676bmdst sherwin's shoe store, · prelate , c . jomm; m«t«-hit- arm* n o» w*r, traatae, b....

G ' -:Ni. WORK BOK&K CUT. V . W i b . « ataal. Nafanwd. CGMPTONS :| he Cream 26 West Front Street. - BUY COMPTON'S .1ERSE1 3 HOME-MADE BREAD, vTSg^S- ^ f t r j«Ditt) DYE BLUE FLAMffiL, ASTfcl*—\ *jtiml'wmu nvcLiof biMweLec^rr 1VE OFFER ALSO, Corkscrew Suits; | Ai. ELECTRIC WJBGUR ALARIS, KLKCTRIC JIHI l.s. ELECTRIC LIGHTS, Etc, Etc F. H. Kl.NS-MAN, KvUMrwood amntwmA iallj. I —71M FluinIWJ V«*d SoeMy h out «fth —Mr. P. SI- ruiwai af hu neuttrU (nnu UM k]niu rvwlrrd by him a abort time ng-ti Bwflall It Noted for Being Fresh, and I * * , , the largest Variety in | —Tit. ROT. Dr. Br*wn will occupy iw COMPTONS CANDY w "_^ Tb. above cut A tt» oppntte UM City Park. wUI ba ft.iDwdi.talr nrcnfnia*! >. > faitUal of « * o( Uw •El'S till MIS' PUTS. WIT ine L. L. ms\\ v ;rw. ad grmtijr to tha goat reputation It at Tbe bop. b a n nm-Je It a favor- forth, jouf CORRECT STYLES IN —PrarkamranJog«4x«i UMPhtlufiatf oii ICE CREAM. Gw*tu ml Depot, Manufacturer, Wholesale and Retail Deakr in -Tba Pfcintafcl Biovd* Clob wiU partkn- l*iat*.aHamat«aw* «"» imr*l» <* UM 676BmdSt in mn in. 289 Bleeder St, 1406thAte., a piatfgna, m v t M • « « plMwl latMr uf t lw> alpbaliet j>rii.t*l upot. aaob. Otfrtr «m(i.i bludubad T wunl lor tb. dU, bj taktkc lh« bloc* at Tni» ni rcfwatMl with umanruM i by I be audienc*. Iha Harle" Depot it* Rdtuiul, <H lot isfttii st, |«= ' CHtRCH *RSTIVA£* RESTAUKAVTS - *•*••» •»» tamWmi«MI from theVarnur 1 .] •fc*pln« at M»Ofuiawflj, Aafaoiy Paa* *vn KAMiLirs sum.ir.o. The tan will 1>< any OBUU. ,>f Mr. T. W. Swear, of FranVfct ; —A HI- patf .iffloe baa bewi «ntM in j HMMT Brown Cir tit. part Mu yMM !«• b»n i MMiHaawi Omatfy bydmman*at "ttoww." j mmwrtwlim the ooutractiaw at UM j Tha >•<&» takasaUkl In thaSowarvn H.MHP, I Waatam IUMma4 uf tb. UaJted tMata* of :\t JJixon's ICC Cream Garden, [ami UM proprietor. Mr. 1. r. Turner, bu CofaaUrfa, tfcfc rwl twiox UM Ant to ba rozeil I .emmiadc, VVater Ices, i baaa aptninbid poalm—Tar. boBtfai1 hat Ice Cream, Ice Cream and I -Mr. J. H. Tier Iw. *n ajrwtu>—m i,( g (.'«!«.• at 30 cents; and Strawbcn and Creatn at 3O' ceifttR. i For Church Festivals, Ice Cream Parties, { Sumlay School Festivals, Strawberry Festivals. and Society Gatherings. ton's Ice Cittm Garten, \T£Jvr, ifiXBO FEET, Accommodating 100 Perrons. ami O e baa been a popular n intbta of UM nmt c;«Miin % h < EDWARD RAMOHETTI, FREHCH COHFECTIOMEnr ICE CREAM SALOON. i rench zad Antericsa Cream and Water Jen. Ficoefa Stykafor htm 1 11 Glace., Tfaurii, tlMiibotucrspIn-, ot tbi* cily, ItM juat rBtui-nol from a abort soj-nifii >ll|ilM( tha l."*b*ills. Hrf rapdrta - (TM* 'l™l •>< ' ilmi'a (• dn«M by tb# late fraabt iu U10 tout- ILt tJto Warrao Uulwi 1 bltbi aud vailty*, irrfra lijj- \hw* TaJi^y of tht Nurtfc Plai»fl«W. to-i>urr'>w after- j KuurakUL lo. JonoMl * traartar uf an •nouit'iJUu'duck, wiU liiiuakt of tngiog | m k in tkirkuwa, rmlM of all kftris war* Itor. J. KmtMMr, paator of th- Coaarega- ; loa*^. A few wiattM an putUilK out Mr ttonalctrapch at Boa. xt Brook. 1 tulia.gr. Ttw tom-U took a. sr a fln bad —KriP. Jf-FrvwiBHaalfaOidanra Uuu>k< pa*a«t « * « « • * « * » , Mr. H u n , eiwuiue.1 f tha •nnJ.yue. ot tMi oM» £>r U» Hnr ]. wWProf. G1170C aMtaa Iu ba th« Aoaat •*!- Xr. Praoeli had me •«- (of tw* (tot*. Larfe plaMau. of atriatad f*«M ts be »Wf 10 r»we SBJ bwri« t hu roc*», graniw buulderm, and maCamorpbuaed ~a», and i* Bow KnkX aU d(«inotivo glacial fvavuirat. Tha rurts (wring vi-ry bard ten rMaiuvd their atriat, i»auj of ti.e iuarUng> baiiw «vrr baJfanU^L In d^tfc. ,1k Uwifht how. B W ^ H » . m-ured by »** aid of • aaM AtartvuW- ouarantiiaa ef Pw«rarauj_ I—%•, 31a. 74 K. of P., Friday. Ma MU»> ln« o«kan wtra riaote.1 for tbe anvlif Um a f # r waaalhi Ckancetlor Comnatkfer, X r. W M a M l j Vtet Cha,oc*II.>r, A. O^; Prelate, C. JOMM; M«t«-Hit- Arm*, N. o » w*r, Traatae, B. P. !