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Hartford Square Condos.com NEWSLETTER Editors: Jan Andresek and Connie Speiser July, 2016 Volume No. 20 1

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Hartford Square Condos.com


Editors: Jan Andresek and Connie Speiser July, 2016 Volume No. 20


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HS 4th of July Picnic 4th HS Board Meeting 13th HS Coffee 14th HS Social 24th HS Newsletter Deadline 26th


2 Carmen Clausing #401 2 Tom Pauli #265 4 Dennis Richman #512 9 Marion Obenberger #304 10 Darleen Jones #516 13 Joy Pagel #216 15 Loretta Pehlke #569 18 Phyllis Kroeger #267 20 Mike Kvasnica #253 28 Marsha Harvey #365

JULY ANNIVERSARIES 17~54 Richard & Lois Anderle #504 28~54 Maury & Pat Kools #301 15~61 Mike & Jill Schram #557 09~77 Steve & Carol Otten #353


Hosts: Gloria Poertner

& Susan O’Shea

Thursday, July 14th, 2016

At 9:00 am.

At the Clubhouse, join everyone for

coffee & donuts,

hard rolls and a chat with neighbors.

We need hosts for future coffees

so please sign up



Sunday July 24th, 2016

5:00 to socialize, eat at 5:30 P.M.

Please BYOB and bring your own

place setting and a dish to share.

The dish can be an appetizer, snack, main

dish or a dessert, whatever you want.

Mark your calendar and join us.

Everyone is welcome.



Monday July 4th, from around 3:30 on. Snacks & drinks on the patio (weather permitting) and dinner inside. Remember to bring your drinks, place settings, and anything you care to grill and a dish to pass.



Come an hour early before our July 4

th picnic or

stay after the picnic for OUTDOOR GAMES.

Come, learn to play or just watch and cheer the

players on. Let’s have a lot of active of fun.

BOCCI BALL in the horseshoe area.

PICKLEBALL on the tennis court. NO sandals,

wear tennis shoes.

SHUFFLEBOARD on the tennis court.

We ask that no food or beverages be brought on the

court other than water. (We do not have a cleaning

crew.) Thank you.

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Let me bring a couple of improvements and activities to your

attention that you may or may not have noticed. As detailed

within an article by Lee Jones, elsewhere within this

NEWSLETTER, a group of dedicated volunteers have

completed the painting of the entry way and hall way within

the club house building. Those walls have NEVER seen a drop

of paint, until Lee recognized that condition, organized the

group effort, and got it done. We thank Lee very much for his

recognition of this need, and for organizing this project. It is

efforts such as this that have contributed to making Hartford

Square the most desirable condominium in all of Hartford, if

not Washington county. Lee has suggested that painting of the

library and the office would be significantly larger projects;

therefore his is accumulating bids from outside painting

contractors for those two rooms. That however is not to

preclude any resident from volunteering to paint one or both

of those rooms,

The other improvement is the cleaning of the tennis court

surface. This project was started by Darlene Given coming to

a board meeting with a request to move forward toward

developing both a pickle ball court and an outdoor shuffle

board court on the tennis court surface. Her request along with

Rita Virtues explanation of the need to clean the surface prior

to any use, especially prior to painting lines to designate the

additional uses, brought the process to this point. A quick

reading of the declaration at section 4.01 (4) made it very clear

that the Tennis court is defined as “common elements” of the

condominium, and therefore maintenance of that area is the

responsibility of the association. The next steps toward

completing this improvement would be the application of the

lines to designate the court. This phase will be directed by

Glen Virtues and Darlene Given so, very soon, we will have a

facility to accommodate two more activities for our residents.

Additionally, with this cleaning, a resident or guest could even

play tennis on our tennis court, what a novel idea. Next up, I

have heard some talk of a bocce ball space, possibly between

the two horse shoe pits located adjacent to our West road,

between phase one and two. To me, these are great ideas, and I

am so pleased to see things happening. Many times I hear of

the activities enjoyed by our residents whenever they are at

their “second home” in a warmer part of the country, so it only

makes sense to provide for those activities here in Hartford


Under the subject of reminders, the notice that Jerry Beatty

placed in the NEWSLETTER last month pertaining to our 20

mile per hour speed limit has not been heeded. We must

recognize that with the nice weather, many of our neighbors

are out and about, frequently walking and/or operating their

handicap scooters on our roads. Given the youthful dexterity

that we have all retained, there may be some difficulty

attempting to jump out of the way of an oncoming vehicle,

therefore the board is asking each and every one of the

residents and guests of Hartford Square to SLOW DOWN.

