of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and finally into the Mercy Oceans of Allah Almighty.

All the bad deeds and sins concerning which Mawlana speaks during the course of his lectures to the mureed will not be asked about from the mureed on the Day of Judgement. This is because Mawlana Sheikh Nazim immediately makes a Shafa’ah and asks forgiveness from Allah Almighty regarding the sins and bad deeds that he has mentioned in his lecture. It is for this reason that you see Mawlana Sheikh Nazim referring to so many sins and bad deeds during the course of a lecture so that he would be able to put his mureeds into his Mercy Oceans.

Do not look at Mawlana Sheikh Nazim as you see him, as a body with his bodily functions of eating, drinking and sitting with you. Instead look at his other face, the face that is related to Allah Almighty and to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). This other face of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim is the Spiritual and Divine Power that is controlling all the Universes which include all the worlds of humanity, all the worlds of Jinn and all the worlds of Angels. All of them have been given to Mawlana and he shall return all of them to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and to Allah Almighty as they were given to him. He shall return all of them cleansed, without sins or bad deeds.

Mawlana is not going to say by way of excuse that this particular person or that, was taken away from him by Shaitan. No, he is not going to say that. He is going to return all of them pure as they were given to him. Regarding this Mawlana says “I have been dressed by Divine Power so that I will be able to return everyone to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and to Allah Almighty as they gave them to me. I shall return them without sins and without bad deeds. I shall also dress them in all ranks, highly positioned ranks, ranks that are dressed by the Auliya and give them to Allah Almighty”. This is a grant and a miracle of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim.



Anybody who takes Bayyat from Mawlana Sheikh Nazim, specially those from the Western countries, will not leave this world except as Walis. Regarding this Mawlana says “I have been ordered by Allah Almighty and by the Holy Prophet Muhammad

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(peace be upon him) to gather all the Lights that are now coming from Western and European countries and to return them to their origin. Any European or Westerner or anyone else making Bayyat will not leave this Dunya, except as an Auliya and he shall reach to the highest stations which Allah Almighty offers to His beloved servants.”

Mawlana also said “the Light of the one who makes Bayyat with me, specially those who are entering Islam now and who come to me, shall be so bright and powerful that eventhe Sun shall appear dark besides their Light. I shall make their Light, brighter and more powerful than the Light of the Sun. They shall shine in every place, all over the universes and all over the Paradises”.

When Mawlana Sheikh Nazim begins a lecture he does not only speak to those who are in front of him. Thousands of Auliya and millions of Jinns also listen to this same lecture of Mawlana. Regarding this, Mawlana says “I am not only speaking to you.Perhaps you are only ten, or fifteen or a thousand, but hundreds of thousands of Auliya are here with me now, and millions of Jinns are now sitting with you and are listening to me. In my lectures I give three stations - one for you, one for the Auliya and one for the Jinns. In any place I sit and in every lecture that I open, the Spirit of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the Divine Light and Essence of Allah Almighty is always with me and never leaves me”. This is the power and rank of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim.

Mawlana Abdullah Dhagistani (qad) once said that he had dressed Mawlana Sheikh Nazim with the Ninety Nine Beautiful Names of Allah Almighty including also, the Ism ul Aalam, the Greatest Name of Allah Almighty. Therefore do not look at Mawlana Sheikh Nazim as Mawlana Sheikh Nazim, but look at him as a Tajjalli or Light of Allah Almighty.

Grandsheikh Abdullah Dhagistani (qad) also said “It is not good to say that he is Allah, as the followers of Jesus Christ say about Jesus. Instead you should say that “he is a Tajjalli or Light of Allah Almighty.” When he speaks, don’t listen to him as from Mawlana Sheikh Nazim, but listen to him as if Allah Almighty is speaking to you, “ yes, He is the one who speaks to you”.

When the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) went on Mihraj he reached a certain point with Angel Gibreel (AS) when the Angel said to the Prophet (peace be upon him) “Only you can enter beyond this point. If I move further I will be destroyed and there shall thereafter be no existence for me”. The Prophet said “yes, I will enter” and he went beyond this point to the Utmost Limits. When he did this, his personality was destroyed and he became a Light of Allah Almighty. By becoming this Light he reached to Allah Almighty.

