greek recipe cook book


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Greek Recipes


Page 1: Greek Recipe Cook Book
Page 2: Greek Recipe Cook Book
Page 3: Greek Recipe Cook Book

Almond cake

1/4lb. butter 2 ½ cups of sugar Twelve slightly beaten egg yolks Twelve egg whites 1lb. un-blanched almonds, ground very fine 5tbsp. orange juice One liquor glass brandy Cream the butter with the sugar. Add the egg yolks and stir well. Gradually add the almonds, mixing well. Add the orange juice, grated rind, and brandy. Beat the whites until stiff and fold in lightly. Pour into a buttered pan and bake in a slow oven for 1 ½ hours at 325°, or until a testing knife comes out clean. Bake a day ahead of time.

Arni Fassolakia (Lamb)

2lbs. shoulder of lamb, cut for stew 2tbsp. butter Two medium onions, chopped Two cups water, stock or liquid from canned tomatoes may be used Three large tomatoes, chopped, or canned tomatoes 2/3 cup celery, chopped 3tbsp. chopped parsley 2lbs. green beans Salt and pepper to taste Brown the meat in the butter. Add the onions and sauté lightly. Add the water, tomatoes, celery and parsley. Season to taste, cover and cook slowly for one hour. Add the beans and cook for seven minutes longer or until done. Note: celery hearts, cut into quarters, cauliflower, artichoke hearts, small new potatoes, fresh green beans, and lima beans are all wonderful cooked in this manner.

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Almond cake

1/4lb. butter 2 ½ cups of sugar Twelve slightly beaten egg yolks Twelve egg whites 1lb. un-blanched almonds, ground very fine 5tbsp. orange juice One liquor glass brandy Cream the butter with the sugar. Add the egg yolks and stir well. Gradually add the almonds, mixing well. Add the orange juice, grated rind, and brandy. Beat the whites until stiff and fold in lightly. Pour into a buttered pan and bake in a slow oven for 1 ½ hours at 325°, or until a testing knife comes out clean. Bake a day ahead of time.

Bourekakia (Cheese Pastry)

1/2lb. gruyere or feta cheese, cut into small pieces ¼ cup thick Bechamel sauce Two pastry sheets of filo dough Melted butter Place the cheese and the sauce in a saucepan. Heat and stir until the cheese is melted and the sauce thickens. Cut the pastry sheets into 2in. rounds and brush each with the melted butter. On each round, place a little of the cheese, fold the pastry over, and with a fork squeeze the edges firmly together. Bake them in a moderate oven or fry in deep oil. Drain, serve warm. Alternate filling: 3tbsp. butter 1/2lb. ground beef 1tbsp. tomato sauce 1tbsp. chopped parsley 1/4tsp. cinnamon Salt and pepper Heat butter and sauté the meat until brown. Add the tomato sauce, parsley, cinnamon and seasonings. Cover and simmer about five minutes or until dry.

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Baklava Pastry

2lbs. unshelled walnuts or almonds ¾ cup sugar 2tsp. cinnamon 1tsp. allspice 1lb. pastry sheets of Filo dough 1lb. sweet butter, melted Honey Whole cloves Shell and chop the walnuts (or almonds) and mix with sugar, cinnamon and allspice. Cut the pastry sheets to fit a nine by 12in. pan that is one and a half inches deep. Brush the pan with melted butter, place six sheets in the bottom, brushing each with melted butter and sprinkle this with a nut mixture. Continue to place alternately one pastry sheet, brushed with butter and one layer of the walnut until you have only six pastry sheets left. Place these, brushed on the top with butter. Cut into diamond shape portions and stick of clove in the center of each. Heat remaining butter and pour it into the knife slits between the strips. Bake in a slow oven, 300° for one hour. When it is lightly browned, pour some boiling honey syrup over it slowly. Increase oven to 400° and return to the oven for a few minutes longer or until the syrup has penetrated and the top is a golden brown. Remove from the oven and pour a little more honey over the top, as much as it will absorb. Let stand for it least three hours before serving. Two create the honey syrup for Baklava: One cup sugar One cup water One and a half cups of honey 2tsp. vanilla Cook sugar and water of are low heat until syrupy, about ten minutes. Add the honey and vanilla and cook for five minutes longer.

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Bechamel Sauce

This sauce is used for several different dishes.

1/3 cup butter 5tbsp. sieved flour Three cups hot milk Salt and pepper Small dash of nutmeg Melt the butter in a thick pan and stir in the flour until smooth. Add the hot milk gradually and season with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Simmer on low flame until the mixture thickens, about 15 to 20 minutes, stirring constantly.

