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  • 8/12/2019 Guayaquils history end end end


  • 8/12/2019 Guayaquils history end end end


    Kewrin David Choez Macay 6/3 Contabilidad

    After the civil war in the Tahuantinsuyo between the brothersAtahualpa and Huscar for the control of the empire, the firstSpanish expeditions came from Central America commanded forFrancisco Pizarro for the sake of conquering and colonizing theIncas' lands. After a series of minor confrontations, Pizarro gainscontrol of the Inca empire from his capital, but Pedro of Alvaradodoes not expand himself totally, for which Guatemala to take thecontrol of the north of the empire decides to undertake a journey toSouth America from the present-day and, eventually invading Pizarro in the Cuzco. Pizarro, whenknowing about Alvarado's hopes, sends Diego in an expedition of Almagro and you ordered thecreation of a village in Old Puerto that was him for, task in 1534 commissioned to FranciscoPacheco, that you be useful for controlling coastal part of the area of the north of the Peru like joband of control of troops pizarristas to James's new city in case of one War sped up with Alvarado.

    The August 15, 1534, close to Riobamba's present-day city, Almagro founded James's city at theterritories located north of the Peru, that Spanishes named like Quito. The city founded itself of

    provisional way in the meantime the problem with Alvarado was treated. James would survive for ashort time until another place may be transferred where more utensil for the process may be ofconquest of the region.

    After a short time and after having come to an agreement withPedro Alvarado, Diego of Almagro arranged James's transfer toanother place, reason which they depart for from there twoexpeditions toward several the region's places. The first expeditionwhich set course towards the north the December 6, 1534 youfounded San Francisco's village of Quito. Expedition that departedfrom Santiago seconds her direction took southwest, which got first

    to the present-day Peruvian north to supply with supplies and reinforcements, next you sailed off tothe present-day coastal Ecuadorian region, where a series of settlements and necessary transfers

    provoked principally by the flights of the resistance of the natives of the zone were begun. The

    essential objective was to transfer James's town at a close zone to the coasts and that be useful forlike port cologne. This expedition left to beginnings of 1535 directed by the Spanish conquerorSebastin of Belalczar, who had also taken part in the other expedition

    The expedition commanded Belalczar that James's city toward the present-day Ecuadorian seaboardfrom the coasts would transfer Piura entering for Guayaquil's Gulf toward the present-day river YouScrape for the side this in 1535. The first settlement accomplished it close to Dimas's Estuary, in theriver's drainage Amay. Belalczar returned to Quito leaving Diego of Daza like person in charge ofthe administration with less than 70 inhabitants.

    Step by step the little town was practically depopulated owed principally located at tropical diseases,lack of supplies, and the aboriginal village resistance chono that refused flatly to sharing his territory
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    with Spanishes itself. Francisco Pizarro from the Cusco ordered Zaera captain Hernando That you beheading for the region for the respective relocation of the town, which took to end for April 1536atChadai's sector, by the side of the river Yaguachi. However, Zaera departed rapidly in Pizarro's helpafter the rebellions directed by Inca Manco in the Peru.

    Soon after, they reinitiated the hostilities for part of thechonos, leaving in ruins James practically. Orellana's captainFrancis arrived around the middle of 1538, and ordered therelocation in The Butt, and after submitting the natives, thesector pacifies . However after Orellana's departure, in 1541,Diego of still Urbina in command of the population andchonos and huancavilcas are confronted to new surges ofattacks. Frequent transfers for the invasions finished with the

    truce contracted for between Spanishes and huancavilcas in 1544, and the town was reunicado thesector once Huallaquile was designated as by the natives and the city proceeded to being namedGuayaquil's Santiago, which had 15 houses and a chapel. Finally Francis of Olmos, fleeing awayfrom the pizarristas after the civil war in the Peru, the control knob takes from the city and transfersher to the skirts of the Green Little Hill ( present-day hill Santa Ana ) in his present-dayemplacement in 1547.

    Guayaquil's city of James that suffered to get to his present-day position, after the several transfers,had a slow growth since Santa Ana, with the neighborhood developed its urban area in the hill'sskirts of The Rocks. His polity was very poor and depended principally on next governments likegive it Quito or Old Puerto

    You had corregimiento's category and his maximum authorities had Lieutenant's title Of Corregidor.Guayaquil's Corregimiento politically was a part of the administrative division of the ancientViceroyalty of the Peru but his first territories were subordinate to the Government of New Castilewith seat at the Kings' City. With the disappearance of government and the creation of theViceroyalty of the Peru, they went by to several sectional Governments within the extensiveterritorial Spanish entity conforming . That way you created the Real High Court and Presidency ofQuito for oneself, of the one that Guayaquil proceeded to being part of entirely for 1563

    In the tender age of the city, a growth looked slow, proper principally to the fires and own diseasesof the tropical climate. In 1572, the population had promoted 320 people, that they checked in at

    minutes; 25 perfectly inhabitable houses, and a hospital, that had been founded 8 years before bySantilln's Hernando, first president of the Real Audience of Quito. The constructions of the Biggerchurch got registered for 1582 and give it St. Domingo. A year after, in 1583, the city suffered a fatalfire, which left great part of the metropolis at debris, including Santa Catalina's Hospital. In 1589,Guayaquil suffered a sprout of smallpox that decimated the population, and authorities decided totransfer the principal institutions to the summit of the hill Santa Ana

    Century XVII

    At the turn of the century XVII, the city himself encuentraba still installed principally on the hill St.Ann, with his Older Iglesia and houses of the Town Council in the same place, as well as the greater

    part of his population. However, the church of St. Domingo and San Agustn's and San Francisco's
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    news, they began to be built in the skirts of the hill of the Carmen, which would keep themselves inthose localities to beginnings of the following century.

    The abundance of useful woods for the construction; Individuals' existence of great quantity insearch of work ( that cheapened the manpower ) and the strategic position of the port, they allowed

    than in Guayaquil bloom I join of the biggest and important shipyards of America in the centuryXVII. The city not only had shipyards within the population ( at Villamar's estuary; In the Arsenal ),

    but at times the city same a shipyard got to be everything. Besides, Pun, where great quantity ofgalleons, once two real flagships were included and a vice admiral's ship ordered by Toledo's Pedroand Leiva, Mancera's Marqus were built the year of 1643 had an important center of constructionand reparation of ships at the island. The astileros were an one belonging to the principal sources ofincome for the region.

