growth of nanostructures by cluster deposition: experiments and simple...

Growth of nanostructures by cluster deposition: Experiments and simple models Pablo Jensen* De ´ partement de Physique des Mate ´ riaux, Universite ´ Claude Bernard Lyon-1, F-69622 Villeurbanne Ce ´ dex, France This paper presents simple models useful in analyzing the growth of nanostructures obtained by cluster deposition. After a brief survey of applications and experimental methods, the author describes the Monte Carlo techniques for simulating nanostructure growth. Simulations of the first stages, the submonolayer regime, are reported for a wide variety of experimental situations: complete condensation, growth with reevaporation, nucleation on defects, and total or null cluster-cluster coalescence. [Note: Software for all these simulation programs, which are also useful for analyzing growth from atomic beams, is available on request from the author.] The aim of the paper is to help experimentalists, in analyzing their data, to determine which processes are important and to quantify them. Experiments on growth from cluster beams are discussed, as is the measurement of cluster mobility on the surface. Surprisingly high mobility values are found. An important issue for future technological applications of cluster deposition is the relation between the size of the incident clusters and the size of the islands obtained on the substrate, which is described by an approximate formula depending on the melting temperature of the deposited material. Finally, the author examines the atomic mechanisms that can explain the diffusion of clusters on a substrate and their mutual interaction, to aggregate keeping their integrity or to coalesce. [S0034-6861(99)00405-5] CONTENTS I. Introduction 1695 II. Interest in Nanostructures and their Construction 1696 A. Organized nanoislands 1697 B. Nanostructured materials 1699 C. How can one deposit clusters on surfaces? 1699 1. Accelerated clusters 1699 2. Low-energy clusters 1700 3. Other approaches 1701 III. Models of Particle Deposition 1701 A. Choosing the elementary processes 1701 B. Predicting the growth from the selected elementary processes 1702 C. Basic elementary processes for cluster growth 1703 IV. Predicting Growth with Computer Simulations 1705 A. Pure juxtaposition: Growth of one-cluster-thick islands 1705 1. Complete condensation 1705 2. Evaporation 1706 3. Defects 1707 4. Island mobility 1707 5. Island size distributions 1708 B. Total coalescence: Growth of three-dimensional islands 1708 C. Other growth situations 1710 V. How to Analyze Experimental Data 1710 VI. Experimental Results 1711 A. A simple case: Sb 2300 clusters on pyrolitic graphite 1713 1. Experimental procedure 1713 2. Results 1713 B. Other experiments 1714 1. Slightly accelerated Ag 160 clusters on HOPG 1715 2. Sb 36 on a-C 1715 3. Au 250 on graphite 1715 4. Au 250 on NaCl 1716 VII. Towards a Picture of Cluster Diffusion and Coalescence at the Atomic Scale 1717 A. Diffusion of the clusters 1717 1. 2D island diffusion mechanisms 1719 a. Individual mechanisms 1719 b. Collective diffusion mechanisms 1720 2. 3D cluster diffusion mechanisms 1720 3. Discussion 1723 B. Cluster-cluster coalescence 1723 1. Continuum theory of coalescence 1723 2. Molecular-dynamics simulations of coalescence 1724 C. Island morphology 1727 D. Thick films 1728 VIII. Conclusions and Perspectives 1729 Acknowledgments 1729 Appendix A: Growth of 2D Islands: Regimes and Exponents 1730 Appendix B: Growth of 3D Islands: Regimes and Exponents 1730 List of Symbols 1731 References 1731 I. INTRODUCTION Growth of new materials with tailored properties is one of the most active research directions for physicists. As pointed out by Silvan Schweber in his brilliant analy- sis of the evolution of physics after World War II, ‘‘An important transformation has taken place in physics: As had previously happened in chemistry, an ever larger fraction of the efforts in the field [are] being devoted to the study of novelty [creation of new structures, new objects, and new phenomena] rather than to the eluci- dation of fundamental laws and interactions. ... Con- densed matter physics has indeed become the study of systems that have never before existed’’ (Schweber, 1993). Among these new materials, those presenting a struc- ture controlled down to the nanometer scale are being *Electronic address: [email protected] 1695 Reviews of Modern Physics, Vol. 71, No. 5, October 1999 0034-6861/99/71(5)/1695(41)/$23.20 ©1999 The American Physical Society

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Page 1: Growth of nanostructures by cluster deposition: Experiments and simple … · 2006-06-06 · Growth of nanostructures by cluster deposition:

Growth of nanostructures by cluster deposition: Experimentsand simple models

Pablo Jensen*

Departement de Physique des Materiaux, Universite Claude Bernard Lyon-1,F-69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France

This paper presents simple models useful in analyzing the growth of nanostructures obtained bycluster deposition. After a brief survey of applications and experimental methods, the authordescribes the Monte Carlo techniques for simulating nanostructure growth. Simulations of the firststages, the submonolayer regime, are reported for a wide variety of experimental situations: completecondensation, growth with reevaporation, nucleation on defects, and total or null cluster-clustercoalescence. [Note: Software for all these simulation programs, which are also useful for analyzinggrowth from atomic beams, is available on request from the author.] The aim of the paper is to helpexperimentalists, in analyzing their data, to determine which processes are important and to quantifythem. Experiments on growth from cluster beams are discussed, as is the measurement of clustermobility on the surface. Surprisingly high mobility values are found. An important issue for futuretechnological applications of cluster deposition is the relation between the size of the incident clustersand the size of the islands obtained on the substrate, which is described by an approximate formuladepending on the melting temperature of the deposited material. Finally, the author examines theatomic mechanisms that can explain the diffusion of clusters on a substrate and their mutualinteraction, to aggregate keeping their integrity or to coalesce. [S0034-6861(99)00405-5]


I. Introduction 1695II. Interest in Nanostructures and their Construction 1696

A. Organized nanoislands 1697B. Nanostructured materials 1699C. How can one deposit clusters on surfaces? 1699

1. Accelerated clusters 16992. Low-energy clusters 17003. Other approaches 1701

III. Models of Particle Deposition 1701A. Choosing the elementary processes 1701B. Predicting the growth from the selected

elementary processes 1702C. Basic elementary processes for cluster growth 1703

IV. Predicting Growth with Computer Simulations 1705A. Pure juxtaposition: Growth of one-cluster-thick

islands 17051. Complete condensation 17052. Evaporation 17063. Defects 17074. Island mobility 17075. Island size distributions 1708

B. Total coalescence: Growth of three-dimensionalislands 1708

C. Other growth situations 1710V. How to Analyze Experimental Data 1710

VI. Experimental Results 1711A. A simple case: Sb2300 clusters on pyrolitic

graphite 17131. Experimental procedure 17132. Results 1713

B. Other experiments 17141. Slightly accelerated Ag160 clusters on HOPG 17152. Sb36 on a-C 17153. Au250 on graphite 17154. Au250 on NaCl 1716

VII. Towards a Picture of Cluster Diffusion andCoalescence at the Atomic Scale 1717

A. Diffusion of the clusters 17171. 2D island diffusion mechanisms 1719

a. Individual mechanisms 1719b. Collective diffusion mechanisms 1720

2. 3D cluster diffusion mechanisms 17203. Discussion 1723

B. Cluster-cluster coalescence 17231. Continuum theory of coalescence 17232. Molecular-dynamics simulations of

coalescence 1724C. Island morphology 1727D. Thick films 1728

VIII. Conclusions and Perspectives 1729Acknowledgments 1729Appendix A: Growth of 2D Islands: Regimes and Exponents 1730Appendix B: Growth of 3D Islands: Regimes and Exponents 1730List of Symbols 1731References 1731


Growth of new materials with tailored properties isone of the most active research directions for physicists.As pointed out by Silvan Schweber in his brilliant analy-sis of the evolution of physics after World War II, ‘‘Animportant transformation has taken place in physics: Ashad previously happened in chemistry, an ever largerfraction of the efforts in the field [are] being devoted tothe study of novelty [creation of new structures, newobjects, and new phenomena] rather than to the eluci-dation of fundamental laws and interactions. ... Con-densed matter physics has indeed become the study ofsystems that have never before existed’’ (Schweber,1993).

Among these new materials, those presenting a struc-ture controlled down to the nanometer scale are being*Electronic address: [email protected]

1695Reviews of Modern Physics, Vol. 71, No. 5, October 1999 0034-6861/99/71(5)/1695(41)/$23.20 ©1999 The American Physical Society

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extensively studied.1 There are different ways to buildup nanostructured systems (Edelstein and Cammarata,1996): atomic deposition (Bunshah, 1994; Glocker, 1995;Arthur, 1997), mechanical milling (Koch, 1991), chemi-cal methods (Shalaev and Moskovits, 1997; Fendler,1998), and gas-aggregation techniques (Granqvist andBuhrman, 1976; Siegel, 1991; Melinon et al., 1995; Siegel,1996; Perez et al., 1997). Each of these techniques has itsown advantages, but, as happens with atomic-depositiontechniques, the requisites of control (in terms of charac-terization and flexibility) and efficiency (in terms ofquantity of matter obtained per second) are generallyincompatible. As a physicist wishing to understand thedetails of the processes involved in the building of thesenanostructures, I shall focus in this review on a carefullycontrolled method: low-energy cluster deposition (Meli-non et al., 1995; Perez et al., 1997).

Clusters are large ‘‘molecules’’ containing typicallyfrom 10 to 2000 atoms. They have been studied for theirspecific physical properties (mostly due to their largesurface-to-volume ratio), which are size dependent anddifferent from both the atoms and the bulk material(Sugano et al., 1987; Joyes, 1990; Averback, 1991; deHeer et al., 1993; Rubinstien, 1996). By depositing pre-formed clusters on a substrate, one can build nanostruc-tures of two types: in the submonolayer range, separated(and hopefully ordered) nanoislands, and for higherthicknesses, thin films or cluster-assembled materials(CAM). The main advantage of the cluster-depositiontechnique is that one can carefully control the buildingblock (i.e., the cluster) and characterize the growthmechanisms. By changing the size of the incident clus-ters one can change the growth mechanisms (Fuchset al., 1991; Brechignac et al., 1997, 1998; Yoon, 1997)and the characteristics of the materials. For example, ithas been shown that by changing the mean size of inci-dent carbon clusters, one can modify the properties ofcarbon film, from graphitic to diamondlike (Paillardet al., 1993).

This review is organized as follows. First, I discussbriefly the interest of nanostructures, both in the domainof nanoislands arranged on a substrate and as nanostruc-tured, continuous films. I also review different strategiesemployed to deposit clusters on a substrate—by acceler-ating them or by achieving their soft-landing. The intentof this section is to convince the reader that clusterdeposition is a promising technique for nanostructuregrowth in a variety of domains and therefore deservescareful study. In Sec. III, models for cluster depositionare introduced. These models can also be useful foratomic deposition in some simple cases, namely, whenaggregation is irreversible. The models are adapted hereto the physics of cluster deposition. In this case, re-evaporation from the substrate can be important (as op-posed to the usual conditions of molecular-beam epi-

taxy), cluster-cluster aggregation is always irreversible[as opposed to the possibility of bond breaking for at-oms (Zhdanov and Norton, 1994; Bartelt et al., 1995;Ratsch et al., 1995)], and particle-particle coalescence ispossible. After a brief presentation of kinetic MonteCarlo (KMC) simulations, I show how the submono-layer regime can be studied in a wide variety of experi-mental situations: complete condensation, growth withreevaporation, nucleation on defects, and formation oftwo- and three-dimensional islands. Since I want thesemodels to be useful for experimentalists, Sec. V is en-tirely devoted to the presentation of a strategy for ana-lyzing experimental data and extracting microscopic pa-rameters, such as diffusion and evaporation rates. Iremind the reader that simple software simulating allthese situations is available on request from the author.Section VI analyzes in detail several cluster depositionexperiments. These studies serve as examples of the ap-proaches presented in Sec. V for analyzing the data andalso demonstrate that clusters can have surprisinglylarge mobilities (comparable to atomic mobilities) onsome substrates. A first interpretation of these intriguingresults at the atomic level is given in Sec. VII, where thekinetics of cluster-cluster coalescence are also studied.The main results of this section are that high clustermobilities can be achieved provided the cluster does notfind an epitaxial arrangement on the substrate and thatcluster-cluster coalescence can be much slower than pre-dicted by macroscopic theories.

A note on terminology: The structures formed on thesurface by aggregations of clusters are called islands.This is to avoid possible confusion with the terms usuallyemployed for atomic deposition, where islands areformed by aggregations of atoms on the surface. Herethe clusters are preformed in the gas phase before depo-sition. I use the terms coverage for the actual portion ofthe surface covered by the islands and thickness for thetotal amount of matter deposited on the surface (seealso the list of symbols).


Before turning to the heart of this paper—the growthof nanostructures by cluster deposition—I think it is ap-propriate to show why one wants to obtain nanostruc-tures at all and how these can be prepared experimen-tally. A tremendous amount of both experimental andtheoretical work has been carried out in this field, and itis impossible to summarize every aspect of it here. For arecent and rather thorough review, see the collectionedited by Edelstein and Cammarata (1996), in which thepossible technological impact of nanostructures is alsoaddressed. It is also interesting to read the proceedingsof conferences on this topic (Averback, 1991; Suzukiet al., 1996; Anderson, 1997). Several journals such asNanostructured Materials or Physica E are entirely de-voted to this field. The reader is also referred to theenormous number of World Wide Web pages (about

1See, for example, Siegel, 1991 1996; Gleiter, 1992; Edelsteinand Cammarata, 1996; Rubinstein, 1996; Sattler, 1996; Palmer,1997; Fendler, 1998.

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6000 on nanostructures).2 A short summary of the indus-trial interest in nanostructures appeared recently in Eu-rophys. News (Fecht, 1997), and introductory reviews onthe appeal of ‘‘Nanoscale and ultrafast devices’’ (PhysicsToday, 1990) or ‘‘Optics of nanostructures’’ (Physics To-day, 1993) are also available.

There are two distinct (though related) domainswhere nanostructures can be interesting for applications.The first stems from the desire to miniaturize electronicdevices. Specifically, one would like to grow organizednanometer-size islands with specific electronic proper-ties. As a consequence, an impressive number of depo-sition techniques have been developed to grow carefullycontrolled thin films and nanostructures from atomicdeposition (Bunshah, 1994; Glocker, 1995; Arthur,1997). While most of these techniques are complex andkeyed to specific applications, molecular-beam epitaxy(MBE) (Herman and Sitter, 1989; Cho, 1994) has re-ceived much attention from physicists (Lagally, 1993),mainly because of its relative simplicity. The second sub-field is that of nanostructured materials (Edelstein andCammarata, 1996), as thin or thick films, which showmechanical, catalytic, and optical properties differentfrom their microcrystalline counterparts (Siegel, 1991,1996; Hadjiapanayis and Siegel, 1994; Jena et al., 1996;Sattler, 1996; Shalaev and Moskovits, 1997).

I shall now briefly review the two subfields, since clus-ter deposition can be used to build both types of nano-structures. Moreover, some of the physical processesstudied below (such as cluster-cluster coalescence) areof interest for both types of structure.

A. Organized nanoislands

There has been growing interest in the fabrication oforganized islands of nanometer dimensions. One of thereasons is the obvious advantage of miniaturizing elec-tronic devices both for device speed and for density on achip (for a simple and enjoyable introduction to the pro-gressive miniaturization of electronics devices, see thebook by Turton, 1995). But it should be noted that, atthese scales, shrinking the size of the devices alsochanges their properties, owing to quantum confinementeffects. Specifically, semiconductor islands that aresmaller than the Bohr diameter of the bulk material(from several nm to several tens of nm) show an inter-esting property: as their size decreases, their effectiveband gap increases. The possiblity of tailoring the elec-tronic properties of a given material by controlling theisland size has generated a high level of interest in thefield of these quantum dots (Weisbuch and Binter, 1991;Banyai and Koch, 1993; Alivisiatos, 1996; Mater. Res.Soc. 1998). But quantum dots are not the only incentive

for obtaining organized nanoislands. Isolated nanopar-ticles are also interesting as model catalysts (Freundet al., 1997; Henry et al., 1997; Besenbacher, 1998;Henry, 1998; Chapter 12 of Edelstein and Cammarata,1996). Clearly, using small particles increases the specificcatalytic area for a given volume. More interesting, par-ticles smaller than 4–5 nm in diameter might show spe-cific catalytic properties, different from the bulk (Cheand Benett, 1989; Henry, 1998), although the precisemechanisms are not always well identified (Chapter 12of Edelstein and Cammarata, 1996). One possibility isan increase, for small particle sizes, in the proportion oflow-coordination atoms (corners, kinks) whose elec-tronic (and therefore catalytic) properties are expectedto be different from those of bulk atoms. For evensmaller particles (1–2 nm), interaction with the substratecan significantly alter their electronic properties (Pac-chioni and Roesch, 1994). Recently, there have been at-tempts at organizing isolated islands to test the conse-quences for their catalytic properties (Jacobs et al.,1997). Obtaining isolated clusters on a surface can alsobe interesting for a study of their properties. For ex-ample, Schaefer et al. (1995) have obtained isolated goldclusters on a variety of substrates in order to investigatethe elastic properties of single nanoparticles by atomicforce microscopy (AFM).

Let me now briefly turn to the possible ways of ob-taining such organized nanoislands. Deposition of atomson carefully controlled substrates is the main techniqueused presently by physicists trying to obtain a periodicarray of nanometer islands of well-defined sizes. A strik-ing example (Brune, 1998) of organized nanoislands isshown in Fig. 1. These triangular islands were grown onthe dislocation network formed by the second Agatomic layer on Pt(111). Beautiful as these triangles are,they have to be formed by nucleation and growth on thesubstrate, and therefore the process is highly dependenton the interaction of the adatoms with the substrate (en-ergy barriers for diffusion, possibility of exchange ofadatoms and substrate atoms, etc.). This drastically lim-its the range of possible materials that can be grown bythis method. However, the growth of strained islands byheteroepitaxy is under active study, since stress is a forcethat can lead to order, and even a tunable order, as ob-served, for example, in the system PbSe/Pb12xEuxTe(Springholz et al., 1998).3

In this review, I shall focus on an alternative approachto forming nanoislands on substrates: instead of growingthem by atom-atom aggregation on the substrate, a pro-cess that dramatically depends on the idiosyncrasies ofthe substrate and its interaction with the deposited at-oms, one can prepare the islands (as free clusters) beforedeposition and then deposit them. It should be notedthat the cluster structure can be extensively character-ized prior to deposition by several in-flight techniques,

2Especially useful are the following sites:;;;;cluster/. A more extensive list is available at the author’s webpage,;jensen/.