Chocolate Torte

One cup sweet butter One cup sugar Five eggs 3 ½ cups of sifted cake flour 1/2tsp. salt 2tbsp. rum or vanilla Preheat the oven to 350°. Cream the butter well, add the sugar gradually and cream again. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each one. Gradually add the flour, which has been sifted with the salt and beat after each addition. Add the rum. Grease and flour two or three layer pans and pour in equal parts of the batter into each pan. Bake in a moderate oven at 350° for fifteen to twenty minutes. Cool, remove carefully and spread filling between layers and over top and sides. Filling: One cup sugar 5 egg yolks One cup sweet butter Seven ounce is sweet chocolate, melted 1tsp. rum or vanilla Cream the sugar with the egg yolks. Gradually add the butter, creaming well. Slowly add the chocolate and rum and cream until smooth. Chill in refrigerator until ready to spread on cake.

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Butterflake Herb Loaf Bread

Soften two packages dry yeast or two cakes in ¼ cup warm water Combine 1/3 cup shortening ¼ cup sugar 1 tbsp. salt One cup scalded milk cooled to lukewarm Blend in two unbeaten eggs and the softened yeast Gradually add four and a half to five cups all purpose flour Kneed until smooth and satiny two to three minutes, place in a greased bowl and cover. Let rise in a warm place until doubled in size one and a half hours. Prepare the herb butter. ½ cups soft butter 1/2tsp. caraway seed 1/2tsp. sweet basil Four and a half teaspoons grated onion ¼ tsp. oregano 1/8 tsp. cayenne pepper Two cloves garlic minced Mix these ingredients thoroughly. Roll out half of dough on lightly floured surface. Cut into 5in. rounds with coffee can cover. Spread each round with herb butter and fold in half, then place on greased cookie sheet. Spread topside with herb butter. Continue making and folding rounds placing on the preceding round so as to slightly overlap, with butter in between. Repeat with remaining dough to make a second loaf and sprinkle with poppy or sesame seed. Let rise in warm place until light 30 to 45 minutes. Bake at 350° for twenty to 25 minutes for two loaves

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Christmas Bread

One cup milk Two yeast cakes ¾ cup sugar plus 2tsp. ½ cup melted butter Three eggs 1tsp. salt One cup lukewarm water 1tsp. crushed masteha ( a Greek flavoring which is difficult to obtain and may be omitted ) 1/2 cup white raisins ½ cup chopped canned figs, well drained ½ cup chopped walnuts Six cups sifted all purpose flour Scald the milk and set aside to cool. Crumble the yeast cakes in a small bowl, sprinkle with 2tsp. sugar and let stand for ten minutes. In a large bowl, combine the cooled milk, remaining sugar, butter, eggs and salt. Beat with a rotary beater. Dissolve the yeast in the lukewarm water and add to the mixture. And the masteha, raisins, figs, walnuts and flour, mixing thoroughly by hand. Turn the dough out on a floured board and knead for ten minutes. The dough should be smooth but loose. Place the dough in a buttered warm bowl. Cover with a cloth and put in a warm place to rise for two hours. It should double in size. Turn onto a floured board, kneed a little and divide into two sections shape each to fit a greased 9in. round cake pan. Topping: ¼ cup corn syrup ¼ cup honey juice of half of an orange blanched almonds Combine ¼ cup corn syrup, ¼ cup honey, juice of half of an orange and boil gently for ten minutes. Brush this glaze over the loaves and decorate the tops with blanched almonds. Cover the loaves and put in a warm place to rise for an hour and 30 minutes to two hours. Bake at 325° for 1 hour. After twenty minutes cover with foil to prevent the nuts from getting too dry. This makes either two 9in. round cakes or one 12in. cake.

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Coconut Cookies

One cup butter One cup confectioner’s sugar 1/2tsp. almond extract 1/2tsp. cinnamon and 1/2tsp. salt ¼ cup chopped walnuts ½ cup shredded coconut 1 ½ cup flour Combine one cup butter with one cup of confectioners’ sugar and blend until creamy. Blend in 1/2tsp. almond extract, and then add one cup of sifted flour, 1/2tsp. cinnamon, and 1/2tsp. salt. Blend on low, and add the walnuts and the shredded coconut. Chill for ½ hour. Form into small balls. Place balls on greased chilled cookie sheet Preheat oven to 350°. Bake for fifteen minutes.

Diples Pastry

Two and a half cups flour 1tsp. baking powder 5tbsp. olive oil Five well beaten eggs Grated rind of one small orange Vegetable oil for frying Honey Cinnamon ¼ cup chopped walnuts Sift the flour with baking powder and rub in the olive oil. Add the eggs and the orange rind and work the mixture into a rather stiff dough. Let it stand in the refrigerator for half an hour or so. Roll very thin, almost to paper thin, then cut, and fold. Fry and drain on absorbent paper. Dribble some thinned honey over them and sprinkle with cinnamon and nuts.

