gender statistics website for monitoring change€¦ · gender statistics for policy monitoring and...

1 STATISTICAL COMMISSION and Working Paper No. 30 / Rev. 1 ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE Project Web 1 CONFERENCE OF EUROPEAN STATISTICIANS ENGLISH ONLY Joint ECE/UNDP Workshop on Gender Statistics for Policy Monitoring and Benchmarking (Orvieto, Italy, 9-10 October 2000) Work session on Gender Statistics (Orvieto, Italy, 11-13 October 2000) Gender Statistics website for monitoring change Project proposal for discussion at the ECE/UNDP Workshop and the ECE Work Session in Orvieto, 9-13 October 2000 Introduction After several world and regional conferences there is a growing awareness that a system of policy relevant gender statistics needs to be developed for monitoring changes in the situation of women compared to men. Moreover, a set of comparable gender indicators is needed for monitoring progress in gender equality and for making appropriate cross-country comparisons. The need for gender analysis and for mainstreaming a gender perspective in policy development and in the implementation of programmes was stated in the Platform for Action adopted by the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995 and was reaffirmed by the Special Session of the General Assembly, Beijing plus 5, in June 2000. The Platform urges Governments and international organizations to promote research and dissemination of information on a number of areas of concern and generate and disseminate gender statistics for planning and evaluation. * Making existing statistics readily available to all potential users has always been an important component of the development of gender statistics both at the national and international level. Also, national statistical agencies have increasingly recognized the need for international comparability and for a commonly agreed framework and set of gender indicators to monitor advances. The proposed project on “Gender Statistics website for monitoring change” aims at the overall improvement of the production and use of gender statistics in countries of the ECE region through the establishment of a common framework of activities for the region and a network of users and producers concerned with gender issues and equality. The dissemination vehicle for the system of activities and for the development of the network would be a regional gender statistics website managed by the ECE. * See Strategic Objective H.3 in the Beijing Platform for Action in Annex I.

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Page 1: Gender Statistics website for monitoring change€¦ · Gender Statistics for Policy Monitoring and Benchmarking (Orvieto, Italy, 9-10 October 2000) Work session on Gender Statistics




Joint ECE/UNDP Workshop onGender Statistics for Policy Monitoring and Benchmarking(Orvieto, Italy, 9-10 October 2000)

Work session on Gender Statistics(Orvieto, Italy, 11-13 October 2000)

Gender Statistics website for monitoring change

Project proposal for discussion at the ECE/UNDP Workshopand the ECE Work Session in Orvieto, 9-13 October 2000


After several world and regional conferences there is a growing awareness that a system ofpolicy relevant gender statistics needs to be developed for monitoring changes in the situation ofwomen compared to men. Moreover, a set of comparable gender indicators is needed for monitoringprogress in gender equality and for making appropriate cross-country comparisons.

The need for gender analysis and for mainstreaming a gender perspective in policydevelopment and in the implementation of programmes was stated in the Platform for Actionadopted by the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995 and was reaffirmed by theSpecial Session of the General Assembly, Beijing plus 5, in June 2000. The Platform urgesGovernments and international organizations to promote research and dissemination of informationon a number of areas of concern and generate and disseminate gender statistics for planning andevaluation.*

Making existing statistics readily available to all potential users has always been an importantcomponent of the development of gender statistics both at the national and international level. Also,national statistical agencies have increasingly recognized the need for international comparabilityand for a commonly agreed framework and set of gender indicators to monitor advances.

The proposed project on “Gender Statistics website for monitoring change” aims at the overallimprovement of the production and use of gender statistics in countries of the ECE region throughthe establishment of a common framework of activities for the region and a network of users andproducers concerned with gender issues and equality. The dissemination vehicle for the system ofactivities and for the development of the network would be a regional gender statistics websitemanaged by the ECE.

* See Strategic Objective H.3 in the Beijing Platform for Action in Annex I.

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The prototype regional website would serve as a common unifying framework for a series ofinter-connected country websites. The common framework would ensure comparability ofindicators and enable users to easily navigate country and regional websites to locate the desiredinformation. Global indicators would be supplemented by additional lists to meet regional andnational concerns.

