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• geosynchronous orbit

Computer network Wireless technologies

1 Communications satellites – Satellites communicate via microwave radio

waves, which are not deflected by the Earth's atmosphere. The satellites are

stationed in space, typically in geosynchronous orbit 35,400 km

(22,000 mi) above the equator. These Earth-orbiting systems are capable of

receiving and relaying voice, data, and TV signals.

Satellite - Types

1 Communications satellites are satellites stationed in space for the

purpose of telecommunications. Modern communications satellites

typically use geosynchronous orbits, Molniya orbits or Low Earth orbits.

Satellite - Orbit types

1 The commonly used altitude classifications are Low Earth orbit

(LEO), Medium Earth orbit (MEO) and High Earth orbit (HEO). Low Earth

orbit is any orbit below 2000 km, and Medium Earth orbit is any orbit

higher than that but still below the altitude for geosynchronous orbit at 35786 km. High Earth orbit is any orbit higher than the altitude for

geosynchronous orbit.

Satellite - Altitude classifications

1 Medium Earth orbit (MEO): Geocentric orbits ranging in altitude

from 2,000 km (1,200 mi) to just below geosynchronous orbit at

35,786 km (22,236 mi). Also known as an intermediate circular orbit.

Satellite - Altitude classifications

1 High Earth orbit (HEO): Geocentric orbits above the altitude of

geosynchronous orbit 35,786 km (22,236 mi).

Satellite - Eccentricity classifications

1 Geosynchronous transfer orbit: An elliptic orbit where the perigee is at

the altitude of a Low Earth orbit (LEO) and the apogee at the altitude

of a geosynchronous orbit.

Satellite - Synchronous classifications

1 Geosynchronous orbit (GSO): Orbits with an altitude of approximately 35,786 km (22,236 mi). Such a

satellite would trace an analemma (figure 8) in the sky.

Satellite - Synchronous classifications

1 Geostationary orbit (GEO): A geosynchronous orbit with an

inclination of zero. To an observer on the ground this satellite would

appear as a fixed point in the sky.

Satellite Internet access - Geostationary unsuitable for low-latency applications

1 A geostationary orbit (or geostationary Earth orbit/GEO) is a

geosynchronous orbit directly above the Earth's equator (0° latitude), with

a period equal to the Earth's rotational period and an orbital

eccentricity of approximately zero (i.e

Satellite Internet access - Satellites launched

1 The EchoStar XVII satellite with JUPITER High-Throughput Technology, built by Space

Systems/Loral, was launched July 5, 2012 by Arianespace and was placed in its

permanent geosynchronous orbital slot of 107.1° West longitude. The satellite

services the HughesNet Gen4 satellite Internet service. Employing a multi-spot

beam, bent-pipe architecture, this Ka-band satellite has over 100 Gbit/s of throughput


GLONASS - CDMA signals

1 Additional satellites may use Molniya orbit, Tundra orbit, geosynchronous

orbit, or inclined orbit to offer increased regional availability,

similar to Japanese QZSS system.

Non-rocket spacelaunch - Space tower

1 The concept of a structure reaching to geosynchronous orbit was first

conceived by Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, who proposed a compression

structure, or "Tsiolkovsky tower".

Non-rocket spacelaunch - Space elevator

1 A space elevator is a proposed type of space transportation system. Its main component is a ribbon-like cable (also called a tether)

anchored to the surface and extending into space above the level of geosynchronous

orbit. As the planet rotates, the centrifugal force at the upper end of the tether

counteracts gravity, and keeps the cable taut. Vehicles can then climb the tether and

reach orbit without the use of rocket propulsion.

Non-rocket spacelaunch - Hypersonic skyhook

1 Without the two end ballasts, a space elevator would still be in

geosynchronous orbit, and thus stationary relative to the ground

Non-rocket spacelaunch - Space fountain

1 A space fountain is a proposed form of space elevator that does not require the structure to be in

geosynchronous orbit, and does not rely on tensile strength for support

Latency (engineering) - Satellite transmission

1 The signal travels from the newsreader via communication

satellite situated in geosynchronous orbit to the reporter and then goes all the way back to geosynchronous

orbit and then to the studio, resulting in a journey of over one hundred

thousand kilometers

Space-based solar power - SERT

1 The program looked both at systems in sun-synchronous orbit and geosynchronous orbit.

Space-based solar power - Non-conventional launch methods

1 Some possible technologies include ground launch systems such as Star Tram, mass drivers or launch loops, which would launch using electrical power, or the geosynchronous orbit

space elevator

Space-based solar power - Timeline

1 1968: Dr. Peter Glaser introduces the concept of a "solar power satellite" system with square miles of solar collectors in high geosynchronous

orbit for collection and conversion of sun's energy into a microwave beam

to transmit usable energy to large receiving antennas (rectennas) on

Earth for distribution.

Space Network - Satellite generations

1 Additional spare TDRSs may be in

geosynchronous orbit.

Space elevator - Cable material

1 If the material can support a free breaking length of only one tenth

this, the section needed at a geosynchronous orbit will be e10 (a factor of 22026) times the ground


Space elevator - Climbers

1 Another design constraint will be the ascending speed of the climber. As geosynchronous orbit is at 35,786

km (22,236 mi), assuming the climber can reach the speed of a very fast car or train of 300 km/h

(180 mph) it will take 5 days to climb to geosynchronous orbit.

Space elevator - Construction

1 Earlier designs imagined the balancing mass to be another cable

(with counterweight) extending upward, with the main spool

remaining at the original geosynchronous orbit level

Space elevator - Safety issues and construction challenges

1 For early systems, transit times from the surface to the level of

geosynchronous orbit would be about five days. On these early systems, the time spent moving through the Van Allen radiation belts would be

enough that passengers would need to be protected from radiation by shielding, which adds mass to the climber and decreases payload.

