grapevine - community lutheran church · 2019-11-01 · grapevine community lutheranchurch the...

GRAPEVINE Community Lutheran Church the Reverend H. G. “Skip” McComas 30897 Omar Road Frankford, DE 19945 Tom Richardson, Director of Music Church Office 302-732-1156 Fax 302-732-6357 Susan Pittinger, Sunday Bulletin Editor e-mail: [email protected] Bev Stalnaker, Newsletter Editor Blog: OCTOBER 2014 Vol. 20, Issue 10 I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. Philippians 4:11 Dear Friends, November is a month filled with dates and holidays that can remind us how important it is to be thankful people. The first Sunday in November is All Saints Day; a Ɵme to be thankful for all those who have gone before us and now live in the light of Christ. One of the most precious giŌs they gave us is life. We are thankful for parents and grandparents and all who have touched our lives. November 4 th , is ElecƟon Day when we can be thankful we live in a place that allows us to have the last say in who will be our local, state and naƟonal leaders. I really encourage you to stay informed of the issues and vote for the candidates and ballot measures you believe are the best for our ciƟes, states and country. November 11 th is Veterans Day; a day when we can give thanks to those who served our country most honorable fashion by serving in our armed forces. It is important to give thanks to those who put their life on the line for this country and for all of us who live, work and worship here. And of course, the forth Thursday in November is Thanksgiving Day where we thank God for giving us this country and guiding thirteen colonies to become the United States of America; a great experiment that is sƟll a work -in-progress and yet conƟnues to be the most generous country in the world. So let us be thankful and content for all that God has given us. There is the old story about the farmer who had lived on the same farm all his life. It was a good farm with ferƟle soil, but with the passing of the years, the farmer began to think, maybe there’s something beƩer for me. He set out to find an even beƩer plot of land to farm. Every day he found a new reason for criƟcizing some feature of his old farm. Finally, he decides to sell. He listed the farm with a real estate broker who promptly prepared an adverƟsement emphasizing all the many advantages of the acreage: ideal locaƟon, modern equipment, healthy stock, acres of ferƟle land, high yields on crops, well kept barns and pens, nice two-story house on a hill above the pasture. When the real estate agent called to read the ad to the farmer for his approval prior to placing it in the local paper, the farmer heard him out. When he had finished, he cried, “Hold everything! I’ve changed my mind. I’m nor going to sell. Why, I’ve been looking for a place like that all of my life!” When you start idenƟfying the good traits of any person, situaƟon, or organizaƟon, you are likely to find that they far outweigh the bad. Focus on what you have. What you have not will likely seem insignificant…and be thankful. Blessings, Pastor Skip

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Page 1: GRAPEVINE - COMMUNITY LUTHERAN CHURCH · 2019-11-01 · GRAPEVINE Community LutheranChurch the Reverend H. G.“Skip”McComas 30897 Omar Road – Frankford, DE 19945 Tom Richardson,


Community Lutheran Church the Reverend H. G. “Skip” McComas

30897 Omar Road – Frankford, DE 19945 Tom Richardson, Director of Music Church Office 302-732-1156 Fax 302-732-6357 Susan Pittinger, Sunday Bulletin Editor e-mail: [email protected] Bev Stalnaker, Newsletter Editor Blog:

OCTOBER 2014 Vol. 20, Issue 10

I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. Philippians 4:11

Dear Friends, November is a month filled with dates and holidays that can remind us how important it is to be thankful people. The first Sunday in November is All Saints Day; a me to be thankful for all those who have gone before us and now live in the light of Christ. One of the most precious gi s they gave us is life. We are thankful for parents and grandparents and all who have touched our lives.

November 4th, is Elec on Day when we can be thankful we live in a place that allows us to have the last say in who will be our local, state and na onal leaders. I really encourage you to stay informed of the issues and vote for the candidates and ballot measures you believe are the best for our ci es, states and country.

November 11th is Veterans Day; a day when we can give thanks to those who served our country most honorable fashion by serving in our armed forces. It is important to give thanks to those who put their life on the line for this country and for all of us who l ive, work and worship here.

