general questionnaire

GENERAL QUESTIONNAIRE ANDREEA FRATILA General Questionnaire 1. What is your inner motivation to apply in the MC of AIESEC Romania 2013 – 2014? Hopes, dreams come true, desires, wishes and memories - these are the things that, define outgoing exchange. During this year when I was a VP I have heard a lot of beautiful stories, I have seen people becoming better persons and realizing how much they can do and I know that I was one of the reasons in order for all of these to happen. Honestly speaking, this last year was about discovering my contribution to these lifetime changing experiences, and, in the same time, growing personally and professionally. But for me, this was only the first step because I want to carry these things further, applying as MCVP Outgoing GIP of AIESEC in Romania through achieving the biggest results and, in the end, leading this organization towards excellence, next year. 2. What is the leadership that the World & Romania is expecting from AIESEC? AIESEC is not building people, it only gives the right circumstances and environment for them to develop. What they do further with this, is only a matter of choice. AIESEC brings out the best from people and it helps them realize their true values and principles that will later characterize their actions through leadership. In a world where everything is evolving faster and faster, where we tend to become oblivious AIESEC is offering the sense of responsibility and purpose through a value based leadership style. 3. Having in mind a SWOT analysis for AIESEC in Romania, what is the role of AIESEC in Romania? Based on that, how can AIESEC in Romania be more relevant? Strengths: Number of members Having exchange as a focus at local and national level Weaknesses: Decrease in GIP (in & out) realizations in the last 3 terms Low collaboration between LCs

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Post on 01-Nov-2014




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Page 1: General questionnaire


General Questionnaire

1. What is your inner motivation to apply in the MC of AIESEC Romania 2013 – 2014?

Hopes, dreams come true, desires, wishes and memories - these are the things that,

define outgoing exchange. During this year when I was a VP I have heard a lot of

beautiful stories, I have seen people becoming better persons and realizing how much

they can do and I know that I was one of the reasons in order for all of these to happen.

Honestly speaking, this last year was about discovering my contribution to these

lifetime changing experiences, and, in the same time, growing personally and

professionally. But for me, this was only the first step because I want to carry these

things further, applying as MCVP Outgoing GIP of AIESEC in Romania through achieving

the biggest results and, in the end, leading this organization towards excellence, next


2. What is the leadership that the World & Romania is expecting from AIESEC?

AIESEC is not building people, it only gives the right circumstances and environment

for them to develop. What they do further with this, is only a matter of choice. AIESEC

brings out the best from people and it helps them realize their true values and principles

that will later characterize their actions through leadership. In a world where

everything is evolving faster and faster, where we tend to become oblivious AIESEC is

offering the sense of responsibility and purpose through a value based leadership style.

3. Having in mind a SWOT analysis for AIESEC in Romania, what is the role of AIESEC

in Romania? Based on that, how can AIESEC in Romania be more relevant?


Number of members

Having exchange as a focus at local and

national level


Decrease in GIP (in & out) realizations in the

last 3 terms

Low collaboration between LCs

Page 2: General questionnaire


GIP EPs recognized at international level

Alignment of our outgoing programs branding

LC consultant system

Strong iGCDP culture

Planning process

Structure and workload of NST

Weak HR planning at LC level

No LC structure alignment /different LC


Few members working for International

Internships area

GCDPo growth generated by mainly 2 LCs: Cluj

Napoca and Bucharest

Financial instability


LC consultant system

Collaboration with Ministry of Education and

with Universities

Romanian students would go to work abroad


No more EVS opportunities starting with 2013

Inefficient educational system

Low rate of graduates from high school

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Analyzing the scheme above, we can notice the fact that the trend of Romanian's

students is to have professional international experiences. What AIESEC does in this

situation is to come with opportunities to cover their needs and to accomplish the

mission of making them become change agents. The missing link between these is

having solid partnership with Universities, which will offer the credibility needed.

Obviously the next step is to create a collaboration between AIESEC and the Universities,

which will bring us the amount of experiences needed and thus making us relevant in

the market.

4. AIESEC Romania is halfway towards our 2015 midterm ambition. Evaluate our key

achievements from 2010 and key things that should happen in the next 3 years.

In 2013, AIESEC in Romania has all the processes, strategies, tools and frameworks that

it needs in order to achieve the 2015 midterm ambition. In 2013, AIESEC in Romania’s

membership understands the statements of AIESEC 2015, they see its relevancy and

importance and they have the proper mindset in order to push towards achievement.

Further on, AIESEC in Romania needs the results that showcase the achievement of

AIESEC 2015. Results driven by one simple strategy: action.

