gumnut systems international - hospitality suite

'Global solutions we shape the way you want' GSI Hospitality Suite GSI Hospitality Suite tm tm A Comprehensive Business Solution for the Food and Beverage Industry

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Post on 14-Aug-2015




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'Global solutions we shape the way you want'

GSI Hospitality SuiteGSI Hospitality Suitetmtm

A Comprehensive Business Solution for the

Food and Beverage Industry

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Is your hospitality management software

delivering the whole Pizza?

Still trying to patch together all the ingredients to get the full

business picture?

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Fast easy deployment,simple training and adoption,

24 x 7 support 365 days a year.

GSI delivers the most comprehensive, cost effective, all in one hospitality management system in the market.

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GSI Hospitality SuiteTM provides unparalleled accuracy and visibility into all aspects of your operations. Even from outside of the country.

Manage operations across multiple branches and multiple businesses from a

single, centralised platform.



Offers &Discounts















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POS (Point-Of-Sale) SystemIntui tive Visua l InterfaceManage cl ient information – cl ient his tory – cl ient preferencesMemberships – loyal ty clubs – points managementAutomatic discounts and offers managed central lyMultiple visual menu l evels updated centra l ly automatical ly Unl imited payment types – credit card, cash, gi ft cheques , bi l l to accountFloor plan – table ass ignment – combine tables – table s tatusBi ometric securi ty el iminates the need for ID cards and passwordsSuspend transaction and recal l later for efficient bi l l outBIR Accredited for i ssuance of officia l receiptsTi l l reconci l iation – bank run – and ful l audit logging

Powerful features and functionalities to keep your business buzzing

Mobile OrderingMobi le service crew apps el iminate the need for paper order s l ipsAvai lable on Apple, Android and Blackberry platformsMobi le and web based cl ient apps a l low customers to order del iveries Avai lable on Apple, Android, Blackberry, facebook and web platformsMobile and web interactivityCl ient ordering with mobi le apps , web and facebookService crew and managers order taking appsBanquet and function faci l i ties booking appsSenior management KPI and performance monitoring appsOnl ine and mobi le payments

Client Relationship Management (CRM)Bui ld complex marketi ng l i s ts based on a lmost any cri teriaShoot HTML emai l campaigns from within the system (smtp required)Shoot SMS campaigns from within the system (service required)Set up automatic cl ient a lerts , noti fications and remindersTwo way SMS reminders a l low confi rmation or cancel la tion of bookingsVi ew complete cl ient his toryLog cl ient preferencesProvide mobi le Apps to cl ients for instant orderingMembership and loya l ty club managementPoints accumulation, tracking and redemption

Kitchen managementOrder printing on multiple service s tationsKi tchen management module measures prep and del ivery timesKitchen visual display shows the orders in process Expediter / ki tchen manager APP to fol low order throughput and del ivery

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Accounts & FinanceAR / AP / ageing managementHundreds of customisable financia l and transactiona l reportsManagement AccountingPayment methodsOnl ine bi l l ing (account required)Petty Cash ManagementTi l l ManagementBank run managementSpecia l offer and discount managementPackage offer managementGift voucher i ssue / redeem / track

Smiling chefs, service crew, and happy customers;

a standard feature!Facilities, Events & Banquet ManagementPowerful 3D Visual ca l endaring and booking systemBook function roomsAs s ign equipmentAs s ign s taffMonitor costsConfi rm bookings via SMS, Emai lReceive down payments – depos i ts – reservation feesBi l l and receive payments di rectly from within the ca lendar toolBi l l banquet packagesBi l l add on food and beverage i tems

Staff ManagementRoster s taffManage ski l l sets and s ta ff groupsManage commiss ionsManage tipsBi ometric Bundy clocki ng el iminates time keeping i ssuesBi ometric system acces s and ful l audit loggingPowerful system privi lege settings a l lows ful ly granular privi lege settings

Purchasing and Inventory ManagementManage Suppl iers – as s ign suppl ier priori tyIssue PO's automatica l ly or manual ly based on re order levelsPowerful Forecasting tools provide accurate JIT ordering Bui l t in Bar codingReceive, i s sue, transfer stocksFIFO – batch managementMultiple warehouse / s torage and rack numberingAuto decrement stocks based on sa les Monitor costs (BOM) including consumables / disposabl esBui ld ki ts and services with auto s tock decrementationManage multiple warehouse locationsAutomatica l ly print Del ivery Receipts (DR's ) upon order confi rmation

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Efficiency simply delivered!

Now thats delicious!

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'Global solutions we shape the way you want'

GSI Hospitality SuiteGSI Hospitality Suitetmtm

Contact Martin CanateContact Martin Canate

Tel: (02) 925 2508Tel: (02) 925 2508Email: [email protected]: [email protected]

Now available for the first time in the Philippines.

Contact the Gumnut Systems International Business Development Team today

to request a demonstration.