£«*», Jaaitor, & Rat- InaoB. T - T - i l l r * - ! - T " -llw " iwamnrii, 1 F. Jaok««, -ill oeaqv th. ca«ir »< tha ianior Fan CaanoaBor. TWnwwly *tact*fl oflkwm win ba InatalM hy DMrM Depot; Xurrhfin July 1'., u, •, p. ,„. Stock and Material Livery Stable! FOOT WEAR SHERWIN'S Shoe Store, 23 West Front St wurial aitcntion is calks! to Our*T,adi«:s Common Sense Shoe at $2.50. E*erj* pfcir warranted. c «i UMNou-.h, Haiu(U.l, which k fa, cruab frou. -vmity- retopMbandr«dtoMof»tou*ptr4aty. Tfc* Kdly t. w o * . Tindicatktii from UM waaktj onjnu uf this city. He apaut jaaMntay buuiug Um wlitor ttaaraof t It «»y puUUi KHIy*» ilpafiiaHin ant weak, aflH-tkaMMMucoT. will i«k» piaca tida /ce Cream OuudMa, Kaln, Induced Pri«*. j 24 North [ in cMnltdfaai la>« evanlng. TU. k only intended to last dnrin< ibe > waatter. Ha will b. open mm 1 , «»«y otbw - TIM UotoaJ Thlegrsph Cgoftpuv ff Untoa Tb. LirrutMuU in tbe | y p 9 laws. Th« Boatd of Dbwton - a. follow.: Cborg* P. 1-bome. T. HJcfcoJl. L P. T..WH. J, MkupMti «tJ U«urf« F. Cartar. Tbe oAowi are: PraaMani,O«iMf* P. T TIIW, U*> P BupMtataudMit, B. I- Tbe Reform Club iMMlnf CO-IIKMTOW«m .- inj will he brtd [. ibe CkwKWMt Airaniw l Tha Bar. Dr. Brown, of Fannajrt- <*tha Coauaitta* <• TaMV At Laing's Hotel, Plaiafiikl, S.)..m 1 i). » . . o n Tuesday, July tat. PiifEiln Pin HtcM Hick |6 ys«n aU, perfectly ttf d HliH L M. pRENCH, Carriage Mannfactorer, No. 18 Somerset St. OIUrHMM. * r^rtOld. Roan Mare, Jennie, Sorrel Horse, Major; 6 JT» uld, >w RoUiin, Sbiuut luA Kind. Sorrel Mare. ToBsiey, * n* aM. SHeanid »••*•'«. Ki^ud Tr-c Gray Jlare, Mar, ' Crrr HonL-OM H. Onto. Uul« t B- Jt; JIM. BHUOMW* OaMiwrlila. W«. M. XMM «| . J.«. U^ihanlt, Aunawdak; Fnafc EdaMnd- *a, Oukntei., Vft; H«fc aad dart Fonlt, Hoiy.*s MM. s Alaundw 8a*i ba, Rnlata, Ala.; Hwtiiaii MattrauO, N.w York; H«rr>- wanL Saw V.wk; J,>|]« Siajw, Conn., K Aua;a—iar, a a Hahayj W. a Twatar, X. T.; G«. Cam, FlatiaMh, U L; SpMoar ftmbn, A.burj' P»rt, IT. J. LiAIxe'* HOWBL—Ihoa. H- Vi batk. If. J.; Vk«ar U Hmu, Ct;C.ff. Sailtk WalcrtowD, X. T.I O. K. Brant, Ma,li«n. W. / . ; Bdmvnal Hnmtod, Se«- York; Eotfl Hortoa u^ wire, O«mantown. Pa.: P. E. " KorriBV>wa,P».;M. C Kluyday. town, P*.; MJITOD v. aladXinUd, CWcac^ U.; F. M. Uenia n»i wKo, Pnterawi. X X ; MfaBLBlk* HWM aad maid, Pataraon, S. J.-.F. X. H*r.w, Jr.; Dr. awl Mrs. EC. VnOfoutoo, PWI. Fa.; L. J. HuOth, Tuokan, S. V.; T. a Ttafay, W a a h l ^ i -r- -- ' um.ac ; w. H.anowd,x Y. ; B. a Near Front, Plainfield, N.J. | WiDIuua, S^wark. ST. X: Xtoa Accia D.' W M r , Rruoklyn, H. Y. Fine Summer Carriages. Jasper G. Cadmus. CITY MILLS, Somerset Street, FOR PtfVT GASH. RIM;;1X ALL ITS BRANCHES AT HHbilT XOTICE. - - -m A. Qtftaiw, —ftoyad on tag Font-m farm *t U k W bU IroM* foa.1 <rf hay • Haw I Hou* kariaa: bMat ->«fwinALtk: M arawr -M a* FRENCH BROS. ^ Merchant Millers, j W'MiMle and RcUil Pcakn in WFCOUR! EVER-RKADV I'RKl'AkKl) Flour aad Indian Meal, Hominy, oat-meal. Wheat and Rye Bran. At) kinds uf Feed fur Horses, Cattle and Poultry. BALED HAY A>D STRAW. Lorn, Oats, \Vheal. Buckwheat, Bar- ley, Wheat and Rye Bran, Corn Meal, Screcumgs Cracked Corn, Bone Meal. Oil Cake Meal, Oround Oyster Shells, Cracked Bone, . G00D6, ETC., DEUTEREa VOEHL'S BREAD, Smt aU Varieties -of >'iret-C!«. i, Pies, httrj, Bmi, «(t 15 West Front Street, "JACO. nino. COMPTON'S Jobbers' Prii Ice Cream Garden, *6 West Front Strrei. BUY COMPTON’S St* JERSEY is WE (imtR AUK*, Corkscrew Sui hod-made bread, 11. ELECTUC NtCLU 1UIIS, klkctric BKi.t.s, ELECTRIC LIGHTS, Etc., Etc K E. KINSMAN. (X)MPTOXS CANDY K. klXSHAX.aCO.. BUY COMPTOJTS j, Fine Chocolates. L L COMPTON. f 84 Park Avenue^ Ice Cream Garden, CORRECT STYLES MON’S ICE CREAM. " PblaSeM Caidea and Da*at. 35 Fmt Street. Manufacturer. Wholesale and Retail Dealer m FOOT WEAR ICE CREAM 289 Binder SL, 140 6ft Aw., AJ2CTION! RCN fraTn'AtA RWTIIHANW *vp FA ViLirm nwir.D. Stock and Material Shoe at $2.50. warranted. Livery Stable! ! M Dixon* lee Cream (ianden, I ruicn lemonade. Water lee*. Banana Ice Cream. Ice Cream and (ake at 20 cents, and Strawberries and Cream at 20 cents. . For Church Festivals, Ice Cream I’arties. i Sunday School Festivals, Strawberry Festivals, and Society Gatherings. Dim s ice Cnu Guta, j TEXT, JfiXGO FEET, Accommodating too Persons. L. M. FRENCH, Carriage Manufacturer, No. 18 Somerset St. At Icings Hotel, itaia*ta.Nt7..«. *.»-« Tuesday, July let. f LAIDFIELD, W: X Roan Mare, Jennie. Sorrel Horse. Major. JT+ uU, IV lUAtrr, M Mti kirn Sorrel Mare. Topsev, i~aaaaaa.aaa_.kal_.tr Gray Mare, May. Summer Carriages. FRENCH COHFEC TlOHfRt CITY MILLS, MEFAIltIKr. IV ALL ITS MAX' AT XHOitT -NOTICE. Somerset Street, Xear Front. Plainfield. N.J. frrnoTbros. - Merchant Millers, - FLOUR Flinch Glace. BREAD, EVER-RRADV PREPARED Flour and Indian Meal, Hominy, Oatmeal, Wheat and Rye Bran. All kinds U Trad lot Horae*. Cattle and Poultry. BALED H.AY .AND STRAW. Coen, Data. Wheat, Buckwheat, Bar- ley. Wheat and Rye Bran. Corn ! Mert toeniors Cracked Cora, Bom Meal. OH Ice Cream *4 North Aye.,

