google adwords keyword match type

Keyword Match Type In Google Adwords

Upload: janaradhan-shetty

Post on 17-Jun-2015




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Google Adwords Keyword Match Type contains 4 types like: 1.Exact, 2. Phrase, 3. Broad, 4. Broad Modifier. You can know your through PPT how it works.


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Keyword Match TypeIn Google Adwords

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Match Type..

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The default matching option, broad match means that your ad may show if a search term contains your keyword terms in any order, and possibly along with other terms. Your ads can also show for singular or plural forms, synonyms,

stemming (such as floor and flooring), related searches, and other relevant variations. Sticking with the broad match default is a great choice if you don't want to spend a lot of time building your keyword lists and want to capture the highest possible volume of ad traffic.

Broad Match

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 You can add a modifier, a plus sign (+), to your broad match keywords if you'd like your ads to show when someone searches for close variants of your keywords in any order

Close variants include misspellings, singular/plural forms, abbreviations and acronyms, and stemming. Unlike broad match, using a modifier excludes synonyms or related searches

Broad match modifier

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With phrase match, your ad can show when someone searches for your exact keyword, or your exact keyword with additional words before or after it. We'll also show your ad when someone searches for close variants of that exact keyword, or with additional words before or after it

To use a phrase match keyword, simply surround the words you want matched with quotation marks

Phrase match

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With exact match, your ads can appear when someone searches for your exact keyword, without any other terms in the search. We'll also show your ad when someone searches for close variants of that specific keyword.

To use an exact match keyword, simply surround the words you want matched with brackets

Exact match

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You can use negative match to filter out irrelevant searches and thus prevent unwanted clicks. Your ad won't show if a search query contains the keyword term you define with a minus sign (-) prefix

Negative keywords are an especially useful way to filter your search traffic if your account contains lots of broad match keywords.

Negative match Type.

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When we review your ad, we give it one of several approval statuses. If your ad isn't showing for certain users, or if it's not showing at all, it could be because of your ad's approval status. Some approval statuses, like Approved (adult) or Approved (limited), mean that your ad can only show for certain users.

Other approval statuses, likeDisapproved or Site suspended, mean that your ad can't show at all right now.

ad's approval status

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Under review Eligible Approved Approved (non-family) Approved (adult) Approved (limited) Disapproved Site suspended

Possible approval statuses

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Ads with this status are still under review and can't show anywhere yet.

When you save your ad, it'll get either an "under review" status or an "eligible" status. While "eligible" ads are allowed to run on certain pages before they're approved, "under review" ads can't run anywhere until they're approved because they need a closer look. Below are some examples of ads that will initially get an "under review" status:

Under review

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Ads with this status are still being reviewed, but can show on Google search pages.

Eligible ads can only run on Google search pages until they're approved.

Eligible ads can't run on the Search Network and Display Network until they're approved.


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Ads with this status are allowed to show on all networks, since they're considered to have content that's safe for all audiences.


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Ads with this status are considered to have content that may be inappropriate for certain audiences. For example, certain gambling or dating site ads may fall under this category.

Approved (non-family)

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Ads with this status are considered to have "adult" content. For example, ads that promote sites with nude images may fall under this category.

Approved (adult)

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Ads with this status are allowed to show with certain limitations.

For example, these ads might only be allowed to show in

certain countries certain devices certain search terms based on the content of your ad text and


Approved (limited)

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Ads with this status have an issue with one or more of our advertising policies, and therefore can't show until the issue is resolved.


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Ads with this status are pointing to a suspended website, and therefore can't show until the issue is resolved. A suspended website is a site that violates one or more of our policies.

Site suspended

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Keyword Research


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