grups de música


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BIOGRAFIA Amelie és un grup de rock català, nascut el 2009 a

Barcelona. Durant els primers mesos de vida del

grup, i de que el seu primer tema, Somiant Despert,

tingués una bona rebuda a les xarxes socials, Amelie

guanya el concurs que organitzà la promotora Under

Eighteen per a obrir el primer concert a Barcelona

dels americans All Time Low. Un any i mig després

de començar amb el grup, i haver signat un contracte

amb la discogràfica Música Global, Amelie treu al

mercat al 2011 el seu primer àlbum Somiant

Desperts.[1] Aquest disc els va permetre guanyar

diversos premis de música per votació popular, com

els premis Enderrock al millor grup revelació i millor

web i el Premi Disc Català de l'Any, de Ràdio 4.

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CANÇO: SOMIANT DESPERT Avui és ben difícil saber que tot el món és meu Jo tot el que vull és estar junts (oh oh...) Escriure un somni on només hi som tots dos (oh oh...) I sento, i penso, que sense tu jo no sóc res Desitjo, i busco en el teu cor Un racó per poder estar amb tu Si escoltar el teu somriure fos tan fàcil Jo seria el més feliç del món Si escoltar el teu somriure fos tan fàcil Res podria ser millor que això, n'hi hauria prou Que cada minut que estic amb tu (oh oh...) No vull que acabi mai, no ho vull per res no (oh oh...) I sento, i penso, que sense tu jo no sóc res

Desitjo, i busco en el teu cor

Un racó per poder estar amb tu

Si escoltar el teu somriure fos tan fàcil

Jo seria el més feliç del món

Si escoltar el teu somriure fos tan fàcil

Res podria ser millor que això, n'hi hauria


Si escoltar el teu somriure fos tan fàcil

Jo seria el més feliç del món

Si escoltar el teu somriure fos tan fàcil

Res podria ser millor que això, n'hi hauria


Per mi ho ets tot, per mi ho ets tot,

Per mi ho ets tot, per mi ho ets tot,

Si escoltar el teu somriure fos tan fàcil

(oh, oh...)

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3,2,1 ja comença el compte enrere

si tu vols venir només pots d'una manera

i és quedar-te aquí fins que acabi tota la


1,2,3, les trucades necessàries

per tenir-ho tot i jugar totes les cartes

que tens a la mà, els teus daus ara estan


I les llums dels fanals il·luminen el món

i la lluna brilla a l'horitzó.

Ara és el moment de tenir present

que la vida són dos dies i no hi pots fer


més que estar content de tenir el que


Tots aquells que avui t'estimen, ho

seguiran fent.

És el moment!

Un segon pot ser més del que et demano

per posar-me dret, i seguir les vostres


cap algun indret amagat entre aquests


No fa fred, la calor se'ns apodera i ara

estem desperts

i radiants per una festa que no té final.

Cada instant no es repetirà.

I la música mou al compàs aquests cors

que bateguen cada cop més fort.

Ara és el moment de tenir present

que la vida són dos dies i no hi pots fer


més que esta content de tenir el que


Tots aquells que avui t'estimen ho

seguiran fent.

És el moment!


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Robert Nesta Marley, més conegut com a Bob Marley fou un

músic (6 de febrer1945 - 11 de maig 1981) de reggae jamaicà.

Fill de Cedella Malcolm, una dona jamaicana de 18 anys, i de Norval Marley, un capità de l'exèrcit britànic, que es va desentendre del seu fill. A la fi dels anys cinquanta, Robert es va traslladar amb la seva mare a Kingston, la capital. Una ciutat on els habitants de les zones rurals es traslladaven per millorar la seva situació econòmica. Per desgràcia però, com la majoria de les famílies rurals, la seva destinació va ser els barris pobres i miserables, en els que va tenir una gran influència en la vida de Bob Marley la religió Rastafari, barreja de profecies bíbliques, filosofia naturista i nacionalisme negre.

Per fi, al 1963 es va formar el grup, 'Wailing Wailers', llançant un primer senzill que arribaria al primer lloc de les llistes jamaicanes. Marley es va convertir llavors, en un dels primers a escriure cançons sobre els joves delinqüents del ghetto de Kingston. El 1966, es va casar amb Rita Anderson, i poc després d'anar a viure una temporada amb la seva mare, la creença en la religió Rastafari va créixer, reflectint-se en les seves cançons.

