graduate attributes and authentic learning


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This was a presentation by Vivienne Bozalek and Kathy Watters at HELTASA conference 2012 at Stellenbosch University on 29 November


2. Structure of presentation Curriculum alignment vs authentic learning forachieving graduate attributes Graduate attributes Authentic learning elements Research done at UWC on authentic learning An example of an indepth interview authentic learnng and graduate attributes 3. Developing graduate attributes How best to develop these attributes in highereducation One possible way is through constructivealignment (Biggs, 2012) Another possibility is through authenticlearning (Herrington et al., 2010) 4. What are Graduate Attributes?Graduate attributes are the qualities, skills andunderstandings a university community agrees itsstudents should develop during their time withthe institution and consequently shape thecontribution they are able to make to theirprofession and society ... They are qualities thatalso prepare graduates as agents of social good inunknown futures. (Bowden et al., 2000) 5. What would UWC Graduate Attributes for the 21st Century look like? 6. Two tiers of graduate attributes(Barrie, 2004)Tier 1complex interwoven aspects of human ability (Barrie, 2005:3) attributes that allow graduates to prosper in an uncertain world of change(Barnett, 2004) UWC Charter generic attributes: scholarship, citizenship and the social good, lifelong learningTier 2 * Clusters of personal skills and abilities (UWC charter) Inquiry-focused and knowledgeable Critically and relevantly literate Autonomous and collaborative Ethically, Environmentally and Socially Aware and Active Skilled Communicators Interpersonal flexibility and confidence to engage across difference 7. UWC Charter of Graduate AttributesFirst Tier SCHOLARSHIP: A critical attitude towards knowledge:UWC graduates should be able to demonstrate a scholarly attitude to knowledge andunderstanding within the context of a rapidly changing environment. UWC graduatesshould have the ability to actively engage in the generation of innovative and relevantknowledge and understanding through inquiry, critique and synthesis. They should beable to apply their knowledge to solve diverse problems and communicate theirknowledge confidently and effectively. CRITICAL CITIZENSHIP AND THE SOCIAL GOOD: A relationship and interaction withlocal and global communities and the environment:UWC graduates should be engaged, committed and accountable agents of social good.They must aspire to contribute to social justice and care, appreciative of the complexity ofhistorical contexts and societal conditions through their roles as professionals andmembers of local and global communities. They should demonstrate leadership andresponsibility with regard to environmental sustainability. LIFELONG LEARNING: An attitude or stance towards themselves: UWC graduates should be confident Lifelong Learners, committed to and capable of continuous collaborative and individual learning and critical reflection for the purpose of furthering their understanding of the world and their place in it. Graduate Attributes and2012/12/01curriculum alignment 8. UWC Charter of Graduate AttributesSecondTier 1. Inquiry-focused and knowledgeable: UWC graduates will be able to create newknowledge and understanding through the process of research and inquiry 2. Critically and relevantly literate: UWC graduates will be able to seek, discern, useand apply information effectively in a range of contexts. 3. Autonomous and collaborative: UWC graduates will be able to work independently andin collaboration with others, in a way that is informed by openness, curiosity and a desireto meet new challenges. 4. Ethically, Environmentally and Socially Aware and Active: UWC graduates should becritical and responsible members of local, national, international and professionalcommunities. They should also demonstrate a thorough knowledge of ethical, social,cultural and environmental issues relating to their disciplines and make professional andleadership decisions in accordance with these principles. 5. Skilled Communicators: UWC graduates should recognise and value communication asa tool for negotiating and creating new understanding, interacting with diverse others, andfurthering their own learning. They should use effective communication as a tool toengage with new forms of complexity in social and working life. 6. Interpersonal flexibility and confidence to engage across difference: UWC graduatesshould be able to interact with people from a variety of backgrounds and have theemotional insight and imagination to understand the viewpoints of others. They should beable to work in a productive team, to lead where necessary and to contribute their skills asrequired to solving complex problems. Graduate Attributes and2012/12/01curriculum alignment 9. Monitoring FrameworkStrategy Action Performance Expected PersonMeasure OutcomeResponsible6.1 Develop, refine and Graduate attributesEach Faculty and each Directors of Teaching6.Embed implement a developed in eachdiscipline within and Learning, DLL;graduatecomprehensive planFaculty and each Faculties to developDeputy Deans ofattributesto improve graduate discipline which are their own graduateTeaching and Learning,employmentaligned to the UWC attributes aligned to Teaching and Learningintooutcomes andCharter of Graduatethose of the university Specialistsacademiccritical citizenshipAttributes by end of 2011.programm6.2 Ensure that courses Number of coursesBy end of 2012 60% of HoDs; Deputy Deanshave an aligned considered to be aligned courses reviewed areTeaching and Learning;es andcurriculumin terms of graduate aligned to UWCTeaching and Learningcurricula programme withattributes attributes (inSpecialists, moderators,UWC Charter of moderation documentsreview committeesGraduate Attributes. and departmental reviews)6.3 Capacitate UWCNumber of Senior By 2011 10% ofHoDs, Director Teachingsenior academics to Academics in