And of course, the forth Thursday in November is Thanksgiving Day where we thank God for giving us this country and guiding thirteen colonies to become the United States of America; a great experiment that is s ll a work-in-progress and yet con nues to be the most generous country in the world.

So let us be thankful and content for all that God has given us.

There is the old story about the farmer who had lived on the same farm all his life. It was a good farm with fer le soil, but with the passing of the years, the farmer began to think, maybe there’s something be er for me. He set out to find an even be er plot of land to farm.

Every day he found a new reason for cri cizing some feature of his old farm. Finally, he decides to sell. He listed the farm with a real estate broker who promptly prepared an adver sement emphasizing all the many advantages of the acreage: ideal loca on, modern equipment, healthy stock, acres of fer le land, high yields on crops, well kept barns and pens, nice two-story house on a hill above the pasture.

When the real estate agent called to read the ad to the farmer for his approval prior to placing it in the local paper, the farmer heard him out. When he had finished, he cried, “Hold everything! I’ve changed my mind. I’m nor going to sell. Why, I’ve been looking for a place like that all of my life!”

When you start iden fying the good traits of any person, situa on, or organiza on, you are likely to find that they far outweigh the bad. Focus on what you have. What you have not will likely seem insignificant…and be thankful.


Pastor Skip

Page 2: GRAPEVINE - COMMUNITY LUTHERAN CHURCH · 2019-11-01 · GRAPEVINE Community LutheranChurch the Reverend H. G.“Skip”McComas 30897 Omar Road – Frankford, DE 19945 Tom Richardson,

“Called by God to Serve” The members of council all know exactly what this refers to. Others in the congrega on will have mixed feelings ranging from, of course, we are all called to serve to the other extreme of complaining that here we go again – trying to recruit folks to do this or that.

This year council is using a book tled “Called by God to Serve” as the source of our monthly devo onal. Each chapter is only 3 pages long including three probing ques ons about our church and our behavior. The book is authored by Robert F. Holley and Paul E. Walters and is designed as a reflec ons piece for church leaders. Interes ngly, this month the chapter tle was the same as the tle of the book. We had a good

discussion and then, as is the norm, I, as President, read some aspect of our Mission Statement, Vision or Core Values. The core value for October, i.e., the next on the list I have been following, was Discipleship. When I finished reading, Pr. Skip stated that I should have gone first and we could have dispensed with the chapter in the book. Now you know that, to me, this was no “coincidence”; this was the Holy Spirit telling us in no uncertain words that we are called to serve. All of us! Every single disciple of this congrega on. Further, we must be ever vigilant that Jesus Christ is always at the center of everything we, as a church, a empt to do. We are blessed with many excellent ministries of service to not only our local community, but to the region and beyond. But do we consciously and deliberately center these ac vi es on Christ?

I believe it was Pr. Greg Knepp, pastor at St. Peter’s in Ocean City, who during one occasion when he preached at Community based his sermon on “church work versus the work of the church”. Is this just another catchy expression or is it really something we all need to ponder. Can you really feel the difference in your heart? Church work ac vi es are mundane things that usually do need to be done, but which, if one is not careful, can be distrac ng from the true work of the church. Consider pulling weeds from our flower beds around the church. Pre y mundane work, but why are you compelled to stop from your busy schedule to pull those weeds? If it’s just because you are a neat freak, your mo ves are wrong. Where is Christ in doing that job? I hope that the mo ve is to have the property neat and appealing so that a traveler or neighbor will be comfortable in coming to worship, to hear the word of God and to be brought closer to God. In the long run, that individual might even become a fellow disciple at CLC. Not for money or membership growth, but another set of hands to assist with the “work of the church.”

