go to training high impact online training

Live Online Training That Works: Strategies for High Impact Learning and Development by Tom Bunzel

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Live Online Training That Works:

Strategies for High Impact Learning and Development

by Tom Bunzel

Page 2: Go To Training High Impact Online Training

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................................. 3

Benefits of Online Training ............................................................................................................................................................ 6

Strategic Issues .............................................................................................................................................................................. 7

Getting Past the Glut ................................................................................................................................................................... 11

Monitoring the Transfer of Training ............................................................................................................................................. 13

Blending Live and Online Training Modalities ............................................................................................................................... 14

Best Practices for Content Development ...................................................................................................................................... 15

Best Practices for Delivery and Performance ................................................................................................................................ 19

Resources and References ........................................................................................................................................................... 23

About the Author ........................................................................................................................................................................ 24

Objective: This eBook describes techniques to maximize the effectiveness of training delivered online “live” and in real time--in

terms of planning and execution to maximize engagement and retention--and to achieve measurable results.

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Nothing adequately replaces the dynamic of a live

classroom – without the physical presence of

other students and one or more proficient

instructors with real time interaction, learning is

severely limited. However, certain tools within an

online learning solution can negate these



With the explosion of the Internet and on-demand access, one of the fastest growing areas of interest is education. In colleges and

universities, more and more assignments and interactions between students, faculty and administration are happening online, and

many institutions have supplemented their classrooms with online courses for remote learners to widen their reach. At the same

time, corporations have recognized the need to reach employees and customers who cannot attend localized training events due to

logistics or cost.

The first phase of using technology to educate and train was to simply put courseware into electronic format – first on CD ROM, and

eventually on the Internet to quickly make it available to more people. But simply providing information was not enough; various

strategies were developed for supplementing manuals or textbooks with the ability to communicate with instructors through email

or forums in order to increase the efficacy of “e-learning.”

This has led to development of real-time, live online training solutions with

the power of a synchronous event, where geographically dispersed

participants can share knowledge and experience yet remain at their own

desks or cubicles.

However, it has also become increasingly obvious that the strategies and

skills required to ensure attention and retention on the part of participants

are very different online. Beyond the distractions and the lack of eye contact,

the ability to truly reach learners is limited without the creativity and interactive resources to use the online medium to its full

advantage and to turn some of its apparent limitations into strengths in order to meet both institutional and personal objectives.

Ten years ago, Wired magazine reported that a Forrester Research study found that managers “were struggling to convince

employees to utilize ‘boring, text-heavy content,’ and were meeting real resistance from employees who preferred traditional

person-to-person training methods. According to the report's author, John P. Dalton, “much of the problem is caused by firms who

simply convert standard instruction manuals into Web pages.”

(Source: http://www.wired.com/techbiz/media/news/2000/08/38504)

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American Society for Training and Development's (ASTD) 2009 State of the Industry Report cited in The Business Intelligence Cortex

noted that, despite the recession, learning expenditure has remained consistent among its member organizations. Among its top

trends for 2010 is a move to “Bring virtual classroom capabilities to your organization. This live online instruction brings people

together online to share and learn. The instructors need experience and training on best practices in engaging an audience that they

can’t see and keeping a discussion going as appropriate. The growth of virtual classroom reflects the travel cutbacks and also cost of

face-to-face facilities and the prep time and materials. Another advantage of virtual classroom is ability to access the recording to

review material.”

(Source: The Business Intelligence Cortex -- http://bit.ly/aC3A0a)

A recent ASTD blog commented on a study by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development in the United Kingdom that

“the following principles should be adopted to underlie any e-learning strategy, program, or intervention:

· Start with the learner: Know your audience – acknowledge the needs, preferences, strengths and limitations of your target


· Relevance drives out resistance: Learners are more likely to engage with the e-learning program if they recognize its bearing to

the organization.

· Take account of intermediaries: Regardless of delivery methods, learners need both support and challenge. Intermediaries are

essential in achieving this, even with e-learning.

· Embed activity in the organization: E-learning cannot take place in isolation; it has to be integrated with other training courses

and human management training systems.