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NATTY DREAD 1. Lively Up Yourself"

2. No Woman, No Cry

3. Them Belly Full

4. Rebel Music

5. So Jah Seh

6. Natty Dread Bend Down Low

7. Talkin' Blues

8. Revolution

9. Am-A-Do

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LIVE 1. Trenchtown Rock

2. Burnin' And Lootin

3. Them Belly Full

4. Lively Up Yourself"

5. No Woman, No Cry

6. I Shot The Sheriff"

7. Get Up, Stand Up

8. Kinky Reggae

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1. Positive Vibration 2. Roots, Rock, Reggae 3. Johnny Was 4. Cry to Me 5. Want More 6. Crazy Baldhead 7. Who the Cap Fit 8. Night Shift 9. War 10. Rat Race 11. Jah Live

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1. Put It On 2. I Need You So 3. Lonesome Feeling" 4. What's New Pussycat? 5. One LovE 6. You Don't Miss Your Water 7. Ten Commandments of Love 8. Rude Boy 9. It Hurts To Be Alone 10. Love and Affection 11. I'm Still Waiting

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-You're gonna lively up yourself, and don't be no drag;

You lively up yourself 'cause reggae is another bag.

You lively up yourself, and don't say, "No";

You're gonna lively up yourself 'cause I said so!

Hear what you gonna do:

You rock so, you rock so, like you never did before, yeah!

You dip so, you dip so: dip through my door.

You come so, you come so, oh yeah!

You skank so, you skank so: be alive today!

You're gonna lively up yourself, and don't say, "No";

You lively up yourself, big daddy says so, y'all!

You lively up yourself, and don't be no drag;

You lively up yourself 'cause reggae is another bag.

What you got that I don't know?

I'm a-trying to wonder - wonder - wonder why you -

wonder - wonder why you act so. Yeah!

Hey, do you hear what the man seh?

Lively up your(self) - your woman in the morning time, y'all!

Wa! Keep a liv'lin' up your woman when the evening come

And take ya* - take ya - take ya - take ya-a-a!

Come on, baby! 'Cause I wanna be lively myself, y'all!

Lively up yourself;

Lively up yourself.

You want to rock so, you rock so:


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You rock so, you rock so;

You dip so, you dip so;

You skank so, you skank so, and don't be no drag!

You come so, you come so, for reggae is another bag!

Get what you got in that bag!

What you got in de other bag you got hanging there?

What you say you got?

I don't believe you!

Cry to me rastaman

¡(Ooh-ooh, hoo-hoo-hoo! Hoo-hoo de Ooh-ooh!)

Grito a mí, ahora;

¡Usted que va a gritar a mí, sí!

Usted va a caminar detrás con las angustias;

Usted va a caminar detrás con el dolor;

(Vertiente ésos) vierta esas lágrimas solas:

La reacción de su juego de engaño.

¡Usted consiguió gritar a mí, ahora!

¡Usted va a gritar - grito - grita a mí, sí! ¡Sí!

El señor sabe consigo de las angustias;

¡Señor que leadeth yo, sí!

Y ahora estoy al lado del agua inmóvil.

¡Usted tiene que gritar a mí, yea-ea-eah!

Usted que va ahora a gritar a mí;

¡Usted tiene que gritar - grito - grita a mí, sí!

Usted va a pasar esas horas solas.

Usted va a verter esos rasgones solos;

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(Caminata detrás) caminata detrás con las angustias;

(Caminata detrás) caminata detrás con el dolor;

(Vertiente ésos) vierta esas lágrimas solas:

La reacción de su juego de engaño.

¡Usted va a a gritar a mí, ahora!

¡Usted consiguió gritar - grito - grita a mí, sí!

El decir, (no sepa) no sabe - sabe

cómo consigo de las angustias;

¡(Señor que) señor que leadeth yo, yeah-eah-eah!

(Vertiente esas lágrimas solas) ahora

Estoy al lado del agua inmóvil;

(La reacción de su juego de engaño)

¡Yendo ahora a gritar a mí, hey!

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Said said

Said I remember when we used to sit

In the government yard in Trenchtown

Oba, ob-serving the hypocrites

As they would mingle with the good

people we meet

Good friends we have had, oh good

friends we've lost along the way

In this bright future you can't forget your


So dry your tears I say

No woman, no cry

No woman, no cry

Oh my Little sister, don't she'd no tears

No woman, no cry

Said, said, said I remember when we

used to sit

In the government yard in Trenchtown

And then Georgie would make the fire


Log wood burnin' through the night

Then we would cook corn meal porridge

Of which I'll share with you

My feet is my only carriage

So I've got to push on through

But while I'm gone...