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Dolmadakia Yolandji

Four dozen fresh or canned vine leaves, blanched in salted boiling water 3tbsp. lemon juice 3tbsp. olive oil Filling: ½ cup olive oil Five large onions, chopped fine ¾ cup cooked rice One cup chopped parsley One cup chopped dill ¼ cup pine nuts Salt and pepper To make the filling, heat olive oil in a skillet and sauté the onion until transparent. Add the rice and cook on low for ten minutes. Add parsley, dill, pine nuts, salt and pepper and simmer for five minutes or until liquid is absorbed. Cool slightly before stuffing the leaves. In the center of each leaf place a teaspoon of the filling. Fold and place in pan. Sprinkle with lemon juice and olive oil and cover with hot water. Weigh down and cook slowly for 35 minutes, or all liquid is absorbed. Cool and serve chilled as appetizers.

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Dolmades (Stuffed Grapevine Leaves)

Three or four dozen small fresh grape vine leaves blanched in boiling salted water. 1/3 cup butter Meat stock or water The filling consists of: 1lb. ground beef Two medium onions, chopped fine ¼ cup rice ¼ cups celery chopped fine ¼ cup parsley, chopped fine 2tsp. fresh mint leaves chopped 1tbsp. olive oil ¼ cup meat stock or water 1/2tsp. salt 1/4tsp. pepper Four eggs 1/3 cup lemon juice Mix all the ingredients for filling. Place about 1tsp. on each leaf and roll. Arrange in a casserole and pour the butter and meat stock to cover. Weight down and cook slowly for one hour. Meanwhile prepare the egg and lemon sauce. Juice the lemons. Separate the egg whites and beat until fluffy, then add the yolks and blend. Add the lemon juice to the egg slowly. When done remove and spoon some of the hot juice to the egg and lemon sauce. Pour the sauce over the dolmades and shake. Return to low fire and bring to light boil. Serve immediately.

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Dolmathes Yemistes (Stuffed Tomatoes)

Eight large firm tomatoes 1/2lb. ground round steak ½ cup rice, cooked One onion, chopped fine 2tbsp. olive oil 2tbsp. green celery, chopped 2tbsp. parsley, chopped 1/2tsp. cinnamon Salt and pepper Fine that bread crumbs Wash the tomatoes and cut off tops, setting them aside. Scoop out the pulp. Place some of the the pulp in a bowl with the meat, rice, onion, olive oil, and seasonings. Stuff the tomato shells with this mixture. Sprinkle the tops with bread crumbs and pour all over them a little olive oil. Cover with the tops. Arrange in a buttered shallow casserole dish, pour in ½ cup of the juice from the tomatoes and bake in a moderate oven until done.

Grandma’s Potato Dinner

1lb. of beef 2tbsp. olive oil Four medium potatoes One large onion 2tbsp. flour ¾ cup water 1/2tsp. salt 1/2tsp. pepper 1/4tsp. paprika Put 2tbsp. oil in large skillet. Brown the beef, take out and put on plate. Slice four medium potatoes to a 3/4in. thickness. Add them to the hot oil and brown on both sides. Remove potatoes from skillet. Chop one large onion. Add onion to the hot oil and cook until tender. Add 2tbsp. flour and cook two to three minutes stirring constantly then add ¾ cup water, 1/2tsp. salt, 1/2tsp. pepper, and 1/4tsp. paprika. Place the beef and the potatoes in the skillet cover and cook for 40 minutes.

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Gelakto Boureko

Eight cups milk 6 eggs 1 ½ cups sugar 1 1/2tbsp. vanilla One cup farina 1lb. pastry sheets 3/4lbs. sweet butter, melted Sugar syrup Bring the milk to scalding. Remove from heat. Cream eggs with sugar and add vanilla. Gradually add farina to the egg mixture, blending well. Slowly add hot milk. Place over low heat and cook, stirring constantly until mixture thickens. Remove from heat and continue beating until cool. In the meantime, place half of the filo sheets in a 9 by 12in. pan and brush each with the melted butter. The edges of the pastry should come up above the edge of the pan and turn back later over the custard filling. Pour in the custard mixture, spreading evenly. Place the remaining sheets over the custard, treating each sheet with butter. Fold in the edges. Brush top with melted butter. With a sharp knife, trace the surface of the pastry into squares through the top layer only. Bake at 400° for fifteen minutes, then at 350° for three minutes longer or until the top is golden brown. Remove from oven and pour the cool serve over the top of the pastry. Syrup: Two cups sugar 1 ½ cups water One liquor glass brandy 1/2tsp. grated orange peel Boil the sugar and water over low heat, about fifteen minutes. Stir in the brandy and orange peel.

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Soupa Avgolemono Greek Chicken Soup

Four chicken breasts with skin One and a half cups of rice or orzo pasta Butter Eight lemons or limes Two carrots, diced are optional Four eggs 1tsp. salt 1tsp. pepper In a large soup pot add ten cups of water and four chicken breasts with skin. Simmer until done. Skim off the froth that rises and discard. Cook one and a half to two cups of rice (or orzo) in a separate pan. Remove chicken breasts from pot and let cool on cutting board. When cool dice and return to pot. Add the rice (or orzo) to the pot with the chicken Juice four to eight lemons or limes or approximately 1/3 cup lime juice. Take 4 eggs and beat the egg whites until firm then add the yolks. Slowly stir in the lime juice into the egg whites. Take the broth from the soup and slowly stir into the lime juice and egg white mixture. Pour in the lime juice and egg mixture into the pot with the chicken and rice. Salt and pepper to taste. Enjoy!