This is also the same for every Sheikh of the Naqshabandi Tariqat, as they are dressed with the Divine Secret and the Divine Breath of Allah Almighty. Their bodies too have been destroyed and they have taken off their human personality. They too became a Light of Allah Almighty as it happened to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as they continued on their journey and reached to the very Throne of Allah Almighty. Mawlana Sheikh Nazim is now dressed with these Lights and this is why we should look at him as a Tajjalli of Allah Almighty.

Regarding this Grandsheikh Mawlana Abdullah Dhagistani (qad) said “I have ordered Mawlana Sheikh Nazim into seclusion and made him reach this rank. He now has a face towards the creatures and a face towards Allah Almighty.” Therefore he is with Allah Almighty all the time and with the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), all the time. They speak to him, and he speaks to them at every moment, so that he

can translate to the People around him all that they may be in need of, from Allah Almighty and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Mawlana Sheikh Nazim does not need to have recourse to books in answering any question that his followers or visitors put to him. He knows exactly what they need to know from Allah Almighty and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and he answers them immediately. He knows for what reason these people have come to

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him and for what reason they have visited him. He talks to each of them according to their capacity.

If their capacity is high then Mawlana talks to them from the Light of Allah Almighty. If their capacity is less than this, he talks to them from the station of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and if their capacity is even lesser than this, he talks to them from the Station of Mahdi (AS) or from the Station of the Auliya. Whatever station that their capacity requires, Mawlana is able to talk from all these stations.

Grandsheikh Mawlana Abdullah Dhagistani (qad) also said that Mawlana Sheikh Nazim will be the channel through which the secret of the Quran will enter into the heart of Seyyidina Mahdi (AS).

Grandsheikh Mawlana Abdullah Dhagistani (qad) has already dressed Mawlana Sheikh Nazim in all these ranks. When Mawlana Sheikh Nazim speaks, he is not as if he is a man who looks at a map and describes some town or country. On the other hand Mawlana is in all the ranks that are related to the Secret of the Quran. When he describes this he does so with personal experience.

Not only does Mawlana describe these ranks to his followers or visitors but also dresses them in these ranks, so that they will not leave this world until they are dressed with these Lights and all of them become Auliya. They shall not even be ordinary Walis. They shall be in a Maqam like that of Seyyidina Mahdi (AS)


Mawlana Sheikh Nazim’s power is not given to him, only for himself, but for everyone who is related to him on the Day of Promises. All the people of the Umma now have been given by Allah Almighty to Seyyidina Mahdi (AS). All of them are also now under the tutelage of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim. He is now teaching them and dressing them with Maqams (stations), so that when Seyyidina Mahdi (AS) comes, they will have the capacity to talk to Allah Almighty. At this time like Seyyidina Moosa (AS), the people will be able to talk to Allah Almighty. They shall also be able to talk to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and to the 124,000 Prophets.

Allah Almighty has made Mawlana Sheikh Nazim to be the teacher and the Master of these people and of the Auliya of this time, so that they will all have the capacity to reach to these ranks during the time of Seyyidina Mahdi (AS) and be able to sit in the lectures of Seyyidina Mahdi (AS).

If there wasn’t Mawlana Sheikh Nazim between us and Seyyidina Mahdi (AS), or between us and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), or between us and Allah Almighty, no one would be able to reach to the Divine Knowledge or to connect up with the station of the Auliya or with the station of Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) or with the station of Allah Almighty. This is because Mawlana Sheikh Nazim is the intermediary between us and these stations.

Grandsheikh Mawlana Abdullah Dhagistani (qad) has said that it is now the duty of Mawlana Sheik Nazim to collect and gather every human being who had been given to him on the Day of Promises.

Every human being is a light from the Light of Allah Almighty and from the Light of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The Khaliphatullah of this time, Mawlana Sheikh Nazim is representing Allah Almighty and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Therefore all humanity are also from the light ofthis Khaliphatullah. In our time this Saint is Mawlana Sheikh Nazim. It is because of this reason that Mawlana Sheikh Nazim was told on the Day of Promises by Allah Almighty and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) that these millions of people will be under his vision and that Mawlana should look after them because their Light is from the Light of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim.