The project builds on the extensive work already done in most countries of the ECE region forthe development of gender statistics. A number of countries in the region have already established agender statistics programme in the national statistical office or have a person who acts as focalpoint, many offices have developed a work plan and produced one or more issues of a genderstatistics publication for wide dissemination. In addition, over the last decade, users-producersseminars and training workshops on gender statistics have been conducted in almost every part ofthe region.

Objectives and beneficiaries

In the long term, the outcome of the project will help strengthen national capacity to produceand disseminate gender statistics and reinforce gender mainstreaming in policy formulation,implementation and monitoring.

Immediate objectives will be:

• Make gender statistics and indicators produced in countries and at the regional andinternational levels, available to a wide range of users for policy as well as for national andinternational monitoring and benchmarking

• Create awareness among policy makers and planning bodies, NGOs, research institutions,gender issues advocates, the media and the public, on the importance of using gender statisticsto inform policies, plans and programmes and to promote and monitor changes

• Increase the adoption of international standards and the use of guidelines andrecommendations to improve international comparability

• Provide countries, especially those that are less advanced statistically, with easy access tointernational standards and guidelines and to existing studies, reports and data from othercountries and regions.

Both data producers and users of gender statistics would benefit from the project. Inparticular, those in the central statistical offices responsible for the production and presentation ofgender statistics would benefit from a continuous exchange of information and experience withother national and international statistical agencies, and from an easy access to a wide range ofinformation and guidelines. Policy makers and planners, whose capacity for gender sensitive policyformulation and planning would be enhanced through the use of adequate gender statistics, wouldalso benefit from the establishment of the website. Access to national and regional gender statisticsand to related information useful in gender analysis, would also facilitate the work for advocacy,research and project formulation of international organizations and UN regional commission,NGOs, research institutions, and other gender equality advocates. Finally, the media, as the mostimportant public opinion maker, would have access to user-friendly presentations of genderstatistics and all other relevant information necessary to make a correct use of these statistics.

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A brief description of project activities

The project would consist of two main components: the development of a gender statisticswebsite and a set of activities, at the national and regional level, to promote the conceptualdevelopment of gender statistics and encourage the use of gender statistics in policy formulationand monitoring.

The regional ECE website would contain gender indicators and information for monitoringnational and international goals; guidelines and standards for concepts and classifications; “bestpractices” for presentation and analysis of gender statistics; a network of gender experts andstatisticians; and other elements to maintain and strengthen the communication among users andproducers concerned with gender issues at the national, regional and international level. Theproposed structure of the regional website would take into account the heterogeneity of users needsin different countries and regions. The system would consist of a central regional website and aseries of national inter-connected websites. Links would also be provided to a series of otherrelevant websites-such as international agencies and research institutions. The information in thesystem would be integrated into a common framework to ensure comparability and ease of use.

The first step in the development of the ECE website will be represented by the review anddiscussion of the proposed structure and content of the website, as developed by the StatisticalDivision of ECE, at the joint ECE/UNDP regional workshop in Orvieto, 9-10 October 2000.

Following the outcome of this first meeting, the proposal will be revised and finalized takinginto consideration participants’ views and needs.

A second regional meeting will be held to discuss more in detail the proposed list of statisticsand indicators for monitoring women’s progress relative to men in all relevant policy areas incountries of the ECE region, and to identify a common set of indicators for the region. Countriesparticipating in the network can then adapt the common regional list to their specific circumstances,trying to maintain to the maximum extent possible the original framework, to allow easy intra-regional comparison.

Building on the outputs of the first two meetings, the regional website will progressively beput in place as countries provide the necessary data for the preparation of the regional database.Simultaneously, countries participating in the network may want to start to set up their nationalwebsites on the same lines of the regional one.

ECE plans to use the statistics and indicators compiled for the regional and national websiteswill be to produce studies and to monitor the situation of women and men in ECE countries. Otherorganisations or countries will also be able to benefit from the website to carry out studies at theregional and national levels.