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Page 1: 676BmdSt SHERWIN'S Shoe Store, · Prelate , C . JOMM; M«t«-Hit- Arm* N o» w*r, Traatae, B. P. !£«*», Jaaitor, & Rat-InaoB. T-T-illr*-!-T" -llw " iwamnrii, 1 F . Jaok««, -ill


V . W i b . « ataal. Nafanwd.CGMPTONS : |he Cream

26 West Front Street. -



v T S g ^ S - ^ f t r j«Ditt) DYE BLUE FLAMffiL,

ASTfcl*— \ *jtiml'wm u nvcLiof biMweLec rr




• KvUMrwood am ntwmA iallj.I —71M FluinIWJ V«*d SoeMy h out «fth

—Mr. P. SI- ruiwai af hu neuttrU (nnuUM k]niu rvwlrrd by him a abort time ng-ti


It Noted for Being Fresh, and I * * , ,

the largest Variety in | —Tit. ROT. Dr. Br*wn will occupy i w


Tb. above cut A tt»

oppntte UM City Park.wUI ba ft.iDwdi.talr nrcnfnia*! >. > faitUal

of « * o( Uw

•El'S till MIS' PUTS.


ineL. L. ms\\v;rw.

ad grmtijr to tha goat reputation It atTbe bop. ban nm-Je It a favor-

forth, j o u f


—PrarkamranJog«4x«i UM Phtlufiatf o i i

ICE CREAM.Gw*tu m l Depot,

Manufacturer, Wholesale andRetail Deakr in

-Tba Pfcintafcl Biovd* Clob wiU partkn-l*iat*.aHamat«aw* «"» imr*l» <* UM

676BmdStin mn in.

289 Bleeder St, 1406thAte.,

a piatfgna, m v t M • « « plMwllatMr uf t lw> alpbaliet j>rii.t*l

upot. aaob. Otfrtr «m(i.i bludubadT • wunl lor tb.

dU, bj taktkc

lh« bloc* atTni» n i rcfwatMl with umanruM i

by I be audienc*. IhaHarle" Depot it* Rdtuiul,

<H l o t isfttii st, |«=


CHtRCH *RSTIVA£* RESTAUKAVTS - *•*••» •»» tamWmi«MI from theVarnur1.] •fc*pln« at M» Ofuiawflj, Aafaoiy Paa**vn KAMiLirs sum.ir.o.

The tan will 1>< any OBUU. ,>f Mr. T. W. Swear, of FranVfct; —A H I - patf .iffloe baa bewi « n t M in j HMMT Brown Cir tit. part Mu yMM !«• b»ni MMiHaawi Omatfy by dm man* at "ttoww." j mmwrtwlim the ooutractiaw at UMj Tha >•<&» ta kasaUkl In tha Sowarvn H.MHP, I Waatam IUMma4 uf tb. UaJted tMata* of

:\t JJixon's ICC Cream Garden, [ami UM proprietor. Mr. 1. r. Turner, bu CofaaUrfa, tfcfc rwl twiox UM Ant to barozeil I .emmiadc, VVater Ices, i baaa aptninbid poalm—Tar. boBt fai 1 hat

Ice Cream, Ice Cream and I -Mr. J. H. Tier Iw. *n ajrwtu>—m i,(g (.'«!«.• at 30 cents; and Strawbcn

and Creatn at 3O' ceifttR.

i For Church Festivals,

Ice Cream Parties,

{ Sumlay School Festivals,Strawberry Festivals.


Society Gatherings.

ton's Ice Cittm Garten,\T£Jvr, ifiXBO FEET,

Accommodating 100 Perrons.

ami Oe baa been a popular

n in tbta

of UM n m t c;«Miin % h • <


ICE CREAM SALOON.i rench zad Antericsa

• Cream and Water Jen.

Ficoefa Stykafor

htm111 Glace.,

Tfaurii, tlMiibotucrspIn-, ot tbi* cily, ItMjuat rBtui-nol from a abort soj-nifii >ll|ilM(tha l."*b*ills. Hrf rapdrta - (TM* 'l™l •><

' ilmi'a (• dn«M by tb# late fraabt iu U10 tout-ILt tJto Warrao Uulwi 1 bltbi aud vailty*, irrfra lijj- \hw* TaJi y of tht

Nurtfc Plai»fl«W. to-i>urr'>w after- j KuurakUL lo . JonoMl * traartar uf an•nouit'iJUu'duck, wiU liiiuakt of tngiog | m k in tkirkuwa, rmlM of all kftris war*

Itor. J. KmtMMr, paator of th- Coaarega- ; loa*^. A few wiattM a n putUilK out M rttonalctrapch at Boa. xt Brook. 1 tulia.gr. Ttw tom-U took a. sr a fln bad

—KriP. Jf-FrvwiBHaalfaOidanra Uuu>k< pa*a«t « * « « • * « * » , Mr. Hun, eiwuiue.1f tha •nnJ.yue. ot tMi oM» £>r U» Hnr ]. w W Prof. G1170C aMtaa Iu ba th« Aoaat • * ! -

Xr. Praoeli had me •«- (o f tw* (tot*. Larfe plaMau. of atriatadf*«M ts be »Wf 10 r»we SBJ bwri« t hu roc*», graniw buulderm, and maCamorpbuaed

~a», and i* Bow KnkX aU d(«inotivo glacial fvavuirat. Tharurts (wring vi-ry bard ten rMaiuvd theiratriat, i»auj of ti.e iuarUng> baiiw «vrrbaJfanU^L In d^tfc. ,1k Uwifht how.B W ^ H » . m-ured by »** aid of • aaM

AtartvuW- ouarantiiaa ef Pw«rarauj_I—%•, 31a. 74 K. of P., Friday. Ma MU»>ln« o«kan wtra riaote.1 for tbe anv l i f U ma f # r waaalhi Ckancetlor Comnatkfer, Xr. WMaMlj Vtet Cha,oc*II.>r, A. O^;Prelate, C. JOMM; M«t«-Hit- Arm*, N. o »w*r, Traatae, B. P. !£«*», Jaaitor, & Rat-InaoB. T-T- i l lr*- ! -T" - l lw " iwamnrii,

1 F. Jaok««, -ill oeaqv th. ca«ir »< thaianior Fan CaanoaBor. TW nwwly *tact*floflkwm win ba InatalM hy DMrMDepot; Xurrhfin July 1'., u, •, p. ,„.

Stock and MaterialLivery Stable!