This is why people find themselves attracted to Mawlana Sheikh Nazim. The Light of

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Mawlana is attracting their Light, like a drop of water falling from the clouds is drawn to fall into the ocean. This is why when we enter and sit at a lecture of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim we feel like that drop of water merging into the ocean and forget Dunya and the life of this World.


Mawlana Sheikh Nazim (qas) will be the one who will be in charge of the hearts of people during the epoch of Seyyidina Mahdi (AS). He will be the Spiritual Master and the Spiritual Father of all the people living in this time. The sword of Seyyidina Mahdi (AS) will take away the heads of all those who reject what Mawlana Sheikh Nazim will say in that time. This is not to be confused with revealing Imam Mahdi (AS). Sheikh Nazim will pass on his caliphate to Imam Mahdi (AS) which doesn’t have to be publicly displayed to be proven true.

Mawlana Sheikh Nazim (qas) has said that anyone who has made Bayyat with him and who is his mureed or follower and believes in him would be under his vision. They would always be kept safe in this world. Even if an atom bomb was to explode near him he would be protected and kept safe. A wind would be sent from paradise to this person so that he would be able to breathe the air from it and not from the nuclear waste in the atmosphere.

Allah Almighty and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) have given to Mawlana all the people of this time and during the time of Seyyidina Mahdi (AS). All of them are under his vision and control. Mawlana Sheikh Nazim does not even need to look at them from the station of Divine Vision as all of them are as if they are in his hand.

Mawlana looks at them as if they are on the palm of his hand. He looks at them at every moment and he knows what they do at each moment. If bad situation is to come to a mureed of his, Mawlana has the power to change it. Mawlana’s purpose is to make this mureed to reach to Rizwanullah. Anything that obstructs the path of this mureed in reaching to this station of Rizwanullah would be taken away by Mawlana Sheikh Nazim. He will clear all obstacles. If something bad is about to happen to a mureed of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim, he would make a dua to Allah Almighty on behalf of this mureed and take this away from the mureed. In this manner Mawlana Sheikh Nazim can enter into and change destiny (qasaullah) and the course of nature.

An example of this once happened at Mecca and Sheik Adnan relates this incident as follows: “We were in Mecca with Mawana Sheikh Nazim making Tawaf. The sun was out and there was not a cloud in sight. Mawlana then prayed to Allah Almighty saying “Oh! Allah Almighty, I have come here as Your guest to please You. I would like it to rain so that I can take some Baraka from the rain that comes down at the Ka’aba. The clouds built up and it began to rain. It rained so hard that all Mecca began to look like a river.


Today the hearts of the Europeans and the Westerners are attracted to the Naqshbandi Tariqat more than the Arabs and those from other countries. This is because their hearts are wide and open not narrow and closed. During the time ofSeyyidina Mahdi (AS), Mawlana Sheikh Nazim will be in charge of the hearts of all the people. Seyyidina Mahdi (AS) would be in charge of establishing the Sharia while Mawlana Sheikh Nazim will be the love fountain and love centre for the people. He shall be entrusted with the opening out of the hearts of the people.

Every Auliya in this time sees Mawlana Sheikh Nazim as a Light of Allah Almighty. No one can even imagine the spiritual shape of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim, because all the heavens and the earth enter into him. The physical shape of the one who has the Divine secret of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) must also closely resemble the physical shape of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). As Mawlana Sheikh Nazim has this secret, his physical shape closely resembles that of the Holy

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Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

All those who come to visit Mawlana Sheikh Nazim and sit with him will also gradually have their physical features slowly transformed. This is because they are not seated with an ordinary person. They are seated with an extraordinary power which is Mawlana Sheikh Nazim. The more that a person sits with Mawlana Sheikh Nazim, the more will his love increase and the higher will be his ranks and every Auliya in this time will have the shape of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim.