While doing church work, we should transform in our minds the purpose and be sure that it does support the work of the church. How is this job exposing the unchurched to the saving grace of Jesus Christ? Is it feeding the hungry? Is it clothing those in need? Is it nurturing those in grief or crisis? When I look at our three Ministries, it appears that all the teams of the Helping Ministry are all focused on “the work of the church.” Even with most of the teams in the Growing Ministry it is easy to see the proper focus. But the folks working diligently in the teams of the Sustaining Ministry are usually several steps removed from the focus of the Helping Ministry. Consider working on the budget; this is hard church work! The budget must be a careful balance of suppor ng our ministries, properly compensa ng the professionals that lead us and funds for maintenance, insurance, office equipment etc. And, of course, it always appears as if we will not have enough money. But we always do; the Lord does supply just what we need. Those involved in this ministry must constantly ask “Where is Christ in what I am doing?”

Those of us who are elected to lead and to ask others to help, know in our hearts that extra hands do lessen the load, but we also know that the fulfillment and sa sfac on one derives from “serving” is overwhelming. I personally know that serving opens my heart to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. My spirituality is directly correlated with my involvement and par cipa on with others in the service of the Lord.

From my Lily pad to yours, in the name of Christ and all the peace, love and welcome that he provides,

Dave Bartges (R. Jeremiah)

Thought for the Day

When GOD solves your problems, you have faith in HIS abilities;; when GOD doesn’t solve your problems HE has

faith in your abilities.



Page 3: GRAPEVINE - COMMUNITY LUTHERAN CHURCH · 2019-11-01 · GRAPEVINE Community LutheranChurch the Reverend H. G.“Skip”McComas 30897 Omar Road – Frankford, DE 19945 Tom Richardson,


From John, Chapter 15: "This is my commandment, that

you love one another as I have loved you…..You did not

choose me but I chose you…..I have told you this so that

my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete."

The Order of St. Stephen, Deacon (OSSD) acts as a bridge between the Church and the community. Deacons are "set apart" in Word and Service to serve their churches and pastors in a wide variety of ministries using our Spiritual Gi s to meet the needs of those whom we serve.

Deacons are never to cease to be open to our call. Each day we must renew our resolve to say, "Yes Lord. Here I am Lord; send me."

Our commitment to service will take the form of the many tasks we will be asked to do. And may we always find joy in the a tude, "Lord, whatever it takes, that is what we offer you and your Church."

Academically, each deacon candidate must successfully complete all of the prescribed courses before being set apart as a deacon. Classes are offered on a rota ng basis, so that anyone who feels a call to this service may begin at the start of any class. The following are required courses for all OSSD students: Liturgy of the Church I; Liturgy of the Church II; Church History I; Church History II; Chris an Ethics; Lutheran Wri ngs; Hospital Ministry; Old Testament; New Testament. Vicar Deacon Dave Pi nger and I are in the process

of studying Old Testament under the instruc on of Pastor Kerry Shull, a er which we will be studying New Testament under Pastor Greg Knepp. We have completed all of the other prescribed courses.

The concepts of these classes are related to the on-going work of preaching, teaching, worship, social ministry, and acts of mercy carried out by the Church and her servants. These courses also introduce the student to the idea of Bap smal voca on, the priesthood of all believers, and that we all have gi s that may be used. These classes are open to anyone who wishes to learn more about the teachings of our Church.

Deacon students are encouraged to consider the implica ons of their call to service in the life of their congrega ons. They also are encouraged in their daily prayer life as well as the need for con nuing educa on once they have completed the academic curriculum.

Reflec ng on the quali es needed in order to become a deacon we turn to the example of St. Stephen, the first deacon, who possessed a generosity of heart, and a love of Christ and His Church.

When deacons are set apart they are joined to Christ now as servants: the servant who feeds the hungry, gives drink to the thirsty, clothes the naked, visits the sick and imprisoned; the servant who brings comfort to those in need.

