giants causeway app prototype

Exploring the Giant’s Causeway Activities Augmented Reality Map Your Journey Gallery Welcome to the Giant’s Causeway Discovering Myths & Legends App! This is the tool to make your Giant’s Causeway adventure your most memorable experience in Northern Ireland. Discover the legend of Finn McCool who locals say built to causeway so he could cross the sea to Scotland to face his enemy, the Scottish giant Benandonner. This app will allow you to record your adventure and share it with fellow myth seekers from all over the world! Check out the activities section to start your Giant’s Causeway experience! SHARE

Upload: bryan-kearney

Post on 28-Jul-2015




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Exploring the Giant’s Causeway

Activities Augmented Reality

Map Your Journey


Welcome to the Giant’s Causeway Discovering Myths & Legends App!This is the tool to make your Giant’s Causeway adventure your most memorable experience in Northern Ireland. Discover the legend of Finn McCool who locals say built to causeway so he could cross the sea to Scotland to face his enemy, the Scottish giant Benandonner.This app will allow you to record your adventure and share it with fellow myth seekers from all over the world!Check out the activities section to start your Giant’s Causeway experience! SHARE

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The activities section lists the main attractions of the site which the learners are encouraged to view and interact with through augmented reality, photo and video taking, and geo-tagging:

• Visitors Centre (Learn about the history)• Basalt Rocks• Giant’s Boot• Wishing Well• Giant’s Granny

The user will be instructed as to what interaction to perform at each attraction.

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Augmented Reality

The user references their augmented reality brochure with the area’s they are in. If they see something that is also in their brochure they hold the mobile device in front of the picture and the AR interaction will occur. The AR will be a video/photo gallery/3d animation.

Video demonstration on next slide

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Map Your Journey

The user will use the map section to geo tag the main areas they have been during their journey. The will go into this section and tag themselves when they are in an area of significance.

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The gallery will contain the videos and photographs that the user has taken during the day. The photos and videos can be enhanced, edited or deleted here.



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In this section the user selects the pictures and videos that they want to export. The app creates a file that can be transferred/downloaded.

Export your story

Go to the website

This section also links to the website where they can view and comment on the other stories.