hadley wood news april 2012

INSIDE THIS MONTHS ISSUE DESIGNED & PRINTED BY KALL KWIK BARNET TELEPHONE: 020 8441 4482 APRIL 2012 ISSUE HADLEY WOOD NEWS Car Park repairs. Parkway Fund? Trent Park’s Mansion. Middlesex University’s after the money. Lemar goes to school. Hadley Wood Schoolchildren. Seeing stars. Barnet Market. Yet more plans. Playground news. Guess who’s coming to dinner? St Pauls Church. More than Gold weekend. May 18th-20th Monken Hadley’s Church school. Appeal and calendar of events Scam on the M25 Slip road. Watch out! Heading

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Page 1: Hadley Wood News April 2012











Car Park repairs. Parkway Fund?Trent Park’s Mansion. Middlesex University’safter the money.Lemar goes to school.Hadley Wood Schoolchildren. Seeing stars.Barnet Market. Yet more plans.Playground news. Guess who’s coming todinner?St Pauls Church. More than Gold weekend.May 18th-!20thMonken Hadley’s Church school. Appeal andcalendar of eventsScam on the M25 Slip road. Watch out!


Page 2: Hadley Wood News April 2012




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In 1997 GNER announced its plan tobuild a new ‘Parkway’ train station onGreen Belt land close to Waggon Road inHadley Wood. There was very strongresistance by the Hadley WoodCommunity. A fighting fund was set upand about £40,000 was collected from awide variety of sources mostly from localpeople but also from neighbouringcommunity organisations. A barrister wasengaged to assist in preparing a legalchallenge. The money was placed in a‘Parkway fund’ account held by theHadley Wood Association (HWA) andsupervised by a local resident. Refundswere made on request. Every year sincethen, the management of this fund hasbeen discussed at the HWA AnnualGeneral meetings. Now after fifteen yearswe believe the danger of this stationbeing built here has passed. In lastmonth’s magazine the HWA Chairman MrGraham Sharp put forward a suggestionthat the fund might be used to pay forurgent repairs to the heavily used HWAcar park. His article below discusses theissue further.Rod Armstrong

Hadley WoodAssociation Car Park.In order to keep our readers well informedof our plans to progress therefurbishment of the Association car park,we feel that it is essential to keep the localcommunity fully advised of our intentionsthrough the medium of this Newsletter ona regular basis. As a result of the article

Hadley Wood PrimarySchool’s guide to thegalaxy.Ever complain about young people?‘What do they teach them nowadays’ etc.Take heart. Last week I was invited toHadley Wood Primary School to meetFabienne Burns one of the teachers.Fabienne is responsible for Science andrecently took a Science teaching courseat Imperial College (IC). One of theoutcomes of this was that she and fellowteacher Rosa Lopez were able to teachthe children about the Bradford Robotictelescope. This telescope wasconstructed by Bradford University. Thefirst one made was situated on theYorkshire moors but the local cloudyweather and damage by a lightning strikeresulted in its closure. A second modelwas constructed and is situated high inthe mountains of Tenerife where the clearskies enabled much better images to beobtained of the various constellations.This telescope can be accessed onlineand used by students to view the variousgalaxies and constellations. Fabiennewas able to arrange for the children to begiven user names and passwords so thatthey could interact with the telescope’s

Editorial on this subject inlast month'sedition, we havereceived adisappointingly lowresponse in theway of feedbackfrom the donors tothe Parkway Fund.As I mentioned last

month, the donations were given in twotranches as a result of two separateAppeal letters, the first issued inNovember 1997 and the second letter inDecember 1998. These letters weresignificantly different in that the wordingof the first letter provided for a return offunds to the donors in the event of thecontributions not being fully used forfighting the Parkway development.Whereas the second letter allows for anyremaining funds to be utilised by theHadley Wood Association, being an"absolute" donation.

The total remaining in the fund, afterapproved expenditure, is approximately70% of the original donations. We haveon record the details of all donors, theamount of their contribution, theiraddress at that time and the expensesincurred. Therefore we have all necessaryinformation to progress this matter, withthe exception of details on those donorswho have moved or died.