3For further details on stress, see also (Eaglesham and Cer-ullo, 1990; Leonard et al. 1993; Moison et al., 1994; Bruneet al., 1995; Mater. Res. Soc. Bull, 1996b; Brune and Kern,1997 and the review by Ibach, 1997).

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such as time-of-flight spectrometry, photoionization, orfragmentation (Vialle et al., 1997). Moreover, the prop-erties of these building blocks can be adjusted by chang-ing their size, which also affects the growth mechanismsand therefore the film morphology (Fuchs et al., 1991;Brechignac et al., 1997, 1998; Yoon, 1997). A clear ex-ample of the ability to change film morphology by vary-ing only the mean cluster size was given a few years agoby Fuchs et al. (1991; Fig. 2), and this study was ex-tended recently by Brechignac’s group to larger clustersizes (Brechignac et al., 1997, 1998; Yoon, 1997).

There are several additional motivations for deposit-ing clusters. First, these are grown in extreme nonequi-librium conditions, which allows one to obtain meta-stable structures or alloys. It is true that islands grownon a substrate are not generally in equilibrium, but thequenching rate is very high in a beam, and the method ismore flexible, since one avoids the effects of nucleationand growth on a specific substrate. For example, PdPtalloy clusters—which are known to have interestingcatalytic properties—can be prepared with a precisecomposition (corresponding to the composition of thetarget rod, see below) and variable size and then depos-ited on a surface (Rousset et al., 1995, 1996). The same istrue for SiC clusters, where one can modify the elec-tronic properties of the famous C60 clusters by introduc-ing, in a controlled way, Si atoms before deposition (Rayet al., 1998). This allows one to tune within a certainrange the properties of the films by choosing the prepa-

ration conditions for the preformed clusters. It mightalso be anticipated that cluster nucleation is less sensi-tive to impurities than atomic nucleation. Atomic islandgrowth can be dramatically affected by impurities, as ex-emplified by the celebrated case of the different mor-phologies of Pt islands grown on Pt(111) (Michely et al.,1993), which were actually the result of CO contamina-tion at an incredibly low level: 10210 mbar (Kalff et al.,1998). Clusters, being larger entities than atomic islands,might interact less specifically with the substrate and itsimpurities. Unfortunately, there is still no systematicway of organizing the clusters on a surface. One couldtry to pin them on selected sites, such as defects, or toencapsulate them with organic molecules before deposi-tion in order to obtain ordered arrays on a substrate(Andres et al., 1996).

FIG. 1. Ag nanoislands grown on two monolayers of Ag de-posited on Pt(111) and annealed at 800 K. The inset shows afast Fourier transform of the spatial distribution. From Brune(1998).

FIG. 2. By changing the mean size of the incident antimonyclusters, one can dramatically change the morphology of thesubmonolayer film. The four micrographs have been obtainedfor the same thickness (1 nm) and deposition rate (531023

nm s21). The mean sizes are (a) Sb4 , (b) Sb16 , (c) Sb36 , (d)Sb240 . The changes in morphology are interpreted by the dif-ferent mobilities of the clusters as a function of their size, aswell as their different coalescence dynamics and sensitivity tosurface defects. From Fuchs et al. (1991).

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B. Nanostructured materials

Although the main focus in this review is the under-standing of the first stages of growth, it is worth pointingout the appeal of thicker nanostructured films (for a re-cent review of this field, see Edelstein and Cammarata,1996). It is known (Siegel, 1991, 1996; Hadjiapanayis andSiegel, 1994; Sattler, 1996) that the magnetic, optical,and mechanical properties of these films can be intrinsi-cally different from their macrocrystalline counterparts.The precise reasons for this are currently being investi-gated, but one can cite the presence of a significant frac-tion (more than 10%) of atoms in configurations differ-ent from the bulk configuration, for example, in grainboundaries (Gleiter, 1992). It is reasonable to supposethat both dislocation generation and mobility may be-come significantly difficult in nanostructured films (Sie-gel, 1991, 1996). For example, recent studies of the me-chanical deformation properties of nanocrystallinecopper (Schiotz et al., 1996) have shown that high levelsof strain can be reached before the appearance of plasticdeformation. However, recent computer simulations ofthe deformation of nanocrystalline copper show the op-posite effect: a softening with decreasing grain size forthe smallest sizes (Schiotz et al., 1998). A review of theeffects of nanostructuration on the mechanical responseof solids is given by Weertman and Averback in Chapter13 of Edelstein and Cammarata (1996). Another inter-esting property of these materials is that their crystallineorder is intermediate between that of the amorphousmaterials (first-neighbor order) and of crystalline mate-rials (long-range order). It is given by the size of thecrystalline cluster, which can be tuned. For example, forrandom magnetic materials, by varying the size of theclusters, and consequently of the ferromagnetic domain,one can study the models of amorphous magnetic solids(Perez et al., 1995).

C. How can one deposit clusters on surfaces?

After considering the potential appeal of nanostruc-tures, I now address the practical preparation methodsby cluster deposition. Two main variants have been ex-plored. Historically, the first idea was to produce beamsof accelerated (ionized) clusters and take advantage ofthe incident kinetic energy to enhance atomic mobilityeven at low substrate temperatures. This method doesnot lead, in general, to nanostructured materials, but tofilms similar to those obtained by atomic deposition,with sometimes better properties. A more recent ap-proach is to deposit neutral clusters, with low energy topreserve their peculiar properties (characteristic of thefree, isolated clusters) when they reach the surface. Thelimit between the two methods is roughly at a kineticenergy of 0.1 to 1 eV/atom.

1. Accelerated clusters

The group of Yamada at Kyoto University was thefirst to explore the idea of depositing clusters with highkinetic energies (typically a few keV) to form thin films

(Yamada and Takaoka, 1993; Yamada, 1996). The basicidea of the ionized cluster beam (ICB) technique is thatthe cluster breaks upon arrival and its kinetic energy istransferred to the adatoms, which then have high lateral(i.e., parallel to the substrate) mobilities on the surface.This allows one, in principle, to achieve epitaxy at lowsubstrate temperatures, which is desirable for avoidingdiffusion at interfaces or other activated processes. Sev-eral examples of good epitaxy by ionized cluster beamhave been obtained by the Kyoto group, including Al/Si(Yamada et al., 1984), which has a large mismatch andmany other pairings of metals and ceramics on variouscrystalline substrates, such as Si(100), Si(111).Molecular-dynamics (MD) simulations have supportedthis idea of epitaxy by cluster spreading (Biswas et al.,1988). The reader is referred to Yamada’s reviews (Ya-mada and Takaoka, 1993; Yamada, 1996) for an exhaus-tive list of ionized cluster beam applications, which alsoincludes high-energy-density bombardment of surfacesto achieve sputter yields significantly higher than thoseobtained from atomic bombardment (Insepov and Ya-mada, 1995).

However, the physics behind these technological suc-cesses is not clear. In fact, the very presence of a signifi-cant fraction of large clusters in the beam seems uncer-tain (McEachern et al., 1991; Turner and Shanks, 1991).There is some experimental evidence (Yamada andTakaoka, 1993; Yamada, 1996) offered by the Kyotogroup to support the effective presence of a significantfraction of large clusters in the beam, but the evidence isnot conclusive. In short, it is difficult to make a definitejudgement about the ionized cluster beam technique.There is no clear proof of the presence of clusters in thebeam and the high energy of the incident particles ren-ders difficult any attempt at modeling. The Kyoto grouphas clearly shown that the ionized cluster beam doeslead to good-quality films in many cases, but it is notclear how systematic the improvement is when com-pared to atomic-deposition techniques.

Haberland’s group in Freiburg has recently developeda different technique called energetic cluster impact(ECI), in which a better-controlled beam of energeticclusters is deposited on surfaces (Haberland et al., 1992).The Freiburg group has shown that accelerating theclusters leads to improvements in some properties of thefilms: depositing slow clusters (energy per atom of 0.1eV) produces metal films that can be wiped off easily,but accelerating them before deposition (up to 10 eVper atom) results in strongly adhering films (Haberlandet al., 1995). Molecular-dynamics simulations of clusterdeposition (Haberland et al., 1995) have explained thisbehavior qualitatively: while low-energy clusters tend topile up on the substrate, leaving large cavities, energeticclusters lead to a compact film (Fig. 3). It is interestingto note that, even for the highest energies explored inthe MD simulations (10 eV per atom), no atoms wereejected from the cluster upon impact. The effect of filmsmoothening is only due to the flattening of the clusterwhen it touches the substrate. Some caution on the in-terpretation of these simulations is needed because of

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the very short time scales that can be simulated (a fewps). Similar MD simulations of the impact of a clusterwith a surface at higher energies have also been per-formed (Massobrio and Nacer, 1997). Recently, Palm-er’s group (Carroll et al., 1998) has studied the interac-tion of Ag clusters on graphite for various incidentkinetic energies (between 15 and 1500 eV). They haveshown that, for small (Ag3) clusters, the probability of acluster’s penetrating the substrate critically depends onits orientation relative to the substrate.

2. Low-energy clusters

Another strategy for growing nanostructures withcluster beams consists in depositing low-energyparticles.4 Ideally, by depositing the clusters with lowkinetic energies, one would like to conserve the memory

of the free-cluster phase (Melinon et al., 1995; Perezet al., 1997) to form thin films with their original proper-ties. Since the kinetic energy is of the order of 10 eV percluster (Roux et al., 1994), i.e., a few meV per atom,which is negligible compared to the binding energy of anatom in the cluster, no fragmentation of the clusters isexpected upon impact on the substrate. Figure 3 sug-gests that the films are porous (Haberland et al., 1995;Kelchner and De Pristo, 1997), which is desirable forretaining one of the peculiarities of the clusters—theirhigh surface/volume ratio, which affects all their physical(structural, electronic) properties as well as their chemi-cal reactivity (catalysis). Concerning deposition of car-bon clusters, experiments (Melinon et al., 1995; Paillardet al., 1993; Perez et al., 1997), as well as simulations(Canning et al., 1997), have shown that the carbon clus-ters preserve their identity in the thick film.

Another interesting type of nanostructured filmgrown by cluster deposition is the cermet produced bycombining a cluster beam with an atomic beam of theencapsulating material (Kay, 1986; Roux et al., 1997).The size of the metallic particles is determined by theincident cluster size and the concentration by the ratioof the two fluxes. Then these two crucial parameters canbe varied independently, in contrast to the cermetsgrown from atomic beams and precipitation upon an-nealing. This property has recently allowed a detailedanalysis of the size dependence of the optical responseof cermet films (Palpant et al., 1998)

Cluster beams are generated by different techniques:multiple-expansion cluster source (MECS, Schaeferet al., 1995) and gas aggregation (Granqvist and Buhr-man, 1976; Sattler et al., 1980; Rayane et al., 1989; Meli-non et al., 1995; Goldby et al., 1996; Perez et al., 1997).These techniques produce a beam of clusters with a dis-tribution of sizes, with a dispersion of about half themean size. For simplicity, I shall always refer to thismean size. In gas-aggregation techniques, an atomic va-por obtained from a heated crucible is mixed with aninert gas (usually Ar or He) and the two are cooled byadiabatic expansion, resulting in supersaturation andcluster formation. The mean cluster size can be moni-tored by the different source parameters (such as theinert-gas pressure) and can be measured by a time-of-flight mass spectrometer. For further experimental de-tails on this technique, see Melinon et al., 1995; SamyEl-Shall and Edelstein, 1996; Perez et al., 1997. To pro-duce clusters of refractory materials, a different evapo-ration technique, vaporization is needed: (Milani and deHeer, 1990, Melinon et al., 1995; Samy El-Shall andEdelstein, 1996; Perez et al., 1997). A plasma created bythe impact of a laser beam focused on a rod is thermal-ized by injection of a high-pressure He pulse (typically,3–5 bars during 150 to 300 ms), which permits the clustergrowth. The mean cluster size is governed by severalparameters, such as the helium flow, the laser power,and the delay time between the laser shot and the he-lium pulse. As a consequence of the pulsed laser shot,the cluster flux reaching the surface is not continuousbut chopped. Typical values for the chopping param-

4Work in this area includes that of Ganz et al., 1989; Hagena,1992; Hagena et al., 1994; Ma et al., 1994; Wang et al., 1994;Melinon et al., 1995; Andres et al., 1996; Francis et al., 1996;Goldby et al., 1996; Wawro et al., 1996; Brechignac et al., 1997,1998; Perez et al., 1997; Yoon, 1997.

FIG. 3. Molecular-dynamics simulations of the morphology offilms obtained by Mo1043 cluster deposition for increasing inci-dent kinetic energies per atom (as indicated in the figures)onto a Mo(001) substrate. From Haberland et al. (1995).

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eters are (a) active portion of the period, .100 ms, and(b) chopping frequency, f510 Hz.

3. Other approaches

Alternatively, one can deposit accelerated clustersonto a buffer layer, which acts as a ‘‘mattress’’ to dissi-pate the kinetic energy. This layer is then evaporated,which leads to a soft landing of the cluster on the sub-strate (Cheng and Landman, 1993; Vandoni et al., 1994).The advantage of this method is that it is possible toselect the mass of the ionized clusters before deposition.However, it is difficult with this technique to reach highenough deposition rates to grow films in reasonabletimes. Vitomirov (1990) deposited atoms onto a rare-gasbuffer layer, the atoms first clustered on top and withinthe layer, which was afterwards evaporated, allowing theclusters to reach the substrate. Finally, deposition ofclusters from a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) tiphas been shown to be possible, both theoretically(Luedtke and Landman, 1991) and experimentally (Pas-cual et al., 1993).


In this section I describe simple models that allow usto understand the first stages of film growth by low-energy cluster deposition. These models can also be use-ful for understanding the growth of islands from atomicbeams in the submonolayer regime in simple cases,namely, (almost) perfect substrates, irreversible aggre-gation, etc., and they have allowed us to understand andquantify many aspects of the growth. For a discussion ofatomic deposition with this kind of model, see Lagally,1993; the review by Barabasi and Stanley, 1995; Jensen,1996; Zhang and Lagally, 1997; Brune, 1998; Pimpinelliand Villain, 1998. The models described below are simi-lar to earlier models of diffusing particles that aggregate,but such ‘‘cluster-cluster aggregation’’ (CCA) models(Kolb et al., 1983; Meakin, 1983; for a comprehensivereview, see Herrmann, 1986) do not incorporate the pos-sibility of continual injection of new particles via depo-sition, an essential ingredient for thin-film growth.

Given an experimental system (substrate and clusterchemical nature), how can one predict the growth char-acteristics for a given set of parameters (substrate tem-perature, incoming flux of clusters, etc.)?

A first idea—the ‘‘brute-force’’ approach—would beto run a molecular-dynamics (MD) simulation with abinitio potentials for the particular system one wants tostudy. It should be clear that such an approach is boundto fail, since the calculation time is far too large forpresent-day computers. Even using empirical potentials(such as Lennard-Jones, embedded atom, or tight bind-ing) will not do because there is an intrinsically largetime scale in the growth problem, the mean time neededto fill a significant fraction of the substrate with the in-cident particles. An estimate of this time is fixed by tML ,the time needed to fill a monolayer: tML.1/F where F isthe particle flux expressed in monolayers per second

(ML/s). Typically, the experimental values of the fluxare lower than 1 ML/s, leading to tML>1 s. Thereforethere is a time span of about 13 decades between thetypical vibration time (10213 s, the lower time scale forthe simulations) and tML , rendering hopeless any‘‘brute-force’’ approach.

There is a rigorous way (Voter, 1986) of circumvent-ing this time-span problem: the idea is to ‘‘coarsen’’ thedescription by defining elementary processes, an ap-proach somewhat reminiscent of the usual (length, en-ergy) renormalization of particle physics (Schweber,1993). One sums up all the short-time processes (typi-cally, atomic thermal vibrations) in effective parameters(transition rates) valid for a higher-level (longer-time)description. I shall now briefly describe this rigorous ap-proach and then proceed to show how it can be adaptedto cluster deposition.

A. Choosing the elementary processes

Voter (1986) showed that the interatomic potentialfor any system can be translated into a finite set of pa-rameters, which then provides the exact dynamic evolu-tion of the system. Recently, the same idea has beenapplied to Lennard-Jones potentials (Schroeder et al.,1997) by using only two parameters. This coarse-grained, lattice-gas approach requires orders of magni-tude less computer power than the MD simulation de-scribed above. One can understand the basic idea by thefollowing simple example: for the MD description of thediffusion of an atom by hopping, one has to follow indetail its motion at the picosecond scale, where the atommainly oscillates in the bottom of its potential well. Onlyrarely at this time scale will the atom jump from site tosite, which is what one is interested in. Voter showedthat, provided some conditions are met concerning theseparation of these two time scales, and restricting themotion to a regular (discrete) lattice (see Voter, 1986 formore details), one could replace this ‘‘useless’’ informa-tion by an effective parameter taking into account all thedetailed motion of the atom within the well (includingthe correlations between the motions of the atom and itsneighbors) and allowing a rapid evaluation of its diffu-sion rate.

Unfortunately, this rigorous approach is not useful forcluster deposition, because the number of atomic de-grees of freedom (configurations) is too high. Instead,one chooses—from physical intuition—a ‘‘reasonable’’set of elementary processes, whose magnitudes are usedas free parameters. This allows one to understand therole of each of these elementary processes during thegrowth and then to fit their value from experiments (Fig.4). These are the models that I shall study in this paper,with precise examples of parameter fit (see Sec. VI).Examples of such fits from experimental data for atomicdeposition include homoepitaxial growth of GaAs(001)(Shitara et al., 1992), of Pt(100) (Linderoth et al., 1996)or of several metal (100) surfaces (Evans and Bartelt,1994). Of course, fitting is not very reliable when thereare too many almost free parameters. Interesting alter-

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natives are intermediate cases, where parameters are de-termined from known potentials but with a simplifiedfitting procedure taking into account what is known ex-perimentally of the system under study (see Mottetet al., 1998 for a clear example of such a possibility).