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Halvah 1

Cream of wheat pudding One cup sweet butter Two and a half cups of cream of wheat ½ cup blanched almonds, broken Hot sugar syrup One cup hot milk Cinnamon Confectioners’ sugar Chopped almonds Heat the butter in a heavy saucepan, iron preferred, and cook the cream of wheat and almonds until the mixture is golden brown in color, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon to prevent burning. Add the hot syrup slowly, then the hot milk, mixing well. Simmer over low heat until all liquid is absorbed. Pour into a mold. When cool, un-mold to a serving platter and dust the top with cinnamon, confectioners’ sugar and chopped almonds. Sugar syrup: One and a half cups sugar ½ cup honey One and a half cups water 1/2tsp. cinnamon 1/4tsp. allspice Cook the sugar, honey and water over low heat until syrupy, about fifteen minutes. Stir in the spices and cook for a few minutes longer.

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Halvah 2

1/2lb. butter One cup sugar Six egg yolks Two cups farina 2tsp. baking powder Two cups coarsely ground walnuts or unblanched almonds One liqueur glass of brandy 1tsp. cinnamon 6 egg whites Cool sugar syrup Beat the butter and sugar thoroughly. Add the yolks, one at a time, then the farina, baking powder, nuts, brandy, cinnamon and stiffly beaten egg whites. Pour into a buttered cake pan and bake at 375° for ten minutes, then 350° for 40 minutes longer. Remove and pour the syrup over it. Syrup: Two and a half cups sugar Two and a half cups water Two cinnamon sticks One liquor glass brandy Two whole cloves Put the sugar, water, cinnamon and cloves in a saucepan. Heat to a boil, cook for ten minutes very slowly. Remove the cinnamon sticks and cloves, then add the brandy.

Hirino Me Selino Avgolemono (Pork with celery and egg and lemon sauce)

2lbs. lean pork, cut into small pieces 2tbsp. butter Two onions, chopped fine Two level tablespoons flour ½ cup dry white wine 2tbsp. chopped parsley Salt and pepper One large bunch of celery, tender stalks broken into 4in. pieces egg and lemon sauce Heat the butter and sauté the meat. And the onions and brown lightly. Stir in the flower, wine and parsley. Add enough hot water to cover the meat, and seasonings and cover. Cook over low heat until meat is tender, about two hours. When cooked about one and a half hours add the celery. When done, remove from the fire and make the sauce. Pour over the meat and heat to a boil. Remove from fire and serve immediately.

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This is prepared the same as Pastitsio except the macaroni is stuffed and the ingredients are: 1/4lb. of butter Two small onions One and a half pounds of ground beef ½ cup dry white wine 4tbsp. tomato sauce One cup hot water 1/4tsp. cinnamon Salt and pepper One cup grated parmesan ½ cup fine bread crumbs One slightly beaten egg 1lb. wide macaroni Two cups Bechemel sauce Sauté the onions in the butter and add the ground beef, white wine, hot water, tomato sauce, and cinnamon. Cook until dry. Add the bread crumbs, half the cheese, and egg to the meat mixture. Stuff the macaroni with this mixture. Place in a casserole dish and topped with Bechemel sauce. Bake for 30 minutes at 300°.

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Keftedes meat balls

One and a half pounds of ground round steak One slightly beaten egg One small onion chopped fine Two slices crisply toasted bread soaked in water 1tbsp. olive oil 1tbsp. lemon juice 2tbsp. chopped parsley 1tbsp. chopped fresh mint 1/4tsp. cinnamon Salt and pepper Flour Butter Blend meat and egg and onion with bread squeezed dry, olive oil, lemon, herbs and spices and mix thoroughly. Let stand for 30 minutes. Shape mixture into balls the size of walnuts and roll slightly in flour. Fry in a quantity of hot butter until well browned on all sides. Optional: Serve with mint jelly or orange marmalade.

Karidopita (Cake)

Nine egg yolks One cup sugar Three cups ground walnuts or pecans ½ cup bread crumbs 1 1/2tsp. of grated lemon rind 1tbsp. grated orange rind 3-4 tbsp. brandy ¼ cup orange juice 1tsp. cinnamon 1/2tsp. cloves 2tsp. baking powder Nine egg whites Beat the egg yolks with the sugar until light and smooth. Mix the walnuts with the bread crumbs and grated rinds of the lemon and orange. Add to the egg mixture. Stir in the brandy and juice. Add the spices and baking powder. Beat the egg whites until stiff and fold it gently into the nut mixture, being sure the whites have been thoroughly distributed. Pour into a large well buttered baking pan or two square tins and bake at 350° for about 30 minutes.

