government of west bengal department of agriculture ... of agriculture writers' buildings,...

No.1942-Inpt.-9M-1112013 Dated Kolkata the 11 til December. 2013 Government of West Bengal Department of Agriculture Writers' Buildings, Kolkata -700001 M E :\10 R A ~ D r :\1 Sub: Continuation of "'One Time Assistance to small and marginal farmers for purchase of Small Farm Implements" under the Agriculture Department, West Bengal. In continuation with this Deptt.'s earlier G.O. No. 233-lnput-9M-ll/2013 dated 12.02.2013 on the above cited subject, the undersigned is directed to inform that the Governor has been pleased to extend the cut-off date for receiving applications from eligible beneficiaries under -One Time Assistance to small and marginal farmers for purchase of Small Farm Implemems- up to 31.03.2014 and to continue the scheme as an on-going scheme under the State Plan of Agriculture Department during 2013-14. Salient features of the scheme are mentioned hereunderr- (i) Eligible Farmers : Individual farmers, Members of Primary Agriculture Co- operative Societies who hold Kisan Credit Card (KCC) or Bank Account and belonging to the Category of Small and Marginal Farmers who have not availed benefit either under "One Time Assistance for electrification of pump sets" or under "Farm Mechanisation Subsidy Scheme (FMSS)" or any other subsidy programme. (ii) ~ature of Assistance: One Time Assistance of Rs.5.000 - in the respective Kisar; Credit Card (KCC) or Bank Account (whichever applicable) as deposit fund. (iii) Bank Loan: Farmers may opt for Kisan Credit Card (KCC) Loan or pay the balance cost of implements as own contribution. (iv) Receipt of Application: Applications will be received in the office of Assistant Director of Agriculture (Block). A Block Level Screening Committee, the same as in Financial Support Scheme for Farm Mechanization (FSSM), shall be responsible for screening the application. (v) Sanction of Assistance: District Level Selection Committee for FSSM comprising of District Magistrate as Chairman shall be the competent authority to sanction the One Time Assistance to small and marginal farmers for purchase of small farm implements. (vi) Unspent balance, if any, of2012-13 for the scheme will be utilized in 2013-14. (vii) The Complete Scheme is appended in A."'\TNEXVRE - I (viii) Inter- district allocation of Funds is appended in .-\__'\-:'\-E\.l_"RE-II. (ix) The prescribed Application Form is appended in A_.,\~EXCRE -III. (x) Finance Department has granted administrative approval for the scheme vide C.O. No. 5143 Group- Al dated 02.12.13. -By order of the Governor 5d/- 8iSWQS Secretary Cont. page-2

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Page 1: Government of West Bengal Department of Agriculture ... of Agriculture Writers' Buildings, Kolkata -700001 ... Co-operative Societies who hold Kisan ... who hold Kisan Credit Card

No.1942-Inpt.-9M-1112013 Dated Kolkata the 11til December. 2013

Government of West BengalDepartment of Agriculture

Writers' Buildings, Kolkata -700001

M E :\10 R A ~ D r :\1

Sub: Continuation of "'One Time Assistance to small and marginal farmers forpurchase of Small Farm Implements" under the Agriculture Department,West Bengal.

In continuation with this Deptt.'s earlier G.O. No. 233-lnput-9M-ll/2013 dated 12.02.2013 on the abovecited subject, the undersigned is directed to inform that the Governor has been pleased to extend thecut-off date for receiving applications from eligible beneficiaries under -One Time Assistance to smalland marginal farmers for purchase of Small Farm Implemems- up to 31.03.2014 and to continue thescheme as an on-going scheme under the State Plan of Agriculture Department during 2013-14.

Salient features of the scheme are mentioned hereunderr-

(i) Eligible Farmers : Individual farmers, Members of Primary Agriculture Co-operative Societies who hold Kisan Credit Card (KCC) or Bank Account andbelonging to the Category of Small and Marginal Farmers who have not availedbenefit either under "One Time Assistance for electrification of pump sets" or under"Farm Mechanisation Subsidy Scheme (FMSS)" or any other subsidy programme.