Some of our longer time residents may remember, prior to

August 2006, Section 8.07 of our declaration allowed no more

than two motor vehicles per condominium unit. That was

changed in 2006 to allow whatever could be parked inside a

garage, with the door closed. The rest of section 8.07

pertaining to overnight parking remained as originally created.

Presently we are observing more and more vehicles parked

overnight on condominium driveways. The reasoning behind

this section was all about snow removal, as a result the board

and most neighbors have not been too concerned about

overnight parking on driveways at this time of year. However,

rest assured that once the snow starts to fly the board will

become somewhat more aggressive in this regard. In any

event, and at any time, there should never be any motor

vehicle parked on the streets of Hartford Square overnight.

Such on street overnight parking is a red flag to the local

police department of a possible stolen vehicle. No doubt there

will be extremely unique circumstances that cause a vehicle to

be parked on the street overnight. In such event please call

either Claudia Kollenbroich or me; we in turn will clear it with

the police. As a side note, let me assure you that, at our

request, the Hartford Police Department does cruise through

Hartford Square every night, just to keep an eye on things.

The garage / shop area adjacent to our clubhouse contains

many tools and equipment that a resident may have a need to

use from time to time. That is fine; however there is also a

sign out sheet on a clip board attached to the tool crib. Please,

whenever “borrowing” any tool or equipment from the

association, please record such borrowing on that sign out

sheet. At no time however, is there to be any “borrowing” of

kitchen equipment of any kind. The cups, saucers, dishes, pots

and pans, and all other kitchen equipment is for use within the

club house, it is never loaned out for private use.

Very soon, Wednesday August 10th

to be exact, will be our

2016 Annual meeting. Much of the preparation has been

started, some even completed by now. A major part of the

preparation is always the annual budget. Jim Semler has been

crunching the numbers toward that end, and it is pretty hard to

see how we will meet next year’s expenses absent a

reasonable increase in our monthly dues. The precise amount

is not yet known, but will be provided in due time. Presently

there are four announced candidates for board positions. While

additional candidates can be nominated from the floor within

the meeting, it would be good if any additional candidates

would make their intentions known to Claudia, so that we can

place their name on the pre-printed ballot and include a brief

resume in the annual report, thereby providing all candidates

an equal opportunity to present themselves prior to the annual


Respectfully submitted,

Bob Robert Burgardt


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Hartford Square Condominium Owners Association, Inc.

Directors Meeting Minutes

June 13, 2016


Present were: Bob Burgardt-President, Jim Semler-Vice President & Chief Financial Officer, Claudia Kollenbroich-Secretary, Marjorie

Krueger, Rod Berger, Ken Schultz, Jerry Beatty, Lee Jones and Steve Otten. Connie Speiser-Treasurer was unable to attend.

President Bob Burgardt called the meeting to order at 6:54 p.m.

Darlene Givens, 568, was in attendance. Darlene updated the board as to the status of the Pickleball and Shuffleboard facility in the

confines of the tennis court. Darlene's brother-in-law put chalk lines down and demonstrated, to a small group here at the Square,

the rules and play of the game indicating that the game requires minimal exertion. Play at one's own pace. The shuffleboard players

found the court to be suitable. Two Shuffleboard courts will be set up on the west side of the court and the Pickleball on the east.

Rules of use are being established. Court hours will be from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. When teams play on Tuesday and Thursday at 10 a.m.

they have exclusive use of the court facilities. There will be a starting fee of $10 per person to offset the costs of painting lines and

buying equipment. The tennis court itself needs cleaning. As per section 2, 4.01 (4) the Association is to see that that facility is

maintained. A motion was made by Lee, second by Steve to contract someone to clean the court for approximately $1000.00. Any

further improvements will be revisited at a future meeting. Motion carried.

SECRETARY'S REPORT The May 9, 2016 meeting minutes had been distributed. A motion to approve the minutes as presented was

made by Jim, second by Lee . Motion carried.

TREASURER'S REPORT Jim Semler presented the Financial Report. There were no changes in the investments this month. The

Finance Committee met a few weeks ago because we have a substantial amount of money in the Money Market. Their

recommendation at this time is to do nothing with regard to investing at this time. The market is very unstable and not very

productive. Otherwise, normal expenses for the month. There was one rather large expense for $4350.00 which was to resolve the

water issue in building #1. A motion was made by Claudia, second by Lee to accept the financial report as presented. Motion carried.