SHERWIN'SShoe Store,

23 West Front Stwurial aitcntion is calks! to

Our*T,adi«:s Common SenseShoe at $2.50. E*erj* pfcirwarranted.

c «i UM Nou-.h,Haiu(U.l, which k fa, cruab frou. -vmity-

retopMbandr«dtoMof»tou*ptr4aty. Tfc*

Kdly t. w o * .Tindicatktii from UM waaktjonjnu uf this city. He apaut

jaaMntay buuiug Um wlitor ttaaraof t

It «»y puUUi KHIy*» ilpafiiaHin a n t weak,aflH-tkaMMMucoT.w ill i«k» piaca tida

/ce CreamOuudMa, Kaln,

Induced Pri«*.

j 24 North[

• in cMnltdfaai la>« evanlng.TU. k only intended to last dnrin< ibe

> waatter. Ha will b . open mm 1

, «»«y otbw -

TIM UotoaJ Thlegrsph Cgoftpuv ff Untoa

Tb. LirrutMuU in tbe

| y p9 laws. Th« Boatd of Dbwton - a.follow.: Cborg* P. 1-bome. T. HJcfcoJl. LP. T..WH. J, MkupMti «tJ U«urf« F. Cartar.Tbe oAowi are: PraaMani,O«iMf* P.

T T I I W , U*> PBupMtataudMit, B. I-

Tbe Reform Club iMMlnf CO-IIKMTOW «m .-inj will he brtd [. ibe CkwKWMt Airaniw

l Tha Bar. Dr. Brown, of Fannajrt-<* tha Coauaitta* <• TaMV

At Laing's Hotel,P l a i a f i i k l , S.)..m 1 i). » . . o n

Tuesday, July tat.

PiifEiln Pin HtcM Hick|6 ys«n aU, perfectlyt t f d HliH

L M. pRENCH,Carriage Mannfactorer,

No. 18 Somerset St.

OIUrHMM. * r^rtOld.

Roan Mare, Jennie,

Sorrel Horse, Major;6 JT» uld, > w RoUiin, Sbiuut luA Kind.

Sorrel Mare. ToBsiey,* n * aM. SHeanid »••*•'«. Ki^ud Tr-c

Gray Jlare, Mar, '

Crrr H o n L - O M H. Onto. Uul« tB- Jt; JIM. BHUOMW* OaMiwrlila.W«. M. X M M « | .J.«. U^ihanlt, Aunawdak; Fnafc EdaMnd-*a, Oukntei., Vft; H«fc aad dartFonlt, Hoiy.*s M M . s Alaundw 8a*i ba,Rnlata, Ala.; Hwtiiaii MattrauO, N.wYork; H«rr>- wanL Saw V.wk; J,>|]«Siajw, Conn., K Aua;a—iar, a a HahayjW. a Twatar, X. T.; G«. Cam, FlatiaMh,U L; SpMoar ftmbn, A.burj' P»rt, IT. J.

LiAIxe'* HOWBL—Ihoa. H- Vibatk. If. J.; Vk«ar UH m u , C t ; C . f f . Sailtk WalcrtowD, X.T.I O. K. Brant, Ma,li«n. W. / . ; BdmvnalHnmtod, Se«- York; Eotfl Hortoa u ^wire, O«mantown. Pa.: P. E. "KorriBV>wa,P».;M. C Kluyday.town, P*.; MJITOD v. aladXinUd, CWcac^U . ; F. M. Uenia n»i wKo, Pnterawi. XX; MfaBLBlk* H W M aad maid, Pataraon,S. J.-.F. X. H*r.w, Jr.; Dr. awl Mrs. E C .VnOfoutoo, PWI. Fa.; L. J. HuOth,Tuokan, S. V.; T. a Ttafay, W a a h l ^ i -r- - - '

um.ac ; w. H.anowd,x Y.; B. a Near Front, Plainfield, N.J. |WiDIuua, S^wark. ST. X: Xtoa Accia D . 'W M r , Rruoklyn, H. Y.



Jasper G. Cadmus.

CITY MILLS,Somerset Street,



- - -m A. Qtftaiw, —ftoyad on tag Font-mfarm *t U k W bU IroM * foa.1 <rf hay •

H a w IHou* kariaa: bMat->«fwinALtk:M arawr -M a*

FRENCH BROS. ^Merchant Millers, j

W'MiMle and RcUil Pcakn in


Flour aad Indian Meal,Hominy, oat-meal.

Wheat and Rye Bran.At) kinds uf Feed fur Horses,

Cattle and Poultry.

BALED HAY A>D STRAW.Lorn, Oats, \Vheal. Buckwheat, Bar-

ley, Wheat and Rye Bran, CornMeal, Screcumgs Cracked

Corn, Bone Meal. OilCake Meal, Oround

Oyster Shells,Cracked

Bone, .G00D6, ETC., DEUTEREa


BREAD,Smt aU Varieties -of >'iret-C!«.

i, Pies, httrj, Bmi, «(t

15 West Front Street,

"JACO. nino.

COMPTON'S Jobbers' Prii Ice Cream Garden,

*6 West Front Strrei.


WE (imtR AUK*, Corkscrew Sui hod-made bread, 11. ELECTUC NtCLU 1UIIS,

klkctric BKi.t.s, ELECTRIC LIGHTS, Etc., Etc



Fine Chocolates. L L COMPTON. f

84 Park Avenue^ Ice Cream Garden,


35 Fmt Street.

Manufacturer. Wholesale and Retail Dealer m


289 Binder SL, 140 6ft Aw.,

AJ2CTION! RCN fraTn'AtA RWTIIHANW *vp FA ViLirm nwir.D. Stock and Material

Shoe at $2.50. warranted. Livery Stable! ! M Dixon* lee Cream (ianden, I ruicn lemonade. Water lee*. Banana Ice Cream. Ice Cream and (ake at 20 cents, and Strawberries and Cream at 20 cents. .

For Church Festivals, Ice Cream I’arties.

i Sunday School Festivals, Strawberry Festivals,

and Society Gatherings.

Dim s ice Cnu Guta, j TEXT, JfiXGO FEET,

Accommodating too Persons.


Carriage Manufacturer, No. 18 Somerset St.

At Icings Hotel, itaia*ta.Nt7..«. *.»-«■ Tuesday, July let.


Roan Mare, Jennie. Sorrel Horse. Major. ■ JT+ uU, IV lUAtrr, M Mti kirn Sorrel Mare. Topsev, i~aaaaaa.aaa_.kal_.tr

Gray Mare, May.




AT XHOitT -NOTICE. Somerset Street, Xear Front. Plainfield. N.J.

frrnoTbros. - Merchant Millers,

— — -


Flour and Indian Meal, Hominy, Oatmeal,

Wheat and Rye Bran. All kinds U Trad lot Horae*. Cattle and Poultry.

BALED H.AY .AND STRAW. Coen, Data. Wheat, Buckwheat, Bar- ley. Wheat and Rye Bran. Corn ! Mert toeniors Cracked Cora, Bom Meal. OH

Ice Cream

*4 North Aye.,

Page 2: 676BmdSt SHERWIN'S Shoe Store, · Prelate , C . JOMM; M«t«-Hit- Arm* N o» w*r, Traatae, B. P. !£«*», Jaaitor, & Rat-InaoB. T-T-illr*-!-T" -llw " iwamnrii, 1 F . Jaok««, -ill

' Tklrteaa Vletlw

(MT Daily f i f « tn FladnAeW,

«a»in •/tint '•

i St., Plk>nn*id.