Computer networking -

1 *Communications satellites– Satellites communicate via

microwave radio waves, which are not deflected by the Earth's

atmosphere. The satellites are stationed in space, typically in

geosynchronous orbit above the equator. These Earth-orbiting

systems are capable of receiving and relaying voice, data, and TV signals.

Satellite phone - Low Earth orbit

1 Since the satellites are not geosynchronous orbit|geosynchronous, they must fly complete


Network performance - Satellite telephony

1 A telecom satellite in geosynchronous orbit imposes a path length of at least 71000km between

transmitter and receiver.Roddy, 2001, 67 - 90 which means a

minimum delay between message request and message receipt, or

latency of 473 ms. This delay can be very noticeable and affects satellite

phone service regardless of available throughput capacity.

Orbital elevator - Climbers

1 Climber speed is constrained on the upper end by Coriolis force, power available and ensuring the climber's accelerating force does not break the cable. On the lower

end, speed is constrained by the need to move material up and down economically and expeditiously. At the speed of a very fast car or train of 300km/h (180mph) it

will take about five days to climb to geosynchronous orbit.

Orbital elevator - Construction

1 Earlier designs imagined the balancing mass to be another cable

(with counterweight) extending upward, with the main spool

remaining at the original geosynchronous orbit level

Orbital elevator - Safety issues and construction challenges

1 For early systems, transit times from the surface to the level of

geosynchronous orbit would be about five days. On these early systems, the time spent moving through the Van Allen radiation belts would be

enough that passengers would need to be protected from radiation by shielding, which adds mass to the climber and decreases payload.

Receiver (radio) - Types of radio receivers

1 *Satellite television receivers, used to receive television programming from communication satellites in

geosynchronous orbit.

Unmanned space vehicle - Robotic spacecraft service vehicles

1 * MDA Space Infrastructure Servicing vehicle — an in-space propellant depot|refueling depot and service

spacecraft for communication satellites in geosynchronous orbit.

Launch planned for 2015.

Global commons - Outer space

1 In 1976 eight equatorial states (Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Republic of Congo|Congo,

Democratic Republic of Congo|Zaire, Uganda, Kenya, and Indonesia) met in

Bogotá, Colombia to make the Declaration of the First Meeting of Equatorial Countries,

also known as the Bogotá Declaration, a claim to control the segment of the

geosynchronous orbital path corresponding to each country. These claims are not

internationally accepted.

Interstellar space - Legal status

1 In 1976 eight equatorial states (Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Republic of the Congo|

Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo|Zaire, Uganda, Kenya, and Indonesia) met in

Bogotá, Colombia. They made the Declaration of the First Meeting of Equatorial Countries,

also known as the Bogotá Declaration, where they made a claim to control the segment of

the geosynchronous orbital path corresponding to each country. These claims

are not internationally accepted.

Solar thermal rocket - Solar-thermal design concepts

1 Even the lower specific impulse represents a significant increase over

that of conventional chemical rockets, however, an increase that

can provide substantial payload gains (45 percent for a Low Earth

orbit|LEO-to-Geosynchronous orbit|GEO mission) at the expense of

increased trip time (14 days compared to 10 hours).

Ion thruster - Operational missions

1 Ion thrusters are routinely used for station-keeping on commercial and military communication satellites in

geosynchronous orbit, including satellites manufactured by Boeing

and by Hughes Aerospace. The pioneers in this field were the Soviet Union, who used SPT thrusters on a variety of satellites starting in the

early 1970s.

Ion thruster - Operational missions

1 AEHF-2 used a chemical engine to raise perigee to 10150 miles and is then proceeding to geosynchronous

orbit using electric propulsion.

Solar power satellite - Timeline

1 *'1968': Dr. Peter Glaser introduces the concept of a solar power satellite

system with square miles of solar collectors in high geosynchronous

orbit for collection and conversion of sun's energy into a microwave beam

to transmit usable energy to large receiving antennas (rectennas) on

Earth for distribution.

Global navigation satellite systems - CDMA signals

1 The new satellites will be deployed into three additional planes, bringing the total to six planes from the current three, aided by System for Differential Correction and

Monitoring (SDCM) which is a GNSS augmentation|GNSS augmentation system based on a network of ground-based control stations and communication satellites

Luch 5A and Luch 5B.[

SDCM status and plans], Grigory Stupak, 7th ICG Meeting, November 2012 Additional satellites may use Molniya orbit, Tundra orbit, geosynchronous orbit, or inclined orbit to offer increased regional availability,

similar to Japanese Quasi-Zenith Satellite System|QZSS system.

Inclined orbit - Special case: geosynchronous inclined orbit

1 In the case of an inclined geosynchronous orbit, although the satellite remains geosynchronous

(that is, completing one orbit around the earth every 24 hours), it is no

longer geostationary

Beidou navigation system - Description

1 BeiDou-2 (formerly known as COMPASS) is not an extension to the

older BeiDou-1, but rather supersedes it outright. The new

system will be a constellation of 35 satellites, which include 5

geostationary orbit satellites for backward compatibility with BeiDou-

1, and 30 non-geostationary satellites (27 in medium earth orbit and 3 in inclined geosynchronous

orbit), that will offer complete coverage of the globe.

Luch 5A

1 'Luch 5A' ( meaning ray and sometimes Romanisation of Russian|

transliterated as Loutch-5A) is a Russian Luch (satellite)|Luch relay

satellite which will transmit data from the Russian Orbital Segment of the

International Space Station, and from other satellites in low Earth orbit. It

will be in geosynchronous orbit.

