handbook of natural fibres || testing of natural textile fibres

© Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2012 345 12 Testing of natural textile fibres J. HARWOOD, Copernicus Textile Solutions Ltd, UK (formerly at De Montfort University, UK) and R. HARWOOD, Copernicus Textile Solutions Ltd, UK Abstract: The range of natural fibres and the diversity of their important properties are so broad that it is impossible to provide a comprehensive coverage of appropriate testing methods in one short chapter. For the most important fibres, cotton and wool, many excellent books have been previously published. The characteristics of natural fibres are diverse between the different fibre types. The variability within any specific type poses challenges for sampling to ensure that results are representative and reliable; sampling therefore forms an important aspect of the early content of the chapter. The remaining parts deal, in Section 12.4, with testing for the key physical properties common to most natural fibres and some of the testing methods available; in Section 12.5, with a limited range of tests for chemical properties applied to natural cellulosic fibres; and finally, in Section 12.6, with examples of modern physical and chemical analytical methods with the focus upon examples of how these have been adopted to investigate fibre properties. The importance of testing to meet the demands of the international trading environment and process automation leads to the conclusion that global standardisation of test methods and quality specifications is likely to become even more important in the future. Key words: natural fibres, testing, fibre properties. 12.1 Introduction Testing of natural fibres is undertaken for a range of reasons and is a nec- essary aspect of the determination of fibre quality in respect to the suita- bility of fibres for particular end uses. The need for characterisation of the physical properties of fibres, e.g. length, fineness, strength, elongation, col- our, trash content, etc. are generally directly related to subsequent conver- sion into products, such as yarns, felts, woven and knitted fabrics, industrial and agro-textiles, and are related to the suitability of the fibres to provide the products which meet the end-user specifications. Fibre properties fall into two groups. First those properties which are characteristics of the fibres themselves and which can be related directly to the quality of the fibre in specific areas of application and their performance in production processes. Fibre fineness and length are important examples of these intrinsic fibre

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12Testing of natural textile fibres

J. HARWOOD, Copernicus Textile Solutions Ltd, UK (formerly at De Montfort University, UK) and

R. HARWOOD, Copernicus Textile Solutions Ltd, UK

Abstract : The range of natural fi bres and the diversity of their important properties are so broad that it is impossible to provide a comprehensive coverage of appropriate testing methods in one short chapter. For the most important fi bres, cotton and wool, many excellent books have been previously published. The characteristics of natural fi bres are diverse between the different fi bre types. The variability within any specifi c type poses challenges for sampling to ensure that results are representative and reliable; sampling therefore forms an important aspect of the early content of the chapter. The remaining parts deal, in Section 12.4, with testing for the key physical properties common to most natural fi bres and some of the testing methods available; in Section 12.5, with a limited range of tests for chemical properties applied to natural cellulosic fi bres; and fi nally, in Section 12.6, with examples of modern physical and chemical analytical methods with the focus upon examples of how these have been adopted to investigate fi bre properties. The importance of testing to meet the demands of the international trading environment and process automation leads to the conclusion that global standardisation of test methods and quality specifi cations is likely to become even more important in the future.

Key words : natural fi bres, testing, fi bre properties.

12.1 Introduction

Testing of natural fi bres is undertaken for a range of reasons and is a nec-essary aspect of the determination of fi bre quality in respect to the suita-bility of fi bres for particular end uses. The need for characterisation of the physical properties of fi bres, e.g. length, fi neness, strength, elongation, col-our, trash content, etc. are generally directly related to subsequent conver-sion into products, such as yarns, felts, woven and knitted fabrics, industrial and agro-textiles, and are related to the suitability of the fi bres to provide the products which meet the end-user specifi cations. Fibre properties fall into two groups. First those properties which are characteristics of the fi bres themselves and which can be related directly to the quality of the fi bre in specifi c areas of application and their performance in production processes. Fibre fi neness and length are important examples of these intrinsic fi bre

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properties: they are fundamental characteristics which affect, for example, fi bre spinnability, the quality of yarns and the limit of yarn count that can be achieved. Second, natural fi bres usually contain non-fi bre contaminants generated in production or left over from the extraction processes, e.g. plant debris such as shives and cuticular matter, dust, grease, soil and vegetable matter. Such contaminants are important when determining fi bre yield but can be of more fundamental importance when they limit the uses of fi bres in target applications.

The use and usefulness of test data are, naturally, dependent upon the fi bre type and end use. Skill and experience play an essential part in the interpretation of the data within the diverse specialist areas of the natural fi bre industries and on the particular testing required for production and quality control. Testing plays a very different role in research and devel-opment where the speed of generating test results, and the costs involved, can often be of less importance than the quality of the data generated. As a result, many of the test methods used in research have not been adopted for general use in the industrial environment.

Chemical testing of natural fi bres offers a diverse set of tools which fall into two broad areas of application: testing for the extent and causes of ‘chemical’ damage and for characterisation of fi bres so that subsequent chemical and other wet processes can be optimised. However, this review focuses mainly on physical methods of testing and chemical methods are not considered here.

There are many sources which detail standard procedures for routine testing of fi bres. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) designates standards; the membership of the ISO comprises representatives from various national standards organisations. As well as publishing inter-national standards they also produce technical reports and technical speci-fi cations. The European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) exists to develop European Standards (ENs) in various sectors to build a European internal market for goods and services and to position Europe in the global economy. National standards organisations include the British Standards Institution (BSI) and the German Institute for Standardisation (DIN); both are members of ISO. ASTM, originally known as the American Society for Testing and Materials, predates both BSI and DIN and is an international standards organisation in its own right but it is not a national body in the USA, this is the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in the USA. However, ASTM does develop standards in the USA in collaboration with volunteer committees across the world.

Note, it is not the intention of this chapter to be a catalogue of standards information but to focus upon some of the more important testing methods, recent innovations and their uses. There are many excellent publications on textile testing, some of which are focused on natural fi bres, which contain

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extensive information on test methods; some of these are listed at the end of the chapter.

12.2 Key issues in testing natural fibres

In comparison with manmade fi bres, which are produced with known uni-form properties, natural fi bres lack consistency due to the fact they are pro-duced under varying conditions. For example variations in climate, soil type, and local environment, mean that fi bre properties will vary between loca-tions. For this reason there is a need to test a range of fi bre characteristics to assess their suitability for designated end uses.

12.2.1 Reasons for testing

By their very nature, natural fi bres vary widely in their properties depend-ing upon a whole range of factors including agronomic, environmental, geo-graphical and geographic variables, species varieties and breeds. Because of the international dimensions to trade and manufacturing it is important to have recognised quality standards for raw materials. For cotton and wool, classifi cation and grading standards have been established for many years, and there are comprehensive sets of international standards for testing and quality evaluation. However, manual grading is still commonplace in many of the smaller production countries of the world. Despite the existence of grading standards, processors will often undertake in-house testing of raw materials in order to optimise their processing and to confi rm that input materials are appropriate for their requirements.

Quality classifi cation systems exist for all fi bres. Table 12.1 shows the fac-tors upon which the gradings of a range of fi bres are based. Internationally recognised methods exist for testing the characteristics of many fi bres but for many of the low-volume fi bres quality is evaluated subjectively and test-ing is not automated and is hence labour intensive; as a result grading of fi bres at source is generally carried out subjectively and manually by skilled graders; testing by end-users is often an essential part of their production activity.

12.2.2 Sampling

As with almost all products obtained from animal or plant origins , natural fi bres show a wide variation in their properties, therefore proper selection of representative samples and statistical analysis are necessary to cope with the variation. Obviously it is not possible, or reasonable, to sample the total amount of raw material; it would be too expensive and time consuming,

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furthermore many tests are destructive. Therefore samples of the material have to be taken for evaluation and the amount of material actually tested is often a very small proportion of the total. It is, however, imperative that the sample is an appropriate representation of the whole. For this reason one must obtain an unbiased sample from the bulk material so that the prop-erties to be evaluated are adequately representative of the properties of the whole. Test data can then be used with confi dence. For example, if fi bre diameter is the property being examined, the results should be an adequate representation of the bulk material and enable the prediction of perfor-mance in subsequent processes and products.

The total amount of a material under test can be seen as a collection of individual units (e.g. fi bres) and in statistical terms this is termed the popu-lation. The characteristics of a population which differ between the individ-uals are termed the variables ; for clean fi bres these will be properties such as fi bre length, diameter and strength. A sample is a subset of a relatively small number of individual s selected to represent that population. Because of the variation found in natural materials a sample must consist of a suffi cient number of individuals for data to be meaningful. For this reason selection of the individuals comprising the sample should be done in such a way to ensure that a random sample is obtained and sample bias is avoided. A very variable sample will require a large number of individuals in the sample to obtain an adequate representation.

A numerical sample is defi ned as one where all the fi bres in the popula-tion have an equal chance of selection. In a perfect numerical sample the proportion by number of, say, long, medium and short fi bres would be the same in the sample as in the whole population. However, such perfection is practically impossible and therefore a random sample is normally chosen. A random sample will have a random error associated with it, i.e. repeated measurements of the same property will produce different values scattered randomly around a central (mean) value. This error can be estimated by statistical analysis.