B. Predicting the growth from the selected elementaryprocesses

To be able to adjust the values of the elementary pro-cesses from experiments, one must first predict thegrowth from these processes. The oldest way is to write‘‘rate equations,’’ which describe in a mean-field way theeffect of these processes on the number of isolated par-ticles moving on the substrate (called monomers) andislands of a given size. The first author to attempt suchan approach for growth was Zinsmeister (1966, 1968,1969, 1971) in 1966, but the general approach is similarto the rate equations first used by Smoluchovsky for par-ticle aggregation (Smoluchovsky, 1916). In the 1970s,many papers dealing with better mean-field approxima-tions and applications of these equations for the inter-pretation experimental systems were published. Thereader is referred to the classical reviews by Venablesand co-workers (Venables, 1973; Venables et al., 1984)and Stoyanov and Kaschiev (1981) for more details onthis approach. More recently, there have been two inter-esting improvements. The first is by Villain and co-workers, who simplified enormously the mathematicaltreatment of the rate equations, allowing one to under-stand easily the results obtained in a variety of cases(Villain et al., 1992; Villain, Pimpinelli and Wolf, 1992;Villain and Pimpinelli, 1995). Pimpinelli et al. (1997)have recently published a summary of the application ofthis simplified treatment to many practical situations us-ing a unified approach. The second improvement is dueto Bales and Chrzan (1994), who developed a more so-phisticated self-consistent rate-equations approach thatgives better results and allows justification of many ofthe approximations made in the past. However, theseanalytical approaches are mean field in nature and can-not reproduce all the characteristics of the growth. Twoknown examples are the island morphology and the is-land size distribution (Bales and Chrzan, 1994).

The alternative approach to predicting the growth isthat of kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) simulations. KineticMonte Carlo simulations are an extension of the usualMonte Carlo (Metropolis et al., 1953; Binder, 1986, 1994;1997) algorithm and provide a rigorous way of calculat-ing the dynamical evolution of a complicated systemwhere a large but finite number of random processesoccur at given rates. Kinetic Monte Carlo simulationsare useful when one chooses to deal with only the slow-est degrees of freedom of a system, these variables beingonly weakly coupled to the fast ones, which act as a heatbath (Binder, 1994, 1997). The ‘‘coarsened’’ descriptionof film growth (basically, diffusion) given above is agood example,5 but other applications (Binder, 1994,1997) of kinetic Monte Carlo simulations include inter-diffusion in alloys, slow phase separations, and pinning/depinning transitions in dislocation diffusion (Chrzanand Daw, 1997). The principle of kinetic Monte Carlosimulations is straightforward: one uses a list of all thepossible processes together with their respective ratesnpro and generates the time evolution of the system fromthese processes, taking into account the random charac-ter of the evolution. For the simple models of filmgrowth described below, systems containing up to 400034000 lattice sites can be simulated in a reasonable time(a few hours), which limits the finite-size effects usuallyobserved in this kind of simulation. Let me now discussin some detail the way kinetic Monte Carlo simulationsare implemented to reproduce the growth, once a set ofprocesses has been defined, with their respective ratesnpro taking arbitrary values or being derived fromknown potentials.

There are two main points to discuss here: the physi-cal correctness of the dynamics and the calculationspeed. Concerning the first point, it should be notedthat, originally (Metropolis et al., 1953), Monte Carlosimulations aimed at the description of the equations ofstate of a system. Then, ‘‘the MC method performs atime averaging of a model with (often artificial) stochas-tic kinetics . . . : time plays the role of a label character-izing the sequential order of states, and need not be re-lated to the physical times’’ (Binder, 1986). One shouldbe cautious, therefore, about the precise Monte Carloscheme used for the simulation when attempting to de-scribe the kinetics of a system, as in kinetic Monte Carlosimulations. For example, there are doubts (Kang andWeinberg, 1989; Bogicevic et al., 1998) about somesimulation work (Khare et al., 1995; Khare and Einstein,1996) carried out using Kawasaki dynamics. This point isdiscussed in detail by Kang and Weinberg (1989).

Let us now address the important problem of the cal-culation speed. One could naively think of choosing atime interval Dt smaller than all the relevant times in theproblem, and then repeat the following procedure:

(1) choose one particle randomly,

5See Voter, 1986; Tang, 1993; Bales and Chrzan, 1994; Jensenet al., 1994a, 1994b, 1994c; Barabasi and Stanley, 1995; Evansand Bartelt, 1996.

FIG. 4. Principle of a kinetic Monte Carlo simulation(see text).

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(2) choose randomly one of the possible processes forthis particle,

(3) calculate the probability ppro of this process hap-pening during the time interval Dt (ppro5nproDt),

(4) throw a random number pr and compare it withppro : if ppro,pr perform the process, if not go to thenext step.

(5) increase the time by Dt and go to (1).This procedure leads to the correct kinetic evolution

of the system but might be extremely slow if there werea large range of probabilities ppro for the different pro-cesses (and therefore some ppro!1). The reason is thata significant fraction of the loops leads to rejectedmoves, i.e., to no evolution at all of the system.

Instead, Bortz et al. (1975) have proposed a clever ap-proach to eliminate all the rejected moves and thus re-duce dramatically the computational times. This is tochoose not the particles but the processes, according totheir respective rate and the number of possible ways ofperforming a process (called Vpro). This procedure canbe represented schematically as follows:

(1) update the list of the possible ways of performingthe processes Vpro ,

(2) randomly select one of the process, weighting theprobability of selection by the process rate npro andVpro : ppro5(nproVpro)/((processesVpronpro),

(3) randomly select a particle for performing this pro-cess,

(4) move the particle,(5) increase the time by dt5((processesVpronpro)21,(6) go to (1).A specific example of such a scheme for cluster depo-

sition is given below (Sec. III. C). Note that the newprocedure implies a less intuitive increment of time, andthat one has to create (and update) a list of all the Vproconstantly, but the acceleration of the calculations isworth the effort.

A serious limitation of kinetic Monte Carlo ap-proaches is that one has to assume a finite number oflocal environments (to obtain a finite number of param-eters): this confines kinetic Monte Carlo approaches toregular lattices, thus preventing a rigorous considerationof elastic relaxation, stress effects, or anything that af-fects not only the number of first or second nearestneighbors but also their precise position. Indeed, consid-ering the precise position as in MD simulations intro-duces a continuous variable and leads to an infinite num-ber of possible configurations or processes. Stress effectscan be introduced approximately in kinetic Monte Carlosimulations, for example, (Ratsch et al., 1994) by allow-ing a variation of the bonding energy of an atom to anisland as a function of the island size (the stress depend-ing on the size), but it is unclear how meaningful theseapproaches are (see also Nosho et al., 1996; Schroederand Wolf, 1997). I should mention here a recent propo-sition (Hamilton, 1997) inspired by the old Frenkel-Kontorova model (Frenkel and Kontorova, 1938), whichallows incorporation of some misfit effects in rapid simu-

lations. It remains to be explored whether such an ap-proach could be adapted to the kinetic Monte Carloscheme.

C. Basic elementary processes for cluster growth

What is likely to occur when clusters are deposited ona surface? I present here the elementary processes thatwill be used in cluster deposition models: deposition, dif-fusion, and evaporation of the clusters and their interac-tion on the surface (Figs. 5 and 6). The influence of sur-face defects that could act as traps for the particles isalso addressed.

A simple physical rationale for choosing only a lim-ited set of parameters is the following (see Fig. 7). Forany given system, there will be a hierarchy of timescales, and the relevant ones for a growth experimentare those much lower than tML.1/F . The others are tooslow to act and can be neglected. The hierarchy of timescales (and therefore the relevant processes) depends, ofcourse, on the precise system under study. It should benoted that for cluster deposition the situation is some-what simpler than for atom deposition (Jensen, 1998a)since many elementary processes are very slow. For ex-ample, diffusion of clusters on top of an already formedisland is very low (Bardotti et al., 1995, 1996), clusterdetachment from the islands is insignificant, and edgediffusion is not an elementary process at all, since thecluster cannot move as an entity over the island edge (asI shall discuss in Sec. VII. B, the equivalent process iscluster-cluster coalescence by atomic motion). Let us

FIG. 5. Main elementary processes considered in this paperfor the growth of films by cluster deposition: (a) adsorption ofa cluster by deposition; (b) and (d) diffusion of the isolatedclusters on the substrate; (c) formation of an island of twomonomers by juxtaposition of two monomers (nucleation); (d)growth of a supported island by incorporation of a diffusingcluster; (e) evaporation of an adsorbed cluster. I also brieflyconsider the influence of island diffusion (f).

FIG. 6. Possible interaction of two clusters touching on thesurface: (a) pure juxtaposition, (b) total coalescence. Interme-diate cases (partial coalescence) are possible and will be de-scribed later.

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now consider in detail each of the elementary processesuseful for cluster deposition.

The first ingredient deposition, is quantified by theflux F , i.e., the number of clusters that are deposited onthe surface per unit area and unit time. The flux is usu-ally uniform in time, but in some experimental situationsit can be pulsed, i.e., change from a constant value to 0over a given period. Chopping the flux can affect thegrowth of the film significantly (Jensen and Niemeyer,1997), and I shall take this into account when needed(Sec. VI. B. 3).

The second ingredient is the diffusion of clusters thathave reached the substrate. I assume that the diffusion isBrownian, i.e., the particle undergoes a random walk onthe substrate. To quantify the diffusion, one can use ei-ther the usual diffusion coefficient D or the diffusiontime t, i.e., the time needed by a cluster to move by onediameter. These two quantities are connected by D5d2/(4t), where d is the diameter of the cluster. Ex-periments show that the diffusion coefficient of a clustercan be surprisingly large, comparable to the atomic dif-fusion coefficients. The diffusion is here supposed to oc-cur on a perfect substrate. Real surfaces always presentsome defects such as steps, vacancies, or adsorbedchemical impurities. The presence of these defects onthe surface could significantly alter the diffusion of theparticles and therefore the growth of the film. I shallinclude here one simple kind of defect, a perfect trap forthe clusters that definitively prevents them from moving.

A third process that could be present in growth isre-evaporation of the clusters from the substrate after atime te . It is useful to define XS5ADte, the mean dif-fusion length on the substrate before desorption.

The last simple process I shall consider is the interac-tion between clusters. The simplest case is when aggre-gation is irreversible and particles simply remain juxta-posed upon contact. This occurs at low temperatures. Athigher temperatures, cluster-cluster coalescence will beactive (Fig. 6). Thermodynamics teaches us that coales-cence should always happen but without specifying thekinetics. Since many clusters are deposited on the sur-face per unit time, kinetics is here crucial to determinethe shape of the islands formed on the substrate. Com-plete understanding of the kinetics is still lacking, forreasons that I shall discuss later (Sec. VII. B). I note thatthe shape of the clusters and the islands on the surfaceneed not be perfectly spherical, even in the case of totalcoalescence. Their interaction with the substrate canlead to half spheres or even flatter shapes, depending onthe contact angle. Contrary to what happens for atomicdeposition, a cluster touching an island forms a hugenumber of atom-atom bonds and will not detach from it.Thus models including reversible particle-particle aggre-gation (Zhdanov and Norton, 1994; Bartelt et al., 1995;Ratsch et al., 1995) are not useful for cluster deposition.

The specific procedure for performing a rapid kineticMonte Carlo simulation of a system (linear size L) whendeposition, diffusion, and evaporation of the monomersare included is the following. The processes are deposi-tion of a particle [ndepo5F , Vdepo5L2 (it is possible todeposit a particle on each site of the lattice)], diffusionof a monomer (ndiff51/t , Vdiff5rL2 where r is themonomer density on the surface), and evaporation of amonomer (nevap51/te , Vevap5rL2). For each loop, onecalculates two quantities,

pdrop5FY FF1rS 1te

11t D G


pdiff5~r/t!Y FF1rS 1te

11t D G .

Then one throws a random number p (0,p,1) andcompares it to pdrop and pdiff . If p,pdrop , a particle isdeposited in a random position; if p.pdrop1pdiff , amonomer (randomly selected) is removed, otherwise wejust move a randomly chosen monomer. After each ofthese possibilities, one checks whether an aggregationhas taken place (which modifies the number of mono-mers on the surface, and therefore the number of pos-sible diffusion or evaporation moves), increases the timeby

dt51YFFL21rL2S 1te

11t D G ,

and goes to the next loop.The usual game for theoreticians is to combine these

elementary processes and predict the growth of the film.However, experimentalists are interested in the reversestrategy: from (a set of) experimental results, they wishto understand which elementary processes are actuallypresent in their growth experiments and in what magni-

FIG. 7. Arbitrary example of the time scales of some elemen-tary processes considered in this paper for the growth of filmsby cluster deposition. The relevant processes are those whosetime scales are smaller than the deposition time scale shown bythe arrow in the left. In this case, models including only clusterdiffusion on the substrate and cluster-cluster coalescence areappropriate. ‘‘Island diffusion’’ refers to the motion of islandsof clusters as a whole, ‘‘cluster dissociation’’ to the evaporationof atoms from the cluster, and ‘‘interdiffusion’’ to the exchangeof atoms in the cluster with substrate atoms.

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tudes, what physicists call understanding a phenomenon.The problem, of course, is that with so many processes,many combinations will reproduce the same experi-ments (see specific examples below). Then some cleverguesses are needed to identify which processes arepresent. For example, if the saturation island densitydoes not change when flux (or substrate temperature) ischanged, one can guess that nucleation is mostly occur-ring on defects of the surface.

In view of these difficulties, the next section is de-voted to predicting the growth when the microscopicprocesses (and their values) are known. After this, inSec. V, I propose a detailed procedure for identifyingand quantifying the microscopic process from the ex-periments. Finally, Sec. VI reviews the experimental re-sults obtained for cluster deposition.


The aim of this section is to find formulas or graphs todeduce the values of the microscopic processes (diffu-sion, evaporation, etc.) from the observed experimentalquantities (island density, island size histograms, etc.).The classic studies (Venables, 1973; Stoyanov andKaschiev, 1981; Venables et al., 1984) focused on theevolution of the concentration of islands on the surfaceas a function of time, and especially on the saturationisland density, i.e., the maximum island density observedbefore reaching a continuous film. The reason is that thisquantity can be calculated from the rate equations andmeasured experimentally by conventional microscopy. Ishall show other interesting quantities such as island sizedistributions that are measurable experimentally andhave been recently calculated by computer simulations(Stroscio and Pierce, 1994; Jensen et al., 1995, 1996,1997; Ratsch et al., 1995; Evans and Bartelt, 1996).

I shall study separately the two limiting cases of purejuxtaposition and total coalescence (which are similar totwo- and three-dimensional growth in atomic-depositionterminology). Experimentally, the distinction betweenthe two cases can be made by looking at the shape of thesupported islands: if they are circular (and larger thanthe incident clusters) they have been formed by totalcoalescence; if ramified, by pure juxtaposition (see sev-eral examples below, Sec. VI).

In both cases, I analyze how the growth proceedswhen different processes are at work: diffusion, evapo-ration, defects acting as traps, and island mobility. In thesimulations, I often take the diffusion time t to be theunit time: in this case, the flux is equivalent to the nor-malized flux f (see the List of Symbols) and the evapo-ration time corresponds to te /t . The growth is charac-terized by the kinetics of island formation, the value ofthe island concentration at saturation Nsat (i.e., themaximum value reached before island-island coales-cence becomes important), and the corresponding val-ues of the thickness esat and condensation coefficientCsat , useful when evaporation is important [the conden-sation coefficient is the ratio of matter actually present

on the substrate to the the total number of particles senton to the surface (also called the thickness e5Ft); seethe List of Symbols].

I also give the island size distributions correspondingto each growth hypothesis. These have proven useful asa tool for experimentalists to distinguish between differ-ent growth mechanisms (Stroscio and Pierce, 1994; Bar-dotti et al., 1995, 1996; Evans and Bartelt, 1996). By sizeof an island, I mean the surface it occupies on the sub-strate. For ‘‘two-dimensional’’ islands (i.e., formed bypure juxtaposition), this is the same as the island mass,i.e., its number of monomers. For ‘‘three-dimensional’’islands (formed by total coalescence), their projectedsurface is the easiest quantity to measure by microscopy.It should be noted that for three-dimensional islands,their projected surface for a given mass depends on theirshape, which is assumed here to be pyramidal (close to ahalf sphere). It has been shown (Evans and Bartelt,1994; 1997) that by normalizing the size histograms, oneobtains a universal size distribution independent of thecoverage, the flux, or the substrate temperature for alarge range of their values.

A. Pure juxtaposition: Growth of one-cluster-thick islands

I first study island formation in the limiting case ofpure juxtaposition. This is done for several growth hy-potheses. The rate-equations treatment is given in Ap-pendix A.

1. Complete condensation

Let us start with the simplest case, in which only dif-fusion takes place on a perfect substrate (no evapora-tion). Figure 8(a) shows the evolution of the monomer(i.e., isolated clusters) and island densities as a functionof deposition time.

We see that the monomer density rapidly grows, lead-ing to a rapid increase of island density by monomer-monomer encounter on the surface. This goes on untilthe islands occupy a small fraction of the surface,roughly 0.1% [Fig. 9(a)]. Then islands capture efficientlythe monomers, whose density decreases. As a conse-quence, the creation of more islands becomes less prob-able, and their number increases more slowly. When thecoverage reaches a value close to 15% [Fig. 9(b)], coa-lescence will start to decrease the number of islands.The maximum number of islands at saturation Nsat isthus reached for coverages around 15%. Concerning thedependence of Nsat as a function of the model param-eters, it has been shown that the maximum number ofislands per unit area formed on the surface scales asNsat.(F/D)1/3 (Venables, 1973; Stoyanov andKaschiev, 1981). Recent simulations (Bales and Chrzan,1994; Bardotti et al., 1995, 1996) and theoretical analyses(Villain et al., 1992; Villain, Pimpinelli, and Wolf, 1992;Barabasi and Stanley, 1995) have shown that the preciserelation is Nsat50.53(Ft)0.36 for the ramified islandsproduced by pure juxtaposition (Fig. 10).

It should be noted that if cluster diffusion is vanish-ingly small, the above relation does not hold: instead,

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film growth proceeds as in the percolation model(Stauffer and Aharony, 1992), by random paving of thesubstrate. An experimental example of such a situationhas been given by Melinon et al. (1991).

2. Evaporation

What happens when evaporation is also included?Figure 8(b) shows that now the monomer density be-comes roughly a constant, since it is now mainly deter-mined by the balancing of deposition and evaporation.

