h so ii e. broww, lie · f n.. 't' jhmw1 ww wippipf vi if ..' psbgf v?--j- "s...

-- . f N.. 't' jHMW1 WW WiPPiPf ' ' VI if ..' ? PSBgf V -- J- "s K1A - " I AfrtC 1 I ii r Sy illr && & & Jy fr T W W . sxaniLflc. .iKmiBwraUfcK t n iiiTw Mini PU080HIPTIOH Vor.. XfV. No. !2l. HONOLULU, IT. I.. SATURDAY HVHNTNO, APKll. . ISf'O. 00 0CNT0 Ptll MOrifH THE DAILY BULLETIN Is printed and published at the olficc, Queen Street, Honolulu, II. I., every afternoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, SO cents pot Mcnth Addrosi nil Communications Daily Uullxtih. Advertisements, ti cintiro insertion, eliuuld bo handed in botorcotHJ o'clock 1'. M. WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor ' at Bulletin Stoani Printing Office. NcwBpapcr, Book and Job Ptinting of nil kinds done on the mos-- t fuvorablo terms. IM1 Telephone No. 2311 Mutual Telephone No. 25'! THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. An intciestin and t onipiehciijivc publication, contatiiH U3 columns of leading matter on local topics, and a complete resume of Honolulu 'ind Island News. It is the best paper nublibked in tho Kingdom to Bend to fi lends b broad. 8ulscrl;tloii: Island ,1 00 year Foreign 0 00 " Commission Moronants. STOHN T. WATEKHOUSK, tl lmportei ttiul Healer in General Merchandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1 a CO., WILDER Healers in Lumber, Valuta, Oils, Nails, Sal, and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Foit and Queerrsts., Honolulu. 1 Claus SprecUels. Win. O. Irwin. IRWIN & OOMPANy, WQ. Sugar Factors aud CuJiiuission Agants, Honolulu. 1 t3. N. Castle.-I- . B. Atherton-- U. 1'. Castle A3TLB & OOOKB, C Slapping and Commnsion Merchants. Iiunorteia and HealcrB in (Jeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King et., Honolulu. ! Lowors. F.J. Ixjwioy U. M. Ooolio. EWERS bi OOOKB, L (successors to Lowers & Dickson,) Importers and Healers in Luinbpr and all uluda ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu 1 marfl Honolulu Iron Works, jgjjyStcam engines, sugar mills, boll-era- , coolers j Irou, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of ovory description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exc cuted at short notice. 1 XIVClCFii2JL,D '.Sc Co., 11. General Commission Agents. Honolulu Q. W. MACFAELANE & Co. 1MPOPTEH8 AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Honolulu. H. I. Queen sUoct, - - 1018 GONaALiVES & CO., Wholesale Grocers & Wine Morohants Beaver Block, Honolulu. BREWER & COMPANY, 0 . (Limited) (ibneiui. mbiicaniilk and Commission Aqiintb. list of orpicnns: 1. C. Jonkb, Jr. .. .Probident & Manager V. O. CAiirKU. .. ..Treasurer &, acerctary DJHKCTOKB: - Hon. C. It. HisnoiC S.C. Ali.kn, H. Watebuousb. 8b8 ly Pioneer Shirt Factory 104 Fort Si, Upstairs. The undersigned begs to inform the public of these Islands that ho Is makiug MlilrtH ly Moamircmottt ! Directions for will be given on application. White Shirts, Overshirts & Night Gowns A lit guarantee by making a sample Hhlrt to every order. Island order solicited Bell Telophone 410 r.oiy A. 81. KIKLfilti H. G. CRABBE, DEALER IN Wand GRAIN 81 King Btreet, opposite tho Old Station House. 1I ut mil Tolopliono No. l. 87 If Professionals. JM. MONSABItAT, at Law & Notary Public 14!) Merchant Street, Honolulu. If T ALFRED MAQOON, xJ Atiornoy at Law & Notary l'ubllc 173 42 Meickant street, Honolulu, ly J. E. BROWW, Old C.ipltol Building. Agent to take Acknowledgment to Con- tracts for Labor In the D'ntilet of Honolulu. Mind of Oahu. 18'Min Dayid Dayton Will practice in tho lower couits of the Kingdom as attorney, attend to rolled ing In all its branches, renting of houses and any other buidnes" cntiuctcd to him Ofllco 91 King Street Upstairs. Feb 5.89 tfEtoffi& s Btzfr vw.yt- -s-; PIONEEK STEAI CANDY FACTOR! F. nOKN, Practical Confectioner, Pastiy Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. -- 2r Telephone 7-- California : Lands XOR SA.1L.IC : W3i" A pp'y t" A. HIOICOFF, 4S8 tf i Merchant bt., Honolulu. WEMER & CO. JU nun facta rlii Jewellers, NO. 03 XOlt'X" HTltJEJUT. Constantly on hand a largo assortmen of orery description of Jewelry, Watches Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. '95S ly Thomas Lindsay, m Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Kukui Jewelry a Specialty. Kiiii; street, ISoiiuInln, II. 1. Next door to the Hawaiian Tram, way Compiny's Otllee. 3T Particular attention paid to all kinds of repairs. jan.19-8- 9 Hustace& Robertson, DBAY M Jd IS . A LI, orders for Cartage promptly at-M- tended to. Particular attention paid to tho Storing & Shipping of goods in transit to tho other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prices. Office, next door to Jns. P. Morgan's auction room. 982 ly Mutual Tclcphono No. 19. J. H opp&Go., 74 King st, iSU 74 King st Importors of Rattan & Reed Furniture. Pianos & Furniture Moved with Care. Matting and Carpets Laid. CORNICE POLES, .Fine Upholstering & Bedding A Speciality. CHAIRS TO RENT. aprlOSa V. O. Ilox :i.l. -- iJSW Hell Tol.'. tf74. Hawaiian Business Agency Comer Fort Merchant Kticets, Honolulu, H 1. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GENERAL AGENTS. At'coiiittiiuts & CoHoi'lorn K)K Til K Hav;aiian Bell Telephone Co. Managor of Advertising Vcpmtnisut ion Til K a Nupepa Kuokoa." DEPARTMENTS of BUSINESS: Collections will rceelvo rpeclal uttci.-tlo- n anil ruurns promptly innil. Real Estate bought, sold and leased. Taxes Paid and propeily MiftJy inuud Houses, Cottages, Rooms and OKIccs, lcaed and renu.il, and ltuls rolleetcd. Fire and LI'c Insuranco tllectid in first. clnBS ItisUMiice Coinp.inlcs. Convcvaneinn a litemds flearehed and mini t Absti.iuls ol Title iurnlslail Legal Documents and Papers of even dc&irlptiou cnrclully drawn and hand- somely engrossed. Copying and Tianslaling in nM languages in Kcncwd ute in this Kingdom. Custom House Buslnoss trans icttd with accuracy and dipatch. Loans negotiated at favorable rates. Gold, Silver and Certificates bought and sold. Advertisements and Subscriptions soli cited for publisher.). Any Article purchased or sold on fiivi.i able terms Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive parti, culir attention To Let, Furnished and Unfurnished Cot- tages in desirable localities at reasonable rentals. Several Valuablo Properties in'- - nnd around the e.ity now tor sale aud lease on easy terms. Igy-A- ll business entrusted to our earc will receive prompt and faithful nttcn- - Inn at model tie elmices Feli4b9 Baldwin Locomotiyes Tho undo signid having been appointed agents lor the Hawaiian Islands For the Celebrated Baldwin-:-Locomotiv- es Prom the works of Burnhani, Pany, Williams & Co., 171il!mU-iplilll- . X'tMlll.. Are now pi i pared to give estimates and receive orders for these engines, of any sd7e and fitjlc. Tho Baldwin Locomotivi: Wonics arc now manufacturing a style ol Lrcoiuo-tiv- e particularly adapted For Plantation Purposes A number of whh h have recor.tly been reeeivod at these Island, and w'e will have pleasure In furnishing plantation agents and manngeis a illi paitirulurs of same. The superiority of these Locomotives over all ot her makes is pot only known here hut is acknowledged throughout the United States. Win. C. IKWIN & Co., A gears for Hawaiian IslnmK iG2d.l2i w-l- y COMMERCIAL SALESROOMS ! Cor. lueen & Xiiuanii HIn. pg? Goods of all dc.scriptionH sold on commission. Mutual Telephone 031. febBtlO A. H. ItASEMANN, Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank book Manufacturer. No. Merchant streot. Up stairs. G. MULLEIt & CO., PRACTICAL GUN & LOCKSMITHS Bethel Street, "Damon's Blcck," Corner sturc. Suigleal & Musical Instruments neatly repaired ai rcasonanic rates bowing Machines and tepairing of all kinds a specialty. All kinds of .Safes & Scales lepaiied, Household tiewiug Machines dcc.14 89 O LUSO HAWA1IANO. ALL persons who want to eommuui with tho PoiIulmicsc, ellher for business, or for procuring workmen, servants or tuy other helps, will llud it iliu most prolltnblo way to advertise In tlio l.uso awtiiaiio, tho now organ of tho Portuguese colony, which is pub-llfcho- ou Hotel street, and only charges reasonable rates for advcitiKcmeiiU. MILLINERY AI lie WEDNESDAY, MILLINERY aster Opening r lOi Fort Street, N. S. SACHS, Proprietor. THURSDAY, FRIDAY and OF THIS WEEK. gflrTWe iinile the l.itlie-- ' nt lloiii.luhi elegant Mnek of MILLINERY, thi: la'iist HATS &UD OllOlCIi: lTIOAVECICH, S'J'YLISIl ltll JltON.S, A Fine Assortment Chlldrens1 Trimmed Hats, the - - Pedigrees of BREEDING The following Fine AiiimiN will foi service at iamb, Waiilae: Well-bre- d Stallion "MARIN." Xniinnu Stallion "CAPTAIN GROWL." Ihoioughbred .Stallion "MIDNIGHT." Two Native Stallions "PILIAOAO" & "FRANK." A Well-hie- d "KENTUCKY JACK." 49J-1I1- 0 tf delivered to citcu. Baiisiacuon guaranteed to e.ill and inipeol run w nnd no i:ini:s in of at the All Horses o- - Hououlu SATURDAY PATTERN TOQUES, POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE. WAIALAE BREEDING RANCH DEPARTMENT, HliaZfMLL VK E fij SALE DEPARTMENT. i on ui.i.: Sl'illioiis of various with (irwlthnut foal. 1Ioi-.c- s foi an pin pose. BREAKING DEPARTMENT, A Skilful ltie.ilver and Tiatuei is em- ployed on the l.iueh. Satisfaction U guai.iutced in bie.iking and training hor-- e. PAUL R. ISENBERC. H. E. MclTYRE & BRO., IMPOKTE1W AND DKALEHB IN Provisions and Feed, KA8T CORN Kit FORT AND KING STHUKTrJ. Nuw Goods received by every Packet the Eastern and Km ope, Fresh California Produce by coty ieamer. All ordern faithfully attended to and Goods any part KKfK Inepd-,- . JWf" from Staled inc city free of charge. or island Post Ofllco Box 145. Telophone No. 93 Ghas. Hustace, King Street, orders fnov-- 8r No. 110. -- V. O. Box HAS JUST RECEIVED per "AUSTRALIA," Kits Aliibka Sen Tiont, KilH M.ickoicl, Kits Salmon Itollion, Kits Tongues and Soiiiiils, f'ahcs Vienna Snusago, Hum .Sautnge, Snlnion in I and t! lb. Hums, It.icoii, Codtihli, TiiiH KonhLMl M.ickoi el, Boiled Mnekei el in To- mato K.ini'c, Top O'C.in Biand Buttei, Boned C'liiekon and Tmkoy, Twin Brothers' Yi-ns- t t'.ikcs, Aunt Abbey's Rolled Oats! Coialino Flakes, (lei men, Ilicukfaut Ciom, "NVliile OatK, Iliglilanil Uolled OaU, Diied ApiieotK, Diied Peaclies, I'iiuil-h- , Taldo Flint", Dates, Figs, liidgoV Food, Gelatine, Sardine-'- , Wheat, Oats, Bian, Potatoes, Onions, and a (icneiul Assoitine'iit of (lioeeiieh at Popular pliers. l.eavo youi onloih, or ling up telephone 240.- - Kept Mimcs roll. W; tins, LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street, HONOLULU, U. I., IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. I- - O IS I C Id 6a By Li.eh steamer of the O. S. S. Co. from California Fresh Cala, Roll Bntter, Frozen Oysters & Fresh Gala, Fruits, ITIhIi, Game, VocretnTttlcN, Kte., IStc:. A complete line of Crosse & filackwell's & J. T. Morton's Canned & Bottled Goods Always on hand. Also, Just received a fresh line of ;cnuuii VatQH A l'otti'il McMitM & Ilottlcd FiiiUm, Lewis & Co.'s Maltcso Biand Sugar Cured Hams & Bacon, Now Breakfast Cereals, Cream Oat Flakes & Cream Wheat Flaked, rJIcily Lemons & Cala. Riverside Oranges, Oregon Builmuk Potatoes, Ktc, Kte., Ktc. ap-1- 0 Siit-lKlHotio- diiiiviLiitootl. 87 BEAVElSALOBai Tho Ecot Lunoh In Town, Tea and Coffee at Ml Hours The rtnut ISrand of Cigars, jfe Totoacco AlVll'H Oil lltllKl. II. .1. NOI.TK. I'toiH'iftoi-- . T1U-- : Metropolitan Meat Company si KINO M'KKhT, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager Wholesale & Retail Hulther AN1 N A VV CONTlt A OTOH S. HIT ly 1TERPB PLANING MILL, Alalivn, noar nci'ii St Telephone .No. R5. WALKER & REDWAIID, Conli'aeloi'rt v lCtillflut'H. Hiiek, Htone and Wooden Hulldings; given, .lobbing juoniptlv at- tended to. 7(5 King siuel. Hell Tele- phone No. a. J O. Il, 421). up 5 ly Contractor LUCAS, fe and Builder,' sSS Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, bspla niutc, Honolulu. MauufactureH all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window FramcH, lllluda, i, Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work finish. Turning, Seroll and Sawing. AH klniU of Sawing and l'Hu-tu- Morticing' and Tenanting. Orders promptly ntt mded to nnd work guaranteed. Order:) from the other solicited WRIGHT BROS., THOMAS & HENRY, Tort Street, next Lucas' Mill, ."&&& Carriage Builders, Ship's Blacksmlthlng, Drays, Carts A Wagon Buildiny at specially. Kvcry description of woik in the above 'linis purformed in a tlrsi-clrt- si manner nnd exieuted at bhort notice. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. EJf" Ouleis fiom the other islands solicited. Will be pleased to see all our old iiiBtoniers as well as new ones. Mutual l'eleplione No fi75. apr-19-8- 9 W. W. Wright & Son, 79 A 81 Jtgfl&f Bell Tele. King SlaSSMo. 381. (The Hose Premises) All onlers for wheel vehicles of every de-- f rlption tilled with promptness. Pint-clas- s mechanics employed. Fine Carriage Work a Specialty Tit AM CAIIN, OlI.VIllll.SHKH, Plantation Wagons, Mule & Ox Carts, Made to order, nltcrcd or repaired. Carriage Painting, Trimming, kic, inc. l'.'ic., i.ic. Our HORSESHOEING Department Is under tho management of It. Cay. ford, who will collect and receipts all bills due that branch of our business. (Signed): oct.ir. 8m W. W. WBIGIIT X bOX. VETERINARY. AH. KOWAT, Veterinary Surgeon, nnd ph iriuacy at Hawaiian Hotel Stables, corner Hotel aud Biehaid btreits. Scientillc treatment in all dis- eases of domestic animals. Outers for plantation nnd ranch Mock promptly attended to. Mutual Telephono 1114, P. O. Bo :il!G. mh.l8.h9 PUItLIU NOTICE. f1IIK nuclersignod having been ap-J- pointed agent tor II M tjiicen KnpioUni, notice is hereby given that all tenants, Jiy lease or otherwise, are nrdereil to make all payments to inc, no oilier leeeipt being alld. Olllco nt the Palace Bungalow. Hours from 11 a. m. toll-- , m. Il.C. UI.UKOr, filtl tf Agent for 11. M. the Queen. LADIES' NUKSE. MHS. MONHOK. ladles' nurse, has to No. II, Kukul lane. Felt 14 M Prussian National. Insurance Comnv isrMiLtentn W. Capital 9,000.000 RelchtmarVs rptl H unilcr-lirre- d, agent of the hooc X Company for the Hawaii vi W ptepand to necept rlsUi, ni;iiiiiil lire, on lliiildlngf, Furniture, Men Ii itnll-i.- -, I'roduee, Sugar Mill, Kte, on ihe ui'i't fuvoiablc term' Losses Promptly Adjusted and P.iyaii'j in Honolulu. o. rjoiyriLt. jly 87-l- y For II. HieinefiMdiLe'Ider. Union, Fire & Marino Insurance Co., L'd, Ol New Zt'ulunit. Capital - $10,000,000 Fhu riakt. taken on Dwidlinsi, Slon", bTn'fhoiihfs and Content. Also, ugnr nnd ltice Mlllri, Madilnery, Kte , .te Mlll'tlH' lllHlll'lllllM- - n Hulls, (;arj'0(" nnd 1'ielghH I.r paid lieu J. S. WALKER, Auil for llnwalmii IsIhihU. Jin.fliiD CASTLE & COOKE Lite, Firo & Marino Insurance Agents I AOI.NTS I on New Kntjland Mutual Lile ins. Co., Ol' I 01 ON Etna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford. rxtox Insurance Company, Klrr A Marine. eir fiv i'i!.scicn, cmikohm JmuHIU NEW YORK Life Insurance COMPANY. Assets, : $95,000,000,00 "Facts are Stubborn Tblngs." At iviry age, on eeiy premium table, and in ineiry year, tlio AC- TUAL KKSUJfjJ of Tontine Policit". of the New York I.ifo Insuranco Co. liao 1cen LA BOHR than those 01' ANV OTIIHU CO.MPANY similar jiolie-ies- . Utf For p.irticulard apply to Ocn'l Agent Hawaiian Ifelunds. 283 tf FIRE, LIFE, AND MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Assets, 45,1388,000 Commercial Insurance Co. (Firo and Marine) Assets, $450,000 Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation (Kiro and Marlue) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 South British Fire and Marine Int. Co Capital, $10,000,000 New York Lifo Insurance Co. Assets, $95,000,000 C.O.BERGER HONOLULU. General Agent, Uaw'n Ulandi. 1053 ly CASTLE & COOKE, i.ui'outi:hs. Hardware, Shippiug AM) Commission Morchautu. HKt.r.it5iv General Merchandise ! Plantation Agents, Life, Fire & Marino Insurance Agent. Jan II HONOLULU, II I. (logo .t, 'M.Viirtriiyyi-rnUsi;e- .J fc Ml -- & , -- ; tt , . I