(ii) ~ature of Assistance: One Time Assistance of Rs.5.000 - in the respective Kisar;Credit Card (KCC) or Bank Account (whichever applicable) as deposit fund.

(iii) Bank Loan: Farmers may opt for Kisan Credit Card (KCC) Loan or pay thebalance cost of implements as own contribution.

(iv) Receipt of Application: Applications will be received in the office of AssistantDirector of Agriculture (Block). A Block Level Screening Committee, the same as inFinancial Support Scheme for Farm Mechanization (FSSM), shall be responsible forscreening the application.

(v) Sanction of Assistance: District Level Selection Committee for FSSM comprisingof District Magistrate as Chairman shall be the competent authority to sanction theOne Time Assistance to small and marginal farmers for purchase of small farmimplements.

(vi) Unspent balance, if any, of2012-13 for the scheme will be utilized in 2013-14.(vii) The Complete Scheme is appended in A."'\TNEXVRE - I(viii) Inter- district allocation of Funds is appended in .-\__'\-:'\-E\.l_"RE-II.(ix) The prescribed Application Form is appended in A_.,\~EXCRE -III.(x) Finance Department has granted administrative approval for the scheme vide C.O.

No. 5143 Group- Al dated 02.12.13.

-By order of the Governor

5d/- 5· 8iSWQS


Cont. page-2

Page 2: Government of West Bengal Department of Agriculture ... of Agriculture Writers' Buildings, Kolkata -700001 ... Co-operative Societies who hold Kisan ... who hold Kisan Credit Card

No.1942/1(100)-Inpt. Dated Kolkata the 11th December, 2013.


Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to :-

1. The Principal Accountant General (A&E), W.B., Treasury Buildings, Kolkata-l.

2. The Accountant General (Audit), Treasury Buildings, Kolkata-1.

3. The Sabhadhipati . Zilla Parisbad _

4. The Director of Agriculture. West Bc::;::..:.~

5. The District Magistrate _

6. The Joint Secretary Gr-A / Jt. Secretary Gr.-N, Finance Deptt. W.B.

7. The Pay & Accounts Officer-I, Kolkata Pay and Accounts Office, 81/2/2, Phears Lane.


8. The Joint Secretary, Development & Planning Deptt. W.B.

9. The Joint Director of Agriculture (Accounts), West Bengal

10. The Joint Director of Agriculture (Range)/Dy. Director of Agriculture,

(Range) _

vr( The Deputy Director of Agriculture (H.Q.), West Bengal

12. The Deputy Director of Agriculture (Administration), District.- _

13. Budget & Planning Cell of this Deptt./ Development Branch of this Department.

14. Assistant Director of Agriculture rAdmn.i, S~Di~ vision.. _

15. P.S. to Minister-in-Charge. Agricuhure Dq.u.. Govt, ·of"'-eglknt"}

16. Sf. P.A. to Secretary. Agriculture Depn.. GLr'.-:. of v.-;!S &=='£1'-

17. Treasury Officer. _

18. Guard file.


OSD &: Ex- Officio Dy, Secretaryto the Government of West Bengal


Page 3: Government of West Bengal Department of Agriculture ... of Agriculture Writers' Buildings, Kolkata -700001 ... Co-operative Societies who hold Kisan ... who hold Kisan Credit Card

GOl'emment of \\rest BengalDepartment of.~

"-riten' BaiJdi!rL K•••• -""1

No.1942-Iapt.-'''-lli2t13 Datal K••••••• 11*Dr,,- trr. liB

Sub: Continuation of -one Time Assistance to small and marginal farmers forpurchase of Small Farm Implements" under the Agriculture Department,West Bengal.

In continuation with this Deptt.'s earlier G.O. No. 233-lnput-9M-ll/2013 dated 12.02.2013 on the abovecited subject, the undersigned is directed to inform that the Governor has been pleased to extend thecut-off date ·for receiving applications from eligible beneficiaries under ·One Time Assistance to smalland marginal farmers for purchase of Small Farm Implements" up to 31.03.2014 and to continue thescheme as an on-going scheme under the State Plan of Agriculture Department during 2013-14.