It is the Directors' intention to seekadvice on the most equitable way ofbringing this issue to a satisfactoryconclusion and we would appreciate anyfeedback from donors, residents andmembers of the Association.Graham Sharp. Chairman HWA

Graham Sharp

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were done at school (so that parentswere not able to help… as if we would!).They were terrific. Impressed by theschool, its teachers and this type ofimaginative education I left for home.Worried about the youth of today? If theyare anything like this lot we need not be.Rod Armstrong

From: The HampsteadGarden Suburb NewsDuring a recent burglary in the local areaa twig was found lodged in the frontdoorframe of the property. We believe itwas placed there to see if anyone wascurrently living in the house. If you noticea twig lodged in your or your neighboursfront door, please note the exact locationand contact the non emergency number101 asking to be put through to local CID,explaining what you have found.

Across the Barnet Borough, reportingofficers have also noticed paper in theform of leaflets being placed between thefront door frames of the properties thathave been burgled.The Hampstead Garden Suburb SaferNeighbourhood team

Trent ParkMost, if not all of you will by now haveheard or read something about theimpending closure and vacating ofMiddlesex University's (MU) Trent Parkcampus.

For 60 years the idyllic 40 or so acres oflawns, lakes, ancient woodland and formalgardens spread around the imposingmansion and other heritage buildingshave been segregated from the countrypark. Ever since 1952 when the thenMiddlesex County Council compulsarilypurchased the 430 acre estate fromHannah Gubbay – a cousin of Sir PhillipSassoon who bequeathed it to her in 1939– and opened it up to the public there hasnever been full unimpeded access to orthrough what is so manifestly the natural


website. Back at school and at home thechildren were able to log on to the siteand actually use the telescope free ofcharge to take real photos of variousparts of the galaxy. Moon, planetsnebulae etc. They then had to use thesoftware provided to improve thesharpness and detail of their images.Next they took part in an online challengeon the same website. This involvedworking out from the photographs how torescue two fictional astronauts who werestranded in space needing six fresh fuelrods to get back home via a range ofspace bodies such as the eagle nebulaand the whirlpool galaxy. They also hadto answer various questions. Distancesbetween the earth and the sun etc. Finallythey had to prepare poster presentationson a selection of projects such as Jupiter

or earth based telescopes and, with otherschools in Enfield, present six of them ata special exhibition. So it came to passthat the two teachers and fourteenchildren went down to Imperial Collegeon the Underground. (These teachers are

heroines.)Here they presented

their six best posters.Professor Robert Winston(an ex Hadleywoodian bythe way) was judging.Whilst Hadley Wood didnot win the prize, thechildren and the teacherswere very pleased to hearthat their displays wereProf. Winston’sfavourites. Needless tosay the children involvedwere very interested,entranced and fascinatedby the whole subject ofthe galaxy. The spin offsfrom this sort ofeducational activity arelegion. Data collection,making measurements,observing changes,understanding co-ordinates, weather

graphs and so on. Beforeleaving I read some of theprojects by these nineand ten year olds which


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heart and soul of the country park;Regrettably, however, the post-warexistence of a Teacher Training Collegecentred on the mansion and occupyingland in its proximity, and which latermorphed into the Middlesex Polytechnic,served to deeply entrench this alien entityin the park. This was later compounded bythe foolish, ill-advised decision of LBE (in1993) to relinquish title of the entire sitewhich it transferred to Middlesex University[the former Polytechnic]. It was agratuitous conveyance of title absolutethat included Snakes Lane, the accessroad from Oakwood.

Now common knowledge, MU hasbeen actively marketing the site sincemid- January and Enfield Council'sbelated attempts to engage with it toprepare a Planning brief, or master plan,for the site have been spurned. All ofwhich now being quite irrelevant since theUniversity's consultants have alreadyprepared a brief; one that has no inputfrom either Enfield Council or a publicconsultation exercise. We already havethe ominous precedent of MU's formerCat Hill campus, disposed of in suchcontroversial circumstances and which,despite all the vociferous protest, willinevitably be built on to its maximumpossible capacity.

Even more deplorable is the insistenceof the University's Board of Governors tocash in on a site it has occupied andso greatly benefited from, on what hasbeen virtually a 'grace and favour'basis, courtesy of Enfield Council.Notwithstanding this pessimistic scenarioI believe it is not too late to deter all butthe most determined of constructionspeculators from bidding for the site. Bymaking them fully aware of how slimwould be their chances of gettingPlanning approval (for a residential estatein the middle of the park!) it would givethem cause to seriously rethink their

ambitious plans.For such a counter measure to

succeed, however, there would need tobe unequivocal and unanimous rejectionby all who, whether by virtue of their officeor as environment, conservation, heritageand Friends' groups to any proposed useof the site that would conflict with theethos and objectives of a Country Park,namely; peace and tranquility, no intrusiveor polluting activity, no construction of anykind likely to impact adversely on thepark's pleasures and amenities.