As expected, the constant concentration equals Fte(solid line). Then the number of islands increases lin-early with time (the island creation rate is roughly pro-portional to the square monomer concentration; see Ap-pendix A). One can also notice that only a small fraction(1/100) of the monomers effectively remain on the sub-strate, as shown by the low condensation coefficientvalue at early times. This can be understood by notingthat the islands grow by capturing only the monomersthat are deposited within their ‘‘capture zone’’ (com-prised between two circles of radius R and R1XS). Theother monomers evaporate before reaching the islands.When the islands occupy a significant fraction of the sur-face, they rapidly capture the monomers. This has two

FIG. 8. Evolution of the monomer and island densities as afunction of the thickness (in monolayers), for islands formedby pure juxtaposition: (a) complete condensation, F51028,te51010 (t51). These values mean XS5105 and l CC522 (b)important evaporation, F51028, te5600 (t51) (XS525 andl CC522). l CC represents the mean island separation at satu-ration for the given fluxes when there is no evaporation(Jensen et al., 1997). The length units correspond to the inci-dent cluster (monomer) diameter. In (b) the ‘‘condensation’’curve represents the total number of particles actually presenton the surface divided by the total number of particles sent onto the surface (F t). It would be 1 for the complete condensa-tion case, neglecting the monomers that are deposited on topof the islands. The solid line represents the constant value ex-pected for the monomer concentration, while the dashed linecorresponds to the linear increase of the island density (seetext).

FIG. 9. Morphology of a submonolayer deposit in the case ofgrowth with complete condensation and pure juxtaposition: (a)u50.1%; (b) u515%. The values of the parameters are F51028ML/s , t51, and L5300.

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effects: the monomer density starts to decrease, and thecondensation coefficient starts to increase. Shortly after,the island density saturates and starts to decrease be-cause of island-island coalescence. Figure 10 shows theevolution of the maximum island density in the presenceof evaporation. A detailed analysis of the effect ofmonomer evaporation on the growth is given by Jensenet al. (1997), who also discuss the regime of ‘‘direct im-pingement’’ that arises when XS<1: islands are formedby direct impingement of incident clusters as first neigh-bors of previously adsorbed clusters, and grow by directimpingement of clusters on the island boundary. A sum-mary of the results obtained in the various regimesspanned as the evaporation time te decreases is givenin Appendix A. It is interesting to note that theserecent results contradict the ‘‘classical’’ predictions byVenables et al. (1984).

3. Defects

Now let us consider the influence of a very simplekind of defect: a perfect trap for the diffusing particles.If a particle enters such a defect site, it becomes trappedat this site forever. If such defects are present on thesurface (Robins and Rhodin, 1964; Lewis and Anderson,1978; Larralde et al., 1997) they will affect the growth ofthe film only if their number is higher than the number

of islands that would have been created without defects(for the same values of the parameters). If this is indeedthe case, monomers will be trapped by the defects at thevery beginning of growth and the number of islands willequal the number of defects, whatever the diffusivity ofthe particles. The kinetics of island formation is dramati-cally affected by the presence of defects, the saturationdensity being reached almost immediately (Fig. 11).

4. Island mobility

The consequences of small-island mobility have notreceived much attention. One reason is that it is difficultto include island mobility in the rate-equations treat-ments. A different (though related) reason is that(atomic) islands are expected to be almost immobile inmost homoepitaxial systems. However, several studieshave shown the following consequences of island mobil-ity for the pure juxtaposition case and in the absence ofevaporation. First, the saturation island density ischanged (Villain et al., 1992; Villain, Pimpinelli, andWolf, 1992; Jensen et al., 1994b; Liu et al., 1995a;Kuipers and Palmer, 1996; Furman and Biham, 1997):one obtains Nsat50.3(F/D)0.42 (Fig. 10) if all islands aremobile, with a mobility inversely proportional to theirsize (Jensen et al., 1994a, 1994b). Second, the saturationisland density is reached for very low coverages (Fig. 11

FIG. 10. Saturation island density as a function of the normalized flux (t51) for different growth hypotheses indicated on thefigure, always in the case of island growth by pure juxtaposition: d, ‘‘no evap’’ means complete condensation, immobiles islands;m, densities obtained if there is evaporation, for te5100, immobile islands; h, mobile islands where island mobility is supposed todecrease as the inverse island size (Jensen et al., 1994b), no evaporation; dashed line, an extrapolation of the data for the lownormalized fluxes. Fits of the different curves in the low-flux region: (solid line) ‘‘no evap’’: Nsat50.53(Ft)0.36; dotted line evap:Nsat50.26F0.67t21/3te (for the t and te exponents, see Jensen et al., 1997 and Appendix A) (dashed line, mobile islands: Nsat


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and Jensen et al., 1994b). This can be explained by adynamical equilibrium between island formation andcoalescence taking place at low coverages, thanks to is-land diffusion. If only monomers are able to move, is-lands can coalesce (static coalescence) only when thecoverage is high enough [roughly 10–15 % (Villain et al.,1992; Villain, Pimpinell, and Wolf, 1992; Jensen et al.,1997)]. Then, the saturation island density is reached forthose coverages. When, instead, islands can move, theso-called dynamical coalescence starts from the begin-ning of the growth and a balance is established at verylow coverages (Jensen et al., 1994b). Third, the islandsize distribution is sharpened by the mobility of the is-lands (Jensen et al., 1995, 1996; Kuipers and Palmer,1996; Furman and Biham, 1997). To my knowledge,there is no prediction concerning the growth of filmswith evaporation when islands are mobile.

5. Island size distributions

Figure 12 shows the evolution of the rescaled (Stros-cio and Pierce, 1994; Evans and Bartelt, 1997) island sizedistributions as a function of evaporation time for is-lands formed by juxtaposition (Jensen et al., 1996). Sizedistributions are normalized by the mean island size inthe following way: one defines p(s/sm)5ns /Nt as theprobability that a randomly chosen island has a surface swhen the average surface per island is sm5u/Nt , wherens stands for the number of islands of surface s , Nt is thetotal number of islands, and u for the coverage of thesurface. It is clear that the distributions are significantlyaffected by evaporation, smaller islands becoming morenumerous when evaporation increases. This trend can

be qualitatively understood by noting that new islandsare created continuously when evaporation is present,while nucleation rapidly becomes negligible in the com-plete condensation regime. The reason is that islands arecreated (spatially) homogeneously in the last case, be-cause the positions of the islands are correlated (throughmonomer diffusion), leaving virtually no room for fur-ther nucleation once a small portion of the surface iscovered (u;0.05). In the limit of strong evaporation,islands are nucleated randomly on the surface, the fluc-tuations leaving large regions of the surface uncovered.These large regions can host new islands even for rela-tively large coverages, which explains why there is a highproportion of small (s,sm) islands in this regime.

B. Total coalescence: Growth of three-dimensional islands

If clusters coalesce when touching, the results areslightly different from those given in the preceding sec-tion, mainly because the islands occupy a smaller por-tion of the substrate at a given thickness. Therefore, inthe case of complete condensation, for example, satura-tion arises at a higher thickness (Fig. 11), even if thecoverage is approximately the same (matter is ‘‘wasted’’in the dimension perpendicular to the substrate). How-ever, the main qualitative characteristics of the growthcorrespond to those detailed in the preceding section.Figure 13 shows the evolution of the maximum islanddensity in that case, where the three-dimensional islandsare assumed to be roughly half spheres [actually, pyra-mids were used in these simulations, which were origi-nally intended for atomic deposition (Meunier and

FIG. 11. Evolution of the island density as a function of thethickness for different growth hypotheses. This figure showsthat the same saturation density can be obtained for filmsgrown in very different conditions: n, growth with coalescenceand evaporation, te5100t and Ft51.231028; s, growth withcoalescence but without evaporation (Ft53310210); solidline, growth with pure juxtaposition without evaporation (Ft52.531029); h, growth with coalescence on defects (defectconcentration: 531024 per site) and Ft510214 (no evapora-tion); dashed line, growth with pure juxtaposition withoutevaporation but with mobile islands, Ft51028.

FIG. 12. Normalized island size distributions for F51028, t51, and different values of te for islands formed by pure jux-taposition (no coalescence). The size distributions were ob-tained for different coverages u between 0.05 and 0.2: solidline, size distribution obtained without evaporation; dashedline, size distribution obtained with mobile dimers. The num-bers show the different values of te . The size distributionsshown here were obtained with Ft51028, but the same distri-butions are obtained where F , t, and te are changed but theparameter e5(11XS)XS

5(Ft) is kept fixed (Jensen et al.,1997).

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Henry, 1994; Meunier, 1995)]. The analytical results ob-tained from a rate-equations treatment are given in Ap-pendix B. If the islands are more spherical (i.e., the con-tact angle is higher), a simple way to adapt these resultson the kinetic evolution of island concentration (Fig. 11)is to multiply the thickness by the appropriate form fac-tor, 2 for a sphere, for example. Indeed, if islands arespherical, the same coverage is obtained for a thicknessdouble that obtained for the case of half spheres (thereare two identical half spheres). This is a slight approxi-mation, since one has to assume that the capture crosssection (which governs the growth) is identical for thetwo shapes, which is not exactly true (Jensen et al., 1997)but is a very good approximation.

Figure 14 shows the evolution of the rescaled islandsize distributions for three-dimensional islands (pyra-mids) in the presence of evaporation. Recall that sizemeans here the projected surface of the island, a quan-tity that can be measured easily by electron microscopy.We note the same trends as for the pure juxtapositioncase (Fig. 12).

Figure 15 shows the evolution of the rescaled islandsize distributions for pyramidal islands nucleating on de-fects. Two main differences can be noted. First, the his-tograms are significantly narrower than in the precedingcase, as had already been noted in experimental studies(Harsdorff, 1984). This can be understood by noting that

all islands are nucleated at almost the same time (at thevery beginning of growth). The second difference is thatthe size distributions are sensitive to the actual coverageof the substrate, in contrast with previous cases. In other

FIG. 13. Saturation island density as a function of the normalized flux (t51) for different growth hypotheses in the case of growthby total coalescence (3D islands): d, densities obtained for the complete condensation case; m, evaporation time: te5100; h,te520 The label defects means growth in the presence of defects that act as nucleation centers. Their concentration is 1023 persite. The dashed line is an extrapolation of the defect data for the low normalized fluxes. Fitting the simulation data leads to thefollowing numerical relations: Nsat50.27(Ft)0.286 when there is no evaporation (solid line); Nsat;0.039F0.55t22/3te

4/3 when evapo-ration is significant (from an approximation for the two dotted curves): the exponents for t and te were derived from a rate-equations treatment (Appendix B).

FIG. 14. Normalized island size distributions obtained for F51028, t51 and different values of the evaporation time te

for islands formed by total coalescence. The size distributionswere obtained for different coverages u between 0.05 and 0.2.The solid line shows the size distribution obtained withoutevaporation. The number next to each symbol corresponds tote .

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words, there is no perfect rescaling of the data obtainedat different coverages, even if rescaling for differentfluxes or diffusion times has been checked.

C. Other growth situations

Other processes that have not been analyzed here in-clude the following: A possible (but difficult to study)process is a long-range interaction between particles(electrostatical or through the substrate). There is someexperimental evidence of this kind of interaction for thesystem Au/KCl(100) (Zanghi et al., 1975), but to myknowledge it has never been incorporated in growthmodels. Chemical impurities adsorbed on the substratecan change the growth in a conventional vacuum, andthese effects are extremely difficult to understand andcontrol (Liu et al., 1995b; Haug et al., 1997; Xiao et al.,1997). Of course, many other possible processes havenot been addressed in this review, such as the influenceof strain, of extended defects as steps or vacancy islands,etc.


Figures 10 and 13 constitute in some sense ‘‘abacuses’’from which one can determine the value of the micro-scopic parameters (diffusion, evaporation) if the satura-tion island density is known. The problem is, does themeasured island density correspond to the defect con-centration of the surface or to homogeneous nucleation?If the latter is true, which curve should be used to inter-pret the data? In other words, is evaporation present inthe experiments and what is the magnitude of te? I shall

now give some tricks, first for finding out which pro-cesses are relevant and then for quantifying them.

Let us concentrate first on the presence of defects.One possibility is to look at the evolution of Nsat withthe flux. As already explained, if this leaves unaffectedthe saturation density, nucleation is occurring on de-fects. A similar test can be performed by changing thesubstrate temperature, but there is the nagging possibil-ity that this changes the defect concentration on the sur-face. It is also possible to study the kinetics of islandnucleation, i.e., look at the island concentration as afunction of thickness or coverage. The presence of de-fects can be detected by the fact that the maximum is-land density is reached at very low coverages (typicallyless than 1%; see Fig. 11) and/or by the fact that thenucleation rate (i.e., the derivative of the island density)scales as the flux and not as the square flux (see Sec. 3 ofStoyanov and Kaschiev, 1981 for more details). Oneshould be careful, however, to check that all the islands,even those containing a few particles, are visible in themicroscope images. This is a delicate point for atomicdeposition (Henry et al., 1976) but should be less restric-tive for clusters, since each cluster already has a diam-eter typically larger than a nanometer. Of course, thisdiscussion assumes that the defects are of the ‘‘ideal’’kind studied here, i.e., perfect traps. If atoms can escapefrom the defects after some time, the situation ischanged, but I am unaware of studies on this question.

The question of evaporation is more delicate. First,one should check whether particle reevaporation is im-portant. In principle, this can be done by measuring thecondensation coefficient, i.e., the amount of matterpresent on the surface as a function of the amount ofmatter brought by the beam. If possible, this measureleaves no ambiguity. Otherwise, the kinetics of islandcreation is helpful. If the saturation is reached at lowthicknesses (esat<0.5 ML), this means that evaporationis not important. Another way of detecting particleevaporation is by studying the evolution of the satura-tion island density with the flux; in the case of 2Dgrowth (Fig. 10), the exponent is 0.36 when evaporationis negligible, but roughly 0.66 when evaporation signifi-cantly affects the growth (Jensen et al., 1997). There aresimilar differences for 3D islands: the exponent changesfrom 0.29 to 0.66 (Jensen et al., 1998; Fig. 13). Supposenow that one finds that evaporation is indeed important;before being able to use Fig. 10 or Fig. 13, one has toknow the precise value of te . One way to find out is tomake a precise fit of the kinetic evolution of the islanddensity or the condensation coefficient (see Sec. VI. B. 2for an example). Below, I show how to find te if oneknows only the saturation values of the island densityand the thickness.

As a summary, here is a possible experimental strat-egy for analyzing the growth. First, get a series of micro-graphs of submonolayer films as a function of the thick-ness. The distinction between the pure juxtaposition andtotal coalescence cases can be easily made by comparing

FIG. 15. Effect of the presence of defects on the island sizedistribution. The rescaled island size distributions are obtainedfor F51028 and different values of the evaporation time te

(t51) for islands formed by total coalescence by nucleation ondefects. The size distributions were obtained for different cov-erages u between 0.05 and 0.15. Contrary to what is observedfor homogeneous nucleation (i.e., without defects), the histo-grams do depend on the coverage for nucleation on defects.The heavy solid line shows the size distribution obtained with-out evaporation.

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the size of the supported islands to the (supposedlyknown) size of the incident clusters. Also, if the islandsare spherical, this means that coalescence has takenplace, whereas if they are ramified that clusters only jux-tapose upon contact. Of course, all the intermediatecases are possible (see the case of gold clusters below).One can calculate the ratio of deposited thickness overthe coverage; if this ratio is close to 1, the islands are flat(i.e., one cluster thick), otherwise they are three dimen-sional (unless there is evaporation).

From these micrographs, it is possible to measure theisland density as a function of the thickness. Figure 11should now be helpful to distinguish between the differ-ent growth mechanisms. For example, if the saturationisland density is obtained for large thicknesses (typicallymore than 1 ML), then evaporation is certainly relevantand trying to measure the condensation coefficient is im-portant to confirm this point. It is clear from Figs. 10 and13 that the knowledge of Nsat alone cannot determinete , since many values of t and te can lead to the sameNsat . In the 2D case, the values of the microscopic pa-rameters can be obtained by noting that the higher theevaporation rate, the higher the amount of matter‘‘wasted’’ for film growth (i.e., reevaporated). Onetherefore expects that the smaller te , the higher esat ,which is confirmed by Fig. 16(a). Therefore, from the(known) value of esat , one can determine the value ofthe evaporation parameter h5FtXS

6 [Fig. 16(a)]. Onceh is known, XS is determined from Fig. 16(b), since Nsatis known. Ft can afterwards be determined (from XSand h). This is only valid for XS@1 (Jensen et al., 1997),a condition always fulfilled in experiments.

The 3D case is more difficult since the same strategy(measuring Nsat and esat) fails. The reason is that in thelimit of high evaporation, esat goes as esat;Nsat

21/2, thusbringing no independent information on the parameters(Jensen et al., 1998). The same is true for the condensa-tion coefficient at saturation Csat , which is a constant,i.e., independent of the value of te or the normalizedflux [see Fig. 17(b)]. This counterintuitive result (onewould think that the higher the evaporation rate, thesmaller the condensation coefficient at saturation) canbe understood by noting that in this limit, islands onlygrow by direct impingement of particles within them(Jensen et al., 1998) and therefore XS (or te) has noeffect on the growth. Fortunately, in many experimentalsituations, the limit of high evaporation is not reachedand one ‘‘benefits’’ from (mathematical) crossover re-gimes where these quantities do depend on the precisevalues of te . Figure 17 gives the evolutions of Csat andesat as a function of Nsat for different values of te and F .Then, knowing esat and Nsat leads to an estimate of tefrom Fig. 17(a), which can be confirmed with Fig. 17(b)provided Csat is known.

To conclude, one should be aware that a saturationthickness much smaller than 1 ML can also be attributedto island mobility. This is a subtle process and it is diffi-cult to obtain any information on its importance. Wenote that interpreting data as not affected by island dif-fusion when it is actually present leads to errors on dif-

fusion coefficients of one order of magnitude or more,depending on the value of Ft (see Fig. 10). Finally, oneshould be careful in interpreting the Nt vs thicknesscurves, since most observations are not made in realtime (as in the computer simulations) and there can bepost-deposition evolutions (see, for example, Bruneet al., 1994 for such complications in the case of atomicdeposition).


I review in this section the experimental results ob-tained in recent years for low-energy cluster deposition,mainly in the submonolayer regime. The aim is double:first, to give some examples of the analysis of experi-ments (as indicated in Sec. V) and second, to show thatfrom a comparison of experiments and models one candeduce important physical quantities characterizing theinteraction of a cluster with a surface (cluster diffusivity)and with another cluster (coalescence). The followingcan be read with profit by those interested only inatomic deposition as examples of interpretation, sincethese elementary processes are relevant for some casesof atomic deposition. The reader is cautioned some

FIG. 16. Values of (a) the thickness esat and (b) island densityNsat at the saturation of island density as a function of theevaporation parameter h5FtXS

6 for growth with pure juxta-position (Jensen et al., 1997). The solid lines represent theoret-ical predictions (Jensen et al., 1997).