· Support and automate: E-learning should be used as one element within a range of formal and informal support mechanisms

which can help learners to work and learn.

(Source: ASTD blog February 8, 2010, Martyn Sloman, Kingston University - http://bit.ly/bE7Wz2)

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In the academic world, a 2004 online survey of 12,000 college professors, instructional designers and administrators who were

members of either the Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching (MERLOT) or the Western Cooperative for

Educational Telecommunications (WCET), asked its respondents to look 10 years ahead. At that time “a large majority of

respondents predicted that learning outcomes of online students would be either the same as (39 percent) or superior to (42

percent) those of traditionally taught students by 2013.”

Kyong-Jee Kim and Curtis J. Bonk, in their article in Educause Quarterly on “The Future of Online Teaching and Learning in Higher

Education,” state that “pedagogical skill was deemed more important than technological skill for effective online teaching. With

regard to the needs for pedagogical competency of online instructors, a majority of the respondents expected that online instructors

would typically have received some sort of training in online teaching either internally or externally by the year 2010.” (Emphasis


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“The majority of workers say they would be very

likely to pursue training or education if the

obstacles they face could be overcome by such

initiatives as programs with flexible classroom

hours or enrollment periods, tuition

reimbursement, online learning or programs

designed and managed by local business leaders.”

Eight in ten workers – regardless of income or

education level – show keen interest in pursuing

further training and education.

-- Businessroundtable.org

-- BusinessRoundtable.Org

“The most important skills for an online instructor

[during the next few years] will be how to

moderate or facilitate learning and how to

develop or plan for high-quality online courses.

Being a subject-matter expert was the next most

important skill. In effect, the results indicate that

planning and moderating skills are perhaps more

important than actual ‘teaching’ or lecturing skills

in online courses.” – Educause.org

(Source: Educause Quarterly, http://bit.ly/2QtUaK)

Again, these were academic surveys of professional educators. Results in

a corporate environment, or one in which students come from an online

or public base, which are in many ways even more competitive

environments, will depend even more upon:

1. How effectively the course material is planned and geared to the

online venue.

2. The skills of the instructor to connect to the participants and keep

them engaged through creative subject matter presentation,

activities and involvement.

3. How pre- and post-event assessments and follow-up activities reinforce learned concepts and skills and transfer to the

workplace or other venue of application.

The key takeaway is that online learning is its own specialty that requires unique skills and best practices to use effectively, whether

in an academic, corporate or other environment.

Benefits of Online Training

Cost and logistical factors obviously are responsible for the fast growth of

online training events—travel and associated expenses are minimized and a

wider range of participants can be reached with online training and its

archived recordings.

The unique nature of the live online classroom makes online training an

effective adjunct to traditional initiatives as well as a powerful medium to

enhance performance, skills and motivation.

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Employee retention is a powerful benefit of online training. A survey on “The American Workforce,” was conducted for The

Springboard Project, an independent commission convened by Business Roundtable that is creating innovative approaches to

helping American workers develop the skills they need to remain competitive in the global marketplace. (Source:


Since participants are already on the computer, programs and resources (like the Internet) can become a distraction or — when

used strategically — the technology can be a significant learning aid. New social media tools like blogs and communities can lay the

groundwork for real-time events and provide the means for staying in touch with learners to make sure that they get the support

they need after an online training event. A good online training system will also integrate information gathered during registration

and compare it with test and assessment results in order to provide important metrics as to retention of information and

effectiveness of instruction.

And the ability of live online training to integrate and access Web content and other programs, along with the ability to aggregate

immediate feedback through polls, quizzes and registration forms, provides a wide array of resources for the presenter of an online

event to educate, motivate and inspire an audience.

Strategic Issues

When planning an online training program, it is important to set clear objectives, organize online training according to a concrete

vision and make all elements part of that overall plan. (For more information on how to meet strategic objectives using live online

training, see “Using Webinars to Engage Employees and Drive Productivity” – http://bit.ly/bNL4mk.)

Since the expertise of your instructor is a significant factor in the success of your program, you will want to not only get buy-in from

management for your online training plan, but also forge partnerships wherever possible to supplement and reinforce the material

by bringing in experienced professionals from other areas of the organization. For example, in implementing customer service

training, you might consider using speakers from finance or accounting that can dramatically describe (with stories and supporting

data) how losing a single client or customer impacts the bottom line.