Likewise Enfield Council's Planning andEnvironment Directorate must resolutelyassert its authority by making clear itsposition as regards any planningapplication by MU's successors to thesite that fails to meet the London Plancriteria in so far as it relates to therecreation, leisure and visual amenity ofthe park or fails to provide adequateopportunity for public consultation.

Failure to grasp this unique opportunityto reclaim the Country Park'sindispensable hub for the greaterenjoyment of its visitors will undoubtedlyopen the door for the erosion anddespoilation of the superlative tract ofGreen Belt land that is Trent County Park.How shameful, how reprehensible thatwe should betray future generationsthrough our neglect or indifference to thefar reaching dire consequences that willensue in the absence of any robustintervention to the sale of the campussite.Peter Hewitt 020 8 449 8022 (addresssupplied)

Barnet MarketBarnet Council is currently consulting ona Planning Framework for the BarnetMarket site, The Spires Shopping Centreand the Territorial Army Centre. TheFramework is available at Chipping

Barnet Library and also on line atengage.barnet.gov.uk (go to 'FindConsultations' and then 'The SpiresPlanning Framework').We should not getunduly worried by this. The TA Centre isnot for sale and the Market and TheSpires are both safe. This is aConsultation document only, NOT aPlanning Application.

However, Friends of Barnet Market(FoBM) still think the document issignificant in relation to the Market,despite the fact that it lacks a lot ofdetail. We believe it is important that asmany people as possible respond asit will remind the Council of theimportance of the Market to us all. Aresponse can be made by [email protected] or in writtenform at the Library. The consultationcloses on 30th April so we urge you torespond as soon as you can.

The views of FoBM are as follows:1. The absolute necessity that theCouncil continues to include a site for amarket as a requirement of any futureplanning permission. This could be acontinuation of the existing requirementfor the current site, or a requirementlinked to the use of any new site. It wouldbe totally unacceptable to develop theold site, or to utilise a new site, withoutthere being long-term security for theMarket obtained as a condition ofplanning permission.2. The future of High Barnet is highlydependent on the health of the Market. Athriving market would provide just theboost that The Spires and the High Streetshops need. The appearance of theexisting site is dragging down manypeople's perception of High Barnet as ashopping centre.3. The Market has to be more visible andhave better linkage to The Spires and tothe High Street.4. There is an urgent need for action to

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improve the site in the short term, whilethe long term strategy is beingdetermined. Not a token improvement,but work worthy of the high quality of TheSpires Shopping Centre in providing aproper surface and also dispensing withthe hideous boards. Such improvementwould create tremendous goodwill forThe Spires amongst residents, tradersand shoppers visiting Barnet.Chris Smith. Friends of Barnet Market

Local MP awardsHadley Wood StationAssistant withRecognition AwardDavid Burrowes, MP for EnfieldSouthgate, has this week awarded KarenLinegar, a Sales Assistant at HadleyWood Railway Station, with a First CapitalConnect (FCC) Stakeholder RecognitionAward. Karen was nominated for theaward due to the large number ofcompliments sent by customers to FCC’sManaging Director, Neal Lawson. Severalpeople commented on Karen’seagerness to help, positive outlook, andfor constantly going beyond the call ofduty.

The award, launched last year, providesFCC’s stakeholders with an opportunityto show their appreciation for their local




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Letters to the EditorDear EditorRe The Parkway FundI live in Waggon Road and when we werefirst threatened with the Parkway a few

years after buying our house in 1991, Ifelt that those of us in Waggon Roadwould naturally feel the brunt of thedevelopment more than others in HadleyWood. For example, whereas wecurrently look over farmland, we would belooking over the proposed bus andcoach terminal. The Parkway Committeewas formed to co-ordinate and organisethe local protest and the Parkway Appealwas ring-fenced within the Hadley WoodAssociation accounts. I took an activerole to write a personal letter to everyhousehold in Waggon Road andknocked on every door in an attempt toraise awareness and money. As I pointedout to them that our potential personaland financial loss was greater andtherefore we should be prepared to paymore. I donated £1000 and encouragedmy neighbours to do the same. I do notrecall the details of the two lettersregarding the future repayment of anyunused money and therefore acceptwhat you have written.

