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  • 7/26/2019 Glossary Sum06


    g l o s s a r y

    beg beginning; begin; beginsbet betweenBO bind off CC contrasting colorcm centimeter(s)

    cn cable needleCO cast oncont continue(s); continuing

    dec(s) decrease(s); decreasingdpn double-pointed needle(s)foll following; follows

    g gram(s)inc increase(s); increasing

    k knitk1f&b knit into front and back of

    same stk2tog knit two stitches togetherkwise knitwise

    LC left crossm(s) marker(s)MC main color

    mm millimeter(s)M1 make one (increase)p purl

    p1f&b purl into front and back ofsame st

    p2tog purl two stitches togetherpatt(s) pattern(s)

    pm place markerpsso pass slipped stitch over

    p2sso pass two slipped stitches overpwise purlwise

    RC right crossrem remain(s); remainingrep repeat; repeating

    rev St st reverse stockinette stitchrib ribbing

    rnd(s) round(s)RS right siderev sc reverse single crochet

    sc single crochetsk skipsl slip

    sl st slip stitch (sl 1 st pwiseunless otherwise indicated)

    ssk slip 1 kwise, slip 1 kwise,k2 sl sts tog tbl (decrease)

    ssp slip 1 kwise, slip 1 kwise,p2 sl sts tog tbl (decrease)

    st(s) stitch(es)St st stockinette stitch

    tbl through back looptog together

    WS wrong sidewyb with yarn in backwyf with yarn in frontyo yarn over* repeat starting point

    (i.e., repeat from *)* * repeat all instructions

    between asterisks( ) alternate measurements

    and/or instructions[ ] instructions that are to

    be worked as a group aspecified number of times


    Continental (Long-Tail) Cast-On

    Leaving a long tail (about1

    2" to 1" [1.3 to 2.5 cm] for eachstitch to be cast on), make a slipknot and place on rightneedle. Place thumb and index finger of left hand between

    yarn ends so that working yarn is around index finger and

    tail end is around thumb. Secure ends with your other fin-

    gers and hold palm upwards, making a V of yarn (Figure 1).Bring needle up through loop on thumb (Figure 2), grab

    first strand around index finger with needle, and go back

    down through loop on thumb (Figure 3). Drop loop off

    thumb and, placing thumb back in V configuration, tight-en resulting stitch on needle (Figure 4).

    Figure 2

    Figure 4Figure 3

    Figure 1

    *Loop working yarn and place it on needle backward

    so that it doesnt unwind. Repeat from *.

    Knitting Gauge

    To check gauge, cast on 30 to 40 stitch-es using recommended needle size.Work in pattern stitch until piece mea-sures at least 4" (10 cm) from cast-onedge. Remove swatch from needles orbind off loosely and lay swatch on flatsurface. Place a ruler over swatch andcount number of stitches across and

    number of rows down (including frac-tions of stitches and rows) in 4" (10 cm).Repeat two or three times on differentareas of swatch to confirm measure-ments. If you have more stitches androws than called for in instructions,use larger needles; if you have fewer,use smaller needles. Repeat until gaugeis correct.

    Wraps Per Inch

    If you substitute or spin a yarn for a pro-ject, you can compare the weight of theyarn to the project yarn by comparingwraps per inch (listed in Sources forSupplies on page 118). To do this, wrapyour yarn around a ruler for one inchand count the number of wraps. If youhave more wraps per inch, your yarn is

    too thin; fewer wraps per inch, youryarn is too thick.

    Reading Charts

    Unless otherwise indicated, read chartsfrom the bottom up. On right-side rows,read charts from right to left. On wrong-side rows, read charts from left to right.When knitting in the round, read chartsfrom right to left for all rows.

    Backward Loop Cast-On

    114 I Summer 2006 I INTERWEAVE KNITS I Interweave Press LLC,Interweave Knits

    magazine.Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved.

    Cable Cast-On

    Begin with a slipknot

    and one knitted cast-on

    stitch if there are no

    established stitches.Insert right needle be-

    tween first two stitches

    on left needle (Figure 1).

    Wrap yarn as if to knit.Draw yarn through to

    complete stitch (Figure

    2) and slip this new

    stitch to left needle asshown (Figure 3).