When the sample selection is infl uenced by factors other than chance, a sample ceases to be truly representative of the bulk and a biased sample results; bias may be attributed to the person doing the sampling. The effect of bias may be negligible or considerable and is characterised by test mea-surements being either consistently higher or lower than expected. Bias is also referred to as systematic error and cannot be detected by statistical analysis of test results.

Sampling methods for fi bre will depend on the form in which the fi bre is available, e.g. fi bre in bales, sliver, carded web, yarn, etc., will demand differ-ent sampling techniques. The aim of sampling is to minimise random and bias/(systematic) errors. Fibre sampling will be affected by the degree to which fi bres have been mixed or blended. If the bulk sample has been thoroughly

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mixed or blended then the sample can be selected from one area with the assumption that fi bres from all the original sources of supply are represented. However, if mixing was only partial, or if it is known that the material may vary in different regions of the bulk material, then samples should be taken from all parts of the bulk to ensure a representative test sample.

Fibre sampling methods are outlined below; a comprehensive expla-nation of different fi bre sampling methods is given by Booth (1968) and Saville (1999).

Fibre sampling from bulk

When a contract is established between a buyer and a seller of fi bre or yarn, it is usually a requirement that an independent third party determine the invoice mass of a consignment. The method of sampling to be used for commercial bales of fi bre and containers of yarn is described in BS ISO 6741-2:1987. In order to assess fi bre, yarn and fabric quality from bulk consignments a range of different sampling methods will be required. BS EN12751:1999 describes sampling for acceptance testing to estimate with-out bias the desired property of the lot being evaluated.


Zoning fi bre in bulk form is likely to vary signifi cantly from place to place throughout the bulk and the zoning method is used for selecting samples. A sample of fi bre is taken from at least 40 different places, or zones, in the bulk material; these should be widely spaced apart. Each of these samples is divided into two sub-samples and one sub-sample is discarded. The process is repeated with the remaining sub-samples, i.e. each is divided in two and one half is discarded; the process is repeated again until about n/x fi bres remain in the sub-sample (n = total number of fi bres required in the sample, x = the number of original samples). Each of the 40 or so samples origi-nally selected are treated thus, the fi bres remaining are collected together to give the required sample containing ‘n’ fi bres. This method can be used for selecting samples from bulk raw cotton or other loose fi bre.

Core sampling

The core sampling method was developed to obtain a laboratory sample representative of fi bre in unopened bales of raw wool, and may be used to assess the moisture content, grease and vegetable matter present and can be adapted for other fi bre types. The density of the packaged fi bre must be suitable for core sampling to take place: too loose or too dense and it is not applicable. A predetermined number of core samples are withdrawn from the bulk material by forcing a 60 cm tube with a sharpened tip into the bale.

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The tubes are suffi ciently long to penetrate halfway into the bale, and cor-ing is carried out from both ends and the sides of bales. All cores are com-bined when removed from the bale and stored in an air-tight vessel, and the weight of the bale and moisture content can be determined.

Fibre sampling from combed slivers, roving and yarn

Sampling sliver or yarn may lead to a length-biased sample as the fi bres are laying approximately parallel to each other. This means that the longer fi bres are more likely to be selected during sampling. Length-bias should be avoided where fi bre length is the property to be measured, but length-bias will also impact upon fi neness and strength measurements as these often vary with fi bre length. Length-bias can be overcome by preparing a numeri-cal sample, or alternatively a length-biased sample which allows for the bias to be incorporated into any calculation.

Textile testing is carried out for a wide range of particular reasons which depend upon the specifi c circumstances and the information required. Commonly, testing is carried out to give an indication of performance of a material, to assess and compare qualities of materials, to estimate the con-tent of useful fi bre, to determine the effects of different processes or to see whether the material meets a particular specifi cation. Whatever the purpose, it is imperative that test methods are reproducible. For example, when the same material is tested by a different operator or in a different laboratory the results should be suffi ciently similar, within experimental error, for the same conclusions to be obtained. Different operators may each have their own individual way of carrying out a test procedure, for example there may be variations in how different people take measurements, or make instru-mental adjustments; in all situations the procedures used should be specifi ed in order to minimise operator-based variations. It should also be borne in mind that when testing natural fi bres they are responsive to different atmos-pheric conditions and their properties may vary according to local temper-ature and humidity; standard conditions are commonly required for testing and should be specifi ed (normally 20 ± 2°C and 65 ± 2% RH). Similarly reproducibility in test procedures should be ensured between different lab-oratories and different dates. If test results vary signifi cantly between labo-ratories then the test method must be deemed unreliable. However, values obtained from repetitive testing of textile materials would not be expected to be identical and therefore statistical analysis needs to be carried out.

12.2.3 Standardisation of test methods

To ensure reproducibility of test results, and facilitate trading in the global marketplace, test methods need to be standardised and, as mentioned

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earlier, most countries have their own standards organisations e.g. the British Standards Organisation, ANSI, ASTM International (USA) and Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN, Germany). The European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) comprises national members from 31 European countries with the remit to develop voluntary European Standards (ENs). These European standards are also national standards in each of the 31 member countries, and replace any confl icting national standards. The aim of CEN is to remove trade barriers for European industry and consumers, and enable products to reach a wider market with lower development and testing costs. Similarly on a global scale the Vienna Agreement of 1991 is a joint agreement on technical cooperation between ISO and CEN for har-monisation of international and European standards.

12.3 Test methods for natural fibres

Historically the assessment of the ‘quality’ of natural fi bres was carried out subjectively by skilled individuals, often aided by physical reference ‘stan-dards’. This approach is still commonly used in most of the less-developed fi bre-producing countries. Today’s international trade has led to the devel-opment, and wide acceptance, of internationally approved standard test methods including automated instrumental methods for the assessment of quality parameters. Standard methods are highly developed for cotton and wool but for many other fi bres there is still a long way to go before objec-tive testing of natural fi bre materials becomes the norm. The USA have led the development of test methods for cotton and, more recently, the princi-ples for cotton trade ‘harmonisation’ have been established (HS 52) as part of the harmonised commodity description and coding system. The methods developed for wool grading have been established primarily from research undertaken in Australia and New Zealand.

Some progress has been made for international grading for the quality of other natural fi bres but their importance in international trade is often loca-lised and has not received the attention given to cotton and wool. That said, the current exploitation and studies of the potential uses of fl ax and other bast fi bres require a standardisation system, and this has been addressed by the FAO/ESCORENA European Cooperative Research Network on Flax and other Bast Plants (Kessler and Sharma, 2011). Procedures adopted for testing wool have been relatively easily adapted to other hair fi bres but most of the cotton tests that are based upon objective methods have not been easy to apply to other cellulosic fi bres. The need for the establishment of standard test methods for fl ax has been recognised in the main producing countries for many years but the only real progress has come from ASTM International (e.g. ASTM D-6961-03; ASTM D6961/D6961M-09; ASTM D-7025-09; ASTM D-7076-10).

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The end use of fi bres determines the relative importance of testing. For example, it is not necessary to test the quality of coir or jute using the rigour and range of methods applied to high-value fi bres intended for use in fi ne woven or knitted apparel. Table 12.1 shows the more important characteristics which are important in the assessment of quality for a range of natural fi bres.

12.4 Measuring the physical properties of natural fibres

Consideration of the physical properties of fi bres such as fi bre diameter, fi neness and stiffness is imperative for quality control purposes. Fine fi bres are used for the production of fi ne yarns and therefore are of high value. Similarly the stiffness of a fi bre impacts on its spinnability and therefore affects yarn and fabric properties. Fabric drape, handle, prickliness and soft-ness are all dependent on the stiffness of a fi bre used in its production.

12.4.1 Fibre diameter and fi neness

Fibre fi neness/diameter is one of the most important properties of fi bres and is infl uential in determining end use. Fibre diameter is normally measured in micrometers, commonly abbreviated to microns (µm). The visual appearance and handle of fi bre are infl uenced by the fi neness and this will obviously have an impact on the value of the fi bre. Generally the value of a natural fi bre for use in apparel and many domestic textiles increases with decreasing diameter but for some industrial and technical textile applications the relationship can be reversed. A simplifi ed example is that, because there is a minimum number of fi bres needed in the cross-section of yarns to provide strength and uniform-ity, fi ne yarns can only be satisfactorily made from fi ne fi bres; fi ne yarns are more highly valued and are used in high-value products so, other factors being constant, fi ne fi bres generally have higher values than coarse, thicker, fi bres.

Fibre stiffness (resistance to bending) increases with increasing fi bre diameter, i.e. the coarser the fi bre, the stiffer it is. Bending rigidity of per-fectly elastic fi bres of circular cross-section is proportional to the fourth power of the fi bre diameter (B ∞ d4); whilst most natural fi bres are not per-fectly circular, or perfectly elastic, the bending stiffness is still very sensitive to fi bre fi neness. The stiffness of a fi bre affects the ‘spinnability’ and yarn properties; fi bre stiffness also affects properties of fabrics such as drape, handle, prickliness and softness.