Parallel to development and putting in place of the regional website, activities for theimprovement of gender statistics in countries will be carried out. In particular:

Ø The CES expert group will meet to identify needs for the conceptual improvement in genderstatistics. Special attention will be given to some key policy areas where gaps are mostblatant (e.g. economic and political participation, empowerment, violence against women,etc.). Outputs of these meeting will be methodological reports and proposed common workareas for the improvement of gender statistics in the region.

Ø Organization of an international network of gender experts to provide an online discussionfora on the areas for improvement and necessary actions identified at the expert groupmeetings; the outcomes of the online debates will be posted in the website and used as abasis for further work.

The project will also set the basis for the expansion of the ECE website and network toinclude other interested regional commissions and countries.

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Executing agencies and participating countries

The project would be initiated by the Statistical Division of ECE in collaboration with UNDP-Bratislava. The Conference of European Statistician’s expert group on gender statistics would act asa dedicated taskforce and be a main contributor of expertise to the project. Other internationalorganizations concerned with gender issues and statistics will be invited to participate withexpertise and data - such as UNIFEM, UNSD, WB, WHO, ILO, etc.

National statistical agencies will be key actors and will participate by providing the StatisticalDivision of ECE with the necessary statistics and information and by developing their own websiteon gender statistics in line with the common regional framework. Countries’ participation on avoluntary but committed basis is essential.

It is estimated that implementing the project would take three years beginning from the jointECE/UNDP Workshop in October 2000.

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Proposed structure and content of a

“Gender statistics website for monitoringchanges”



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IntroductionThis paper presents a concise description of the proposed structure and content of the ECE regionalwebsite on gender statistics and its links to the national websites. The more extensive version of thisdocument is available at the UN ECE Statistical Division for those who are interested in the detailsof the proposed Gender Statistics Website.

The proposed system consists of a central regional website and a series of national inter-connectedwebsites. Links would also be provided to a series of other relevant websites-such as internationalagencies and research institutions.

This first section, “Welcome”, would contain a brief presentation of the website, its sponsors andparticipating parties. It would also explain the aims of the website and its structure and content.

The second section, “The gender statistics field”, would present a review of the definition andcomponents of the field of gender statistics as well as ongoing and past experiences at the nationaland international levels, and guide users through the steps involved in the production of statisticsrelated to gender issues. This section would also contain international standards, recommendationsand guidelines for the production, analysis and presentation of statistics on all topics and areasrelevant to gender issues. References and links to relevant websites and publications such astraining tools, handbooks and UN-system Resolutions and Recommendations would also beprovided.

In the section “Gender issues and statistics”, the main element will be represented by the regionaldata base containing a set of gender statistics and indicators for each of the policy areas considered.In this section, users will be able to access both the regional data base and the national websitecontaining the national database. This section will also contain: a list of common gender issues andconcerns, useful as a reference in developing sets of gender statistics and in doing gender analysis;and an overview of existing policies, plans, legislations and regulations on several policy areas,relevant to gender issues and equality.

The detailed lists of gender issues and gender statistics are presented in the more extensive versionof the proposal.

The section on “Regional network” would contain links to the gender statistics websites of countriesparticipating in the project and to other relevant national websites of governmental or non-governmental agencies.

The section on “International work” would contain a review of work done in gender issues andgender statistics by international agencies. It would also provide links to international agencies’websites and pages concerning agencies’ work on gender statistics..

The website will also contain a list of references and links to research institutions, a page withupdates on any new events, articles or publications of relevance in gender statistics and analysis,and a Newsletter.

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The gender statistics field What is gender statistics?

The production of gender statistics

International standards and guidelines fordata production

User-friendly presentations

Ways of dissemination

Gender issues and indicatorsEEEEEECCCCCC EEEEEE RRRRRR eeeeee gggggg iiiiii oooooo nnnnnn

NNNNNN aaaaaa tttttt iiiiii oooooo nnnnnn aaaaaa llllll gggggg eeeeee nnnnnn dddddd ssssss tttttt aaaaaa tttttt ssssss iiiiii tttttt eeeeee ssssss iiiiii nnnnnn tttttt hhhhhh eeeeee EEEEEE CCCCCC EEEEEE rrrrrr eeeeee gggggg iiiiii oooooo nnnnnn