Many training professionals are familiar with the Addie Model, which is an ongoing five-step process for conventional training


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Training professional and lecturer Bob Pike suggests

that for ultimate success you should view training as a

process. Consider the mindset of how your participants

enter the program and gather their input with pre-

planning, pre-tests, surveys, social networks and email

to gather information on their needs and plan for

follow up and accountability to monitor results and

reinforce material.

-- Robert Pike – http://www.bobpikegroup.com

Analysis/ Assessment





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From a strategic perspective, the

metrics that are afforded with online

training technology allow for

evaluation at each stage of the ADDIE

process — and also during the live

training event itself.

The well-known Donald Kirkpatrick four-level model for training and development evaluation can also be effectively applied to the

online training medium:

Analysis/ Assessment




Level 1: Reactions of Participants

Level 2: Learning Results (Testing)

Level 3: Application or Transfer to Real World

Level 4: Impact on the Organization


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If your training is not mandatory, there is tremendous

competition for what you offer – you really need to be

creative and resourceful in how you promote and

implement a session effectively so that potential

participants are motivated to attend and participate.

You can offer self-service registration, automated

reminders, access to training materials and pre-session

tests to stimulate interest and excitement.

Live Online Training Evaluation Features:

Attendee Report – Who attended,

department, background, time spent

Test Report - Detailed results, breakdown of

students and scores

Evaluation Report – Reaction of participants

and overall satisfaction and reactions

Evaluation of a successful online training program measures results for

each of these four levels with the understanding that true ROI is not just a

function of the bottom line, but also the satisfaction of participants, those

they serve and with whom they interact, management and the overall

culture of the organization where training is done.

For example, in implementing training for a new software program at a law

firm, the most obvious metric for success after the staff is trained might be

viewed simply as the effect on billable hours or the bottom line.

However, such a purely financial measurement might be misleading if

other factors like partner, associate, employee and client satisfaction;

productivity and sick days; and results at trial or in conference in major cases were not taken into account.

To that end, taking a high-level view of the results will make you consider:

What additional benefits will accrue from the training program?

Are there intangible results that are apparent from the


How do the intangibles supplement or impact financial and

productivity results?

What circumstances will inform us that the benefits – tangible

and intangible – have been realized?

With elements like chat, icons that gauge attentiveness and color-coded

reactions, a monitor of a live online training event can get a feel for how

a session is going as it happens. Fortunately or unfortunately, attendees

can also provide reactions among themselves on Twitter or other networks using what is now known as the “Backchannel,” and

successful online training initiatives will be the drivers rather than the victims of this phenomenon (covered below).

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Neither your organization nor the participants in your training have their lives revolve around your event — online training is part of

a cycle of activity into which it must blend and fit in order to make sense and be effective for the company or school and for the

students. Content needs to be practical and memorable to maintain attention and to meet the needs of everyone involved in the


Making sure that what is presented is aligned to the objectives of the audience and/or the organization, and measuring those results

at all stages of the process is a key component of any successful online training strategy.

Getting Past the Glut

Not all online training is specifically part of an organizational structure; with many small businesses and entrepreneurs now active in

our economy, they make training an integral part of their effort to reach out to the public and gain recognition.

For example, an online flower delivery service might offer an online training on floral arrangement for special events as part of their

marketing efforts. The promotion for this event might well compete in email inboxes of their clients and customers with online

events and innumerable other activities. In addition, many people will register for an online event only to let it go by as the time for

entering the classroom approaches for any number of reasons: other commitments, lack of interest, difficulty accessing the software

and so on.

The flower delivery service, for example, may offer incentives or coupons, make the event part of a game or real-world promotion,

use a noted expert in floral arrangement or prepare for the promotion of the live online training event through groups on social

media like Facebook, Twitter or an active blog — again all part of a process of implementing training rather than a focus on one

specific date and time. (As users of social media know, results are part of building trust and relationships. For more on Social Media

and Real Time Collaboration, download the eBook at http://bit.ly/1ATa8).