The diameters of natural fi bres vary considerably; fi bre diameter does not have a single absolute value and can range widely about the mean value even when fi bre is from the same source; because of this the use of single values to characterise fi bre diameter (e.g. mean, median or airfl ow) is often inadequate for assessing diameter characteristics, for example short fl ax fi bres will always

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have a wide, skewed, distribution in diameter values even within batches from the same crop (see Fig. 12.1). Similarly, wool obtained from a single sheep will show variation but the distribution of diameters is less skewed (Fig. 12.2).

Another factor that needs to be considered when measuring fi bre fi ne-ness is that the cross-section of different fi bre types varies in shape; wool has an approximately circular cross-section, raw cotton has a collapsed tubular cross-section and bast fi bres are often irregular polygonial in cross-section (Fig. 12.3(a)–(f)). Furthermore natural fi bres usually exhibit cross-section variability along their length.

Fibre diameter is not a particularly useful measurement in all circum-stances, particularly when the deviations from circular cross-sections are signifi cant and alternative ways have been developed to represent fi bre fi neness. Fibre fi neness is often measured in terms of fi bre linear density, e.g. decitex (mass in grams of 10 000 m of fi bre) or denier (a historical term originally used to express the fi neness of silk, defi ned as the mass in grams of 9000 m of fi bre). Indirect assessments of fi bre fi neness were some of the ear-liest to be developed, especially for quality control purposes, and have been particularly valuable in the cotton and wool industries; the most common of these are the ‘airfl ow’ methods, based upon the resistance of a standard mass of fi bre to air fl owing through the fi bres.




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12.1 Fibre diameter distribution of short fi bre fl ax (Laserscan).

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12.4.2 Methods for measuring fi bre fi neness

A series of 14 papers by Sommerville (2001–2007) reviewing methods of meas-uring fi bre fi neness are essential reading for those interested in this topic.


Microscopy offers the only direct method for measuring the absolute char-acteristics of fi bre cross-sections. Because of the irregularity of the cross-sections of most natural fi bres, values of ‘diameter’ are usually an average based upon a large number of ‘diameter’ measurements. Examination of fi bre cross-sections is rarely used nowadays as it requires skill and experi-ence, and is slow, expensive and highly labour intensive.

Fibre diameter

The most common methods for measuring diameter are based upon deter-mining the width of short snippets of fi bre using a projection microscope but the processes are still laborious and are now only used for the characterisa-tion of ‘standard’ or ‘reference’ samples which are to be used as calibration standards for other methods.




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12.2 Relative fi bre diameter of a wool sample (Laserscan).

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Automation of diameter measurement for wool fi bres has passed through many stages of development, reviewed by Sommerville (2001–2007) and today there are a number of commercially available instruments which include the Optical Fibre Diameter Analyser (OFDA) (Australia), the Sirolan Laserscan® (Australia), and the FibreShape (Switzerland) systems.


The potential for using image analysis for automating the measure-ment of fi bre diameter from microscope images was developed at the

10 μm

30 μm

10 μm

10 μm

30 μm

50 microns

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

12.3 (a) Cotton fi bre cross-section; (b) silk fi bre cross-section; (c) ramie

fi bre cross-section; (d) wool fi bre cross-section; (e) nettle fi bre cross-

section; and (f) fl ax fi bre cross-section.

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Australian Wool Testing Authority Ltd in the early 1980s. This led to the current range of OFDA systems produced by BSC Electronics Pty Ltd. OFDA 100 was originally developed to determine the average fi bre diam-eter and standard deviation of wool fi bres and is widely used by testing houses and mills across the world. The OFDA 100 system was developed for wool; its successor, OFDA 2000, determines a wide range of quality parameters including: mean diameter (range 4–300 µm), standard devia-tion, and curvature for fi bre types which have a circular, or near-circular cross-section including wool, cashmere, mohair, glass and synthetic fi bres (Stobart and McColl, 2000). Recently OFDA 5000 has been introduced for measurements on micro-fi bres (diameter range 0.5–60 µm). OFDA 100 has been used for determining useful characteristics of other fi bres including some bast fi bres, but the data have to be interpreted to take account of the irregularity of the fi bre cross-sections; nevertheless the ‘relative’ fi bre diameter data has proved very useful in a range of appli-cations (Akin, 2010; Drieling et al ., 1999; Grishanov et al ., 2006; Wang and Wang, 2004).

The OFDA 2000 comprises an automated microscope which captures images of a moving sample of fi bre snippets (normally 2 mm long) which are spread automatically onto a 70 mm square glass slide which is then scanned by the microscope. Software identifi es and measures individual fi bres to a resolution of 1 µm; the mean diameter and standard deviation are calcu-lated to a resolution of 0.01 µm. The whole process takes a few minutes for, typically, 4000–20 000 measurements. The results are printed out as a histogram of the fi bre diameter distribution and software generates values for coeffi cient of variation, prickle factor and spinning fi neness (the last two relating only to wool and similar near-circular fi bres).

Sirolan TM Laserscan

Research on the use of photometry to determine fi bre diameter was under-taken by the AWTA alongside the image analysis approach which led to the early OFDA machines. The principle is relatively simple: when a beam of parallel light (from a laser) shines upon a photo-detector, fi bres at right angles to the beam of light will cast a shadow on the photo-detector which, if the fi bres are of constant length, will have an area directly proportional to the fi bre diameter. The key to the success of this approach was the devel-opment of an optical discrimination system (Fig. 12.4), which ensures that only single fi bre snippets that fully intercept the laser beam are measured. Figure 12.4 shows a schematic diagram of the principle of the ‘optical dis-criminator’. Fibres to be measured must cross the central detector and two (but only two) of the outer detectors. In this way only single whole fi bres with an appropriate alignment are measured.

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In order to measure fi bre diameter using this principle samples should be appropriately prepared in terms of cleanliness and fi bre separation (e.g. wool is scoured to remove grease and dirt, dried and conditioned). When the samples are in suitable condition fi bre snippets of 2 mm length are cut from an aligned random sample of fi bre using a special guillotine. Figure 12.5 illustrates the general features of the Sirolan TM Laserscan system: small quantities of the snippets are introduced into a pre-measurement dispersion bowl containing an isopropanol/water mixture (which emulates standard moisture regain conditions) until the required number of measurements have been taken. The dispersion of fi bres fl ows through a measurement cell where fi bre snippets intersect a laser beam; those correctly aligned are

Discriminator ring

Fibre snippet

12.4 Principle of the Laserscan optical discriminator (courtesy CSIRO).

Fibre sample

Fibre dispersion bowl



Measurement cell Beam

splitter Beam splitter

Fibre optic discriminator

Signal processing electronics


Measurement detector

Lens Secondary filter

Slump andcloth filter

Reference detector Pump


12.5 Principle of operation of the Sirolan Laserscan system.

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detected and measured. Typically 2000 to 10 000 measurements are taken and the software yields values of mean diameter, standard deviation, CV%, percentage of fi bres less than 30 µm (comfort factor for wool), fi bre curva-ture and a histogram (and data fi le) of the diameter distribution (Fig. 12.6) of fi bre diameters up to 80 µm.

As with the OFDA systems, the Sirolan TM Laserscan was targeted at wool but has been successfully used for many other fi bres including other protein fi bres, fl ax and hemp (Grishanov et al ., 2006; Lamb and Denning 2003; Miao and Finn 2008; Wang and Wang 2004).

FibreShape TM

FibreShape (Fig. 12.7) is a versatile quality control and characterisation sys-tem which combines a high-resolution scanner with advanced image analysis










01 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79

Relative fibre diameter in microns



of fi


12.6 Distribution of relative fi bre diameter of a cottonised fl ax sample


12.7 FibreShape instrument (courtesy FibreShape TM ).

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software. The analysis of a scanned image provides mean fi bre diameter, standard deviation and a histogram of diameter distribution; fi bre length and shape information can also be determined. The FibreShape system is avail-able with either manual or automatic sample preparation; it is a relatively low-cost system useful for quality control measurement of a wide range of characteristics for many natural fi bres (Schmidt et al ., 2002, 2010). FibreShape offers a rapid characterisation process but the resolution is lower than with other methods, though there is good general correlation. Fibres of a fi neness range from 5 µm up to 5000 µm (5 mm) can be measured (using appropriate software, fi bre lengths from 2 µm to 30 cm can also be measured).

The performance of automated diameter measurement systems need to be checked and recalibrated using standard reference materials. For the OFDA and Laserscan machines this is achieved using standard wool tops where the mean fi bre diameter and diameter distribution have been pre-viously determined by direct measurement using a projection microscope (available from INTERWOOLLABS), but other reference materials may also be used. In some instances recalibration can be more troublesome, e.g. returning the machine to the manufacturer for recalibration.

