geography pedagogy - constructivist approaches in geography, dr balaiada r. dkhar, assoc. professor...

Constructivist Lesson Plan Based on 5 Es Model and Co- operative Learning in Geography at the Secondary Stage Dr. BALAIADA R. DKHAR Associate Prof. Education NERIE, Umiam

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Page 1: Geography Pedagogy - Constructivist  Approaches in Geography, Dr Balaiada R. Dkhar, Assoc. Professor & Head DEE NERIE- NCERT, Umaim

Constructivist Lesson Plan Based on 5 Es Model and

Co- operative Learning in Geography at the Secondary Stage

Dr. BALAIADA R. DKHARAssociate Prof. Education

NERIE, Umiam

Page 2: Geography Pedagogy - Constructivist  Approaches in Geography, Dr Balaiada R. Dkhar, Assoc. Professor & Head DEE NERIE- NCERT, Umaim

The 5Es ModelEngage: The students need to be engaged and focused on the instructional tasks by asking question defining a problem and showing a surprising event. This is the step to motivate the students and to create an appropriate situation. Explore: The students get an opportunity to explore through all senses. They are allowed to work together and build a base of common experience which assists them in the process of sharing and communication. During exploration the students’ inquiry process drives the instruction. Explain: The teacher interacts with the students to discover their ideas. The communications between the peers, with the facilitator, or within the learner himself/herself may be recorded to see the learner’s progress and growth by writing, drawing, or using audio-visual recording.

Page 3: Geography Pedagogy - Constructivist  Approaches in Geography, Dr Balaiada R. Dkhar, Assoc. Professor & Head DEE NERIE- NCERT, Umaim

The 5Es ModelElaborate: The students are allowed to expand the concept they have learnt, make connections to other related concepts and apply their understanding to real life situations. The teacher, who acts as the facilitator, helps the students to develop their understanding through additional physical and mental activities. Evaluate: In this stage the teacher sees if the students have attained understanding of the concept. During the instructional process the teacher may adopt continuous evaluation and assessment.

Page 4: Geography Pedagogy - Constructivist  Approaches in Geography, Dr Balaiada R. Dkhar, Assoc. Professor & Head DEE NERIE- NCERT, Umaim

The 5Es Model

Engage: The students need to be engaged and focused on the instructional tasks by asking question defining a problem and showing a surprising event. This is the step to motivate the students and to create an appropriate situation.

Explore: The students get an opportunity to explore through all senses. They are allowed to work together and build a base of common experience which assists them in the process of

sharing and communication. During exploration the students’ inquiry process drives the instruction.

Explain: The teacher interacts with the students to discover their ideas. The communications between the peers, with the facilitator, or within the learner himself/herself may be recorded to see the learner’s progress and growth by writing, drawing, or using audio-visual recording.

Elaborate: The students are allowed to expand the concept they have learnt, make connections to other related concepts and apply their understanding to real life situations. The teacher,

who acts as the facilitator, helps the students to develop their understanding through additional physical and mental activities.

Evaluate: In this stage the teacher sees if the students have attained understanding of the concept. During the instructional process the teacher may adopt continuous evaluation and assessment.

Page 5: Geography Pedagogy - Constructivist  Approaches in Geography, Dr Balaiada R. Dkhar, Assoc. Professor & Head DEE NERIE- NCERT, Umaim

Cooperative LearningA lot of teaching learning techniques is employed in the

knowledge construction process. Among them is cooperative learning (CL) which is one of the frequently used instructional strategies in education. Working in cooperative groups, children learn social skills, use higher-order thinking skills, practice new concepts, processes and information. Generally in classroom children hold different notions about the concepts that they are to learn. This is because of their different upbringing process. But when they are divided into different groups for learning, their ideas and notions come into conflict with others. Thus in cooperative learning groups, through the art of discussion, negotiation and sharing of ideas, the initial ideas are refined and modified.