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Page 1: H SO Ii E. BROWW, lie · f N.. 't' jHMW1 WW WiPPiPf VI if ..' PSBgf V?--J- "s K1A-"IAfrtC 1 Iii r Sy illr & & & & Jy fr T W W..iKmiBwraUfcK t n iiiTw sxaniLflc. Mini PU080HIPTIOH






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1Iii r Sy illr & & & & Jy frT W W

. sxaniLflc..iKmiBwraUfcK t n iiiTwMiniPU080HIPTIOH

Vor.. XfV. No. !2l. HONOLULU, IT. I.. SATURDAY HVHNTNO, APKll. . ISf'O. 00 0CNT0 Ptll MOrifH


Is printed and published at the olficc,

Queen Street, Honolulu, II. I., every

afternoon (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, SO cents pot Mcnth

Addrosi nil Communications DailyUullxtih.

Advertisements, ti cintiro insertion,eliuuld bo handed in botorcotHJ o'clock1'. M.

WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor

' atBulletin Stoani Printing Office.

NcwBpapcr, Book and Job Ptinting of

nil kinds done on the mos-- t fuvorabloterms.IM1 Telephone No. 2311

Mutual Telephone No. 25'!


Weekly Summary.

An intciestin and t onipiehciijivcpublication, contatiiH U3 columns of

leading matter on local topics, and a

complete resume of Honolulu 'ind IslandNews. It is the best paper nublibkedin tho Kingdom to Bend to fi lends

b broad.8ulscrl;tloii:

Island ,1 00 yearForeign 0 00 "

Commission Moronants.

STOHN T. WATEKHOUSK,tl lmportei ttiul Healer in GeneralMerchandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1

a CO.,WILDER Healers in Lumber, Valuta,Oils, Nails, Sal, and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Foit and Queerrsts.,Honolulu. 1

Claus SprecUels. Win. O. Irwin.IRWIN & OOMPANy,WQ.Sugar Factors aud CuJiiuission

Agants, Honolulu. 1

t3. N. Castle.-I- . B. Atherton-- U. 1'. Castle

A3TLB & OOOKB,C Slapping and CommnsionMerchants. Iiunorteia and HealcrB in(Jeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King et.,

Honolulu. !

Lowors. F.J. Ixjwioy U. M. Ooolio.

EWERS bi OOOKB,L (successors to Lowers & Dickson,)Importers and Healers in Luinbpr and alluluda ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu 1

marfl Honolulu Iron Works,jgjjyStcam engines, sugar mills, boll-era- ,

coolers j Irou, brass and lead cast-

ings; machinery of ovory descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exccuted at short notice. 1

XIVClCFii2JL,D '.Sc Co.,11.General Commission Agents.




Honolulu. H. I.Queen sUoct, - -1018


Wholesale Grocers & Wine Morohants

Beaver Block, Honolulu.

BREWER & COMPANY,0 . (Limited)(ibneiui. mbiicaniilk and

Commission Aqiintb.

list of orpicnns:1. C. Jonkb, Jr. . . .Probident & ManagerV. O. CAiirKU. . . ..Treasurer &, acerctary


Hon. C. It. HisnoiC S.C. Ali.kn,H. Watebuousb.

8b8 ly

Pioneer Shirt Factory104 Fort Si, Upstairs.

The undersigned begs to inform thepublic of these Islands that ho Is makiug

MlilrtH ly Moamircmottt !

Directions for willbe given on application.

White Shirts, Overshirts & Night Gowns

A lit guarantee by making a sampleHhlrt to every order.

Island order solicited Bell Telophone 410

r.oiy A. 81. KIKLfilti



81 King Btreet, opposite tho Old StationHouse.

1I ut mil Tolopliono No. l.87 If


JM. MONSABItAT,at Law & Notary Public

14!) Merchant Street, Honolulu. If

T ALFRED MAQOON,xJ Atiornoy at Law & Notary l'ubllc173 42 Meickant street, Honolulu, ly

J. E. BROWW,Old C.ipltol Building.

Agent to take Acknowledgment to Con-

tracts for Labor

In the D'ntilet of Honolulu. Mind ofOahu. 18'Min

Dayid DaytonWill practice in tho lower couits of theKingdom as attorney, attend to rolleding In all its branches, renting of housesand any other buidnes" cntiuctcd to him

Ofllco 91 King Street Upstairs.Feb 5.89

tfEtoffi& s Btzfrvw.yt--s-;


F. nOKN, Practical Confectioner,Pastiy Cook and Baker.

71 Hotel St. -- 2r Telephone 7--

California : LandsXOR SA.1L.IC :

W3i" A pp'y t"

A. HIOICOFF,4S8 tf i Merchant bt., Honolulu.

WEMER & CO.JU nun facta rlii Jewellers,

NO. 03 XOlt'X" HTltJEJUT.Constantly on hand a largo assortmen

of orery description of Jewelry, WatchesGold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

'95S ly

Thomas Lindsay,


Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Kukui Jewelry a Specialty.

Kiiii; street, ISoiiuInln, II. 1.Next door to the Hawaiian Tram,

way Compiny's Otllee.

3T Particular attention paid to allkinds of repairs. jan.19-8- 9

Hustace& Robertson,

DBAY M Jd IS .A LI, orders for Cartage promptly at-M-

tended to. Particular attentionpaid to tho

Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to tho other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sandin quantities to suit at lowest prices.

Office, next door to Jns. P. Morgan'sauction room.982 ly Mutual Tclcphono No. 19.

J. Hopp&Go.,

74 King st, iSU 74 King st

Importors of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos & FurnitureMoved with Care.

Matting and Carpets Laid.


.Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Speciality.


V. O. Ilox :i.l. --iJSW Hell Tol.'. tf74.

Hawaiian Business Agency

Comer Fort Merchant Kticets,Honolulu, H 1.


GENERAL AGENTS.At'coiiittiiuts & CoHoi'lorn

K)K Til K

Hav;aiian Bell Telephone Co.

Managor of Advertising Vcpmtnisution Til K


Collections will rceelvo rpeclal uttci.-tlo- n

anil ruurns promptly innil.Real Estate bought, sold and leased.Taxes Paid and propeily MiftJy inuudHouses, Cottages, Rooms and OKIccs,

lcaed and renu.il, and ltuls rolleetcd.Fire and LI'c Insuranco tllectid in first.

clnBS ItisUMiice Coinp.inlcs.Convcvaneinn a litemds

flearehed and mini t Absti.iuls ol Titleiurnlslail

Legal Documents and Papers of evendc&irlptiou cnrclully drawn and hand-somely engrossed.

Copying and Tianslaling in nM languagesin Kcncwd ute in this Kingdom.

Custom House Buslnoss trans icttd withaccuracy and dipatch.

Loans negotiated at favorable rates.Gold, Silver and Certificates bought and

sold.Advertisements and Subscriptions soli

cited for publisher.).Any Article purchased or sold on fiivi.i

able termsInter-Islan- d Orders will receive parti,

culir attentionTo Let, Furnished and Unfurnished Cot-

tages in desirable localities at reasonablerentals.

Several Valuablo Properties in'-- nndaround the e.ity now tor sale aud leaseon easy terms.

Igy-A- ll business entrusted to our earcwill receive prompt and faithful nttcn- -

Inn at model tie elmices Feli4b9

Baldwin Locomotiyes

Tho undo signid having been appointedagents lor the Hawaiian Islands

For the Celebrated

Baldwin-:-Locomotiv- es

Prom the works of

Burnhani, Pany, Williams & Co.,

171il!mU-iplilll- . X'tMlll..