The Laserscan, OFDA and FibreShape systems have many uses in the natural fi bre industry beyond wool characterisation as they enable the mea-surement of mean fi bre diameters and diameter distributions for quality specifi cation, quality analysis, research and development for many fi bres.

Flax and hemp have received a lot of attention in recent years particularly towards modifi cation of fl ax and hemp tow and short fi bre crops by enzyme and chemical ‘retting’ to produce cottonised fi bre for use on short-staple spin-ning systems. The main issue is that fl ax and hemp fi bre are not, as harvested and decorticated, single fi bres but a mixture of single, elementary, fi bres and bundles of elementary fi bres held together by inter-fi bre cement. During the carding and spinning processes these bundles partially split into single fi bres, but a proportion of bundles will remain intact. Enzyme and chemical retting treatments have been shown to improve bast fi bre separation; high energy ultrasound and shock waves have also proved successful for cottonising bast fi bres (Akin et al ., 2001; Brown, 1984; Fila et al ., 2001; Henriksson et al ., 1997; Harwood et al ., 2008b; Sirghie et al., 2005). Instruments that produce histo-grams of fi bre distribution are particularly useful for observing the effects of retting and cottonisation treatments as the changes in the diameter distribu-tion give a quantifi ed picture of the process.

Although fl ax fi bre cross-sections are irregular polygons they can be considered to be approximately circular. Changes in diameter distributions assist the quantifi cation of cottonisation treatments. Attempts have been made to produce estimates of single fl ax fi bre diameter and the propor-tion of multiple fi bre bundles in a sample; Grishanov (2006) produced soft-ware to assist this process. Diameter distributions are ‘deconvoluted’ and

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the output is an estimate of the numbers of single (ultimate) fi bres and their mean diameter along with estimates of the number of fi bres made up of two, three, four and fi ve or more ultimate fi bres. Although diameter values are output as microns, values are on a ‘relative’ diameter scale as fi bre, and fi bre bundle, cross-sections deviate signifi cantly from circularity.

Workers at De Montfort University have led the way in using this approach for determining the effectiveness of the retting process (Harwood et al. , 2008a, 2008b; Horne et al ., 2008, 2010). Application of the deconvo-lution software to diameter distributions enables comparison of different fi bre samples, irrespective of the degree of retting. Deconvolution software can provide the following additional data:

Estimates of percentages of single fi bres present in a sample, and fi bre • bundles containing two to fi ve fi bres. The average deviation of deconvoluted data from original data. • The mean and standard deviation of ultimate fi bre diameter. •

Figure 12.8 shows the theoretical distributions of diameter for average fi bre diameter of 20μ and standard deviation σ = 2μ for single fi bres and fi bre bundles consisting of two to fi ve fi bres. The distributions are labelled (i)–(v), respectively.

Airfl ow method for measuring fi bre fi neness

The ease with which a fl uid will fl ow through a porous mass is dependent upon the surface area of the pores; the higher the surface area per unit vol-ume, the greater is the resistance to fl uid fl ow. The research which led to the














0 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39

Fibre and fibre bundle width (μm)42 45 48 51 54 60 57 63 66 69 72 75


2 3

4 5

12.8 Theoretical distribution of fi bre and fi bre bundle width. (1) single

fi bre and (2–5) two to fi ve fi bres in the bundle (Grishanov et al ., 2006).

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adoption of airfl ow methods for the textile industries was laid down in the late 1930s and 1940s with the fi rst Micronaire instrument produced in 1947. Considerable evolution followed in the next decade.

It was shown that the fl ow of air through a standard plug of fi bres is pro-portional to the difference in pressure across the plug (ΔP) and the diame-ter of the spaces between the fi bres squared (d 2 ):

fl ow = K · ΔP · d2

Using two principles – that at a given pressure difference the airfl ow through a uniformly distributed mass of fi bres is determined by the total surface area of the fi bres, and fi ne fi bres have higher specifi c surface areas (surface area per unit mass) than coarse fi bres – two instrument types evolved (Anderson, 1954). The fi rst type of instrument relates the pressure drop at a standard rate of air fl ow to d 2 (d 2 ∞ ΔP−1). The second instrument using a constant air pressure applied to the fi bre mass determines the fl ow of air through the sample: K is a constant so we can either relate d 2 to the fl ow (by keeping ΔP constant) or to ΔP (by keeping the fl ow constant) or to the drop in pressure (keeping the applied pressure constant). d 2 ∞ fl ow. All modern instruments are based upon one of these scenarios.

The airfl ow concept was adapted to develop instruments for classifying wool and cotton fi bre fi neness and they are the standard quality control methods for assessing the fi neness of these fi bres (Fig. 12.9). Results for wool are expressed as the mean diameter in microns and for cotton as the mean fi bre linear density in micrograms per inch (micronaire value). The advantages of airfl ow systems are their wide acceptance by industry, the low cost of equipment and ease of operation. However, the data are limited in their quality, the equipment avail-able is generally specifi c to either wool or cotton and results are sensitive to sample preparation. Use of airfl ow methods with other fi bres is commonplace but only as a guide to relative fi neness (Faughey et al ., 2000; Sinha, 1970; Sinha and Bandyopadhyay, 1968). One of the ASTM standards, for measurement of fl ax fi bre fi neness, is based on the airfl ow principle (ASTM D7025-04a).


A fi bre sample of known, standard, weight is compressed into a cylinder of a known, standard, volume and exposed to an air current at a known pressure. The rate of airfl ow through the fi bre mass is measured using a rotameter which is calibrated to correlate with fi bre fi neness (using standard reference fi bres whose fi neness has been measured by a direct method), e.g. microns for wool, micrograms per inch for cotton.

The surface area of a fi bre (length × circumference) is proportional to its diameter but for a given weight of sample the number of fi bres will increase

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with fi bre fi neness so that the specifi c surface area is inversely proportional to fi bre diameter. The fi bre diameter will therefore determine the ratio of airfl ow to differential pressure. For fi bres of approximately circular cross-section and constant overall density such as unmedullated wool (BS 3183:1968), the esti-mate of fi neness obtained by the airfl ow method shows a good correspond-ence to the average fi bre diameter as determined by projection microscopy.

The same method can be used for measuring cotton fi neness, and is usually carried out on raw cotton opened and blended using a laboratory blender or Shirley analyser. However, results will be affected by the matu-rity of the cotton fi bres as well as their fi neness. For this reason the results are expressed in arbitrary Micronaire units (Micronaire is the trade mark of the Sheffi eld Corporation) (BS 3181-1:1987).

12.4.3 Fibre length and length distribution

The length of natural fi bres varies considerably, even in samples of the same provenance, whether animal or plant. The fi bre length is the second most important property of a fi bre, fi neness being the fi rst. Wool is a relatively

12.9 WIRA wool fi bre fi neness meter. (WIRA Instrumentation Ltd,

Bradford, UK.)

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long fi bre and fi bre length will vary between different breeds of sheep; fi ne wool sheep breeds (e.g. Merino and Charollais) typically have wool of 4–10 cm whereas long-wool breeds (e.g. Lincoln and Cotswold) have wool up to 30 cm long. Cotton is a much shorter fi bre with Sea Island cotton fi bres around 50 mm in length, whereas most are much shorter and some Indian cotton may be less than 12 mm in length.

The importance of fi bre length lies in its processing, especially spin-ning. Generally the longer a fi bre, the easier it is to process. However, fi bre processing machines are designed to operate on a narrow range of staple lengths, and, even within a particular range of lengths, some machine adjust-ments must be made to optimise the process for the specifi c material being processed. Therefore it is important that the raw material should not show much variance from the established standard length.

This variation in fi bre length of the raw material also needs to be con-trolled during the combing processes where short fi bre is combed out (combing waste). The quantity of short fi bre present will impact on the waste produced and hence on the economics of the manufacturing. Longer fi bre also assists in the cohesion of rovings and slivers as longer fi bres will overlap more for any given level of twist and, consequently, less twist is needed to produce satisfactory slivers from long fi bre.

With long fi bre, there will be fewer fi bre ends in a given length of yarn and yarn evenness improves with increasing fi bre length. A longer fi bre will produce a higher strength yarn for the same level of twist. Fibre length and fi neness are quite strongly correlated in the cases of cotton and wool: for wool, the longer the fi bre the coarser the wool; for cotton the opposite is true as longer cotton fi bres are generally fi ner than short cottons. Fibre length for wool and cotton is usually expressed as staple length: in simple terms the staple length of wool is the average overall length of the fi bres in their naturally crimped condition. For cotton the staple length is between the mean length and the maximum length.

Fibre diagram machine

The fundamental principle of this machine is that it produces a fi bre length diagram which is similar to that obtained from a traditional ‘hand draw’, when a fi bre sample is hand laid on to a velvet board so that the length distribution can be observed. A fi bre beard is produced in which all the ends of the fi bres are aligned and the beard is then passed between two parallel plates that act as a capacitor. The change in capacitance is used to calculate the number of fi bres present as a function of length, the distribution of fi bre lengths is reported with the standard deviation and CV%. The maximum fi bre length that can be detected using this type of instrument is approximately 300 mm.