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FIG. 17. Values of the thickness esat (a) and the condensation coefficient Csat (b) at the saturation of island density in the totalcoalescence limit (3D growth for atomic deposition). In the limit of low island densities (i.e., high evaporation rates), Csat is aconstant (see Jensen et al., 1998; this regime is indicated by the solid line). However, there are crossover regimes that depend onthe precise te , and that are shown here. Then, from a measure of Csat and Nsat one can get an estimate for te for the not too lowisland densities which correspond to many experimental cases. In the same spirit, (a) shows the evolution of esat as a function ofNsat in the crossover regime. The numbers correspond to the different te /t used for the simulations and CC refers to the case ofcomplete condensation (no evaporation). The dotted line in the upper left shows the limiting regime esat;Nsat


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mechanisms specific to atomic deposition (transient mo-bility, funnelling, etc.) are not discussed here (see Changand Thiel, 1994). Also, growth without cluster diffusionhas to be interpreted in the framework of the percola-tion model, as indicated above (Melinon et al., 1991).

Before analyzing experimental data, it is important toknow how to make the connection between the unitsused in the programs and the experimental ones (seealso the List of Symbols). In the program, the unitlength is the diameter of a cluster. In the experiments, itis therefore convenient to use as a surface unit the site,which is the projected surface of a cluster pd2/4 where dis the mean incident cluster diameter. The flux is thenexpressed as the number of clusters reaching the surfaceper second per site (which is the same as ML/s) and theisland density is given per site. The thickness is usuallycomputed in cluster monolayers (ML), obtained by mul-tiplying the flux by the deposition time. The coverage—the ratio of the area covered by the supported islandsover the total area—has to be measured on the micro-graphs.

A. A simple case: Sb2300 clusters on pyrolitic graphite

Let us begin with the case of antimony clusters con-taining 2300 (6600) atoms deposited on pyrolitic graph-ite, since here the growth has been thoroughly investi-gated (Bardotti et al., 1995, 1996). I first briefly presentthe experimental procedure and then the results andtheir interpretation in terms of elementary processes.

1. Experimental procedure

As suggested in the preceding section, varioussamples are prepared for several film thicknesses, inci-dent fluxes, and the substrate temperatures. For filmsgrown on highly oriented pyrolitic graphite (HOPG),before deposition at room temperature, freshly cleavedgraphite samples are annealed at 500 °C for five hours inthe deposition chamber (where the pressure is.1027 Torr) in order to clean the surface. The main ad-vantage of HOPG, conveniently annealed, is that its sur-faces consist mainly of defect-free large terraces(.1 mm) between steps. It is also relatively easy to ob-serve these surfaces by electron or tunneling microscopy(Bardotti et al., 1995, 1996). Therefore deposition onHOPG is a good choice to illustrate the interplay be-tween the different elementary processes that combineto lead to the growth. After transfer in air, the films areobserved by transmission electron microscopy (TEM)(with JEOL 200CX or TOP CON electron microscopesoperating at 100 kV in order to improve the contrast ofthe micrographs).

2. Results

Figure 18(a) shows a general view of the morphologyof the antimony submonolayer film for e50.14 ML andTs5353 K . A detailed analysis (Bardotti et al., 1995,1996) of this kind of micrographs shows that the rami-fied islands are formed by the juxtaposition of particles

that have the same size distribution as the free clustersof the beam. From this, we can infer two important re-sults. First, clusters do not fragment upon landing on thesubstrate as indicated in the introduction. Second, anti-mony clusters remain juxtaposed upon contact and donot coalesce to form larger particles [option (a) ofFig. 6].

From a qualitative point of view, Fig. 18(a) also showsthat the clusters are able to move on the surface. Indeed,since the free clusters are deposited at random positionson the substrate, it is clear that, in order to explain theaggregation of the clusters in those ramified islands, onehas to admit that the clusters move on the surface. Howcan this motion be quantified? Can we admit that diffu-sion and pure juxtaposition are the only importantphysical phenomena at work here?

Figure 19(a) shows the evolution of the island densityas a function of the deposited thickness. We see that thesaturation island density Nsat is reached for e.0.15 ML. This indicates that evaporation or island dif-fusion are not important in this case. Therefore we guessthat the growth should be described by a simple combi-nation of deposition, diffusion of the incident clusters,and juxtaposition. This has been confirmed in severalways. I give only two different confirmations, directingthe reader to Bardotti et al. (1995, 1996) for further de-tails. First, a comparison of the experimental morphol-ogy and that predicted by models including only deposi-tion, diffusion, and pure juxtaposition shows a very goodagreement [Fig. 18(b)]. Second, Fig. 19(b) shows thatthe saturation island density accurately follows the pre-diction of the model when the flux is varied. Recall thatif the islands were nucleated on defects of the surface,the density would not be significantly affected by theflux.

Having carefully checked that the experiments arewell described by the simplest of the models (no evapo-

FIG. 18. Typical island morphologies obtained experimentally(a) by TEM and (b) from the computer simulations at thesame coverage. (a) Sb2300 deposition on graphite HOPGat Ts5353 K and f561023 nms21, corresponding to F51.71023 ML/s. The deposited thickness is 0.5 nm or e50.14ML (b) model including only deposition, diffusion, and purejuxtaposition of the incident clusters, Ft59310211.

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ration, no defects), I can confidently use Fig. 10 to quan-tify the diffusion of the clusters. As detailed in Bardottiet al. (1995, 1996), one first measures the saturation is-land density for different substrate temperatures. The

normalized fluxes (Ft) are obtained from Fig. 10.Knowing the experimental fluxes, one can derive the dif-fusion times and coefficients. The result is a surprisinglyhigh mobility of Sb2300 on graphite, with diffusion coef-ficients of the same order of magnitude as the atomicones, i.e., 1028 cm2 s21, at room temperature [Fig. 19(c)].Moreover, the prefactor D0 of the Arrhenius equationD5D0 exp(2Ea /kT) is unexpectedly high: D05104 cm2 s21. The canonical value for atomic diffusion(Gomer, 1990; Ratsch and Scheffler, 1998) is insteadD051023 cm2 s21, seven orders of magnitude lower. Wehave no explanation of this huge difference at the mo-ment, although it is interesting to note that Wang et al.(1998) have also found high prefactors for cluster diffu-sion when the cluster moves by gliding as a whole on thesurface (see also Sec. VII. A.3).

The magnitude of the diffusion coefficient is so highthat we wondered whether there was any problem in theinterpretation of the data, despite the very good agree-ment between experiments and growth models de-scribed above. For example, one could think of a lineardiffusion of the incoming clusters, induced by the inci-dent kinetic energy of the cluster in the beam (the clus-ter could ‘‘slide’’ on the graphite surface). This seemsunrealistic for two reasons: first, in order to explain thelow island density obtained in the experiments (seeabove), it should be assumed that the cluster, which hasa low kinetic energy (less than 10 eV), can travel at leastseveral thousand nanometers before being stopped byfriction with the substrate. This would imply that thediffusion is just barely influenced by the substrate, whichonly slows down the cluster. In this case, it is difficult toexplain the large changes observed in the island densitywhen the substrate temperature varies. Second, we havedeposited antimony clusters on a graphite substratetilted to 30° from its usual position (i.e., perpendicularto the beam axis). Then, a linear diffusion of the anti-mony clusters arising from their incident kinetic energywould lead to anisotropic islands (they would grow dif-ferently in the direction of tilt and its perpendicular).Experiments (Bardotti et al., 1995, 1996) show that thereis no difference between ordinary and tilted deposits.Therefore we can confidently believe that Sb2300 clustersperform a very rapid Brownian motion on graphite sur-faces. A similar study has been carried out for Sb250 ongraphite, showing the same order of magnitude for themobility of the clusters (Bardotti et al., 1995, 1996). Themicroscopic mechanisms that could explain such a mo-tion will be presented in Sec. VII.

B. Other experiments

In this subsection, I try to analyze data obtained inearlier studies (Dos Santos Aires, 1990; Francis et al.,1996). I provide possible (i.e., not in contradiction withany of the data) explanations, with the respective valuesof the microscopic processes. I stress that the idea hereis not to make precise fits of the data, but rather toidentify the microscopic processes at work and obtaingood guesses about their respective values.

FIG. 19. Main experimental results of Sb2300 cluster depositionon HOPG. (a) Evolution of island density: as a function of thedeposited thickness. The solid line is a fit to the experimentaldata with Ft51.7531028. (b) Evolution of the maximum is-land density (Nsat) as a function of the incident flux F at roomtemperature. The solid line is a fit to the experimental data: wefind Nsat5aF0,3760.03. (c) Dependence of the diffusion coeffi-cient on the temperature. From a fit on the experimental data(solid line), one finds D5D0 exp(2Ea /kT), with Ea50.760.1eV and D05104 cm2 s21. The island densities are expressed persite, a site occupying the projected surface of a cluster, equiva-lent to 2.08310213 cm2.

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1. Slightly accelerated Ag160 clusters on HOPG

Palmer’s group (Francis et al., 1996) has investigatedthe growth of films by Ag160 cluster deposition. Figure20 shows the ramified morphology of a submonolayerdeposit. Although no precise fit is possible given the lim-ited experimental data, the island density and size showthat Ag160 clusters are mobile on HOPG.

2. Sb36 on a-C

Small antimony clusters are able to move on amor-phous carbon, as demonstrated by Fig. 21 and by thefact that the films are dramatically affected by changesin the incident flux (Dos Santos Aires, 1990).

Figure 21(a) shows that these small clusters gather inlarge islands and coalesce upon contact. The island den-sity is shown in Fig. 21(b). The maximum is reached fora very high thickness (e.1.8 ML), which can only beexplained by supposing that there is significant reevapo-ration of Sb36 clusters from the surface. Evaporation ofsmall antimony clusters (Sbn with n<100) from a-C sub-strates has also been suggested by other authors(Brechignac et al., 1997, 1998; Yoon, 1997). A fit usingte520, deduced from Fig. 17(a), gives, with Ft51025

for F5631023 clusters site21s21, leading to t;231023 s, D52 10212 cm2/s, te50.04 s and XS;6 nm be-fore evaporation, and a condensation coefficient of 0.2when the maximum island density is reached. However,some authors have argued (Fuchs et al., 1991) that thecondensation coefficient is not so low. It is interesting totry a different fit of the data—in better agreement withthis indication—to give an idea of the uncertainties of

the fits. For this, I assume that the deposited islands arespherical [solid line of Fig. 21(b)] by the procedure de-scribed in Sec. IV. Here I have taken Ft5331026f or f5631023 clusters site21s21, leading to t;531024 s, te50.04 s, corresponding to D58310212 cm2/s, and XS;11 nm before evaporation, and acondensation coefficient of 0.5 when the maximum is-land density is reached. Note that the condensation co-efficient is, as expected, higher than in the previous fitand that the agreement with the experimental islanddensities for the lowest thicknesses is better. Comparingthe two fits, it can be seen that the difference in thediffusion coefficient is a factor of 4, and a factor of 2 inthe XS . This means that the orders of magnitude of thevalues for the microscopic mechanisms can be trusteddespite a lack of comprehensive experimental investiga-tion.

Similar studies (Jensen, 1998b) have allowed the dif-fusion and evaporation characteristic times for otherclusters deposited on amorphous carbon to be obtained.For Bi90 , one finds D;3310213 cm2 s21 and XS;8 nmand for In100 : D.4310215 cm2 s21 and strong coales-cence (the incident clusters are liquid).

3. Au250 on graphite

Figure 22 shows the morphology of a gold submono-layer film obtained by deposition of Au250 (6100) clus-

FIG. 20. Scanning electron microscopy of a submonolayer de-posit of Ag160 slightly accelerated (50 eV) clusters on HOPG.From Francis et al., 1996. FIG. 21. Experimental results for Sb36 deposition on mor-

phous carbon. (a) Morphology of a Sb36 film at e51.8 ML. (b)Evolution of the island density (per site) as a function of thick-ness (ML). The dashed line represents a fit of the data withFt51025 assuming a pyramidal (half-sphere) shape for thesupported islands, while the solid line assumes that islands arespherical and Ft5331026.

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ters prepared by a laser source on graphite in a UHVchamber for different substrate temperatures.

The structures are strikingly similar to those obtainedin the Sb2300 case: large, ramified islands. We can con-clude that Au250 clusters do move on graphite and thatthey do not completely coalesce. A more careful exami-nation of the island morphology indicates that the size ofthe branches is not the same as the size of the incidentclusters, as was the case for Sb2300 . Here the branchesare larger, meaning that there is a partial coalescence,limited by the kinetics of the growth. This is a very in-teresting experimental test for coalescence models thatare presented later. I first try to estimate the diffusioncoefficient of the gold clusters. We have to be carefulhere because the incident flux is chopped with the laserfrequency, roughly 10 Hz. The active portion of the pe-riod (i.e., when the flux is ‘‘on’’) is .100 ms.

An analysis of growth in the presence of a choppedflux has been reported elsewhere (Jensen and Niemeyer,1997; Combe and Jensen, 1998). Figure 23(a) shows thevalues of Nsat as a function of the diffusion time t underthe experimental condition Fi56 ML/s for two hypoth-eses: (a) only the monomers move or (b) islands up tothe pentamer move too (island mobility is supposed tobe inversely proportional to its mass). Note that there isa range of diffusion times (up to two orders of magni-tude) that leads to the same island saturation value, a

strange situation in homogeneous nucleation (seeJensen and Niemeyer, 1997, and Combe and Jensen,1998 for details).

Given the experimental island density, the diffusioncoefficients in both hypotheses are shown in Fig. 23(b).The values of the diffusion coefficient seem too high,especially in the case of exclusive monomer diffusion,but there is no experimental evidence of island mobilityfor the moment. Note, however, that since the incidentclusters do significantly coalesce, it is not unreasonableto assume that the smallest islands (which are sphericalas the incident clusters) can move too. We are at presentrunning additional tests (on cluster reevaporation ornon-Brownian cluster diffusion) to confirm the observa-tion of such high diffusion coefficients (see Lewis et al.,1999).

4. Au250 on NaCl

Given the surprisingly high mobility of Au250 (6100)on HOPG, it seemed worth testing gold cluster mobility

FIG. 22. Morphologies of a Au250 films at e50.12 ML and in-creasing temperatures as indicated in the micrographs. Thereare fewer and fewer islands as the substrate temperature israised and the islands become more and more compact.

FIG. 23. Effect of a chopped flux on the growth of a film. (a)Saturation island density as a function of the diffusion time t(Fi56 ML/s) for two hypotheses: only the monomers move(solid line) or islands up to the pentamer move too (dashedline). The lowest island densities have been extrapolated. (b)Temperature dependence of diffusion coefficient as derivedfrom (a) and Fig. 22 in the two hypotheses: solid line, only themonomers move; dashed line, islands up to the pentamer movetoo.

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on other substrates. I present here recent results ob-tained by depositing Au250 clusters on NaCl (Treilleux,1999). The high island density [Fig. 24(a)] shows thatgold clusters are not very mobile on this substrate, withan upper limit on the diffusion coefficient of D.10215 cm2/s. This is in agreement with the low mobili-ties observed by other authors in the 1970s. The diffrac-tion pattern [Fig. 24(b)] is similar to that obtained inFigs. 15(c) and 15(d) of Masson, Metois, and Kern(1971). The authors interpreted their results by the pres-ence of multi-twinned Au particles with two epitaxialorientations: Au(111)/NaCl(100) and Au(100)/NaCl(100). This is reasonable taking into account theinteratomic distances for these orientations: dAuAu(111)50.289 nm, dNaCl(100)50.282 nm and dAuAu(100)50.408 nm, 1/2dNaCl(100)50.398 nm (along the face diag-onal). These preliminary results suggest that epitaxy

may prevent clusters from moving rapidly on a surface, aresult that has also been observed by other groups (seenext section). They also show that, at least in this case,forming the clusters on the surface by atomic aggrega-tion or depositing preformed clusters changes neitherthe orientation nor the diffusion of the clusters on thesurface. Work is in progress to determine the preciseatomic structure of the clusters, their orientation on thesubstrate, and their diffusion at higher temperatures(Treilleux, 1999).


In the preceding sections I have tried to analyze thegrowth of nanostructures with the help of two main in-gredients: diffusion of the clusters on the surface andtheir interactions. I have taken the diffusion as just onenumber quantifying the cluster motion, without worry-ing about the microscopic mechanisms that could ex-plain it. For atomic diffusion, these mechanisms havebeen extensively studied (Gomer, 1990; Lagally, 1993;Chang and Thiel, 1994) and are relatively well known. Inthe (simplest) case of compact (111) flat surfaces, diffu-sion occurs by site-to-site jumps over bridge sites (thetransition state). Therefore diffusion is an activated pro-cess and plotting the diffusion constant vs the tempera-ture yields the height of the barrier, which gives infor-mation about the microscopics of diffusion. This kind ofsimple interpretation is not valid for cluster diffusion. Itis always possible to infer an ‘‘activation’’ energy froman Arrhenius plot [see Fig. 19(c)] but the meaning ofthis energy is not clear, since the precise microscopicdiffusion mechanism is unknown.

Similarly, cluster-cluster coalescence (Fig. 6) has beensupposed to be total or null (i.e., pure juxtaposition) butwithout considering the kinetics or the intermediatecases that can arise (see the experimental results forgold on graphite, for example).

In this section, I describe some preliminary resultsthat can shed some light on the microscopic mechanismsleading to cluster diffusion or coalescence.

A. Diffusion of the clusters

Before turning to the possible microscopic mecha-nisms, one must investigate whether cluster diffusion isindeed such a general phenomenon. Let us review nowthe available experimental data concerning the diffusionof three-dimensional (3D) clusters. I have already pre-sented in the previous section several examples of highcluster mobilities over surfaces. In the case of Sb2300 ongraphite, mobilities as high as D51028 cm2 s21 are ob-tained at room temperature, and similar values can beinferred for Ag cluster deposition (Francis et al., 1996;Goldby et al., 1996). On a-C substrates, diffusion is notthat rapid, but has to be taken into account to under-stand the growth. More than 20 years ago, the Marseillegroup (Masson, 1971; Zanghi et al., 1975; Metois et al.,1977; Kern et al., 1979) carefully studied the mobility of

FIG. 24. A Au250 submonolayer deposit on NaCl at e50.12ML (a) morphology (b) diffraction pattern. The supported is-lands are small (mean diameter .5 nm) and in epitaxy withthe substrate, as shown by the diffraction pattern.