Are now pi i pared to give estimates andreceive orders for these engines, of anysd7e and fitjlc.

Tho Baldwin Locomotivi: Wonics arcnow manufacturing a style ol Lrcoiuo-tiv- e

particularly adapted

For Plantation Purposes

A number of whh h have recor.tly beenreeeivod at these Island, and w'e willhave pleasure In furnishing plantationagents and manngeis a illi paitirulursof same.

The superiority of these Locomotivesover all ot her makes is pot only knownhere hut is acknowledged throughoutthe United States.

Win. C. IKWIN & Co.,A gears for Hawaiian IslnmK

iG2d.l2i w-l- y


Cor. lueen & Xiiuanii HIn.

pg? Goods of all dc.scriptionH sold oncommission.

Mutual Telephone 031. febBtlO

A. H. ItASEMANN,Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank

book Manufacturer.

No. Merchant streot. Up stairs.


Bethel Street, "Damon's Blcck,"Corner sturc.

Suigleal & Musical Instruments neatlyrepaired ai rcasonanic rates bowingMachines and tepairing of all kinds aspecialty. All kinds of .Safes & Scaleslepaiied, Household tiewiug Machines

dcc.14 89


ALL persons who want to eommuuiwith tho PoiIulmicsc, ellher

for business, or for procuring workmen,servants or tuy other helps, will llud itiliu most prolltnblo way to advertise Intlio l.uso awtiiaiio, tho now organ oftho Portuguese colony, which is pub-llfcho-

ou Hotel street, and only chargesreasonable rates for advcitiKcmeiiU.




aster Opening

r lOi Fort Street,

N. S. SACHS, Proprietor.



gflrTWe iinile the l.itlie-- ' nt lloiii.luhielegant Mnek of

MILLINERY,thi: la'iist



A Fine Assortment Chlldrens1 Trimmed Hats, the

- -

Pedigrees of


The following Fine AiiimiN willfoi service at iamb, Waiilae:

Well-bre- d Stallion"MARIN."

Xniinnu Stallion"CAPTAIN GROWL."

Ihoioughbred .Stallion

"MIDNIGHT."Two Native Stallions

"PILIAOAO" & "FRANK."A Well-hie- d


49J-1I1- 0 tf

delivered tocitcu. Baiisiacuon guaranteed

to e.ill and inipeol run w nnd

no i:ini:s in

of at


All Horses

o- -









i on ui.i.:Sl'illioiis of various

with (irwlthnut foal.1Ioi-.c- s foi an pin pose.


A Skilful ltie.ilver and Tiatuei is em-

ployed on the l.iueh.Satisfaction U guai.iutced in

bie.iking and training hor-- e.



Provisions and Feed,KA8T CORN Kit FORT AND KING STHUKTrJ.

Nuw Goods received by every Packet the Eastern and Km ope,Fresh California Produce by coty ieamer. All ordern faithfully attended toand Goods any part


Inepd-,- .


from Staled

inc city free of charge.or islandPost Ofllco Box 145. Telophone No. 93

Ghas. Hustace, King Street,

ordersfnov-- 8r

No. 110.

-- V. O. Box

HAS JUST RECEIVED per "AUSTRALIA,"Kits Aliibka Sen Tiont, KilH M.ickoicl, Kits Salmon Itollion, Kits Tonguesand Soiiiiils, f'ahcs Vienna Snusago, Hum .Sautnge, Snlnion in I and t! lb.

Hums, It.icoii, Codtihli, TiiiH KonhLMl M.ickoi el, Boiled Mnekei el in To-mato K.ini'c, Top O'C.in Biand Buttei, Boned C'liiekon and Tmkoy, Twin

Brothers' Yi-ns- t t'.ikcs,

Aunt Abbey's Rolled Oats!Coialino Flakes, (lei men, Ilicukfaut Ciom, "NVliile OatK, Iliglilanil Uolled OaU,Diied ApiieotK, Diied Peaclies, I'iiuil-h- , Taldo Flint", Dates, Figs, liidgoVFood, Gelatine, Sardine-'- , Wheat, Oats, Bian, Potatoes, Onions, and a

(icneiul Assoitine'iit of (lioeeiieh at Popular pliers.

l.eavo youi onloih, or ling up

telephone 240.- -






LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street,HONOLULU, U. I.,


I- - O IS I C Id 6aBy Li.eh steamer of the O. S. S. Co. from California

Fresh Cala, Roll Bntter, Frozen Oysters & Fresh Gala, Fruits,

ITIhIi, Game, VocretnTttlcN, Kte., IStc:.A complete line of Crosse & filackwell's & J. T. Morton's Canned & Bottled Goods

Always on hand. Also, Just received a fresh line of

;cnuuii VatQH A l'otti'il McMitM & Ilottlcd FiiiUm,Lewis & Co.'s Maltcso Biand Sugar Cured Hams & Bacon,

Now Breakfast Cereals, Cream Oat Flakes & Cream Wheat Flaked,rJIcily Lemons & Cala. Riverside Oranges,

Oregon Builmuk Potatoes, Ktc, Kte., Ktc.

ap-1- 0 Siit-lKlHotio- diiiiviLiitootl. 87


Tho Ecot Lunoh In Town,

Tea and Coffee at Ml Hours

The rtnut ISrand of

Cigars, jfe Totoacco

AlVll'H Oil lltllKl.II. .1. NOI.TK. I'toiH'iftoi-- .

T1U-- :


Meat Companysi KINO M'KKhT,

G. J. WALLER, - - Manager

Wholesale & Retail HultherAN1



Alalivn, noar nci'ii StTelephone .No. R5.


Conli'aeloi'rt v lCtillflut'H.

Hiiek, Htone and Wooden Hulldings;given, .lobbing juoniptlv at-

tended to. 7(5 King siuel. Hell Tele-phone No. a. J O. Il, 421). up 5 ly

ContractorLUCAS, fe

and Builder,' sSS

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, bsplaniutc, Honolulu.

MauufactureH all kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window FramcH, lllluda,

i, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work finish. Turning, Seroll andSawing. AH klniU of Sawing and l'Hu-tu-

Morticing' and Tenanting.Orders promptly ntt mded to nnd work

guaranteed. Order:) from the othersolicited

WRIGHT BROS.,THOMAS & HENRY,Tort Street, next Lucas' Mill,


Carriage Builders,Ship's Blacksmlthlng, Drays, Carts A

Wagon Buildiny at specially.

Kvcry description of woik in theabove 'linis purformed in a tlrsi-clrt- si

manner nnd exieuted at bhort notice.ALL WORK GUARANTEED.EJf" Ouleis fiom the other islands

solicited. Will be pleased to see allour old iiiBtoniers as well as new ones.Mutual l'eleplione No fi75.

apr-19-8- 9

W. W. Wright & Son,79 A 81 Jtgfl&f Bell Tele.

King SlaSSMo. 381.

(The Hose Premises)

All onlers for wheel vehicles of everyde-- f rlption tilled with promptness.

Pint-clas- s mechanics employed.

Fine Carriage Work a Specialty

Tit AM CAIIN, OlI.VIllll.SHKH,Plantation Wagons, Mule & Ox Carts,

Made to order, nltcrcd or repaired.

Carriage Painting, Trimming,kic, inc. l'.'ic., i.ic.

Our HORSESHOEING DepartmentIs under tho management of It. Cay.ford, who will collect and receipts allbills due that branch of our business.

(Signed):oct.ir. 8m W. W. WBIGIIT X bOX.


AH. KOWAT, Veterinary Surgeon,nnd ph iriuacy at Hawaiian

Hotel Stables, corner Hotel aud Biehaidbtreits. Scientillc treatment in all dis-eases of domestic animals. Outers forplantation nnd ranch Mock promptlyattended to. Mutual Telephono 1114,

P. O. Bo :il!G. mh.l8.h9


f1IIK nuclersignod having been ap-J-

pointed agent tor II M tjiicenKnpioUni, notice is hereby given thatall tenants, Jiy lease or otherwise, arenrdereil to make all payments to inc, nooilier leeeipt being alld. Olllco nt thePalace Bungalow. Hours from 11 a. m.

toll-- , m. Il.C. UI.UKOr,filtl tf Agent for 11. M. the Queen.


MHS. MONHOK. ladles' nurse, hasto No. II, Kukul lane.

Felt 14 M

Prussian National.Insurance Comnv

isrMiLtentn W.Capital 9,000.000 RelchtmarVs

rptl H unilcr-lirre- d, agent of the hoocX Company for the Hawaii vi

W ptepand to necept rlsUi, ni;iiiiiil lire,on lliiildlngf, Furniture, Men Ii itnll-i.- -,

I'roduee, Sugar Mill, Kte, on ihe ui'i'tfuvoiablc term'

Losses Promptly Adjusted and P.iyaii'jin Honolulu.

o. rjoiyriLt.jly 87-l- y For II. HieinefiMdiLe'Ider.

Union, Fire & Marino

Insurance Co., L'd,Ol New Zt'ulunit.

Capital - $10,000,000

Fhu riakt. taken on Dwidlinsi, Slon",bTn'fhoiihfs and Content. Also, ugnrnnd ltice Mlllri, Madilnery, Kte , .te

Mlll'tlH' lllHlll'lllllM- -

n Hulls, (;arj'0(" nnd 1'ielghH I.rpaid lieu

J. S. WALKER,Auil for llnwalmii IsIhihU.



Lite, Firo & Marino

Insurance Agents I


New Kntjland Mutual Lile ins. Co.,

Ol' I 01 ON

Etna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford.

rxtoxInsurance Company,

Klrr A Marine.eir fiv i'i!.scicn, cmikohm



Life InsuranceCOMPANY.

Assets, : $95,000,000,00

"Facts are Stubborn Tblngs."

At iviry age, on eeiy premiumtable, and in ineiry year, tlio AC-

TUAL KKSUJfjJ of Tontine Policit".of the New York I.ifo Insuranco Co.

liao 1cen LA BOHR than those 01'ANV OTIIHU CO.MPANYsimilar jiolie-ies- .

Utf For p.irticulard apply to

Ocn'l Agent Hawaiian Ifelunds.283 tf


MARINEINSURANCE.Hartford Fire Insurance Co.

Assets, 45,1388,000

Commercial Insurance Co.

(Firo and Marine)Assets, $450,000

Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation(Kiro and Marlue)

Capital, paid up, $2,000,000South British Fire and Marine Int. Co

Capital, $10,000,000New York Lifo Insurance Co.

Assets, $95,000,000


General Agent, Uaw'n Ulandi.

1053 ly

CASTLE & COOKE,i.ui'outi:hs.

Hardware, ShippiugAM)

Commission Morchautu.HKt.r.it5iv

General Merchandise !

Plantation Agents,Life, Fire & Marino

Insurance Agent.Jan II HONOLULU, II I. (logo

.t, 'M.Viirtriiyyi-rnUsi;e-.J fc Ml -- & , -- ;tt , .


Page 2: H SO Ii E. BROWW, lie · f N.. 't' jHMW1 WW WiPPiPf VI if ..' PSBgf V?--J- "s K1A-"IAfrtC 1 Iii r Sy illr & & & & Jy fr T W W..iKmiBwraUfcK t n iiiTw sxaniLflc. Mini PU080HIPTIOH



gatIU HuTTfittPledged to nctthtr Sect nor- Parry,Hut established for the benefit of all,

SATURDAY, APR. fl, 1800.

Thi' bound Look containing tho

petition for ballot reform of Now

Voil; resident1) wai Intely paradedon a truck through tbe streets ofNew York city. It contained 70,000

signatures; was 2 ft. h in. wide, 2

ft. 8 in. lonir, 8 ft. thick, andweighed 1000 pounds. ThU putsinto the shade the Hawaiian GreatRegister, whose makers are accord-

ingly untitled to commiseration fordeparted glory.


Wo at present have a commercialTreaty with the United States whichwill last till October, lS'.M, andthereafter till twelve months aftereither party shall have given noticeof an intention to abrogate it. Thereis therefore a certainty of the treatycontinuing in foree till October,139.", and a good prospect, judgingby past experience, of its beingthereafter allowed to continue in-- tl

.'finitely, pinvided the UnitedStates shall not, in the meantime,deprive Hawaii ot the advantageshitherto enjoyed thcreunder.tlirouglithe medium of tariff reductions orthe making of bitnilar treaties withtlicllepublics to the South.

Jy the terms of this convention,t'io two parties exchange certain oftheir national products, duty freetbe Hawaiian list, however, a verymeagre one, in which sugar, rice,and bananas are practically all thatw;o can send to the United Statesduty free. We are, however, ob-

liged to admit, free of duty, a verylong lit of American products andmanufactures, without payment of

duty, including, practically, allthey have to sell except liquors,carriages, ready-mad- e clothing andcarved furniture. We also grant theUnited States, for the term of theTreaty, certain exclusive rights ofaction in and about l'carl Harbor.

We are prohibited, by Article IV.of the original treaty (1875), dur-

ing the life thereof (and of thetreaty of 1887), from doing

any one of a large number of acts ofsovereignty, the most important ofthoo inhibitions to be hero noticedbeing expressed at the very end ofiaid Article, viz. : tlmt which pre-

vents us from admitting the goodsof anv other nation free, under asimilar convention of reciprocity, orin any other way unless it. be upon a

general abolition of our importduties.