Results are presented as Hauteur and Barbe fi bre lengths. Hauteur (H) is the mean fi bre length biased by the cross-section (linear density) of the

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fi bres; Barbe (B) is the mean length biased by fi bre weight. Hauteur and Barbe are both measured in mm and have the relationship:


= +H ⎛⎝⎜⎛⎛⎝⎝








where CVH is the coeffi cient of variation of Hauteur in %. BS 5182:1975 describes the standard test for the measurement of wool

fi bre length.

Fibre length distribution tester

Testing is carried out on a beard of fi bre produced by drawing a comb over a sample of the fi bre. A typical beard of fl ax fi bres removed from the comb after testing is shown in Fig. 12.10.

The beard is drawn over an illuminated sensor where the changes in opti-cal density enable the fi bre length to be calculated. The length distribution data are generated at intervals defi ned by the operator. Length measure-ments determined using a fi bre length distribution tester are limited to fi bres up to 80 mm long.

12.4.4 Fibre strength

Because of the variability found in natural fi bres, testing the strength of these fi bres is time consuming and problematic. The strength of individual fi bres shows a high degree of variability and for this reason a large number

12.10 A beard of fl ax fi bres.

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of fi bres have to be measured to ensure statistical reliability. It is diffi cult to handle and mount single fi bres in the jaws of a strength testing machine, especially if fi bres are particularly fi ne. For this reason tests are often carried out on fi bre bundles.

To measure single fi bre strength a universal tensile tester is often used. Universal tensile testing equipment is widely available from many testing machinery suppliers, for example Uster, SDL Atlas, Instron. The principle is very simple: individual fi bres are clamped vertically between two jaws and extended at constant rate of elongation. The applied force (stress) is measured continuously as the elongation (strain) increases; a complete stress strain diagram may be produced, alternatively the maximum force required to break the fi bre may be displayed along with the elongation at maximum stress and/or at the breaking point. The strength of fi bres is normally expressed as ‘tenacity’, i.e. the maximum force (Newtons) required to break the fi bre divided by the linear density (tex) at the point of rupture.

There are instruments available that are specifi cally designed for sin-gle fi bre strength measurement which are particularly useful for some fi bre types (WIRA single fi bre strength tester, the Lenzing Vibrodyn, Textechno Fafegraph HR, SDLATLAS Tinius Olsen H1KS). British stan-dards BS EN ISO 5079:1996 and BS 4029:1978 describe the determina-tion of breaking force and elongation at break of individual fi bres, and tensile elastic recovery, respectively. The ASTM has published a standard test method for evaluation of the tensile properties of single textile fi bres (ASTM D3822).

The testing of bundles of fi bres takes less time and involves fewer test sam-ples than testing individual fi bres. The use of manual instruments requires training and experience to produce valid results but bundle strength has assumed greater importance than single fi bre strength tests. The operating principle is to determine the breaking force required to rupture a carefully prepared thin ribbon of fi bres which are clamped at very short gauge length; the weight of the fi bres in the ribbon is determined and, so long as the fi bre length is known, the tenacity of the fi bres can be calculated (detailed instructions are always provided in the operating manuals). Careful sam-pling and multiple tests are needed to ensure that the results are represen-tative of the whole batch of fi bre. The ‘Stelometer’ (derived from STrength and ELOngation METER) is the instrument most commonly used for bun-dle strength testing of natural fi bres and is available from a wide range of manufacturers. Semi-automated methods are commonly used and readily available, particularly for cotton testing; the operative is required to select and prepare the samples, usually with the aid of a ‘fi brosampler’ or other combing device to prepare a beard of fi bres which is then inserted for auto-mated testing (the USTER HVI System).

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12.4.5 Fibre colour

Fibre colour will vary between different fi bres and will be dependent on the processing to which it has been subjected. Colour can be measured instru-mentally using a refl ectance spectrophotometer. The technique requires controlled conditions of illumination, sample size and background. The principles of refl ectance spectrometry are well established (McDonald and Rigg, 1980). As fi bre samples exhibit variations in texture and colour, meas-urement using refl ectance spectrophotometry requires careful sampling:

Ensure samples are taken from different parts of the material and that • duplicate measurements are taken in order to obtain a mean refl ection spectrum. Ensure the sample is suffi ciently thick to be opaque, thus preventing • light transmitting through the sample and refl ecting back from the sam-ple holder. Rotate the sample 90 • ° between measurements and take a mean value of 4 measurements to minimise any direction effects caused by the texture of the fi bre sample.

By far the most common system used for colour measurement is that developed by the CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage). The colour of a fi bre sample is expressed in terms of three-dimensional colour coordinates, represented by the CIE L*a*b* colour space system, by which all surface colours can be represented.

Assessments of ‘Whiteness’ and ‘Yellowness’ of textile materials are often used to monitor changes during processing. Caution is needed when using measurements calculated from refl ectance data with natural fi bres, particu-larly bast fi bres, as calculated rankings are often signifi cantly different from visual rankings.

12.4.6 Optical microscopy

Optical microscopy can provide a direct image of plant structure and in conjunction with staining methods can be used to study the arrangement of fi bres in the plant stem and the presence of non-cellulosic constituents. There are two types of optical microscopy relying on either refl ected or transmitted light. Refl ected light microscopy is used to study the surface of a sample. A sample can be simply placed under the microscope lens, or may be cut and polished into a fl at surface to allow compositional and structural data to be collected.

Transmitted light microscopy requires samples that are optically trans-parent or translucent so that light can pass through them. Fibre samples

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are suffi ciently thin for study without any preparation; however, other plant material will often require thin sections to be studied. Many techniques for preparing thin cross-sections are discussed in the literature (e.g. Greaves et al. 1995; Steedman 1960; Stoves 1957). To avoid distortion when cutting a cross-section a microtome can be used with the sample embedded in a supporting medium which may be a wax or polymer resin. A wide range of resins are available: the use of Spurr’s resin has proved particularly success-ful for bast fi bres, as it is an embedding medium that is low in viscosity and useful for plant materials which are diffi cult to infi ltrate (Akin et al ., 1996; Derue et al ., 2002; Donaldson et al ., 2001). Another resin that may be used for the same reasons is LR white (Fraser et al ., 1982).

As with refl ected light microscopy no direct chemical information is obtained from transmitted light microscopy. However, the use of specifi c staining techniques enables information on chemical composition to be gained. For example, the distribution of pectic substances in fl ax has been studied using a 0.02% aqueous solution of ruthenium red. Similar studies for lignin (Fig. 12.11) use acid phloroglucinol (Akin et al ., 1996) and toluid-ine blue (Fraser et al ., 1982). Such studies have shown that the concentration of lignin in the fi bre bundles was signifi cantly lower than in the xylem of the stem.

12.4.7 Electron microscopy

There are two forms of electron microscopy. Scanning electron spectros-copy (SEM) is a technique that has been available since the mid-1960s and is used for the study of surfaces. It can be used to study internal structures if a section through a sample is examined. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is an older technique dating from the 1930s, and is able to investi-gate internal structure. Although some elemental contrast can be obtained

2 mm2 mm

(a) (b)

12.11 Cross-section of Urtica dioica stems (stained with phloroglucinol

to highlight lignin: (a) upper stem; (b) lower stem.

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from SEM arising from variations in atomic number throughout a material, it is not suitable for studying the distribution of lignin or pectic substances in plant structures. However, it can be used to study the surface of fi bres and fi bre bundles. Figure 12.12(a) shows an SEM image of chemically separated fl ax fi bres and can be compared with Fig. 12.12(b) where there is clear evi-dence of fungal activity on the outer surface of fl ax straw which been retted in the fi eld. Figure 12.13 shows the effect of retting on the inner surface of fi eld retted fl ax straw. The separation of individual fi bres as a result of fi eld



30 μm

30 μm

12.12 SEM images: (a) chemically retted fl ax fi bres; (b) outer surface of

fi eld retted fl ax straw.

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retting is well illustrated by the SEM image of a cross-section of the fl ax stem in Fig. 12.14. The technique can be used for a visual evaluation of dif-ferences between fi bres and related materials.

Modern SEM instruments often include EDS (energy dispersive spec-troscopy) analysis. SEM-EDS allows elemental analysis of the surface and immediate sub-surface of materials. It is particularly useful for metal analy-ses but can, theoretically, be used for all elements below sodium in the peri-odic table.

TEM is used for the study of internal structures and sample preparation is important as ultra-thin sections must be used. To permit good imaging, samples are stained with heavy metal salts, usually lead or uranium, in the same way as for other microscopic techniques. The very high resolution of the method enables detailed structural information to be obtained.