May the Holy Spirit who consecrates all the bap zed, con nue to inspire us all to service. In His Name, James Gelato, Vicar Deacon, OSSD

Page 4: GRAPEVINE - COMMUNITY LUTHERAN CHURCH · 2019-11-01 · GRAPEVINE Community LutheranChurch the Reverend H. G.“Skip”McComas 30897 Omar Road – Frankford, DE 19945 Tom Richardson,

Sing My Soul –

by Tom Richardson

Let me start this month’s column with thanks, always a good place to start. My wife, Sharon, has recovered wonderfully from spinal surgery in August, and we both want to thank all of you for your prayers, and cards, and good wishes. In addition, I want to offer my thanks for this caring congregation’s generous offer of extra “time off” to help Sharon after the surgery. It was so thoughtful of you to give me those Sundays off through the actions of our Council. I could have, and would have taken good care of her without your giving me that time, but it would have been a big burden. In addition to allowing me the time to care for Sharon and take care of all her medical needs, it also gave us some very precious, relaxed time together that wouldn’t have existed. Thank you to all of you. You are a great blessing to us.

Now, let me continue with thoughts of future music activities. First, we are resuming our special music program for the 8 a.m. liturgy with a small choral ensemble for Reformation Sunday. Following that, we’ll have soloists for most Sundays through Advent. A group of male and female soloists will be enhancing our early worship.

Finally, let me tell you about Pastor’s and my plans for some beautiful Advent and Christmas worship. On Dec. 7, at both services, we’ll experience the second Sunday of Advent with a service of Advent Carols and Lessons. Soloists, the choir, and congregation will fill the sanctuary with beautiful Advent music as

we listen to the words of expectation and promise from the Scriptures.

On Christmas Eve, with candles glowing, our hearts will be filled with the joy of Christ’s birth, God’s great gift, as we celebrate with another service of Carols and Lessons. This one will be full of Christmas Carols and the Scripture readings we love to hear about the birth and events leading to it. More about this as the date of glad tidings nears. God be with you as you head into this busy but wonderful time. Sing on. Tom

Attention all Ushers

It’s not too early to start planning for the upcoming Advent Season. Because many schedules vary during the holidays, we have posted a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in Luther Hall for ushers to volunteer for Advent services on December 3, 10, 17 and for Christmas Eve, December 24. Two ushers are needed for Wednesday Advent services, and possibly four for Christmas Eve. Many thanks to all who serve or who have served in this important ministry. For any issues or questions on scheduling for the 8:00 a.m. service, contact Jim Gelato;; for the 10:30 service, contact Dick Riehl. If you aren’t already serving in this capacity and would like to, contact either Jim Gelato or Dick Riehl.

Page 5: GRAPEVINE - COMMUNITY LUTHERAN CHURCH · 2019-11-01 · GRAPEVINE Community LutheranChurch the Reverend H. G.“Skip”McComas 30897 Omar Road – Frankford, DE 19945 Tom Richardson,

Update from the Transition Team

Our Transi on Team (five members listed in our August Grapevine, joined by Jim Landis) is an ad hoc team approved by Council on August 11 to manage the transi on periods following Pastor Be ye’s departure, appointment of our interim pastor, Pastor Skip, and Call for a new pastor. This Team also has responsibility for comple ng the Mission Site Profile and being the point of contact with Synod during the transi on process.

The Team last met on October 15 to do a final review of the completed dra Mission Profile in prepara on for presenta on to Council at their retreat on November 8. Once Council approves the Mission Profile, it is transmi ed (electronically) to Synod which, according to a likely metable provided by Pastor Ed (from Synod), begins search and ve ng of pastoral candidates. The primary driving force is that, more than likely, candidates for our Call will be first-call pastors who will be gradua ng in May. Our finances will probably limit who we can call.

Concurrently, the Transi on Team will be considering six CLC members to serve on the Call Commi ee, to be Chaired by Sophia Riehl who was approved by Council at their September 8 Council Mee ng. While the only requirement to serve is that members must be members of the congrega on, we must also insure diversity – an equal mix of men and women, new members, tenured members, age, etc. Any congrega on member who would like to serve on this Commi ee should contact Sophia Riehl. The Transi on Team will consider all who volunteer; however, the final selec on of 5 will insure diversity (3 from each the 8:00 and 10:30 services, equal men/women, equal new/tenured members, etc.). Please prayerfully consider serving on this most important Commi ee.