It is now proposed to "extend andmake more intimate" our commer-

cial relations with the United States,and the Cabinet are considering in

concourse with some other residentsa draft of a proposed treaty to

l hut end. The plea advanced toprove, the good policy of this move

ii, that the interests of Hawaii will

be be-- a subserved by the establish-ment of absolute free trade with theUnited States (except in a few com-

modities, such as opium, liquors,

etc.)In view of the possibility of the

serious reduction or abolition ol theUnited Slates duties on imported

simar, and the substitution of a

bounty to American sugar pro-

ducers, it is proposed thai the twocountries shall mutually agree to

treat each othcrN products as theirown, with reference to bountiespaid for production- - thus placingHawaiian upon an equality with

American grown sugar in respect of

bounties, etc.

Admitting, lor the sake of argu-

ment, that Hawaii would be justified

in woiking towards that end, it is

well to consider the adequacy, orntherwi.se, of the means proposed.If they shall be lound inadequate to

accuro lo us the additional advan-

tages upon which the alleged neces-

sity for this move is predicated, theentire argument of its advocatesmust fail.

An examination of the diaft of

the proposed treaty, as read at theconference on the 1st instant, showsthe following to be its purposes:

Art. I. Continues in force all ex-

isting treaties and conventions withthe United States, notwithstandingany provisions therein contained tortheir expiration or abrogation, t?ivjd Art. J of the trealy of 1867

(the Pearl Harbor clause), which

shall bo extended only when theUnited States Congress and the Ha-

waiian Legislature shall havo passed

Unlaws necessary to give effect lo

Article 0 (the free trade provisions).Art. II. Provides for the treat-

ment by each nation of all pro-

ducts and manufactures of theother, which shall be introducedinto the ports of either country un-

der this treaty, with respect tobounties paid, and in all other respects, pieelaely as though nichproducts or mnnufacUueu had beenproduced or manufactured in thecountry Into whose ports they arethus introduced.

Art. 111. Provides that, ot comedate to be trectl upon, after theUnited States Conrnw and Iia-xraii-

J.ttjitlature shall hr.ve ui.t?-e- d

the. ncccsmrv lain to lice rfl'ectto this Article, every article, thegrowth, product or manufacture ofeither country (except opium,liquors exceeding Is? per cent, ofalcoholic strength, and articleswhoe importation is prohibited),shall be entitled to free entry intothe ports of the other country.

Art. IV. Provides that "thistreaty shall continue and remain in

effect until it shall be abrogated ormodified, by the mutual consent of

the two high contracting parties."Alo that, within six months ofcither parly requesting a "confer-ence" to "consider" any proposedmodification or abrogation, suchconference shall meet at the capitalof one ol the countries, and shall

then "consider" the proposition tomodify or abrogate. Also that thistreaty (except Art. .') as above)shall be ratified by the President ofthe United States by and with theconsent and advice of the Senate,and by the King of Hawaii, and theratifications shall be exchanged assoon as possible thereafter.

Assuming, fur the ol theargument, thai the ends sought arcdesirable, it is to be observed thatthe principal of these ends, w :

the establishment of free trade rela-

tions, is not obtained. The projectto have the different parts andArticles of the Treaty go into cll'cctpiecemeal, is fraught with dangerof the gravest disadvantage to Ha-

waii.Thus, upon the signatures of the

King and the President being affix-

ed to the document, and its beingratified by the United States Se-

nate, Article 1 goes iuto immediateeffect, and remains in eject untilthe pttrti mutually arrec to itn

modification or ftbroijation. Whatdoes the going into effect of thatArticle import to Hawaii:

It imports, (1) our privilege to

continue the introduction ol ourproducts, now on the Iree list, intothe United States as long as we

wish; (2) our obligation to admitUnited States product;, included in

the present treaty, free of duly, aslong as the United States shallelioo-- e : (y) our inability to seeksimilar advantages elsewhere, or extend similar privileges to the goodsproduced elsewhere than in theUnited States, until that nation seesfit to iclcase us from 'his disability.In oilier words, the existing trealy,by the going into effect of Art. 1 ofthe proposed trcatv, will be madeperpetual.

The perpetuating of the existingtrealy might not he objectionable,if there were contained therein areciprocal exchange of guarantees,by which Hawaii, while continuingto bear its burdens, could be assuredot the continuance of its benefits.Hut the distinctivelyfeature of the existing, as well asof the proposed treaty, is, that allthe guarantees involved are assumedby Hawaii, and to her disadvantage.Thus, should Art. 1 of the proposedtreaty go into effect, Hawaii wouldbe bound in perpetuity to admitAmerican goods free, while unableto extend a similar privilege to anyother nation, no matter how advan-

tageously such other connectionmight promise. On the other hand,the United Slates is at liberty, atany time, to utterly deprive us ofall the advantages we have thus farenjoyed under the treaty, by so farreducing the duty on sugar as tothrow us upon an equality of com-

petition, in the market, with thesugars of tho world at large.

Again, the United States ir. atliberty, at any time, without a

change in her tariff, to simiiaily de-

prive us of our advantages undertho treaty, through the medium of

treaties, similar lo ours, with therepublics to the houlli.

In either of these event?., the re-

sult lo us would he the same. Freesugar iuto the United States fromcountries oilier than ours, means a

serious dctiimcut to our planting In-

terests, entirely irrespective of thennme of tho document under which

aDAILY BULLETIN: HONOLULU, H. J., APillL n, 1090. r1

ouch sugar is entitled to free entry,whether it he an Appropriation Hill

or a Reciprocity Treaty with Brazilor Mexico.


With this privilege to at any time j

sweep away the benefits to us, ofthe treaty, reserved bv the UnitedStates, coupled with our undignified i

and humiliating position in beingfettered trout in any manner reliev-

ing ourselves of the Incubus of thetreaty, after its present benefits shallhave developed Into a positive bur-

den, does It icqulrc any furtherargument to demonstrate the fallacyof the present proposition?

Hut the advocates of further actioncontend that this objection proceedsentirely upon political conditionsand contingencies whose probabilitythey deny. If we thus invade therealms of political pinbabilities in

American politics, ihe object iomabove urged against, the pioposedextension, ate at least supported bythe following notorious facts, viz.:

1. American statesmen hnve forseveral years concurred In the ne-

cessity of largely reducing i heir re-

venues, tho amount necessary to bewiped out being variously estimatedfrom 8(10,000,000 to SI 00,000,000.

2. The tariff on sugar yields theUnited States Treasury a revenue ofabout SfiO,000,000.

:l. In the first session of the oiithCongress (summer of 1888) twoseveral bills were passed one bythe House of Representatives, andthe other by the Senate affectingthis duty. The Senate bill pioposedlo entirely abolish such duty, andgrant a bounty to American sugaias a substitute therefor, while theHouse bill merely proposed a reduc-

tion in the duly of 10 percent. Itis true neither ol these bills becamelaw, bill (hey indicated the attitudeol the two paities in the lcspcctivcbranches of Congress the Demo-

crats in the House, and the Repub-

licans in the Senate.I. The Republicans aie now in

conli ol of both branches of Con-

gress, and the Republican majorityof the House. Ways and MeansCommittee has, according to pressrcpoits already lo hand, determinedto recommend a reduction of .10

percent in the sugar duties, withoutthe substitution of a bounty.

.". The promise to reduce dutieson the necessaries of life, importedfrom other lands, is one of the mostprominent planks in the platform ofthe now dominant party in theUnited States. Sugar is universallyrecognized as one of these. Thehome production of this article, ascompared with the entire consump-

tion, is insignificant. The productionof tho entiie State of California is

less than that of a single Hawaiianplantation.

I!. There is now in session in

Washington the Pan-Ame- ri

can Congress, called for tho purposeol devising bases of free trade icla-tion- s

between the United Stalesand each of her sister republics ofAmerica. Everybody (unless, in-

deed, the advocates of inc. treaty now

under review) believes that saidCongress will speedily result in theadoption ol a series of reciprocitytreaties, for the purpose of establishing such free trade. The well-kno-

sugar-producin- g resources ofthose southern republics, coupledwith the abundant capital and rest-

less enterprise ot the American peo-

ple, leave little room to doubt thaisuch reciprocal relations will bepromptly followed by an inllux ofduty Iree sugar Into the UnitedStates such as will threaten toswamp our planting interests.

7. At the conference held at theForeign Olllceon April 1st, a planterof largo experience (Mr. II. P.Haldwiu) declared if as his opinionthat a reduction of even ."0 percentin the advantages we now possessover other countries, in the Ameri-

can sugar market, would so cripplesome of our plantations that theycould not continue to grow sugar.

Complete tree trado is the avowedchief aim of the advocates of a new

trealy, the securing of which is thecloser relation after which they arestriving. Hut they seem imperviousto the argument that the documentsubmitted to the confcicncc doesnot establish such Iree trade, butmerely opens the door for its estab-

lishment by Congress and our Legis-

lature, whenever they shall see fit

to take such a course. They ay,

"If we are indeed tying our handsInperpetuily, see the free trade con-

cessions we are getting in return."To which may bo replied, "You arctying your hands, to a certainty,but arc as far as ever from gettingthe alleged compensation of free


Observe the condition's underwhich alone wc are to have the cov-

eted extension of the free list, viz.,"Whenever the Congress of theUnited States and the Hawaiian Le-

gislature shall have passed thelaws therefor," etc. What

guaranty have we that such lawswill be passed by Congress V Absolutely none

What is the objection to leaUngthe entire treaty to take effect untilCongress shall have "passed thenecessary Iaw3," etc., so that, wewill be (from their standpoint, atleast), sure of our quid pro tjuo?

The objection is, to use their ownwords, that the probability of'meet-tn- g

a hostile Congress, or at least a

hostile House of Representatives, is

so great as to render it ha-

zardous to go before Congress,In the matter, at all. Thatwhite the American Executive andpiohably the Senate would ratify theproposal, in so tar as they arc com-

petent to ratify (viz., with referenceto articles 1, I, and .1), it is almostcertain that such ratification by theHouse would not be obtained.

And, yet, in the face of the fore-

going argument, the same gentle-

men profess to think that the same"hostile House" will give us the freetrade article, after we have alreadygiven them all we had to give. TheHouse of Representatives einnot berelied upon to make what treaty ad-

vocates claim to be a fair exchange,but these same advocates arc will-

ing to depend upon its generosity togive us the one thing wc arc sighingfor (in addition to what we now pos-

sess), viz., free trade, when theslight inducement of the privilegeto keep us forever in political fet-

ters hall have been eliminated from

the argument in the ease, by beingplaced within their grasp!

This argument of the trealy ad-

vocates is, upon its face, inconsis-

tent, if nothing worse. Is it notthe better position to assume that, itwc really want the free trado .illicit,wc shall insist upon receiving it andits benefit, at the time of our as-

suming the additional and most se-

rious obligation of a practically per-

petual subjection, both in commerceand politics, to the United States.

If we do not want the free tradeArticle, why make further pretenseto a desire which is not genuineupon the attainment of which we

arc willing to risk nothing and theinducement to secure the grantingof which we propose to part with,

before securing the boon in ques-- t

ion ?

As to the second Article, whichprovides lor the bounties, etc., it is

in the same category with the thirdArticle, in that Ihe Executive andSenate of the United Stalesarc not competent, under t lie

United Stales Constitution, to pledge,that nation to the payment of boun-

ties. Tho payment of bounties be-

ing essentially a matter "affectingthe revenues," it seems obviousthat the concuri ence ol the Houseof Representatives would be neces-

sary to to make such pledge effect-

ual. And yet the proposed draftdoes nol even suggest any legisla-

tion upon this topic, and il maydoubtless pass for a fact that no one,even among the warmest advocatesof the measure, really believes orsupposes that the sugars ol Hawai-

ian production will ever be admittedto the benefits of any bounty systemthat maybe adopted, with referenceto American sugars, by Congre'ss.

It is the obvious duly of those en-

trusted with the political and com-

mercial fortunes of Hawaii, to seethat she does not, under the alluringprospect of supposedly present ad-

vantages, become involved hi a com-

pact the benefit of which may bo

withdrawn from her at any time,without her consent, but the obliga-

tions of which must continue to theend of lime, unless the other con-

tracting party shall sooner releaseher therefrom. Should we not avoid,and Ihus prevent, tho possibility ofa situation which may (and that inIhe near future) develop into a sta-

tus of all burden and no bcnejli toHawaii

Or, if wo embrace a condi-

tion fraught witli such possibili-

ties (not to mention probabilities),of disadvantage, is not tho part olwisdom to piovide moans of exitfrom that compact when changedconditions shall have rendered theagreement as "conspicuously one-

sided" to our detriment, as an en-

thusiastic advocate lias claimed it is

now lo our advantage:Why put ourselves in a position

where wo may be obliged to sue formercy, when wc can well and pin-tllabl- y

avoid such situation, by the


OFIs issuing n new form of in3tnancu which provides,, iii.tlirtevent of death, for a return of all premiums paid in ad-

dition to the amount of tho policy, or, should the insured survive a given number of ycais, tllo Company willii'turn all the premiums paid with'intercRt ; or, instead of accepting tho policy and profits in cash the. heal holdermay, WITHOUT AlKIlICAI. EXAMINATION and WITHOUT FURTHER PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS, take inlieii thereof the amount of policy and piolits In FULLY PAID UP insurance, paiticlpating annually in dividends.