12.4.8 Cleanliness

Cleanliness affects the cost of fi bre materials, low trash content materi-als normally commanding higher prices than materials with higher trash contents. Although there are manual test methods for trash and other non-fi bre for cellulosic fi bres automated methods are usually used. Instruments are available from a number of manufacturers (e.g. Uster and SDA Atlas) which allow the easy determination of trash, dust, microfi bre and some other fi bre contaminants. Dust is an important contaminant partic-ularly with bast fi bres as it can cause environmental health and process-ing problems in spinning and knitting mills. Test systems can also be used

30 μm

12.13 SEM image showing inner surface of fi eld retted fl ax straw.

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to determine the ‘cleanability’ of the materials, a major consideration for the processing of fi bres. The Sussen MDTA 3 and Uster instrument range were developed for cotton testing but are used for a range of other ‘fi ne’ fi bre types. Output data includes the quantity of useful fi bre and trash, dust, microfi bre and nep content in fi bre samples. The data are obtained by sepa-ration of the components by mechanical and airfl ow systems. Useful fi bre is collected as a partially aligned sliver which can then be used for small-scale spinning trials.

As an example, MDTA data were used in the evaluation of different fl ax accessions grown for short fi bre to be used in high value textile end uses (Harwood et al ., 2008a; Texfl ax, 2001). The aim of the work was to progres-sively select the ‘best’ accessions through evaluation of fi bre obtained from straw from replicated trial crops harvested over three growing seasons. The selection criteria were initially based on the optimal properties for spinning on the cotton system (Table 12.2).

10 μm

12.14 SEM image showing fi bre separation in fi eld retted fl ax straw.

Table 12.2 Target specifi cation for fl ax fi bre on the cotton


Property Target specifi cation

Fibre length Mean length 25–30 mm

Short fi bre Not more than 15%

Strength Not less than 28 g tex -1

Trash Total trash content less than 10%

Fibre fi neness Micronaire value less than 7

Colour grade The whiter the better

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Five fl ax accessions were fi nally selected as having the optimum proper-ties for spinning on the cotton system and were successfully blended with cotton to produce commercial 26 Nm (i.e. 38 tex) yarns with fl ax content up to 50% (Harwood et al ., 2008a, 2008b; Horne et al ., 2010).

For protein fi bres the contaminants in raw materials are primarily grease and adhering soil which are effectively removed in raw fi bre scouring prior to any further processing. Relatively simple laboratory test methods simu-late commercial scouring processes and allow the clean fi bre yield to be determined with supplementary standard tests for monitoring the quality of scouring processes (Wool Testing Authority, 2011).

12.4.9 Fibre length, strength, elongation and micronaire (HVI)

The Uster HVI (high volume instrument) provides data relating to aver-age fi bre length, percentage of short fi bres, average fi bre tenacity, average elongation at break and fi bre fi neness (micronaire value). The instrument was developed for cotton and is the standard measurement system used by the international cotton trade. The system can be used very effectively for cottonised fl ax and other fi ne bast fi bres but results obtained will be ‘relative’ rather than absolute values (Harwood et al. , 2008a; Horne et al ., 2010).

12.4.10 Sensory factors

Following evaluation of the quality and performance characteristics of nat-ural fi bres it follows that their effectiveness in end-use products must be assessed. Whilst the uses of natural fi bres encompass a hugely diverse range such as automotive, medical to fashion and clothing, it is worth mentioning here that the promotion of natural fi bres in clothing has been addressed in studies of their comfort and physiological infl uence. Kawabata was a pio-neer in the objective evaluation of fabric composed of both man-made and natural fi bres. Fabric handle is clearly a subjective assessment, based on an individual perception of comfort values such as smoothness, stiffness, soft-ness. Kawabata recognised that the stimuli causing a psychological response of handle are determined by the physical and mechanical properties of the fabric and developed the KES-F system whereby both subjective and objec-tive measurements are correlated (Bishop, 1996; Kawabata and Niwa, 1989; Postle and Dhingra, 1989). Later research carried out by Zimniewska et al . (2004) investigated the physiological aspects of natural vs. man-made fi bres. A review of the ultraviolet blocking properties of natural fi bres is reviewed informatively in the Handbook of Natural Fibres , volume 2.

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12.5 Chemical properties

Chemical analysis of bast fi bres using traditional ‘wet’ methods are mostly based on work undertaken on fl ax by the Linen Industries Research Association (LIRA) and, later, the Lambeg Industrial Research Association, from 1919 until it closed in 1993. A special collection of LIRA publications can be viewed at the Irish Linen Centre at Lisburn museum. Chemical test-ing of fl ax and hemp is undertaken by CELC (Confédération Européenne du Lin et du Chanvre), and by members of the European Cooperative Research Network on Flax and other Bast Plants. An excellent review of the chemical testing of bast fi bres is given in Chapter 3 of this volume. A comprehensive review of all chemical methods of testing of natural fi bres is clearly beyond the scope of this chapter. However, key sources on chemical testing, analysis and properties are listed at the end of this chapter.

12.5.1 Chemical extraction of bast fi bre

In order to evaluate various quality parameters of bast fi bres it is often neces-sary to extract these fi bres from the plant as cleanly as possible. Many methods have been employed by previous workers to release the fi bres from bast plants. Pott (2003) suggested that treatment with water at 160–180 o C would separate fl ax fi bre from straw by removal of pectin, hemicellulose and lignin similar to the steam explosion process (Nebel, 1995). Van den Oever et al . (2003) devel-oped an autoclave process for small-scale fi bre extraction. Other researchers have investigated the use of chemicals such as sodium chlorite and sodium hydroxide (Cook, 1984) as well as pectolytic enzymes (Akin et al ., 2007; Militky et al ., 2000). Enzyme systems used in conjunction with emulsifi ers and ultra-sound have also been studied (Sirghie and Van Langenhove, 2004). However, on a laboratory scale the use of sodium hydroxide for fi bre extraction has been found to produce the cleanest fi bres and can be used for fl ax, hemp, ramie and nettle fi bre (McCormick, 2006). The laboratory method described here can be applied to either decorticated fi bre or plant stems where decortication has not been carried out or is impractical. The fundamental principle is that a known mass of dry sample is heated in sealed stainless steel beakers containing 0.5M NaOH and 0.025M EDTA solution at 130 o C for a time dependent on the plant material. After neutralising with dilute acetic acid and rinsed with dilute ammonium hydroxide (1ml.880 ammonia/l) and fi nally rinsing with water, the sample is dried, reweighed and the percentage fi bre content calculated.

12.5.2 Alkali solubility

The degree of retting is of general importance for bast fi bres and is gener-ally associated with removal of pectins and other non-cellulose materials.

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Determination of alkali-soluble materials is a useful test when following removal from the parent plant bast fi bres will contain varying amounts of non-cellulosic materials, typically pectins and hemi-celluloses. Some mate-rial is soluble in boiling water and further amounts are removed in normal wet processes. Alkali extraction can be used to gauge the effectiveness of a particular fi bre processing method and when it is important to know how much soluble material is present. The method described would typically be used for bast fi bres such as fl ax, hemp, ramie and nettle. Samples of fi bre are boiled in 0.5M Na 2 CO 3 solution for 2.5 hours and the loss of mass, compared to the loss when boiled in deionised water, is the ‘alkali solubility’. The alkali solubility is calculated as follows:

Alkali solub (ility %) =

× ( )−

× ( )100 100−a


where: a = initial mass of fi bre, b = mass of fi bre after extraction with 0.5M Na 2 CO 3 , c = initial mass fi bre to be extracted with boiling deionised water, and d = fi nal mass of deionised water specimen.

12.5.3 Cellulose content (cuprammonium fl uidity)

Natural retting and the use of chemicals and enzymes for fi bre extraction and processing are likely to cause some degradation to the cellulose mol-ecules by hydrolysis or oxidation. This may be manifest in an undesirable decrease in fi bre strength. It is a well known fact that pure cellulose dis-solves in cuprammonium solution to give a viscous fl uid and that any reduc-tion in strength is accompanied by a nonlinear fall in the viscosity of the solution. If, however, the reciprocal of viscosity, which is termed ‘cupram-monium fl uidity’, is used, this increases linearly with the percentage loss in strength over a wide range.

This method (BS 2610:1978) has been widely used for cotton and regen-erated cellulosic fi bres but is more diffi cult to use for other natural cellulo-sic fi bres because of the high, and variable, concentrations of non-cellulosic components. However, the method has been adapted for fl ax by pre-treating to remove the non-cellulose materials (BS 3090:1978) and has been used on some other fi bres.

12.5.4 Lignin content

Lignin is a complex 3D branched copolymer comprising, primarily, a mix-ture of three aromatic alcohols in a network of phenyl propene basic units. Lignin is a very diverse polymer and is hard to study which accounts for the large number of different analytical methods used. Lignin is responsible for

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strength and rigidity in plants; it also controls diffusion processes and pro-vides protection from microbial attack. The quantitative estimation of lig-nin is very dependent upon the method used; furthermore, the distribution of lignin within plant tissues is localised and is mainly associated with cell walls. The nature of the lignin present in plants also varies with growth stage; the degree of polymerisation and cross-linking tend increase with maturity (Blackburn, 2006). Lignin is important as it affects many aspects of fi bre production, processing and properties. The situation is very complex. Lignin is important during plant growth, e.g. it infl uences the recovery of fl ax from lodging (Sharma, 1986), mature plants are more diffi cult to ret than crops harvested earlier and so lignin has a negative effect on fi bre extraction. The presence of lignin has a negative effect on the quality and the commercial value of fl ax fi bre (Sharma, 1986). As a result, investigation of the concen-tration, distribution and properties of lignin can be important at all stages of production and processing.