To reiterate informa on from our August Grapevine, note that there are three groups involved in our processes at this me. The ad-hoc Transi on Team has overall supervision of the processes between resigna on of her Call by Pastor Be ye and the Call of a new pastor. The Transi on Team does not get involved with the ac vi es of the Call Commi ee. The Call Commi ee, consis ng of 6 congrega on members who will be appointed by Council, will be involved in interviewing candidate pastors, reviewing profiles of candidates, hearing a chosen candidate preach and ul mately making a recommenda on to Council. The Execu ve Commi ee con nues with their normal

du es (refer to our Cons tu on, Chapter 13 and Con nuing Resolu ons for du es of both Call and Execu ve Commi ees).

Addi onal informa on, melines, and steps taken will be included in future issues of the Grapevine as well as discussed at our Annual Mee ng and Open Forums. In the mean me, what can Congrega on members do?? Pray! Pray for faithful servants to step forward to help in the process. Pray for the Execu ve Commi ee, Transi on Team, Call Commi ee, and Council to approach their assigned work with diligence, pa ence, and respect for the process. Pray for Pastor Skip, our interim pastor, to minister to us well during this process. Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide us all to be good stewards, to con nue our ministries with zeal, and to send us a good candidate who is prepared to guide us and grow our ministries!

Do not hesitate to contact anyone on the Transi on Team with any ques ons concerning this most important task before us.

CLC’s Annual Christmas Party

Our Annual Christmas Party is scheduled for Saturday, December 6 at 1:00 p.m. in Luther Hall. It will be an afternoon of fun and entertainment and a pot-luck lunch. In lieu of gift exchanges, all are asked to bring certain school supplies for the teachers at Clayton Elementary. Sign-up sheets, along with a list of acceptable supplies for the teachers will soon be posted. Watch the bulletin board in Luther Hall for more information.

Page 6: GRAPEVINE - COMMUNITY LUTHERAN CHURCH · 2019-11-01 · GRAPEVINE Community LutheranChurch the Reverend H. G.“Skip”McComas 30897 Omar Road – Frankford, DE 19945 Tom Richardson,

Children’s Sunday School Update

Please help our children learn to love Jesus. CLC continues to offer Christian Education for our children on Sunday mornings. We believe children should participate in worship as well as learning and some changes have been made to the Sunday learning schedule. Children join their families for worship. As our liturgy enters into hearing the word, our children will experience God’s word in the Sunday School room. Their lesson includes scripture reading, story and a simple activity. They close their time together with prayer, returning to worship during the sharing of the peace.

We need teachers to help lead this ministry with children. Please join the Children’s Education Team on Monday, November 10 at 1:30 p.m. Come and see how we prepare lessons and what material we use. A few more people are needed to expand our teaching team. Working together, CLC does provide meaningful education for our children.

Sponsoring Altar Flowers,

Candles and Weekly Bulletins

Opportunities to sponsor flowers, candles and bulletins each week are available!

Sponsorship is a wonderful way to memorialize or honor a loved one or event. The cost for sponsoring bulletins/candles is $5 each;; and flowers is $26 (sign-up sheet on bulletin board in Luther Hall). To pay for sponsorship, place your check or cash in an offering envelope and mark it with your name and “flowers”, “bulletin”, or “candle” and place in the offering plate.



Throughout scripture we learn how acts sacrifice and giving are actions of worship. Giving as an act of worship is intentional and planned.

Each fall you are asked to complete a commitment card, promising to give a certain amount of money each week or month for the support of CLC’s Mission.

Cards will be distributed on Sunday, November 2. You are asked to take time to consider how, in 2015, you will increase your giving. Through prayer and supplication God will guide you in how much you should give to CLC to support Christ’s Mission at CLC.

Your decision as to how much you will promise to give is not based on what the church needs. Rather, consider all that God has provided you and determine how much you want to return to God through your offering.

Some use the principle of the tithe (10 percent of income) to determine giving to CLC.

Another approach is to first, consider what you are giving now. Then, to grow in your giving, decide to increase your present offering by a specific percentage. For example;; if you now give $20.00 a week, you might decide to increase your giving by 1 percent. This would increase you commitment to $22.00 a week or an increase of $8.00 a month. When your giving grows, you grow in faith.