Remember, this contract h issued by the oldest Lile Insutance Company in the United Stales, and tho I.aigest Financial Institution In the World, lis assets exceeding One Hundred anil Thirty-Si- x Mlllionn of Dollum.

gap For full tmrtlonlars call on or addressS. JB. XtO&XS,

l)ec-2l-8- !) General Agent for the Hawaiian Islands.







FROM 5 A. M. TO G P. M.

Ami will 1 e delivered

IPV T!M.E l?"O.X. rei.12.i-v:EEl?,Air.- r


tair Semi in Your OrdevH'EiU'ly.


1. T.


SnBAXIEJTT. Maiingrei.






liiiicr .Me, Hon Ale, Mine, Rasplmrryaile, tapri, Mineral Waters, Etc.


a" All coninninioatiouH orders should bo addressed to

BENSON, SMITH & CO.,MO 1 n -- A.a-e.iils.

merest observance of the dignity be-

coming an independent and sover-

eign state?If the I'niled Stales caies to treat

with us as with an equal, why canshe object lo our reserving the rightto withdraw from the treaty whenever by her own act slic sweepsaway from us the advantages iosecure we wcie induced tonegotiate?

If tho Uniled is nd willingto treat wilh us on teims of equality,on terms which an independent and

state can consistentlyenteitain, why negotiate at all?

It is not as though we were now

without a market, and seeking one.The existing treaty has done us verywell in the If the advocatesof this measure correctly read thesigns ol the times in the 1'nited Stalepolitical domain, wherein de-

clare we are in no danger from a

reduction of the sugar duties, thenthe existing trealy may continue todo us very well, in the future.

Cosmopolitan Restaurant.rpill.S well-know- n hous hvs againJL chimin ilhamtii .lii'i Hue, ilio best

cook In the city, lias icpurclinsnl tliust' c.k i, ml fixtures, anil will cmrt tinrestaurant atie-- h MONDAY,Am II Till. Hoping nil natron will giveliimnciill .IUNUEK,521 lw Proprietor

uakd.Mlt. IjBYKY take pleasure in an.

g that liu his (ompletnlarrangements ami will pit'.-iii- it in rapidsuccession Krone Diatnalii; Novelllef,ingctliur wilh notablo luvivtln of siiin.ilinl plays Mipcrbl.V staged with minuteattention lo rli"tic iluiuil. The veryL'rcittiMt cure Ins Iiccii tserciscJ Iiim.lectlng Ihe company nml the wholo up.tcrprUc will I.e. conducted withdrawn,ppectlnn anil diligence.

t5T" fuller piwlicuhipi will be mi.nnuMCi.'d Inter mid ilwe notice will heyi veil cnimirnlng Hie wile of .seuir.

Mil 2l


HAVING sold out my interest in theK Mote & Co to .1. N. a.

Williams, nil persons iuilehtitl to saidfirm nro icrpilreil to pay the amounts oltheir imlchtcrino33 to mo, anil nil havingnccouutB ugalnttt auul firm will presentthem to mo f r payment at the olllcc. ofIt. More ii Co.

Tnrr). . I.UOA.H.Honolulu, Feb. 1, ltHO. Wi lm










We invite tbe Ladies ot Honolulu to call and inspect our


Fancy Bibbons, Shaded Tips & Pompoms,TIIK FINEST STOCK. OF

Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats in this city.tJT OUR STOCK CAN'T BE BEAT. f

Chas. J. FISHEL'S,Leading Millinery House, Corner Fort & Hotel sts.egan & G-imi-sr


A Choice Line of Dry & Fancy Goods,i.vci.rniNC.

li.Nl Cloves from O to tiO Iluttonn.Hosiery, Satines, Scotch Giughams, latest patterns; Woolen Dress Goods,


Boys', Youths'; Mhilta's Clothing, Trunks, Bags & Yalises.







Till JLT'etoriiary ltftli, Only.124 pair of Undressed Kid Gloves I

0 and 8 Bullous in perfeet order at $1 a pair Great Bargains.All my DltESS OINtiHAMS about 110 pieces to select from aie offered at

, ,, Cost l'riee. A small lino of

Scotch Ginghams at a Great Reduction !

BEAD THIS A largo acftortment of BEAD THIS

WHITE IR.ES GOODS,Such nPiqii'B, fyVbroideicdSwiHPCF, India Linen, Plain Swish, Nuiiihonk and

nntnyotlior lines of Wliito Goods. 1 will ell at such a... pjice thai everybody will buy them.gjT .Htjiiieniber, February lSlli will close tliia Sale. j&



Comer Hotel & Fort .Slroelfl.

ftvj A'

il M.&.i .ik;SV.li-Hk&Sto.-,iX1- r t


.- -.

Page 3: H SO Ii E. BROWW, lie · f N.. 't' jHMW1 WW WiPPiPf VI if ..' PSBgf V?--J- "s K1A-"IAfrtC 1 Iii r Sy illr & & & & Jy fr T W W..iKmiBwraUfcK t n iiiTw sxaniLflc. Mini PU080HIPTIOH




rr 1 1 V.

if) a i hi iMuTlefht

SATURDAY, AI'H. :, 18L0.



HKOI'tAU Tli.ll.V3.

A. M. I'. V.Leave Ilnuciliilti !:00 2:00Anlvc iMiiniiiiii '.IMS 2:1sLeave Mamma 11 :(Hi l:noArrive Honolulu It: t I: IS


A. M. V. M. r. m.Leave Honolulu.. . '.)::: i ia:3o 3:00Arrive Mumuiu,.. .K):IS 1:1H !1:ISLeave Mamma.. . 1 1 :(W l:i:i :0.--i

Arrive Honolulu, .11:18 L'::tl i :.;:isia


Sluir .llokolil from MnlukalStun .((is Milken from IvaunlSehr Kn Mni from Puna


for I.iilinliiu and llamakua :it 10 :i m

Sehr Kuliiinaiiu for iliuvallr bl; Dc-inflcl- Irvine, for San Frau--

ctcont l'.' inJi Jl S S Mariposa, liny ward, for .San

FraneNco at 10 a inSchv Kawallaul forKooltiuAm uh Ik Emma F llerriinan, llrnoks,

for llu: Arctic UcennAm wli hk Tamerlane, Shoekl for

(lie Arclle Ocean


Simr.I A Cummins for KoolauSinn- - iMokolll for MolokaiStnir Kllauea Hon for Lionotnu a ml IV- -

peckco at 4 p inSehr Kauikeaoull for KohalaKchr Mol Walilne for IlamakuaIT S S Mohican. Shcpard, for SamoaJap S S Yuuiashlro Marti, Youiiy. for

Yokohama at li.Mii


From Molokai per stmr Mokolil, Apill--lr S 11 Swift.'


The hlitnc S O Wilder will -- nil forSan Francisco about next Wednesday.

ThostuirC It Bishop took (ill Japan-ese Immigrants for the Waiuimu planta-tion, and the steamer lwalani U

men and 7 women for Kukalau,and 10 men and '2 women for I'aaullo.



The first service of the Easier fes-

tival will he held this evening at 7o'clock.

Easter Day. Cathedral services.Holy communion (choral) G:!J0n.m. ; eelclirant, the lit. Rev. theBishop of Honolulu.

Morning prayer and Holy Communion l):!10a. m. Sermon by Rt.Rev. the Hishop of Honolulu.

Hawaiian evensong and baptisms,.) :.'50 p. m. Sermon by Rev. 'W. II.Barnes.

Evening l'raycr, (j p. in. Sermonby Rev. II. II. Gowcn.

On Easter Monday and Tuesdaythere will be celebrations of the HolyCommunion at (1:30 a. m.

M'.COXl) cosfiiir.n ATIOS.

Holy Communion at 7 :!.") a. in.Music:llvnm 12."i Ye choirs of new JerusalemKyrleand Sanetus Tours In FHymn 127 At the Lamb's High FeastGloria inExeelsis Old ChantXuiu: DinilttW I oublo Chant

"Morning prayer, 11:1.5 o'clock.Services as follows :

Hymn 123 Ye choirs of new Jerusalem-x Festival responses Tnllls

Luster l'snlm Humphrey's In It flatTo Ileum Tours In FJubilate Tours in FAnthem On the lht day of the week

LottHymn KI5 The strife Is o'er.Sermon Rev. Alex. MackintoshHymn KU Jeus OlirNt Is risen y.

Evening prayer, 7 :!!0 o'clock.Services:Hymn 130-Cl- ulst the Lord is Risen.Festival robponses Tallls(ilorlus Humphrey's In U HalCuntato Domini llrldgewater In AHens Mlscruleiir Hriugewater in AAnthem Christ out l'nsover.. ChappieHymn 140-Jcs- 'us Lives.Sermon

Rev. Aiehdeacon Kh.iw of JapanHvinn Christ the Lord.Orgau TrhunjiUal March.... fSulhmuit


At 0 and 7 a. m. low masses,with holy communion. At 10 a. m.high mass, sung by his Lordship thellishop of Olba, and followed bybaptism of infants and' adults. At

" 11 p. m. confirmation, rosary, bene-diction of the M. 1$. Sacrament.


At the 11 o'clock service the choirwill sing lluek'.s Festival To Deuinin O.

An Easter praisa service will beheld at 7 :30 o'clock. Music as fol-

lows :

(Soil Hath Appointed a Day 'foursChi 1st the Lord Is RNcu HackItencdlctus In (1 Jlnek

Advertlso then! no retreating!Let the senseless croakers rave,

While your heart with hope Is beating(You will always find a lotot peoplein every community who are blindto their Interests; but while youarcmaking faiuii and fortune),

They will llud oblivion's grave.

Printer's ink will lead tho battlePrinter's Ink, thn balm of life;

Printer's Ink no din, nn'rattle(No, It does Its work quietly; andIn the great warofeonipetltlon.whfiiijudiciously and thickly laid on, Italways)

Loads the van against the strife.New Zealand Typo,

rifWyfSwrTPW mmim&M Mm&w&?rm awgyttt'f"'"!W. 'y w j' - --"rT--f..,, j,.-,-.-,--., ; 'jwiwf 'v;yUU1IUUWW lns.A?Vn?jnnMRfflreroER.ffBMIK?'f KTTrnW "" f"f "(wpi- - ':fwir- -


1'. IltllSN will deliver Easier buns

A rid is ollered for n prize liy 1'iof, i

Coon .


Lovij'h llnkeiy will deliver EUti


Fntut deaths occurred ul (ho Moi- -

ii i in M'llleiiii'iil, l..iic, la-- d week I

'I'm: Typoginphienl I'nion nieelnat Ilatnipny Jlnllnl 7 this evening.

Jas Gay 1ms n notice to spoilsmenrogaiding moo hoises for tho 1 1tli ofJune.

.. - .. .

Mu. Lewy Iiiih si caul y nilnouneing furthcoming tlicntrieal

Tin: Hawaiian News Co. is thankedfor a copy of the Mikado, which itfells for 2" centH.

Jr.v II r.i: informs Hie public thatho Iiiih icstimed ownership of theCosmopolitan Kcdiiiinint.

lii:v. Aichilencoti Shaw, of Yolo-i-

linnin, will preach St. Andrew'sCathedini nt the 7 SO leivire to- -

moirow owning.

Tlinfesuonf the Anglican ChurchCluoniclu for April is postponed tillthe middle of next week, in oiderthat it may include accounts of alltho Easier services.

Or late u large- iiumher of peoplehave hecn visiting JCahuku on thisisland wheio the new plantation isbeing iniide. Mr. Alev. Young andMr. T. JI. Davios were tlieie on Kii-da- y

week.- -

Nativi: hoys of l.aie are going togive a conceit, evpecteil to lie a lineone, ul the tlieie thisevening. It will he under the direc-tion of Mr. Cain Kealohapauolo ofHonolulu.

A.v iion smokestack reaching aheight of 70 to 80 fet from thoground was elected on the UnionIron Co.'s boiler furnace this foie-noo- n.

It was made on the groundby employees of the woiks.

Tin: I)i'M.i:tis' stall' is waxing faton hot cro.ss buns. Love's Hukciysent a bushel down yesterday. "Awe go to press," all hands aro "loundtho stone" in anticipation of u ton ofthem on the way from Horn's Hakery.

Mu. W. II. l'at ton, formerly iden-tified with the Consolidated Viiginiamines of Nevada, and now with thefamous Hrokeu Hills mines of Aus-tralia, was a through patsougcr onthe Mariposa, accompanied by hiswife and daughter. He was recog-nized here by several old Californiaacquaintances.

Mit. James Mills, managing direc-tor of tho I'nion Stenmsliip Co. ofNew Zealand, accompanied by hiswife, is on hoard the Mariposa on hisway to England. The Union is as-

sociated with the Oceanic Co. in thoColonial mail contract. Mr. Millsreceived courteous attentions fromHon. "W. G. Irwin, who attended himat the l'alneo presentation this morn-ing.