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Kotopoulo Hilopites

One or two chickens 1/8lb. of butter Two cloves of garlic, chopped Two cups fresh or canned tomatoes ½ cup celery, chopped 1/8tsp. cinnamon Salt and pepper Two medium onions Two glasses of dry white wine One can tomato sauce 3tbsp. chopped parsley 1lb. of medium noodles Parmesan cheese Joint the chickens into serving pieces and rub each with the salt and pepper. Heat the butter in a heavy skillet and brown the chicken. Remove them and keep them hot. Sauté the onion and garlic and the remaining fat in the skillet. Place the chicken back in the skillet. Add the wine and simmer for ten minutes. Add the tomatoes, sauce, celery, and parsley and sufficient hot water to cover. Cool slightly, tightly covered, until the chicken is tender. Add cinnamon in the last fifteen minutes of cooking. About 30 minutes before the chicken is done, add 1tbsp. of salt to the water and cook the noodles. Place the noodles on a platter, spoon on the chicken and sauce, and sprinkle with parmesan.

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Kotopoulo Milanaise (Chicken)

4lbs. of tender chicken 3 1/2qt. of water Three stalks of celery Salt to taste Grated parmesan cheese Three cups of rice cooked Five cups of chicken broth Sauce: ½ cup butter ½ cup flour Four cups hot chicken broth 3 egg yolks 4tbsp. lemon juice 3 tablespoons grated parmesan cheese Place the chicken and water in a cooking pan. When it comes to a boil, skim, add celery and salt, cover and continue to simmer. When chicken is tender, strain and carved into serving portions, keep warm, and prepare rice and sauce. Measure nine cups of broth. Heat 1/4lb. of butter in a deep thick pan. Add the rice and cook, stirring occasionally for five or six minutes. Add boiling broth and bring to a boil. Lower the heat, cover the pan, and cook until the broth has been absorbed and the rice is tender. Cover and set aside in a warm place. To prepare the sauce, heat the butter in a saucepan and blend in the flour, stirring steadily. When bubbling slightly, gradually add the broth, and heat to the boiling point. Continue cooking until smooth and thickened, stirring constantly. Add salt and pepper. Beat the egg yolks and stir in the lemon sauce. Add the egg and lemon mixture to the finished sauce and heat without boiling. Add the grated cheese. Pack the rice firmly into a buttered ring mold, pressing it down solidly. Turn out onto a heated shallow platter and fill the center with the chicken. Pour the sauce over all and sprinkle with grated parmesan cheese.

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Koulourakia (Cookies)

2/3 cup butter 2/3 cup sugar 4 eggs 1/3 cup lukewarm milk ¼ tsp. allspice ¼ tsp. cinnamon 1/8 tsp. salt 4 ½ cups pastry flour 2tsp. baking powder ½ tsp vanilla extract ½ tsp almond extract ½ cup chopped pecans or walnuts Sesame seeds One slightly beaten egg mixed with 1tsp. milk and sesame seeds Cream together the butter and sugar thoroughly. Add the eggs one by one, beating well. Gradually add lukewarm milk. Add spices and salt. Gradually add the flour, sifted with baking powder, and mix until dough is the right consistency, soft and smooth. Add pecans or walnuts. Kneed for ten minutes and shape into small rolls or wreaths and place on greased cookie sheet. Brush the top with beaten egg mixture and sprinkle with sesame the seeds. Bake at 400° for fifteen to twenty minutes or until golden brown.

Kourabiedes (Cookies)

Four and a half cups pastry flour 1lb. sweet butter ¾ cup confectioner’s sugar One and a half tablespoons brandy 2tsp. vanilla Whole cloves Additional powdered sugar for dusting Sift the flour twice. Cream the butter for 30 minutes by hand or in an electric blender until thick. (About fifteen minutes if blender is used) Sift the sugar and gradually add to the creamed butter. Add brandy and vanilla. Gradually work this into the flour to make a soft dough. Let stand in the refrigerator for half an hour or so. Pat and shape into oblong little cakes or crescents. Stick a clove in the center of each. Bake at 350° until sandy colored, not brown, about twenty minutes. Cool and coat with powdered sugar.

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Makaronia Athenaika

1/4lb. of butter Three onions, chopped fine enter two cloves garlic, chopped fine 4 to 6lbs. of beef, round rump or chuck Two cans of tomatoes One can of tomato sauce One couple of celery, chopped fine 3tbsp. parsley, chopped Salt and pepper Four whole cloves ½ cup dry white wine 1/2tsp. cinnamon 2lbs. medium macaroni ¾ cup fresh parmesan Heat 1/8lb. of butter in a large cooking pan and sauté the onion, garlic, and the meat on all sides. Add the tomatoes, sauce, celery, parsley, seasonings and stick the cloves in the meat. Simmer gently until the meat is very tender, about 2 ½ hours. Add the wine and cinnamon during the last twenty to 30 minutes of cooking. When the meat is done, remove to a platter and keep hot. Place the macaroni in a large saucepan and cook as directed on package. Drain thoroughly, and return to pan. Melt the remaining butter and pour over the macaroni. Add the hot sauce, alternately with ½ cup of grated parmesan cheese, turning until well blended. Arrange macaroni on a heated platter, and sprinkle with the remaining cheese. Slice meat and serve separately.