Salient features of the scheme are mentioned hereunder:-

(i) Eligible Farmen : Individual farmers, Members of Primary Agriculture Co-operative Societies who hold Kisan Credit Card (KCC) or Bank Account andbelonging to the Category of Small and Marginal Farmers who have not availedbenefit either under "One Time Assistance for electrification of pump sets" or under"Farm '\Iecbanisation Subsidy Scheme (FMSS)'" or any other subsidy programme.

(iil ~ature of Assistance : One Time Assistance of Rs.5.(I(wj - in the respective ~5aI1.Credit Card (KCC) or Bank Account (whichever applicable) as deposit fund.

(iii) Bank Loan: Farmers may opt for Kisan Credit Card (KCC) Loan or pay thebalance cost of implements as own contribution.

(iv) Receipt of Application: Applications will be received in the office of AssistantDirector of Agriculture (Block). A Block Level Screening Committee, the same as inFinancial Support Scheme for Farm Mechanization (FSSM), shall be responsible forscreening the application.

(v) Sanction of Assistance: District Level Selection Committee for FSSM comprisingof District Magistrate as Chairman shall be the competent authority to sanction theOne Time Assistance to small and marginal farmers for purchase of small farmimplements.

(vi) Unspent balance, ifany, of2012-13 for the scheme will be utilized in 2013-14.(vii) The Complete Scheme is appended in ANNEXURE - I(viii) Inter- district allocation of Funds is appended in .-\"",~tXCRE-II.(ix) The prescribed Application Form is appended in ANNEXURE -III.(x) Finance Department has granted administrative approval for the scheme vide U.O.

No. 5143 Group- Al dated 02.12.13.

-By order of the Governor

Sd/- S· 8isWQS


Cont. page-2

Page 4: Government of West Bengal Department of Agriculture ... of Agriculture Writers' Buildings, Kolkata -700001 ... Co-operative Societies who hold Kisan ... who hold Kisan Credit Card

No.1942/1(100)-Inpt. Dated Kolkata the 11th December, 2013.


Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to :-

1. The Principal Accountant General (A&E), W.B., Treasury Buildings, Kolkata-l.

2. The Accountant General (Audit), Treasury Buildings, Kolkata-l.

3. The Sabhadhipati . Zilla Parishad _

4. The Director of Agriculture. West Bengal,

5. The District Magistrate _

6. The Joint Secretary Gr-A I Jt. Secretary Gr.-N, Finance Deptt. W.B.

7. The Pay & Accounts Officer-I, Kolkata Pay and Accounts Office, 81/2/2, Phears Lane,


8. The Joint Secretary, Development & Planning Deptt. W.B.

9. The Joint Director of Agriculture (Accounts), West Bengal

10. The Joint Director of Agriculture (Rangej/Dy. Director of Agriculture.

(Range) _

11. The Deputy Director of Agriculture (H.Q.), West Bengal

12. The Deputy Director of Agriculture (Administration), District- _

13. Budget & Planning Cell of this Deptt.l Development Branch of this Department.

14. Assistant Director of Agriculture (Admn.). Sub-Div ision. _

15. P.S. to Minister-in-Charge. Agriculture Depa., Cion. of""°est Bengal.

16. Sr. P .A. to Secretary. Agriculture Depc., Govt, 0f\\oesr.Be:r,::,,'

17. Treasury Officer. _

18. Guard file.

OSD &: Ex- Officio Dy. Secretaryto the Government of West Bengal


Page 5: Government of West Bengal Department of Agriculture ... of Agriculture Writers' Buildings, Kolkata -700001 ... Co-operative Societies who hold Kisan ... who hold Kisan Credit Card

"One TIme Assjstalnce to small and marginal farmers for p,urchase of Sma!:!Fa"rmImpJernent:s- for the year 2013-14

!~a- .2:" .2-" 2 ;:- ~X-:~-:: -;; '--3"':: a S..•;:)::::8:1:C tne sma I and marginal farmers of the state wrtna"": aim to aid them In procuring small implements necessary for agricultural operations forbetterment of output. It is necessary to extend the scheme for the current financial year too. Thedetails of the scheme are given below. The scheme shall remain valid for the currentfinancial year, i.e. 2013-14. The financial allocation for the scheme will be the sum total ofthe unspent balance under the scheme for 2012-13 and fresh allocation for the currentfinancial year as proposed in Annexure - II for the respective districts.