Geosynchronous orbit

1 The synchronization of rotation and orbital period means that, for an

observer on the surface of the Earth, an object in geosynchronous orbit

returns to exactly the same position in the sky after a period of one

sidereal day

Geosynchronous orbit

1 A special case of geosynchronous orbit is the geostationary orbit, which is a circular geosynchronous orbit at

zero inclination (that is, directly above the equator)

Geosynchronous orbit - Orbital characteristics

1 All Earth geosynchronous orbits, whether circular or elliptical, have a semi-major axis of


Geosynchronous orbit - Orbital characteristics

1 In the special case of a geostationary orbit, the ground track of a satellite is a single point on the equator. In

the general case of a geosynchronous orbit with a non-zero

inclination or Eccentricity (orbit)|eccentricity, the ground track is a more or less distorted figure-eight, returning to the same places once

per sidereal day.

Geosynchronous orbit - Other geosynchronous orbits

1 Elliptic orbit|Elliptical geosynchronous orbits can be and are designed for

communications satellites in order to keep the satellite within view of its assigned

ground stations or receivers. A satellite in an elliptical geosynchronous orbit appears to oscillate in the sky from the viewpoint of

a ground station, tracing an analemma (figure 8) in the sky. Satellites in highly

elliptical orbits must be tracked by steerable ground stations.

Geosynchronous orbit - Other geosynchronous orbits

1 The Infrared Space Observatory was in a highly-elliptical geosynchronous orbit with an orbital height of apogee 70,600km and perigee 1,000km. It

was controlled by two ground stations.

Geosynchronous orbit - Other geosynchronous orbits

1 An active geosynchronous orbit is a hypothetical orbit that could be maintained if forces other than

gravity were also used, such as a solar sail. Such a statite could be

geosynchronous in an orbit different (higher, lower, more or less elliptical, or some other path) from the conic section orbit dictated by the laws of


Geosynchronous orbit - Other geosynchronous orbits

1 A further form of geosynchronous orbit is proposed for the theoretical space elevator, in which one end of

the structure is tethered to the ground, maintaining a longer orbital period than by gravity alone if under


Geosynchronous orbit - History

1 The first communications satellite placed in a geosynchronous orbit was

Syncom 2, launched in 1963. However, it was in an inclined orbit,

still requiring the use of moving antennas. The first communications

satellite placed in a geostationary orbit was Syncom 3. Geostationary

orbits have been in common use ever since, in particular for satellite


GPS-aided geo-augmented navigation - Satellites

1 'GSAT-8' is an Indian geostationary satellites, which was successfully

launched using Ariane 5 on 21 May 2011 and is positioned in

geosynchronous orbit at 55 degrees E longitude.

Fregat - Fregat-SB

1 Fregat-SB was launched for the first time on 20 January 2011, when it

lifted the Elektro-L weather satellite into geosynchronous orbit.

Luch 5B

1 'Luch 5B' ( meaning ray and sometimes Romanisation of Russian|

transliterated as Loutch-5B) is a Russian Luch (satellite)|Luch relay

satellite which will transmit data from the Russian Orbital Segment of the

International Space Station, and from other satellites in low Earth orbit. It

will be in geosynchronous orbit.

Tundra orbit

1 A 'Tundra orbit' (Russian language|Russian: Тундра) is a type of Highly

Elliptical Orbit|highly elliptical geosynchronous orbit with a high

inclination (usually near 63.4°) and an orbital period of one solar day

Geostationary Earth Orbit

1 A geostationary orbit is a particular type of

geosynchronous orbit.

Indian Regional Navigational Satellite System - Description

1 Two of the geosynchronous orbit|GSOs will cross the equator at 55° East and two at

111.75° East


1 VSATs access satellite(s) in geosynchronous orbit to relay data from small remote earth stations (terminals) to other terminals (in

mesh networking|mesh topology) or master earth station hubs (in star


Colonization of Phobos - Energy

1 Therefore, other than proposed demonstration projects for power

delivered to Earth, the first priority for SPS electricity is likely to be

locations in space, such as communications satellites, fuel

depots or orbital tugboat boosters transferring cargo and passengers between Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) and

other orbits such as Geosynchronous orbit (GEO), lunar orbit or Highly-

Eccentric Earth Orbit (HEEO).Mining the Sky

Launch loop - Capacity and capabilities

1 To access circular orbits using a launch loop a relatively small 'kick motor' would need to be launched with the payload which would

fire at apogee and would circularise the orbit. For geosynchronous orbit|GEO

insertion this would need to provide a delta-v of about 1.6km/s, for Low Earth orbit|LEO to circularise at 500km would require a delta-v of just 120m/s. Conventional rockets require delta-vs of roughly 10 and 14km/s to reach

LEO and GEO respectively.

Commercialization of space - History

1 On April 6, 1965, the Hughes Aircraft Company placed the Intelsat I

communications satellite geosynchronous orbit over the

Atlantic Ocean

Lunar space elevator - History

1 The idea of space elevators has been around since 1960 when Yuri Artsutanov wrote a Sunday

supplement to Pravda on how to build such a structure and the utility of geosynchronous orbit. His article

however, was not known in the West.

ELDO - Launches

1 After F-10 was cancelled, it was decided that Woomera launch site was not suitable for

putting satellites into geosynchronous orbit. In 1966, it was decided to move to the

French site of Kourou in South America. F11 was fired from here in November 1971, but

the failure of the autopilot caused the vehicle to break up. The launch of F12 was

postponed whilst a project review was carried out, which led to the decision to

abandon the Europa design.

European Data Relay System

1 The 'European Data Relay System' ('EDRS') system will be a constellation of

geosynchronous orbit|GEO satellites intended to relay information and data

between satellites / spacecraft and Unmanned aerial vehicle|UAVs and ground stations. The system will allow almost full-time communication even with satellites

in Low Earth orbit which often have a very reduced visibility from any ground station.

Guiana Space Centre - Facilities

1 Kourou is located approximately north of the equator, at a latitude of

5°10'. At this latitude, the Earth's rotation gives a velocity of

approximately when the launch trajectory heads eastward. The

proximity to the equator also makes maneuvering satellites for

geosynchronous orbits simpler and less costly.