When the event is over and archived on video, it can be promoted on channels and video hosting sites like Vimeo and YouTube,

linked to blogs, Facebook and Twitter and highlighted on other social communities.

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Leveraging the Backchannel

Email distraction is the least of online training concerns; just as participants at real-word speeches and seminars now will comment

on social networks using smartphones, participants in online training can be evaluating you before your first slide.

Planners of online training must learn how to ride this trend to their advantage before the event (for planning and research) and

during the event (for involvement and interactivity).

In his new book, The Backchannel: How Audiences are Using Twitter and Social Media and Changing Presentations Forever, Cliff

Atkinson provides some clear ideas on how to leverage the use of such social media to the presenter’s advantage. Atkinson is also

the author of Beyond Bullet Points. The book suggests the following:

“Chunking down” a training presentation into "Twitter-sized sound bites" to facilitate and support 140-character tweets.

Then you can measure the energy created by the event by how much buzz it creates on social sites like Twitter.

Using Twitter and other social media to allow those who are not in your online training event to get a feel vicariously. You

can even use a program like Whrrl to send screenshots of the event (and creating anticipation for your next session). Or if

your online learning solution allows for recording, you can post a portion of your session to generate interest.

Creating instant polls using tools, such as Twtpoll and Poll Everywhere, to involve the audience. This can be redundant, since

online training programs have their integrated own polling features, but tweeting about the results and exchanging

commentary on the implications might be helpful unless the facilitator wanted to expand the range of polling outside the


Publishing a presentation home page and newsletter using a blog, wiki software or Ning social network as a convenient

archive for reference material along with the speaker bio, contact information and more. Instead of PowerPoint being the

sole way to communicate, this widens the scope. Also, by implementing a strategy like this prior to an event, you initiate a

backchannel that involves the audience, letting you gather comments and suggestions before you deliver the talk. After

which, these online tools page become a repository for evaluations, further questions, blog postings, reference material and

a transcript.

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In a comprehensive session dealing with

complex issues with respect to software or

other technology, participants may well feel

somewhat overwhelmed by the sheer

volume of data to be absorbed.

In general terms, it has been the lack of awareness on the part of presenters in general that have gotten them in trouble with the

Backchannel. To the extent that you view training as an ongoing activity and begin to engage and involve participants using the

social media tools Atkinson describes — and create engaging content using the best practices outlined below — the chatter on the

Backchannel should be supportive at a minimum and hopefully toned down enough to make your audience attentive and retentive

to the subject matter of the training. (http://www.backchannelbook.com)

Monitoring the Transfer of Training

Developers should plan to actively track the relevance of training from the online event to the participants’ activities on the job or in

the real world. This actually begins prior to the event when you collect information from participants as to what they hope to learn

and accomplish — this should already be aggregated with specific questions to determine how the lessons learned will be used on

the job and applied practically — and of course these issues can and should be woven into the content for the online training event.

With this accomplished, surveys, email, follow-up initiatives and smaller break-out events can be used to see how the participants

have been able to apply their learning “in the real world.”

Integration with a help desk, reference to online courseware and other resources

(like training manuals) and continued involvement of the trainers themselves can

ensure that what is learned is applied effectively by staying engaged with the


A social strategy can also be very effective here; using a blog in which the trainers

solicit feedback or a Twitter account, Facebook group, forum or wiki where

participants can share experiences and learn from one another can go a long way

toward supporting the integration of new skills with older work patterns and behaviors.

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To facilitate blended modules, an

online training initiative can offer one

centralized administration center and a

shared content library to reuse and

organize content, tests and other


Blending Live and Online Training Modalities

Given the internal politics within many organizations, the attempt to introduce a new learning modality such as live online training

may ruffle some feathers. Established systems or individuals may feel threatened, so it is important to recognize that live online

training need not seek to replace existing initiatives but rather become part of an overall strategy.

When implementing live online training, it is helpful to present the program and plan events as an effective follow-up and

reinforcement of traditional classroom training or facilitation, or existing online resources like courses and manuals. The point of

emphasis, however, is the ability to make a live event dynamic and responsive to the real

needs of participants.