    Guayaquil's commercial growth attracted also several problemsof piracy. The city was robbed by the Dutch naval fleet in

    command of Jean Claude of Gubernat, deputy of JaquesL'Heremite Clerk in June 1624 who was ordered to set fire totwenty houses and the church over Womb for the sake offrightening the inhabitants and destroying his shipyards.Guayaquilea in front of the attacks, the Dutchmen retreated,however, right after two months after resistance they wouldreinitiate the attacks in reprisal. Several men died fromcommand like Gubernat as a consequence of the battle, but thecity got partially destroyed.

    The reconstruction of the city looked stopped principally by the continuous fires, like the happenedin 1632 and 1634, that destroyed several important buildings and documentary patrimony. However,the authorities requested authorization for the shipment of cargos with products of the region toMexico, initiating maritime international commerce from the city that way

    For the prevention of eventual pirate attacks, initiate's creation ordered the construction of moats andforti itselfCaciones in 1649, the small fort of The Planchada in 1651, and in the top of the hill SantaAna the small fort of San Carlos in 1682. Utilizing these fortifications William Dampierre's attacksin 1684, next to Swan and Davies were combatted. You encountered another attack for the piratesGrogniet, Piccard and Hewitt in 1687, abducting inhabitants of tall cost-reducing position with theN

    to file for rescues.New reconstructions of the town made necessary of an expansion beyond the hills. In 1688 to thepresident of Munive Audiencia Lope Antonio He missed his authorization for the creation of lotssouth of the hills requestedly, and the governing Average Joe of Villamar traveled to Spain with themission to obtain the royal decree that enable the aforementioned transfer. Finally, for 1693,Guayaquil obtains permissions and initiates his transfer to the named New city

    Century XVIII

    The process of transfer to Ciudad New it happened with agility, in spite of several Ciudad'sresidents's refusal Old to leave his domiciles. Both localities were separated for several estuaries and

    graves that they made the open door difficult, and only several little and insecure bridges existed .
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    Due to this, in 1710 the Ochocientas Varas Bridge was created That you crossed five estuaries andyou connected Old City and New City, under Boza's and Sols correcting Hieronymite'sadministration. They were transferred like the house of the town council for 1732, the greater part ofthe institutions, you vary churches and hospitals. Around that time Guayaquil's first official poll

    registers itself in the one they were evident in around 12000 inhabitants.Join the May 29, 1717's Real Credential, sent in Segovia for the kingPhilip V, you arranged than the Real Audience of Quito, includingGuayaquil, accent to be a part of the Viceroyalty of the Peru to move on tothe administration of Notably Eminent Nueva's recently created Virreinato.At a later time the viceroyalty was suppressed by the Real Credential sentin San Ildefonso the November 5, 1723, so that the Audience went back toget under administration from Lima, however, the August 29, 1739, theown Felipe restituted V to Notably Eminent Nueva's Viceroyalty, changingthe administration of the Audience from Bogot. These political changesand white-collar workers weakened the commercial power that the city had

    attained considerably, owed to than the easy communication the seaway with Lima had to bereplaced by her not favorable terrestrial road by the inter-Andean alley to Quito and next evenBogot. Besides you saw his importance like principal port of the region immensely disfavored withthe start of the construction of a new port in the Callao by part of Lima

    The November 8, 1820, 57 representatives of all of the towns that were conforming Guayaquil'sprovince were convoked to the Town Council of the city where you proclaimed yourself the birth ofa new status known as Guayaquil's Free Province and elected like president of the same Dr. JosJoaqun of Olmedo.4 Next to of this provisional government Regulations was dictated Which suitedsomeone's purposes like constitution.

    While they developed political changes in town, the ranks guayaquileas of the Protective Divisionhad cantoned themselves close to Babahoyo's present-day city with the purpose to get organized toattack the realist ranks to the outskirts of Bolivr's town ( close to Guaranda ), and in fact, thanks toan alert of ambush, the independent confronted to the king in Real Camino's battle the 9 one

    belonging to november to the loyal army of. Victory was for the ranks I Remove guayaquileas thaton the following day got to Guaranda, for the sake of advancing towards the north even, or towardsthe south even Cuenca.

    However, right after going up to Ambato's neighborhood, the independentistas, that were provingbetter than numerically his enemies, were defeated decisively by the realists the November 22 inHuachi's First Battle. After the Protective Division's fold, the realists attacked the revoltingcuencanos the December 20 in Verdeloma, that aggravated the possibilities to organize a betteroffensive for part of the guayaquileos. The realist army advanced to Babahoyo but you turned backto Riobamba and, the ranks independentistas regrouped themselves and set course after of them,however, an ambush of Spanishes did that the Protective Division have another important defeat theJanuary 3, 1821 in Tanizagua battle.

    The realists' advance was eminent, however, the May 6, 1821 arrived Antonio Jos of Sucre to

    Guayaquil with Colombian sent reinforcements Simn Bolvar. The Protective Division, with theColombian army's support, you stopped the Spanish advance in Cone the August 19 after the victory
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    gotten in Yaguachi's battle. After this, armies independentistas overturned toward Ambato for secondoccasion, where again they were defeated by the realist the September 12 in second Huachi's Batalla

    Guayaquil's new cost-reducing financing, you helped Sucre to restructure his army, with whicharranged for a new campaign in command of the Colombian ranks and guayaquileas. Cuenca took

    the February 21, 1822, and she was heading north . The April 21 a decisive surrey in Riobamba'sbattle with support of a battalion integrated had Sucre for Argentine and Chilean. With thesevictories, Sucre made way for itself to Quito where independentista in the ex-real Audience producedthe more significant victory itself the May 24, 1822 in Pichincha's battle. After the Colombianarmies' patriotic victory and guayaquileos, Quito and Cuenca made a decision no integrating withGuayaquil in an own status, but rather to become a member to so-called Bolvar's project Repblicaof Colombia ( named Gran Colombia)

    Guayaquil decided to remain independent like sovereign status, although never was acknowledgedby the international community that was convulsed for the wars of independence.