Guiana Space Centre - Launch safety

1 The Guiana Space Centre (as per CNES) also holds the Îles du Salut, a former penal colony including the

infamous Devil's Island. Now a tourist site, the islands are under the

launching trajectory for geosynchronous orbit and have to be

evacuated during launches.

Spaceport - Spaceports beyond Earth

1 Human-tended outposts on the Moon or Mars, for example, will be spaceports by definition.[] The 2012

Space Studies Program of the International Space University studied the economic benefit of a network of spaceports throughout the solar system beginning from

Earth and expanding outwardly in phases, within its team project Operations And Service Infrastructure for

Space (OASIS)., OASIS official website Its analysis claimed that the first phase, placing

the Node 1 spaceport with space tug services in Low Earth Orbit (LEO), would be commercially profitable and reduce transportation costs to geosynchronous orbit by

as much as 44% (depending on the launch vehicle)

Defense Research and Development Organization - Anti-satellite weapon

1 The defence ministry in 2010 had even drafted a 15-year Technology Perspective and Roadmap, which

held development of ASAT weapons for electronic or physical destruction of satellites in both Low Earth orbit|

LEO (2,000-km altitude above earth's surface) and the higher

geosynchronous orbit as a thrust area in its long-term integrated

perspective plan under the management of DRDO.

The Millennial Project: Colonizing the Galaxy in Eight Easy Steps - The steps of the project

1 # AsgardBuild a space station in geosynchronous orbit.


1 Typically, a statite would use the solar sail to hover in a location that

would not otherwise be available as a stable geosynchronous orbit

Artificial satellite - History of artificial satellites

1 Early satellites were constructed as one-off designs. With growth in

Geosynchronous orbit|geosynchronous (GEO)

communication satellite|satellite communication, multiple satellites began to be built on Comparison of

satellite buses|single model platforms called satellite buses. The first standardized satellite bus design

was the HS-333 GEO commsat, launched in 1972.

Artificial satellite - Types

1 *'Communications satellites' are satellites stationed in space for the

purpose of telecommunications. Modern communications satellites

typically use geosynchronous orbits, Molniya orbits or Low Earth orbits.

Artificial satellite - Orbit types

1 The commonly used altitude classifications are Low Earth orbit

(LEO), Medium Earth orbit (MEO) and High Earth orbit (HEO). Low Earth

orbit is any orbit below 2000km, and Medium Earth orbit is any orbit

higher than that but still below the altitude for geosynchronous orbit at

35786km. High Earth orbit is any orbit higher than the altitude for

geosynchronous orbit.

Artificial satellite - Altitude classifications

1 * 'Medium Earth orbit (MEO)': Geocentric orbits ranging in altitude from to just below geosynchronous

orbit at . Also known as an intermediate circular orbit.

Artificial satellite - Altitude classifications

1 * 'High Earth orbit (HEO)': Geocentric orbits above the altitude of geosynchronous orbit .

Artificial satellite - Eccentricity classifications

1 ** 'Geosynchronous transfer orbit': An elliptic orbit where the perigee is at the altitude of a Low Earth orbit

(LEO) and the apogee at the altitude of a geosynchronous orbit.

Artificial satellite - Synchronous classifications

1 * 'Geosynchronous orbit (GSO)': Orbits with an altitude of

approximately . Such a satellite would trace an analemma (figure 8)

in the sky.

Artificial satellite - Synchronous classifications

1 ** 'Geostationary orbit (GEO)': A geosynchronous orbit with an

inclination of zero. To an observer on the ground this satellite would

appear as a fixed point in the sky.

Space elevators in fiction - Novels and fairy tales

1 * The Gordon Mamon Casebook, five SF murder-mystery stories (Murder

On The Zenith Express, Single Handed, The Fall Guy, The Hunt For

Red Leicester, and A Night To Remember) by Simon Petrie, set on a

string of hotel modules ascending and descending a space elevator that connects Earth with a mega-hotel in

geosynchronous orbit.

Geocentric orbit - Altitude classifications

1 :'Medium Earth Orbit (MEO)' - Geocentric orbits with altitudes at

apogee ranging between and that of the geosynchronous orbit at .

Geocentric orbit - Altitude classifications

1 :'Geosynchronous Orbit (GEO)' - Geocentric circular orbit with an

altitude of . The period of the orbit equals one sidereal day, coinciding

with the rotation period of the Earth. The speed is approximately .

Geocentric orbit - Altitude classifications

1 :'High Earth Orbit (HEO)' - Geocentric orbits with altitudes at apogee higher

than that of the geosynchronous orbit. A special case of high Earth orbit is the highly elliptical orbit,

where altitude at perigee is less than .[ Definitions of geocentric orbits from the Goddard

Space Flight Center]

Geocentric orbit - Eccentricity classifications

1 ::'Geosynchronous transfer orbit' - A geocentric-elliptic orbit where the perigee is at the altitude of a Low

Earth Orbit (LEO) and the apogee at the altitude of a geosynchronous


Geocentric orbit - Geosynchronous classifications

1 :'Geosynchronous orbit (GEO)' - Orbits with an altitude of

approximately . Such a satellite would trace an analemma (figure 8)

in the sky.

Geocentric orbit - Geosynchronous classifications

1 :::'Geostationary orbit (GSO)': A geosynchronous orbit with an

inclination of zero. To an observer on the ground this satellite would

appear as a fixed point in the sky.


1 'Fēngyún' (), abbreviated 'FY', are China's weather satellites. China

has launched polar orbit and geosynchronous orbit meteorological satellites since 1988. On January 11, 2007 China destroyed one of these satellites (FY-1C) in a 2007 Chinese anti-satellite missile test|test of an

anti-satellite missile.