Commitment Cards will be received on Sunday, November 23, Commitment Sunday.

Page 7: GRAPEVINE - COMMUNITY LUTHERAN CHURCH · 2019-11-01 · GRAPEVINE Community LutheranChurch the Reverend H. G.“Skip”McComas 30897 Omar Road – Frankford, DE 19945 Tom Richardson,

What Is a Call Committee and What Does It Do?

Establishing a Call Committee is mandated under Chapter 13 of our Constitution and is formed when a pastoral vacancy occurs. It comprises of six diverse voting members appointed by Council. Their term of office terminates upon installation of the newly called pastor.

Duties and responsibilities of the Call Committee are outlined in our Continuing Resolutions with one very recent change. Previously, the Call Committee was tasked with completing the Mission Profile (a needs assessment) and submitting it to Synod. Currently, this task, along with polling congregation members for input, is completed by the Transition Team, leaving the main tasks of interviewing candidate pastors, reviewing profiles of candidates, hearing a chosen candidate preach and ultimately making a recommendation to Council to the Call Committee.

The Call Committee is also responsible for scheduling visitation of candidate(s) with Council, scheduling a visitation Worship Service to be performed by candidate(s) for CLC Congregation evaluation with a formal congregation vote on candidate call following service, provide updates to Congregation of progress on a regular basis, and submitting monthly reports to Council of key activities.

On September 8, Council appointed Sophia Riehl to Chair the Call Committee. Once the Mission Profile is transmitted to Synod, the Transition Team will consider five other candidates to serve and make a recommendation to Council for approval. An equal number of candidates from members attending both 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. Liturgies will be considered with a focus on an equal number of men and women, new members, and tenured members. Only the President of the Congregation is ineligible to serve on the Call Committee. If you are considering serving or called upon to serve, please prayerfully consider the importance of this task and corresponding meetings and visits that may be required. Contact Sophia Riehl for additional information or to express interest in serving on the Call Committee.


EMERGERCY FOOD SERVICE Hours 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday Please call 302-732-1156 or 302-539-0220 for an appointment. Food Service is always in need of donations of food and/or money to purchase needed items. ANY QUESTIONS ask for or call Dick Riehl, Mary Ellen Engler or Hans Neas.

We are in need of Personal Items such as: Shampoo, toothpaste, tooth brushes, and

deodorant. To CLC: My family and I cannot thank you enough for all the prayers, cards, and support you have given us with the passing of Larry. We are grateful to all of you. God bless you. Carol Agsten

For your info: Fred Zimmerman

522 Grandview Ave. Feasterville, PA 19053


Page 8: GRAPEVINE - COMMUNITY LUTHERAN CHURCH · 2019-11-01 · GRAPEVINE Community LutheranChurch the Reverend H. G.“Skip”McComas 30897 Omar Road – Frankford, DE 19945 Tom Richardson,


Highlights from Oct. 13, 2014

Continuing in Called by God to Serve;; Council is reminded to invite Jesus to be present for all our efforts in leadership, asking his guidance for our encounters and planning.

Vision and Mission for the month is Discipleship. Fed by worship and prayer…we grow in faith and seek to live consistent with the teachings of Christ…We seek confidence to evangelize and boldly speak the name of Jesus in the world.

The treasurer’s report highlighted Day Camp expenses exceeding funding. Camp did not receive some of the donations it had in previous years, but there was not a cut back in the program to reflect this.

Pastor Skip is limiting his meeting attendance to Council, EXCOM and Mutual Ministry. He is contracted for 20 hours a week and must set limits. He continues to be available for any and all pastoral calls and visitations.

The Service Team greatly appreciates the shed, now dedicated to storage for the Helping Ministry. In addition to Service Team projects, materials used by the Quilters, Knitters and Day Camp are stored in the shed.

Dave Bartges has learned how to update the Web Site, and is looking forward to sharing this information with anyone willing to update and maintain CLC’s Web Page.