CONCERN FORMS/BUILDINGS AND ROADS The concern log was discussed in depth (40 concerns). Six concerns have recently been

cleared and a plan of action was put together for the remaining 34 however, all are dependent on our outside contractor's

schedules. During this discussion, a few developing structural trends have been brought to light. Ken will have these investigated

further by our handyman Brian.

LANDSCAPE REPORT Rod presented the landscape report. An attempt is being made to determine the western Hartford Square lot

line. Also, no work will be done to the western lot line and berm until the construction and subsequent landscaping of Hartford

Square II adjacent to Hartford Square is complete. Any issues that should be addressed concerning the trees and shrubs along that

western line will be on an as needed basis meaning Rod will initiate a fix or if it is on the Hartford Square II side, Bob will work with

Greg James to resolve any discrepancies. It will all be up to the discretion of our Landscape Director, Rod Berger.

A couple of pines down the line in phases 1 & 4 have died. Bob and Rod will do a walk through due to the fact that the size of the

pines and their roots to be removed complicate the replanting of another pine or arborvitae.

The clubhouse garage door opener has been replaced.

Rod will be putting a note in the newsletter to any owners who have borrowed items from the clubhouse garage that they should

return those items. No one has signed them out and must be returned. They are for the use of the work crews completing jobs

generated by concern forms. There is a sign-out pad on the cabinet door if an item must be used temporarily by an owner.

All bushes will be pruned the second week of July. In the newsletter, Rod will advise owners to remove any or all owner

items/decorations that are sitting around these bushes. When the arborvitae are trimmed this year, they will trim phases 3 & 4 (the

west side of Hartford Square).

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Rod acquired an estimate of $840 to convert our current street lights to LED. However, the company who provided the estimate is

unable to obtain new globes which currently are crumbling and cracking. Rod will check with a distributor in downtown Milwaukee.

CLUBHOUSE REPORT Lee gave the clubhouse report. The new pool vacuum malfunctioned so after Lee contacted the distributor,

they sent out a new vacuum. The first vacuum will be kept for parts.

The painting in the clubhouse has started. 20 1/2 hours have been put in by volunteers thus far. The two bathrooms are finished.

Tom Greifenkamp, unit 605, stepped forward and offered to have family members, Tim and Karen, paint those bathrooms. They

supplied the paint and materials and the rooms look great! Thank you to Tom, Tim and Karen. The painting will be on hold for a

while once the hall and entryway are complete and the balance of the clubhouse painting will likely be done professionally. Lee will

acquire bids.

There are three pool windows on the east side that are fogging. Those will be replaced at a later date.

Regarding a cabinet for the office, Claudia has found a cabinet from a business in Hartford and can acquire it for $25 at the end of


PRESIDENTS REPORT It was brought to Bob's attention that one of our directors was verbally abused during the performance of their

job. A letter will be sent to the owner of the unit.

Further discussion was held regarding the borrowing of items from the Clubhouse. It was decided, if anyone finds the need to

remove anything from the clubhouse, even briefly, it must be signed out. There is a sign-up sheet posted on the cabinet in the


Next on the agenda was regarding outdoor overnight parking. It is a violation of condominium rules. (8.07). Motor and recreation

Vehicles. The owner, lessees of any unit, jointly and severally, shall be allowed an unspecified number of licensed and operable

vehicles to be kept inside their respective condominium garages with the door closed. The overnight parking of any motor vehicle or

recreational vehicle of any kind is prohibited from parking on condominium property except for vehicles of guests of unit owners or

lessees and except as provided in Section 8.08 of the association declaration. The Board will respond to each concern form received

about this issue on a case by case basis.

Bob updated the Board on the status of our relationship with AT&T. Receiving bills for service we no longer have with them has been

resolved and a credit issued to the condominium association.

Again, there are problems within the Square with individuals who are not observing the speed limit. Bob will address this issue in the


NEW BUSINESS Jim presented a preliminary budget for July 2016 through June 2017. Jim advised all board department heads to

contact him with any known projects that need to be included in the budget. Jim will then supply a final budget to the board at the

July Board meeting. The budget would then be presented at the annual meeting for owner approval.

Motion made by Claudia, second by Lee to adjourn. Motion carried Meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.

