god around us the story of mh370

Voices of God in the Disappearance of MH370

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Post on 17-Jan-2015




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It's rare that God speaks to us. Through the amazing coincidences in the disappearance of flight 370 from Malaysia, God's voice has never been so clear. I funded this crowdsourcing effort to start and independent investigation: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/mh370-is-missing-with-239-people-on-board-help-the-families-find-the-truth


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Voices of God!

!in the Disappearance of


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God is a sermon in church that means something to you. God is your mother. God is a statue that represents a concept many believe in. God is a character in a very old book printed on impossibly thin white paper. In other words, God is all around us and within us. He speaks through the things we love, he warns us by tying those things together in coincidences, that is, if many minds were praying for the same thing, and that He answered that prayer through you.!!The strange coincidences behind missing flight MH370 from Malaysia!!It’s no secret that the Malaysian Airways 777 that went missing, did so under a cloud of supernatural phenomena known back in the day as witchcraft. Deals were made - turn off this equipment; let this person on board no matter what; hide the details from the public; turn off radio contact; call in Shamans; offload the search to Australia; blame Boeing. Yet amidst the manufactured confusion, small but peculiar voices are resonating through numerology, synchronicity, and plays on words. Take a look:!!!

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Gematria for 216!

Gematria for 220 [both courtesy of Bill Heidrick]!!

Partial passenger manifest obtained from MAS!!Zhang Hua!(216)!a reddish colour / grapes and wine!!Zhao Peng!(220)!a blackish colour / storm!!The 2 pandas loaned to Malaysia have similar names: Fu Wa [Hu-a] and Feng Yi [Pen-g]

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The gematria link goes further: a person of age 37.6 years is involved, linked to the Chua family, arriving by jet in Malaysia at age 3, to leave at age 46, and restoring 325 - the existence of God.!! !!

!!!“Hua Peng” a Chinese maker of aviation model toys, including Malaysian Airlines models.!


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!Attempting to inform the media via Twitter, the link to my Quora page on MH370 shortened itself to: Queer, eh? [qr.ae] / Ajaib [rzaib] - British slang on the left, Malay expression for “magical” on the right.!!Further coincidences: How did Hua Peng toys come in? Fittingly, it’s a tale once in 180 years told - the climax of Venus coinciding with Valentine’s Day and the Chinese Spring Festival’s Lovers’ Day. The last time this happened (1843), the United Kingdom abolished slavery in British India. See picture below.!

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!Can it get spookier? - Does the government have witchcraft squads? It had better have them quick if the answer is no. The aunt who gave me the chunky Hua Peng toy as a s t range ly inappropriate 37-year-old’s Spring Festival gift, bears the name of the planet of love that overshadows 2014: Venus, and in our family are phonetic equivalents of the 2 disappeared passengers: Zhao Peng and ShaoHua. If world

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governments are doing something wrong, it is now showing quite a lot.!!The shape of a heart!

!Graphic courtesy of crystalinks.com!!This part is mainly speculation but wonderful if it could be proved - that is, whether Hua and Peng were Spirit-filled Christians on opposite sides of the pro-democracy movement in China. Are the Chinese toy company’s Star Trek-style logo and the Jewish Star-of-David cube used by the Angel Metatron (the angel of wisdom, the Holy Spirit being the spirit of wisdom) another synchronicity in this practically exhaustive proof?!!!

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Were Hua and Peng members of the Hakka peoples of Eastern China? Did they know God? Could this be the final and critical lead in the search for flight 370? The long march back along a timeline of terror and lies, towards truth and reconciliation. I end with this eerie warning on a Yahoo Group of “beautiful minds”. Thank you.!

“The Washington State Patrol has infiltrated this group”!

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Appendix: MH370, MH17, Air Algeria, TransAsia Airways Crashes

Malaysia is a Christian-tolerant Moslem nation and so is Algeria. Both lost airliners in Q1-Q3 2014

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World War I and II were never fully wrapped up. The flitting allegiances between the UK and America, the Ottoman (Turkic) Empire; the Germans, Russians, Chinese and the Japanese. Are these acts of terror the effects or by-effects of unfinished business on the world political stage? Do the religious symbols (Star and Moon) and the terror against them belie a secret agenda for the return of God or something more sinister?

TransAsia is based in the far east. Their logo glues the rising sun (of Japan) to the Chinese dragon