I BAMCUH. It. J+ Jtnv. Wl-Th* HTert el; ThunaUy •« I U « M which wa* a nrrth— gaa,

[ . ' fer'mHM with .hift aat Virginia pia> wood.' At * "Yh*-k, walk the wtort • « Iduwaar •

1 Mnilh jtm Ir, th* I » T I- m l A. B.brndfc

im-k h w r f ttv mo* tarilUag that IM-beea wHuf«MI > • tt>M «•«•* ftir H I T TWt,WhMt uff B»> H w l th* wheoe.er la-uuy aIrak. Tar r«|ita*ii w u i-oiuiwiini to ran hit*™H ah»ed M tbe wind *U day while 0*

kj l

. g hMtrfandtta«r»ta»ttc*)<N«er, debM.-a hrr b. thr ko|H of Wtag rrHtth* I«»«W« Wrw! Tb. «i*aiu 3- ' MtttU.FM. and a* the

top*™ Cape J « I M .-arfejedMrmW v«

h. tfaae to *.** a linek

Jthr ftntt tniMTr

s -inn-It by • fallinc i f t f«UI« bting heldhrr hnHlvmd, ami »a* knocked fnim hi*.i* iut,. tlw »-«. HarhunbntHl Inuiiedlete-

. ly ~trenK after her, but wax ona' '- t.i n a ian-. Ha wa* afterward ui<-fcf 1 up oo Uc

j t * * j i - a f c * & * ! : ^

• niat^ * wife eail thive Manea *JMV dfoenel

the signature Jof Judge Xoah Davis.l V . r a k e s (he «*nti-

of'the aKmtrj, and shorn Ibe eminent ability ! bravHy rnOf the gnat jvrist to dUcmw a <|wstfefi of the '™k UnUl UM> s

• • • ' «w«»ww u, tin IW.HW B* jffT iwv ancaefftnoi ofnktren. I^P •lolt mankind n an aphorism .-wbtii aial artMtm of (nrajtnre ware i

he normal [ ^i aphorism

the .abject of mar- .t interwoven with the public

interest. Uut tbe State, whatever be its formof government, must, a a nutter of selfpresdrvntkjn, take tbe institutionCharge fry provision of law» enacted forOODtrai and protection,that aodetv b the n

rioo; M> it • that society .1r divorce (

« of:; f..-. 1

atotfcerimai cMldmL , 1 k rwerewl a v <wreck.

of sin, aa RufTM * pot tboaa>t to amount to mn.-h. Loek-

taw, however. Met in. awl he died. VMK.daj- Detactlire Clark h-anwd that Lenny.

thai Bayanl '-.raid of otherwi- hope for Jj£ ^ ^ ^ " j ^ j j " ^ ^ ' ^ " ^ £ i. . iSn^n-trsW aS ! *** "fefc V lend, for xL b ^ 7 J i

delegate. A»Hhrr print: b U y * | - - * * " 1 " " * * **••*••* on -

i|in hi to ihp Evi-mmg Bulletin"The ilfaitlr-Hr betweea the two


York -i«t, of fact, h> nuwn muster More thanhair of the delegation. *a> forty at tbe out.ulx. where as H«JKU11 e m )-[. w* tbe M

by Jtiity «lld vutni. I 1

MrnouaattbaialMaltfliiir* kl-Kinnawal*in«ilTiv«i n t t o w , fr«M wok* a nan

«nii a

Ml rtrnminiajthat they bad • i , , , ^ i y w h m l j . to

whkb they have labnredw luua> Th* UiJ>have beaa acted npoa in committee *( ta.whole and BOW await the ratisVatlea ef thehone, a mere foil—I IBIII ewllai. bat On

gratlon: rnauasnds IU*rel iegWatl<«: « » . , * • taa»ad

ests Of fociety are tint and paranioum. tbtMof indlvldiuls are iuixmiinate and second«y.-

aa.y feaUoK hi [WWIlartk- cirt-ln owltut to tb*rwuor that JllvhHL tbe pneflbt, had bt , ,

Wat the preaeat time. Tbe adrocates of frte-utd-eaK>- divorce .ignore the family data*. |eiaggerslc the individual, and whollycoed iht claims of the State- judge Davfelake* the groond that divorce should begranted ooly for one « „ « ; nsattl*. infidelity.Be deprecates tbe prevailing feeling thatlooks upon divorce without a *nock and with-out a iheight of the injnry dour, to publicatorals. aftd be shows the manifold evil* thatwill unfailingly proceed from tbe slight regardhi which tbe nwritUl obligation is hdd-de-crease in the growth of families, uuritv of

, . ilk-gitimacy andJudge ltav

-Congress shall have power to establish arule to MMMtadon. aad uniform law* onthe subject of bankrupty »nd divorce through-out the t'nfteJ States." l ie abo toys downcertain rules that should be observed, such as

aad the manner and

Then is not the least doubt that a uniformdivorce law. made by Congress and applica-ble to all Stales alike, woifel do away eotirelywfth the prew>t shameful ty3,cm. ar-ar*a ih* WrmM, •

The Congreauwn who wilt »occewfully j s " " - j Wrm*mm 'carrj *Uch * bill through the American ce**- ft,",^ ftJip, y.pool of corruption. Ceagre&s, w ill deserve and

•-ibebadvlnggatitiHle of ~

--aHBUl W J;«ri'is, a chance for «ome of c

tbeirtlicialganixc nociety.

Such b theelect to. represent

that wm I* •irJMUKtng.ttiaa (he reputation! ^T.?,trVl*\«^**ii*^Brtl£*^iiswtli»*

trout jJrcom or atudhoJe. Will they embrace.[the opportumlv 1 Oh ; no, certainly not: j • * • tteffcHtlaa: Nsllt h n i r f T i n .better ten thousand gfcuucfu) job* engineered ,= " " S - w " J1'" t t ^ ^ ^ . - l ' ^ l Sthr««. .be kgi^liv. bib, »>r priv«te bene- ] '^TZlZt '*££, ^ ^ t h ^ r Sfit. than out beirtlicial iav.-. that u-ooki reor.; !•*• t«nitT-tfv# yards * tar r*mr of the V.

! , d ^ r , - * » it •».« IdUtag the hjre*. b«t a £Ihnrtkrnxn nor OIF WEMWII wiu hurt. !