programmes show and Learning, Deputyembed graduateDepartments andcurriculum alignmentDeans Teaching andattributes in their Faculties who have with graduate Learning, Learningprogrammesattended Teaching andattributesSpecialistsholistically throughLearning Retreats to aligncurriculum alignmentcurricula6.4 Establish institutional Electronic system assists By end 2012Registrar, expert insystem to assesswith alignment of teaching development of system,extent of activities, assessment Quality assurance12/1/2012 embeddedness of tasks and graduate manager, Director ofgraduate attributes attributes Teaching and Learning 10. For authentic learning to occur oneneedslearners to be engaged in aninventive and realistic taskthat provides opportunitiesfor complex collaborativeactivities. Herrington et al (2010:1) 11. Herringtons nine elements of authentic learning Authentic context Authentic task Expert performance Multiple perspectives Collaboration Reflection Articulation Coaching and scaffolding Assessment 12. Authentic Context 13. Second Life 3D immersive environment 14. Authentic taskAnti-oppressive scenariosand role plays deal with: human rights issues Building self esteem Unlearning prejudice Developing empathy Problem solving Developing emotional literacyand language Conflict management Supporting victims e.g abuse,bullying, xenophobic attacks Collectivising issues: Feeling notalone 15. Persona Doll Assessment Task1 As a group, create a persona for one of the dolls which we have acquired in thedepartment, using the guidelines given to you in the workshop. Write down thispersona in this space. You should also record this and send the podcast to your groupspace in the discussion forum as a media file. (20)2 As a group, identify the issue or topic you are dealing with and the goal for the sessionand who your target group will be. Plan the story or introduction you will use. Prepare a10-15 minute session with the doll. Identify the appropriate open-ended leadingquestions in which you encourage the naming of feelings, listening to each other, deepthinking, expressing ideas, empathising with the doll so that your group can help andadvise it. Write down the issue, goals, target group, the story (introduction) and thequestions you will ask, then record the session with one person acting as the facilitatorand the other group members as the target group and send it as a podcast to your groupdiscussion forum space. (40)2 Individual task - Using the prescribed readings for this module, identify the theoreticalapproach and principles underlying the persona doll and identify the techniques whichcan potentially be used in this approach. Include techniques which can be used moregenerally (i.e. not only those which are used for the persona doll). 16. Access to expert Performances and modelling of processes 17. Guest lectures: RemixCompany 18. Guest lectures: localartist: Bernie SearleTELL ME YOUR RACE THEN I WILLGIVE YOU OUR IDENTITY 19. Performing poetryGabeba BaderoonDiana Ferrus 20. Critical TextsAnthias & Yuval-Davis Lugones Dominelli2012/12/01 21. The pedagogy of discomfort2012/12/01 22. Collaborative construction of knowledge 23. Collaborative construction of knowledge 24. Reflection 25. Mediated learning for understandingTeacher provides skills, strategies and links to be able to complete the taskThe student:world of experience, ZPD Outcome of deep learning, This is the teaching space; this is the Relational conceptualUnstructured Knowhow knowledge gap!understanding.&/orSurface learning Coaching and scaffolding 26. Authentic task Use Powerpoint to prepare a presentation on the relationship between identity,community and professional practice. The presentation should cover: Notions of community, self and identity. Remaining questions, tensions and contradictions for the group. Implications of the above for professional practice in social work, occupationaltherapy and psychology. You will be assessed on the basis of your presentation, and the notes used for thepresentation. Critical and creative presentations are encouraged. Yourpresentations should contain references to the workshops, postings and readings.They should show an understanding of the complexity of the notions of identity,community and the human professions, and should reflect a critical appreciationof different viewpoints. In your presentation, ensure that you have consideredhow raced, gendered and classed histories and differing experiences and valuesinform professional identities and practices. Your powerpoint presentation should be no longer than ten slides, containing amaximum of 80 words per slide (to be presented in 15 minutes; 5 minutes forquestions). 27. Indepth interviews at UWC Part of NRF project Target group: lecturers that are known to be opento/engaged with technology Sent by email to contacts in all public HEIs institution,snowball sampling Content: 3 parts, demographic, tools and open endedquestions around practice with ET Respondents: 262 (by 30 September 2011) Selection of 35 respondents, for further interviews on howemerging technology is being used to provide andauthentic learning experience for students Sub-set of 12 UWC staff members were interviewed as partof this research. 