geografi of china

Geography of China With a surface of 9,571,300 km 2 China is the third biggest country in the world. It is the most populated country in the world with 1.3 billion inhabitants. The capital is Beijing. China borders the following countries: North Korea, Mongolia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Burma, Laos and Vietnam. The geography of China is very interesting, because of the climate zones, the vegetation and the different mountains. Politically China is devided into many provinces. The Northeast The Northeast of China is most closely populated and it is the heartland of the Chinese civilisation. The East of China is much lower than the West. In Northeast China there are little forests. Where in former times there were forests today there are agriculture fields. Above all wheat, barley and millet are cultivated here. In the northernmost Northeast of China there is Mandchuria. Today it consists of the provinces Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning. An important city and the capital of Heilongjiang is Harbin. The temperatures are very low and it is a dry winter climate. Big parts of Mandchuria are grass steppes. More south there is the capital of China Beijing. Caused by the winter monsoon the climate in Beijing and around it is a winter-dry snow forest climate. It is surrounded by a winter-cold steppe climate. In the West of Northeast China there are huge loess areas. Loess is a very fruitfully soil and in Northeast China there is a lot of loess. For the agriculture it is very important. Because of the loess these sceneries are yellow. The loess was blown from deserts into this region. For a forest loess is unsuitable and so the loess sceneries are steppes.

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Page 1: Geografi of China

Geography of China

With a surface of 9,571,300 km2 China is the third biggest country in the world. It is the most populated country in the world with 1.3 billion inhabitants. The capital is Beijing. China borders the following countries: North Korea, Mongolia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Burma, Laos and Vietnam. The geography of China is very interesting, because of the climate zones, the vegetation and the different mountains. Politically China is devided into many provinces.

The Northeast

The Northeast of China is most closely populated and it is the heartland of the Chinese civilisation. The East of China is much lower than the West. In Northeast China there are little forests. Where in former times there were forests today there are agriculture fields. Above all wheat, barley and millet are cultivated here. In the northernmost Northeast of China there is Mandchuria. Today it consists of the provinces Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning. An important city and the capital of Heilongjiang is Harbin. The temperatures are very low and it is a dry winter climate. Big parts of Mandchuria are grass steppes. More south there is the capital of China Beijing. Caused by the winter monsoon the climate in Beijing and around it is a winter-dry snow forest climate. It is surrounded by a winter-cold steppe climate. In the West of Northeast China there are huge loess areas. Loess is a very fruitfully soil and in Northeast China there is a lot of loess. For the agriculture it is very important. Because of the loess these sceneries are yellow. The loess was blown from deserts into this region. For a forest loess is unsuitable and so the loess sceneries are steppes.

The Southeast

Southeast China has got more forests. Because of the climate rice is cultivated here. The mountain Qinling-Shan separates Northeast China from Southeast China. In Southeast China the climate is a warm-moderated rain climate. There are beautiful sceneries. The first thing are the karst sceneries. They go from Yunnan to Guangxi. They are very good in Guilin. There are karst towers which are covered by plants. There also drop-stone caves. In Yunnan there are also interesting sceneries like the stone forest. These stones looks like a forest. But it is not a petrified forest. The highland of Yunnan is also beautiful. It is 2000 m until 4000 m high. The capital of the province Yunnan is Kunming. The province Sichuan is strongly wooded. The Red Basin of Sichuan is the whole year humid and often foggy. The climate in the Red Basin makes it possible to cultivate many different grains. In the Red Basin there is the city Chongqing. The West of Sichuan is mountain country. The extreme Southeast of China and the island Hainan have got a tropical climate.

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The Northwest

West China is much higher than East China. In Northwest China there is the Tarim Basin. It is lower the than its enviroment. It is separated by the mountains Tian Shan (in the North), Kunlun Shan (in the South), Pamir and Karakorum (in the West) and the desert Gobi in the East. The Tarim Basin is a desert scenery with the desert Takla Makan. Takla Makan is a big, very dry and dangerous sand desert. Despite its size little people live there. Some oases make it possible to live there. So that oases can originate there had to be enough water. The water comes from the mountains when snow melts in the summer or from the rivers like the Tarim He in the Takla Makan desert. Most of the people living there are Uygurs. More East there is Inner Mongolia (Nei Monggol) which is today also an autonomous region of China. Here we find the desert Gobi, the second biggest desert in the world. This desert is not only in China, but also in Mongolia. In both deserts Gobi and Takla Makan the summers are very hot and the winters are cold and dry. The peripheral areas of the deserts Gobi and Takla Makan are steppes. In the South of the desert Gobi there is the Qilian Shan. The Tian Shan and the Kunlun Shan are over 7000 m high. In the Karakorum mountain on the border between China and Pakistan there is the K2. With a height of 8611 m it is the second highest mountain in the world.