Gender issues

Policies and plans

Legislation and regulations

Statistics and indicators

Regional networkNNNNNN aaaaaa tttttt iiiiii oooooo nnnnnn aaaaaa llllll gggggg eeeeee nnnnnn dddddd ssssss tttttt aaaaaa tttttt ssssss iiiiii tttttt eeeeee ssssss iiiiii nnnnnn tttttt hhhhhh eeeeee EEEEEE CCCCCC EEEEEE rrrrrr eeeeee gggggg iiiiii oooooo nnnnnn

OOOOOO tttttt hhhhhh eeeeee rrrrrr nnnnnn aaaaaa tttttt iiiiii oooooo nnnnnn aaaaaa llllll wwwwww eeeeee bbbbbb ssssss iiiiii tttttt eeeeee ssssss iiiiii nnnnnn tttttt hhhhhh eeeeee EEEEEE CCCCCC EEEEEE rrrrrr eeeeee gggggg iiiiii oooooo nnnnnn

NNNNNN aaaaaa tttttt iiiiii oooooo nnnnnn aaaaaa llllll ssssss tttttt aaaaaa tttttt iiiiii ssssss tttttt iiiiii cccccc aaaaaa llllll oooooo ffffff ffffff iiiiii cccccc eeeeee ssssss ////// aaaaaa gggggg eeeeee nnnnnn cccccc iiiiii eeeeee ssssss

International network Work done at the international level


Join the network


International conferences

What’s new


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This section will contain a brief description ofthe website, of its objectives and itssponsoring agencies.

This website was developed by the UnitedNations Economic Commission for Europe, incollaboration with national statistical officesin the region, UNDP and [add othercontributing/collaborating offices] . Thewebsite is the response to a growing demandfor improved access to gender relatedinformation and statistics, both at the countryand the regional levels.

This website is aimed to

v Promote the use of gender statistics bygovernments and internationalagencies, by planning bodies, NGOs,research institutions, gender issuesadvocates, the media, and the public,for policy formulation and monitoring,and for promoting changes

v Disseminate existing gender statisticsat the regional and the national levels,in countries of the region

v Increase the adoption of internationalstandards and the use of guidelinesand recommendations to improveinternational comparability

v Improve intra-regional dialogue onpolicy issues and data comparability

v Improve access to international andregional information on gender issues

This website contains information on thedevelopment and presentation of genderstatistics and indicators and other usefulinformation on gender issues and policies inthe ECE region. The website also linkswebsites of countries in the ECE regionthrough a common framework developed toallow easy comparison and communicationamong countries and be at the same timeflexible enough to be adapted to the specificneeds and circumstances of each country inthe region.

The website also contains a set of indicatorsrelevant for countries in the ECE region andsuitable for monitoring women’s progressrelative to men in all relevant policy areas.Each country website provides a similar set ofgender concerns and related statistics andindicators at the national level.

Through an international network ofinterconnected websites containing importantinformation on activities, existingpublications and other materials on genderstatistics, the website also provides acomprehensive review of the ongoing workworldwide.

The regional websites also includesinformation on international guidelines,recommendations and standards for concepts,definitions, classifications and methods ofdata collection. It also provides a useful guideon “best practices” for presentation, analysisand dissemination of gender statistics.

All information presented in the websitecomes from the experience of internationalexperts in the areas of gender issues, policiesand statistics and from past or ongoing workin the development of gender statistics at thecountry and the international levels.

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What is genderstatistics?

Ø A definition of gender statistics

Ø Why do we need genderstatistics?

Ø Essential elements in theproduction of gender statistics

Ø A brief history of genderstatistics

A definition of genderstatisticsA definition of gender statistics based on thecommonly accepted terminology at theinternational level and in most countrieswhere the gender statistics field has beendeveloped.

Why do we needgender statistics?A review of why gender statistics evolved as astatistical field and why gender statistics areneeded in various areas of policy making aswell as for many other uses.

Essential elements inthe production ofgender statisticsA review of basic requirements for theproduction of gender statistics. Links to thewebpage that presents the details of theprocess of production of gender statistics.

A brief history ofgender statisticsThe main steps in the development of the fieldof gender statistics.

Links to the following pages:

international standards.