    In front of the Government's refusal guayaquileo to sit up to Colombia and the ambition of thetradespeople to append it to Peru, Simn Bolvar set out to invade the capital city himself, whichtook end the July 11, 1822. It is received with gratitude by the population due to his help in theliberating campaigns, however, when getting to Guayaquil you brought along armed men with theintention of taking the military control and politician of the region to about thousand five hundred .The ranks guayaquileas had exhausted themselves and they could not be in rivalry against Bolvar'sranks with many casualties after fighting for the independence of Quito, with which. Due to thissituation and as a proof of his annoyance and desaprovation, the head of government guayaquileo,Jos Joaqun of Olmedo, autoexiliarse to the Peru makes a decision.

    Few days after Jos of San Martn arrived with his aide-de-camps and escort, in command of PedroNolasco Fonseca, and supported a meeting with Bolvar, alone and without witnesses, where theytreated three issues principally: The destination of the Province of Guayaquil, the reparation of thehelp that the Peru had offered previously for the liberation of that province, and the ending of thecampaign against the realists, whose definite stage should have taken effect in the recentlyIndependent Peru, since at Peruvian saw's zones they found thelast few last resorts of the realist armies installed in SouthAmerica. The night of the July 27, 1822, Bolvar entertained SanMartn with a banquet. To one-half the same, and under a strict

    secret of all what chatted, such as what's agreed-upon, San Martnretreated toward the dock, and you embarked toward the Peru,leaving his army's part at Bolvar's hands. The July 31, 1822,Guayaquil's Free Province you declared his official annexationcompulsorily to the Great Colombia becoming Guayaquil's Apartment, which next to the Apartmentof Ecuador and Azuay's Apartment conformed the District of the south of the bolivarian status.

    The prevailing centralism in the Colombian policy produced bothers at the young nation's severalsectors bolivariana. The April 16, 1827 produced in Guayaquil a rebellion against the Colombianauthorities dreamt up by Vicente Rocafuerte and Olmedo's Jos Joaqun itself and led for the

    brothers Juan Francisco and Antonio Elizalde, and for Jos of The Sea, who the Civil Jefe wasdesignated and Serving In The Army. After the uprising, the apartment remained autonomous around
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    three months, however, The Sea had to leave the city when the designee Presidente came from thePeru, which the Colombian to try took the opportunity than the separatist forces, guayaquileas puthis aptitude aside. Finally Guayaquil reincorporated to Colombia in September of the same yearhimself, but this rebellion was the initial point for the later dissolution of the bolivarin nation.

    Map of Guayaquil:

    F lag of Guayaqui l:

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    Kewrin David Choez Macay 6/3 Contabilidad

    Image satelital of the central part of the coastalregionofEcuador. Guayaquil's city is located in thecenter of the image.

    Guayaquil's geography is characterized for hiscoastal position in the part noroccidental of SouthAmerica, at the coastal region of Ecuador and his

    position between the river Guayas and the Saltyestuary. The geography of the city, with his

    proximity to the ocean and his condition of port, the

    city has contributed like an important factor to makeof Guayaquil with bigger population density of theRepublic of Ecuador

    Guayaquil's city is located in the north-western partofSouth America,with few elevations and far awayof theMountain Range of the Andes. The not muchrelief of the city and of thecanton is composed ofhills that cross the city and next they join a minorso-called mountain range Chongn Colonche west

    of the city. The water system of the Guayas fencesGuayaquil for the east, while it is crossed andfenced-in West for the Salty Estuary. Easy accesshas thePacific oceanby means ofGuayaquil's Gulf.

    The city finds itself placed at the river's low basinGuayas, nascent at Pichincha's and Cotopaxi's

    provinces, and flows into Guayaquil's Gulf at the Pacific Ocean. Receive the waters of the riversDaule and Babahoyo. The Daule and his affluents bathe Manab's provinces,Rivers andGuayas. TheBabahoyo is composed of the river Yaguachi, and this for the union of the rivers Rubber Check and

    Chanchn. Go over Chimborazo's provinces, The Rivers and Guayas. The Guayas's basin is thebiggest one of the spring of the Pacfico with 40 000, km and an extensive area of the Ecuadoriancoast bathed by the river of the same name and all his net of affluents

    The two more important affluents, the Daule and the Babahoyo, they join up north of the cityforming a great flow intensity that you alleviate atGuayaquil's Gulf,that he is the principal river andgeographic accident of all the country with million 30 000's yearly average, waterm. Another riversare the Tiger, Congo Jujn, You Blow The Whistle, Chimbo, Pangor, many of whom they are born inthe mountain range of the Andes

    In front of the city is born a coastal mountain range, than they findSanta Ana's hills and of the Villa

    ( located practically next to theriver ), his higher elevation at stretch of the city you give yourself at's%20's%20
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    the sector where they find citadels Ceibos and names them to him the take closed Blue, at itsoccidentallimit, later on this mountain range Chongn's name and next Colonche

    The city is in s, at its Oriental slope the People In The Neighborhood find Rocks, the Villa's Hill,contiguous to the Santa, where you find the Monument of Jess's Heart, the Cerro San Eduardo, at

    the zone noroccidental and more towards the west the Blue Hill, maximum elevation of the city nextto the citadels Ceibos and Olive Trees

    Guayaquil is located northwest ofSouth America at the coast of thePacific Ocean. Specifically youfind yourself in the central part of the coastal region, better acquaintance like coast, at theEcuador.1's Republic

    According to the territorial division of the Ecuador, Guayaquil's city, next to several borderingterritories, Guayaquil, the one that the city is his top cantonal part of conform the canton.Additionally, so much the city like the canton, part of the province of the Guayas, the one thatGuayaquil is hiscapital.2 of form

    The canton Guayaquil is located in the central part of the province of the Guayas, and limits NorthwithLomas's cantonsof Sargentillo,Nobol,Daule,andSamborondn; South withGuayaquil's Gulfand Gold'sprovince; East with Santa Elena's province and the cantonGeneral Villamil; And WestThey Last with the cantons, Naranjal and Balao. The island Pun is located in the center ofGuayaquil's Gulf, to the south of varied another little islands.