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nanometer-size gold crystallites on ionic substrates(MgO, KCl, NaCl). By three different methods, theyproved that these 3D clusters—grown by atomic deposi-tion at room temperature—are significantly mobile atmoderately high temperatures (T;350 K). The threedifferent methods were direct observation under theelectron microscope beam (Metois et al., 1977), compari-son of abrupt concentration profiles (Masson, 1971), andthe radial distribution functions (Zanghi et al., 1975) be-fore and after annealing. All these results are carefullyreviewed by Kern et al. (1979). I shall focus here on thelast method (Zanghi et al., 1975). Figure 25 shows theradial distribution functions of the gold clusters obtainedjust after deposition (the flat curve) and after annealing(the oscillating curve) a similar deposit for a few minutesat 350 K [Fig. 4 of Zanghi et al. (1975)]. The flat curve isa standard as-grown radial distribution function (see, forexample, Evans and Bartelt, 1997). The other curve issignificantly different from the first, although the clustersize distribution remains identical (Fig. 25). This showsthat gold clusters move as an entity on KCl(100) at 350K, since the conservation of the size distribution rulesout atomic exchange between islands (the evaporation-condensation mechanism presented below in Sec.VII. A.1). From the shape of the radial distribution func-tion some features of the cluster-cluster interaction can

be derived, mainly that it is a repulsive interaction. Thedetailed interaction mechanisms are not clear (Kernet al., 1979). A different study (Masson, 1971), showedthat the clusters were mobile only for a limited amountof time (several minutes), and then stopped. It turns outthat clusters stop as soon as they reach epitaxial orien-tation on the substrate. Indeed, the gold(111) planes canorient on the KCl(100) surface, reaching a stable, mini-mum energy configuration (for more details on the epi-taxial orientations of gold clusters on NaCl, see Mat-thews and Grunbaum, 1966 and Kuo and Shen, 1997).Therefore 3D cluster diffusion might be quite a commonphenomenon, at least when there is no epitaxy betweenthe clusters and the substrate.

What are the possible microscopic mechanisms forthis behavior? Unfortunately for the field of clusterdeposition, recent theoretical and experimental workhas focused mainly on one-atom-thick, two-dimensionalislands, whose diffusion mechanisms might be differentfrom those of 3D islands. The focus on 2D islands is dueto the technological impetus provided by applications ofatomic deposition—notably molecular-beam epitaxy, forwhich one wants to achieve flat layers. Let us brieflyreview the current state of the understanding of 2D is-land diffusion to see what inspiration we can draw for3D cluster diffusion.

FIG. 25. Radial distribution functions for gold clusters grown at 293 K by atomic deposition before and after annealing at 390 Kfor several minutes. The right inset shows the size distribution of the clusters, which does not change, demonstrating that noparticle-particle coalescence via atomic evaporation takes place. From Zanghi et al., 1975.

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1. 2D island ddiffusion mechanisms

There are two main types of mechanisms proposed toaccount for 2D island diffusion: single adatom motionand collective (simultaneous) atom motion. It should benoted that small islands (fewer than ;15 atoms) arelikely to move by specific mechanisms, depending on thedetails of the island geometry and atomic energy barri-ers (Kellogg, 1994a, 1994b; Liu et al., 1994). Therefore Iconcentrate here on larger 2D islands.

a. Individual mechanisms

The most common mechanism invoked to account for2D island diffusion has been that of individual atomicmotion. By individual, I mean that the movement of thewhole island can be decomposed into the motion of un-correlated single atoms. There are two main examples ofsuch diffusion: evaporation-condensation (EC) and pe-riphery diffusion (PD). Theoretical investigations onthese individual mechanisms have generated much inter-est since it was conjectured that the diffusion constantDind is proportional to the number of atoms (islandmass) to some power that depends on the precisemechanism (EC or PD) causing island diffusion, but noton temperature or the chemical nature of the system. Iftrue, this conjecture would prove very useful, for itwould allow us to determine experimentally the mecha-nism causing island migration by measuring the expo-nent and some details of the atom-diffusion energeticsby measuring how Dind depends on temperature. Unfor-tunately, recent studies have shown that this predictionis too simplistic, as I show now for the two differentmechanisms.

(i) Periphery diffusion. Figure 26 shows the elemen-tary mechanism leading to island diffusion via atomic

motion on the edge of the island (label PD). Assuming,as did Bogicevic et al. (1998), that

•each atomic jump displaces the center of mass of theisland by a distance of order 1/N (where N is thenumber of atoms of the island),

•each edge atom (density ns) jumps with a rate k;exp(2Eed /kBT) where Eed is the activation energyfor jumping from site to site along the border and kBis the Boltzmann constant.

One obtains (Bogicevic et al., 1998)

Dind;kns1/N2;exp~2Eed /kBT !N23/2 (7.1)

if one postulates that ns , the mean concentration ofedge atoms, is proportional to the perimeter of the is-land (i.e., to N1/2). This equation allows us, in principle,to determine the edge activation energy by measuringthe temperature dependence of Dind .

However, recent experiments (Pai et al., 1997) and ki-netic Monte Carlo simulations (Voter, 1986; Sholl andSkodje, 1995; Shao et al., 1996; Bogicevic et al., 1998)have suggested that Eq. (7.1) is wrong. First, the sizeexponent is not universal but depends on the preciseenergy barriers for atomic motion (and therefore on thechemical nature of the material) and, second, the mea-sured activation energy does not correspond to theatomic edge diffusion energy. The point is that the lim-iting mechanism for island diffusion is corner breaking,for islands would not move over long distances simplyby edge diffusion of the outer atoms (Bogicevic et al.,1998). Further studies are needed to fully understandand quantify the periphery diffusion mechanism.

(ii) Evaporation-condensation. An alternative route todiffusion is by exchange of atoms between the island anda 2D atomic gas. This is the usual mechanism leading toOstwald ripening (Zinke-Allmang et al., 1992). Atomscan randomly evaporate from the island and atoms be-longing to the 2D gas can condense on it (Fig. 26). Thisleads to fluctuations in the position of the island centerof mass, which are difficult to quantify because of thepossible correlations in the atomic evaporation and con-densation. Indeed, an atom that has just evaporatedfrom an island is likely to condense on it again, whichcannot be accounted for by a mean-field theory ofisland-gas exchange of atoms (Van Siclen, 1995; Soler,1996). The mean-field theory leads to a diffusion coeffi-cient scaling as the inverse radius of the island (Wenet al., 1994, 1996), while correlations cause a slowingdown of diffusion, which scales as the inverse squareradius of the island (Sholl and Skodje, 1995; Van Siclen,1995; Khare and Einstein, 1996; Soler, 1996).

Experimentally, Wen et al. (1994, 1996) have ob-served by STM the movement of Ag 2D islands onAg(100) surfaces. They measured a diffusivity almost in-dependent of the island size, which rules out theperiphery-diffusion mechanism and roughly agrees withtheir (Wen et al., 1994, 1996) calculation of the size de-pendence of the evaporation-condensation mechanism.Since this calculation has been shown to be only ap-proximate, further theoretical and experimental work isneeded to clarify the role of evaporation-condensation

FIG. 26. Individual atomic mechanisms leading to island diffu-sion. PD refers to diffusion of atoms on the periphery of theisland, while the exchange of atoms between the island and theatomic 2D gas is shown by the condensation and evaporationlabels: dashed circles, old positions of the atoms; continuouscircles, new positions, after the elementary process.

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in 2D island diffusion. However, the work by Wen et al.(1994, 1996) has convincingly shown that these islandsmove significantly and that, for silver, island diffusion isthe main route to the evolution of the island size distri-bution, contrary to what was usually assumed (Ostwaldripening exclusively due to atom exchange between is-lands, via atom diffusion on the substrate).

b. Collective diffusion mechanisms

These individual mechanisms lead, in general, to rela-tively slow diffusion of the islands [of order 10217 cm2/sat room temperature (Wen et al., 1994, Wen et al.,1996)]. For small clusters, different (and faster) mecha-nisms, such as dimer shearing, involving the simulta-neous displacement of a dimer, have been proposed (Shiet al., 1996). More generally, Hamilton et al. (1995) haveproposed a different mechanism, also involving collec-tive motions of the atoms, which leads to fast island mo-tion. By collective, I mean that island motion is due to asimultaneous (correlated) motion of at least several at-oms of the island.

Specifically, Hamilton et al. (1995) proposed that dis-location motion could cause rapid diffusion of relativelysmall (5 to 50 atoms) homoepitaxial islands on fcc(111)surfaces. Figure 27 shows the basic idea: a row of atomsmove simultaneously from fcc to hcp sites, thus allowingthe motion of the dislocation and consequently of theisland center of mass. Alternative possibilities suggestedby Hamilton et al. for dislocation-mediated island mo-tion are the ‘‘kink’’ mechanism (the same atomic rowmoves by sequential but correlated atomic motion) orthe ‘‘gliding’’ mechanism studied below, where all theatoms of the island move simultaneously. Molecular-dynamics simulations, together with a simple analyticalapproach (Hamilton et al., 1995) suggest that for thesmallest islands (N,20) the gliding mechanism is fa-vored, for intermediate sizes (20,N,100) the disloca-tion motion has the lowest activation energy, while forthe largest studied islands (N.100) the preferentialmechanism is that of ‘‘kink’’ dislocation motion. Wemention at this point recent direct observations of clus-

ter motion by field ion microscopy (Wang and Ehrlich,1997). Figure 28 shows successive images of a compactIr19 cluster moving on Ir(111). By a careful study, theauthors ruled out the individual atomic mechanisms dis-cussed above, as well as the dislocation mechanism. In-stead, they suggest that gliding of the cluster as a wholeis likely to explain the observed motion (Wang and Ehr-lich, 1997; Wang et al. 1998).

Hamilton later studied the case of heteroepitaxial,strained islands (Hamilton, 1996). He showed that—dueto the misfit between the substrate and the islandstructures—there can exist islands for which introducinga dislocation does not cost too much extra energy. Thesemetastable misfit dislocations would propagate easilywithin the islands, leading to ‘‘magic’’ island sizes with avery high mobility (Hamilton, 1996).

2. 3D island diffusion mechanisms

For 3D clusters, the three microscopic mechanismspresented above are possible in principle. However, asnoted above, the individual atom mechanisms lead to adiffusivity smaller than the diffusion of Sb2300 on graph-ite by several orders of magnitude. These mechanismshave also been ruled out for the diffusion of gold crys-tallites on ionic substrates (Kern et al., 1979). Severaltentative explanations based on the gliding of the clusteras a whole over the substrate have been proposed (Kernet al., 1979). Reiss (1968) showed that, for a rigid crys-tallite that is not in epitaxy on the substrate, the activa-tion energy for rotations might be weak, simply becauseduring a rotation, the energy needed by atoms that haveto climb up a barrier is partially offset by the atomsgoing into more stable positions. Therefore the barrierfor island diffusion is of the same order as that for anatom, as long as the island does not reach an epitaxialorientation. Masson et al., 1971, and Kern et al., 1979 al-lowed for a partial rearrangement of the interface be-tween the island and the substrate when there is a misfit.The interface would be composed of periodically dis-posed zones in registry with the substrate, surroundedwith perturbed (‘‘amorphous’’) zones, weakly bound tothe substrate. This theory—similar in spirit to the dislo-cation theory proposed by Hamilton (Hamilton et al.,

FIG. 27. Principle of island motion by dislocation propagation.The atomic column in the middle of the island jumps from fccto hcp sites, moving the island center of mass. From Hamiltonet al. (1995).

FIG. 28. Successive positions of an Ir19 2D cluster on anIr(111) surface observed by field ion microscopy at low tem-perature. The motion takes place at T;690 K and the figurescorrespond to 6, 10, and 14 heating intervals of 10 secondseach. From Wang and Ehrlich, 1997.

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1995; Hamilton, 1996) for 2D islands—leads to reason-able predictions (Kern et al., 1979) but is difficult to testquantitatively.

To clarify the microscopic mechanisms of 3D clusterdiffusion, I now present in detail molecular-dynamics(MD) studies carried out recently (Deltour et al., 1997).These simulations aimed at clarifying the generic aspectsof the question rather than modeling a particular case.Both the cluster and the substrate are made up ofLennard-Jones atoms (Lennard-Jones, 1924), interactingthrough potentials of the form

V~r !54eF S s

r D 12

2S s

r D 6G .

Empirical potentials of this type, originally developedfor the description of inert gases, are now commonlyused to model generic properties of condensed systems.Lennard-Jones potentials include only atom-atom pairinteraction and ensure a repulsive interaction at smallatomic distances and an attractive interaction at longerdistances, the distance scale being fixed by s and theenergy scale by e. For a more detailed discussion of thedifferent interatomic potentials available for MD simu-lations and their respective advantages and limitations,see (Mater. Res. Soc. Bulletin, 1996a). The substrate ismodeled by a single layer of atoms on a triangular lat-tice, attached to their equilibrium sites by weak har-monic springs that preserve surface cohesion. TheLennard-Jones parameters for cluster atoms, substrateatoms, and the interaction between them are, respec-tively, (ecc ,scc), (ess ,sss), and (esc ,ssc). ecc and sccare used as units of energy and length. esc , sss , and T ,the temperature of the substrate, are the control param-eters of the simulation. The last two parameters are thenconstructed by following the standard combinationrules: ess5sss

6 and ssc5 12 (scc1sss). Finally, the unit of

time is defined as t5(Mscc2 /ecc)1/2, where M is the mass

of the atoms, which is identical for cluster and substrateatoms. The simulation uses a standard molecular-dynamics technique with thermostatting of the surfacetemperature (Allen and Tidesley, 1987).

In these simulations, the clusters take the sphericalcap shape of a solid droplet (Fig. 29) partially wettingthe substrate. The contact angle, which can be definedfollowing Hautman and Klein (1991), is roughly inde-pendent of the cluster size (characterized by its numberof atoms n , for 50,n,500). This angle can be tuned bychanging the cluster-substrate interaction. For largeenough esc , total wetting is observed. The results pre-sented below have been obtained at a reduced tempera-ture of 0.3 for which the cluster is solid. This is clearlyvisible in Fig. 29, where the upper and lower halves ofthe cluster, (in the top view) colored white and gray atthe beginning of the run, clearly retain their identity af-ter the cluster center of mass has moved over three lat-tice parameters. Hence the cluster motion appears to becontrolled by collective motions of the cluster as a wholerather than by single atomic jumps.

The MD simulations have confirmed that one of themost important parameters for determining the cluster

diffusion constant is the ratio of the cluster lattice pa-rameter to the substrate lattice parameter. The resultsfor the diffusion coefficient are shown in Fig. 30(a).When the substrate and cluster are commensurate (sss5scc[1), the cluster can lock into a low-energy epitax-ial configuration. A global translation of the clusterwould imply overcoming an energy barrier scaling asn2/3, the contact area between the cluster and the sub-strate. In that case diffusion will be very slow, unobserv-able on the time scale of the MD simulations. What isinteresting to note is that even small deviations from thiscommensurate case lead to a measurable diffusion onthe time scale of the MD runs. This can be understoodfrom the fact that the effective potential in which thecenter of mass moves is much weaker, as the clusteratoms, constrained to their lattice sites inside the rigidsolid cluster, are unable to adjust to the substrate poten-tial [see above, Reiss model (Reiss, 1968)]. The effect israther spectacular: a 10% change on the lattice param-eter induces an increase in the diffusion coefficient byseveral orders of magnitude.

Finally, I show in Fig. 30(b) the effect of cluster sizeon the diffusion constant for different lattice parametervalues. As the number n of atoms in the cluster is variedbetween n510 and n5500, the diffusion constant de-

FIG. 29. Configuration of a Lennard-Jones cluster on the crys-talline surface. (A) Side view—The cluster is partially wettingthe surface. (B) Top view—The two halves of the cluster havebeen colored at the beginning of the run. After the clustercenter of mass has moved by roughly three substrate latticeconstants from its original position, the two parts of the clusterare still well distinct. Then the cluster diffusion cannot be ex-plained in terms of single-atom mechanisms (n5100, sss

50.7, esc50.4, T50.3).

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creases, roughly following a power law D;na. Thispower-law exponent a depends significantly on the mis-match between the cluster and the substrate lattice pa-rameters. For high mismatches (sss50.7,0.8), a is closeto 20.66. As the diffusion constant is inversely propor-tional to the cluster-substrate friction coefficient, this re-sult is in agreement with a simple ‘‘surface of contact’’argument yielding D;n22/3. On the other hand, whenthe lattice mismatch is equal to 0.9, one obtains a'21.4,although the shape of the cluster, characterized by thecontact angle, does not appreciably change. It is instruc-tive to follow the trajectory followed by the cluster cen-ter of mass (Fig. 31). In the runs with a large mismatch

[Fig. 31(a)], this trajectory is ‘‘Brownian-like,’’ with noapparent influence of the substrate. This is consistentwith the simple ‘‘surface of contact’’ argument. How-ever, when the mismatch is small [Fig. 31(b)], the centerof mass of the cluster follows a ‘‘hopping-like’’ trajec-tory, jumping from site to site on the honeycomb latticedefined by the substrate. When sss5)/2, there seemsto be a transition between the two regimes around n5200.

It is interesting to consider the interpretation of clus-ter motion in terms of dislocation displacement withinthe cluster, a mechanism that has been proposed to ex-plain rapid 2D cluster diffusion (Hamilton et al., 1995;Hamilton, 1996; see the discussion in Sec. VII. A.1). Forthis, one can ‘‘freeze’’ the internal degrees of freedom ofthe cluster deposited on a thermalized substrate. Thecenter-of-mass trajectory is integrated using the quater-nion algorithm (Allen and Tidesley, 1987; Deltour et al.,

FIG. 30. MD simulations of cluster diffusion. (a) Dependenceof the diffusion coefficient on the mismatch between the latticeparameter of the substrate and the cluster. A small change inthe lattice parameter of the cluster leads to a huge changein the diffusivity (n5100, esc50.4, T50.3, Run Length512 500 t); (b) dependence of the diffusion coefficient of acluster on number of atoms. Data correspond to different mis-matches between the cluster and the substrate lattice param-eters. The diffusion coefficient decreases as a power law withexponent a. The two different slopes correspond to differentdiffusion regimes: the weaker dependence corresponds to aBrownian trajectory; the stronger corresponds to a ‘‘hopping-like’’ diffusion. For comparison, the arrow indicates the diffu-sion coefficient of a single adatom with sss50.9.