Platform for Action and the BeijingDeclaration, Strategic Objective H.3

work done in countries

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Process of productionof gender statistics

Ø The production process ofgender statistics

Ø What have countries done?

The productionprocess of genderstatisticsA description of the main steps in theproduction, analysis and presentation ofgender statistics, based on the Flowchartdescribing the main steps in the production ofgender statistics (see document


Links to:

Birgitta Hedman, Francesca Perucci and PehrSundstrom, Engendering Statistics. A Tool forChange, Statistics Sweden 1996

International guidelines for data collectionUser-friendly presentations

ways of dissemination.

What have countriesdone?A review of national experiences in thedevelopment of gender statistics programmesin countries of the region.

This section will be based on the reportsproduced by countries on the work done forthe production, dissemination and use ofgender statistics.

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Internationalstandards andguidelines

Ø Defining and measuringgender relevant issues

→→→→→→ Population and environment

→→→→→→ Families and households

→→→→→→ Economic participation

→→→→→→ Social protection

→→→→→→ Education andcommunication

→→→→→→ Public life and decision-making

→→→→→→ Health

→→→→→→ Violence against women

Ø Standard age groups

Ø Ongoing work for theimprovement of genderstatistics

Ø Recommendations on genderstatistics in the BeijingPlatform

Defining andmeasuring genderrelevant issuesThis section will present internationalstandards, recommendations and guidelinesfor the definitions, measurement andclassification of issues in different policyareas. It also provides the definition and wayof calculation of some indicators of commonuse in gender and social analysis.

Only one policy area –population andenvironment - is shown in the following as anexample of the structure of this section.

Population and environmentDDefinition of key conceptsefinition of key concepts

MMeasurement problemseasurement problems

GGuidelines and useful referencesuidelines and useful references

DDefinition and calculation of indicatorsefinition and calculation of indicators

Definition of key concepts

Older population



Measurement problems

Refugees and displaced persons


Guidelines and useful references

This section presents international standards,guidelines, recommendations and resolutions.It also provides a list of availablepublications and documentation useful as aguide for the improvement of gender statisticsproduction in the topics covered in this policyarea.

Definition and calculation of indicators

This section contains the definitions and waysof calculation – according to internationalstandards guidelines – of some indicators ofcommon use in this policy area.

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Some standard agegroups

Definition Age group

Infants up to age 1

Children 1-4

1-4 and 5-9

or 1-14

or 1-17

Adolescents 10-19

Youth 15-24

Reproductive age 15-49

Working age 15-59

or 15-64

Older people 65 and over

“Young-olds” 65-79

Very old or

“old-olds” 80 and over

Ongoing work for theimprovement ofgender statistics

This section presents ongoing work for theimprovement of gender statistics, in ECEcountries and at the international level.

The section will be updated regularly toinclude new developments in the field ofgender statistics, the establishment of newgender statistics programmes or units incountries and new projects developed at theregional and international levels.

Recommendations ongender statistics inthe Beijing Platform

Platform for Action and theBeijing Declaration

Strategic objective H.3 -Generateand disseminate gender-disaggregated data and informationfor planning and evaluation *

Actions to be taken

206. By national, regional and internationalstatistical services and relevant governmentaland United Nations agencies, in cooperationwith research and documentationorganizations, in their respective areas ofresponsibility:



* See Strategic Objective H.3 in United Nations, Platform forAction and the Beijing Declaration, Fourth WorldConference on Women, Beijing, China, 4-15 September1995, DPI/1766/Wom-February 1996.

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Ø Showing gender differentials

Ø Presenting data with the lifecycle approach

Ø Preparing user-friendly tables

Ø Making user-friendly charts

Showing genderdifferentialsIn compiling gender statistics, attentionshould be paid to the presentation of data andcalculation of percentages. This section willreview ways of compiling gender statistics toallow easy and correct comparison betweendata on women and men.


Showing gender differentials across countries

Showing gender differentials across regions

Presenting data withthe life cycleapproachThe life cycle approach is the analysis ofwomen’s and men’s behaviour andcharacteristics over the various stages oftheir lives. This section reviews ways ofanalysis by life cycle stages and providesexamples.