.1. C. Lane, who was here in 1888and made a Directory of tho King-dom of Hawaii, returned by thnAustralia on the same mission. Thenew work will contain a morn com-

plete description of the places ofinterest in all the Islands, howtourists may reach them, etc., be-

sides a carefully prepared list of alladults, willi their occupation, placeof business oncl residence. Thodirectory will have a large circula-tion in thn States and will assist ininducing people to visit the islands.


Miss Nelly Illy, tho round-lhe-worklis- t,

was very popular with thefew who knew her during her shortstay at Hongkong recently, but shewas a failure as far as accuracywent. Thi3 is the way she shows usup to tho world : In Hongkong Irode about tho city in a sedan chairwilli four coolies carrying it and aChinese guide. I was particularlystruck with tho court-hous- e and jailof the city. In front of tho .jailthere was a big fantau game running,and inside was an opium smokingplace. The peculiarity of the jailis that they don't closo the doors."Hi-ya- h ! Hongkong Telegraph.


llev. S. K, Bishop received a let-

ter from Mr. J. T. Arundel, thoEnglish capitalist well-know- n here,dated Thursday Island, TorresStraits, Feb. 27. In the letter Mr.Arundel says: "I arrived here thoday beforo yesterday and am wait-

ing for the British India steamerQuetta duo to take nic toIlalavia,atul possibly Singapore"

At 0 o'clock at night on the "to-morrow" mentioned, tho Quettastruck n sunken rock and immedi-ately sank, about 20 miles fromThursday Island. Many lives werelost and somo survivors readiedThursday Island, The accounts intho Sydney papers would indicatethat tho steamer had not been atThursday Island beforo the disaster.Mr. Bishop's letter has caused muchanxiety among Mr. Arundel's manyfriends hero. Besides the foregoinginference from tho accounts, 'addi-tional assurance of Mr. Arundel'ssafety is, lound in the absenceof his name from tho lists ofboth drowned and survivors. Latestaccounts represent PJ.'l personsmissing out of 282 who were onbonril.



Ht'ltKU' 01 CYsimis, 1

Ilonoltiltt, II. I., April II, 1800. )Ills Excellency S. M. Damov, Min-

ister of Finance..N'V: I have Hie honor In submit.

to Vour Excellency Hie tahle of tlieprincipal doincMiu exports of theHawaiian Islands, for llic quarter-- ;

ending March HI, ISS10.

Alfco, a comparative (aide of ex-- .polls for the three months, 1800,eoinpni oil with coi i esponding period,138!l. I lme the honor to he, Sir,

Your most obedient Seivunt,A. S. Ci.r.nnonx,

Collector-Genera- l.

Quantities ami Values of tho Princi-pal Domestic Exports, Hawaiian Isl-

ands, for tho Quarter ending March31, 1800, by Customs Districts.

'I' ? r 2 n s- - P s s '

? M.5 E'JT'S 5 t. "rf a"! " ' 5 7 Sr" ' ?

-- ' i i; o ! s c r. 5 E -

. !.! .". 5' 7 2. ." ' ? G

i ! : i : : j : j V--'-:

' ''''''? i I It

-- Hili-l- -1 - ;

. r 'r eti ! s

5 ii. ii c n -- t :v.or I


u :; tui is --z r1 ti ST I- c -- i si " v - Y iil Ci ri. ii i. 5 i J ic ii ..

c ; -- i oi.i

it -- mc2 l!..ICJi- -'i.:ioti:.?tOa503W?r 11 m


CV - 'A 11 3


TJoinwtio Exports, Hawaiian Islands,First Quatter, 1890, Comparedwith Corresponding Period, 1889.

re' cS. 2.sp? u

2WS s c C3.5:?: nc- - c. - c hi a c?. s i reX 7 ; re i

lAHUilptirnvs o tf- - cd :j c - o i;

V 'l U wl W w

... ? -- 5

ii ,Iii cs t;la iV. oo --i oorsc-.V-- i ii: ; n : h i; i; u q uic- -a - o -- i ii VJ 5 cj

oii li'j--lli s-- I lil o

GIVEN AWAYA LIVE FIO will bo given away, asri. a prize, by Prof Coon, at WniklkiTHIS (.Saturday) EVENING. 321 It


of the Hawaiian ItllloAMKKTINfi will he held nt theHawaiian Hotel, on SATUUDAYEVEXINO, April Ctli, at 7:!W o'clock,io consider the report of the committeeappointed to select a new range for thoAssociation. A. full attendance) is re-quested. I'cr order.

J. IL SOI'EIt, I'iceident., J. 0. Hotiiwki.l, Sccreinry. 320 21


LUT for tho llthTO of June Usees: 1

Ortiy Coll, 11 yenrs old,by Gov. btanfonl, dam

- Idle Girl, and the GrayFilly, fl ycais old, by Gov Htnuford, damFnlumnna. Sealed bids for both borhtswill bo received anytime ilurliiB the nextivioweekp. Apply to

J ah. GAY,Mokulclu, WiUnlua.

1. H. Ellher of these colts will holda mortgage on any race for Hawaiianbreds in which they may start. Hoth Inllneordet. (131 2w

. ... . mim mm immaMirrwirwrM



His Majesty the King, attendedby tho Chamberlain, Col. CL W.Sincfarlane, and the.

Mr. .1. V. Robertson, waslmsyreceiving visitois at the Valace (hismorning. The following personswere prcionled :

Mr. and Mis. .lames Mills, olNew Zealand, accompanied bv linn.

(i. Irwin.The Rev. Aiehdeacon and .Mis.

Shaw, of Yokohama; dipt. Young,of the S. S. Yainasliii'n Maui, andMiss Young, ami tho Uev. Alc.Mackintosh, of Honolulu.

The lion. Col. and Mrs. Allan(ardiner, of England.

.Mr. ('. S. Noycs and Miss Noyes,of Washington, 1). C, and MissWlnnifred Scott, of San Francisco.

The Hon. Paul Neumann andMiss Neumann, of Honolulu.

17ASTER "" 'or I.adle-- i . Kiiter1:j Hats for MUsc, Kaster Hiil forChildren at Uha. .f. FNIiel's. 317 lw

A N linnieitH' nvsnitment of TriminciHitler Hals ill CIiih. J. FMiol'.-- .

r.17 lw

P lineal slock of I.ailli' milTH hililreus'l liium il Hats can beseen at Cha J. FMiolV. r.17 lw



mf i so:w 1 Si)( 111UIH in a



From 5 a. m. to 5 p. tu.

To-morro- w, April 6,ATT UK


Candy Factory & Bakery


F. HORN, Proprietor5'JI It

"The Mikado"Pi of. fi. Sanvlet. ..Mie-iea- l CouiluetorJF. lii own Stage Manager

Tuesday Evening, April 8th,

will nt: ciivr.N

Gilbert & Sullivan's Well-know- n Opera

with Tin: follow imi cam :

The Mikado of JapanMr. It. Monteagle

NanM Poo (his son)Mr. W. 11 Hoogs

Koko (Lord HIkIi Kxeeutloiier).Mr. K. F.lJMiop

I'ooh Hall (Lord High KverylhlngElbe) Mr. W. I.ewers

Fish Tuh (a Noble I.oid).Mr. U. iilciiiaiin

Ytini Yunil SUtets, f Mls F. Nollel'ittl Sing Wards Sirs. J. ItowllorFeep lio j of Koko (.MIsi M. JiutaiiKathha (an elderly lailv in love with

Nanki l'no) Mrs. V. Dlinond

ASStSTlUl nv A

Large Sl Efficient Chorus St Orchestra

WS9" Hox plan open at olliee of L. J.Lcvev. on Monda'v, Apiil 7th, ato'eloek a. M. 320 It

Base Ball Goods !

Mrs. THOS. LACK,Agent fur Spalding llase Hall suppliri,

will receive per S.eaincis Aus.tralia and Abimeibi a full

' line of the latest

Base Ball Novelties for 1Al.fc- O-

The Rules & Regulations for '90

Do not forget that .Mrs. Tlios. Lack,81 Fort street, has the agency

fui the world renowned

SpaiUliitf'.s Snorting GooiIh.

tW Cull for one of Spalding's Cutii-.'il- l

logitcs ftec. lw

Government Coupons Lost !

March 2:ird, Coupons $!t0, lloud No. 221ijlin,fcao,san, L'2ll

815,15, l'-'-S

sir., 12U



A..T. CAKTWItir.HT.Honolulu, March W. IS'JO. 511 If

For Sal at Low RateH

Phaetons and Top lluggles,NEW and Cold Waller Curls, 1

lluslness Utigitie, Pole and Slinfl; also,Seconddiand Hacks, Open and Top Hug.gics, all In good condition; and Horsessuitable for plantation un. Applv

HAWAIIAN HOTEL 8T.UH.BS,fill lm S. I. Sliaw, Maiuger.

A1MUL 5, law

frapwBpKsrp ' vf iyfflFTfS!!?wl ffiW&mwM WwTOMi - m

..,x.-...iit.- w.j in mi -- .U.c.'---.-. -

m"Ti,": IAuction Salos by James V. Morgan I

pe's Notice of Sain !:

lly nml tttt.lt r the p . r nt 'itle jrhento V. M niltv.ii, piedi'i-e- , b 11 .'"il.il'ojslni, plitlii" i. in- - Miiirh l'.". ISsT I,J. S Wnlktl, JveeuHif of tin- KMnte !

W. M. GUhoii (l .to,) .lei-- i neili, v.lll n V

tit I'llblif Alielluii b'v .liiiiii'i 1' Mi.rpup,niioiionerr, nt hi' SulHio mi, iiilju'infitrefi. In Honolulu,


'I hat ciitabi Ihtst in Marble of

King Victor Emanueli:cctitrd bv ! Si'o i:Httil. The al 1

Dust was tkpositul with and pledged tosaid W. M. CllnOn on sttld March 15,18S7, by G iiibi lio slttl to ceeittn theri'viyuieiil if if'i'.n nml luteiee' thereonnt !) percent per iiiitmin. with power lorwild pledgee to jell Mild llti-- l and nlin.lmrM! himself.

tiST The Il'ist will be en exhibitionuntil the dav bef.iie Mile, in lite windowof "tore in Campbell'-- . Block, on inaktiidlilc nf Metehant "lirrl, latelyby J. V. Ilniuti ,V Co

J.S WAI.KKi:,l'.u. of i'M.aleot V. M Glb-o-

V A. WnniMi Allot nev.Honolulu, March ill, lbitil. MK ill

Club Stables.



Fort Street above Hotel Street.


The above Stable- are now full vequipped and aie prepared to furnl-I- ithe public at a iiuHnentM notice i lilt

SADDLE HORSES,Horses & Carriages, Wagonettes,

Suireys. Dog Can-- , F.te.

HORSES BOARDEDItyiho Dny, "W-- oeJW.oiitli.Anil satisfaction guaranteed. Specialattention paid to the cure of carriage,.

HAC STAND:Cor. :LM'outiU. V-- Itelliel fellM,

Opporiitc the Felice Station. ItothTelephones 132, anil connected bv elee-til- e

bell with Stable, so that ii hackcan be called at either place.

tar Xew Hacks, Safe Hor-e- s, andflood, Sober Drivers.

S. V. UllAHAMU1 lw .Manager.

Fresh Frozen

(ON IlJl-- j

JUST EECEIVEDPer"S S. Austtalia,"

At The Beaver SaloonII. .1. XOlTF,, Froprietor.

n.'o :it


Steamship Comp'y


u )?AUSTRALIA,Will have Honnlijlttfor tho abovo


Friday, April 11th,

For Freight or Passage, apply to

WM. 0. IRWIN & CO., Agents.Kq lw


The .11 NIcniiiNlilp

"Yamashiro Maru,,YOUNG, Commander.

Will leave Honolulu for tho above portson or about

Monday, April 7th.AT tit O'OI.Oi'fi. .MV.

W For f i eight or passage, hivlnt;si'l'.erior cabin uiid shurage aceomiuo.ilntions, apply to

Win, G. IRWIN & Co.,

.ll.'l Id Airenirt.


FMtAFT No. 12S, drawn by the Ho- -

XJ iinmii Sugar Co. Feb. 10, lb'JO,fur 320 has been lust or stolen. Allpintles tiro hereby warned agalufctnegotiating satnr Vi'l lm


l? . il MftciuiTaoie Lire

Society of the

Ea:tfftct Fro.ii Auuual Circular tu Agdats,

"We pin pose placing in your liand to offer to the public an Indem-nity liond. Many will "be attracted by the fact that you are s'clling thobonds of a life, insurance society with asscsts over Sld.'i, 000,000.00, andwill not fail upon examination to sec its intrinsic merits.

"This, with our various forms of Tontine Policies will, (as you an-no-

able to quote the results of twenty year Tontine?) give you greatadvantages over others, as no other company will for a number of years,be able to show actual rosultq on similar Policies.

"IIF.NHY H. 1 1 YDK,"President."

84f" Send for illitilrative pamphlets, or in person on the tuuler--ugiic- d.

ALEX. J. CARTWRICHT,General Agent for the Hawaiian Islands, Kfpiitable Life Assurance Society

of the I. S. Jan-l-O- o!! II II II M 1W

Photographic Goods!A l.AlKii: ASFOUTMKNf OF


From .tS.'iO to 'rlOO Katb.

r.""KODAK CAMERAS'!', "jThe M. A. SKF.D and tho CAlSBl'TT DItY I'l.ATKS.