For many years Mawlana Sheikh Nazim has been planting this Secret which is the Secret of the Quran in the hearts of all those who have left this Dunya and are now in Barzakh. Presently, Mawlana Sheikh Nazim is planting this Secret in the hearts of the living people. To do this Mawlana Sheikh Nazim goes out of his body every night. All the bodies which has a soul in them gather in front of Mawlana and he plants theSecret of the Quran in them. This is one of Mawlana’s duties till the coming of Seyyidina Mahdi (AS).

After the coming of Seyyidina Mahdi (AS) and in the days of Seyyidina Mahdi (AS) he will give the knowledge of the Secret of the Quran to selected people while he will let everyone else to know certain aspects of the Secret of the Quran. Mawlana will give power also to some of his followers and certain people with him.

If one knows the Secret of the Quran and someone was to ask him about the sun, for example, he would be able to command the sun “come here” and the reality of the Sun shall come to him and he would be able to explain it to all the people who are sitting with him. If he wanted to explain to them about the moon, all he would have to do is to ask the moon to come to him and he would be able to explain to them about the moon which will appear in front of him by the Divine Power of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim.

Sheik Adnan relates that once when he was in Mecca making Tawaf with Mawlana Sheikh Nazim a person with a long beard came up to Mawlana Sheikh Nazim, kissed his hand and continued to do Tawaf with Mawlana. Mawlana Sheikh Nazim then told those who were present with him on that occasion that this person was Khidr (AS) and that he had come specially to kiss Mawlana’s hand and to perform Tawaf with him.

Sheik Adnan also relates that on another occasion when he was performing Tawaf around the Ka’aba with Mawlana Sheikh Nazim a very old man came up to Mawlana, kissed him, spoke to him and performed Tawaf with Mawlana. Thereafter this old man disappeared without a trace. When Mawlana was asked as to who this old man was, he answered that this man was one of the sons of the Adam before our Adam (AS).

There have been 124,000 Adams in all, with their sons of which our Adam (AS) was the last. This was one of the sons of the Adam before our Adam and he had come to kiss Mawlana’s hand and to perform Tawaf with Mawlana because he had had this promise on the Day of promises and that it was written in the Divine Tablet. Mawlana as the Khaliphatullah of this time and as the representative of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) during this time is not only for us but also for all the Adams and their sons who came before us. He is the communicator who connects them with the world of Allah Almighty and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Mawlana Sheikh Nazim says that in comparison with the number of People in the other worlds, the people of this world are nothing. There are so many of them, Mawlana says, that compared to the Sohbet (association) that he makes with the people in these other worlds and other Universes, the people in this Earth are so few.

Everyday the one who sat with Mawlana constantly improved and this will also be so upon visiting his blessed Maqam (Grave). He feels that his knowledge increases daily. This gets better and better until he reaches a stage where he will have nothing to do with himself. Instead of himself he will see Mawlana Sheikh Nazim. When this happens

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Mawlana immediately takes them and puts them in the cave with Seyyidina Mahdi (AS) as they are so powerful it is not possible for the other people of the Earth to bear them.

All that has been written here about Mawlana Sheikh Nazim is very little in comparison to what he really is because the contents above are only a small part of the knowledge’ s available about him. Apart from this fact there is also the reason that it is not possible for the human mind to grasp and comprehend the reality of the rank of the Sultan ul Auliya. Mawlana Sheikh Nazim is the possessor of this rank in our age. Thisis why Mawlana says, “No one really knows me. All that they know about me are only some aspects of me"

Grandsheikh Mawlana Abdullah Dhagistani (qas) said that even Seyyidina Mahdi (AS) is a follower and a student of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim because without the channel of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim the secret of the Quran which has been passed down from the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to Abu Bakr as Siddique (Ral), and from him right down the Golden chain of Succession of the Naqshbandi Tariqat to Mawlana Sheikh Nazim, cannot enter into the heart of Seyyidina Mahdi (AS). Mawana Sheikh Nazim is going to teach Seyyidina Mahdi (AS) the knowledge of the Secret of the Quran. In this respect Seyyidina Mahdi (AS) is student of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim. Mawlana Sheikh Nazim is the key of the Secret of the Quran and he is the one who is going to plant this secret in the hearts of people.



Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un.Sheikh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani from Cyprus has Passed away on Tuesday 7th May 2014 (UK time afternoon) at the blessed age of 92.  May He drink from the Basin of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), that he may never thirst thereafter, and may He enter him into the highest gardens of Paradise! Ameen.The Janaza prayer was held at Salamiya Mosque in Lefkosa, Cyprus after Asr Salat on Wednesday 7th May 2014.

It is a sad day when such a great man of Allah leaves this world. With a lot of grief and sadness we announce the passing away of the great Qutb and Murshid, Sheikh Muhammad Nazim Al-Haqqani, who was buried in Cyprus.We offer our condolences to his Khalifa and son, Sheikh Mehmet and to his family and students around the world. It is a big loss to the Muslim Ummah.We request all our brothers and sisters and students to recite Fatiha for his blessed pure soul and do as many khatam of al-Qur’an as possible.

Many scholars have offered their condolences including:Sheikh Sayyid Muhammad Abul Huda al-Yaqoubi from DamascusSheikh Sayyid Muhammad Bin Yahya al-Ninowy from Aleppo Sheikh Sayyid Afeefuddin al-Gaylani from BaghdadSheikh Sayyid Hashimuddin al-Gaylani from BaghdadSheikh Muhammad Zahid Sultani from Kashmir,

Including many other scholars from Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Makkah, Madinah, Jordan, Lebanon, Dubai, Kuwait, Egypt, Turkey, Abu Dhabi, Palestine, Morocco, Spain, Ghana, Somalia, Iran, Kurdistan and several countries in the East and west such as the UK, USA and so on ..As well as this many custodians from Maqams of ‘Awliya in India and Pakistan such as

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Ghamkol Sharif, Golra Sharif, Nerian Sharif, Gulhar Sharif, Balawara Sharif, Mohra Sharif and so on…

In Hadith of the prophet (SAW) we come to know that a sign of qiyamah (the final hour) is the uplifiting of Islamic knowledge, meaning, the death of the Scholars (religious learned men and Sheikh Nazim was no doubt, a religious Scholar and Sufi Sage.

It has been Narrated Abu Huraira that: The Prophet (SAW) said, "The Hour (Last Day) will not be established until (religious) knowledge will be taken away (by the death of religious learned men), earthquakes will be very frequent, time will pass quickly, afflictions will appear, murders will increase and money will overflow amongst you." (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Hadith No. 85 Vol 1).


As the Prophet (SAW) said in an authentic Hadith, “Mention the good tidings of your deceased” so we wanted to share with you all the Karama [e.g. miracles] Mawlana Sheikh Sayyid Nazim al-Haqqani showed us after his passing:1- In Cyprus the last time it rained in May was 42 years ago and similarly in the Middle East. Yet the day of Mawlana’s passing, there was powerful thunder and flashes of lightning that woke people from their sleep. It rained heavily, non-stop, for two days. The ocean, after 2 or 3 days of big waves, became suddenly calm. Even in Makkah al-Mukarramah and al-Madīnah al-Munawwarah, Damascus, India and the UK rain was falling at the time that coincided with Mawlana’s soul leaving his body. Later that afternoon, everyone realized that even the sky was weeping for the loss of the world’s great saint. It is a mercy [rahmah] from Allah that these rains were falling to show how much love Allah has for His saint. 2 – Many people witnessed an amazing incident during the burial of Mawlana Sheikh in his Masjid in Lefke. Men had dug a very large grave approximately 4 meters [12 feet] in length. Four people stood in the grave to place Mawlana Sheikh´s holy body inside. As they carried his beloved body down into the grave it was weightless, as if carrying a feather. When they laid his holy body down, miraculously his body had become long enough to fill the grave from one end to the other! His head was touching one end and his feet touching the other, which measured over 4 meters. This was to show all of those present that Mawlana was inheriting from the prophetic tradition of being a stature and size exceeding normal human beings. Never has anyone seen during a burial that a body would stretch so his grave is almost insufficient. Perhaps if we were to expand his grave to 10 meters Mawlana´s body might stretch to fill it. That was a tremendous indication that he truly was the inheritor of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).