Some money was spent in obtainingsome very good legal and planningadvice on how to fight the project, some

station teams and the service theyprovide to their customers. Speaking atthe award presentation David BurrowesMP said: “Karen is a real star andprovides an amazing service tocustomers using Hadley Wood Station.

She is well thought of within the localcommunity and First Capital Connectshould be proud to have a member ofstaff that really does go the extra mile.”

Neal Lawson, FCC’s ManagingDirector, said: “Karen does a fantastic jobfor our customers and regularly goes outof her way to help people. I would alsolike to thank David for showing hisappreciation for Karen by awarding herwith our Stakeholder Recognition Award.”

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was refunded on request and the rest ofthe money remained unspent, left in thefighting fund. In 2001 I became a Directorof the Hadley Wood Association andultimately its Chairman. The issue of therepayment of the fund was raised on anumber of occasions, but if my memoryis correct it was felt that technically it wasnot the Association's money, so it was leftthat the balance would remain for anyfuture fight or if the Parkway issuereturned in some form.

I am happy to leave the balance of mycontribution in for any future planningfight, even though I accept that it isdepreciating in real terms but I am notprepared to have it used for resurfacingthe car park. The money for this shouldbe raised from those who use it. That isthe Hadley Wood School and those usingthe Centre.

If it is the Association'sdecision to use this money forthe car park, then I request therepayment of my share of thefighting fund.Kind regardsAlan Nicholls

Dear SirI recently wrote a letter to R&Bsinger Lemar to ask for his helpwith a curriculum project thechildren had voted for. Thechildren had decided that they


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were keen to learn about the lives of PopStars and Famous People.

Lemar kindly took time out of his busyschedule to visit Year 3 on Thursday 15thMarch and was interviewed by thechildren (see cover picture). He explainedwhat it's like to be famous, how muchtime is spent writing and recording songsand many more interesting facts abouthis life. He also wrote a message andsigned autographs for all children in theclass before leaving them with smiles ontheir faces for the rest of the day!

The visit has complemented other workthe children have done on this topic. Theyhave written songs, choreographed adance and created logos for their popgroups.

This experience helped the children agreat deal with their learning. We thoughtit was amazing that Lemar took time out


It seems the Fund Raiser just gets better and better. As wellas a local celebrity, we have David Burrowes MP's supportas well as some other big names in Hadley Wood.

And the raffle and auction prizes on the night arespectacular ... some of which cannot be bought!

There will be an exciting announcement made about thePlayground on the night.

To find out more about the Fund Raiser on Saturday28th April call Laura on 07949 073536.

Hi Rod, Can’t get this bit in –please advise. Jon

Page 7: Hadley Wood News April 2012


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Having just raised £35,000 to contributetowards the wonderful extension to ourschool we are now faced with anotherhuge challenge. The children at ourChurch school are desperately in need ofICT equipment, and the only way we are

going to get this vital equipment for themis by raising funds from our widercommunity. The total amount we need toraise is a huge £38,000. Wow.

Why so much money we ask? Well,before we can buy the actual laptops,equipment the children directly use, wehave to invest in a ‘Fit For Purpose’server, which itself is almost £9000. To beable to use the facilities available fromgovernment and the Local Authority (E,G.‘Fronter’, a system which allows childrento submit their work on line etc. which isrun by the Local Authority and schoolchildren from all over the Borough ofBarnet are able to access) we need toensure the broadband is Wire Free andable to be used by the whole schoolsafely.

ICT is not always thought of as apriority, and indeed it should neversupersede core learning skills such asliterature, maths etc. It is howeverbecoming more and more part of HOWour children learn. Recently The Friendsof Monken Hadley were able to buy theschool a software licence for a learningaid called ‘Mathletics’ which is a site ourchildren now visit to practice their mathsskills from their home computers (in thehope that all children have access to acomputer at home, which sadly is notalways the case). ICT is becoming vital asa tool to help our children learn andprepare themselves for the modernworld, and currently our school cannotafford to pay for this important facility.