1 The satellites in the FY-1 series are polar-orbiting sun-synchronous orbits. The satellites in the FY-2

series are in geosynchronous orbit.

Iranian Space Agency - Orbital launches

1 Iran plans to send one-ton satellites into an orbit of 1,000 kilometers and

is setting up a new launch site|launch base for this purpose. Iran is

also planning to launch satellites into orbits of up to Geosynchronous orbit|

36,000 kilometers in 2016.


Interplanetary spaceflight - Reasons for interplanetary travel

1 Other practical motivations for interplanetary travel are more speculative, because our current technologies are not

yet advanced enough to support test projects. But science fiction writers have a fairly good track record in predicting future

technologies — for example Geosynchronous orbit|geosynchronous

communications satellites (Arthur C. Clarke) and many aspects of computer technology

(Mack Reynolds).

Space weather - Spacecraft anomalies

1 A recent study indicates that spacecraft charging is the

predominant space weather effect on spacecraft in geosynchronous orbit.

Space Elevator Games

1 A space elevator is a theoretical system using a super-strong ribbon going from the surface of the Earth to a point beyond geosynchronous


Xichang Satellite Launch Center - Future of the center

1 With the completion of the upgrade of Wenchang Satellite Launch Center

scheduled for 2013, all the Geosynchronous orbit|GEO missions will be transferred to this new space


Space elevator economics - Cost estimates for a space elevator

1 The gravitational potential energy of any object in geosynchronous orbit (GEO), relative to the surface of the earth, is about 50 MJ (15

kWh) of energy per kilogram (see geosynchronous orbit for details). Using

wholesale electricity prices for 2008 to 2009, and the current 0.5% efficiency of power beaming, a space elevator would require United States Dollar|USD 220/kg just in

electrical costs. Dr. Edwards expects technical advances to increase the efficiency to 2%.

Ariane 4 - Launches

1 The inaugural flight of Ariane 4 took place in 1988. Since then has

accomplished 116 flights with a success rate of more than 97%. The

final launch of Ariane 4 rocket occurred on 15 February 2003,

placing Intelsat 907 into geosynchronous orbit.Space and

Tech: [ Last

Ariane 4 Successfully Launches Intelsat 907], February 15, 2003

Space Elevator Competitions

1 The center of gravity of the ribbon would be exactly in geosynchronous

orbit, so that the ribbon would always stay above the anchor point


1 Historic achievements by SpaceX, among others, include: the first privately funded, liquid-fueled rocket (Falcon 1) to reach orbit (28 September 2008); the first privately funded company to successfully launch (by Falcon 9), orbit and recover a spacecraft (Dragon) (9 December 2010); the first private company to send a

spacecraft (Dragon) to the International Space Station (25 May 2012); and the first private

company to send a satellite into geosynchronous orbit 2013 in spaceflight#December|


Advanced Common Evolved Stage

1 ACES is intended to boost satellite payloads to geosynchronous orbit or,

in the case of an interplanetary space probe, to or near to escape


Yuri Artsutanov

1 He suggested using the satellite as the base from which to construct the tower since a

geosynchronous satellite will remain over a fixed point on the

equator.[ The Navigator Quarterly News Letter

(September 2002)] By using a counterweight, a cable would be lowered from the geosynchronous

orbit to the surface of Earth while the counterweight was extended from the satellite away from Earth, keeping the center of mass of the cable at the same height above the Earth

Centaur (rocket stage)

1 'Centaur' is a rocket stage designed for use as the upper stage of space launch vehicles. Centaur boosts its satellite payload to geosynchronous

orbit or, in the case of an interplanetary space probe, to or

near to escape velocity. Centaur was the world's first high-energy upper

stage, burning liquid hydrogen (Liquid hydrogen|LH2) and liquid

oxygen (Liquid oxygen|LOX).

Space debris - External removal

1 The Advanced Common Evolved Stage family of upper-stages is being explicitly designed to have the potential

for high leftover propellant margins so that derelict capture/deorbit might be accomplished, as well as with

propellant depot|in-space refuelling capability that could provide the high Delta-v|delta-V required to deorbit even heavy objects from geosynchronous

orbits.Frank Zegler and Bernard Kutter, [ Evolving to a Depot-Based Space Transportation Architecture], AIAA

SPACE 2010 Conference Exposition, 30 August-2 September 2010, AIAA 2010–8638.

Signals intelligence operational platforms by nation - United States: Satellite Platforms

1 US SIGINT satellites have included the CANYON series

Rhyolite/Aquacade series, succeeded by the Magnum

(satellite)|Vortex/Magnum/Orion and Mentor (satellite)|Mentor. Where the preceding satellites were in close to

geosynchronous orbit, JUMPSEAT/TRUMPET satellites were in

Moliyna orbits giving better polar coverage.

Maintenance philosophy - Automatic Corrective Action

1 This is not possible for geosynchronous orbit, where all

functions must be accomplished by one vehicle that performs all

functions must maintain stable position over one specific spot over

the earth surface. Satellites intended to operate in geosynchronous orbit must incorporate active recovery

that prevents total failure when one or more parts fail.

Surrey Satellite Technology - Platforms

1 :Low-cost communications, versatile, navigation and exploration platform. The SSTL-900 is designed for MEO, Geosynchronous orbit|GEO, High

Earth orbit|HEO and interplanetary orbits. Flight heritage achieved as

Europe’s first Galileo satellite, GIOVE-A.

Materials science in science fiction

1 *Extrapolation: In The Fountains of Paradise, Arthur C. Clarke wrote

about space elevators - basically long cables extending from the Earth's surface to geosynchronous orbit.