HOLLISTER & CO.,109 FOllT HTRERT. ::::::

K. U. Hknuisv, rresldcnt .V; Manager.tloiiKlliiY ItitowN, Sceietaty ,; Treasurer.


Oppo. .SprcckolH Hnnk, :


Gen'l Hardware, Glassware, Crockery,Oeauino Haviland China, plain

Kilo-- .,


Paints, Sisal




Stockt) No. 220. lVi-hon- s

against the amehas been517 lw

YOUNG Keference'.general



the membersthe Hawaiian Jockey Club will

hebl April 7th, 7:110

the Hawallnn Hotol.REKGEK,

inectinj;the stockholders lite Inter-Inlan- d

Steam Co willthe olllce the


5lfi Sicrctary.

Ice & Rcl'rip;ortt-in- g


'piIE the above ha-- .

X been removed the puonlsesoccupied by Itrowu

Capitol Huildlngs, next Olliee.Uiowu Co,

accounts.Hell 172, 170.

W. SMITH.President Co.

lSltO. riJHjP


for sale.1; Comtuurchil corner

mid Nuuanu streets. l8

h.v f&.-'- -

Vv"! V'' .'' SV.UI4iJBjwVsH-ff-- l

AssuranceUnited States.


John Ksa,Ccutl. ItitowN, Auditor.



and and Wedgowood


SALT FOR SALE.received few hundred bag?

nan, very nesteach bag weighing 120 pound", willtell very 'liiwesi prieu ilspeoiat ledue.tioii by tho ton. Ordersflora other will piompllyattended uilh satisfactionteed. Address orders to

Ciias. LHlItAM,511) 'Jui Hiibnoipo, Honolulu, Oulm.


BY Mav 15lh, Housewitbin Unites' walk

l'o?t Olllce. .Mustat least six rooms, bath and cnok hoiiH'.Address "P. Ilov itlli." 514 lw

COTTAGE convi nienlAquiet plane near Hotel. Mo

derate icnt desired Address "O. ('.,"KUM.KTIN Olllce. 500


rent for monthAt-Fl- X llnom or Hall, either

9MI ground floor upstairs, mustcentrally kituatcd

lteal Estate For Sale.Lois

Lane, I'nlnma.Convenient hieutn mid irnm

ciira. very iicauuy loenuiv. j.oiIvln' near Hatunuku'Bpurtlculars apply io

110WLEK.OrClins.T. Oullek. PiO Urn


FINE Level Lot,XX. feet; very dejiruble finbuilding. Will holdFor inirllcuhirs id.dress "A," 1IUU.KTI.H Otllce.

012 lw


l'iano, Library Stand Limps, Chandeliei.-- itLamp Fixtures of all kinds, A complete assor'.in't of Drills iThe "Gazelle" heeled Hiding A-- Kquuluor,llluebe.ird Hiee Plow, l'la liter' Steel &: Uoso,


N'.iiniulics A Hruahes, Manila L Hope,


Home, Hong. JtdLoe,KUimEU, WIUE-JIOUN- I) of superior quality, STEAM,

Iron Ware, Silver Plated Table ,t Pocket Cutlory,Powder, Shot A-- Tho Celebrated "Club" Mneliiuo-luiiilediJartridgG-

F'OliUnit's Puleut "Duplev" Die Stock for l'ipo .t Holt Threading,

llartuian's Wire Foneu it Steel WireWin. 0. Fisltor' Wroui;lil Steel IUurim

Onto City Stono Fillet,"New Twist Drills,

nnv-29-8- 9 Carriage Paints.


r SHAKES Mutual Telephoneare warned

iie;;otiatln;; as trniirfer'topiied.



Woman to dorequired.

Apply at of:st C. J. FISH EL.


'pHE annual meeting ofX of

be on MONDAY, ato'clock I'. Jl., at

C. O.M(ltd J5i'L0,iry,


adjourned annual ofL of

Navigation (LM),be held at of Company on

April at 10 o'clock m..1. L. MoLEAN,



olliee of Couipanjto

Messrs. J. .fcCo.,Old PotMessrs. J. E it arc audio-lie- d

to eolleet all Tele-phones Mutual

O.P. I. & It.

Honolulu, A pi II 1,


at HuwallanHalesrootnn, of

(Juccu tf

tel A.. JlU yri'.M'.iJ iSdtAltevu'kVi.i. V. 'o? if.t -- a.

Siii'tft, lloiittlnla.



I HAVE ajl oi ot tuc it'

Int at eacli;

Islands beto guainii.



10of contalu






rpo 1 a Lirgn


Hnusis and on.?$ TWOto

onstreet, Line. For



4 101200

bo chcrp,futiher

- Electoliers,


Oils, Oil,


Again Ware,Cups,













,i ;jJ.

. V.'


Page 4: H SO Ii E. BROWW, lie · f N.. 't' jHMW1 WW WiPPiPf VI if ..' PSBgf V?--J- "s K1A-"IAfrtC 1 Iii r Sy illr & & & & Jy fr T W W..iKmiBwraUfcK t n iiiTw sxaniLflc. Mini PU080HIPTIOH

BrVvH& ' IllimlH Mi ! HI IIIIHIIIMIll IWII III II ..H HI I iinm ll ilililWtUtML,, l






Kit lull


Shipping & Commission Merchants


Builders' and General Hardware, Agricultural Implements,




", and

Cnrpenter?', Miicksiiiitlis', Machinists' A ritiiiibcis'


UIiiimIh, I'.njiN, Oils,

Oenernl 3VXerliaiiliK.Blake's Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals,

Wilcox & Gibbs, & Remington Sewing Machines,

Dr. Jayne & Family Medicines.Jun-I- i 90

Pacific Hardware Co., L'd,

Hardware, Agricultural Implements, House Furnishing Goods,--A INVOICE OF

Just at Hand;CiaUanied

Glassware & Cutlery,0.ilvani7ed Wire Hlack Steel

Staples, SpecialNEW GOODS ! --tB S NEW GOODS !

In all lilies by Lite fnRuhbov rSiinlii Hose, Bound IIoso, Stomii llofto,

01' VI. KY JI MIM.rACinc haimwaj:e co.

Jl. !'. Dn.MS'niiAU, I fl. Si'r.scini, !' I, Winici:,l'tcMilent. Managei Si Sn TiciiMirer.

B. F. EHIEKSii roii'r

Great Bargains ! Great Bargains !


All Goofls Solfl at Crreatly Reduced Prices!0

Dressmaking DepartmentOLA UK.

CRYSTAL -:- - SODA -:- - WORKS,JOHN GllACK, : : lroprietor.MANl'l'ACTUREllS of



tJT ALL45-- 1

- o


No. 175.

" JS'oN.


ci'r' it:s.

Viiini'-li- i Lump (birds





Fencf Wiie, Stniilc.FenceI'.lack

arrivali. AgentsAViro



) ictaiy.






under the iiianngcinonl of MISS


Gl'ARANTEED IM'RE --JSU'K E1CT nt- Bell 298



Cor. & Sts.



Ginger Ale, Sarsaparilla, Lemon, Cream & PlainAERATED WATEES

ItllVCJMutual Telephone

Quality Staplos

trioe."- -


ICintr NlrM.


"Inland oiders piomptly attended to. nov


Cullfornla Hay, Oat.s, Bran,Oil Cake Meal, JL.in.Heed Meal,

Barley, Rolled Barley,Middling Ground Barley,

Wheat and Corn Flour.FLOUR 3-Al-

(a, Golden Gale & Saliuas-- a FLOURTelephones,

JOHNDlmond IJIoc-U,- "



Granite, Iron and Tin Ware I

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,

Houso Keeping Goods,PLUMBING, TIN, COPPER AND993 Sheet Iron Work.

cK V y "WptTfTW- i-


E. - B. THOMAS,Contractor & Buihlor.

Csllmalcs Given on Brick, Iron. Slonc fc

Wooden Buildings, JobbingAttended To.

ki:i:is i on hAi.i.

thick, Lime, Cement, Plaster of Paris,

Miuble lutst, Wliu Lath,

California North Beach & Santa Cruz

HAND.Qunuy Tile C.ulrid. white ami blue,MHi'ton. IMtiilK uiul Encaustic- llle Inviulous naiieuii, all Klml of DrainageWrtte.

&" Oitioi: Southeast corner Ala-kea mid ljueen sticeKMutu- al- -- tpaTELEPIIONESterBell 351

mil lv

VOLCANO STABLESWnlnuuetnto Stiect.

Carriages at 1 Minute's Notice,

AUo, Saddle Hones,

Carriages, Buggies, Brakes or Carls,


1'inpiirtor. Hilo, Hawaii.8eBr Orders iceeivcd by Telephone "Yia



Al Ve-'- el will Im dopanluil lorAN Iloiiululu to -- ,dl fiom Now i K

lit nil the month of Apiil. Oideis forpiods to bo chipped by tliW wvlHhnuld he fot winded as cat ly

to hisnie Milpmcnt. For ftiilbcrpaitli'iilitr-- i Imiiibe of the Atceat'.

CASsTLE. Aj COOKE.Honolulu. 11. I.

Or. W. H. C'ltOSSMAN ic IJHO.,77 A: 70 llroad Plieet,

IS.'i 'Jiu New Yoi k City.


Depilire Bay Coal!

Fa ll.uk "C. O. Whllnifiie."

ton su.r Ar

ALLEN & ROBINSON,100 No. II! Queen street. flm


TINSMITH and VLUMBER,Comer of King and Alakea street",

Honolulu, II. 1.


Workshop 261 Residence--Mu- t 23G

8 Estimates furnished on nil rhssc3ot plumbing and tininith!ug work.Fii-'- t class workmanship and mnktiiilguniaiititd In all tlie ahoc lii.uuhehol nij business at rc.isniiiiblc inter.

!! !2in


ir bought out Mi. W. II.Page In the "Honolulu Cniihtr.u

Munutactory, at I'M foil unci, lamprepared to continue the above businessunder the old name of Honolulu Car.riagc Mannfaetoiy, and being an oldexperienced carriage builder I, solicitthe pationagc of my old filends and thepublic, in general, and with my thoroughKnowledge of the business mid with e..I'.ericnred worhmen and using only thebent mnteiinl I guarantee gcneial tmlln.faction. Plcisc call and sue me bctoicgoing elsewhere.

(Signed): GIDEON WEST.Ilono nln. Oct. 98. 1HH1I. H!ll If

Collector AVanted.

AN act he American, oiGerman, of good hahiisnnd chin-uctor- ,

who also speaks Hawaiian, nndcan turnlsh llrst class lefeienees, mayobtain a permanent situation as Col.lector, by addicsslng P. O. Jiox No.:;r,l, Honolulu.


A LARGE 2 Story Hoiife,first class in every ies.

peel, with nil necessary out.buildings, fliiehivn, shrale trees, llowirbi'ih" etc , very desirably located within10 minutcf' walk of the Post Otllce, willbe leased for one or more years, at areasonable rental to n seluit piivatel.unlly. Apply at


Furniftlied House To Let

AT Waihlki, a two .MoryHoupp, containing six

looms nicely furnished, withkitchen, lauai, hath nnd eivnnl's loums.st'ible, etc., to let for n lew months at aicasomiblo rate. Or looms will be letsingly with good table board,


Valuable Property For Sale

Nuuanii Avenue, aQN newly furnished '.' storyHouse containing H hoiiih,

kitchen, bathiooni, closels, cuihigclioiise, stable, heneiy, etc. Giouifdscniilaiii 2 neic, well laid out inlawn0, Miado nnd fiult trees, llnwcis,etc. Will be sold low, with oi withouttiiinltuie, horses, cairlagcs, live sleek,and all the appointments needed In aIlist-clah- lesiiiencc, as thn ownei In.lends having theso Islnnds.


Inland Views.of PhologiaphsALARGEassoitinenl Views of the

MOcluttr.irtlio scenery, buildings, etc,In thcu islands, for ?nle at icasonablcpI'iCPB.

HAWAIIAN UUSINESS AGENCY.Coiuei Foitand Meii'haul MiceU.

W03 tf


Gate City Slonc Filter ! Oceanic Steals! Cofflp'y. Theo. H. DaVleS & Co. FILTER Z?ESSES !

rfS!BKrS35!K SbuEMMm Paauiiu; Pianiation, ) i

WlftiBBm TIMS TAJILKs fei-- ... " M " I

SCSI r-- or- - iri7rrM'iITirS Hnn Friuiriam.lili H rrum oan rrancisco. mjanKCTjIi' lull fflHI IMTUbl AbrAiA."(JUii UiHH IiLicii 1 11 it ii f vHkaSHuRaZAAE' iivih niter Prnttm U

M 1lillLf5!I???HH S. F. 1ltnn1ii1ii CvSCCXV3SEF MM mi are couenicnt. eallyliljteSIKSSHSfe! Al.imcd.i Am r Aur 12 " ' h.nulled and aiuuoiMugcntliclv to in.

tflriCTjW MiuiiiOHii Mav it .May 10

KwPSEBH Zonlaiuliu . May I!l .Iuih 7 ,. ..MgB Alameda . Juno i!d .Inly fi Per Deaflfield.lulv 2ti.