Area of implementation: Applicable uniformly throughout the state.

Implementing Agencies: Commercial banks, Regional Rural Banks and CooperativeBanks.

Eligible Beneficiaries: Individual farmers, Members of Primary Agriculture CooperativeSocieties (PACS) , Joint Liability Groups (JLG), who hold validKisan Credit Cards (KCC) or Bank Accounts and belonging to thecategory of small and marginal farmers and have not availed any

Purpose of assistance:

Nature of assistance:

Loan proposal:

.-_-'-' ::

Time ASSistance for electrification of pump sets. FmanciaiSupport Scheme for Farm Mechanization (FSSM)" or "One timeassistance for purchase of Small Farm Implements" till date.

To purchase small farm implements like can a-weeder, sprayer,manually operated paddy thresher, drum-seeder etc. as per list inAnnexure - I. There will be no tie up arrangement with anyspecific company.

In the form of "One Time Assistance (OTA)" of Rs. 5000/- in therespective Kishan Credit Card (KCC) account or Bank Account ofthe eligible and sponsored farmers as a deposit fund forpurchase of small farm implements from the approved list of suchimplements as given in Annexure - I. The OTA amount underthe scheme will be meant for purchase of new equipmentsonly and the amount cannot be adjusted with anyoutstanding loan of the concerned farmer. The farmers mayutilize KCC credit for the balance portion of the cost of implements(over and above the OTA amount) as necessary.

The farmers may either opt for KCC loan or pay the balance costof the implements as own contribution. In case of loans, theAssistant Director Agriculture (Block) [Asst. DA (Block)] will send


Page 6: Government of West Bengal Department of Agriculture ... of Agriculture Writers' Buildings, Kolkata -700001 ... Co-operative Societies who hold Kisan ... who hold Kisan Credit Card

the approved loan proposals in a common format as designed byNABARD for KCC.

Processing:Applications should be duly processed after observing all the duediligence formalities and disposed of by the branch managerswithin 15 days from receipt of the loan proposals from thesponsoring authorities. In case of self financing, the farmersshould deposit their contributions with the financing bank beforerelease of fund to the supplier.

Rate of Interest: As per KCC norms as fixed by NABNm_

Processing fee: No processing fee should be charged

Documents:As per KCC loan norms. The list of indicative documents is givenbelow:

i) Sanction letter duly accepted by the farmerii) Quotation/ Proforma Invoice duly accepted by the farmeriii) Demand Promissory Note (if applicable)

Disbursement:Directly to the dealer/ supplier as per quotation, accepted by thefarmer.

Respective Bank will issue delivery order to the supplierldealer advising them to deliver the small implements to theborrowers and to submit bill and related documents dulyacknowtedged by the borrowers 10 get payIIIeIIt •••••••. Acopy of the D.O. shoukI be endorsed to •• N ; I eli.e ADA(Block).

Banks, after getting •• .., •• 'Pie 7 d ,t· · -..s idocuments $hal re'lll e the IDIiII •••• ._. OTA

•••• ' •• .,,, " 5 fill

The OTA amount under the scheme will be meant forpurchase of new farm implements only and the amountcannot be adjusted with any outstanding loan of theconcerned farmer.



As per norms of KCC loan.