28. Lecturers interviewed at UWC 29. Elements engaged with by UWC lecturers 30. Authentic context/ Lifelong learning/ Critically and relevantly literate In order to teach physiotherapy, the educator has developedwritten cases through which we try to figure out how toimprove the clinical reasoning process; clinical reasoning isreally hard and it takes very long time to develop. Weintroduce and encourage the idea of uncertainty and we tryand give the students opportunities to learn how to becomfortable with the complexity and uncertainty of theclinical context and then to give them skills to navigate thatuncertainty- rather than just being flawed and overwhelmedby all the different variables that you have to try and manageto actually being able to identify them and work with them.We need to give them skills now for them to able to go intothe real world and say I dont have this answer, now what doI know, what do I need to find out, how will I find out. 31. Authentic task/ critically and relevantlyliterate/ autonomous & collaborative/ skilled communicators in the past we would have lectured on a series of conditionsand say these are the conditions that you need to be awareof now what we do we give them a case and each case runsevery 3 weeks period and every week we introduce newinformation that the students then have to integrate withwhat they already know about this particular patient so inweek we say here is a patient and then they to identityproblems and we give a kind of a few questions that helpguide their thinking but we expect them to come up withtheir own questions and then we look over the the notesthat they develop and we give input in terms of makingsure that they are following a kind of a guide or a path thatwe think is appropriate and then every week we introducecomplexity to the case so we add more information 32. Expert performance/ inquiry focusedcritically and relevantly literate One of the 1st assignments we did in this modulewas we gave them a task where they had somereadings and they had to develop a list of criteriathat they would use to establish credibility in onlinesources and so that assignment then kind of set uphow they would go about finding online sourcesthat they can then use to inform their notes as wemove through the module so we trying rather thansay these are the internet sources you should usewe say this how you can identify useful, relevantand creditable online sources 33. Multiple perspectives/critically andrelevantly literate autonomous andcollaborative You can have clinicians who would disagree on appropriate managementstrategies for patients and how do you negotiate kind of a compromisebetween what you think its right and what someone else thinks its right sowe do try and model that what we will often do is students will ask me aquestion and I will say well this is what I think but let me just grab this otherperson who I know has a different view and then we pull facilitators into theconversation and then we discuss the difference in the view point and modelto the students that often times there is no right answer. we also try and encourage the students to look at the particular problemsfrom a different perspective within the curriculum so from an anatomicalpoint of view because they are doing anatomy at the same time so how isthis problem relevant in terms of your understanding of anatomy in terms ofyour movements science module we showed them a tape video of lady aneuro-anatomist who had a stroke so we looked at it from a therapist pointof view how can we look at it from the patient point of view so we try and sothat kind of thing where we pull in from other perspectives 34. Coaching and scaffolding so in terms of scaffolding like that the students have to have a baseand from that base they can build if the base is shaky we try anddesign the case so that its difficult for them to proceed withouthaving an understanding of what they did in the beginning.Feedback we try and encourage all the facilitators to give feedbackin the form of a question rather than saying this is wrong, this isright, this is excellent so even this is excellent is not useful feedbackbecause students has no way to go from that so we have done aworkshop where we guide facilitators on how to give feedback whatit means we talked to students about how to use feedback and totry and give each other feedback so in terms of the scaffolding Ithink we try and always say why do you say that? What are youbasing that on? 35. Reflection/ critically and relevantlyliterate we model reflection we go on and on abouthow reflection is really important forprofession development, there is just this blockwith the students where its just thinking wetalk about if you dont have any emotionalinvestment in what you are doing then but thestudents are very resistant to reflection 36. Assessment at the end of every term the students have to submit aclinical file which is a collection of documentation thatthey have gathered that relates to their patientscontact so there is a clinical evaluation tool wherethere are patients kind of documentation notes, thereis the reflections, there is they have set learningobjectives for themselves so every week they have oneor two learning objectives they have the reflections sothere is that they submit at the end of every term thatstheir clinical stuff, they replied to the theory classroombased stuff they have their case notes which we dontassess the case presentations 37. Collaboration they are in a different groups ,when they go out in aclinical practice they are in one group and in theclassroom they are in a different group and the idea isthat students learn things on a clinical experience andthey bring it back to the classroom experience so onthe Monday morning they set aside time where theydiscuss the patient they saw the previous Thursday andwe try to get them to bring their own clinical storiesback into the classroom and then the facilitators candiscuss those experiences. we try to build incollaboration we dont give them notes they have tocollaboratively build the notes in their groups withinputs from facilitators 38. Articulation/critical and relevantlyliterate/autonomous and collaborative at the end of every case each group has to have a set ofcase notes where they have drawn up their understandingof this particular patient and also within that case theyshould have had an opportunity to present a summary ofthe weeks work so they have their presentation, thesummary of the week they have their case notes and thenevery group must do a full case presentation that theygraded on at the end of each case we challenge every single statement that the studentsmakes that is not explicitly guided by a reason so thestudents stands up and say I think that then we say why doyou think that/ on what have you based that? 39. Authentic learning using a fish tank 40. Blog on fish tank