In the previous three terms, the focus was put on developing a mindset that is aligned

with 2015, developing a deeper understanding and a strategic approach towards the

midterm ambition. Laura’s term (2010-2011) was the one who introduced the vision to

the country and pushed towards showcasing it as much as possible. Mickey’s term (2011-

2012) focused on developing the proper mentality and a strategic approach towards the

vision, through creating descriptions, frameworks and initiatives that would further on

help the country towards working for 2015. Alex’s term (2012-2013) focused on creating

products that are customized on the new AIESEC experience and the vision, which are

customizable on market needs and relevant for its stakeholders, making AIESEC XP the

main product that we are selling, as an organization.

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5. What will be the changes that will increase the volume of AIESEC in Romania

ELD realizations for 2013 – 2014 term (have in mind the connection between our

products and external environment)?

Firstly, according to the triple bottom line of AIESEC, we can say that the programs that

penetrate the market and have the biggest connection to the external environment are

our GCDP and GIP, both incoming and outgoing, TMP and TLP growth being

automatically determined by growth in the international programs (more experiences

delivered=more members working for AIESEC). Therefore, the focus of this year should

be in aligning front and back office strategies in order to drive growth on international

programs and further on, automatically, on domestic programs.

In order to grow our international programs, we need to take them one by one and

analyze the changes that need to happen for each one of them.

a) GCDPi is a product in maturity, thus the changes that need to be brought are not

that many, but rather the focus should be on reshaping GCDPi products in order

to grow the others programs (GIPi, GCDP/GIPo) through corporate projects based

on exchange (TRY) and through GCDPi projects for students that can become

GCDPo projects (INPRO – AIESEC Craiova).

b) GIPi is a product that has the potential to grow, but has been in decrease in the

past years, due to lack of knowledge in terms of selling GIP. Thus, the changes

should be brought in terms of designing national GIPi projects and initiatives with

specific frameworks, clear market targets (way to approach different sectors)

and teaching the country on product development and product packaging for GIP.

c) GIPo is a product that is growing steadily but slowly, thus there should be

continuity in terms of working on sub products. The changes can be brought in

terms of shifting corporate projects (AIESEC Academy, Career Days, etc.) to

generate GIPo numbers (well prepared students with proper expectations).

d) GCDPo is a product in growth and with a high relevancy for our student

environment. The quality of the program is currently high, but improvements

should be brought in terms of EP preparation (regional or national ICPS).

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6. What will AIESEC in Romania remember about 2013 – 2014 term? Describe

which will be the key milestones you commit to strive for during next term.

When AIESEC in Romania looks back at the term 2013-2014, one word should come to

its mind: overachievement. It should be a term in which the entire country follows one

mindset, of action, focusing on hard work and achieving results beyond limits.

The term 2013-2014 will be one in which AIESEC in Romania goes the extra mile, in

which we stop limiting ourselves and push towards greater results, a term in which we

leverage on the work of the previous MCs, in which we continue initiatives and take

them to the next level, bringing a qualitative growth in all our ELD programs.

In order to fulfill the idea of overachievement, the key milestones of the term would

be the transition period when the new MC team should focus on understanding and

solidifying all the strategies and initiatives started by the previous MC, National

Congress, when the MC team needs to transmit a unitary message of action towards

results and make Executive Boards understand the relevancy and importance of the

term to come and RockMe, when we evaluate the results achieved so far and recheck

our plans for the rest of the year.

7. In 2014, AIESEC in Romania is the winner of the Global Excellence UBS award.

Explain why.

There are no words to describe the feeling that I have right now, holding this Award.

It makes me think about all the reasons that I have for being part of this big and

amazing world, named AIESEC.

One minute ago, when I was walking to the stage to receive the award, there were

passing through my mind images of people working, people striving for great

realizations, people pushing themselves to a higher lever over and over again.

I started this journey together with my MC team and LCs working to build a culture of

excellence in every step forward that we were going to take. I am shaking right now

because I realize that AIESEC Romania proved that big dreams CAN happen with hard

work, united teams and believing in every step that we take.

The organizational results that AIESEC Romania had this year, encountered a

considerable growth regarding all our programs that led forward to a bigger

contribution towards the international network.

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Through the alignment of back and front office strategies we were able to reach the

level of relevancy desired in our markets.

I am proud to say that AIESEC Romania has a voice again and this night it was heard!

This is just an example of the speech held by the MCP of AIESEC in Romania, clearly

underling the reasons for which AIESEC Romania will win the Global Excellence UBS

Award in 2014.