Operational Guidelines:

A Block Level Screening Committee f BlSC I' corss:;, '9 r::I 8(XJ asChairman. Asstt DA (Block) as Membe~ a-c Ass:. J::::..I,(SM) deputed by the Asst DA fActnln .1 .rj tl"e :;o"ce eo $..C-

Page 7: Government of West Bengal Department of Agriculture ... of Agriculture Writers' Buildings, Kolkata -700001 ... Co-operative Societies who hold Kisan ... who hold Kisan Credit Card

~ as Member "It ee r ~I _~ .:;f '"eCe'W'n; .e'f!'n;SC'""JI:l~ saeenng ;:rc ~n; :;f acoica::o-s -'"E

::r.xess ~. wi! ee as ~10tIWS

7::: ca;e as ce: c-escr-oeo ~orm and 'Mil enter a running serialnumber In chronological manner on both Part-A and Part-B of theapplication form and shall issue receipt to the applicant as givenin Part-B.

b) Each application form shall be verified and scrutinized by theAsst. DA (Block) to ascertain genuineness and completeness ofthe applications. He will then convene a meeting of BLSC fo~screening and selection of the eligible applications TheCommittee shall indicate its recommendation on each application.

c) The Asst. DA (Block) will then send the recommendedapplications simultaneously to the Deputy Director of Agriculture(Admin) [DDA (Admin)] for sanction of OTA and to the respectivebanks for sanction of KCC loans.

The DDA (Admin) shall make sufficient publicity of thescheme all over the district

d) The entire process of sponsoring should be completedwithin 31st March, 2014.

ii) OTA administration:

State Government will provide OTA to the tune of Rs. 5000/- forpurchase of small farm implements comprising from the list ofsuch implements given in Annexure - I. The amount shall becredited to the KCC account or Bank Account (whicheverapplicable) of the eligible and sponsored farmers as a depositfund. The process flow of OTA administration will be as follows:

a) The DDA (Admin), after receiving the recommendedapplications from BLSC, shall place the same before the DistrictLevel Sanctioning Committee (DLSC) comprising of the DistrictMagistrate as Chairman, DDA (Admin) as Member Convener,Lead District Manager and DDM (NABARD) as Members. DLSCshall be the competent authority to sanction OTA under thescheme subject to the limit of financial allocation for the districtas given in Annexure - II which will be over and above theunspent balance of the scheme for 2012-13 of the respectivedistricts.


Page 8: Government of West Bengal Department of Agriculture ... of Agriculture Writers' Buildings, Kolkata -700001 ... Co-operative Societies who hold Kisan ... who hold Kisan Credit Card

b) DLSC shall sanction and release the OTA amount in favour ofthe eligible beneficiaries directly through Alc Payee Cheque/Draft! Bankers' Cheque/ RTGS, payable in the respective KCCaccounts or Bank Account (which ever applicable) as depositfund, After sanction of OTA, the DDA (Admin) shall upload the listof beneficiaries in the District Magistrate's website giving theirname, address, financing bank, small implements to bepurchased and amount of OTA sanctioned,

c) On getting OTA amount, the beneficiaries shall approach thefinancing bank with a request to distuse •• Plujed aJIIl

Meanwhile, the loan applicanons re::e-',e: '='.• :-e :a"'lr.! ~ t ~disposed of maintaining the time scheduie cf • 5 caj-s As this scheme OTA is front ended, subject to proper end useof the fund.

d) The OTA for purchase of small farm implements will besanctioned on First-cum first Served basis. Benefits of thesubsidy under the scheme are to be extended to at least 16%SC and 8% ST beneficiaries.

iii} Monitoring & Grievance Redressal mechanism:

Close monitoring of the implementation of the scheme shall beundertaken both at district and state level banking fora.At state level, the issue wi" be disa ISSed as part c:I sIr'uc:Uedagenda in the SLBC meetings.