Page 6: Geography Pedagogy - Constructivist  Approaches in Geography, Dr Balaiada R. Dkhar, Assoc. Professor & Head DEE NERIE- NCERT, Umaim

Cooperative LearningCooperative learning involves the use of varied instructional

techniques and strategies. These strategies mostly aim at the development of thinking, remembering, concept formation, problem solving and logical reasoning, in social context. Some of the well known methods of cooperative learning are Group Investigation (GI) Learning Together (LT) Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) and so on. Although minor adjustments are made with regard to the situation under learning, there is always a group and they work together to achieve the desired goal i.e., knowledge construction.

Page 7: Geography Pedagogy - Constructivist  Approaches in Geography, Dr Balaiada R. Dkhar, Assoc. Professor & Head DEE NERIE- NCERT, Umaim

Constructivist Model – The Five Es ModelSample Lesson Plan in Geography Topic: Size and Location

Standard: IX

Learning Points- Geographical Location of India- Size of India - Finding the longitude and latitude of a particular place.- Calculation of time difference from one degree longitude to another degree longitude.

Learning Objectives

The learners will be able to- Infer the geographical location of India- Estimate the size of India vertically and horizontally.- Calculate the time difference from one degree longitude to another degree longitude.- Locate places according to position of longitude and latitude in the map of India

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Peer DiscussionObservation and identification (map reading)Problem solving

Learning Resources

- Map of the world and Map of India - Globe- Reference Materials(Atlas/Textbook)

Procedure: The following are the procedure of the lesson plan according to the constructivist 5s Model. Engage: The teacher will give the world map to the students and ask them to observe it carefully for few minutes. Next they will be engaged to do the following activities:- Identify the location of India in the context of its position/direction.- Find out the latitude and longitude of mainland India.- Find out the States of India where the Tropic of Cancer passes through.

Page 9: Geography Pedagogy - Constructivist  Approaches in Geography, Dr Balaiada R. Dkhar, Assoc. Professor & Head DEE NERIE- NCERT, Umaim

Explore: With the help of the atlas and prescribed textbook the students will be instructed to explore the following

- Find out the appropriate land mass of India and the world. What is the percentage of land of India in comparison with landmass of the world?Find out the international boundaries of India and write the names of the countries.- Find out the extent of India considering its latitudinal and longitudinal extent.- What do you mean by standard time and how standard time of India is calculated?

The teacher will also ask the students to calculate the following that are logically arranged, explaining the knowledge of time differences: - If it is 7 A.M in 68.7 E, Longitude what will be the existing time in 97.25 E Longitude?

Page 10: Geography Pedagogy - Constructivist  Approaches in Geography, Dr Balaiada R. Dkhar, Assoc. Professor & Head DEE NERIE- NCERT, Umaim

If it is 10 A.M in Greenwich, London, what will be the existing time in 160 E Longitudes? If it is 9.30 A.M Monday in 45.20 E Longitude, what will be the existing time and day in 160.39 W Longitude? Explain: The ideas explored by the students about the size, standard timeand location of India will be summarised and explained.

Elaborate: On the basis of the activities given above, the students will be given a chance to reason out on the following.

- If it is 6A M in Itanagar and in Arunachal Pradesh what will be the time at Ahmedabad of Gujarat?- ‘The durations of the day and the night is hardly felt at Kanyakumari but it is not so in Kashmir’ Elaborate.- Find out the standard time of America, China, Tokyo, London, Moscow, Dubai and Sydney. Why are they different?- what is Greenwich Time?

Page 11: Geography Pedagogy - Constructivist  Approaches in Geography, Dr Balaiada R. Dkhar, Assoc. Professor & Head DEE NERIE- NCERT, Umaim

Evaluation: The teacher will assess the students in the following way.Teacher will supply an outline map of India/ world to the students and ask them to locate the following.- International boundaries of India.- Latitude and Longitude of the following places:Jodhpur,Ahmedabad,Chandigarh,Srinagar,Delhi,Bhopal,Bengaluru,Thiruvananthapuram,Chennai, Lucknow, Raipur, Patna, Bhubaneshwar, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Siliguri, Shillong, Guwahati, Agartala, Imphal, Itanagar.