Pan.A 1. Tb. Kvaiunf Tffe-gTaph frwu .Jiingt.miy»: "C-knalaadV frieadala the kixu* wiU

aot -down." To-day they make tkt

m m aurt <gives • * . -

PBM k* eajt haiw the aaeood,•1 ta. haad, ir b- will a««pt

aot a .-andMaU for vi™

nm tfa- Jotlar. ir»,taM **Sffc^gl fsMdi ; in lite poorainou- i.w'^IMilorj. who wljt iamk* that ,b-. biat< .rf-ikvnlndiraM- hj' what ntoati> lirv ™ w *; ihAtae*.; • ' ' l

to Al Mttiitk, nhi n u u p r , to get antman ror kin tu tbamu, • • that tbe pi>nould nut ha dlaaapoioted. and J v k . Bwas ejed with favor b_v the mauuettkoogh Harry Hill put forward the daisBUI l-aglaa.il iihn mpiia—l hlaiwlf aajto h a . , a (O with IT '

nch that dl^vltoa tb. d m k MltcfcaM.KraplMiil Ikat b. had nwrrmd and woatdttlvaly appear and fac* tmUiraa, aosurd-

I'IJMINXATI, Jane i t—Wat Makloua, ofHew York, aad D a m n K M , of Cfcrretand;met at the U read Oasra hoaae so n m t b ,

thelhMl bout

a fail. Roe. n . w inaer ow Uriv^>-k.»a«'aTin aitrnna and oaa catos-a. IMI 'i« i >n« buat in hera— by a foul.


.—HadWit«ta»_,__. p g , rasvd vith r*

Hgiou* asciWnviit. ran amuck here to-da?He arrived ,m tb* train from Koanotfl. ael

S i ' i s x z9s:arxr&:... tht atatina botaw h. undtwaet

J. wmNfbcd uC a heavj timber, efc-plfcv I tb. i ra iban and emped by mnatog

heavy bludgeon in a threatentogi - -•— "-f | — ' - 'i the asarkel tea

atorw which he eatrred on kls unimpwkd" • followed bin a)

V»I.I.-, N- H - Ja Hill, about« year- uf age, wa* foealdead la her bones, lying again* the fns*|

M«TTOO>, 111.; June Jl.-Mu.-h exeiMrnvaihrHere on ii-winl of Surfing UM IoT a Hn. Cook in 11* bottom uf a wall, 1which e«;kty-(lve feetof water were pumftiHeavy iron 'lirfat. w«re liml to tbs Tirtualfswt. aa.1 her taroa^ was .irt fro

». Aboot{3,M»p»U|)iear.lio«Eathmabout tbe Hty hall balMlng, whore aa aq.krsi i, tmng bold. In the - a . bk»*litltUaWl the rfty mUhoow. in wbii-h l ' « l »

KiHned. Tb* |ieopl* a n an)citrl. hut quirt, and th* Htythink they will be aUe ta m

• rt.K-k of •Invn>iiSai|.>ii ^wel

__* aakaowa parties kad4nv<-.i (IM ff'«*tu Ihe rivrr. shlppnl tbnu lo 1M -I, ir . saa

"d hesa to an Illegamij bulvUrr. • ii > •**tax whole lot f<a- *1<L The i.ut.'orf *»-

paid tks Ranaarys • * apUa far tho !<•<-Ittw to th» thfar.-*. has brwn f.mnH Thi. ah d drove that he> Lecn tteti-u T

Towc, JoC the baaebaU eaniaa phtyHl i

At Detrott—ttaMeM. 13: Uernxt, 4.Al Buffalo-PhiladHphla. *: Buffalo. 1-&t (Tevelawl-fteVftia.i n; Sew York,*At Cblcaco—Oiivacv, 8; Provident*, AAt Baltimore iBeJruaura Ualoas, t; Cai- _

• Ctty. B


Page 3: 676BmdSt SHERWIN'S Shoe Store, · Prelate , C . JOMM; M«t«-Hit- Arm* N o» w*r, Traatae, B. P. !£«*», Jaaitor, & Rat-InaoB. T-T-illr*-!-T" -llw " iwamnrii, 1 F . Jaok««, -ill

asai«a. CMHM Paltaacr far 1 " > T / T ^ T \ A I

i S 3 bXTRA!We take pleas

announcement *Plainficld and vicibity, thathave just received ;t full lineone of the BEST aju! MOST re-Habje brands of

ML , Imjutrted. It is of the well-known•frtciiire that Wfs formerly ina-

I ported by A. T. Stewart &, Co.,irtmerttood the

j p y T jand sol<J in their retail departfor many years, and has stoomost

hr r p.T Uwjw *T. W, Kufc-h-r.


! * * • * CITY. Jan.. Jo«-3«. -A n*nlar•v,r*ni (* r»ttl><TV ami «t«rtlnn bariin f.«•onif time U*n inK-tk-nl by tbe Kiowa andOnianriw Indian. In the lmlttn Mrrftncy oa>bent* at T r i e .-*rtW- whdla

trying test and provedits tin-qucst ion able ejocelt^nce tn thotn-sandw who have \\ i>rn it andtestify of it-i real worth and beauty.

I It is still retailed b>- the succes-; sors of the old Stewart house, and| by a special arrangement with tbe[ Importing Dtjiartincni

•,lil,',l I., nffi-r 'it at 11bled- t<v offer it at j jirL-ciscly theLine figures as their retail depart-

ment, vifti .• i

Blacfc Silk2006 at St.502007 at2008 at

No. 2609 at 2.25


u M T S , Pm..

kill VatW Kailr.*.] «__' milM wmt of KnrTMDwa,

B Al i b^i nminuw but tte w^

bo l«nlM • m h r u4

""sin. E^MtiKbM«tt*fc

P.m.. Jiuw •-•«.- A r-ni.- prtvalkmtjpiiw* m w n a w o( rh- <nn—r—m at•rm then. Twu draitta* hava oonund. Tli.eomnm-e of the .-ity U' alBKWt totally v »p » M . all traflh- with l u l j wail K | U».«« bains "h"1 "*- Tlwre to • p » «odm of tho Italian reaManta.! The peuplB wku have bfwt oWic*d t

i i|nart«im of Tcwkiu >rate * ( H f t i O

|omni|Hl "ii tte> K*avo>nt n l n Omtb- iW-nrrad i



wlmit th4tj. The aa,va| aa«bcrHt» IH> B.1I

: ' T<W.|>IIIL Ta» pubUc • » - T IIIMH-C. and Inanlt u r d oflk«n>

A L U M . June •.•*.-<«.v.•naibd lanlon- a- Mh.HhMi, ii>nTk-tert in 5ew York of gnui

l i

i-muiij. Ocbilwr U. !««» to


that «caaugn 111 ton liar *n>l rlty ami anrlnirkri.moTi-.Hilbi.BtiMlxlitriiqt'tiw I'i'mli uf

•*«-aJi i-ool a*. P-i-I HH-hoKrtuI «ri- H.2•ar lump. ^MUnlKiat. l>t»k"u au 1 -Kx: ***-•a r * w ; IM.M (ur , h^tmil aD.1 «*"."• forraL Tha line ajHl rity

r .-bntnul, wi Ti for nJl .t..ir. Hint *l.."i"i fnr JBTI.

LlTCVIEUi pi Juiw « i -• try promianit wt«k)iy it•*1 •'nirutiloiM «L-«,« «nj

Edsall's.They Arc by., far the handsomestgoods we have fever handled, anc


FRONT St., OffQth, Part An..

will give for UK n*xt 3 O dars

Pnsenta with Goods.