As for anyone Maulana Sheikh Nazim and whoever is related to Mawlana Sheikh Nazim as a mureed, the Angel of Death, Israel (AS) will have nothing to do with them all. The soul of this mureed at the time of his death will be taken by Mawlana Sheikh Nazim. He shall look at the mureed and immediately the soul of that mureed will leave his body. There is nothing for either the Angel of Death or for the Angels of the Grave to do with the mureeds of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim. This is because it has been so ordered and it is by the Divine Power of Allah Almighty which has been given to him that Mawlana Sheikh Nazim is so empowered. This is specially for Mawlana Sheikh Nazim.

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Guide to Visit Mawlana Sheikh Nazim in Lefke, Turkish Cyprus

You can fly into Cyprus either via Istanbul in Turkey or Larnaca in Cyprus:Via Istanbul, Turkey

You would fly to Istanbul Airport (IST) then on to Ercan Airport (ECN) (which is on the Turkish sideof Cyprus) then take a taxi.The only airline that can you can book all the way to Ercan Airport is on Turkish Airlines. If you fly onany other airline you will need to book a flight from Istanbul Airport (IST) to Ercan Airport (ECN)

Taxi ServicesIf you arrive at Ercan airport, you can take any taxi by telling them you want to go to Lefke to VisitSheikh Nazim. They all know how to get there even if they don’t they will ask one of the other taxidrivers and they will figure it out. The other option is to contact one of the Mureeds that perform taxiservice for Mureeds for a fee. Please see the list below.

Via Larnaca, Cyprus;-You would fly to Larnaca Airport (LCA) then take a taxi.If you arrive at Larnaca airport, its best to use one of the mureeds who do the taxi service since the Greek Cypriot taxi services can only take you up to the border of Turkish Cyprus.


Guesthouses are run with the permission of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim and apart fromthese there are also other Guesthouses where one can pay and stay.Men can also stay at the Dergah, while the ladies can stay at the ladies Guesthouse and all the facilitiesin these two places are to shared in common. The guests too help out with the cooking and theGuesthouses are also maintained in a clean condition. The rules and regulations at these places shouldbe strictly observed by those who stay here.


Every Thursday after Isha Prayers the Naqshabandi Khatm ul Khawajagan ( Zikr) is conducted atthe Dergah.Mawlana Sheikh Nazim delivers a Lecture almost everyday in the evenings from his room and thisis sent live all over the world. This has temporarily been stopped at the scheduled time. Mawlanadoes however deliver some sohbeths when he wishes it.Mawlana Sheikh Nazim goes out in the evenings to visit his farms and during this time the visitorscan see him and kiss his hands.Mawlana Sheikh Nazim’s daughter Hajja Rukkaiya conducts the Naqshabandi Khatm ulKhawajagan ( Zikr) on every Monday at about 3.30 p m at the Ladies Hostel.Prayers are conducted at the Dergah adjacent to Mawlana Sheikh Nazims house. The ladies prayupstairs and the gents pray downstairs, at the Dergah.Every Friday they have Jumma and thereafter there is a Hadra at the Dergah.Everyday dinner is served at Mawlana Sheikh Nazims House for everyone after Maghrib Prayers


There are Supermarkets, Clothes Shops, Restaurants, Cafes, Coffee Shops, and Cyber Cafeswith Internet Facilities and all these are are within walking distance from Mawlana’s House.

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There are many shops in which one could buy books and CDs or DVDs on Mawlana Sheikh Nazimand the Naqshabandi Tariqa. You can also buy taweez, turbans and perfumes.


If you can somehow make it to Lefke, Cyprus, even with hardship, then it means there ispermission for you. If on the other hand, after all ones planning, the trip does not take place, then itmeans that there is no permission to visit Mawlana. If there is no permission to visit Mawlana, thesea, the land, the airports, the officials, the people, the trees, the animals and everything else toowill be an obstacle, and the visit won’t materialize. If there is permission, then nothing of coursecan prevent it. Allah knows best.

May Allah The Almighty Always Bless Mawlana Sheikh Nazim!