germany 1918-1945


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Germany 1918-1945. LO: You will learn about: The causes of the German Revolution and the events of the revolution Reasons: 1. The defeat in WWI. 2. The hardship 3. Deadly influenza called the Spanish Flu 4. The Russian Revolution. The Mutiny in Kiel. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Germany 1918-1945
Page 2: Germany 1918-1945

Europe before 1918What empires die out and what new countries are being created?

Page 3: Germany 1918-1945

Germany 1918-1945LO: You will learn about: The causes of the German Revolution and the events of the revolutionReasons: 1. The defeat in WWI. 2. The hardship 3. Deadly influenza called the Spanish Flu4. The Russian Revolution. The Mutiny in Kiel. P.7The abdication of the Kaiser Wilhelm II on Nov. 9th. Armistice declared on Nov.11th, 1918

Page 4: Germany 1918-1945

The effects of the Revolu.Armistice signed on Nov.11th, 1918All land won by Germany had to be returnedPull all troops back 48 km inside its border with FranceSurrender its munitions and put navy under Allied

control The Government meets in Weimar


Page 5: Germany 1918-1945

The clash of extremists New constitution proclaimed in Weimar. Why there? Balance of power- the strength of all democracies. Also known as checks and balancesIt consists of legislative, executive and judiciary power.And who shares those powers in a democracy?Lets see T&M on that issue

The Weimar Rep and the Treaty of Versailles

Page 6: Germany 1918-1945

And how was that addressed in the WR? Two houses of parliament were formed: the

Reichstag and the ReichsratThe two key offices were shared by the president

and the chancellor. So that was the strength but what was its

weakness? Proportional representation meant too many parties

won seats- thus difficult to govern.The constitution was too weak to defend itself from

the extremists.

Page 7: Germany 1918-1945

The Diktat Lets have a look again at the terms of the T of V. Name all the reasons the Germans would hate about

the treaty. The Dolchstoss and the “November Criminals”. Who

were those criminals? The Treaty had the following detrimental effects on

Germany:It made the republic and her politicians unpopularIt contributed to political extremism It greatly hurt the post war recovery of Germany

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Economic Problems 1918-23

Germany was nearing bankruptcy and could no longer pay the reparations

To this problem France has an answer: the occupation of the Ruhr

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Inflation- the curse of many countries Hyperinflation- an inflation out of control that

devastates country’s economy. It makes most items unaffordable and makes lifesavings worthless.

Any country out there that suffers from hyperinflation?

Page 10: Germany 1918-1945

Political problems The Weimar Republic was plagued by radicals from both the right

and left. Read on p. 14 about their characteristics. As both the right and the left had very opposed agenda, there was

no compromise. The creation of political armed units. The murder of prominent politicians by the right movement.

H. Hasse M.Erzberger W. Rathenau

Page 11: Germany 1918-1945

Between 1919-1922 there were 376 political murders in Germany. The majority of the victims were left or moderate politicians.

No conviction or execution for killing the “lefties” but 10 executions for killing the “righties”

R. Luxemburg

Karl Liebknecht The Spartacus League

Page 12: Germany 1918-1945

The Freikorps Who were there?Demobilized, armed soldiers The Freikorps helped to wipe out the Spartacus

uprising and both prominent leaders R. Luxemburg and Liebknecht were murdered.

The Kapp Putsch (what is a putsch by the way?) Do you know another word from French that means the same?

Page 13: Germany 1918-1945

The Stresemann Era LO: Stresemann’s economic and foreign successThe Rentenmark, Dawes Plan The League of Nations Germany’s biggest nightmare: the Hyperinflation

Page 14: Germany 1918-1945

The Rentenmark The Dawes Plan, the need to renegotiate the the VTAnnual payment reduced, huge American

investment This led to resumption of the reparation payment

and the French left the Ruhr. Things were getting better, but…

the fragile recovery depended heavily on American loans.