Council approved for distribution to the congregation the proposed budget for 2015. 2014 giving is lower than 2013 and the proposed budget of $178,726 is nearly $15,000 less than 2014’s budget. Giving must increase to cover the expenses of CLC’s ministries.

Sandra Wachter-Myers, Acting Secretary

To CLC: “A little thoughtfulness can be the greatest blessing of all.” Bill and I thank all who sent cards during the recent passing of my sister. Knowing people were thinking about us during this very difficult time helped ease the pain of loosing our loved one. May the angels watch over you always. Bill and Pat Carroll

Page 9: GRAPEVINE - COMMUNITY LUTHERAN CHURCH · 2019-11-01 · GRAPEVINE Community LutheranChurch the Reverend H. G.“Skip”McComas 30897 Omar Road – Frankford, DE 19945 Tom Richardson,

Upcoming Events Check out the November calendar, a ached, for upcoming events. Please note that our Annual Mee ng, normally held the first Sunday in October, was postponed un l November 2, immediately following the 10:30 Liturgy (only one Liturgy that day). All are welcome to a end; however, only congrega on members may vote on any issues and for candidates for council, synod assembly, and Nomina ng Commi ee for 2015.

Note, too, in November is our bi-annual Clean the Lord’s House Day scheduled for Friday, November 21, beginning at 9:00 a.m., a er Men’s Bible Study. A sign-up sheet and task list is on the bulle n board in Luther Hall. A lite con nental breakfast will be available.

Have You Completed Your Survey?

Your Opinion Ma ers! By October 19, all members should have received a survey to assist the Transi on Team in comple ng the Ministry Site Profile. The survey included three areas: 1) important ministry tasks for a pastor to perform; 2) important gi s for a pastor to possess; and 3) list what five primary areas of ac vity or focus are expected from a new pastor to give most a en on to during the first year of tenure. Your opinion ma ers. If you have not yet completed the survey, please do so and return it to church by November 2. There will be a box in the Narthex labeled “completed surveys”. Don’t delay! Do it today!!

Wonderful Inspirations

Today, a er a 72 hour shi at the fire sta on, a woman ran up to me at the grocery store and gave me a hug. When I tensed up, she realized I didn’t recognize her. She let go with tears of joy in her eyes and the most sincere

smile and said, “On 9-11-2001, you carried me out of the World Trade Center.”

Today, when I witnessed a 27 year old breast cancer pa ent laughing hysterically at her 2 year old daughter’s an cs, I suddenly realized that I need to stop complaining about my life and start celebra ng it again.

NOVEMBER 2014 Birthdays: 1 Carol Agsten 2 Mary White 3 Karlyn Fields 4 Beverly Jeffries 6 Joanne Strunck 6 Judy Hannon 12 Dottie Franks 13 Ned Troutman 14 Kerry Shull 15 Dave Bartges 18 Joan Hennessey 25 Philip Livingston 29 Freida Gotreaux 30 Don Striebig Anniversaries: 1 Louise Lauterbach 10 Ed & Beverly Jeffries 30 Richard & Linda Riehl

If your birthday or anniversary is not shown please write it on the list in Luther Hall.

You may also send info to: [email protected]


As September 30, 2014

Income Compared to Budget:

Received $140,071

Budgeted $144,004

Difference ($3,933)

Actual Income and Expense:

Income $140,071

Expense $147,345

Difference ($7,274)

Thank you for your gi s in support of CLC.

Page 10: GRAPEVINE - COMMUNITY LUTHERAN CHURCH · 2019-11-01 · GRAPEVINE Community LutheranChurch the Reverend H. G.“Skip”McComas 30897 Omar Road – Frankford, DE 19945 Tom Richardson,

NOVEMBER 2014 Time Nov. 2 Nov. 9 Nov. 16 Nov. 23 Nov. 30

8:00 am Set your clocks back one hour.

Assistant Minister One Service Today Dave Pi nger Ted Byram Jim Gelato Mary Ellen Engler

Communion Asst. Congrega onal

Mee ng

Suzy Schaeffer Dave Pi nger Suzy Schaeffer Dave Pi nger

Usher A er 10:30 a.m.