Answer the following questions- Why is the southern part of India called Peninsular India?- What is a Greenwich Time? Find out how it is calculated.- Identify the reasons for selecting a standard meridian of India with an odd value of 8 .30’ E. Has it anything to do with Greenwich Time? 2 2̊- List six countries of the world bigger than India. Compare the area of India with China.

Page 12: Geography Pedagogy - Constructivist  Approaches in Geography, Dr Balaiada R. Dkhar, Assoc. Professor & Head DEE NERIE- NCERT, Umaim

Home Assignment

The following questions will be given. - What is the latitude and longitude of your state?- Identify the Indian states which have international boundaries.- Define Standard Meridian. Why is 80.30 E selected as the Standard Meridian?- How it is that India belongs to the Eastern Hemisphere.?

- Name the countries in the world which are having different time zones? - What do you mean by day light saving? Give examples.

Page 13: Geography Pedagogy - Constructivist  Approaches in Geography, Dr Balaiada R. Dkhar, Assoc. Professor & Head DEE NERIE- NCERT, Umaim

Cooperative LearningSample Lesson Plan in Geography

Chapter: Lifelines of National Economy

Topic-Means of Transportation

Standard: X

Learning Points

Concept of transport as Lifeline of National EconomyDifferent means of TransportationAdvantages of transportation.

Page 14: Geography Pedagogy - Constructivist  Approaches in Geography, Dr Balaiada R. Dkhar, Assoc. Professor & Head DEE NERIE- NCERT, Umaim

Learning Objectives: After completion of the topic the learners will be able toExplain the transport as lifeline of national economy.Classifying the different means of transportation.Explore the different means of transportation in India and with special reference to North East Region.Describe the advantages of transportation.

Learning ResourcesReference materials on different means of transportation. Map of India showing the distribution of roadways, railway routes, air routes, ports.

Page 15: Geography Pedagogy - Constructivist  Approaches in Geography, Dr Balaiada R. Dkhar, Assoc. Professor & Head DEE NERIE- NCERT, Umaim

Method/ Strategy

Peer Discussion

Presentation Instruction/ Discussion

Transportation is the lifeline of any nation and its economy. Transportation is generally classified into three categories as per the three domains of the earth namely Land, Air, and Water. Hence are known as Land ways, Airways, and Waterways. Land ways consists of roads, railways, and pipelines. Airways refer to air travel through aeroplane, helicopter etc. Waterways comprise of deep-sea, coastal, and inland navigation.

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Divide the learners into groups of not more than five or six members in each group. It is to be noted that same lesson may be given to different group or different lesson to different group. Then related materials will be distributed to each group for ready reference. Each group will discuss together and consolidate the learning points among each member of the group. Then presentation by the group leader at the end of the discussion will take place in the class. The teacher will guide and facilitate each member of every group. The group will do the activities allotted to them as under. Activity-1 (common to all groups)

In the following activity, every group members will interact and share their thoughts and ideas on the given topics. These are.

I Concept of transport as lifelines of national economyThe student will discuss.• How blood is transported from heart to different parts of the body?• Similarly how goods/ products are transported to different parts of the region/ country/ world?• How does transport help in our national economy? • If for a week all transports stop what will happen?• Justify transport as lifeline of national economy.

Page 17: Geography Pedagogy - Constructivist  Approaches in Geography, Dr Balaiada R. Dkhar, Assoc. Professor & Head DEE NERIE- NCERT, Umaim

Different means of transportation in India with special reference to North Eastern Region.

Here the group members will be encouraged to identify different means of transportation from across the world including their own country India before identifying with those in the North East. Next they will be guided to examine the features of each means of transportation and classify them accordingly.