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Mom’s Mulligan Stew

In a large soup pot add: One large cooking spoon of Crisco 3lbs. chuck roast, sear meat until dark brown Then add: Two medium chopped onions Two regular sized can of tomatoes Four stalks of celery, diced Four carrots, diced Four cups water Salt and pepper to taste One heaping teaspoon chili powder 1/2tsp. garlic powder or fresh garlic 2tbsp. Worcestershire Cook the above ingredients with the meat for one hour and then add six large diced potatoes. Continue cooking for another hour. Add one can English peas and one can cream style corn in the last fifteen minutes. Serves ten.

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Mousaka 2

Three or four medium sized eggplants Butter for frying 2lbs. ground beef 4tbsp. butter Three large onions, chopped fine 3tbsp. tomato paste ¼ cup red wine 3tbsp. chopped parsley 1/4tsp. cinnamon Salt and pepper Two slightly beaten eggs One cup freshly grated parmesan cheese Bread crumbs White sauce: 4tbsp. butter 6tbsp. flour Two cups hot rich milk 1/2tsp. salt Dash of nutmeg Two egg yolks well beaten Make as for gravy adding salt, nutmeg, and egg after. Cut the eggplant, unpeeled, into thick slices and fry quickly in butter on each side until light brown. Heat 4tbsp. butter in a large skillet and sauté the meat until brown. Add the onions and cook for ten minutes longer. Add the tomato paste diluted with the wine, parsley, cinnamon, salt and pepper. Simmer over low heat, stirring frequently until all liquid has been absorbed. Remove from the fire when cooked and mix in the eggs. Meanwhile make the white sauce. Grease is an oblong pan and sprinkle with bread crumbs. Arrange alternate layers of the eggplant and meat, with bottom and top layers of eggplant. Sprinkle each layer with cheese and bread crumbs. Cover with white sauce. Sprinkle with remaining cheese and bread crumbs. Bake at 375° for one hour.

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2tbsp. butter One onion finely chopped One and a half pounds ground chuck beef or lean ground pork 3 to 4 medium egplants, 1tbsp. salt 1tsp. pepper 1/4tsp. nutmeg 2tbsp. chopped parsley 3tbsp. tomato sauce One cup dry red wine ½ cup boiling water Two eggs One cup Kefaletyri, Romano or parmesan cheese Two slices dried toast, grated The topping needs a third cup of grated cheese for between the layers. Sauté the onion in butter, add the ground beef, and brown well. Add salt, pepper, nutmeg, parsley, tomato sauce, one and boiling water. Cover and cook until the sauce thickens. Beat the eggs and add. And cheese and half of the grated toast and mix well. Grease a 12 by ten by 3in. baking pan. Spread remaining half of the toast crumbs over the bottom. Arrange half of the eggplant over the crumbs. Cover with meat sauce, then sprinkle 2tbsp. cheese from topping over it. Cover this with the remaining eggplant. For the cream sauce you will need: ¼ cup butter 2tbsp. flour ½ cup cold milk 2 ¾ cups warm a milk One cup of half and half 3 eggs plus three yolks 1tsp. salt 1tsp. nutmeg 1/3 cup grated kefaletyri cheese Melt the butter in a saucepan . Make a paste of the flower and cold milk and add the flour paste, warm milk, and half and half to the pan. Blend until smooth and simmer about fifteen minutes. Remove from flying and add beaten eggs while stirring the sauce vigorously. Stir in the salt, nutmeg and 1/3 cup cheese. Pour over the egg plant dish. Sprinkle top with remaining cheese. Bake at 375° for 45 minutes. Let the dish stand for twenty minutes before serving. Serves ten to twelve.

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1/2lb. of butter 2lbs. of ground round steak Two medium onions, chopped fine 1 wine glass of dry white wine 4tbsp. of tomato paste 1/2tsp. cinnamon 1/2tsp. salt 1/4tsp. pepper Bechamel sauce 1lb. of macaroni One cup of freshly grated parmesan cheese Two beaten eggs 3tbsp. of bread crumbs Heat butter and sauté meat and onions over a bright flame until brown, stirring constantly. Add the wine, simmer for five minutes, then add tomato paste, diluted with a little water, cinnamon, salt and pepper. Continue to simmer over low heat until meat is tender, about fifteen minutes. Meanwhile prepare the Bechamel sauce. Cook macaroni and drain thoroughly. Place half of the macaroni and a greased casserole, and sprinkle with 1/3 cup of parmesan cheese. Blend in meat mixture with eggs and bread crumbs and a little cheese. Spread a layer of the meat mixture over macaroni. Cover with another layer of macaroni, sprinkle with cheese and top with Bechamel sauce. Sprinkle with the remaining cheese and butter and bake at 400° for about 30 minutes. Cool slightly, cut into squares. Bechamel sauce

1/3 cup butter 5tbsp. sieved flour Three cups hot milk Salt and pepper Small dash of nutmeg Melt the butter in a thick pan and stir in the flour until smooth. Add the hot milk gradually and season with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Simmer on low flame until the mixture thickens, about 15 to 20 minutes, stirring constantly.