Page 15: Germany 1918-1945

The Birth of the Nazi PartyLO: Adolf Hitler and the DAP, Changes to the PartyAt the beginning was the DAP (Deutsche Arbeits Partei)Whom did they hate? Basically everyone who didn’t

agree with them. They were”Anti communists and socialistsAnti Weimar politiciansAnti-democracy as a week form of government The Jews

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Hitler and Drexler and their 25 point programme of the DAP The most important were: Get rid of the VT Lebensraum

Depriving Jews of German citizenship

By 1921 Hitler calls the shots, and pushes Drexler aside/ The formation of SA- Sturmabtailung

Here are his trusted friends now:

Roehm Goering R. Hesse J. Streicher

Page 17: Germany 1918-1945

The Munich PutschLO: The causes, events and results of the Munich P.Hitler had 3 main reasons for staging the putsch1. Hyperinflation 2. Possibility that Stresemann would fix the country, both

economically and politicallyThe possibility of a crack down on extremist parties.On 8 of November Hitler enters a beer hall in Munich and

announces his takeover of Bavaria and the march to Berlin where he hoped to take control of Germany

Well, what happens on at the end? What sentence does Hitler receive? How is he able to turn this failure into something useful?

Page 18: Germany 1918-1945

Reorganizing the PartyHow was Hitler able to win the wealthy industrial elite on his

site? He also forms a new special police force- the SS (Schutzstaffel).

Soon they would be feared throughout Germany. Goebbels and the Nazi Propaganda. The war on the common enemy: the Jews, socialists, communists

and the politicians from the Weimar RepublicSoon Hitler’s passion, the spectacle of mass rallies and the

power of the SS and SA would be admired by many ordinary Germans looking for stability and the scrapping of the V. Treaty.

Hitler also improves party’s finances by befriending the wealthy elites such as the industry giants Thyssen, Krupp and Bosch.

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By 1928 the party was well organized and grew to 100 000 members and Hitler becomes a national figure.

But what went against the Nazi party popular support?

Paul von Hindenburg, Stresseman and the easing of inflation.

Stresseman Hindenburg

Why were most German supporting Moderate parties at that time?

Page 20: Germany 1918-1945

The impact of the WS Crash

Describe what happened on Black Tuesday. The economic effect on Germany. How to deal with the crises? You can either hike

taxes or reduce benefits. Who would oppose those two proposals?

What is the situation on the street.

Page 21: Germany 1918-1945

Nazi support on the riseWhy are the Nazi now more popular than before. Now Hitler represents 1. Strong leadership 2. Restoration of social order. 3. Scrapping of the VT. 4. Persuade other nations to

treat Germany fairly. The strength of the SAWorking class support with work and bread policy,

but most workers still preferred the CP.

Page 22: Germany 1918-1945

The Middle-class support: here the party faired better than with the workers. Why?

What other country makes always appeal to the middle class during election campaign?

Farmers: The Nazi would confiscate all land owned by Jewish population but would protect the ownership of other Germans. What did the farmers feared from the Communists?

Big Business- why did they support him? Young people are targeted as well.

Page 23: Germany 1918-1945

1932 Presidential electionWhat were the result of those election? The sacking of chancellor Bruening. Von Papen resigns

Von Papen Bruening

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Von Papen convinces President Hindenburg and the Reichstag that Hitler was a sound choice. He would

be just a figurehead. On January 1933 Hitler becomes a chancellor. What do you think Hitler will do now that is has so

much power? How is the check and balances being played out


Page 25: Germany 1918-1945

The Removal of Opposition

The Reichstag fire on Feb27th 1933. Marinus van der Lube1933 election: good income to finance the Nazi ParyImprisonment of political opponents. SA used to

attach other parties. Communists are banned and their 81 seats gone.

Now Hitler can have enough control in the Reichstag to change the constitution.

Page 26: Germany 1918-1945

The Enabling Act23 of March 1933-Hitler now has the right to make his own

laws for four years without the consent of the Reichstag. Germany is now a totalitarian state. And what is an

totalitarian state? Trade Unions are banned and so are strikes. Law Against the Establishment of Parties.NSDAP is now the only party in Germany. Remember

Hitler’s electoral promise to destroy political parties? He seems to keep his word. Centralization of local governments under Hitler’s


Page 27: Germany 1918-1945

The Knight of the Long Nights

Three millions SA members under Roehm controlRoehm against Hitler’s policies In 1934 Roehm and other senior officials are

rounded up and arrested and later shot. Von Papen who is the vice chancellor now

realizes that he doesn’t have Hitler in his pocket as the thought.