    Guayaquil's city meets northeast of the homonymous canton, and his natural limits are : North theriver Daule; East the river Daule and theriver Guayas; South for theislands formed as from the Salty Estuary; West for the mountainrange Chongn Colonche, although new habitational plans are beingconstructed across the little mountain range. The greater part of thecity places him between theriver Guayas and theSalty EstuaryImagesatelital of the central part of the coastal region of Ecuador.Guayaquil's city is located in the center of the image.

    Guayaquil's geography is characterized for his coastal position in the part noroccidental of SouthAmerica,at thecoastal region of Ecuador and his position between the river Guayas and theSaltyestuary. The geography of the city, with his proximity to the ocean and his condition of port, the cityhas contributed like an important factor to make of Guayaquil with bigger population density of theRepublic of Ecuador

    Guayaquil's city is located in the north-western part of South America,with few elevations and faraway of the Mountain Range of the Andes. The not much relief of the city and of the canton iscomposed of hills that cross the city and next they join a minor so-called mountain range ChongnColonche west of the city. The water system of theGuayas fences Guayaquil for the east, while it iscrossed and fenced-in West for theSalty Estuary. Easy access has thePacific ocean by means ofGuayaquil's Gulf

    Geographic coordinates

    Latitude: 2 10' SLength: 79 54' Or

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    Kewrin David Choez Macay 6/3 Contabilidad

    Coordinates UTM: N8128385.172; E19741554.450; Zone: - 0,00;

    The city finds itself placed at the river's low basin Guayas,nascent at Pichincha's and Cotopaxi'sprovinces, and flows into Guayaquil's Gulf at the Pacific Ocean. Receive the waters of the riversDaule and Babahoyo. The Daule and his affluents batheManab's provinces,Rivers andGuayas. The

    Babahoyo is composed of the river Yaguachi, and this for the union of the rivers Rubber Check andChanchn. Go over Chimborazo's provinces, The Rivers and Guayas. The Guayas's basin is the

    biggest one of the spring of the Pacfico with 40 000, km and an extensive area of the Ecuadoriancoast bathed by the river of the same name and all his net of affluents

    The two more important affluents, the Daule and the Babahoyo, they join up north of the cityforming a great flow intensity that you alleviate atGuayaquil's Gulf,that he is the principal river andgeographic accident of all the country with million 30 000's yearly average, waterm. Another riversare the Tiger, Congo Jujn, You Blow The Whistle, Chimbo, Pangor, many of whom they are born inthe mountain range of the Andes.

    In front of the city is born a coastal mountain range, than they findSanta Ana's hills and of the Villa( located practically next to theriver ), his higher elevation at stretch of the city you give yourself atthe sector where they find citadels Ceibos and names them to him the take closed Blue, at itsoccidentallimit, later on this mountain range Chongn's name and next Colonche

    The city is in s, at its Oriental slope the People In The Neighborhood find Rocks, the Villa's Hill,contiguous to the Santa Ana hill, where you find the Monument of Jess's Heart, the Cerro SanEduardo, at the zone noroccidental and more towards the west the Blue Hill, maximum elevation ofthe city next to the citadels Ceibos and Olive Trees

    Guayaquil is located northwest ofSouth America at the coast of thePacific Ocean. Specifically youfind yourself in the central part of the coastal region, better acquaintance like coast, at theEcuador.1's Republic

    According to the territorial division of the Ecuador, Guayaquil's city, next to several borderingterritories, Guayaquil, the one that the city is his top cantonal part of conform the canton.Additionally, so much the city like the canton, part of the province of the Guayas, the one thatGuayaquil is hiscapital of form.

    The canton Guayaquil is located in the central part of the province of the Guayas, and limits North

    withLomas's cantonsof Sargentillo,Nobol,Daule,andSamborondn; South withGuayaquil's Gulfand Gold'sprovince; East with Santa Elena's province and the cantonGeneral Villamil; And WestThey Last with the cantons, Naranjal and Balao. The island Pun is located in the center ofGuayaquil's Gulf, to the south of varied another little islands.

    Guayaquil's city meets northeast of the homonymous canton, and his natural limits are : North theriver Daule; East the river Daule and theriver Guayas; South for the islands formed as from theSaltyEstuary; West for the mountain range Chongn Colonche, although new habitational plans are beingconstructed across the little mountain range. The greater part of the city places him between theriverGuayas and theSalty Estuary.'s%20,'s%20;;'s%20,http://localhost/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/its%20's%20
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    The ri ce with vegetable stew and r oasted meat;A dish preparedwith bean of the type known locally like canary, although alsoyou can prepare it with lentils, chickpeas or with another differenttype of bean, as well as meat variants ( chop, fish, chicken orsausages ), is the meat he must be once the coal was roasted andtake like complement slices of fried plantain ( pieces of greenfried banana ).

    The Encebollado: Also it is very traditional to consume the typicalencebollado, a broth with fish ( early fig or tuna fish preferentially ) andcassava, and seasoned with onion, coriander and you played of lemon,

    considered one excellent reviver right after a night of fun.

    Cebiches:When being near by the sea, the seafood abound, which is why also theceviches are very consumed come from fish ( pickle ), shrimp or shell ( stews );

    The Crab: Another product of sea, the crab is, very popular and very consumed most of all theweekends in town, little garlic is prepared, Creole, in salad, etc.

    Green Bolones:The green bolones ( green- fried- banana balls, the factthat they come upon the way to him the hands ) with pieces fried of

    pigskin ( cracklings ) or with pieces of cottage cheese are an option forthe breakfasts.

    Bow ties:Salty appetizers ( elaborated with sweet corn ground, next topieces of cheese, wrapped-up in the own corn sheet ),

    The Hayacas:( elaborated with cornmeal, next to pieces of pig or chicken, vegetables, raisins, peas,wrapped-up in the banana sheet )

    Green- banana turnovers: You refill with cheese or meat.

    Sausage broth:( or of hose ), broth sold off with stuffed trifles of blood and rice or green grating,liver, feet, ears, between the pig's another parts that are utilized for his elaboration.

    Fish's buns:( preparation with green banana ground, fished, peanuts or peanut, wrapped-up also in abanana sheet )

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    Desserts:Be the typical fruit salad, oranges juice the one that they add to him pieces of pineapple,melon, watermelon, banana, grapes and others to so many tropical fruits more to the dinner guest's


    Typical dr inks:The quker, commercial name of a cereal check mark, that has been adopted this

    drunk, that consists in a done wash with flakes of oat, next to little orange and or maracuy,cinnamon and panela ( unrefined- sugar block ) included in his cooking; You can drink tibia or fry .