Preparing user-friendly tablesThis section will present, through practicalexamples, the necessary steps for thepreparation of user-friendly tables:

STEP 1 Compiling data from theoriginal source

STEP 2 Making the table easy tounderstand

STEP 3 Making the table attractive

STEP 4 Editing the final table

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Making user-friendlychartsThis section will present, through practicalexamples, the necessary steps for thepreparation of user-friendly tables:

STEP 1 Preparing the basic chart fromthe original set of data

STEP 2 Making the chart easy tounderstand

STEP 3 Making the chart attractive

STEP 4 Editing the final chart

Some types of charts

Line charts

Bar charts

Stacked bar charts

Horizontal bar charts

Thermometer charts

Pie charts

Useful references:

Presenting Data in Reports, National AuditOffice, International Centre, London, 1991

United Nations, Handbook for ProducingNational Statistical Reports on Women andMen, United Nations Publication, New York,1996

Wallgren, Anders, Britt Wallgren, RolfPersson, Ulf Jorner and Jan-Aage Haaland,Graphing Statistics and Data, London: SAGEPublications

ISTAT/CESD, Manual for Social StatisticsReporting, CESD-Rome 2000.

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Ways of dissemination

Ø Consulting users

Ø Preparing gender statisticspublications

Ø Preparing gender statisticsdatabases

Ø Delivering gender statistics tothe media and the public

Ø Marketing statistical outputs

Ø Preparing press releases

Consulting users

→→→→→→ Groups of users and theirneeds

→→→→→→ Users-producers dialogue

→→→→→→ How to consult users

→→→→→→ Examples of users-producers consultations incountries

Preparing genderstatistics publications

→→→→→→ Different publications fordifferent users

→→→→→→ Making a plan for theproduction of a publication

→→→→→→ Producing the publication

→→→→→→ Examples of genderstatistics publications incountries and regions

Preparing genderstatistics data bases

→→→→→→ Different formats ofdatabases for differentusers

→→→→→→ Making a plan for thepreparation of a database

→→→→→→ Preparing the database

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→→→→→→ Examples of genderstatistics data bases incountries and regions

Delivering genderstatistics to the mediaand the public

→→→→→→ Strategies to improve dataaccessibility

→→→→→→ Examples of successfulmechanisms for the deliveryof information

Marketing statisticaloutputs

→→→→→→ Developing marketingstrategies

→→→→→→ Marketing toolsü Press releases and press briefings

How to reach print and broadcast mediaeffectively. (also linked to next session:Preparing press releases)

ü Advertising flyers and pamphlets

How to produce a flyer (one page) or apamphlet (two or more page-booklet) to becirculated among potential users of thestatistical product.

ü Lectures and seminars

How to prepare lectures for the presentationof the statistical product and organize adhoc seminars.

Preparing pressreleasesü Language

ü Making figures easy to understand

ü Main message

ü Structure

ü Some tips

ü Sample press release

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Gender issuesThis page contains a review of gender issues,in key policy areas.

Ø Population and environment

Ø Families and households

Ø Economic participationØ Social protection

Ø Education and communication

Ø Public life and decision-making

Ø Health

Ø Violence against women

Each policy area will also be linked to usefulwebsites, list of references and pagescontaining other relevant information andmaterial useful for the use of data and theanalysis:


International sources of data

Useful links

In the following, only one policy area –families and households – will be presentedas an example of the structure and content ofthis section.

Gender issues:Families andhouseholds

Some key issues common toSome key issues common tocountries in the ECE regioncountries in the ECE region

In family formation and dissolution:

ü The pattern and timing of familyformation and dissolution and theirconsequences differ between womenand men

ü Women and men are not equally likelyto remarry after divorce

ü Divorce trends and intervals beforeremarriage vary and have differentconsequences on women and men

ü Lone parent families are moresusceptible to poverty

In living arrangements:

ü Widowhood is far more commonamong women, since they live longerthan men and generally marry an olderhusband

ü Population ageing has differentconsequences on living arrangementsof women and men

National issues in countries National issues in countries ofofthe ECE regionthe ECE regionü One-person households have specific

characteristics and needs

In child-bearing:

ü The choice of the number and spacingof children has strong links with theeconomic situation of the country andwith the existence of family and socialpolicies