The Southwest

In Southwest China and so in the South of the Tarim Basin and the Kunlun Shan there is Tibet and in the South of Tibet there is the Himalaya. Although Tibet is in the subtropics the temperatures are very low here, because Tibet lies very high. So the snow climate is dominating and Tibet is very dry. The temperatures sway very strong between day and night. Often Tibet is called the "Roof of the World". The reason is the Himalaya, the biggest and most expanded mountain in the World. The Himalaya originated, because India presses from the South against Asia. The capital of the province Tibet is Lhasa. Lhasa is in a height of of 3658 m. Little people live in Tibet, because it is very difficult to live here. In Southern Tibet, where there is Lhasa, the climate is a little bit moderate. And so most Tibetans live in the South. In Tibet there are many steppes. Forests are above all in the peripheral areas of Tibet where it is warmer and more humid. Above all barley and wheat are cultivated in Tibet. Barley is even cultivated in over 4000 m height. In the Himalaya there is also the highest mountain in the world, the Mount Everest. It stands on the border between China and Nepal and it is 8848 m high. Tibet is a fascinating scenery.

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The rivers and the seas

In the East and in the Southeast China is surrounded by seas. In the Northeast it is the Yellow sea, more South it is the East Chinese Sea and in the Southeast it is the South Chinese sea. The most important rivers of China are the Chang Jiang and the Huang He (Yellow river). Both rivers rise in the Kunlun Shan mountain. Then the Chang Jiang flows through Yunnan and Sichuan and through the Red Basin of Sichuan. Here is the city Chongqing. In this region it flows through a beautiful landscape with many ravines. Then the Chang Jiang passes Wuhan where it is very broad. The next big city where it flows is Nanjing. In this region very much rice is cultivated. Near Shanghai it flows into the East Chinese sea. The Chang Jiang is with 6300 km the third longest river in the world. It is a very important water way for China. The 1800 km long emperor's channel connects the Chang Jiang with the Huang He. The Huang He is 5464 km long. It flows into the Yellow sea. The river Mekong rises in Tibet and it flows to the South through Yunnan. Then it flows along the border between Laos and Burma and Laos and Thailand. Then it passes Cambodia and Vietnam and it flows into the South Chinese sea. It is 4500 km long.

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Geografi cina

Dengan permukaan 9.571.300 km2 Cina adalah negara terbesar ketiga di dunia. Ini adalah negara yang paling penduduknya di dunia dengan 1,3 milyar penduduk. Ibu kotanya ialah Beijing. Cina berbatasan dengan negara-negara berikut: Korea Utara, Mongolia, Rusia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Laos dan Vietnam. Geografi Cina sangat menarik, karena zona iklim, vegetasi dan gunung yang berbeda. Politik Cina dibagi menjadi beberapa



Timur Laut Cina adalah penduduk paling dekat dan merupakan pusat dari peradaban Cina. Timur Cina jauh lebih rendah dari Barat. Dalam Cina Timur Laut ada sedikit hutan. Di mana pada zaman dulu ada hutan sekarang ada ladang pertanian. Di atas

semua gandum, barley dan millet dibudidayakan di sini. Di utara timur laut dari cina ada Mandchuria. Hari ini terdiri dari provinsi Heilongjiang, Jilin dan Liaoning.

Sebuah kota penting dan ibukota dari Heilongjiang adalah Harbin. Suhu yang sangat rendah dan ini adalah iklim musim dingin yang kering. Bagian besar Mandchuria

adalah rumput stepa. Lebih selatan ada ibukota Cina Beijing. Disebabkan oleh iklim monsun musim dingin di Beijing dan sekitarnya merupakan musim dingin-kering

iklim hutan salju. Hal ini dikelilingi oleh padang rumput musim dingin-dingin iklim. Di Barat Timur Laut Cina ada loess besar daerah. Loess adalah tanah yang sangat

bermanfaat dan di Timur Laut Cina ada banyak loess. Untuk pertanian sangat penting. Karena pemandangan ini loess kuning. Yang loess ditiup dari padang pasir ke wilayah

ini. Untuk loess hutan tidak sesuai sehingga pemandangan yang loess stepa.


Tenggara Cina telah punya lebih banyak hutan. Karena beras iklim dibudidayakan di sini. Qinling gunung-Shan memisahkan Tenggara Timur Laut cina dari cina. Dalam Cina Tenggara adalah iklim yang hangat-moderator iklim hujan. Ada pemandangan yang indah. Hal pertama adalah pemandangan karst. Mereka pergi dari Yunnan ke

Guangxi. Mereka sangat baik di Guilin. Ada menara karst yang tertutup oleh tanaman. Ada juga drop-batu gua. Di Yunnan juga terdapat pemandangan menarik seperti hutan

batu. Batu-batu ini terlihat seperti hutan. Tapi itu bukan hutan ketakutan. Dataran tinggi Yunnan juga indah. Ini adalah 2000 m sampai 4.000 m tinggi. Ibukota provinsi

Kunming Yunnan adalah. Provinsi Sichuan sangat berhutan. Merah Sichuan Basin adalah sepanjang tahun lembab dan sering berkabut. Iklim di Basin Merah

memungkinkan untuk membudidayakan berbagai macam biji-bijian. Dalam Basin Merah ada kota Chongqing. Sichuan Barat adalah negara gunung. Tenggara ekstrem

dari Cina dan pulau Hainan telah mendapat iklim tropis.