    Enter the establi shments of i nternational and special ized food: The most consumed is the Italianfood. The pizza restaurants exist ( with his offer of pastas and besides Italian food ),

    Grills ( where rioplatense sells to the style barbecued beefs or barbecues ) - Spit roasters ( roastedchickens' sale ) - Chifas ( Chinese- food restaurants ) - Restaurants of Mexican food, as well as theworldwide fast, hamburgers food chains, fried chicken, pizzas and Mexican food.

    And others like:

    Broth of Ball

    Slices of fried plantain

    Green tortillas




    Rice pudding


    Maduro with cheese

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    This clothing went back to be the scene of comments when Fidel Castro talked with irony on thelight jacket that Barack Obama at the summit will show off of presidents

    The traditional light jacket is one of Guayaquil's icons. A guayaquilea is further for adoption, one ofhis symbols is, those who say utilize her every day at any street portea. And although you were bornin Cuba, she is at this city where his people feel identified with this traditional suit to dress, thanshines to it from the mayor Jaime Nebot, to the more small change of the porteos. The essencecomes from the guayaquileo and its performance: Elegant, sober, descomplicada, chest of drawersand the one that better replaces the three-piece suit.

    Beyond culture and tradition that to use her, the light jacket represents is an one belonging to themost elegant garments and preferred for the men, specially in Guayaquil. The marked preferencetakes place specially between the older men of the 40 years, although also they exist for children andladies. This garment does not have political affinity. The leaders of all of the games use her.

    When Len Febres Cordero was president and next Guayaquil's mayor wore this garment. " whenyou came to his dispatch at the Town Council, never was leaving her, everything were white, shortsleeves. Ah!, Indeed, with his initials LFC in the left-hand pocket from above ", a person said thatyou knew it.

    The mayor Nebot has like his favorite the light jacket. You gloated when you said that you have used

    her for over 25 years. I believe that I went from the first in using in a public office ( the Guayas'sgovernor 1984-1988 ) one of her white light jackets of long sleeves without initials in his pockets, it

    became clear . The light jacket represents spontaneity, transparency, freedom, agility, and does nottie us like the formal three-piece suit, the architect Sixto Miranda manifested .

    Give them more for moments of solemnity are linen, you commented Tito Salazar, tailor ofGuayaquil.

    Manuel Prez, proprietor of a store located in Guayaquil's center, you manifested than hiscustomers's majority they acquire this garment for especial acts and the bigger request is July, whenGuayaquil celebrates an anniversary over his foundation. The most sold-out are the light jackets

    painted in colors cakes, long-sleeved white notes, Prez made a comment .

    The light jacket never goes out of fashion . I utilize her because you are easy to dress, you areelegant, of fine cloth and chest of drawers, you have four pockets and they is used for out of the pairof pants, the doctor said Luis Salvador.

    The historian Rodolfo Prez Pimentel manifested that from 1970 from now on the light jacket isused. The first accompanied her with bow tie. With the modern era and the use of the cellular phone,the light jacket lends itself to watch out for in the left-hand pocket down in sight of than rumor has itthat it is not convenient placing it on the superior left-hand pocket on the grounds of health,demarcated.Some personalize the light jacket doing to embroider his logo ( the customer's initials ) in the pocket

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    or left-hand fist.

    This clothing went back to be the scene of comments Fidel Castro talked with irony because of onthe light jacket that Barack Obama at the Summit will show off of the Americas of Cartagena.

    " what's curious, kind readers, it is that Cuba is prohibited in that meeting; But light jackets, no.Who can try to hide one's amusement "?, Castro wrote in you end it of his published reflections andin the half a Cubans.

    In his article, Castro mentions the light jacket than the Colombian designer dgar Gmez preparedfor the president Barack Obama, who exhibits that clothing in the continental appointment, that onecelebrates in Cartagena of Indies the days 14 and April 15.

    The history of this garment comes from old information. There are those who they insure that thelight jacket grew on Cuba at the beginning of 1800 ( you have one day national ), but Mexico andanother Caribbean countries also adjudicate his fatherhood themselves. His name relates with ancient

    peasants's habit Cubans to put guavas in the four pockets of his shirts.

    It is told in Cuba that also it meant the flag of that country with his star that would serve to be thebutton. That is, you evoked the independence.

    When you got to the Ecuador himself guayaquileiz and it is the clothing what else the city isidentified, no you exist in another places of the Ecuador, you asseverated Justo Heredia, universityteacher.

    The Carni val

    The word Carnem Levare comes of Latin, the fact that you mean removing the meat, this celebrationtakes place during the three previous days to Cuaresma's, Guayaquil's abstinence, the peoplecelebrated the mass of the God Momo in the first hours of the Shrove Sunday, chose the queen of theCarnival, his Princesa and to the Rey Momo itself.

    At the turn of the century previous one played with water, projectiles were crusts of egg or of wax or

    it threw the liquid with a checkmate itself, also had an itch in- color papers, lemons, cherimoyafruits, stars, hearts, fishes, etc were done . The game had its rules, the people asked for permission to

    play back then..

    Not yet the small balloons, neither squirts, neither the spray with perfumed foam existed but little bylittle was born this habit.

    The Municipality The last Carnival entrusted from her parades' realization, allegorical cars and on-line music for all our city dwellers's delight itself that they stay in Guayaquil in those days and nothave the need to go out to the seaside resorts and another destinations than they have become hisdistraction with exceeding the time.

    Civic dates

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    For the dates July 25 and the joy of these parties, where the streets for the execution of the sameclosed was seen at the neighborhoods of the October 9. A collection plucked up a certain amount ofmoney or material things for the delivery of rewards in the different games that were developing inthe celebration, making all of the neighbors in the task participant that way. Enter the games stops

    big and small the following projected out : Baggings, the stick encebado, the egg and the tablespoon.

    That they got through with the election of Barrio's queen and the banquet of the typical dishescommonly called ( big meal ).

    In the meantime than in the most commemorative places to date, the traditional parades take place.

