getting started with institutional repositories and open access

The Nuts & Bolts of Getting Started with Institutional Repositories & Open Access AMICAL Conference 4 April 2012 American University of Sharjah Abby Clobridge Director, Clobridge Consulting [email protected]

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Getting Started presentation for AMICAL 2012 conference.


Page 1: Getting Started with Institutional Repositories and Open Access

The Nuts & Bolts of Getting Started with Institutional Repositories & Open Access

AMICAL Conference 4 April 2012

American University of Sharjah

Abby Clobridge Director, Clobridge Consulting [email protected]

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Overview 1) Agenda for Today

2) Institutional Repositories & Open Access

3) Interoperability

4) Thinking about the future

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Today’s Agenda Part 1: Strategic Planning

Part 2: Getting Content into Repositories

Part 3: Emerging Themes in Scholarly Communication – Digital Curation, Metrics, Altmetrics

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Approach for Today - Definitions and foundations (presentation) - Individual reflection – how can this be applied within my institution/environment? - Discussions, brainstorming, reporting back - Afternoon break-out sessions - Questions, comments? - Twitter & Google+

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Late 1990s/2000s – Turning point for libraries, the information ecosystem, scholarly communication, technology

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Support for information.

creating collecting describing curating disseminating preserving

The Information Lifecycle

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2000s: How do we think about information and knowledge?

How can we harness ICT to interact with

information in new ways?

How do we access information? Who

has access to information? What are the barriers to


How can we use, reuse, manipulate,

and work with information and


How can we ensure access to born-digital information in

the future?

How do we define information today?

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Institutional Repositories “In my view, a university-based institutional repository is a set of services that a university offers to the members of its community for the management and dissemination of digital materials created by the institution and its community members.” - Cliff Lynch, 2003 ‘Institutional repositories: Essential infrastructure for scholarship in the digital age.’

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IR Content

Pre-prints & post-prints (peer-reviewed articles) Born-digital scholarship Enhanced publications Data sets Electronic Theses & Dissertations Open Educational Resources (OERS) Grey literature – conference proceedings, technical reports Archival materials from the institution

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Institutional Repositories “… It is most essentially an organizational commitment to the stewardship of these digital materials, including long-term preservation where appropriate, as well as organization and access or distribution.” - Cliff Lynch, 2003 ‘Institutional repositories: Essential infrastructure for scholarship in the digital age.’

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Late 1990s – 2000s

Digitization of archival collections

Budapest Open Access

Initiative (2002)

Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge

in the Sciences and

Humanities (2003)

Bethesda Statement on Open Access

Publishing (2003)

Electronic Theses &

Dissertations (ETDs)

Library initiated

External to libraries

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Changing Scholarly Information Landscape

• Demand for immediate, complete access to materials.

• Support for new forms, new content types.

• Continually-evolving landscape.

• Uses ICT for redefinition of our work.

• Usage data measure value.

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Open Access (OA)

“Open-access (OA) literature is digital, online, free of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions. What makes it possible is the internet and the consent of the author or copyright-holder.”

– Peter Suber, A Very Brief Introduction to Open Access

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Open Access Two kinds of free:

1) Free cost – to consumers

2) Free of usage restrictions, access limitations

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Purpose of OA To use Information Communication Technology

(ICT) to increase and


dissemination of scholarship.

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What does this mean? Through Open Access…

- Increased access

- Further, broader (global) dissemination

- Impact of research increases

- Increased visibility

- Funding dollars have more impact

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Two Methods for Open Access:

1) Publish in an Open Access journal. [gold OA]

2) Publish in any peer-reviewed journal and deposit refereed version in an Open Access repository. [green OA]

Peer-review is critical for either method.

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2012 State of Open Access & Digital Repositories Today

Over 2000 repositories registered.

Directory of Open Access Repositories (OpenDOAR) – Repository – Repository Maps –

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2012 State of Open Access Journals Today

Over 7000 journals


Directory of Open Access Journals – DOAJ –

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• OA Monographs • Enhanced publications • Linked data • Grey literature • ETDs • Digitized materials from archives & museums

2010s – Repository landscape continues to change

Types of Repository


• Open Access repositories • Open Educational Resources (OER) repositories / learning object repositories • Learning management systems / courseware • Digital asset management systems (DAMs) • Current Research Information Systems (CRIS) • ePortfolios

Types of Repository


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• Research funding agencies • Publishers • Researchers • National policy makers • NGOs

2010s – Repository landscape continues to change


National Institutions of Health

UNESCO, OECD, FAO, Broadband


European Commission –

FP7 Open Access Pilot

Wellcome Trust

National mandates? Denmark, Spain…

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The real value of Open Access lies in the potential to aggregate research outputs, present information in different ways, and allow for new types of data extraction and analysis – all possible because of interoperability.

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New IR Services, Challenges

• Emphasis on curation services • Changing relationship with faculty & researchers, publishers • Organizational challenges are vast • Technical challenges are real • Continually evolving questions surrounding scholarly communication & publishing

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A Matrix Model for Designing and Assessing Network-Enhanced Courses

Ruben R. Puentedura, Ph.D. 2003. Accessed 12/7/08.

1. Substitution

2. Augmentation

3. Modification

4. Redefinition


Not Transformative

Model of Technology Adoption

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René Magritte, "La Trahison des Images" ("The Treachery of Images") (1928-9) or "Ceci n'est pas une pipe" ("This is not a pipe") Tim O’Reilly, O’Reilly Media – “We need new mental models.”

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Guiding Principles Align the program with institutional and

library strategic plans and initiatives.

Each institution is different. Every institution has its own culture, needs, and priorities. Create a program that fits your institution at this particular point in time.

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Guiding Principles A repository is not a static entity. It should

change over time.

Keep it simple. The easiest, simplest solution is usually the best. Don’t overcomplicate processes.

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Guiding Principles Don’t let technology drive decisions. Use

technology to streamline processes and solve problems, not drive policy decisions.

Consider the repository to be a production environment. Invest time and effort in developing processes that will support the 80% of situations, not the exceptions.

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Guiding Principles Don’t make the repository about the library.

The repository program should be designed to reflect the needs of the university as a whole.