These require a material with enormous tensile strength and light

weight. Carbon nanotubes are strong enough in theory, so the idea is

plausible; while one cannot be built today, it violates no physical


Gerard O'Neill - Entrepreneurial efforts

1 Geostar launched GSTAR-2 into

geosynchronous orbit in 1986

Steven J. Ostro - Notable asteroids observed by Ostro include

1 *99942 Apophis - a near-Earth asteroid that will pass within

geosynchronous orbit in 2029. astrometry|Radar astrometry from observations by Ostro's group have

been essential to predicting Apophis' trajectory.

Thuraya - Satellites

1 It is located in geosynchronous orbit at 44 deg-E longitude, inclined at 6.3 degrees

Thuraya - Satellites

1 The launch vessels set out from port again on 2008-01-02, and launch

occurred successfully at 11:49 GMT on 2008-01-15. The Thuraya 3

satellite is technically the same as Thuraya 2, but located in

geosynchronous orbit at 98.5 deg-E longitude, inclined at 6.2 degrees.

MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates - History

1 * 2011 – announced funding partner and inaugural launch customer

(Intelsat) for the MDA Space Infrastructure Servicing vehicle, a

refueling depot and service spacecraft for communication

satellites in geosynchronous orbit—slated to be the first in-space propellant depot in spaceflight

history. Launch planned for 2015.

Propellant Depot

1 Intelsat has recently contracted for an Space Infrastructure Servicing|initial demonstration mission to

refuel several satellites in geosynchronous orbit, beginning in


Propellant Depot

1 A low earth orbit (LEO) depot's primary function would be to provide propellant to a transfer stage headed

to the moon, Mars, or possibly a geosynchronous orbit

Moons of Pluto - Formation and resonances

1 It may be that these orbits originated as forced resonances when Charon was tidally boosted into its current

geosynchronous orbit, and then released from resonance as Charon's

orbital eccentricity was tidally damped

2012 National Reconnaissance Office space telescope donation to NASA - Potential uses

1 If an NRO telescope is used, the mission might move from the

planned L2 point orbiting the sun to geosynchronous orbit

Reaction control system

1 For stationkeeping, some spacecraft (particularly those in geosynchronous

orbit) use high-specific impulse engines such as arcjets, ion

thrusters, or Hall effect thrusters

Mercury (satellite)

1 The satellites collect Signals intelligence|SIGINT from near-geosynchronous orbits

Extraterrestrial real estate - Ownership of empty space

1 The 1976 Declaration of the First Meeting of Equatorial Countries, also known as the 'Bogotá Declaration', signed by several countries located

on the Earth's equator, attempted to assert sovereignty over those

portions of the geosynchronous orbit that continuously lie over the

signatory nation's territory

Satellite bus

1 They are commonly used for geosynchronous orbit|

geosynchronous satellites, particularly communications

satellites, but are also used in spacecraft which occupy lower orbits, occasionally including low Earth orbit


Commsat - Television

1 As television became the main market, its demand for simultaneous delivery of

relatively few signals of large Bandwidth (signal processing)|bandwidth to many

receivers being a more precise match for the capabilities of Geosynchronous orbit|geosynchronous comsats. Two satellite

types are used for North American television and radio: Direct broadcast

satellite (DBS), and Fixed Service Satellite (FSS).

Geostationary transfer orbit

1 A 'geosynchronous transfer orbit' or 'geostationary transfer orbit' ('GTO') is a Hohmann transfer orbit used to

reach geosynchronous orbit|geosynchronous or geostationary


Geostationary transfer orbit

1 If only the Orbital eccentricity|eccentricity of the orbit is reduced to zero, the result is a geosynchronous


Eutelsat - Satellites

1 Eutelsat commercializes capacity on 37 satellites located in

geosynchronous orbit between 116 degrees West and 172 degrees East.

Kwajalein Atoll - 21st century

1 It could launch Falcon 9s into polar orbit|polar and geosynchronous orbit.

Due to a disagreement about building a new launch pad on

Omelek, between either the US military and or the RMI, Space X

moved their main facilities to the US and no longer uses the facilities in

the atoll.[

SpaceX Falcon 9]

Geosynchronous satellite

1 Another type of geosynchronous orbit used by satellites is the Tundra

orbit|Tundra elliptical orbit.

Asteroid M - History

1 They have all been positioned in a low geosynchronous orbit

Asteroid M - Third version

1 In X-Men, vol. 2 #1 (October 1991), it is stated that the asteroid is in geosynchronous orbit and 250

kilometers above the Earth. The asteroid also has selective inhibitor

fields that may keep mutants or superhumans from using their

powers. This version of the asteroid has medical and science facilities, an observation deck, sleeping quarters,

and a swimming pool.

Gravity-gradient stabilization

1 The technique was first successfully used in a near-geosynchronous orbit on the DODGE (satellite)|Department

of Defense Gravity Experiment (DODGE) satellite in July 1967.

[ Gunter's Space Page:


Gravity-gradient stabilization

1 It was first used for low Earth orbit and tested unsuccessfully for geosynchronous orbit in the

Applications Technology Satellites ATS-2, ATS-4 and ATS-5 from 1966

until 1969.

Satellite broadcasting - Early milestones

1 The world's first commercial communications satellite, called

Intelsat I and nicknamed Early Bird, was launched into geosynchronous

orbit on April 6, 1965

List of broadcast satellites

1 A number of weather satellites are also present in geosynchronous


ICO Global Communications - G1 satellite

1 It is currently in a nominal geosynchronous orbit

Very-small-aperture terminal

1 VSATs access satellite(s) in geosynchronous orbit to relay data from small remote earth stations (terminals) to other terminals (in

mesh networking|mesh topology) or master earth station hubs (in star


IRNSS - Time-frame

1 Seven satellites with the prefix IRNSS-1 will constitute the space

segment of the IRNSS. IRNSS-1A, the first of the seven satellites of the

IRNSS constellation, on 1 July 2013. IRNSS-1B was launched on 4 April 2014 at 17:14 IST on board the

PSLV-C24 rocket. The satellite has been placed in geosynchronous orbit.