To that end, planners and developers should look for areas of interactivity in classroom

modality that can be carried over online: games, scenarios, case studies, polls, chat,

application and screen share, visual materials that can be placed into slides, etc. If

competitive groups and exciting activities are already part of a curriculum or initiative,

they can sometimes also be integrated into the live online learning event with contests

and team-building exercises that take advantage of these relationships.

Since not all trainers in the classroom or authors of online resources will be available to participate in a live event, it is very helpful to

observe their techniques and note the interaction and questions of other instructors and incorporate these methodologies into your

online event, as well as to integrate the relevant training materials from printed and online resources. To this point, however, take

special care, because simply regurgitating what has already been taught in other venues during a live event will prove ineffective.

Only the most significant and relevant facts should be repeated in an online event, and this should be handled in a manner that

takes advantage of the fact that everyone is together and able to interact and discuss this kind of information.

For example, following up on a diversity training seminar with a live online training event can take advantage of the presence of

employees from localities with different cultures to actually speak to some of the issues raised in textbooks or manuals with real

world experiences.

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Development Checklist:

-- Custom Registration Capability

-- Catalog and Calendar of Events

-- Library of Content

-- Reusable tests, evaluations and surveys

-- Configurable Class Size

-- Invite Attendees on the Fly

-- Automatic Event Reminders

-- Audio Options for Phone or VOIP

Successful blended learning combines online training with e-learning courseware and conventional programs to provide an

integrated program that is supplemented and reinforced through live instructor feedback and engagement with the participants

before, during and after an online event.

Best Practices for Content Development

Effective developers of live online training first audit the needs of the organization and departments impacted and partner with

experts to design their content. In this way they effectively align the content with practical and strategic organizational objectives to

heighten interest and motivation.

As a developer, you can survey participants before and after session, or set up blogs, bulletin boards, content libraries and wikis to

learn what they participants hope to achieve. You can also use the registration process to qualify attendees and solicit ideas and set

expectations. You can conduct polls at the beginning and end of an event and then

compare results . This allows you to follow up to reinforce key concepts and see how

effective the retention of key information was for the content presented.

If a poll shows that 24 percent of the audience understood a key point at the

beginning of the event, but 87 percent got it at the end, that’s a good start. Then it

will be a matter of seeing how those results transfer to on-the-job situations.

Because attendees will be at their computer screens and the trainers’ only direct

contact is vocal, it is vital to use visually dynamic online materials effectively.

Important points to remember:

Design all slides to be absorbed from a few feet away (unlike those created for

an auditorium).

Don’t overload slides with too much information (remember the Backchannel). Don’t use slides as a teleprompter or notes —

limit content to a key point or takeaway and speak to it effectively. (Resource: Beyond Bullet Points by Cliff Atkinson)

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Animation can be an effective way to introduce key elements (like an actor in a production gets an entrance), but don’t

overdo or use it gratuitously — use it only to tell your story and strengthen communication.

Take advantage of stock images and video if possible to set a tone. A picture is a story that resonates emotionally with the

audience when used effectively. Many stock image services like Corbis and iStockPhoto have excellent search tools where

you can find images representing concepts like boredom, anger, confusion and so on.

“Think Hollywood” – Many presenters and trainers use a high impact opening “act” or loop a slideshow in the waiting room

to create a mood and anticipation.

Address needs of fact, emotional and practical learners in your materials. Graphs and charts will convince some, images with

metaphors and analogies connect to the emotions and concrete practical examples will be important for those eager to

transfer their skills into the workplace. Use lots of slides with all three modalities of learning to keep attendees involved.

Plan to shift modalities frequently. Don’t spend too long on slides before going to a poll, game or other activity. Provide

exercises, assignments or quizzes during events that make the training more hands-on and stimulate discussion and energy.

Presentation and Speaker Expert Patricia Fripp is the source for some of these concepts, and she suggests that you also use a “hook”

such as:

• A catchy fact: "It may interest you to know Ferraris hold their value more than polo ponies! I first learned this lesson


• A startling statistic: "Did you know that if you had spent a million dollars a day, every day, since Jesus was born, you would

not have spent a trillion dollars. Please keep that in mind as we strategize how to increase sales by only 5 percent."