    Al l Souls' Day

    Each November 2 the families remind their loved ones nostalgically and weighing ; Many meditatein death, in his mysteries and in the finalization of the material life. The tears of pain, after adorningthem with flowers and cards deposit in the tombs, the sentences and prayers come . Next they returnto his houses.

    Tradition is evident in what's Gastronomic with the characteristic Dark Purple Wash, elaborated withblack cornmeal, mortio ( a native plant of the wastelands ) than, next to the grass sangorache, givethe color and taste to the potion, the cinnamon's flower ( ishpingo ), smell nail, lemon verbena,orange sheets. Elaboration can be varied, but the majority includes little squares of pineapple pouredat the end of the cooking than, independently of the recipe, is colored in invariably red bruised.

    Many are the forms by means of which a sentiment of brotherhood with our deceaseds in this day isexpressed, to project out it is important, than in spite of the great inference of the Catholic religion asof the present moment, the ancestral habits of our towns still keep on and with them an identity thatyou identify us around the world, the one that we must feel ourselves for extremely proud and wemust try to maintain these habits to I deliver it of the time.

    The End Of The Year

    This is culminated with the traditional burning of puppets ( old years ), which are done of differentmaterials like wood wrapped up of cardboard or paper, of ( for the old general ) stuffed clothing with

    paper or sawdust, etc, Many Times these puppets are designed with characters's appearance that theyhave highlighted during the year and other ones are simply with aspect of old gentlemenemphasizing the End Of The Year.

    At present Guayaquils Mayor is the Ab.Jaime Nebot Saadi,born at theOctober 22, 1946 at this same city, he has been Mayor in the following


    Guayaquil's Mayor ( 2000-2004 ) Reelected Guayaquil's mayor ( 2005-2009 )
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    Reelected Guayaquil's mayor 2009 even present it put a date on and his period finishes in2014

    The vice-mayores is Domnica Tabaqui.

    Jetty Hackney Coach Boli var:

    You are divided into sectors, the same that the variety ofGuayaquil's greatnesses, each one of them with adifferent color show . That way you show the diversityof flags of the Ecuador with a contrasting coloring in his

    beginning, stops than the Palacio of Cristal that showartlessly his imposing look. Put a date on of Creation:July 25 2000. Extension: Represent 21/2 in length inyour grand total. With a surface of close to 20 hectares.

    Description: In 1995, thanks to the initiative of theBench The Previsora, a preliminary plan elaborated by

    the University of Oxford, designed had become elaborate to transform the jetty and regenerating thedowntown.

    Plaza Rodolfo Dark-Colored Baquerizo:

    The Plaza Rodolfo Baquerizo Moreno acquaintance like Parque Guayaquil,she has been renewed, in order that his middle part be nucleus forexpositions, giving more versatility to the zone. Besides you have created acenter of stock in which the wastes that be generated at the place arerecycled at this zone and from the one that can perceive the aforementioned

    process for teaching to schools and high schools that they wish to know therecycling.

    Address: The Plaza Rodolfo Baquerizo Moreno, located at Salty Estero's Jetty. You find yourself inthe area that you were occupying the ancient Parque Guayaquil, limiting with for the west the sector

    1, for the east with the street Tungurahua, for the north with the street Quisquis and for the southwith the Av. October 9.

    The Salty Jetty:

    The Salty Estuary's Jetty is a great tourist attraction with the Jetty 2000, it isthe visit forced of tourists that they wish to know the jetties of the river of theestuary and. You depart from the city in this you will be able to enjoy thesight of the avenue October 9 of food premiseses, the Park of the RailwayCitadel, the Parque Guayaquil and the company of the estuary. Being this

    other center of family recreation.

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    Historic Guayaquil' s Park:

    The Historic Park is a refuge of life and history of theregion and its natural riches. It is an ideal place for theecological and archeological tourism. Where the visitor

    will be able to go deep into the exuberant greenness of theforest and walking on a wood path that crosses it. Afaraway place of the commercial activity and the noise ofthe city.

    Guayaquil's Historic Park was made by initiative of theCentral Bank of the Ecuador for the sake of preserving forthe future generations the best of the wild life of the

    traditions of ancient urbane architecture, and of this city.

    Botanical gardens of Guayaqui l:

    The Botanical Gardens preserves approximately 324 sorts properly identified between them timber-yielding trees like the guaiacum and oak tree; Fruit trees and ornamental plants; Tropical exotic

    plants that can be appreciated them to them at his own habitat, like palms, water lilies, orchids,heliconias, bromelias and cactus..

    The St. Ann hi ll :

    The Cerro Santa Ana is a city's showplace. The restaurants, coffees, artgalleries, cyber-coffees and stores of craftsmanships meet to 310 meters.You are endowed in small squares, unripe areas for recreation and the rest,his more important attraction is obvious of the majestic Guayaquil.

    From his top observes him, North, the intersection of the rivers Babahoyoand Daule that they constitute the Guayas; South, the city's commercial helmet; East, the Isla Santayand Durn; And, West the Hill of the Villa and the rest of the city.

    The Cerro Santa Ana is historic Guayaquil's past, its charming present and its promissory future.They are 456 steps of stair with his respective attractions, that you will put him in touch with themagic of the place.

    The hill Santa Ana is located northeast of the city, at the foot of the River Guayas and next to thetraditional Neighborhood Rocks.

    General cemetery:

    Guayaquil's General Cemetery opened the January 1, 1843, you find yourself in the heart of the cityat the foot of the Hill of the Villa shut in by a perimeter that initially was shaped like a trapezoid,,and that you right now do not deem determined figure as the forced growth determined.

    One of the best comes from Latin America, for the architectonic designs from Greek Roman,neoclassical,

    The protective Forest Closed Target:

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    The Protective Forest Closed Target one of the few stock of forest that arelocated at the world, understands account with a system of natural paths andvisitors' center, with parking lot of vehicles, area of picnic and campground:Adequate with wooden tables, chairs, grills and sanitary batteries,amphitheater with capability for 200 people, informative plaza, interpretative

    mammals' panels, birds's roulette, ancient limekilns, children's alley, the barGreen Parrot.

    You initiated the conservation of the area from April 1989 and 2,000 hectares were declared likeProtective Bosque. The Protective Forest with 1,500 additional hectares widened in July 1994.