There are various methods for the determination of lignin. The choice of method will depend on whether quantitative or qualitative information is being sought and the type of plant material being investigated. Chemical methods include the Klason method (Theander and Westerland, 1986) and the acetyl bromide assay (Hatfi eld et al ., 1999). Instrumental methods include infrared spectroscopy (Himmelsbach et al ., 1999), nuclear magnetic spectroscopy (Ralph et al ., 2001), gas chromatography (Sonada, 2001) and Raman spectroscopy. With over 40 different methods to be found in recent literature, it is easy to see why the International Lignin Institute (ILI) has included lignin characterisation and analysis in recent activities (ILI, 2011).

The distribution of lignin in plant tissues is most easily appreciated by simple staining of cross-sections. Figure 12.11 shows an example of the sort of variation that is found when sections are stained with phloroglucinol and clearly demonstrates that the concentration of lignin in plant tissues var-ies dramatically across and along plant stems. Micro spectroscopic methods, particularly infrared and Raman spectroscopy, have been successfully used to explore the distribution and nature of lignin and other components in plant cross-sections (e.g. Himmelsbach et al ., 1999; Stewart et al. , 1995).

Klason and acetyl bromide determination of lignin

The Klason method is described here because it has been extensively used for measurement of lignin concentrations in bast fi bres. It is based on the observation that carbohydrates can be hydrolysed by sulphuric acid to leave an acid-insoluble lignin residue (acid-insoluble lignin) which can then be determined gravimetrically. The procedure is carried out using a two-step hydrolysis of the carbohydrate components in which a sample of homoge-nised plant material is treated with a 72% solution of sulphuric acid at

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room temperature, and then a secondary hydrolysis is performed by dilut-ing the mixture and refl uxing (Browning, 1967). Due to this harsh chemical treatment the solid residue remaining is unlikely to be representative of the lignin as it occurs naturally in the plant but attempts have been made to characterise Klason lignin (Hatfi eld and Fukushima, 2005; Reeves, 1993; Reeves and Galletti, 1993).

The main criticism of the Klason method is that the lignin residue can be contaminated by non-lignin components. Inclusion of a pre-extraction step using an isotropic mixture of ethanol and benzene will remove waxes and cutaneous matter (Monties, 1989). Other sources of contamination are degradation products from proteins and carbohydrates. A pre-extraction step with ‘acid detergent’ to remove proteins results in a lower estimate for lignin concentration – acid detergent lignin (ADL). Hatfi eld et al . (1994) compared the insoluble residues produced by the Klason lignin (KL) and the ADL methods and concluded that KL is a better estimate of the total lignin concentration in forages than ADL. Other workers have made similar observations (Fukushima and Hatfi eld, 2004; Jung et al ., 1999).

The quantitative determination of acid-insoluble lignin by either the KL or ADL method is commonly used in lignin chemistry but its use for bast fi bres is questionable. Many researchers have found the results to be unreli-able and not reproducible for samples with low lignin content (Day, 2005); fl ax fi bre falls into this category. Love et al . (1994) found the KL content of fl ax fi bre to be 3.2 ±0.6% which they believed overestimated the true lignin content of 0.9% as determined by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy.

The estimated concentrations of lignin in natural cellulosic fi bres reported in the literature vary widely within each fi bre and between fi bres.

The acetyl bromide assay of lignin is widely used as a rapid and sensitive method for determining lignin concentration in small sample sizes (Johnson et al ., 1961) and the sensitivity of the method makes it suitable for analys-ing materials in which the lignin concentration is low, e.g. fl ax fi bres. Acetyl bromide acetylates the free hydroxyl groups on the alkyl side chains and substitutes a bromine atom on the alpha carbon (Hatfi eld and Fukushima, 2005). The absorbance of the resulting solution is measured at 280 nm and the concentration of lignin assessed from a calibration curve using a suitably prepared lignin standard (Fukushima and Hatfi eld, 2001). Results from ace-tyl bromide assays are higher than obtained from the Klason or the ADL methods.

The wood pulp industry has a well-established method for measuring the bleaching required for wood pulp. For pulp bleaching the severity needed is directly related to the lignin content of the pulp. The method provides a ‘Kappa’ number which is approximately proportional to the lignin con-tent. Kappa number is determined by ISO 302:2004 and is based on the

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back-titration of an excess of potassium permanganate used to bleach pulped material; the results are expressed as the Kappa number in the range of 1–100. Kappa number has been used for investigating lignin concentra-tions in bast plant materials used in papermaking (e.g. Danielewicz and Surma-Slusarska, 2010) and for bast fi bres Müssig and Fischer (2011) have used the Kappa number method extensively for their work on bast fi bres.

A useful summary table which illustrates the lignin contents measured for a wide range of natural cellulosic fi bres has been produced by Müssig et al . (2010). No one method is ideal for all cases, and the limitations of each method have to be borne in mind when results are interpreted. A suc-cinct review of methods for chemical analysis is included in the work of Blackburn (2006).

12.6 Instrumental methods

Standard laboratory instrumental methods are used for the determination of a host of fi bre characteristics, including study of the chemical composi-tion of fi bres, their surface morphology, thermal and fl ammability behaviour, amongst many others. Such methods enable fi bre quality and end use behav-iour to be assessed. This section provides examples of the methods used by various workers and serves as a source of information for further reading.

12.6.1 Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)

Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) is a method used to study the ther-mal transitions that occur in materials as they are heated. The principle is based on measuring the energy required to steadily heat a sample at a steady rate (or emitted during cooling at a steady rate) relative to a refer-ence material. A sample of the material under study is placed in a cell and an empty cell serves as a reference. As each cell is heated, the difference in heat input for the two cells is measured as the temperature increases (or the difference in heat emitted during cooling is measured). In this way the heat capacity of the material can be calculated:

Heat flow =qt

Heating rate =ΔT


Heat capacity =( )

( ) = =qT


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Fibres are physically complex and contain both crystalline and amor-phous regions. Heating such a sample will cause a glass transition to occur in the amorphous region which is the reversible transition from the brittle state into a molten state. The temperature at which this occurs (Tg, the glass transition temperature) can be observed from the DSC curve (Fig. 12.15).

When the temperature rises to above the glass transition temperature, a polymer will become more mobile until it reaches the optimal tempera-ture for crystallisation to take place. The molecules will arrange themselves in an extremely ordered fashion, and the sample will give off heat. This is observed as a reduction in heat fl ow. The area under the peak represents the latent heat of crystallisation. Application of more heat will cause the crystals to fall apart and the material to melt.

DSC is therefore a method whereby signifi cant information relating to the crystalline and amorphous components of a polymer can be gained.

There are many examples of the use of DSC in the study of natural fi bres. DSC normally forms part of a suite of analytical methods and has proved especially useful for studying natural fi bre composites. Again there are many examples of such work but the work of Sgriccia and Hawley (2007) where DSC is in the characterisation of such composites is typical. Other illustra-tions are Islam et al . (2010) and Baiardom et al. (2004). Moran et al . (2008) utilised the technique in the extraction of cellulose from sisal fi bre for use as a nanofi ller for biodegradable matrices.

12.6.2 Thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA)

For the evaluation of the thermal and fl ammability behaviour of natu-ral fi bres and products made therefrom, a cone calorimeter may be used.


Glass transition






Temperature (°C)

12.15 Features of a DSC curve.

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This enables testing of small samples of various materials in the condensed phase to be studied, Ignition time, mass loss rate, combustion products, heat release rate and other parameters associated with burning properties can be determined. This method has been widely used for example in the study of such properties of fl ax/polypropylene composites, e.g. Schartel et al . (2003); Manfredi et al . (2006). Many workers have found thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) a useful tool for the study of thermal degradation behaviour of nat-ural fi bres. The principle of operation of the technique is the measurement of mass change with temperature. For example compositional and struc-tural information, as well as thermal degradation behaviour, of chemically treated hemp cellulose was studied by Ouajai and Shanks (2005). Titok et al . (2006) describe a thermogravimetric analysis of fl ax fi bre bundles. Another example of how TGA may be used is a study of the pyrolysis products of fl ame retardant cotton fabrics carried out by Zhu et al . (2004). Majdanac and Teodorovic (1987) reported on the kinetics of the thermal decompo-sition of cotton cellulose. TGA enabled the thermal degradation and fi re resistance of natural fi bre composites to be investigated (Manfredi et al ., 2006). The cationic modifi cation and dyeing of ramie fi bre is another area where TGA has been employed (Zhao-Tie et al ., 2007).