Everything's gonna be alright

Ev'rything's gonna be alright

Ev'rything's gonna be alright

Ev'rything's gonna be alright

Ev'rything's gonna be alright

Ev'rything's gonna be alright

Ev'rything's gonna be alright

Ev'rything's gonna be alright

No woman, no cry

No, no woman, no woman, no cry

Oh, little sister, don't she'd no tears

No woman, no cry

No woman, no woman, no woman, no


No woman, no cry

Oh, my little darlyn no she'd no tears


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No woman, no cry, yeah

any sister no she'd no tears, no women

no cry

No woman no cry, no woman no cry

No woman no cry, no woman no cry

Say, say, said I remember when we used

to sit

In a government yard in Trenchtown

Obba, obba, serving the hypocrites

As the would mingle with the good

people we meet

Good friends we have, oh, good friends

we've lost

Along the way

In this great future,

You can't forget your past

So dry your tears, I say

No woman no cry, no woman no cry

Little darling, don't she'd no tears, no

woman no cry

Say, say, said I remember when we used

to sit

In the government yard in Trenchtown

And then Georgie would make the fire


As it was, love would burn on through

the night

Then we would cook cornmeal porridge

Of which I'll share with you

My fear is my only courage

So I've got to push on thru

Oh, while I'm gone

Everything 's gonna be alright, everything

's gonna be alright

Everything 's gonna be alright, everything

's gonna be alright

Everything 's gonna be alright, everything

's gonna be alright

Everything 's gonna be alright, everything

's gonna be alright

So woman no cry, no, no woman no cry

Oh, my little sister

Don't she'd no tears

No woman no cry

I remember when we use to sit

In the government yard in Trenchtown

And then Georgie would make the fire


As it was, log would burnin' through the


Then we would cook cornmeal porridge

Of which I'll share with you

My fear is my only courage

So I've got to push on thru

Oh, while I'm gone

No woman no cry, no, no woman no cry

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Live if you want to live

(Rastaman vibration, yeah! Positive!)

That's what we got to give!

(I'n'I vibration yeah! Positive)

Got to have a good vibe!

(Iyaman Iration, yeah! Irie ites!)


(Positive vibration, yeah! Positive!)

If you get down and you quarrel


You're saying prayers to the devils, I say.


Why not help one another on the way?

Make it much easier. (Just a little bit


Say you just can't live that negative way,

If you know what I mean;

Make way for the positive day,

'Cause it's news (new day) - news and

days -

New time (new time), and if it's a new

feelin' (new feelin'), yeah! -

Said it's a new sign (new sign):

Oh, what a new day!

Pickin' up?

Are you pickin' up now?

Jah love - Jah love (protect us);

Jah love - Jah love (protect us);

Jah love - Jah love (protect us).

Rastaman vibration, yeah! (Positive!)

I'n'I vibration, yeah! (Positive!) Uh-huh-

huh, a yeah!

Iyaman Iration, yeah! (Irie ites!) Wo-oo-


*Positive vibration, yeah! (Positive!)

Pickin' up?

Are you pickin' up now?

Pickin' up?

Are you pickin' up now?

Pickin' up? (Jah love, Jah love -)

Are you pickin' (protect us!) up now?

Pickin' up? (Jah love, Jah love -)

Are you pickin' (protect us!) up now?

Pickin' up? (Jah love, Jah love -)

Are you pickin' (protect us!) up now?

Pickin' up?

Are you pickin' up now?

[* Sleeve notes give this line as "Vibes,

got to have a good vibe".]


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Feel them spirit

Feel them spirit

Feel them spirit

Lord, I thank you

Lord, I thank you

Feel alright now

Feel alright now

Feel alright now

Lord, I thank you

Lord, I thank you

I'm gonna put it on, I put it on already

I'm gonna put it on, and it was steady

I'm gonna put it on, put it on again

Good Lord, help me

Good Lord, help me

I'm not boastin'

I'm not boastin'

I'm not boastin'

Feel like toastin'

Feel like toastin'

I rule my destiny, yeah

I rule my destiny

I rule my destiny

Lord, I thank you, yeah

Lord, I thank you

No more cryin'

No more cryin'

No more cryin'

Good Lord, hear me

Good Lord ...