JWrmSB&Smh ZonWulin. Aug 2:1 Au WASBSSSSwIBllra Atnuicdci . Sept 20 Sept 'ft 131 Days fiom Liverpool.r!Ga3kiNSffii Mftihmsn . .Oct IS Oct 25 Mn

EllSttSraMi Zonbimliii ...Nov 1 .'..... Nov 22

flwESsHB Al.imod.i .. Dec El.. ..lb-- 20

For San Francisco.li! lilH Leave Due nt .MSIliH Svdnpy Honolulu !n n'Htlo.i

talioiwto our rmjulnr nnpor- -

W$m3Ks ...Apr 10 .May 3HfllHoMHp' Aliunedu ..May 11. May 31

Mariposa. ..llllio 11 .llllin 28

These Filter? nio ensllv clran-pd- ,

and NEVEK become CltAOKEI) orCRA.F.I) by change of tcinperaliiie oftin w'.tter.

The FUtei ing Medium U a N ATUR A LSTOXi:, mined fiom tliee.tith. It Isunlike any other Mouc.

II Docn Not AbHorli andBecome Foul

IMITRITIES ueer 1'EXETRATEii, but He on the suif.ieo, and Internallythe stone remains as pure and whiteafter yerus of ne n when taken fromthe nilne.

The Gate City Stone Vlltei U a ier-fe- ct

siieccs. It the only leal tiller 1

bao ePi'M!Pii. I would not be withoutone for any eonshleiatlon. It convertsour lake water Into the best di Inkingwalei in Ihe uollil.

IIi:nim Ar. I.vmas, M. I).,.,.::: West Adiiint St , Chicago.

IW For Sale liy


Opposite Sprrekels & Co.'s Until;,lUtl tt Foitsticel, Honolulu.

Jl' & Stable mmThe raclllc lliailnurc 'o.

Have just iccehid a line line of

G.Wosleiiglioliu'sI.X.L Cutlery;

Also, Chamois Skins,


M10 Supplies Generally. tf

JOHN ASHDOWNOl San Francisco.

Practical Piano, Pipe & Reed OrgauTuner & Repairer.

Having worked in some of the laigestpiano and oigan factories in the UnitedStales of America, I am fully able andprepaied to do all kinds, ol repair workin the most s'Uislactory manner.8" Onlrr3 c in be Mt at H. F.

Wichman's Jewelry Store, Foil street,at tho Adveitlscr" oflli.e, oi lluoughMutual Telcplinuu No. :tt7. .'() Im

Government Coupons Lost !

Match i.hd. Coupons VM, Iloud .NTo, 'J'2I' 630, t!.7

' ' .S'.0, ' J'.'.-i

" (CO, i'2iiSIT), ' 1'27

' sl'i, U'Sl.-


' IJ13, ' Hill


Honolulu, M.uih 2J. IMUL Till if


"lOI'lF.Sof the Daily Ri'LLirriN. olV the dates specllled below . til) centsa copy will be paid foi the kiiuc ondellveiy at this olllee:

.miliary 1KHU, 4'oiiicH.


"VJO. (1 King strrcl, near the Hrldge..Ll Open day and night. Meals nt allliimi'A. Orders for California producelercivpil. E.T. (J1LZY,,112 2m Pioprietor.

JUST ItECElVEDl.-iRO- the Coast a choice lot ofX? Cignia, Cigtuettes and Tobaccos,which will ho sold hi very low price.

HANS PETERSEN,ln Im No. 87 King street.


TVtAFTNo. 128, di.iwn by the Ho- -XJ in tints Sugar Co. Feb. 10, lS'JO,for i4.n,20 has been lost or .stolen. Allparties an1 heiebj warned againstnegotiating eamc. ifrJIm

Vor Sale at Low KatesPlinclons and Top Uugglcs.

Friver aid Cold Walter Carts, 1

llusincss Iluggie, Pule and Shaft; also,Second hand Hacks, Open and Top Rug.gles, all in good condition; nnd Hoiscssuitable for plantation nie. Apply


Union Iron "Works Co.

"VTOTIOE is heieby (hen that at aXI nicetliig of tlie bii liseiibeis to thecapital stock of the aboo named Com-patt- y

held In Honolulu, H. I., Matchii. lSflO, It wiih oted to accept thnCliiu ter of Coipoiatlon ihitcd March 1,18'jO, for tho teim of ilfty yeais, giantedbv thiiHawa)laiiGneiumeiit. Tin:

the Mockholdcis Is limited toI u amount due and unpaid nu tio.liares held. The following ollicdH'io elected for the ensuing year:

d. N. S. Williams PieshlPiit,R. Mojo.....&eerotaty A Ttcasuier,A. J, Cat twi igbt Auditor,The nhove mimed oflleer.s also cnnstl-lut- e

a Hoard of Dlrcctoif.II. MORE,

'M liu Sccictiiiy it 'I'liMnuer,

APRIL D; I80d. . ; ' S --"





Zcnlundiii .July It . July 20Alameda. ...Aug ti .Aug 23Maiipoa. . Sept :t. ..Sept 20

ealaudia Oct 1.. .Oct 18Alameda Oct 2!) Nov 1.")

Matipo-- . Nov 2(i Dee 13Xeal.india ...Dee 21 . Jan 10

Intermediate S. S. Australia.Leave S. F. Leave Honolulu.

Fiiday. Alar i8 Fiiday Apr 11Fridav . Apr 25 Friday .May !)

Frid.i'y . . .May 23 Friday .June li

Fiiday. Juno 20 Friday. . July I

Friday July 18 Friday. . . Aug 1

Friday .Aug 15 Fiiday. Aug 20Friday Sept 12 Friday Sept 20Fiiday. .Oct 10 Fiiday Oct 21Fiiday. . Nov 7 Fiiday. Nov 21Fiiday. .Dec 5 Friday . .Dec 18







as m


as a 'a



CO 3


Australian Mail Service

FOH SAN FIJAKOISC'O,The new and fine Al steel steamship

"Zealandia."Of the Oceanic StcainBhlp Company, will

lie due at Honolulu Ironi bydneyand Auckland on or about

May 3, 1890.And will leave for the above port wltLmalls and pastengers on or about thft'date.

For freight or passage, having SU.PERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, appljto

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Agents.

For Sydney and Auckland.

The new and linn At steel BteAU'ahlp

"Alameda,"Of the Occaulc Steamship Company, will

he due at Honolulu from SanFrancisco on or about

April 12, 1890.And will have prompt dif patch withiiiuIIb and passengers for the a hove ports'

For freight or passago, having SUPERIOH ACCOMMODATIONS, appl)to37 WM. Q. IRWIN & CO.. ARenu

NOTICE.II W.GREEN is authoiiscd toMR collect for our account.

.ii Im J. ACQ.


CHUN KOW is no longer in my piiland Is not authorized to sign

my name or act foi me in anv mannerwhatever. I'A KEE,

Honolulu. March 2g. 1PIIQ. ftl8J


MRS. OS HORN E U now prepared toInstructions In Fancy Woik

at "The Aillugton," Room ti. ClassLessons: Mondays, Wednesdays andFridays. Private lessons by rtpeclalaiiaiigemeut. Stamping atid unletspi nuqitly attended to. febLM-l- y


"VTOTIOE Is heieby given toileposltoi--li in the Savings Hank Dep.itmeiitof Clans Spreekels & Co. that, froui andafter tho 1st day of Apill, 1S0O, the In-

terest allowed on deposits will bo re-

duced to four 61) per epnt per annum.Dcposltois will bo nllniM'ri to witbdiawtheir deposiu up to that dato withoutgiving the UNiial notice, but, if ullowpijto remain after Am II 1st, Hajd deposltbw ill hn coiihldereil as biibject to the rulesand lobulation.-- , published In the PumHooks.





Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.

We have received special lots of


Croikmywaru,Fine WedgcWoM'lwnre,

Fancy Umluella Stands',Fancy Flower Pots,

Fine Glassware,

Gut TumblersCut Wine Glasscfl,

Cut Dccnrderf,Fancy Vases,

Rnsket Trunks in all sbes,

In New Design & Latest Pattern.



American andPortuguese



Dressing Cases,

Dress Goods,

Mir ro iM,

liiliNh SudtUoKJ,


Fine RltilHiiti,

Kmbroiderfil Dretses,



rJ?n-ll- Linen,A Fine t'c'ecllon.



Lawn Tennis Shoes,


Nets & Rackets,CROQUET SETS.


Oi:nti.v:.mi:n: We base used hoo'

catlofaetlon. 1 cm iccommuiid no ImpioH'iucnl on Ihem.

Veiyteepec'fully Vollt',(Signed) A. MOORE,

Manager I'natihau Plantation

Heeia, Scpl 2t, 18S!.Ioiim Dvi:u, Agrnt HImIoii IronWorks, Honolulu.

DiiAHSiiiil'kasofhipusoncof.vour!IU Conipartinenl Filter I'fcsscs, U4U f('iiui efeet siirfaeo, same as the one tupplledus hist benfon, which I tun phinted tosny has glvenus entire satisfaction

Vours truly,Gi:o. R. EWA11T.

Manager IIcuU Agiiculittral Co,

Thcsp Pippsps nro made extra heavfor high pressitips, occupy a floorspaco 11 feet by ! fi et. and present ulittering surface of 240 tquaio Icot.

A limited iiuinber in mock in Hono-lulu and are .sold at very low prices.

Ilisdoa Iron & Iocs. Works,San Fianclsco.

p& For particulars enqulio ofJOHN DYER, Honolulu,

Room No. 3 Sprcckels1 Block.2250 tf W. 0. Irwin & Co.. Acent.

Honolulu LibraryANB- -

Roadinq Room Association,

Cor. Hotel & Alakea Slstetn.Open evciy Day and Evening.

The Library consists at the piedemtime of over Five Thousand Volumes.

Tho Heading Kuom Is uipplled withabout llfty of the leading newspapersand pcilodlc.ih.

A Parlor Is provided for convciBatiouand games.

Terms of membership, fifty cents aJionth, payable qtuirteily In udvanco.No formality required In jolniug exceptsigning the roll.

Strangers from foreign countries nndvisitors from the other islands nre wel-come to the rooms at all times as guestn.

This Association having no regularmeans of nuppoit except the dues ofmembers, It Is expected that lesldontoof Honolulu who deshe to nvall them-selves of Its privileges, nnd all who feelnu interest In maintaining an Institutionof this kind, vill put down their namedand become regular contributors.

A. J. OARTWIUGHT, Pies.,M. M. SCOTT, Vice-Preside- nt,

II. A. PARMELEE, Secretary,A T. SMITH 'IVnnin.C. T. RODGEKS, M.D.,

Chairman Hall and Library ('oromlttaa

FRANCE.Continental and Colonial

AGENCY.36 Rue deBunkeraue, Paris.

Kxecutea Indents for every descriptionot French, Relglan,Swiss, German, and English Goods, attho best Manufacturers' Lowebt Prices.

Commission, Two-and.-a Half per cent.

All Trade and Cash DU( omits allowedto Clients. Original Invoices forwardedwhen requested.

Remittances, through a London orParis Banker, payable on delivery ofShipping documents; or, diiecttothomanager.

The Agency Represents, .Buys, andBells, for Home and Colonial Firms.

Picco Goods, Cashmeres, Cambrics,Silks. Velvctb, Lawns, Chintzes,Muslins, Carpets, Cloths,Millinery, Laces, Gloves,Fringes, Parasols, Habeidashery,Gold and Silver Lace,Fannels, Feathers, Pearls,Boots and Shoes, Glass, andChina-ware- , Clocks, Watches,Jowellry, Fancy Goods,Electro-plat- e, Musical Instruments,Fans, Ecclesiastical uudOptical Goods, Mlrrois, Toys.Perfumery, "Wines, Ac.,Oilman's Stores, Books ArtisticFurniture, Stationery,Chrouio , Machinery. &c, &o.

: ov s.

Anderson &Lundy,Ientists.

Artillcial Teeth from one to nn entireset inserted on gold, silver, allunilnumand rubber bases. Crown nnd BridgeWork a specialty. To persons wearingrubber plates which are a constantsourco of irritation to the mouth nndthroat, wo would "recommend our Pro-phylactic Metal Plate. All operationsperformed In accordance with tho latestraprovemonts in dental science. Teeth

Extracted without, pain by the use ofNltious Oxide Ga,

CSTOfflce at Old Ticgloan ResidencoHotel street. Feb.20.S9


Returned on the Australia nnd has re.sumcil practice ut his former otllce, 08Hotel street. 400 if


Has removed fiom Fort street to Ro- -

hello Lane, Palnma.Okkicr Houub: t a. m, to 12 m. and

'v. m. to 9 p. M.

Mutual G08'ifiTELEPII0NES6rBell 47541(1 tf


HAVING sold out my interest in theR More & Co to .1. N. 8.

Williams, all persons Indebted to saiddim tiro required to pay tho amounts oftheir indebtedness to mo, nnd all havingncrounts against said tlrm will presentthem to me for payment at tho otllco ofR. More & Co.

Tuns. II. LUCAS.Honolulu, Feb. 1, WW. 4J Jm

, 1