    With waste yarn and crochet hook, make a

    loose chain of about four stitches more than

    you need to cast on. With needle, workingyarn, and beginning two stitches from end

    of chain, pick up and knit one stitch through

    the back loop of each crochet chain (Figure

    1) for desired number of stitches. Work thepiece as desired, and when youre ready to

    work in the opposite direction, pull out the

    crochet chain to expose live stitches

    (Figure 2).

    Figure 2

    Crochet Chain (Provisional)


    Figure 1

    Figure 1

    Figure 3

    Figure 2
  • 7/26/2019 Glossary Sum06


    With left needle tip, lift strand between needlesfrom front to back (Figure 1). Knit lifted loop

    through the back (Figure 2).

    With left needle tip, lift strand between nee-dles from back to front (Figure 1). Knit lifted

    loop through the front (Figure 2).

    Left Slant (M1L)

    Raised (M1) Increases

    Right Slant (M1R)

    Figure 1 Figure 2

    Figure 1 Figure 2

    Figure 1

    Figure 2

    With left needle tip,

    lift strand between

    needles, from back tofront (Figure 1). Purl

    lifted loop (Figure 2).

    Purlwise (M1P)

    Slip two stitches knitwise one at a time (Figure

    1). Insert point of left needle into front of two

    slipped stitches and knit them together throughback loops with right needle (Figure 2).Figure 2

    Figure 1

    Figure 1 Figure 2

    Holding yarn in front, slip two stitch-es knitwise one at a time onto right

    needle (Figure 1). Slip them back onto

    left needle and purl the two stitches

    together through back loops (Figure 2).

    Ssp Decrease

    Ssk Decrease

    Summer 2006 I INTERWEAVE KNITS I 115

    Place stitches to be joined onto two

    separate needles. Hold them withright sides of knitting facing togeth-

    er. Insert a third needle into first

    stitch on each of the other two nee-

    dles and knit them together as one stitch. *Knit nextstitch on each needle the same way. Pass first stitch

    over second stitch. Repeat from * until one stitchremains on third needle. Cut yarn and pull tail

    through last stitch.

    Three-Needle Bind-Off

    Work to where you want the

    buttonhole to begin, bring yarn

    to front, sl 1 pwise, bring yarn

    to back (Figure 1). *Sl 1 pwise,pass first slipped st over second;

    rep from * 1 (2, 3, 4) more

    times. Place last st back on left

    needle (Figure 2), turn. CO 3

    (4, 5, 6) st as follows: *Insertright needle between the first

    and second sts on left needle,

    draw up a loop, and place it onthe left needle (Figure 3); rep

    from * 2 (3, 4, 5) more times,

    turn. Bring yarn to back, slip

    first st of left needle onto rightneedle and pass last CO st

    over it (Figure 4), work to end

    of row.

    Figure 4

    Figure 1

    Figure 2

    Figure 3

    Interweave Press LLC,Interweave Knits

    magazine.Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved.

    2 (3, 4, 5) Stitch One-Row Buttonhole

    Work to turn point, slip next

    stitch purlwise to right needle.Bring yarn to front (Figure 1).

    Slip same stitch back to left

    needle (Figure 2). Turn work

    and bring yarn in position fornext stitch, wrapping the stitch

    as you do so.Note: Hide wrapsin a knit stitch when right side

    of piece is worked in a knitstitch. Leave wrap if the purl

    stitch shows on right side. Hide wraps as follows: Knit

    stitch: On right side, work to just before wrapped stitch.

    Insert right needle from front, under the wrap frombottom up, and then into wrapped stitch as usual. Knit

    them together, making sure new stitch comes out under

    wrap. Purl stitch: On wrong side, work to just before

    wrapped stitch. Insert right needle from back, underwrap from bottom up, and put on left needle. Purl them


    Figure 2

    Figure 1

    Short-Rows: Wrapping a Stitch

    Figure 2Figure 1

    Slip one stitch onto right needle knitwise, knit

    the next stitch (Figure 1), then use the leftneedle tip to lift the slipped stitch over the

    knitted stitch and off the needle (Figure 2).

    Sl 1, K1, Psso Decrease (skp)

    Cut several lengths of yarn about five times the desired

    finished cord length. Fold the strands in half to formtwo equal groups. Anchor the strands at the fold by

    looping them over a doorknob. Holding one group in

    each hand, twist each group tightly in a clockwise direc-

    tion until they begin to kink. Put both groups in onehand, then release them, allowing them to twist around

    each other counterclockwise. Smooth out the twists so that they are uni-form along the length of the cord. Knot the ends.