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BIOGRAFIA Beyoncé Giselle Knowles (4 de setembre de 1981, Houston, Texas, Estats Units), coneguda

simplement com Beyoncé, és una cantant i compositora Der & B, productora, discogràfica,

ballarina, model, dissenyadora de moda, coreògrafa y actriu nord-americà. La seva carrera musical

va començar a finals dels 90s com la vocalista principal del grup Destiny 's Child, al costat de Kelly

Rowland i Michelle Williams.

Durant el recés temporal del grup, l'any 2003, Beyoncé va llançar el seu primer àlbum com a

solista, titulat Dangerously in Love, del qual es van desprendre senzills com «Crazy in Love" i "Baby

Boy", els quals van aconseguir # 1 a la llista Billboard Hot 100. El mateix, es va convertir en un dels

àlbums més reeixits de l'any, guanyant 5Premios Grammy en una sola nit l'any 2004.

Després de la dissolució definitiva del grup, l'any 2006, Beyoncé va llançar el seu segon àlbum com

a solista, titulat B'Day. L'àlbum va debutar en el primer lloc de la listaBillboard 200 i va incloure els

èxits «Déjà Vu", "Irreplaceable» (# 1 en Billboard Hot 100) i «Beautiful Liar".

El seu tercer àlbum, I Am .. Sasha Fierce, va ser llançat a finals de 2008 i inclou èxits com «If I Were

a Boy», «Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)», (# 1 en Billboard Hot 100) i «Halo». L'àlbum i els seus

senzills van fer que Beyoncé trenqués rècords en la cerimònia dels Premis Grammy de 2010, sent

guardonada amb 6 dels 10 premis als quals optava. El juny de 2011 va llançar el seu quart àlbum

d'estudi, 4, que va debutar en el número 1 del Billboard 200. D'ell es desprenen els èxits «Run the

World (Girls)», «Best Thing I Never Had», «Countdown», «Love on top» i «End of Time».

Compte amb un total de 17 Premis Grammy en solitari, 12 MTV Video Music Awards, un premi

Billboard del Mil · lenni, i un estel amb Destiny 's Child al Passeig de la Fama de Hollywood. La

cantant ha venut més de 60 milions de discos amb el grup Destiny 's Child, 5 més de 40 milions

com a solista, fent un total de 100 milions venuts mundialment.

Actualment està casada amb Jay-z i han tingut 1 filla.

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1. 1x1

2. I Care

3. I Miss You

4. Beset thing I never had

5. Party

6. Rather die Young

7. Start over

8. Love on top

9. Countdown

10. End of time

11. I was here

12. Run the world

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10. Crazy in Love

11. Naughty Girl

12. Baby Boy

13. Hip Hop Star

14. Be with You

15. Myself and I Me

16. Signs

17. Daddy

18. Gift from Virgo

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1. If I Were a Boy

2. Single Ladies

3. Diva

4. Halo

5. Ego

6. Sweet Dreams

7. Broken-Heart Girl

8. Video Phone

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1. Beautiful Liar

2. Irreplaceable

3. Green Light

4. Kitty Kat

5. Welcome to Hollywood

6. Upgrade U

7. Flaws and All

8. If

9. Get me Bodied

10. Freakum Dress

11. Suga Mama

12. Déja vu

13. Ring the Alarm

14. Resentment

15. Listen

16. World Wide Woman

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I told you how your hurt me, baby

But you don't care

Now I'm crying and deserted, baby

But you don't care

Ain't nobody tell this is love

But you're inmune to all my pain

I need you to tell me this is love

You don't care if that's okay

Well, I care

I know you don't care too much

But I still care, la la la la

Oh, I care

I know you don't care too much

But I still care, la la la la

Ever since you knew your power

You made my cry

And now everytime our love goes sour

You won't sympathize

You see these tears falling down to my


I swear you like when I'm in pain

I try to tell you all my fears

You still don't care? That's okay

Well, I care

I know you don't care too much

But I still care, la la la la

Oh, I care

I know you don't care too much

But I still care, la la la la

Boy, maybe if you care enough

I wouldn't have to care so much

What happened to our trust?