ü Contraceptive information andavailability is a fundamental right ofwomen and couples

ü Women turn to abortion to endunwanted pregnancies because of lackof access to family planning andlimited reproductive health facilities

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ü Adolescent child-bearing hinderswomen’s access to education andwork opportunity

ü The timing of child-bearing hasimportant consequences on womenand men’s lives

ü The number of children and the livingarrangements of the family where theyare born has important consequencesof parents’ and children’s lives

In family life:

ü Women and men play different roleswithin the family

ü Women and men do not share familyresponsibilities equally

ü Family responsibility have a strongimpact of women’s professional lifeand careers

National issues in countries ofNational issues in countries ofthe ECE regionthe ECE region





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Policies and plansThis page contains a brief review ofinternational policy instruments and regionaldocuments on policies and plans in keypolicy areas. It also provides links to nationalwebsite for each of the policy areas.

Ø Population and environment

Ø Families and households

Ø Economic participationØ Social protection

Ø Education and communication

Ø Public life and decision-making

Ø Health

Ø Violence against women

Each policy area will also be linked to usefulwebsites, list of references and pagescontaining other relevant information andmaterial useful for the use of data and theanalysis:


International sources of data

Useful linksIn the following, only one policy area –population and environment – will bepresented as an example of the structure andcontent of this section.

Policies and plans:Policies and plans:Population andPopulation andEnvironmentEnvironment

Policies and plans at thePolicies and plans at theinternational level and commoninternational level and commonto countries of the ECE regionto countries of the ECE regionICPD - A brief summary of ICPD andICPD+5 outcomes and key actions, and linkto the official websites.

Malmö Ministerial Declaration – Summary ofthe declaration and outcome of the discussionLink to official site.

Urban Environment Forum 2000 - Summaryof outcome of the latest Forum, Shanghai in1998. Link to official site.

Infoterra 2000 – Global Conference onAccess to Environment Information. A briefsummary of the outcome of the Conference(September 2000) in relation to gender issues.Link to official site.

Agenda 21 – Agenda adopted in Rio deJaneiro at the World Conference in 1992 andsubsequently revised, on environment anddevelopment. A brief review of the partsconcerning gender issues and link to theofficial UNEP website.

Istanbul plus 5 – Outline of gender issuescovered in the official documents inpreparation of the 2001 Conference. Link toofficial site. HYPERLINK

Policies and plans in the ECE region andrelevant ECE documents. A brief review ofpolicies and plans related to population,environment and gender issues, in countriesof the region.

Policies and plans in countriesPolicies and plans in countriesof the ECE regionof the ECE region

(Country details are presented in the nationalwebsites. Links are provided to each policyarea in the national website)




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Legislations andregulationsThis page contains a brief review oflegislations and regulations in countries ofthe region (country details are presented inthe national websites)

Ø Population and environment

Ø Families and households

Ø Economic participationØ Social protection

Ø Education and communication

Ø Public life and decision-making

Ø Health

Ø Crime and violence

Each policy area will also be linked to usefulwebsites, list of references and pagescontaining other relevant information andmaterial useful for the use of data and theanalysis:


International sources of data

Useful linksIn the following only one policy area –families and households – will be presentedas an example of the structure and content ofthis section.

Legislations andregulations: Familiesand Households

Policies and plans at thePolicies and plans at theinternational level andinternational level andcommon to countries of thecommon to countries of theECE regionECE region

A brief review of legislations and regulationsin countries of the region on :

ü Maternity protection

ü Maternity and paternity leave

ü Parental leave

ü Regulations concerning child care

ü Regulations concerning care servicesand facilities for the older people

LLegislations and regulations egislations and regulations inincountries of the ECE regioncountries of the ECE region

(Country details are presented in the nationalwebsites. Links are provided to each policyarea in the national website)





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Statistics andindicatorsThis page contains the regional database andlinks to national databases

Ø Population and environment

→ National websites

Ø Families and households

→ National websites

Ø Economic participation

→ National websites

Ø Social protection

→ National websites

Ø Education and communication

→ National websites

Ø Public life and decision-making

→ National websites

Ø Health

→ National websites

Ø Crime and violence

→ National websites

Users can move directly to the correspondingpolicy area in the national website, byclicking on national website and then on thename of the country.