    With double-pointed needle, cast on desired number of

    stitches. *Without turning the needle, slide the stitch-

    es to other end of the needle, pull the yarn around the

    back, and knit the stitches as usual; repeat from * fordesired length.

    Figure 1 Figure 2

    Twisted Cord

  • 7/26/2019 Glossary Sum06


    116 I Summer 2006 I INTERWEAVE KNITS I Interweave Press LLC,Interweave Knits

    magazine.Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved.

    Insert hook into an edge stitch, yarn over hook and draw a loop

    through stitch, yarn over hook (Figure 1) and draw it through bothloops on hook (Figure 2).

    Figure 1 Figure 2

    Single Crochet (sc)

    O O P S !Visit for corrections to all issues

    of Interweave Knits.

    SPRING 2006Streakers Shrug (page 112)Sleeves: (RS) Using the knitted method (see Glossary, page114), CO 2 sts at beg of next 2 (4) rows, then CO 4 sts at begof foll 2 (4) rows, then CO 8 sts at beg of foll 6 rows164(190) sts.

    WINTER 2005Ballet Wrap Cardigan (page 16)There is an error in the schematic for the Left Front. Pleasevisit the Oops! section of our website,, for a corrected version.

    Aran Pullover (page 68)Some readers have had trouble reading the chart as printed inthe magazine; a larger chart is available in the Oops! Section

    Embossed Leaves Socks (page 96)The second heading titled Leg should read Foot.

    Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

    With RS facing and zipper closed, pin zipper to fronts so frontedges cover the zipper teeth. With contrasting thread and RS

    facing, baste zipper in place close to teeth (Figure 1). Turn

    work over and with matching sewing thread and needle, stitch

    outer edges of zipper to WS of fronts (Figure 2), being care-ful to follow a single column of sts in the knitting to keep zip-

    per straight. Turn work back to RS facing, and with match-

    ing sewing thread, sew knitted fabric close to teeth (Figure3). Remove basting.


    Step 1: Bring threaded needle through

    front stitch as if to purl and leave

    stitch on needle.Step 2: Bring threaded needle through

    back stitch as if to knit and leave

    stitch on needle.

    Step 3: Bring threaded needle throughsame front stitch as if to knit and slip this stitch off needle. Bring

    threaded needle through next front stitch as if to purl and leave

    stitch on needle.

    Step 4: Bring threaded needle through first back stitch as if to purl(as illustrated), slip this stitch off, bring needle through next

    back stitch as if to knit, leave this stitch on needle.

    Repeat Steps 3 and 4 until no stitches remain on needles.

    Kitchener Stitch

    Slip Stitch Crochet (sl st)

    Insert hook into stitch, yarn over hook anddraw loop through stitch and loop on hook.

    Straight stitches can be worked

    side by side or radiating out

    from a center point. For bestresults, avoid stitches that are

    too long, too loose, or too close

    together. *Bring threaded nee-

    dle out from back to front atthe base of the knitted stitch(es) you want to cover. Insert the

    needle at the top of the stitch(es) you want to cover. Repeat

    from * (Figure 1). Work straight stitches, alternating long

    stitches with short stitches (Figure 2).

    Straight Stitch Embroidery

    Figure 1 Figure 2

    Bring threaded needle out from back to

    front at center of a knitted stitch. Form

    a short loop and insert needle back where

    it came out. Keeping the loop under theneedle, bring needle back out in center

    of next stitch to the right.

    Chain Stitch Embroidery

    Crochet Chain (ch)

    Make a slipknot on hook. Yarn over hook and

    draw it through loop of slipknot. Repeat, draw-

    ing yarn through the last loop formed.

    Figure 1 Figure 3Figure 2

    Working from left to right, insert crochet hook into a knit

    edge stitch, draw up a loop, bring yarn over hook, and draw

    this loop through the first one. *Insert hook into next stitchto right (Figure 1), draw up a loop, bring yarn over hook

    again (Figure 2), and draw this loop through both loops

    on hook (Figure 3). Repeat from *.

    Reverse Single Crochet (rev sc)