IRNSS - Description

1 Two of the geosynchronous orbit|GSOs will cross the equator at 55°East and two at



1 IRNSS-1A was the first navigational satellite in the Indian Regional

Navigation Satellite System series of satellites to be placed in

geosynchronous orbit

Atlas-Centaur - Early development and testing

1 More than a year later, the second test took place in November 1963 a few days after President Kennedy's

assassination. The redesigned Centaur stage functioned without

any problems, reaching a low Earth orbit, firing its engine again, and

moving to a geosynchronous orbit.

Defense Support Program - History

1 Further delays forced the launch back to November 11, 2007, when the satellite

launched at 01:50:00 GMT (20:50 EST on 10 November). This satellite died in space

sometime during 2008, for reasons unknown. It is now adrift in geosynchronous

orbit and remains a potential hazard to other craft. The Department Of Defense

sent a MiTEx spacecraft to inspect DSP 23 sometime in 2008.

SkyTerra - History

1 AMSC initially provided Geosynchronous orbit|GEO based

satellite services based on its MSAT satellite.

Atlas II

1 It was designed to launch payloads into low earth orbit, geosynchronous

transfer orbit or geosynchronous orbit

Atlas II - Features

1 The total thrust capability of the Atlas II of 490,000 pounds force

(2,200kN) enabled the booster to lift payloads of 6,100 pounds (2,767kg) into geosynchronous orbit of 22,000

miles (35,000km) or more

Titan IV - General characteristics

1 **up to into a geosynchronous orbit when launched from Cape Canaveral AFS, Fla.;

Interplanetary space - Legal status

1 In 1976, eight equatorial states (Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Republic of the Congo|

Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo|Zaire, Uganda, Kenya, and Indonesia) met in

Bogotá, Colombia. They made the Declaration of the First Meeting of Equatorial Countries,

also known as the Bogotá Declaration, where they made a claim to control the segment of

the geosynchronous orbital path corresponding to each country. These claims

are not internationally accepted.

SM-65D Atlas

1 It was later developed as a launch vehicle to carry a payload to low

Earth orbit on its own, and later to geosynchronous orbit, to the Moon,

Venus, or Mars with the RM-81 Agena|Agena or Centaur (rocket

stage)|Centaur multistage rocket|upper stage.

Rocketplane Kistler - K-1 launch vehicle

1 Rocketplane Kistler's primary project was the K-1 launch vehicle, a

reusable launch system which was intended to get as high as

geosynchronous orbit, and was hoped to compete with relatively expensive, one-shot rockets for

servicing of the International Space Station.

Hughes Network Systems - HughesNet

1 Latency is a serious issue with any Geostationary orbit#Communications|

communication to satellites in geosynchronous orbit, since it takes

approximately a quarter second at the speed of light to travel from earth to the satellite and back. This compares poorly with conventional fiber optic land lines,

which typically take a thirtieth of a second or less to cross a continent.

Delta B

1 Syncom-1 was intended to be the first satellite to be placed into a

geosynchronous orbit, however the spacecraft malfunctioned prior to

reaching this orbit

Lockheed Martin Space Systems - History

1 In June 2014 the company was contracted by the United States Air Force on a fixed-price basis to build the fifth and sixth Geosynchronous orbit|Geosynchronous Earth Orbit

(GEO) satellites, known as GEO-5 and GEO-6, for the Space Based Infrared

System at a cost of $1.86 billion

Delta M

1 Of the thirteen launches, twelve carried geosynchronous orbit|

geosynchronous communications satellites

Supersynchronous orbit - Geocentric supersynchronous orbits

1 One particular supersynchronous orbital regime of significant Value

(economics)|economic value to Earth commerce is a band of circular orbit|

near-circular Geocentric orbit|Geocentric orbits beyond the

Geosynchronous orbit|Geosynchronous belt—with perigee

altitude above , approximately above synchronous orbit|

synchronous altitude

Supersynchronous orbit - Geocentric supersynchronous orbits

1 An additional common use of supersynchronous orbits are for the launch and transfer orbit|transfer orbit trajectory of new commsats

intended for geosynchronous orbits.

R-7 (rocket family) - History

1 Guiana will be used primarily for commercial launches to

geosynchronous orbit, taking advantage of the launch site's

proximity to the equator.

Atlas III - Launches

1 The maiden flight of the Atlas III occurred on May 24, 2000, launching the Eutelsat 36A|

Eutelsat W4 communications satellite into a geosynchronous orbit. All Atlas III launches were made from Spaceport Florida Launch Complex 36|Space Launch Complex 36B at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. The Atlas III made its sixth and last flight on February

3, 2005, with a classified payload for the United States National Reconnaissance


Ground track - Orbital period and ground track

1 As the orbital period of a satellite increases, approaching the Earth rotation|rotational period of the Earth (in other words, as its average orbital speed slows towards the

rotational speed of the Earth), its sinusoidal ground track will become compressed

longitudinally, meaning that the nodes (the points at which it crosses the equator) will

become closer together, until at geosynchronous orbit they lie directly on top

of each other

Ground track - Orbital period and ground track

1 A satellite whose orbital period is equal to the rotational period of the

Earth is said to be in a geosynchronous orbit. Its ground

track will have a figure eight shape over a fixed location on the Earth,

crossing the equator twice each day. It will track eastward when it is on

the part of its orbit closest to perigee, and westward when it is

closest to apogee.