FIG. 31. Trajectory of a cluster center of mass diffusing on asubstrate. The solid line represents the trajectory and thecircles, the equilibrium position of the surface atoms. (a) Largemismatch: the motion is ‘‘Brownian-like,’’ i.e., the cluster doesnot ‘‘see’’ the structure of the surface. The values of the pa-rameters are esc50.4, sss50.7, T50.3, and n5100; (b) smallmismatch: the cluster center of mass jumps from one hexagoncenter to a nearest-neighbor one. The values of the parametersare the same as for (a), except for sss50.9.

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1997). Surprisingly, the diffusion constant follows thesame power law as in the free-cluster case (Deltouret al., 1997). This result proves that the diffusion mecha-nism in this case cannot be simply explained in terms ofdislocation migration within the cluster, as proposed byHamilton et al. (1995) and Hamilton (1996) to explainthe diffusion of 2D islands. As the substrate atoms aretethered to their lattice site, strong elastic deformationsor dislocations within the lattice are also excluded.Hence the motor for diffusion is here the vibrationalmotion of the substrate, and its efficiency appears to becomparable to that of the internal cluster modes.

Very recently, Luedtke and Landmann (1999) per-formed MD simulations of the diffusion of large goldclusters on HOPG substrates. They found high clustermobility, in agreement with the preceding simulations.Their studies suggest that cluster diffusion in this caseproceeds by two different mechanisms: long (severalcluster diameters) linear ‘‘flights’’ separated by rela-tively slow diffusive motion, as observed in the preced-ing simulations. Further work is needed to ascertain theatomic mechanisms leading to this kind of motion.

3. Discussion

What are the (partial) conclusions that can be drawnfrom these studies of cluster diffusion? I think that themain parameter determining the mobility of 3D islandson a substrate is the possible epitaxy of the cluster onthe substrate. Indeed, if the island reaches an epitaxialorientation, it is likely to have a mobility limited by theindividual atomic movements, which give a small diffu-sion constant (of order 10217 cm2 s21 at room tempera-ture). Diffusivities of this magnitude will not affect thegrowth of cluster films during typical deposition times,and clusters can be considered immobile. The effect ofthese kinds of diffusion rates can only be seen by an-nealing the substrates at higher temperatures or for longtimes. According to Hamilton (Hamilton et al., 1995),dislocations could propagate even for epitaxial islands,but it is likely that this mechanism is more important inthe case of heteroepitaxial islands, which I now proceedto discuss. Indeed, if the island is not in epitaxy on thesubstrate, high mobilities can be observed because thecluster sees a potential profile that is not very differentfrom that seen by a single atom. It should be noted thatthis nonepitaxy can be obtained when the two latticeparameters (of the substrate and the island) are verydifferent, or also when they are compatible if there isrelative misorientation. The latter has been observed forgold on ionic substrates (Kern et al., 1979) and mobilityis relatively high until the crystallites reach epitaxy.

The MD simulations presented above show that, forLennard-Jones (LJ) potentials, only homoepitaxy pre-vents clusters from moving rapidly on a surface. Itshould be noted that relaxation of the cluster or thesubstrate—which would favor a locking of the cluster inan energetically favorable position at the expense ofsome elastic energy—has not been observed in these LJsimulations, nor has dislocation propagation. This is

probably realistic for the low interaction energies thatcorrespond to metal clusters on graphite. It could alsobe argued that dislocation motion is more difficult in 3Dclusters than in 2D islands, since the upper part of theparticle (absent in 2D islands) tends to keep a fixedstructure.

Another important parameter is the cluster-substrateinteraction: one would think that a large attractive inter-action (for metal-on-metal systems, for example) couldinduce an epitaxial orientation and prevent the clusterfrom diffusing, even in the heteroepitaxial case. The dif-ferences between the diffusion of clusters grown on asubstrate by atom deposition and aggregation and thosepreviously formed in a beam and deposited must also beinvestigated. One could anticipate that islands formedby atom aggregation on the substrate would accommo-date easily to the substrate geometry, whereas pre-formed clusters might keep their (metastable) configu-ration. However, it is not at all clear that islandnucleation and epitaxy are simultaneous phenomena, forit has been observed that islands can form in a some-what arbitrary configuration and subsequently orient onthe substrate after diffusion and rotation (see Kernet al., 1979).

B. Cluster-cluster coalescence

What happens now when two clusters meet? If theyremain simply juxtaposed, morphologies similar to Fig.18(a) are observed. In this case, the incident clustershave retained their original morphology, and the sup-ported particles are identical to them, even if they are incontact with many others after cluster diffusion. It isclear, by looking, for example, at Fig. 22 that this is notalways the case. Sometimes, the supported islands areclearly larger than the incident clusters: some coales-cence has taken place. How can one understand andpredict the size of the supported particles? Which arethe relevant microscopic parameters? This section triesto answer these questions, which are of dramatic interestfor catalysis, since the activity of the deposits cruciallydepends on specific area and therefore on the sinteringprocess (see, for example, Ruckenstein and Pulverma-cher, 1973; Dadybujor et al., 1986; Stevenson et al.,1987).

We shall first briefly examine the classical theory forsphere-sphere coalescence (i.e., ignoring the effect ofthe substrate) and then review recent molecular-dynamics simulations that suggest that this classicaltheory may not be entirely satisfactory for nanoparticles.

1. Continuum theory of coalescence

The standard analysis of the kinetics of sintering isdue to Mullins and Nichols (Mullins, 1957; Nichols andMullins, 1965; Nichols, 1966). The ‘‘motor’’ of the coa-lescence is the diffusion of atoms of the cluster (or is-land) surface from the regions of high curvature (wherethey have fewer neighbors and therefore are less bound)

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towards the regions of lower curvature. The preciseequation for the atom flux is (Nichols and Mullins, 1965;Nichols, 1966)

JW s52DsgVn

kBT¹sKW , (7.2)

where Ds is the surface diffusion constant (supposed tobe isotropic), g the surface energy (supposed to be iso-tropic too), V the atomic volume, n the number of atomsper unit surface area, kB Boltzmann’s constant, T thetemperature, and K the surface curvature (K51/R111/R2) where R1 and R2 are the principal radii of cur-vature. For sphere-sphere coalescence, an order-of-magnitude estimate of the shape changes induced by thisflux is (Nichols and Mullins, 1965; Nichols, 1966)




]s2 ~y5s50 !, (7.3)

where dn is the normal outward distance traveled by asurface element during dt , s the arc length, and B5DsgV2n/kBT (the z axis is taken as the axis of revo-lution). For this geometry, Eq. (7.3) becomes (Fig. 32)




l3 S 12l

R D , (7.4)

where I have made an order-of-magnitude estimate ofthe second derivative of the curvature: ]K/]s;„K(R)2K(l)…/l and similarly ]2K/]s2;(12l/R)/l3 (see Fig.32). Integrating Eq. (7.4) leads to

l;~r414Bt !1/4 for l!R . (7.5)

Equation (7.5) gives an estimate of the coalescence ki-netics for two spheres of radius r and R .

Despite its plausibility, Eq. (7.5) has to be used withcare. First, the calculation leading to it from the expres-sion of the flux [Eq. (7.2)] is only approximate. Moreimportantly, Eq. (7.2) assumes isotropic surface tensionand diffusion coefficients. While this approximation maybe fruitful for large particles [in the mm range (Heyraudet al., 1989)], it is clearly wrong for clusters in the na-nometer range. These are generally faceted (Buffat andBorel, 1976; Fluelli et al., 1988; Lewis et al., 1997) as a

result of anisotropic surface energies. This has two im-portant consequences: First, since the particles are notspherical, the atoms do not feel a uniform curvature. Forthose located on the planar facets, the curvature is even0, meaning that they will not tend to move away spon-taneously. This effect should significantly reduce theatomic flux. This point has recently been confirmed byKMC simulation (Jensen et al., 1999). Second, the diffu-sion is hampered by the edges between the facets(Valkealahti and Manninen, 1998), which induce a kindof Schwoebel effect (Schwoebel and Shipsey, 1966;Schwoebel, 1969; Villain, 1991). Then the effective masstransfer from one end of the cluster to the other may besignificantly lower than expected from the isotropic cur-vatures used in Eq. (7.2). For these anisotropic surfaces,a more general formula that takes into account the de-pendence of g on the crystallographic orientation shouldbe used [see, for example, Villain and Pimpinelli (1995)].However, this formula is of limited practical interest fortwo reasons. First, the precise dependence of the surfaceenergy on the crystallographic orientation is difficult toobtain. Second, as a system of two touching faceted clus-ters does not, in general, show any symmetry, the solu-tion to the differential equation is hard to find. One pos-sibility currently being explored (Combe et al., 1998) isto assume a simple analytical equation for the anisot-ropy of 2D islands and integrate numerically the full(anisotropic) Mullins’ equations.

2. Molecular-dynamics simulations of coalescence

Since continuum theories face difficulties in character-izing the evolution of nanoparticle coalescence, it mightbe useful to perform molecular-dynamics (MD) studiesof this problem. Several studies (Yu and Duxbury, 1995;Zhu and Averback, 1996; Lewis et al., 1997) have beenperformed, showing that two distinct and generally se-quential processes lead to coalescence for particles inthe nanometer range: plastic deformation (Zhu andAverback, 1996) and slow surface diffusion (Yu andDuxbury, 1995; Lewis et al., 1997).

Zhu and Averback (1996) studied the first stages (upto 160 ps) of the coalescence of two single-crystal coppernanoparticles (diameter 4.8 nm). Figure 33 presents fourstages of the coalescence process, demonstrating thatplastic deformation takes place (see the arrows indicat-ing the sliding planes) and that a relative rotation of theparticles occurs during this plastic deformation [(c) and(d)]. During the first 5 ps, the deformation is elastic,until the elastic limit [roughly 0.8 nm (Zhu and Aver-back, 1996)] is reached: after this, since the shear stress(Fig. 34) is very high, dislocations are formed and glideon (111) planes in the ^110& direction, as usually seen infcc systems. Figure 34 also shows that after 40 ps [i.e.,Fig. 33(c)] the stress on the glide plane is much smallerand dislocation motion is less important: the two par-ticles rotate until a low-energy grain boundary is found[Fig. 33(d)]. This initial stage of the coalescence, wherethe two particles reorient and find a low-energy configu-ration, is very rapid, but does not lead in general to

FIG. 32. Schematic illustration of the competition betweencoalescence and kinetic ramification. R is the radius of thelargest island, r that of the incident clusters, and l stands forthe typical length of a coalescing cluster. The label ‘‘a’’ refersto the ramification process when a cluster is touched by an-other one before coalescence can take place.

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thorough coalescence. An interesting exception mayhave been found by Yu and Duxbury (1995): their MDsimulations showed that for very small clusters (typicallyless than 200 atoms) coalescence is abrupt provided thetemperature is sufficiently close to the melting tempera-ture. They argue that this is due to a (not specified)‘‘nucleation process’’: plastic deformation is a temptingpossibility.

For larger clusters, the subsequent stages are muchslower and imply a different mechanism: atom diffusionon the surface of the particles. The intial stages of thisdiffusion-mediated coalescence have been studied by

Lewis et al. (1997). Their aim was to determine whetherMullins’ (continuum) predictions were useful in this sizedomain. In Lewis et al.’s simulations, the embedded-atom method (Foiles et al., 1986) was used to simulatethe behavior of unsupported gold clusters for relativelylong times (;10 ns). Evidently, an important role of thesubstrate in the actual coalescence of supported clustersis to ensure thermalization, which is taken care of hereby coupling the system to a fictitious ‘‘thermostat’’(Allen and Tildesley, 1987; Frenkel and Smit, 1996).One therefore expects these coalescence events to berelevant to the study of supported clusters when they are

FIG. 33. Atomic positions at four different times during partial coalescence of Cu clusters (4.8-nm diameter each). The atomicpositions are projected onto the (121) plane of the bottom sphere for (a) to (c) and onto the (101) plane for (d). The arrowsindicate the sliding plane [(a) to (c)] and the grain-boundary dislocation (d). From Zhu and Averback (1996).

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loosely bound to the substrate, e.g., for gold clusters ona graphite substrate. Strong interaction of the clusterswith the substrate may be complicated and lead to clus-ter deformation even for clusters deposited at low ener-gies, for example, if the cluster wets the substrate(Luedtke and Landman, 1994; Hou, 1998).

Figure 35 shows the evolution of the ratio x/R , wherex is the radius of the neck between the two particles.After an extremely rapid approach of the two clustersdue to the mechanisms studied above (plastic deforma-tion), a slow relaxation to a spherical shape begins (Fig.36). The time scale for the slow sphericization process isdifficult to estimate from Fig. 35, but it would appear to

be of the order of a few hundred ns or more. This num-ber is substantially larger than one would expect on thebasis of phenomenological theories of the coalescence oftwo soft spheres. Indeed, Nichols and Mullins (1965;Nichols, 1966) predict a coalescence time for two iden-tical spheres tc5kBTR4/(CDsga4), where Ds is againthe surface diffusion constant, a the atomic size, g thesurface energy, R the initial cluster radius, and C a nu-merical constant [C525 according to Nichols and Mul-lins (1965) and Nichols (1966)]. Taking Ds;5310210 m2 s21 (the average value found in the simula-tions; see Lewis et al., 1997), R530 Å, g'1gJ m22, anda53 Å, yields a coalescence time tc of the order of 40ns. The same theories, in addition, make definite predic-tions on the evolution of the shape of the system withtime. In particular, in the tangent-sphere model, the evo-lution of the ratio x/R is found to vary (Nichols andMullins, 1965; Nichols, 1966) as x/R;(t/tc)1/6 for valuesof x/R smaller than the limiting value 21/3. In Fig. 35, theprediction of this simple model (solid line) is comparedwith the results of the present simulations. There is noagreement between model and simulations. The muchlonger coalescence time observed has been attributed(Lewis et al., 1997) to the presence of facets on the ini-tial clusters, which persist (and rearrange) during coales-cence. The facets can be seen in the initial and interme-

FIG. 34. Distribution of shear stress in a sliding plane at dif-ferent times during the coalescence shown in Fig. 33: d, 5 ps;h, 10 ps; n, 20 ps; 3, 30 ps; 1, 40 ps. From Zhu and Averback(1996).

FIG. 35. Evolution in time of the ratio of the neck radius x tothe cluster radius R . The solid line represents the numericalsolution obtained by Nichols (1966) with an arbitrary timescale, while the crosses are the results of Lewis et al.’s (1997)simulations.

FIG. 36. Successive cluster morphologies during the coales-cence of a gold 767-atom liquid cluster with another gold 1505-atom solid cluster. The figures represent three stages of thecoalescence process after 0, 1, and 10 ns, i.e., times muchlonger than those studied by Zhu and Averback (1996).

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diate configurations of the system in Fig. 36; the finalconfiguration of Fig. 36 shows that the cluster is morespherical (at least from this viewpoint), and that newfacets are forming. That diffusion is slow can in fact beseen from Fig. 36: even after 10 ns, at a temperatureonly about 200 degrees below melting for a cluster ofthis size, very few atoms have managed to diffuse a sig-nificant distance away from the contact region.

The precise role of the facets in the coalescence pro-cess is a subject of current interest. Experiments haveshown that shape evolution is very slow in the presenceof facets for 3D crystallites (see, for example, Dreschleret al., 1981; Metois and Heyraud, 1981; Meunier, 1995).Recent experiments (Stoldt et al., 1998) and computersimulations (Jensen et al., 1999) on 2D islands suggestthat the presence of facets can be effective in slowingdown the coalescence process. Clearly, more work isneeded to get a quantitative understanding of the coa-lescence, of nanoparticles and to evaluate the usefulnessof Mullins’ approach, especially if one manages to in-clude the crystalline anisotropy (see also Selke and Dux-bury, 1994; Adam et al., 1997).

C. Island morphology

We turn now to the prediction of one of the essentialcharacteristics of cluster films the size of the supportedparticles. As I have already mentioned in the introduc-tion, the size of the nanoparticles controls many inter-esting properties of the films. Therefore even an ap-proximate result may be useful, and this is what I obtainin this section.

The experiments shown above demonstrate that thesupported particles can have a variety of sizes, from thatof the incident clusters (Sb2300 /HOPG, Sec. VI. A) up tomany times this size (for example, Au250 /HOPG, Sec.VI. B.3). To understand how the size of the supportedparticles is determined, one can look at a large circularisland to which clusters are arriving by diffusion on thesubstrate (Fig. 32). There are two opposing effects atwork here. One is the thermodynamic tendency of thesystem to minimize its surface (free) energy. Thereforeone expects the clusters touching an island to coalescewith it, leading to compact (spherical) domains. Theother process, driving the system away from this minimi-zation, is the continuous arrival of clusters on the islandedge. This kinetic effect tends to form ramified islands.What is the result of this competition? Since there is akinetically driven ramification process, it is essential totake into account the kinetics of cluster-cluster coales-cence, as sketched in the previous section. I shall use Eq.(7.5), even if it is only approximate, to derive an upperlimit for the size of the compact domains grown by clus-ter deposition. This will be an upper limit since, aspointed out in the previous section, coalescence for fac-eted particles could be slower than predicted by Eq.(7.5), hence diminishing the actual size of these domains.

We first need an estimate of the kinetics of the secondprocess: the impinging of clusters on the large island. Avery simple argument is used here [see also Pimpinelli

et al., (1993) and Bales and Chrzan (1995) for a similaranalysis for atomic growth]: since the number of clustersreaching the surface is F per unit surface per second andthe total number of islands is Nt per unit surface, eachisland receives on average a cluster every tr5Nt /F .

We are now in a position to quantify the degree ofcoalescence in a given growth experiment. Let us sup-pose that a cluster touches a large island at t50. If nocluster impinges on the island before this cluster com-pletely coalesces [in a time tc according to Eq. (7.5)],then the islands are compact (circular). But, if a clustertouches the previous cluster before its total coalescencehas taken place, it will almost freeze up the coalescenceof the previous cluster. This is because now the atoms onthe (formerly) outer surface of the first cluster do notfeel curvature since they have neighbors on the secondcluster. The mobile atoms are now those of the secondcluster [see Fig. 32(a)] and the coalescence takes alonger time to proceed (the atoms are farther form thelarge island). Then, if tr!tc , the islands formed on thesurface are ramified. For intermediate cases, the size Rcof the compact domains can be estimated from Eq. (7.5)as Rc5x( t r), where t r takes into account the fact that,to freeze the coalescence of a previous cluster, one clus-ter has to touch the island at roughly the same point:t r.tr2pR/r and





F. (7.6)

Equation (7.6) describes the limiting cases (B;` orB;0) correctly. The challenge with the intermediatecases is to obtain a reliable estimate of the (average)atomic surface self-diffusion. For gold, Chang and Thiel(1994) give values that vary between 0.02 eV on com-pact facets and 0.8 eV on more open surfaces. One so-lution is to go the other way around and estimate Dsfrom the experimental data and Eq. (7.6). From Fig. 22,estimating Rc from the thickness of the island arms, andusing the experimental values for r (0.85 nm) and thefact that since the flux is pulsed (see Sec. VI. B.3), thetime between two successive arrivals of clusters is ap-proximately the time between two pulses (0.1 s), and notNt /F , one obtains Ds.331023 cm2 s21 exp(20.69eV/(kBT)), which seems a sensible value.