At district ~" the DLSC shall hc*j ~ m! t gs 'a: IIQIIIID

the impiemet L:itOt d rte 5C:'heI'le "J1ooe'1"(...., ,_,. .ac :.edisc ISSedas a1age oa r! I'e oc.CC t::r P'CCti -nu1•••• "C

Grievances. if any. whicJt .., arise _... . .-the scheme, shal be re:sotftd by tile DCA (.Ad :~••••district level and by the Dtrectcw of Agric;uIture at the SI3Ielevel.

v) Other issues:

The beneficiaries must satisfy themselves that the supplierldealer/ manufacturer has extended adequate guarat1tee/ faMiesfor after sales services (wherever necessary) for a period raless than 6 months from the date eXptl'c:hase

An undertaking in the above respect is to be •• - d"_the supplier! dealerl manufacturer by the bOlla = IbetaiW •the time of purchase and to be subnibed to tile •••••

Page 9: Government of West Bengal Department of Agriculture ... of Agriculture Writers' Buildings, Kolkata -700001 ... Co-operative Societies who hold Kisan ... who hold Kisan Credit Card

Annexure -/

List of approved small farm implements

I 51.No. Name of small implement

1 Sprayer

, 2 Manually operated Paddy Thresher

3 Cono-weeder/ Paddy weeder/ Wheel hoe/ Nail Weeder

4 Drum Seeder

5 PVC Delivery pipe for carrying irrigation water

6 Manually operated Seed Dnll

S~e: :, ~ Se~: G: a

8 I SRI Marker


Page 10: Government of West Bengal Department of Agriculture ... of Agriculture Writers' Buildings, Kolkata -700001 ... Co-operative Societies who hold Kisan ... who hold Kisan Credit Card

Annexure - IIProposed District wise financial allocation under the scheme "One Time Assistance tosmall & marginal fanners for PUrchase of Small Farm ••••••••••••••• dwing 2013-14

51. Tentative number Total FinancialName of the District of BenefiCiaries AllocationNo.

(in Lakh Rs)1 Jalpaiguri including Siliguri Sub-

2400 120division

2 COOChbehar 2000 100 !I

:3 Uttar Dinajpur 2400 I 120 !4 Dakshin Dinajpur 2000 1005 Maida 2600 1306 Murshidabad 2000 1007 Nadia 2600 1.~8 North 24-Parganas ~ 'Ie

!9 South~IP''' ~ GIl10 I Howtali ••• ~


11 ! aw •••• •• '5112 Purufia 2200 11013 i Purba Medinipur 2000 10014 Paschim Medinipur 2600 13015 Bankura 2200 110

!16 Hooghly 2800 ,.17 Birbhum 2000 ,.

TOTAL r 40000 a.


Page 11: Government of West Bengal Department of Agriculture ... of Agriculture Writers' Buildings, Kolkata -700001 ... Co-operative Societies who hold Kisan ... who hold Kisan Credit Card

SI.No., _

GO' IJl'~"T OF wrsr BOG_U.DI:P_~T'DI"T or _-\GRJClL n ~

_..\ppic .i'_ f,M'W'" ()iw T-.e _~ IOTAI ro.r Pwrcaa...~ of Small farm Implements


Space forPhotograph

'\ame of the Fanner/farmers

2. Father's I Husband's Name

3. KCC No.1 Bank Account No.

4. EPIC No.1 AADHAt\R Card No.

5. Name of Organization (if applicable, give details):

6. Address: (a) Village:

(b) GP: (c) Block: (d) PS :

(e ) Subdivision: (f) P.O. (g) District:

(h) Phone! Mobile No.

8, Area of Land Holding (in hay: Crops taken up during last year



9. Details of small farm implements to be purchased _

a) Name of the item with Brand/Make & model:

b) Name of Manufacturer

c) Name of Authorized Supplier

: C',"\;".m1e of financing institution (in case of loan)

I, (Full Name) declare that all the information given above are true

to the best of my knowledge and that I have not availed any benefit under this scheme or OTA-EAP orFSSM till now.

Identified by-- Signature of the Farmer with Address

Page 12: Government of West Bengal Department of Agriculture ... of Agriculture Writers' Buildings, Kolkata -700001 ... Co-operative Societies who hold Kisan ... who hold Kisan Credit Card

- -

Part- B

SI.No., _Receipt

Receivedan applicationfor One Time Assistance (OTA) for pmdaase of Small Farm Implements from

Shri/Smt ofvillage-------

GP on forconsideration.------------- ---------- ---------


Signature of the Receiving OfficerOfficial Seal