118ebli<(Tifli(SNf ittllkhicttsi. i

I F O R 3 O D A Y S O N L Y . '

•raflr. umr—T. w ntamtc'

H.S. BARNES,17 u d 19 Front Street Eut,

nainficld, R. J.



pounded with the utmostcare. Itusinese conduct-

ed under tbe imme-diate sii|H-r\i-

si..m>fthe- Propri-

BUTLERIs selling "Bolles Bros.1" Extracts

the Handkerchief, equal to ;of American M ami fact in

U as cts per ouAM* OIH>RS.

BUTLER'SAromatic Toutb tVash for clean.and preserving the teeth. Impartsa fragrance to the breath that is

rare and delightful. It preventsall tartar and Oiscokirations ,and completely arrests the '•progress of decay, at thesame time whiteningsuch parts as mayhave already be-come affected.

tintSpecific for

Costiveness. ji9CIint»nSt.,.\ewark

SULLIVAN. Proprietor

the on))- jirepar.itii imarket which will take tbe


T many unpleasant purgatives,and yet for its regulating effectsupon the too often dreaded plague.Constipation, it ha* no equal. Wewill subject this-Wine to theAnalysis of any Physician or Cliem-Nt for its purity and harmlessquaHti&s.



And; in shtirt, eventhiny in his; ' Ihte, 'at New York prices

iand also gives a reliate .ofs pa tat UK



HDS ALL'Sbesides the above mentioned silkse have toner prices as follows:

Bit Silk at $1.00.Blk. Silk at $1.25.

BIk. Silk at $1.40.A JOB LOT

j- atnnn, wlrfu MgktnlnK 'rlwt, fi4h<*nd a watch ,•mirk I w i n i l

'*«in fruoi hrr n«-k•iin>irt Hi vidert. tol\nwiuK—HH 0m* • >b*H fnau In- faat. Th* wf>mia wen IHJIHI in pta.-w. ami ib

N«W k.l-k'a flNW*.row. JUIM at^Twrt S«

d i j for tta.

ber*ti-arinS-h and

* n-h.«Uy bm* 1. la.opw.w-Utt rim ha. W m « t i I

y nv«»ityof M. A, oa R«

r«l: «« , «, Row. IMMch, of Saw

EDSALLS.invite a careful inspection

of these

BLACK SIIIS.The price is guaranteed tiLOW as any |Ncv Yorkand the texture and'finish of tbegoods cannot be excelled. , All ofour departments are full of sea-sonable goods and the prices werenever LOWER.

HQTJQE.Remember t<-> the extent of thegoods we keep, you can do just aswell jn price and quality to pur-chase here and thereby encourage

HOME TRADE.Seel/ Edsall.

CEO. 1.. VANE-MHUKGH,; " Manager.

Works!Fire Works'

Fine Goods at low Prices.JOMph A, Patteno


Pipe Hi lailn' utietoFire Crackers of all

(raw jukenbp,



50 Cts. » Bottle,And is sold by all 1

Tta Twit Sipplud at tlK Lowest Rite.HtKI'AKKH m


* II:

FLAGS! j* Badges.

Plum and West India Segars.


7 0 Cf». Double Roll.


. Double Roll,

andFire Insurance.

0ffioe35and37, Opp.fi. E. Station,

Butler's Drug Store

Alburtns Sfaim's,

Varnish. 6lass, Brushes, etc.

HOUSEKEEPERS, ATTENTIONVon a n pul up all kindsoTfroit, wMiont

bat, retaining tbe natural fre.b »p-peanace and vote with little

trouble and expense with the

a«raitii.K t*tmr* * « « , «r -ainbr cDouBvad it to toe (araralile ooinM-

entfaHi «rtd iui*ort u/ cv^ry Irwud of hn-

ButlersCOLOGNE at *i .15 per pjm,

Kit be excel W for the monmy.



GOODS,C. & BUTiEg.oRroprielor.

IKUnfirld. X. J.

■d in making the the citirens bf i«ity, that We WINDOW SHADES,

Vegetable Wine Fomerlj Yoorhces’,

21 W Front St,


Wt^&BLACK SILKS Rouceae Aiygdaleae. WINDOW GLASS.



TU. tV me rill be toend A MOST HKL IIS'S PKAK.U r, ami almotf a l Imported. It is ot tfve well-known I manufacture that no formerly im- I ported by A. T. Stjcuart & Co.. and sold in their retail department foe many years, and has stood the Specific for Costivenest. questionable excellence to thou- sands who have, worn it and can testify of its real worth and beauty. It is still retailed by the succes- sors of the old Stewart house, and by a special arrmigcincnt with the Importing Department wo are en- abled to olfer 'it at precisely the same figures as their retail dc|»art-

And, in short, everything in hi line, at Ne« York price* and also )(ivei a relaif of 3 per cent fc*r •. cash. CALL AND SEE HIM.

market which will take the j>lacr of mahy unpleasant purgatives, and yet foe its regulating effects upon the too often dreaded plaguF Constipation, it has no equal. \Vc will subject this - Wine to the ‘ • ’ * - - • i or Che*.

PHYSICIANS' PR INSCRIPTIONS and FAMILY RECIPES com- pounded with the utmost care, If uainao conduct - ed under the imme- diate supervi- Analysis of any Physician ist for its purity and harmless qualities. Fire Works!

Fire Works!

Fine Goods at low Prices.

No. 2006 at $1.50 No. 2007 at 1.75 No. 2008 at 2.00

DoUlts, >1.1. OIMIKS Fire Crackers of all Sizes)

CAP PISTOLS hcF.PAKKI> BY Sole Age* fort he Celelmucd


Campaign 'Badges. ' J. If. IL4.VD,

E.€. MULFORD* Real Estate Broker

and , i Fire Insurance. :|

OOm 36 ud 37, Opp. B. B. Staboo, Plainfield, N. J. '<5

GOLD PAPER. - 70 Cts. Double Roll.

FLAT PAPER. 40 Cts. Double Roll,

Price 25 els. per BoUler GROS GRAIN

Butler's Drug Store.

LDSALL’S Albortns Stall’s, Besides the above mentioned silks we have loner prices as follows:

Bik. Silk at $1.00. ' Bik. Silk it $1.26.

BL SUk at $1.40. A JOB I.OT


r nrjs irnttr, to6:jop.a. ' rpTfr 7 rr O^Houa.yk

No. 8 North Avenue, ri*A IX FIELD, jt 4.

SIMPSON & CO. IMtuk Tn<t Mi i S*eMj.

EDSALL’S. We invitc

The price is guaranteed to be as LOW as any New York House, and the texture and fiahli of the goods cannot be excelled. All of our departments are full of sea. sonablc goods and the prices were never LOWER.

iradingl and Contracting nr all mi ntAicma

I0B SALE IT A lUUil jl rondos to die FaU. Jo »to dm. j (A LAKGf^TWD STORY IS " ‘ AND Y • .1 FRENCH R(K)F HOUSE;


Page 4: 676BmdSt SHERWIN'S Shoe Store, · Prelate , C . JOMM; M«t«-Hit- Arm* N o» w*r, Traatae, B. P. !£«*», Jaaitor, & Rat-InaoB. T-T-illr*-!-T" -llw " iwamnrii, 1 F . Jaok««, -ill


""3K '» ggjFinfe ClothingFOX

Tremendous Slaughter I



IUj|.l« — M.MJ » P » » *"•IhlVhTli Tfce m M «I*K»' IV

sssantt-asr•rill tori M M l

Fancy Cashmeres, „Cheviots,

Corkscrews,Whip Cords,



Soda l a t e r.» u,Ml




ItARNEY BROS.,Ho. 11 B w M Street. 1



UQe; (if iht n»wtrrfalthTul. Comfortableanjil Accessible InlandSlimmer Resorts in theC0uotry.