    Park Relating To The Seed or the I guas' Park:

    The Park Relating To The Seed also known as Parque of the Iguanas in his trees, tens of iguanas live. The most ancient comes from the city and the principal concentration point civic of the city,

    particularly for the festivities octubrinas ( parties of independence ).

    The Liberator's equestrian statue, you find yourself in the center of the park made of bronze thatrelaxes on a marble base and. The monument was inaugurated the July 24, 1889, in that same yearright after the step initiated in 1872 for a committee instructed for the effect, Bolvar's equestrianmonument going by to be named Plaza Bolvar rose up .

    Church Guayaquil ' s Metropoli tan Cathedral:

    Guayaquil's Metropolitan Cathedral has his very beautiful towers of semi-Gothic style, it is an onebelonging to the most visited ones belonging to the city. He was the second temple and firstecclesiastic parish church of Guayaquil, he is the Church Matriz, in the years back in 1541 and 1542,time that you consolidate the city's foundation in, Urbina's captain James. Truthful data locate her for1590 on the hill Santa Ana, next to the house of the Town Council and the Parade Ground.

    Zoo The Swampland:

    Zoo The Swampland finds to solo 15 minutes of the downtown placedly, itis an especial and interesting place for all those lovers of the flora and fauna.

    Possess over 100 sorts between flora and fauna. Students and public will ingeneral be accompanied by guides specialized to answer any restlessness.

    The principal show of this Zoologic nursery is wild animals' reproduction incaptivity, that usually they meet in danger of extinction, and than a time once this end was achieved,they are liberated at their natural habitat, preferentially in ecological existent stock at the country.

    Hundred-year-old park:

    You come the greatest from Guayaquil. You occupy an extension of four blocks of houses, in theones that can observe several monuments themselves, being the one with bigger importance the one

    belonging to The Freedom, that evidences the Ecuadorian heroes' imagery. To his around, thehistory, the justice and heroism represent statues of minor size.

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    The avenue October 9 is one of the principal since it becomes real Guayaquil's history with abeautiful monument that prints the names of the illustrious citizens of the independence registeredthe October 9, 1820.

    Address: Av. October 9 and Garaycoa's Lorenzo. Put a date on of Inauguration: The October 7, 1920

    was inaugurated and it was the masterpiece of the festivities for the commemoration of one-hundredyears of Guayaquil's independence.

    Extension: Represent 2 Km. and I mediate in length in his grand total. With a surface of close to 20hectares.

    Column of the Illustrious Citizens of Independence: Placed East, in the shaft you meet once theMinutes was reproduced of the October 9, 1820, in the column's base they find Jos Joaqun'sstatues of Olmedo in the elevation this, the illustrious citizen General Jos of Villamil in the northelevation, Antepara's Jos in elevation west, Febres Cordero's Capitn Len in the southernelevation.

    The column is composed of three elements that they understand : A granite base in which fourstatues of historic characters guided toward the four cardinal points are observed. The expresscolumn's base the space of the concrete facts, with the characters's presentation that were conjugatedin history's social body and events.

    The shaft, the one in which an engraving with the October 9, 1820's Minutes and the Patriots' namesare observed. They appreciate carvings of feminine figures that go up at his surroundings. Thecarvings of the shaft indicate the ascending road of the towns through the intellectual legacies,represented for the engraving of the Minutes of the October 9.

    The capital, the one you stand out in a stuck youth and Icarus's image. A youth supporting thefreedom's torch is observed on him, and to his side a condor in attitude to fly away. The humanspirit symbolizes the capital, lighting the road with the light of the understanding.

    The Column's shaft comes from bronze, with 10.80 the m of height, whose pieces are united withstrong bolts.

    Minor Large Church Mercy:

    He began to take upon himself to act as 1927, his style was inspired at the neo-gothic Byzantine

    school. Formerly the Iglesia was Mercy and his facade came from wood. In the same place theimposing Minor Large Church in homage to the same Virgin is raised now, Patrona of the militaryand of the Ecuadorian seaboard. You find the Bigger Altar of baroque, close-fitting style andcovering in Gold Leaf in the inside.

    Crystal Palace:

    The Renewed Southern Market, now known as Cristal's Palacio forhis structure and his imposing design that 1907 byline and thatHistoric Patrimonio of the City, was declared was tapped andreconstructed they have shown big teachers' works of the Paint of

    another centuries like Rembrandt with a collection of very engravingsrepresentative of the Dutch teacher to lodge cultural expositions at his

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    two ballot boxes that highlight his metallic structure, in him of crystal, and contemporaries likePicasso, Guayasamn, Rendn Seminario, between another exponents of the national andinternational art

    Anth ropological and Contemporary- Ar t Museum:

    Anthropological and Contemporary- Arte museum, perteneciente to the Central Bank of theEcuador, it is an area once culture was dedicated to and besides related activities. His design makesalike a great pre-Columbian boat and they find places of expositions, museums and fact-findingareas, a projection room of films in his inside and an esplanade for spectacles has an ample foods

    patio and general services out in the open, besides.

    This siege incorporated to this sector a historic monument known as the Small Fort, that formerlywas used to defend the City of pirates' attack, it was reconstructed and you created an adequatesurroundings in order that you recover the proper importance for oneself.

    National Recreacin Parque Lago's area:

    This place is ideal to relax, where visitors can enjoy picnics, walks for the lake, long walks andexercises, in a pleasant and worthy environment to be joint. A park is ecological that youcontemplate areas of recreation and care of the nature within everybody's reach the Ecuadorianvisitors and foreigners.

    Municipal museum:

    The Municipal Museum shows varied expositions: Archeological withapproximately 2,000 objects pertenecientes to pre-Columbian cultures of thecoast and the saw; Collections of art and objects of the cologne like pictures,

    portraits, coins, medals, books with the particularity to be one of the fewmuseums of the city that possesses a permanent exposition of objects

    pertenecientes to the ancient Guayaquil. Besides you possess the biggest living room of Guayaquil.

    Address: Sucre, between Peter Carbo and Chile.

    Put a date on of Creation: Guayaquil's Municipal Museum, the most ancient comes from theEcuador, the industrial in 1863 came into being initially like museum, but really it becameestablished officially as such in 1908, you went founded for Don Camilo Destruge Illingworth, who

    directed it during seventeen years.

