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Samarbeid innen folkehelseområdet / PODD og HUNT-undersøkelsene Göran Hallman, Folkhälsopolitisk Strateg


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Folkhälsa – pågående samarbete och utveckling

• Bakgrund – Språk…– Kyrre Kvistad, Folkhelsekoordinator– Steinar Krokstad, Daglig leder HUNT– Göran Hallman, Folkhälsopolitisk Strateg


• MittNordens Folkhälso Nätverk• PODD – en projektansökan

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MittNordens Folkhälsonätverk

Första möte den 7 maj 2009 i Östersund, JämtlandAndra mötet i samband med Sticklestad 2-3 september 2009

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MittNordens Folkhälsonätverk• Stöd från MittNordenKommitten för att försöka

utveckla ett tvärs perspektiv på hälsa för enskilda men också som utgångspunkt för en samhällsutveckling med god hälsoekonomi

• Kunskaper och erfarenheter av att utveckla hälsa• Överföring, gemensamma utbildningar etc• AKTIVITETER

– Frisklivskonferanse i Trondheim 10.-11.mars 2010– Sticklestads konferansen 3 september 2010– MittNordens Folkhälsonätverk den 2 september –

Sticklestad– Hösten 2010 – samordnad konferens med våra finska

kollegor (preliminärt oktober/november)

• Finnas etablerade som fungerande NÄTVERK vid Nordiska Folkhälsokonferensen 2011.

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Mål for folkehelsepolitikken

• Flere leveår med god helse i befolkningen som helhet

• Reduserte sosiale helseforskjeller, uten at noen grupper får dårligere helse

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The PoDD-project

Political Decisions on Determinants

Bringing science and policy together

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The PoDD-project Political Decision on Determinants

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The main determinants of health

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Policy Levels for Tackling Inequalities in Health

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Society, Policy, Structural Living conditions

Political Decisions on Determinants(PODD)

G. Hallman 20100103

Individual lifestyle

Different perspectives – The individual decide the size of the ball(burden) to ”roll forward” in life based on available choices in societyThe society regulates the steepness of the ”hill” (via policy decisions influencing living conditions) Based on the norwegian

P. F. Hjorth, Prof.

Social and Welfare policy

Agricultural policy

Healthcare policyEmployment/UnEmpl. policy

as other policies….Environment policy

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Science Policy

Identifyingthe problem


Policy decisionsand priority settings

•Health data

|||||| |||||||| ||||||||

SustainableHealth andEconomy(Wealth)

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Structure showing areas to developin defined workpackages (red = |||||| )


Step 1

Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Step 5

Establishingthe evidence

Making thedecision platform


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Linked determinant information –

“Chains of determinant driven

results”- Data modeling and prospective model


Visualize, improve and provide health

and social determinant

information to the political decision

process Implement and build up a

successful working managerial model in a new member


Investments in health and the

return of investment based

on solid market analysis!

PoDD Goals & Objectives (goal = high level objective):Summary of the Brussels Meeting, Nov 20th, 2009

Describe measuring tools and analyze the steps

in transferring policy decisions into operative tasks/ activities

aimed at improving the situation in the actual society/


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PoDD Duration of WPs

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The PoDD-projectPolitical Decision

on Determinants

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PoDD Partners and Acronyms


Referring to Role

CCoJ The County Council of Jämtland (SE) Main partner

TROND The 4 different partners in the Tröndelag region (The County Gov. of both North and South Tröndelag, The County Council of both North and South Tröndelag) forming one partner (NO)

Associated P.

NTNU HUNT Research Center at the University of Trondheim (NO) Associated P.

UoZ University of Zaragossa (ES) Associated P.

RIVM National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (NL) Associated P.

NSPHA National School of Public Health, Athens (GR) Associated P.

SU SEMMELWEIS University, Budapest (HU) Associated P.

LSE London School of Economics and Policy Subcontractor

DtoD Data to Decision Subcontractor

nnRo1 Public Health Institute for regional implementation in Romania, Sub to SU Subcontractor

nnRo2 Romanian evaluator, Sub to UoZ Subcontractor

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Tack för mig!

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PODD (Political Decisions on Determinants)

Focus on methods and models supporting political decision/prioritizing processes based on ”prepared” scientific knowledge about determinants influencing health and economic growth

• Developing tools for politicians to use scientific knowledge about determinats in policies for health and wealth

• Building up knowledge enhancing the understanding of political processes as an tool for democracy society building

• Develop a common structure to collect relevant determinant information

• Develop common structures for processing determinant information• Develop common structures for evalution of actions taken on

determinant information – economical as well as health related• Introducing new ways of presenting the impact of health and wealth

policies on the society as well as the citizens• Introducing evaluation methods using spatial information analyzing

the impact on health and wealth due to changes in policies as well as process and outcome meausurements

• Implement, support and build up an knowledge capacity in a ”new” EU-member state using both HUNT and National Inst.of PH in Holland data as the test database for methodology development.

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Social andEconomical carrier

Individual health development

Health in Child-Hood


Health in early adult age

Position on Labour Market

Health in early middle age

Health in late middle age

Salary and Resources


Health, knowledge, profession and level of income

Upbringing conditions

The red arrows indicate causal relation based on scientific knowledge Bernt Lundgren, 2008

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Living conditions in








Care, Service,Economic transferering




Determinats for health


Workplaces and economical development on local, regional, national and European level

INPUT(Cost-effective, Cost-efficasy)


Work supply,Knowledge,Productive years


Bernt Lundgren, 2008

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FACTS ABOUT HUNT (Helseundersokelse i NordTrondelag)

• The Nord-Trøndelag health study (HUNT) is one of the largest health studies ever performed. It is a unique database of personal and family medical histories collected during three intensive studies. The fundamental strategy is to earn and maintain the confidence of the population we work in and with as is necessary for any successful population study. This strategy has been successful and has resulted in extraordinarily high participation rates. There is enthusiastic public and political support for HUNT and of the HUNT Research Centre. This has created a good basis for further health surveys in the county and an excellent research environment.

• HUNT 1 was carried out in 1984-1986 to establish the health history of 75,000 people. • HUNT 2, carried out in 1995-1997, focused on the evolution of the health history of 74,000 people. This

included blood sample collection from 65,000 people. The data that accompany biospecimens in the biobank are stored in secured computer systems that run complex database management and analysis software.

• HUNT 3 was completed in June 2008. 93,210 people were invited to participate in the study, and as of the 6th of June, 2008, 48,289 people participated (52% participation rate). The data, collected by means of questionnaires, interviews, clinical examinations and collection of blood and urine samples, will be ready for analysis in January 2009.

• HUNT collaborates with national and international research groups on some of the important health topics facing our world today using the most modern techniques and our state of the art biobank.

• Today, HUNT is a database with information about approximately 120,000 people that integrates family data and individual data and can be linked to national health registries.

• Repeated examinations and follow-up of the same population make it possible to ascertain changes in health and vital status at individual and family levels.

• The HUNT study is reinforced and supplemented by cross referencing with registries at the regional level (Registries such as radial and hip fractures, venous thrombosis, lung embolism, ischemic heart disease and stroke) and with registries at the national level (The Cancer Register, The Medical Birth Register, and The National Health Insurance Register). Additionally, Statistics Norway provides necessary information from The Population Census Register and The Family Register to create a genealogical database ("family trees").

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