• An intriguing challenge: "Ten years ago we were the market leaders. This year we are 13th. You are now in an exciting

position to turn that around."

Source: Presentation Xpert (http://bit.ly/1xsgBC) and excerpted with permission from eLearn Magazine, July 7, 2009

(http://bit.ly/ALfwn), © 2009 Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.)

Dr. Carmen Taran, a principal at Rexi Media, a presentation consulting firm and the co-author of Better Beginnings, was asked to

compare the key elements of an online event with a live presentation in terms of a “formula.” Here is her response:

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“Make one statement, ask one question or involve participants in some way. Then repeat. Audience involvement leads to active

participation, regardless of whether you are in a blind medium or not. It’s true that body language disappears when you present

virtually. However, if you have a pleasant, natural, and forceful voice, along with powerful graphics and valuable content, you can

compensate. Many presenters forget to use more graphics and visual movement in a virtual medium. Something needs to change

visually on the screen every 2-3 seconds in order to maintain someone’s attention.”

(Source: http://www.indezine.com/products/powerpoint/personality/carmentaran.html)

When most presenters think visuals they turn to PowerPoint. But is PowerPoint the only answer?

In an online training event, you can use the shared desktop feature to include other programs. For example, you can add a number

of pre-set shapes with captions to the Office Clipboard (which holds up to 24 items), and then open Word for a quick brainstorming

session with participants. In many cases simply clicking to add the shapes and editing their text can result in a shared diagram that

represents group input.

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Preparation and Rehearsal Tips:

Practice and learn how to use your voice with

authority and variety.

Get used to delivering without seeing your


Never use the monitor as a teleprompter — look

away as though you might have eye contact with

your audience. .

Familiarize yourself with the training tools for a

seamless training.

Familiarize the trainers, monitors and the audience with feedback tools that will be monitored on the dashboard – how to raise their

hand to respond to a question, step away, and so on. Never assume that the participants have familiarity or comfort with these

features; take a few minutes to demonstrate them.

Rehearse your presentation with an organized agenda (which is shared with participants) and create a checklist for all supporting

materials and concepts. Have all demonstration files (for example, the Word whiteboard) available and ready to go. You can also

print out a version of your slides with large legible slide numbers so that you can move around your presentation effectively (enter

the slide number and press enter to go directly to that slide) just in case time gets short.

Make sure you have the resources and know how to record the event (and

also rehearsals) for feedback and continued use by participants – and for

access by those who could not attend “live.” Archived video can usually be

accessed through an Internet link or downloaded from the event software

provider for local use or redistribution.

(Re)design the training materials and revise future events based on feedback

and experience—remember that learning is a process and each online event

will provide new resources and material for subsequent sessions — make sure

that you note important anecdotes, stories, feedback and positive and

negative experiences with which to profit at future events. Use a thorough

debriefing session with your colleagues and all of those on the staff (monitors,

speakers, etc.) to get all input possible for evaluation.

Take advantage of an online administration center where all resources can be

stored and evaluated for reuse, and to maintain consistency over the course of

a training initiative.

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With each achievement as a group in terms of reaching

a new level of understanding, try to do it together and

have a sense of celebration and recognition.

The ultimate celebration, of course, comes at the end

when you can summarize everything that has been

achieved, and recognize key contributions and perhaps

issue a certificate of completion or some tangible token

of successful program completion.

To increase interactivity and teamwork, you might consider smaller sessions in virtual “breakout rooms” (use a solution like

GoToMeeting with a “Meet Now” function) for focused content after the main event or in preparation for it (Example: collaboration

or team building). You can also use a technique popular in the classroom of pairing up participants, in some instances, to learn from

each other and hold one another accountable subsequent to the event.

Consult print and online resources for games, openers, innovative ideas and exercises.

Best Practices for Delivery and Performance

The first time a trainer is introduced and begins to speak with no one else in the room is a memorable experience; you should have

thoroughly rehearsed (with others present) or perhaps even consider having a small audience available visually if possible.