Cina Barat jauh lebih tinggi daripada Cina Timur. Dalam Northwest Cina ada Tarim Basin. Itu lebih rendah dari lingkungannya. Hal ini dipisahkan oleh pegunungan Tian

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Shan (di Utara), Kunlun Shan (di Selatan), Pamir dan Karakorum (di Barat) dan padang pasir Gobi di Timur. Dataran Rendah Tarim adalah pemandangan gurun pasir dengan gurun Takla Makan. Takla Makan adalah besar, sangat kering dan gurun pasir

berbahaya. Meskipun ukurannya kecil orang tinggal di sana. Beberapa oasis memungkinkan untuk tinggal di sana. Sehingga dapat berasal oasis harus ada cukup air. Air berasal dari pegunungan, ketika salju mencair pada musim panas atau dari

sungai-sungai seperti Tarim Dia Takla Makan di padang pasir. Sebagian besar orang yang tinggal di sana adalah Uygurs. More Timur ada Inner Mongolia (Nei Monggol) yang hari ini juga merupakan daerah otonom Cina. Di sini kita menemukan padang

pasir Gobi, padang pasir terbesar kedua di dunia. Gurun ini tidak hanya di Cina, tetapi juga di Mongolia. Dalam kedua gurun Gobi dan Takla Makan musim panas sangat panas dan musim dingin dan kering. Daerah perifer padang pasir Gobi dan Takla

Makan adalah stepa. Di Selatan gurun Gobi ada Qilian Shan. Tian Shan dan Kunlun Shan adalah lebih dari 7000 m tinggi. Dalam Karakorum gunung di perbatasan antara Cina dan Pakistan ada K2. Dengan ketinggian 8.611 m adalah gunung tertinggi kedua

di dunia.


Dalam Southwest Cina dan begitu di bagian selatan Dataran Rendah Tarim dan Kunlun Shan ada Tibet dan di Selatan Tibet ada Himalaya. Meskipun Tibet di

Subtropis suhu sangat rendah di sini, karena Tibet terletak sangat tinggi. Jadi iklim salju mendominasi dan Tibet sangat kering. Bergoyang suhu sangat kuat antara siang dan malam. Tibet sering disebut sebagai "Atap Dunia". Alasannya adalah Himalaya,

yang terbesar dan paling berkembang di Dunia gunung. Himalaya berasal, karena penekanan dari india Selatan terhadap Asia. Ibukota provinsi Tibet Lhasa. Lhasa di ketinggian 3.658 m. dari Sedikit orang tinggal di Tibet, karena sangat sulit untuk

tinggal di sini. Dalam Tibet Selatan, di mana ada Lhasa, iklim adalah sedikit moderat. Sehingga sebagian besar orang Tibet dan tinggal di Selatan. Di Tibet ada banyak

stepa. Hutan terutama di daerah perifer Tibet di mana lebih hangat dan lebih lembab. Di atas semua jelai dan gandum dibudidayakan di Tibet. Jelai bahkan dibudidayakan

di lebih dari 4000 m ketinggian. Di Himalaya juga ada gunung tertinggi di dunia, Gunung Everest. Ia berdiri di perbatasan antara Cina dan Nepal dan ini adalah 8.848

m tinggi. Tibet adalah pemandangan yang menakjubkan.

Sungai-sungai dan lautan

Di Timur dan di Cina Tenggara dikelilingi oleh lautan. Di timur laut itu adalah laut Kuning, lebih Selatan adalah Laut Cina Timur dan Tenggara adalah Laut Cina

Selatan. Sungai yang paling penting dari cina adalah Chang Jiang dan Huang He

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(sungai Kuning). Kedua sungai naik gunung Kunlun Shan. Kemudian Chang Jiang mengalir melalui Yunnan dan Sichuan dan melalui Basin Merah Sichuan. Berikut adalah kota Chongqing. Di wilayah ini mengalir melalui pemandangan yang indah dengan banyak jurang. Kemudian berlalu Chang Jiang Wuhan di mana sangat luas. Kota besar berikutnya di mana ia mengalir adalah Nanjing. Di wilayah ini sangat banyak beras yang dibudidayakan. Dekat Shanghai mengalir ke laut Cina Timur.

Chang Jiang dengan 6.300 km sungai terpanjang ketiga di dunia. Ini adalah cara air sangat penting bagi Cina. 1800-km panjang saluran kaisar menghubungkan Chang Jiang dengan Huang Dia. Huang Dia adalah 5.464 km. Mengalir ke laut Kuning.

Sungai Mekong naik di Tibet dan mengalir ke Selatan melalui Yunnan. Kemudian mengalir sepanjang perbatasan antara Laos dan Myanmar dan Laos dan Thailand.

Kemudian lewat Kamboja dan Vietnam dan mengalir ke Laut Cina Selatan. Ini adalah 4.500 km.