The next meeting of the Board of Directors will be July11, 2016 at 7 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Claudia Kollenbroich-Secretary

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Ken and Ellie Hyland


New Arrivals Title Author


Born To Be Wild Catherine Coulter

Memorial Day Vince Flynn

The Testament John Grisham

The Lavender Garden Lucinda Riley

Cajun Hearts Kathleen Y'Barbo

Day Of Judgment Jack Higgins

The Beach House James Patterson

Morning, Noon, And Night Sidney Sheldon

Always Dakota Debbie Macomber

Family Album Danielle Steel

The Summer Hideaway Susan Wiggs

Non Fiction

The Reason for My Hope Billy Graham

World War 11 Milwaukee Meg Jones

Book Of The Month

Foreign Influence by Brad Thor

Navy Seal turned covert operative Scot Harvath is called

to action once again in Brad Thor's hottest political

thriller yet..


Please mark your calendars to attend this important meeting scheduled for:

Wednesday, August 10th 2016 at 6:30 p.m.

If you are not able to attend, contact a Board Officer

to fill out a proxy (Bob Burgardt, Connie Speiser,

Jim Semler or Claudia Kollenbroich)

Joanne Burgardt and Jan Andresek will be available at

the Clubhouse to take your picture for the "Picture

Directory" before the Annual Meeting


By Pat Dopki If anyone knows of a resident that is

hospitalized, not feeling well, or a death of a resident or “immediate” family of a resident

please contact Pat Dopki at 673-0548.

Hartford Square Book Club

will meet at 2:00 pm

on Thursday, July 21, 2016 at Culver’s

1570 E. Sumner St., Hartford

We’ll be discussing

The Nightingale

by Kristin Hannah.


Me Before You by JoJo Moyes

will be our August 18th



Everyone is Welcome.

Susan 566



On Tuesday night, June 13 the Board approved to

have the tennis court professionally cleaned. This

was completed the following week. It looks great.

Lines are currently being painted for both games.

The goal is to have it ready by July 4th

. We thank

the Board and the Grounds Committee for

supporting these activities. However, there are

additional expenses not covered by the board, so a

suggested donation of $10 is being asked to help

defray these expenses of equipment, paint, etc. Put

your donation in an envelope and place in the box

on the bulletin board. Thank you

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TO: Tom Greifenkamp, Unit 605

FROM: Lee Jones and Steve Otten,

Clubhouse Co-Chairs

Hartford Square Board of Directors

Thank you for stepping forward and offering

to have your family members, Tim and Karen, paint

our two hall bathrooms.

Also, thank you for supplying the paint and

materials for this project. As I mentioned to you,

the Condo Association was willing to pay for these

costs, but you advised this was your contribution to

Hartford Square, since you are unable to do the

work yourself.

The rooms look great. Everyone I have

talked to is pleased with what was done – please

give Tim and Karen a big thank you from all of us,

including the Condo Board of Directors.


Thank you to all my friends and neighbors

for all your concerns, thoughts and prayers during

my latest episodes.

Dick Kaphingst


Lee Jones & Steve Otten

Clubhouse Co-Chairs

Thanks to the following volunteers who

stepped forward to paint the entry hall and the hall

by the bathrooms in the Clubhouse. A total of 44

hours was put in by them.

Joanne Burghardt, Chery deGyurky, Darlene

Given, Lesli Symons, Ed Sutrick, Nancy Jones,

Steve Otten, Lee Jones

We hope the Hartford Square residents are

as pleased with the results as we are. We are

presently getting bids to paint the library, work-out

room, and office.


Some items are missing from the clubhouse garage, mainly the long pole tree trimmer. If you have borrowed this, please return it, as this is needed now for trimming trees. There is a sign-out sheet, in the garage, located on the cabinet door. All bushes and the arborvitaes on the east side will start to trimmed, the second week in July. Please remove any items, ornaments located close to these bushes. Rod Berger Landscape


Wednesdays, 8:00 PM July, 6, 13, 20, 27, August 3.

At Woodlawn Park

To carpool leave at 7:00

Sign up on the bulletin board or call Darlene

at 262-673-4482

JULY MOVIES at the Hartford Library.

Sign up on the bulletin board to carpool.

Leave at noon.

Brooklyn - Friday, July 8 12:30 2015 – Romance

PG-13 Eilis is an Irish immigrant who lands in

1950s Brooklyn, where she quickly falls into a

romance Later, she must choose between loves and

two countries.

13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi –

Friday July 22 2016 ‧ Drama film/Thriller ‧R

On Sept. 11, 2012, Islamic militants attack the U.S.

Consulate in Benghazi, Libya. Six men engage the

combatants in a fierce firefight to save the lives of

the remaining Americans.

Next Month Deadline Deadline date July 26, 2016

Jan Andresek ~ unit #217 ~


e-mail: [email protected]

Connie Speiser ~ unit #410 ~


e-mail: [email protected]