Sanitary I'lnmbjK»KM*TX c n u

'lnmbjmrLui m i H n .rk l Fta

$8 to $30imita4ut€>~


and Dusters.



UlgHC 114 M l ASSOMMIt


TremtBdouslj LOW



Established House



Merchant TailorGENTS' FURNISHER,

no. 7E. Front Street


Pack Avenue

PHARMACY,Under Van Deventer Hall. \

Having greatly increased o«^facilities we ask attention to theupcrior quality of ourSoda Watery-hich cannot be excelled, and td

to the new flavors we have tntrcKduced.

Ginger Ale on Draught/


terjr and Dress-Making.

v n u n m i m n s aoKSEn,*3W«t Front HIM*, F aiirlkl.1. N. .1

20 Cents per Ounce.We guarantee these extracts to be!better-than any sold for 25 cents,and have all the favorite odors.

Over WOO Botth* Sold by vsf m the lq$tTwo Toar*i ,

MILLERSAromatic Dentifriceis an txccllent preparation forcleansing and preserving the teeth.[t prevents decay and whitens theteeth without injury, hardens thegums and perfumes the breath.;

Beef, Iron and Wine40 Tents IVr Bottle:


CITY HOTEL,Cmv Put taw IK item SMK,

;l»Iainneld, N. J.


useful in prostrrtion from hot

rattterTfT TmTlrt

A positive and painless cure forCorns.


FORD & STIbESFuneral. Direvtom

WILLIAM U. CLIM.Architect.

l-Umrt-M, X J.

XlTLOJt 4- SM.1LLK1,Carpenters and Batlders.

U. X J-


PIANOS AND ORGANS.Timed and Bepaired by



(• Ml

SAPONACEOUS DENTIFRICEin perfectly fine powder/ (nr the,teetA.'am nicely perfumed.10c Per Ounce. 25c Per Bottle.

1'lease ask for A fret; sample.

Prescriptions.In this department we give ourpersonal andr especial attention,thus insuring reliability and.promptness, at , greatly reducedprices.


No Combination

HIGH PRICES.and shall continue to favor our

customers with all goodsat roMiyUt prices.

MilleriWiberley10 E. Front Street,

PARK HOUSE.Put tniM Gmn of EUUk Stmt,

JV KavoMl* S»miii«r Resort.


Club House,


A C M M rtra U


Ailliain ("laassens,

T. E. .Uorgmw,Books, Staiioner}-, Music.

XEJVS DEALER.. «t t-2 V M Ina i Wliirt. 6-M

B. R. FORCE,Boot mill Shoe Deitltr.

Low Price* at No. 1 Front Street,

Fruits and Vegetables in Season.

37 .Front Street.

1. S. MELBOURNE.and Builder,

P.O. Bat IK

Cor. simiii'mi'and Emil, Stt.,






' J

. b M ttiWB.Family Riding a Specialty.

31RS. A. B. WARNER,SI U WKST FRONT BT.. Pl^inffnp.?.

FWKJ Goodj, Hosiery, etc.

Eugene A. Lalne,'THE H.tlR CUTTEB,"29 Wa« Front Street, HainfieM,

ParticuUr attention p*id U ( U U n ' l O

2 4 W e s t Front Stre«t-

CAREY'Sm n w *»t «B»ajnr i

M M , Mo; 45 Wot Fro«t StraitM l * l ^ - H l FfclHll X J


«BggSggFitft Clothing m la 4*ii mmTSS 4i [ . °

, 'i! -vrm^ ] ^ /?//$

Tremendous Slaughter! Stortt Stored f Stortd Stand! Sssasto^^

Sanitary PlamMog AND

FINEST FABRICS KB& U ACAItt, Hitt in try and Drttt-Haki £ V. Mfodftff, pnpfTBtoi*. i'WO1

Fancy Cashmere*. Cheviot#,

Carknerewa, Whip Card*.


PHARMACY\ Older Vu Derate HalL


CITY HOTEL, Ctmt hit IMH iW stem Stmt,

F<W» k ST|faE.s Funeral Director* Having greatly increased o»f facilities »< ask attention to the superior quality of our Soda Water, which cannot be excelled, and Id to the new flavors we have intro, duecd. Plainfield, N. J.

SILK MIXTURES WILLIAJI II. ( Lni. Architect. Ginger Ale on Draught.

X.iYLOR 4 SMALLER Carpenters and Builders. SOI.il IOBUI.KLV ISOM

io Cents per Ounce. We guarantee these extracts to tie better than any sold for ’5 cents, and have all the fav«»ritc odor*.

PIANOS AND ORGANS. Tnnad and Repaired by r. P. VANAKSDALE. m bast nu 1st KTKrrr runsmuu iutiut


Alapacu#, .Mohairs, Lime s HOTEL.

MILLERS , Aromatic Dentifrice is an excellent preparation for cleansing and preserving the teeth. It prevents decay and whitens the teeth without injury, hardens the gums ami perfumes the breath.

Linen Coat*. m Mut Ffen II Sum* to M i SHAVE uiFlIAlj (’IT I» AT

William Claassens. A WWT PRONT WRKKT. WHITE VESTS . : Me «nd TOWARDS T. E. .Morgan#,

Books, Stationery, .Music. B«ef, Iron and Vine 40 Cents Per Hottle. NEWS DEALER.


A positive and painless cure Corns. 6 BOTTLES FOB SI.00. Fruits and VtgataUtt in Staton.

A Favorili Summer Resort. MILLER’S

37 Front Street.


I CM House,

hi peumriTiunEi iboct.

1. S. MELBOURNE. Mamn and JitU/dei,

l'l_tlXKIK.I.l>, X. 1.. «wtowto Tlhttln. f. O.biiN.

SAPONACEOUS DENTIFRICE 111 perfectly Rue powder, for the. teeth, ardl nicely perfumed. 10c PtrOunct. 25c Pat Batth.

Please ask (or a free sample. MRS. A. R. WARNER.

i■* wnrr ntixr nr.. n-Aixrrgi.: Fuey Ooada, Hraiery, etc. Prescriptions.

In this department wc give our and especial attention, uring reliability and »». at greatly ' reduced Ettycnt A. Ijlf,

‘THE HAIR CUTTER; 29 Wet Front Street, Plainfield FARMER S HOTEL

Mo C ombination



and shall continue to (avor customers with al goods at rorL-I.tK prices. MO. 7

E. Front Street OPPOSITE i

Park Avenue It) C. front Street, l * ■* * tern. family Riding a Spaeialty.