    Museum The Small Fort of the St. Ann:

    The Museum has like purpose to hit to know his visitors, the defense of Guayaquil's city through thetime and a brief history of the Naval Fleet of the Ecuador. This Museo out in the open, it has like

    purpose to highlight facts and more significant elements that tapped in the defense of the city againstthe pirates in his tender age of existence, right after the foundation in the century, XVI.

    Put a date on of Creation: He was in the year 2002 constructedly.

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    Plaza Olmedo:

    Plaza Olmedo, you find the monument to Olmedo's illustrious citizenJos Joaqun, first mayor of the City and Precursor of the Revolution ofthe October 9, 1820. This meets massage an allegorical base with a set

    of cylindrical stone basins that they enhance the surroundings.Guayaquilea from 1927 finds the Club of the Union that is tradition,

    private club next to him.

    Sports's Museum:

    The Olympic Ecuadorian Committee ( COE ) presents through his Museo apanoramic vision of the Ecuadorian sports from its beginnings in the CenturyXIX to our days. Through the exhibition of medals, trophies, diplomas,reproductions of goods of press and for the installations of the Museumknowing the more moments highlighted of the Ecuadorian sports, his

    pioneers, his more important exploits and admiring the memories of themore sportsmen put on the front of the country.

    Henry Morgan:

    One of the various forms of entertainment that offers the Jetty 2000, isthe walk in the popularly known Pirate Barco to long of the riverGuayas. From him can observe him all Jetty 2000 with his variousurban funds, the Cerro Santa Ana and the neighborhood Rocks.

    Once the decision to construct a reply of a pirate ship, was taken youconsidered yourself valid to call it like the most famous pirate of all of

    the times Henry Morgan, because his very name represents all of a corsairs' history and pirates.

    The schooner Sir Henry Morgan was constructed with Ecuadorian materials and for his decorationcraftsmanships done in Cuenca, such like stained-glass windows painted in colors, as well as woodenornamentations, furniture and balusters manufactured at the town of Atahualpa and the Peninsulautilized themselves.

    One of the most interesting pieces is the they chewed of Proa sculptural piece sold off in a trunk,where QUIL is represented to the India of who part of the name of the city is inherited.

    Address: Jetty and Loja.

    Civic Guayaquil ' s Plaza:

    They find the monuments of bigger historic importance, that keep in goodcondition of the previous jetty like music at the Civic Plaza: Monument of theSemicircle of the Circular Square that the more representative of Guayaquil'scity is and commemorate the meeting of the liberating Hackney CoachBolvar and San Martn, that have place at this city a July 25, 1822.

    The Moorish tower is other of the edifications that is considered Guayaquil's icon and it has beenhighlighted with a scenic created frame to enhance its importance.

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    Put a date on of Creation: The first phase was inaugurated the October 9, 1999.

    The Theater I MAX:

    The Theater IMAX - Jetty 2000, that you meet next to the Pavilion, that the

    first is of this type in South America. A dome with the highest technology inprojection of films of great format, exclusive of IMAX Corporation,perceiving the attention of big and small than avid to live the ExperienceIMAX, in his 185 arm chairs with a system of audio and video of loud


    Address: Jetty and Loja.

    Experience IMAX, the system of films IMAX, invented and developed for IMAX, the moreadvanced and powerful, is able to offer the bigger precision of image and sound all over the world.Experience IMAX, that you create in the public the sensation to find oneself in a film totally

    immersed, has entertained and been delighted by in addition to 700 million people.

    IMAX marks it, recognized to be synonymous of entertainment of loud quality, you attract millionpeople all over the world every year. Now, thanks to IMAX's magic DMR, IMAX Corporation isrevolutionizing the way the admirers of the seventh art have a good time in of the films of action andthat risks produced by Hollywood.

    IMAX's technology DMR transforms the films of 35mm to format 15/70's IMAX, so that the publicmay experiment risks it, drama and the emotions of his favorite films but with the extraordinaryquality of image and sound that only IMAX can make an offer.

    The films have managed to transport IMAX to the public to fantastic places, hereafter to where onlya few could have arrived. With over 180 available titles, the audiences of everybody have traveled inthe time, so much to pre-historic epoches like to the future, and the RE-X, Into The Deep and SpaceStation could have taken a look at places out of this world through films like T, told for Tom Cruise.

    Films like Rolling Stones at the Max and classics once 2000 were encouraged of Disney likeFantasia, The IMAX Experience, Beauty and the Beast ( The Bella and the Beast ) and Lion King (The King Len ) have entertained and once the public was been entertained by I eat never before.

    The Theater Domo, the design specialized of the theaters IMAX, the ones which any seat is good

    because the onlooker enjoys a vision without obstacles of the big screen, you permit that the publicbe, without a doubt, in the midway of the action. The theater IMAX Domo possesses a screen thatyou measure almost 20 meters of diameter.

    The Dome enables that the onlooker be a part of the film. The system of sound possesses over 10,000watts and it is considered at the industry 3 superior times to Dolby Surround.

    Crui ser Discovery:

    Cruisers four boats specialized in festivities, celebrations and maritime and fluvial tourism in theEcuador, offering a list of attractive activities that you will allow them to to the visitors out of every

    one of the ships are Discovery to pass amusing moments within boats that they are safe and moderns.

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    Museum Memorial Abdn Large Calderon:

    This gunboat is naval pride of the Ecuadorian right now retired he has been convert at a museum forvisitor of all that they wish to know the warlike history to which you will be forever anchored morein depth.

    July Jaramillo The Nightingale of Ameri ca:

    Join of the most privileged voices and she is mistresses of America giveit Julio Jaramillo, singer guayaquileo. And you are through his

    biography, his songs come alive . Julio Alfredo Jaramillo Laurido,whom you know it like Jota Jota.

    The Public Clock' s Tower or M oorish Tower:

    An Arab Byzantine dome has his octagonal plant. You are located in Jetty and August 10 in front of

    the Municipality. Another one of the edifications that considers Guayaquil's icon itself and has beenhighlighted with a scenic created frame to enhance his importance is this.

    The l ighthouse:

    Guayaquil's sight from the top of the hill Santa Ana has no equal . The climb for hisflights of stairs is unforgettable when being full of bars and restaurants with an onlycoloring.