So, we The Friends of Monken Hadleywould like to ask for your support to helpus raise the necessary funds for ourschool. We have a number of eventscoming up, and we would be so verygrateful if you could support us in any wayyou can. This can be by direct donationsin the form of money or sponsorship, orsimply by helping us publicise events andattending events. Here are some of theevents we have coming up:

St Paul’s Pre-SchoolWarmly invite you to join us for our

OPEN MORNINGWednesday 16th May 2012

9.45am-11.45amEveryone WelcomeOfsted approved

St Paul’s Church Hall, Crescent East,Hadley Wood, Herts, EN4 0EN

Tel: 020 8447 0448E-mail:

[email protected]

2012 FUNDRAISINGEVENTS CALENDARAPRILMonken Hadley’s Got Talent –April 20th at St Martha’s Our veryown talent show!MAYMay Ball – Sat May 5th, held at TheLondon Film Museum, £40 per ticketinc. 3 course meal, wine and bubblyon arrival, wonderful entertainment,raffle & auction...all with the glitz of‘Hollywood!JULYSummer Fete & The MonkenHadley Dog Show – Sat July 14th3- 7pm on Monken Hadley Common.SEPTEMBERSome Enchanted Evening – Fri21st September 8pm at St Martha’sSchool. An evening of classicaldelight from John Ward and AngelaHenckel.NOVEMBERPlease do also put our Fireworksand Hog Roast in for November10th! So as you can see we are reallyworking hard to raise this money asquickly as possible, as right now, ourchildren are having to do without vitalequipment, and we want them tobenefit from having all they need assoon as possible. Please help us inany way you can. Please feel free tocontact the co-chairs of The Friendsof Monken Hadley at any time byemailing us or calling us on thefollowing contact details.Eira Ellis-Jones |[email protected] | 07899060756 Lara Sands |[email protected] | 07985757253Our heartfelt thanks for your time,Eira and Lara On behalf of TheFriends of Monken Hadley Church ofEngland School.

An Appeal from MonkenHadley School.Please help!

SCAMPlease read this!

There is a scam being perpetrated onthe Eastern sliproad from the top ofStagg Hill to the M25.

A man well dressed in a suit andsmart shirt runs out into the slip roaddesperately flagging you down. Hiscar is an expensive BMW orMercedes. He then explains(sometimes in poor English ) that hehas no cash and his credit card willnot work and that he is trying to getsomewhere in a hurry and needs tobuy petrol. He may have his family inthe back of his car, looking worried.As a show of good faith he takes hiswedding ring off and gives it to yousaying he will call you as soon as hecan get home to arrange the return ofyour money and his ring.

You never get the call and the ringis made of brass.Pam and Alan Nicholls

to visit us without any costs involved. Hewas fantastic with the children and theyhave gained a lot from his visit.

We would like to thank him again for sogenerously giving us his time.Christina BassiliSchoolteacher. Hadley Wood Primaryschool

Page 8: Hadley Wood News April 2012


To download a copy of this and/or previous issues of Hadley Wood News, please visit www.hadleywood.org.uk

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St Paul’s MORE THAN GOLD Weekend18TH–20TH May 2012

To celebrate the London Olympics at St Paul’s Church, Hadley Wood will be holding a number of sporting events. Do join us in participating orwatching these fun activities as everyone is most welcome. All events will be held at the Church and grounds except where noted specifically.

FRIDA Y 18th May7.30 pm What would Jesus say to Usain Bold?

Youth Event open to all teenagers, Giant inflatables, tuck shop and talk

SATURDAY 19th May11.00 am Fun Run around the Crescent

Make and bring your own torch if you wish!Registration from 10.15 am – 11am to 4 pm Light refreshments served and/or bring own picnic

12 noon Mini Obstacle Course – children 5 and under2.00 pm More than Gold It’s a Knock Out

Make up a team of 8 and join in!Booking: [email protected] or contact Hillary on 020 8449 2572

7.00 pm 2012 Games Quiz Dinner at Hadley Wood Golf ClubBooking: [email protected] or contact Jill on 020 8440 2723

SUNDA Y 20th May10.30am More Than Gold Service

Speaker : Graham DanielsDirector of Christians in Sport

2.00 pm More Than Gold Tennis Competition at the Tennis Club4.00 pm More Than Gold Dog Show

For further details contact 0208 449 2572 or email: [email protected] or visit St Paul’s : www.stpaulshadleywood.org.ukEVERYONE WELCOME!