glossary (1)

Callum Deighton Glossary Media Text Media Text is a form of media that can be examined by the public; this can range from newspapers to magazines to advertisements. This is used to promote the media it represents and can show the audience what the media is about and what to expect. Media Text for The Last of Us shows it as a dark action oriented game, for example in the following image there is a gritty feel to the image which represents how the game is very post-apocalyptic. The picture also shows that the game has a lot of exploration from the images of the protagonists Joel and Ellie looking around desolate areas, which can also represent again the post-apocalyptic feel of the game. Another thing to note is that the image also reveals a lot of action and suspenseful moments such as Joel aiming a shotgun at another person as well as Joel in the middle of a fight.

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Page 1: Glossary (1)

Callum Deighton


Media Text

Media Text is a form of media that can be examined by the public; this

can range from newspapers to magazines to advertisements. This is

used to promote the media it represents and can show the audience

what the media is about and what to expect.

Media Text for The Last of Us shows it as a dark action oriented game,

for example in the following image there is a gritty feel to the image

which represents how the game is very post-apocalyptic. The picture

also shows that the game has a lot of exploration from the images of the

protagonists Joel and Ellie looking around desolate areas, which can

also represent again the post-apocalyptic feel of the game. Another thing

to note is that the image also reveals a lot of action and suspenseful

moments such as Joel aiming a shotgun at another person as well as

Joel in the middle of a fight.

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Callum Deighton

On the other hand the Media Text for Just Dance portrays it as a near

enough completely opposite type of game. In the image below one of the

initial portrayals the image gives is that the game is very colourful and

bright, this gives a feeling of friendliness as well as it being eye-catching

to the public. The image also shows multiple people which can show that

multiple people can play the game, making it a party game; it also

portrays the people performing all different styles and showing lots of

movement, this shows that it relies a lot on people using their body and

that there is a wide variety of songs/dances.


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Callum Deighton

Semiotics is the study of the meaning of signs and symbols and can be

defined as the media term for reading and decoding something.

For example, in The Last of Us there is a visible Green Bar shown in the

corner, this can be assumed by the player to be a health bar, especially

with the health pack icon above it, also another example is that the icon

for the magnum and the bullets can be assumed to be the equipped

weapon and ammo.

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In Just Dance the semiotics present itself in a different way from The

Last of Us. There is a number underneath the players name that can be

identified as the players score. Another thing to note is the stick figure in

the bottom corner which shows it in various poses similar to the one the

dancer performs on the screen which the player can identify as the

poses/dances the player must perform to get a higher score, with the

various words such as "PERFECT", "GOOD" and "OK" showing the

player how good they are at performing the moves.


The Genre is what the style of media is presented in it, for example in

movies a film like Alien can be seen as Sci-Fi due to the outer space

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setting and a film like Indiana Jones can be seen as Action/Adventure

due to the amount of chase scenes and high tension action.

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The Last of Us is an Action Adventure game as well as Survival

Horror, the first image shows the action/adventure aspect well

as it shows the protagonists hiding from someone hunting them

down which presents itself as very intense as well as showing

the survival aspect of fighting for survival. The second image is

the same in showing a very intense situation; it also might show

a bit of the survival aspect of the game as well. The third

picture shows the horror aspect very well with the gruesome

enemy chasing the protagonists, which also again shows the

action adventure aspect.

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Just Dance 2014 presents itself very differently from The Last

of Us. Just Dance is a party/simulation game and it is shown

pretty well in the photos provided. All 3 photos show multiple

people on the screen/in the game which shows the party aspect

of the game, also the pictures show a wide variety of

famous/popular dances and songs which shows the simulation

side of the game.


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Content is how the media presents itself visually to show the

viewer what the selected media is about and what to expect

from it.

In the image presented above the image presents The Last of

Us is completely devoid of colour which gives the sense of how

the world in game has been stripped of everything good in it

due to the apocalypse, which represents the colours. Also the

facial expression shown on the protagonists faces shows how

they feel in the world and how tense the situation is. Also Ellie

is preparing her gun which shows how in the game anything

can happen at any point.

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In the image for Just Dance the image presents itself in a

completely different direction from The Last of Us. The first

thing to notice is that the image has a wide variety of bright

colours, which can be very eye-catching for the viewer. Another

thing to note are the multiple people shown in the picture, which

can represent that the game can be played as a party game

with multiple people, also the people are performing different

dance poses which can show that the game has a wide variety

of songs.


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The construction of the games are how the game lies itself out

as well as how it shows/structures itself for the player. In The

Last of Us the game has its main focus on its story and how it

goes throughout the course of the game, it’s interface is not too

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complex with the game showing the health and ammo/items in

the corner as well as showing important advice when needed

such as when there are items nearby for the player to pick up

and use. In Just Dance its main focus is directly on the

gameplay and how the player interacts with it, its interface is

much more complex with the last of us with the top showing the

players score and how good they are doing as well as the

bottom corner showing what move to perform next and when to

perform it.

Codes and Conventions

Codes and Conventions in video games are essentially the

things that help guide the player through what the game is

trying to show. In The Last of Us the game shows its codes and

conventions well by giving signs on what is going on such as

news reports and signs shown throughout the game about the

infection that is shown throughout the game. Just Dance shows

its codes and conventions by informing the player on how well

they’re performing with words showing under the players score

such as “PERFECT” “GOOD” AND “OK” as soon as they

perform a move.

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Modes of Address

The Modes of Address is how the media in question shows

itself to the public, how it was advertised and what to expect

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from playing the game. The advertisements shown for The Last

of Us focus on a lot of action, horror and gun fights and focuses

a lot on showing its story, where as the advertisements for Just

Dance focuses a lot on the gameplay, party style and modern

music to grab people’s attention with music they might



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Target Demographic

The Target Demographic is the type of media present itself to.

The Last of Us presents its target demographic for an older

audience with its complex story and gameplay being for more

of an adult audience. Just Dance presents its target

demographic to a generally younger audience with all the

modern music being advertised for it and its party aspect and

motion gameplay being for a teenager/young adult audience.