Despite the difficulty of defining average diffusioncoefficients, one can use Eq. (7.6) to obtain a rea-sonable guess for the size of the compact domains byassuming that Ds is thermally activated: Ds(T)5D0 exp(2Ea /(kBT)) with a prefactor D051023

cm2 s21 and an activation energy Ea taken as a fractionof the bonding energy between atoms (proportional tokBTf). One obtains (Jensen, 1998b)

B51011 exp~24.6Tf /T ! nm4/s. (7.7)

Inserting this value in Eq. (7.6) leads to Fig. 37, wherethe size of the compact domains is plotted as a functionof T/Tf . The important feature is that as long as T/Tf<1/4, the incident particles do not merge. Note that this1/4 is sensitive to the assumed value of D* , but only via

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its logarithm. Again, this estimate of Rc /r is an upperlimit, since coalescence could be slower than predictedby Eq. (7.5).

What would happen now if the incident clusters wereliquid? An experimental example of this liquid coales-cence is given by the deposition of In100 on a-C (seeabove). A rough guess of the coalescence time is givenby a hydrodynamics argument (Barrat, 1998): the driv-ing force of the deformation is the surface curvatureg/R2 where g is the liquid surface tension and R thecluster radius. This creates a velocity field that one canestimate using the Navier-Stokes equation: hDv5g/R2

where h is the viscosity and v is the velocity of the fluid.This leads to tc(liquid);R/v;hR/g . Inserting reason-able values for both h (0.01 Pa s) and g (1 J m22) leadsto tc(liquid);0.01R , which gives tc(liquid)510 ps forR;1 nm. This is the good order of magnitude of thecoalescence times found in simulations of liquid goldclusters [tc(liquid);80 ps (Lewis et al., 1997)]. Now,since tc(liquid)!tr (tr;0.1 s, see above), cluster-cluster coalescence is almost instantaneous, which wouldlead to Rc;` . In fact, Rc is limited in this case by staticcoalescence between the large islands formed during thegrowth. The reason is that the large islands may be solidor pinned by defects, leading to a slow coalescence. Theanalysis is similar here to what has been done for atomicdeposition (Jeffers et al., 1994).

D. Thick films

The preceding section has studied the first stages ofthe growth, the submonolayer regime, which interestsresearchers trying to build nanostructures on the sur-face. I attempt here a shorter study of the growth ofthick films, which are known to be very different fromthe bulk material in some cases (Siegel,1991, 1996; Meli-non et al., 1995; Edelstein and Cammarata, 1996; Perezet al., 1997). The main reason for this is their microstruc-ture, as a random stacking of nanometer-size crystallites.Therefore it is interesting to understand how the size ofthese crystallites is determined and how stable the nano-structured film is. One can anticipate that the physicalmechanism for cluster-size evolution is, as in the sub-monolayer case, sintering by atomic diffusion. For thickfilms, however, surface diffusion can only be effectivebefore a given cluster has been ‘‘buried’’ by the subse-quent deposited clusters. Thus most of the size evolutiontakes place during growth, for later the physical routesto coalescence (bulk or grain boundary diffusion) areexpected to be much slower. Studies of compacted nan-opowders (Nieman et al. 1991; Siegel 1991, 1996) haveshown that nanoparticles are very stable against graingrowth. Siegel (1991, 1996) explains this phenomenon inthe following way. The two factors affecting the chemi-cal potential of the atoms, and potentially leading tostructure evolutions, are local differences in cluster sizeor in curvature. However, for the relatively uniformgrain size distributions and flat grain boundaries ob-served for cluster assembled materials (Siegel, 1991,1996), these two factors are not active, and there is noth-ing locally telling the atoms in which direction to mi-grate to reduce the global energy. Therefore the wholestructure is likely to be in a deep local (metastable)minimum in energy, as observed in closed-cell foams.The stability of such structures has been confirmed byseveral computer simulations (Celino et al., 1993, 1995;Zhu and Averback, 1995), which have indicated a pos-sible mechanism of grain growth at very high (T/Tf;0.8) temperatures: grain boundary amorphization ormelting (Zhu and Averback, 1995).

What determines the size of the supported particlesduring the growth? For thick films, a reasonable assump-tion is that a cluster impinging on a surface already cov-ered by a layer of clusters does not diffuse, because itforms strong bonds with the layer of deposited clusters.This hypothesis has been checked for the growth ofSb2300 on graphite (Bardotti et al. 1995, 1996). The pro-cess differs from submonolayer growth in two mainways: first, an impinging cluster has more than oneneighbor and the sphere-sphere kinetics are not very re-alistic; second, the time for ramification that was used inthe preceding section is no longer useful here, since clus-ters do not move. As a first approximation, to get anupper limit on the size of the domains, we can use thesame coalescence kinetics and take a different ‘‘ramifi-cation’’ time. The average time for the arrival of a clus-ter touching another is roughly t f;1/(Fd2), where d

FIG. 37. Approximate dependence of the radius of the sup-ported particles Rc as a function of the substrate temperaturefor submonolayer and thick films. Lines refer to predictionsfrom Eq. (7.6) with different incident cluster radii, while sym-bols represent experimental results. The theoretical predic-tions for the submonolayer regime were obtained by takingNt /F50.1 and using Eq. (7.7). For the thick-film limit, I usedF51023 ML/s and r52.5 nm [Eq. (7.8)]. One should considerthese theoretical Rc values as an upper limit, since coalescencemay be much slower at these (nano)scales (see the text). As aconsequence, it is no surprise that the predicted values areclearly larger than the experimental ones. Concerning Sb, thehuge difference could come from a partial oxidation of theclusters on the substrate because of the relatively bad vacuumconditions (pressure ;1027 Torr). Even a thin oxide layer cansignificantly decrease atomic surface diffusion and transport,thus slowing the coalescence process.

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52r is the diameter of the cluster. If the same formula[Eq. (7.5)] is used, one finds



Fr2 . (7.8)

The results obtained using the same approximation asin the preceding section for B [Eq. (7.7)] are shown inFig. 37.

The deposition of Ni and Co clusters has been experi-mentally observed (Tuaillon, 1995; Tuaillon et al., 1997).The size of the crystallites is comparable to the size ofthe incident (free) clusters. This is compatible with Eq.(7.8) since the Tf of these elements is very high(.1800 K). Therefore Eq. (7.8) predicts that filmsgrown at T5300K , (T/Tf;0.17) should keep a micro-structure with Rc.r , as is observed experimentally(Tuaillon, 1995; Tuaillon et al., 1997). I stress again thata structure obtained with cluster deposition with thischaracteristic size is not likely to recrystallize in the bulkphase (thereby losing its nanophase properties) unlessbrought to temperatures close to Tf (Siegel, 1991, 1996;Celino et al. 1993, 1995; Zhu and Averback, 1995).


What are the principal ideas presented in this paper?First, useful models for analyzing the first stages of

thin-film growth by cluster deposition have been pre-sented in detail (Sec. III). These models are useful at afundamental level (meaning, in carefully controlled ex-perimental conditions), and I have shown in Sec. VI howmany experimental results concerning submonolayergrowth can be interpreted by combining these fewsimple processes (deposition, diffusion, evaporation,etc.). Specifically, the experimental evolution of the is-land density as a function of the number of depositedparticles can be compared to the predictions of com-puter simulations, giving quantitative information aboutthe relevant elementary processes.

Second, the quantitative information on diffusion hasshown that large clusters can move rapidly on the sur-face, with diffusion constants comparable to the atomicones. A first attempt to understand this high diffusivityat the atomic level is given in Sec. VII: the conclusion isthat rapid cluster diffusion might be quite common, pro-vided the cluster and the substrate do not find an epitax-ial arrangement. Concerning cluster-cluster coalescence,it has been suggested that this process might be muchslower than predicted by the usual sintering theories(Nichols and Mullins, 1965; Nichols, 1966), probably be-cause of the cluster facets.

Third, despite all the approximations involved in itsderivation, Fig. 37 gives important information on themorphology of the film: an upper limit for the ratio ofthe size of the compact domains over the size of theincident clusters. This helps us to understand why clusterdeposition leads to nanostructured films provided thedeposition temperature is low compared to the fusiontemperature of the material deposited (Ts<Tf/4).

Clearly, further experimental and theoretical work isneeded in order to confirm (or invalidate) Fig. 37.

It is clear that we still need to understand many as-pects of the physics of cluster deposition. Possible inves-tigation directions include the following, given in an ar-bitrary order. First, the coalescence of nanoparticles hasyet to be understood and quantified. This is a basic ques-tion for both submonolayer and thick materials. Second,one has to characterize better the interactions betweenclusters and the substrate, and especially the influence ofthese interactions on cluster diffusion. It is also impor-tant to investigate the possible interactions between theclusters, which could dramatically affect growth. Obtain-ing ordered arrays of nanoparticles is a hot topic at thismoment. One possibility is the pinning of clusters onsurface ‘‘defects,’’ which calls for a better understandingof cluster interaction with defects. Another idea is to usethe self-organization of some living organism such asbacteria to produce an ordered array on which onecould arrange the clusters (see Mann, 1996, especiallyChap. 5). Clearly, investigating the interaction of clus-ters with biological substrates is not an easy task, but itis known that practical results are not always linked to aclear understanding of the underlying mechanisms.


This article could never have been written without allthe experimental and theoretical work carried out in ourgroup in Lyon and in collaboration with other groups.On the experimental side, the Center for the Study ofSmall Clusters (Centre pour l’Etude des Petits Agre-gats) gathers researchers from solid-state physics (De-partement de Physique des Materiaux, DPM), the gasphase (Laboratoire de Spectrometrie Ionique et Mo-leculaire, LASIM), and catalysts (Institut de Recherchesur la Catalyse, IRC). I therefore acknowledge all theirresearchers for their help, and especially those who havedone part of the research presented here: Laurent Bar-dotti, Michel Broyer, Bernard Cabaud, Francisco J. Ca-dete Santos Aires, Veronique Dupuis, Alain Hoareau,Michel Pellarin, Brigitte Prevel, Alain Perez, MichelTreilleux, and Juliette Tuaillon. A post-doc year at Bos-ton University, under the direction of Professor Stanley,gave the initial impetus for the growth models. I want tothank Gene for his warm hospitality in Boston. The the-oretical work was carried out in collaboration with Jean-Louis Barrat, Pierre Deltour, and Muriel Meunier(DPM, Lyon), my friend Hernan Larralde (Instituto deFısica de Cuernavaca, Mexico), Laurent Lewis (Univer-site de Montreal, P.Q., Canada), and Alberto Pimpinelli(Universite Blaise Pascal, Clermont-2, France). I amhappy to thank Claude Henry (CRMC2, Marseille) andHoria Metiu (University of California) for a carefulreading of the manuscript, Jean-Jacques Metois(CRMC2, Marseille) for interesting discussions, and LeoMaslıah (Instituto Uruguayo de DepreRisa) for continu-ous inspiration.

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Regimes are predicted by rate-equation calculationsfor the growth of 2D islands with evaporation. Thesepredictions agree with the computer simulations pre-sented in this paper and are relevant for both cluster andatomic deposition (see Jensen et al., 1997 for more de-tails).

I shall here briefly review how the rate equations canbe written (Jensen et al., 1997), and then turn to the dif-ferent regimes that can be derived from them.

The rate equation describing the time evolution of thedensity r of monomers on the surface is, to lowest rel-evant orders in F,




te2Fr22sor2s iNt . (A1)

The first term on the right-hand side denotes the flux ofmonomers onto the island-free surface (u is the islandcoverage discussed below). The second term representsthe effect of evaporation, i.e., monomers evaporate afteran average time te . The third term is due to the possi-bility of losing monomers by direct impingement of adeposited monomer right beside a monomer still on thesurface, to form an island. This ‘‘direct-impingement’’term is usually negligible and indeed will turn out to bevery small in this particular equation, but the effect ofdirect impingement plays a crucial role in the kinetics ofthe system in the high-evaporation regimes. The last twoterms represent the loss of monomers by aggregationwith other monomers and with islands, respectively. Thefactors so and s i are the ‘‘cross sections’’ for encountersand are calculated in the literature (Venables, 1973;Bales and Chrzan, 1994; Jensen et al., 1997).

The number Nt of islands will be given by


dt5Fr1sor , (A2)

where the first term represents the formation of islandsdue to direct impingement of deposited monomers nextto monomers already on the surface, and the secondterm accounts for the formation of islands by the en-counter of monomers diffusing on the surface.

For the island coverage u, i.e., the area covered by allthe islands per unit area, one has


dt52@Fr1sor#1s iNt1JNt . (A3)

The term in brackets represents the increase of cover-age due to formation of islands of size 2 (i.e., formed bytwo monomers) either by direct impingement or bymonomer-monomer aggregation. The next term givesthe increase of coverage due to the growth of the islandsas a result of monomers aggregating onto them by dif-fusion, and the last term represents the growth of theislands due to direct impingement of deposited mono-mers onto their boundary or directly on the island. Thislast term depends on XS* , the desorption length of

monomers diffusing on top of the islands (Jensen et al.,1997). In all the simulations presented in Sec. III, I havetaken XS* 50. The total surface coverage is given by u1r;u except at very short times.

The cross sections can be evaluated in the quasistaticapproximation, which consists in assuming that R doesnot vary in time and that the system is at a steady state.One finds (Venables, 1973; Bales and Chrzan, 1994;Jensen et al., 1997)

s i52pRDS dP

dr Dr5R

52pDrS R


K0~R/XS!. (A4)

The cross section for monomer-monomer encounters sois obtained from the same formula, replacing R by themonomer radius, and D by 2D as corresponds to rela-tive diffusion.

After some additional approximations, one finds(Jensen et al., 1997) three principal regimes, which arespanned as the evaporation time te decreases. Theyhave been called (a) the complete condensation regime,where evaporation is not important, (b) the diffusionregime, where islands grow mainly by diffusive captureof monomers, and finally, (c) the direct-impingement re-gime, where evaporation is so important that islands cangrow only by capturing monomers directly from the va-por. Within each of these regimes, there are several sub-regimes characterized by the value of XS* . I use lCC[(Ft)21/6, the island-island distance at saturation whenthere is no evaporation, and Rsat as the maximum islandradius, reached at the onset of coalescence.

(1) For complete condensation, XS@lCC ,

Nsat;F1/3t1/3 for any XS* . (A5)

(2) For diffusive growth, 1!XS!lCC ,

Nsat;H ~FXS2te!2/3~XS1XS* !22/3


if XS* !Rsat (a)if XS* @Rsat (b),


with Rsat;(XS1XS* )1/3(FXS2te)21/3, which gives for the

crossover between regimes (a) and (b):XS* (crossover);(FXS

2te)21/2.(3) For direct-impingement growth, XS!1,

Nsat;H ~Fte!2/3



if XS* !1 (a)if 1!XS* !Rsat (b)

if XS* @Rsat (c),(A7)

with Rsat;(Fte)21/3XS*1/3, which gives for the crossover

between regimes (a) and (b): XS* (crossover);(Fte)21/2. As pointed out before, it is worth notingthat these regimes are different from those predicted inthe ‘‘classical’’ (Venables et al., 1984) papers (see Jensenet al., 1997).


I present here a summary of the different limits ofgrowth of 3D islands in the presence of evaporation

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and/or defects. These results are derived in detail inJensen et al. (1998) from the resolution of rate equationssimilar to those presented in Appendix A. For each re-gime, I give, in order, the saturation island density Nsat ,the thickness at saturation esat (i.e., the thickness whenthe island density first reaches its saturation value), thethickness at coalescence ec (i.e., the thickness when theisland density starts to decrease due to island-island coa-lescence), and the scaling kinetics of the mean islandradius as a function of time before the saturation islanddensity is reached. I use lCC5(Ft)1/7 for 3D islands(Jensen et al., 1998) (no defects).

(1) For high evaporation: XS!lCC!ldef ,



R;Ft .

(2) For low evaporation: lCC!XS!ldef or lCC!ldef!XS ,

Nsat;S F

D D 2/7


esat;ec;S D

F D 1/7



In the case of a dirty substrate, i.e., one with manydefects,

(1) For high evaporation: XS!ldef!lCC ,

Nsat;c ,





c1/2 ,

R;Ft .

(2) For low evaporation: ldef!XS!lCC or ldef!lCC!XS ,

Nsat;c ,

esat;c ,


c1/2 .

R;(Ft/c) for t<c/F , i.e., before saturation.R;(Ft/c)1/3 between saturation and coalescence



Principal symbols and terms used in this paper. Thenatural length unit in the model corresponds to themean diameter of an incident cluster.

Csat condensation coefficient (ratio of matter actu-ally present on the substrate over the thickness)at saturation

d cluster diameter in nm, d5d0n1/3 where d0 de-pends on the element

D Diffusion coefficient expressed in cm2 s21 (D5site/4t)

e mean thickness of the film, e5Ft where t is thedeposition time

F impinging flux expressed in monolayers (or clus-ters per site) per second

island structure formed on the surface by aggregationof cluster

lCC the island-island distance at saturation whenthere is no evaporation

ML monolayer: the amount of matter needed tocover uniformly the substrate with one layer ofcluster (1 cluster per site)

Nsat saturation (maximum) island density on the sur-face, expressed per site

Nt island density on the surface, expressed per sitesite area occupied by a cluster on the surface: site

5pd2/4n number of atoms of the clusterXS mean diffusion length on the substrate before

desorption: XS5ADteu coverage; fraction of the substrate covered by

the clustersr density of isolated clusters on the surface, ex-

pressed per sitet diffusion time: mean time needed for a cluster

to make a ‘‘jump’’ between two sites (in sec-onds)

te evaporation time: mean time before a monomerevaporates from the surface

f normalized flux (f5Ft) expressed in clustersper site


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