Now you just given up

You used to be so in love

Now you don't care no more

Well, I care

I know you don't care too much

But I still care, la la la la

Oh, I care

I know you don't care too much

But I still care, la la la la

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Certified quality

A dat da girl dem need and dem not stop

cry without apology

Buck dem da right way - dat my policy

Sean Paul alongside - now hear what da

man say - Beyonce

Dutty Ya, Dutty Ya, Dutty Ya

Beyonce sing it now ya


Baby boy you stay on my mind

Fulfill my fantasies

I think about you all the time

I see you in my dreams

baby boy not a day goes by

without my fantasies

I think about you all the time

I see you in my dreams

Picture you in the West Indies feelin like

royalty in the party

Picture me sexy in a two piece layin on

exotic beaches in the white sand

Picture us getting served breakfast five

star suites in the south of france

Picture this, bein rich, ...expensive gifts,

imagine we can do this all day

[Sean Paul]

Ya ready gimme da ting dat ya ready get

ya live

And tell me all about da tings that you will


I know you dig da way me step da way

me make my stride

Follow your feelings baby girl b/c they

cannot be denied

Come check me in-a night and make we

get it amplified

Me have da ting to run da ship cause I'm

go slip and I'm go slide

And in the words of love I got ta get it


But I give you da toughest longest kinda

ride - girl


Baby boy you stay on my mind

Fulfill my fantasies

I think about you all the time

I see you in my dreams

baby boy not a day goes by


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If I were a boy

Even just for a day

I’d roll outta bed in the morning

And throw on what I wanted and go

Drink beer with the guys

And chase after girls

I’d kick it with who I wanted

And I’d never get confronted for it

'Cause they’d stick up for me

If I were a boy

I think I could understand

How it feels to love a girl

I swear I’d be a better man

I’d listen to her

'Cause I know how it hurts

When you lose the one you wanted

'Cause he’s taken you for granted

And everything you had got destroyed

If I were a boy

I would turn off my phone

Tell everyone it’s broken

So they’d think that I was sleepin’ alone

I’d put myself first

And make the rules as I go

'Cause I know that she’d be faithful

Waitin’ for me to come home

To come home

If I were a boy

I think I could understand

How it feels to love a girl

I swear I’d be a better man

I’d listen to her

'Cause I know how it hurts

When you lose the one you wanted

'Cause he’s taken you for granted

And everything you had got destroyed

It's a little too late for you to come back

Say it's just a mistake

Think I'd forgive you like that

If you thought I would wait for you

You thought wrong

But you’re just a boy

You don’t understand

Yeah, you don’t understand

How it feels to love a girl, someday

You wish you were a better man

You don’t listen to her

You don’t care how it hurts

Until you lose the one you wanted

'Cause you’ve taken her for granted

And everything you have got destroyed

But you’re just a boy


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Ay (Nobody likes to be played)

Oh, Beyonce, Beyonce

He said, I'm worth it, his one desire

(I know things about him that you wouldn't

wanna read about)

He kissed me, his one and only

(This) Beautiful liar

(Tell me how you tolerate the things you

just found out about)

You'll never know

Why are we the ones who suffer

Have to let go

He won't be the one to cry

(Ay) Let's not kill the Karma

(Ay) Let's not start a fight

(Ay) It's not worth the drama

For a beautiful liar

(Oh) Can't we laugh about it (Ha ha ha)

(Oh) It's not worth our time

(Oh) We can live without him

Just a beautiful liar

I trusted him

But when I followed you

I saw you together

(I didn't know about you then 'till I saw you

with him again)

I walked in on your love scene

Slow dancing

(You stole everything how can you say I did

you wrong)

We never know

When the pain and heartbreaks over

Have to let go

The innocence is gone

(Ay) Let's not kill the Karma

(Ay) Let's not start a fight

(Ay) It's not worth the drama

For a beautiful liar

(Oh) Can't we laugh about it (Ha ha ha)

(Oh) It's not worth our time

(Oh) We can live without him

Just a beautiful liar

Tell me how to forgive you

When it's me who's ashamed

And I wish I could free you

Of the hurt and the pain

But the answer is simple

He's the one to blame


Ay, Beyonce, Beyonce

Ay, Shakira, Shakira

Oh, Beyonce, Beyonce

Oh, Shakira, Shakira


(Ay) Let's not kill the Karma

(Ay) Let's not start a fight

(Ay) It's not worth the drama

For a beautiful liar

(Oh) Can't we laugh about it (Ha ha ha)

(Oh) It's not worth our time

(Oh) We can live without him

Just a beautiful lia

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