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Psari Flake ( Fish )

One striped bass of three to 4lbs. 2 small onions chopped fine One clove of garlic, chopped fine Chopped parsley ½ cup olive oil Lemon juice ½ cup tomato juice ½ cup dry white wine Salt and pepper Thick slices of fresh tomato Clean and salt the fish. Drain well, slice and put aside. Mix onions, garlic, 4tbsp. of parsley, tomato juice, wine and salt. Grease a roasting pan with olive oil, and lay a thick bed of chopped parsley over the bottom of the pan. Arrange slices of fish in the pan and spread a little of the onion mixture. Top each with a slice of tomato and pour the olive oil over all. Sprinkle generously with lemon juice and bake, uncovered for one hour and a moderate oven .

Rice Stuffed Tomatoes

Eight tomatoes of uniform shape 1lb. of onions, chopped One cup of olive oil One cup of cooked rice One and a half cups of pine nuts ½ cup parsley, chopped ½ cup dill, chopped Dash of salt and pepper Bread crumbs Cut the tomatoes in half and scoop out the insides. Sauté the onions in olive oil. Add all of the ingredients and cook for five minutes stirring constantly. Sprinkle with bread crumbs and bake in a moderate oven until well browned.

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Rouneli Riganto (Rabbit in oregano sauce )

Two rabbits, cut into serving pieces ¾ cup olive oil ½ cup lemon juice 1tbsp. oregano 1tsp. salt 1/2tsp. pepper One clove garlic, crushed Soak the read it and salt and water for one hour to remove any blood. Drain and ride thoroughly. Preheat the oven to 400°. Brown rabbit well in oil or margarine, then reduce heat to 325°. Prepare the oregano sauce by whipping together the ingredients listed. Pour over the meat, cover and roast until tender. Baste from time to time. Make pan gravy from the drippings.


This Greek appetizer comes to the table in individual little fried pans called Saganakim used for serving as well as cooking. It is a simple dish in which squares of kasseri cheese are fried in the quantity of hot butter without any batter, after which a little lemon is squeezed over it. This is a an easy and tasty appetizer.

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Skordalia (Potato Sauce)

Six medium potatoes Four to six cloves of garlic ¾ cup olive oil 1tsp. of salt ¼ cup of lemon juice Boil the potatoes in their jackets and salted water. Meanwhile, pound garlic in a mortar together with salt until smooth. Peeled the cooked potatoes. Add them to the garlic mixture, one by one and continued to pound until all are well blended and the paste is smooth. Then add the olive oil very slowly, drop by drop alternating with the lemon juice. Continue to stir until the mixture is very smooth and you have a thick cream. When ready to serve the sauce may be diluted with a little fish or vegetable stock.

Soupa Faki

One cup dried lentils 5 ½ cups water One medium onion, chopped fine 2tbsp. all of oil Salt and pepper to taste Rinse the lentils, then place in the pan. Add water and bring to a boil. Cook slowly for 45 minutes, uncovered over low heat. Meanwhile cook the onions slowly in olive oil until soft and golden. Add slowly to the lentils with any extra oil. Continue cooking slowly, uncovered, until soft, about one and a half hours, adding water if necessary. Note: this may be prepared using two cloves garlic instead of onions. Use a pinch of oregano if garlic is used.

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Soutzoukakia (Meat balls in tomato sauce, Smyrna style )

1 1/2lbs. ground beef or veal Two tablespoons parsley, chopped fine Two cloves garlic chopped fine 1tbsp. olive oil Salt and pepper Two slices toasted white bread, soaked in 1 glass of wine Two beaten eggs Flour Butter or oil for frying 1 wine glass of vermouth Tomato sauce: 3tbsp. butter One small can of tomato paste 2 ½ cups water 1tsp. sugar Salt and pepper Combine the meat, parsley, garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper, and the wine soaked bread, and any remaining wine, then kneed to a paste. Bind with the eggs. Allow to stand for fifteen minutes. Shape into small sausages and roll lightly in flour. Heat some butter and lightly brown them on both sides. Pour the vermouth slowly and continue cooking until it has evaporated. To make the sauce, heat the butter, add the tomato sauce, diluted with water, the sugar, and salt and pepper and simmer for ten minutes. Add the small sausages and continue cooking over low heat until the sauce thickens. Do not stir but shake the pan from time to time. Serve with potato puree or rice pilaf.