Vernon Miller Doris Egbert Mary Fern Bill Carroll

Altar Guild Light Lunch Linda Byram Doris Egbert Susan Pi nger Linda Riehl


Doris Egbert Linda Riehl Susan Pi nger Pat Carroll

10:30 am

Assistant Minister Sophia Riehl Jim Gelato Dave Bartges Jim Gelato Sophia Riehl

Communion Asst. Jim Gelato & Gene Schaffner

Janet Gelato & Sophia Riehl

Jim Gelato & Sophia Riehl

Dave Bartges & Janet Gelato

Jim Gelato & Janet Gelato

Ushers Gordon Naar & Dick Riehl

Hans & Judy Neas Andrea Booth & Louise Lauterbach

Bill & Nancy Warner

Bernie & Gerrie Bowerman

Altar Guild Deb Koerner Gloria Naar Karlyn Fields Bev Stalnaker Judy Neas

Greeter Kay Gooden Carol Clarke Don & Judy Striebig

Bev Stalnaker Hans & Judy Neas

Coun ng Team

Pi nger & Shiffle

Sacona & Schaffner

Bartges & Hennessy

Neas & Fields

Levine & Clarke

Page 11: GRAPEVINE - COMMUNITY LUTHERAN CHURCH · 2019-11-01 · GRAPEVINE Community LutheranChurch the Reverend H. G.“Skip”McComas 30897 Omar Road – Frankford, DE 19945 Tom Richardson,

This Calendar is Subject to Change. Please check before attending.

COMMUNITY LUTHERAN CHURCH – NOVEMBER 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat. Nov. 2—set your clocks back one hour.

AA Meets Every Monday and Thursday at 8:00 p.m.

1 10 am Worship Service Atlantic Shores

2 NO 8 am Worship 9 am Bible Study 9 am Choir Reh. 10:30 Worship 10:30 Children SS 12 Noon ANNUAL MEETING

3 9:30 am Service Team 12N Bible Study 1:30-3:30 pm OSSD

4 9:30 am Quilters

5 9:30 am Knit & Crochet 10 am Transition 10:30 Hospitality & Fellowship 1:30-4:30 pm Cards H&F

6 8 am Breakfast With Bob * Millsboro

7 8 AM Men’s Bible Study 5:30 pm Council Retreat

8 9:00 am Council Retreat

9 8 am Worship 9 am Bible Study 9 am Choir Reh. 10:30 Worship 10:30 Children SS

10 12N Bible Study 1:30 pm Sunday Sch. Teacher’s 1:30-3:30 pm OSSD 4 p.m. Council Mtg.

11 9:30 am Quilters 12N Lay Visitation - SPOC

12 9:30 am Knit & Crochet

13 8 am Breakfast With Bob * 1:30 pm Games & Desserts 4 p.m. Christian Com-­munications

14 8 AM Men’s Bible Study


16 8 am Worship 9 am Bible Study 9 am Choir Reh. 10:30 Worship 10:30 Children SS

17 12N Bible Study 1:30-3:30 pm OSSD GRAPEVINE DEADLINE

18 9:30 am Quilters 3:00 pm Lay Visitation

19 9:30 am Knit & Crochet 1:30-4:30 pm Cards H&F

20 8 am Breakfast With Bob *

10 am Friends in Christ 1 pm Finance


8 am Men’s Bible Study

9 am Clean the Lord’s House Day


23 8 am Worship 9 am Bible Study 9 am Choir Reh. 10:30 Worship 10:30 Children SS Christ the King


Commitment Sunday

24 10 am Wom-­en’s Prayer 12N Bible Study 1:30-3:30 pm OSSD

25 9:30 am Quilters 9:30 pm Mutual Ministry 9:30 am Property/Silver Foxes 1:30 pm EXCOM 2 pm Worship & Music


9:30 am Knit & Crochet

10:30 am Worship Service at Renaissance


Breakfast W/ Bob Group


8 am Men’s Bible Study


30 8 am Worship 9 am Bible Study 9 am Choir Reh. 10:30 Worship 10:30 Children SS K and PreK only