I’ll never forget the first time I gave an online presentation about the features of a popular software program. After I was

introduced, I began confidently with my first slide of objectives and looked out to see the reaction of the audience, only to realize

that I was staring at the wall of my office. I wanted to ask a direct question but the moderator had muted all participant lines.

A small knot formed in my chest momentarily until I gathered myself and realized that I had important information to impart, that I

was prepared, and that I would be able to field questions in due course.

Nonetheless, I found myself at intervals wondering “How was I

doing?”; “Were people getting it?”

Such is the nature of an online training event, and fortunately the

software has evolved to the point where real feedback is available.

Now I try to keep an eye out on the icons that represent attentiveness

and also take advantage of the raised hand feature so that I can ask

whether something was clear, or should I go over it again.

Certainly it is important to set concrete goals for the event and

reinforce how these objectives are met at key intervals. If the

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Intersperse Interactive Activities

Instead of providing multiple choice answers in a poll,

you can also engage participants by having them make

lists, underline or circle key points or sketch or draw


It is very helpful to have an onscreen timer that lets

participants know the duration of an interactive activity

and how much time is left.

Wherever possible you can share the results during the

session to elicit comments and discussion and

remember to celebrate and recognize key contributions

(and make them part of your next session).

objectives have been set by an organization, and the participants are not pleased to be in the training, it is even more important to

establish a sense of rapport and get a buy-in on the part of attendees for the viability and importance of the event.

If the attendees have signed up on their own volition, they should already be motivated — but you might find a way to make them

feel good about their decision to attend. From the outset, tie into participants’ needs and grab them with a benefit: For example, “At

the end of today’s session you will know how to use a blog to dynamically promote your business.”

In today’s fast paced environment, the last thing you want to do is go into a long-winded self-introduction; if no sponsor has

introduced you, leave your credentials for the conclusion and instead provide a practical piece of information quickly to grab the

audience’s attention. You might also start with a startling fact, statistic, challenge, anecdote or story – but make sure it is linked to

the content.

For example, you could use George Carlin’s famous routine about taking care of all of his “stuff” in the opening of a session on

planning and organization. You could follow up with a poll about what sort of “stuff” participants believe is most important for a

particular task to succeed. Perhaps they need to organize a

conference — there are various options to coordinating and putting

together an agenda, itinerary and to-do list of items that will be

needed at their event. A facilitator could provide some guidance and

then open it up for suggestions, call on participants who have raised

their hand and list their suggestions in a Word document in a short

brainstorming session before continuing on to the next topic.

Still, the presenter must be particularly aware of pacing and what the

audience is seeing. Video must be thoroughly tested because not all

video clips will play in conferencing software. More important, you

can’t be on the fourth slide when the audience is still looking at the

second one fade to the third.

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Live Online Training Resource List:

-- Audio conferencing and chat -- Desktop and Application Sharing -- Video Recording and Archive -- Instant Invitations -- Change Presenters for Panel -- Transfer Keyboard and Mouse for Demos -- Drawing and Annotation for Highlights -- Multiple Monitors -- Timer for Tests and Breaks

You must monitor the audience view carefully to see how graphics display – if necessary, maintain a second laptop or computer as a

participant preview if the conference software does not provide such a feature.

The main presenter certainly has a lot to handle in an online event. She or he needs to advance the slides, know what to say next,

and perhaps demonstrate or simulate important procedures for the audience. That’s why it is very helpful to use a moderator if at all

possible to watch the dashboard and field chat and questions and pass them on to the presenter.

If you do get ahead of yourself, or even just to amplify a point, use repetition for retention. Experts have found that it may take six

times for people to remember an important fact or absorb a concept. For example, you’ve described in detail how your new widget

will keep the cooling system working automatically and you’ve moved on to the electrical components. As you move through the

diagram, you might point out with annotation tools that this key part will malfunction from overheating if you haven’t set the widget

in the cooling system correctly. “Who remembers the key setting? Show of hands.”

“Correct answer – celebration and recognition — the system will not overheat because of X and Y. Thank you, Joe and Linda. And

you will be heroes.”

It’s particularly important in an online conference not to fall into the “Death by PowerPoint” trap of showing and God forbid reading

slide after slide of bullets.

Some conference programs make it necessary to upload a presentation and

speakers can easily get into a rut of just going through those slides.