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Spanikopita (Spinach Pie)

1 to 1 & 1/2lbs. spinach blanched in salted water, chopped fine 3/4lbs. of feta cheese, mashed 1/2 cup olive oil One cup parsley, chopped fine 1/3 to 1/2 cup dill, chopped fine Six green onions, chopped fine 1/4tsp. black pepper Eight pastry sheets of filo dough Melted butter, about a half cup 2 lemons optional Combine spinach, cheese and olive oil and mix together well. Season the mixture with the herbs and spices. In a greased baking pan, about 3in. deep, place four pastry sheets one at a time, brushing each with melted butter. Place the spinach mixture evenly over this. Place the remaining sheets over the spinach to form the top of the pie, brushing each sheet. Sprinkle a little water over the top. Bake in a moderate oven of 375° until the top is a golden brown, about 40 minutes. Cool slightly and cut into squares. This dish is equally delicious cold. Variations: roll the spinach mixture individually in buttered filo dough and use ½ cup chopped pine nuts and/or lemon.

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Steamed Pork Dumplings

1lb. of ground pork Two and a half cups of Chinese cabbage 1tbsp. sesame oil 2tbsp. chopped green onions 4tbsp. soy sauce 4tsp. fresh minced Ginger Two to three packages of dumpling wrappers Mix the ground pork, cabbage, sesame a well, chopped green onions, soy sauce, minced Ginger and salt. Place a tablespoon of the mixture in each wrapper. Fold the wrapper in half and pinch the edges together, sealing with a little water. Put the dumplings on a pan lined with wax paper and put in the refrigerator. Prepare the steamer by oiling so the dumplings will not stick. Alternately you can line the bottom with cabbage. Place the dumplings in the steamer, steaming at medium heat for twenty minutes. Pour a little garlic – soy sauce over and serve immediately. Sauce: 4tbsp. soy sauce 3tbsp. Balsamic vinegar 3 teaspoons sesame oil 1/8 Teaspoon sugar 3tsp. fresh garlic, minced fine

Stuffed Avocado

Two large avocados Two servings of black beans Sour cream Swiss or provolone cheese, sliced One green onion, chopped Tomato, thin slices Crab or crab rolls Worcestershire sauce Lime juice Sprouts Peel the avocados, cut in half and remove the seeds. Place the halves in individual small casserole dishes. Pour a little Worcestershire sauce and lime juice into the centers. Add a spoonful of crab or chopped crab rolls. Add a spoonful of black beans, and sprinkle a little green onion and then sprouts on top. Put a spoonful of sour cream, followed by tomato slices on top and cover with the Swiss or provolone cheese. Bake at 300° for ten to fifteen minutes, and serve immediately. Serves four.

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3tbsp. butter 3lbs. top round of beef, cubes One cup good red wine or vinegar Two cups tomato puree 4tbsp. tomato paste 3tbsp. olive oil 3lbs. small white whole onions Four cloves garlic One small piece cinnamon stick Four whole cloves One bay leaf Salt and pepper Chopped parsley Heat the butter in a heavy saucepan, iron preferred and brown the meat on all sides. Add ¼ cup of the red wine and simmer for a few minutes. Add the tomato puree and tomato paste, diluted with one cup hot water, and continue to simmer, covered. Heat olive oil in a skillet and brown the onions quickly. Add them to the meat, together with the garlic, spices, bay leaf, salt and pepper. Add the remaining wine slowly while cooking. Cover the pan again and simmer very slowly for about three hours until the meat is very tender. The sauce will have the consistency almost of a thick puree. Serve in a casserole and sprinkle with the parsley. The flavor is improved if the dish is made ahead of time and reheated before serving.

Tarama Salata

5oz. red caviar or fish row 6 slices toasted white bread, without crust, soaked in water ½ cup olive oil Juice of one lemon 1tbsp. grated onion Chopped parsley Small black olives Pound the caviar in a mortar or heavy bowl, then add the bread, squeezed dry. Mix well. Gradually add the olive oil, alternating with lemon juice, stirring in thoroughly until the mixture is smooth. Add the onion. Serve in a shallow bowl lined with lettuce and garnished with the chopped parsley and the olives.

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Youvarlakia (Meatballs)

1 1/2lbs. of ground beef or lamb One medium onion chopped fine ½ cup rice, cooked One beaten egg Parsley chopped very fine 2tbsp. butter Boiling boullion or water Egg and lemon sauce (avgolemono sauce) Mix the meat onion, rice, and seasoning together. Bind with the egg. Form into small round balls the size of walnuts, and roll in parsley. Melt the butter in a skillet, remove from fire in place balls in rows. Pour in enough boiling water or bouillon to cover them completely, pouring from the side so as not to disturb. Simmer over low heat until cooked, about 30 minutes. When they have cooked fifteen minutes, prepare the egg and lemon sauce. Remove balls from fire when done. Gradually add a little of the gravy to the egg and lemon sauce. Pour this mixture over the balls, after returning to the fire in and bring to a boil. Serve at once. Avgolemono sauce: Four eggs Six lemons or limes Juice the lemons or limes, about a third of a cup. Separate the egg whites, and beat until fluffy. Blend in the yolks, and then add the lemon juice. Add a little of the hot gravy to the sauce, but not so hot as to curdle.

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