Ground track - Orbital period and ground track

1 A special case of the geosynchronous orbit, the geostationary orbit, has an Orbital eccentricity|eccentrity of zero (meaning the orbit is circular), and an inclination of zero in the ECEF|

Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed Cartesian coordinate system|

coordinate system (meaning the orbital plane is not tilted relative to

the Earth's equator)


1 The primary goal of its nine-day mission was to retrieve an Intelsat Intelsat VI|VI satellite (Intelsat 603, which failed to leave low earth orbit two years before), attach it to a new upper stage, and relaunch it to its

intended geosynchronous orbit

STS-49 - Mission highlights

1 The Intelsat 603 satellite, stranded in an unusable orbit since launch

aboard a Commercial Titan III rocket in March 1990, was captured by

crewmembers during an EVA (extra-vehicular activity) and equipped with

a new perigee kick motor. The satellite was subsequently released into orbit and the new motor fired to

put the spacecraft into a geosynchronous orbit for operational


STS-32 - Mission summary

1 Syncom IV-F5 was deployed on the second flight day, and a third-stage Minuteman solid perigee kick motor propelled it into a geosynchronous


STS-51-I - Mission summary

1 All three achieved their planned geosynchronous orbits and became


STS-51-I - Mission summary

1 After a second EVA by Fisher and van Hoften, the satellite's control lever

was repaired, permitting commands from the ground to activate the

spacecraft's systems and eventually send it into its proper geosynchronous orbit

Greg Jarvis - Career

1 In 1976, the MARISAT F-3 was placed in

geosynchronous orbit

Subsynchronous orbit - Economic importance in commercial spaceflight

1 The Geosynchronous orbit|Geosynchronous-belt

subsynchronous orbital regime is regularly used in spaceflight. This

orbit is typically used to house working communication satellites

that have not yet been deactivated, and may be still be used again in Geostationary orbit|geostationary

service if the need arises.

STS-43 - Mission Highlights

1 The primary payload, Tracking and Data Relay Satellite-5 (TDRS-5 or TDRS-E), attached to an Inertial Upper Stage (IUS), was deployed

about six hours into flight, and the IUS propelled the satellite into

geosynchronous orbit

STS-43 - Mission Highlights

1 TDRS E, which became TDRS-5 on orbit, was successfully boosted to

geosynchronous orbit at more than 22,000 miles () above Earth by two firings of the Inertial Upper Stage

(IUS) booster, the last of which occurred approximately 12½ hours

into the mission. TDRS then deployed its antennas and solar panels, and separation from the IUS took place

less than 45 minutes later.

STS-51-C - Mission summary

1 It is believed that the payload was an Magnum (satellite)|Magnum/ORION ELINT satellite into geosynchronous


STS-38 - Classified payload

1 During STS-38, Atlantis deployed USA-67.[

Catalog?sc=1990-097B NASA Space Data Center: NSSDC ID: 1990-097B USA-67] ELINT

Program According to Aviation Week, this was a secret Magnum (satellite)|Magnum ELINT (ELectronic INTtelligence) gathering satellite headed for geosynchronous orbit

like those launched by STS-51-C and STS-33, launched to monitor the events during the

first Gulf War in 1990

List of orbits - Altitude classifications for geocentric orbits

1 * Medium Earth orbit (MEO): Geocentric orbits ranging in altitude from 2,000 km (1,240 miles) to just

below geosynchronous orbit at . Also known as an intermediate circular

orbit. These are most commonly at , or , with an orbital period of 12


List of orbits - Altitude classifications for geocentric orbits

1 * Both Geosynchronous orbit (GSO) and Geostationary orbit (GEO) are

orbits around Earth matching Earth's sidereal rotation period. All

geosynchronous and geostationary orbits have a semi-major axis of .

List of orbits - Altitude classifications for geocentric orbits

1 All geostationary orbits are also geosynchronous, but not all geosynchronous orbits are

geostationary. A geostationary orbit stays exactly above the equator,

whereas a geosynchronous orbit may swing north and south to cover more

of the Earth's surface. Both complete one full orbit of Earth per

sidereal day (relative to the stars, not the sun).

List of orbits - Altitude classifications for geocentric orbits

1 * High Earth orbit: Geocentric orbits above the altitude of

geosynchronous orbit 35,786 km (22,240 miles).

List of orbits - Synchronicity classifications

1 * Geosynchronous orbit (GSO): An orbit around the Earth with a period equal to one sidereal day, which is Earth's average rotational period of

23 hours, 56 minutes, 4.091 seconds

List of orbits - Synchronicity classifications

1 ** Geostationary orbit (GEO): A circular geosynchronous orbit with an inclination of zero. To an observer on the ground this satellite appears as a

fixed point in the sky. All geostationary orbits must be geosynchronous, but not all geosynchronous orbits are


Jamesburg Earth Station

1 The 10-story high, dish, driven by a Vertex-RSI 7210 drive system, served for about 35 years as the West Coast Earth station#Telecommunications

port|Teleport of ATT/COMSAT's communications Satellite Network, and was the earth station serving

Intelsat satellites parked in geosynchronous orbit over the Pacific


High Earth orbit

1 A 'high Earth orbit' is a geocentric orbit with an altitude

entirely above that of a geosynchronous orbit ().

Synchronous orbit - Nomenclature

1 The more general case, when the orbit is inclined to the Earth's

equator or is non-circular is called a geosynchronous orbit

STS-33 - Mission summary

1 Experts believe that this was a secret Magnum (satellite)|Magnum ELINT (ELectronic INTtelligence) satellite headed for geosynchronous orbit,

similar to that launched by STS-51-C in 1985, making this mission

essentially a duplicate of that earlier mission

Geosynchronous Earth Orbit

1 The synchronization of rotation and orbital period means that, for an

observer on the surface of the Earth, an object in geosynchronous orbit

returns to exactly the same position in the sky after a period of one

sidereal day

Geosynchronous Earth Orbit - Orbital characteristics

1 Circular Earth geosynchronous orbits have a radius of . All Earth

geosynchronous orbits, whether circular or elliptical, have the same

semi-major axis.