If you run your presentation from a shared desktop, you have the option of

instantly switching between other programs using the Alt + Tab options on

your keyboard and the program will display whichever application is


This makes it easy to switch between a PowerPoint slide and, for example,

the Word whiteboard described earlier. Many programs also let you show a

polling slide with multiple choice questions or run a chat session.

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A poll can be used effectively to get participants to prioritize key issues and let the presenter know what to focus on in the session.

For example, which of these customer complaints about a product or service have you found most difficult to address? Show the

results and generate a discussion among those who picked the lesser example as most important.

Then, choose one of the options and ask for submissions of specific situations via chat, and have the moderator pick the best one for

you to address directly in the training.

Additionally, the use of pre-planned or ad-hoc quizzes can be a great tool to assess the participants’ level of understanding. And with

the ability to set a timer and review the reporting after the session, you will be equipped to assess the participants’ learning.

If you are demonstrating software for training, make sure that you have rehearsed the demo and don’t “wing it.” Make sure your

example files are loaded and available, and that you know exactly the sequence of key strokes and features you want to show and

the points you want to make. Then make sure that you know how to make it happen.

Don’t become flustered by a minor glitch; in most cases the audience will not notice something that you might think is a major gaffe.

Rehearsal and practice is the key to having the confidence to hit your marks and make your point. Remember to keep watching the

audience view to make sure participants are keeping up, and repeat anything that may be confusing — ask for a show of hands for

those who may need to see a demo a second time.

As you switch from one modality to another to change pace and get attention back, let the audience know what you’re about to do;

have some patter ready if you switch to the Web browser and the site you want to show takes a few seconds to load. Online training

can certainly take advantage of Web content — but, where possible, have your content local and readily available.

As you wrap things up, remember to remind participants of key accomplishments and recognize the contributions of those who

actively participated. You can have some fun and provide incentives for raising hands and giving feedback – it’s surprising how even

a gold star added to a slide can motivate a manager.

Looking ahead, it is a good idea to create (measurable) action items that will hold attendees accountable (via follow up). “Who is

going to use a pie chart in their financial presentation next week? (Show of hands) OK, we’re going to have a contest — email me

your pie charts and the best one will be featured on our blog. The winner will receive a free lunch in the executive dining room.”

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Try to infuse the event(s) with fun if at all possible. One way of doing this is splitting people into teams for small competitions —

maybe the pie chart contest can also practice collaboration with Excel — so that the accounts receivable team can compete against

strategists and forecasters in the financial department.

All of this contributes to a sense of energy and enthusiasm, which is vital in a venue where the presenter and the participants are

remote from one another.

Resources and References

Cliff Atkinson - www.backchannelbook.com

Geetesh Bajaj, Indezine Presentation web site and blog, http://www.indezine.com

Nancy Duarte, slide:ology: The Art and Science of Creating Great Presentations, O’Reilly (2008)

Terrence Gargiulo, et al, Building Business Acumen for Trainers, Pfeiffer (2006)

Particia Fripp - www.fripp.com

Robert Pike - www.bobpikegroup.com

Dr. Carmen Taran, Better Beginnings, How to capture your audience in 30 seconds, principal, Rexi Media – www.reximedia.com

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About the Author

Tom Bunzel specializes in knowing what presenters need and how to make technology work. He has

appeared on Tech TV’s Call for Help and spoken at InfoComm and PowerPoint LIVE. He was a

“technology coach” for Iomega, MTA Films, Nurses in Partnership and the Neuroscience Education

Institute. He has taught regularly at Learning Tree International, West LA College Extension and and

does presentation and video consulting in Southern California.

Among his books was “Master Visually Microsoft Office 2007,” and he wrote a weekly column as the

Office Reference Guide for InformIT.com. Published in 2006, “Solving the PowerPoint Predicament: Using Digital

Media for Effective Communication” is a detailed, project-oriented approach to creating effective multimedia

presentations. His new eBook, “Do Your Own Ning Thing: A Step-By-Step Guide to Launching an Effective Social

Network,” is available through his Web site: www.professorppt.com or his blog: tbunzel.blogspot.com.