12.6.3 Spectroscopic methods

Spectroscopy in various forms has become a routine tool for investigating the structures and properties of natural fi bres. The general principles and tech-niques are described in a wide range of sources. All forms of spectroscopy are based on the principle of measuring the quantity of energy absorbed or emitted when a sample is exposed to electromagnetic radiation or high-en-ergy particles. Common forms of spectroscopy include the usual ultraviolet (UV), visible (Vis), infrared (IR), Raman and fl uorescence methods and their Fourier transform (FT) variants; fl ame ionisation methods (for metal analy-ses) including atomic adsorption (AA), atomic emission (AE), atomic fl uo-rescence (AF) and later variants such as plasma emission (PE); and onwards into NMR, mass spectrometry (MS), matrix-assisted laser-de- sorption ionization–time of fl ight (MALDI-TOF) MS and X-ray spectroscopy.

The literature available on the use of spectroscopic methods is very exten-sive and cannot possibly be adequately reviewed here. For this reason the following is a very brief selection which illustrates some of the applications of these methods to natural fi bres during recent years, and will provide a starting point for further literature research.

Work by Lang et al . (1986), Howell and Davies (1991), Edwards et al . (1997) and Garside and Wyeth (2003) are examples of investigations into the identifi cation of natural fi bres using IR transmission and refl ectance techniques, FT-IR and Raman spectroscopy for the identifi cation of a wide

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range of natural fi bres. Meijer et al . (1995) used visible spectroscopy for the determination of pectin contents of fl ax.

A paper by Akin et al . (1996) describes the analysis of fi bre and core fractions of fl ax by gas–liquid chromatographic methods, 13 C CPMAS NMR spectrom-etry, electron microscopy and UV absorption microspectrophotometry. Results give an insight into the structure and composition of the cell walls in relation to quality and end uses. Mwaikambo and Ansell (1999, 2002) used wide angle X-ray diffraction, DSC, FT-IR and SEM methods to investigate the chemical and surface morphology of chemically treated hemp, sisal, jute and kapok fi bres for improvement of fi bre to resin bonding in natural composite materials.

It is known that the degree and method of retting fl ax stems will have a direct effect on the fi bre quality. Morrison et al . (2000) evaluated the compo-sition of dew-retted and water-retted fl ax fi bres by chemical and mass spec-tral analyses to determine their chemical differences. Phenolics, waxes, cutin and carbohydrates were determined by gas liquid chromatography. Pyrolysis mass spectrometric analysis differentiated water- and dew-retted fi bres. A later study by Himmelsbach et al . (2002) investigated changes in a range of chemical components of fl ax during retting using FT-IR microspectroscopic analysis of cross-sections. Other workers (Mooney et al ., 2001) used High Performance Anion Exchange Chromatography (HPAEC) and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry to study the sugars and oligomers extracted from fl ax during chemical and enzymatic retting processes.

Fibre surface properties and their interface with resin matrices are clearly important for the natural fi bres composites industry. Modifying the fi bre surface can improve hydrophilicity, wetting and adhesion properties. Singh et al . (2000) used diffuse refl ectance FT-IR and other techniques to study the surfaces of modifi ed sisal.

Sharma and Reinard (2004) explored the potential of visible and near IR spectroscopy as a tool for the rapid quality assessment of fl ax fi bres during the spinning process. They successfully focused on assessment of the quality of input fi bre and changes in fi neness at all stages from the doubling (blend-ing) through to the roving stage. It was concluded that assessment using visible and near IR methods could allow fi neness and spinning quality of fl ax to be predicted.

12.7 Future trends

The nature of international trade and the trend towards high levels of proc-ess automation are causing fi bre quality to be described by results of objec-tive testing methods. The grading of quality against specifi cations has been well established for many years for cotton and wool fi bres but for most other fi bres the production volume has been too low and qualities too varied for grading systems to be established.

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The move away from qualities being defi ned relative to reference sam-ples is relatively slow and very dependent upon the fi bre type and the end uses. The increased use of natural fi bres in composites is an example of an end use which is infl uencing moves towards improved specifi cations; as the applications become more refi ned, raw material input to meet performance or processing criteria is becoming more commonplace.

The USA has led the trend for standardisation of test methods with the work on fl ax and there is a growing trend for suppliers to provide test data, albeit restricted in diversity at present, alongside physical samples. It can be expected that measurements of fi bre parameters such as fi neness, length, strength, trash content, colour and useful fi bre will be expected by consum-ers of a wider range of fi bres in the near future.

In the research areas, many of the established methods for evaluating fi bre characteristics and properties were very labour-intensive. For the major fi bres, cotton and wool-type fi bres, many test methods have become highly automated. For the majority of natural cellulosic fi bres there has been little advance in automating methods for the evaluation of physical properties except for fi bre diameter and length.

12.8 Sources of further information and advice

For further information and advice the reader is directed to the following publications:

Advances in Wool Technology (2009). Ed. N. A. G. Johnson and I. M. Russell. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing .

Bast and Other Plant Fibres (2005). R. R. Franck. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing. Handbook of Natural Fibres . Vol. 1: Types, Properties and Factors Affecting Breeding and Cultivation (2012). Ed. R. Kozłowski. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing.

Handbook of Natural Fibres . Vol. 2: Processing and Applications (2012). Ed. R. Kozłowski. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing.

Industrial Applications of Natural Fibres, Structure, Properties and Technical Applications (2010). Ed. Jorg Mussig. Chichester: John Wiley.

Industrial Crops and Uses (2010). Ed. B. P. Singh. Oxford: CABI Natural Fibres, Biopolymers, and Biocomposites (2005). Ed. A. K. Mohanty, M. Misra

and L. T. Drzal. London: Taylor & Francis. Physical Properties of Textile Fibres , 4th edn. (2008).W. E. Morton and J. W. S. Hearle.

Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing. Principles of Textile Testing , 3rd edn. (1968). J. E. Booth. London: Butterworths. Textiles for Sustainable Development (2007). Ed. R. Ananadjiwala, L. Hunter, R.

Kozłowski and G. Zaikov. New York: Nova Science Publishers. Textile Laboratory Manual: Additional Methods , 3rd edn. (1967). W. Garner. London:

Heywood Books. Textile Science: An Introductory Manual , 4th (revised) impression (1958). J. T. Marsh.

London: Chapman & Hall.

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12.9 References Akin, D. E. (2010), ‘Flax – ASTM standardisation and harmonisation’. In Industrial

Applications of Natural Fibres: Structure, Properties and Technical Applications , ed. J. Mussig. Chichester: John Wiley, pp. 371–80.

Akin, D. E., Condon, B., Sohn, M., Foulk, J. A., Dodd, R. B. and Rigsby, L. L. (2007), ‘Optimisation for enzyme retting of fl ax with pectate lyase’, Industrial Crops and Products , 25 , 136–146.

Akin, D. E., Foulk, J. A., Dodd, R. B. and McAlister III, D. D. (2001), ‘Enzyme-retting of fl ax and characterization of processed fi bers’, Journal of Biotechnology , 89 , 193–203.

Akin, D. E., Gamble, G. R., Morrison, W. H., Rigsby, L. L. and Dodd, R. B. (1996), ‘Chemical and structural analysis of fi bre and core tissue from fl ax’, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture , 72 , 155–165.

Akin, D. E., Henriksson, G., Evans, J. D., Adamsen, A. P. S., Foulk, J. A. and Dodd, R. B. (2004), ‘Progress in enzyme-retting of fl ax’, 1 (1), 21–47.

Akin, D. E., Henriksson, G., Morrison III, W. H. and Eriksson, K. E. L. (1998), Enzymatic retting of fl ax, In K. E. L. Eriksson and A. Cavaco-Paulo, eds., Enzyme Applications in Fiber Processing , ACS Symposium Series 687. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, chapter 22, pp. 269–278.

Akin, D. E., Himmelsbach, D. S. and Morrison III, W. H. (2000), ‘Biobased fi bre production: Enzyme retting for fl ax/linen fi bres’, Journal of Polymers and the Environment , 8 (3), 103–109.

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ASTM (2005), ASTM D-7076-05 Standard Test Method for the Measurement of Shives in Retted Flax . West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM.

ASTM (2007), ASTM D-3822-07 Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Single Textile Fibers . West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM.

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12.10 Appendix: abbreviations

AA atomic absorption spectroscopy AE atomic emission spectroscopy AF atomic fl uorescence spectroscopy ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials BSI British Standards Institution CIE Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage CPMAS cross polarization/magic angle spinning DIN German Institute for Standards DSC differential scanning calorimetry EDS energy dispersive spectroscopy EN European standards FT Fourier transform FT-IR Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy HPAEC high performance anion exchange chromatography HVI high volume instrument IR infrared spectroscopy ISO International Organization for Standardization LIRA Linen Industries Research Association MALDI-TOF matrix-assisted laser-de-sorption ionization–time of fl ight MDTA microfi bre dust and trash analysis MS mass spectroscopy NMR nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy OFDA optical fi bre diameter analyser SEM scanning electron microscopy TEM transmission electron microscopy TGA thermal gravimetric analysis UV ultraviolet spectroscopy VIS visible spectroscopy