On completion of the discussion on the above, the teacher will ask the groups to make a presentation. Here the teacher will involve other group members encouraging them to ask questions to clarify any doubt. Teacher will note down if the group members are able to construct their knowledge and give feedback accordingly.

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Activity-2 (Group specific)

In this Activity -2, the teacher will give each group a specific topic to discuss and share among their group members. Related materials will be distributed to every group members. The activities given to each group are as under. Group-1 (i) Classify the different type of roadways. Elicit examples from North Eastern Region and other parts of India.(ii) Discuss the importance of roadways and how management of roadways in India is carried out? (iii)What are the advantages and disadvantages of roadways ? Group-2: The teacher will instruct this group to use the Atlas, to identify and note down the major railway routes connecting the whole of India. They will also find out major regions of India where there are no railway connectivity. After this each group members will discuss and do the following activities.• Give your opinion on the need and importance of railway connectivity in India.• Discuss among your group member as to why some major regions of India are not connected by rail?• Find out the current railway zones and their headquarters of India. Locate and label the same in an outline map of India.• Find out the name of the major railways of India. Which of these are faster and why?• What are the advantages and disadvantages of railways?

Page 19: Geography Pedagogy - Constructivist  Approaches in Geography, Dr Balaiada R. Dkhar, Assoc. Professor & Head DEE NERIE- NCERT, Umaim

Group-3: Pipelines are new form of transportation system of India. Hence the conceptual background learners on Pipelines as form of transportation may be lacking. Thus the teacher before starting the discussion will give each member an extract from any reference material on Pipelines, and study it for few minutes. After that the teacher will ask the group members to deliberate on the following activities with their group member.

• Identify the uses of Pipelines transportation. • Use the Atlas and find out the major Pipelines of India. Locate the same in the given outline of India.• Should India lay out more Pipelines in future? Why?

Group-4: The teacher will give a map of the current major airways of India showing domestic and international air routes and instruct them to do the activities as follows along with their group members.

• Identify five airports which have a high number of air links domestically and internationally.• Find out which airports have less air connectivity. Discuss why it is so?• Note those areas which do not have air connection. Explain the main reasons for it.• List the major public and private airlines of India. Name the airlines that operate in North Eastern Region.• Discus the need and importance of airways with special reference to North Eastern region

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Group-5: The teacher will ask the group members to do the following activities with the help of reference materials.Discuss the meaning of the term Sea Port? Find out the major Sea Ports of India? Prepare a comparison chart of the major Sea Ports of India in relation to their specific function.List the navigable rivers of India that you know. Discuss their usefulness in inland navigation? Give example from North East Region.Discuss the difference between Sea Port and Inland water ways? How waterways, a useful means of transportation to India in general and North East region in particular?

Activity-3: Group Presentation and Discussion In this activity each group will present their allotted activities by a group leader or anyone whom the group members nominate. The teacher will encourage the other members of the group to participate in the discussion following the presentation. They may ask questions to clarify their doubts or add more ideas for further improvement and enrichment to it. The teacher will consolidate as well as summarized the overall points of discussion. The teacher will also assess the group performance simultaneously.

Page 21: Geography Pedagogy - Constructivist  Approaches in Geography, Dr Balaiada R. Dkhar, Assoc. Professor & Head DEE NERIE- NCERT, Umaim

EvaluationRelate transport with national economyWhat are the different transport systems of India?What are the advantages and disadvantages of different means of transportation?

Home Assignment 1. Draw the Map of India, locate, label and connect the following.

Major Air Ports of India.International and national sea ports of India.Headquarters of the present railway zones of India.

Pipelines of India 2. Give your opinion why means of transportation are lifelines of the nation?

Note: The teacher can ask few students to share their assignment in the class. Discussion on the same can be done with the participation of all learners. The learners can take note on any changes required to be made on their work.

Evaluation has to be done continuously.

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