Each policy area will also be linked to usefulwebsites, list of references and pagescontaining other relevant information andmaterial useful for the use of data and theanalysis:


International sources of data

Useful links

In the following only one policy area –economic participation – will be presented asan example of the structure and content ofthis section.

Statistics andindicators: Economicparticipation(The details of the database structure are inAnnex A)

Basic indicators:

(in the basic table only one or two indicatorsfor each topic will be presented)


working conditions and opportunities

access to income and resources

(by clicking on the column heading of themain table users can access the more detailedtable: )

In employment:

Economic activity rates of women andmen (age 15 and over)

Share of women in the labour force(age15 and over)

Economic activity rates of women andmen by age group (age15 and over)

Women and men labour forcedistribution by sector (agriculture,industry and services)

Women and men labour forcedistribution by status in employment

Women and men entrepreneurs bysector and size of enterprise

Employment rates of women and menaged 60-64 and 65-70

Unemployment rates of women andmen

Unemployment rates of women andmen by educational level


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Regional networkThis page contains a presentation of theexisting regional network of countries’statistical offices, women’s machinery andexperts and users concerned with genderissues and statistics.Links to countries’ websites and otherrelevant regional sites are also provided.

Maps with participating countries: byclicking on the selected country, or typingthe name of the country, users can accessthe national website which is developedwithin the same framework of the regionalwebsite.

Women and Men in the ECE region

Women and men in NAME OFCOUNTRY

Women and men in NAME OFCOUNTRY

Women and men in NAME OFCOUNTRY


Links to other national websites forcountries not participating in the projectbut with gender/equal opportunity andgender statistics websites.

Links to National StatisticalAgencies/Offices

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International networkThis page will contain a review of work donein gender and development and in genderstatistics by international agencies. It willalso provide links to the relevant agencies’websites and pages concerning the agencies’work on gender statistics and to offices orfocal points or other relevant persons dealingand/or working on gender statistics.

An application form for those who areinterested to join the network will also beposted in this page, so that users of thewebsite can easily become part of thenetwork.

For example:

APPLICATION FORM: Objectives, mainactivities, specific outputs to be shared,outreach, additional comments.

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Studies in Family Planning

Population and Development Review

Population Action International

The Population Council

John Hopkins University

Unicef International Child DevelopmentCentre,



Useful links for population and demography,health and social issues:

For more information about Population,Health and Nutrition:


Population Projects

Health and Nutrition Projects

International Agencies

Research Centers


Safe motherhood:

Other academic institutions

and non-governmental organizations, etc.

Useful references:

Presenting Data in Reports, National AuditOffice, International Centre, London, 1991

United Nations, Handbook for ProducingNational Statistical Reports on Women andMen, United Nations Publication, New York,1996

Wallgren, Anders, Britt Wallgren, RolfPersson, Ulf Jorner and Jan-Aage Haaland,

Graphing Statistics and Data, London: SAGEPublications

ISTAT/CESD, Manual for Social StatisticsReporting, CESD-Rome 2000.

Birgitta Hedman, Francesca Perucci and PehrSundstrom, Engendering Statistics. A Tool forChange, Statistics Sweden 1996

Commission of the European Communitiesand others, System of National Accounts1993. United Nations, Sales No.E.94.XVII.4




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Brief summaries with focus on gender issuesand links to official sites of past, ongoing andforthcoming international and regionalconferences

For example:

Beijing plus 5A review of discussion and outcome of theGeneral Assembly Special Session Beijingplus 5. Link to the official website.

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NewsletterThe Newsletter will allow users to quicklyreview all recent development in genderstatistics and read deeper discussion andstudies on specific topics and problems. Allparticipants in the regional and internationalnetwork, as well as other regional andinternational experts, academics, staff of UN-system agencies and other internationalorganizations will be potential contributors tothe newsletter.

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What’s new

This page contains a list of recent andupcoming events, meetings and all other newsof interest to statisticians and genderanalysts.

For example:

Recent articlesThis page contains a review of recentlypublished articles and studies of interest ingender analysis.