gender in the news


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Post on 04-Feb-2022




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Key questions

Who are media owners / chief editors / news workers?

Who makes news headlines?

Who are news sources?

What are the key topics? (Agenda setting theory)

What image of gender roles?

Who owns the media?Ben Bagdikian: The New Media Monopoly (2004)

Free Press (2009): 6 dominant media corporations in USA:

GE, Walt Disney, NewsCorp, TimeWarner, Viacom, CBS


Who are the media bosses?Free Press Study on TV in USA in 2006

Women = 51% of entire U.S. population, but own only 67 stations, i.e. 4.97 % of all stations.While female and minority ownership has advanced in other sectors since the late 1990s, it has gotten worse in the broadcast industry

Free Press Study on radio in USA in 2007Women own just 6 % of all full-power commercial broadcast radio stationsJust 4.7% of all full-power commercial broadcast radio stations have a female CEO or president.

Consolidation keeps women and minorities off the dial

Name a female media baron

Ted Turner (CNN), Michael Bloomberg

Rupert Murdoch (NewsCorp)

Silvio Berlusconi (Mediaset)

Arnaud Lagardère, Serge Dassault, Martin Bouygues*

Jean-Claude de l’Estrac, Eshan Khodabux


Who are media bosses ?CEOs / Directors / Editors-in-Chief

La Sentinelle: Lindsay Rivière (Chairman) / Denis Ithier (Director General) / Raj Meetarbhan (Chief Ed)

Defi Media Group: Eshan Khodabux (Director) / Subash Gobine (Senior Editor)

Le Mauricien: Jacques Rivet (Director) / Gaetan Sénèque (Chief Ed)

AAPCA/Matinal: Ravin Lama (CEO) / Kiran Ramsahaye (Chief

Who are media bosses ?

Radio One: Nicolas Adelson (Director) / Jean-Luc Emile (Chief Ed)

Radio Plus: Eshan Khodabux (Director) / Nawaz Noorbux (Chief Ed)

Top FM: Ballkrishna Caunhye (Director) / Emile Jean-Louis

MBC: Claude Narain (Chairman) / Dan Callikhan (Director) / Datta Ramyead (News Director) / M-Noelle Elissac-Foy (Radio)

Where are the Women?

Michaella Seblin - 5Plus Dimanche (tabloid) & Essentielle (women’s mag)

Daniele Babooram - La Vie Catholique

Marie-Noelle Elissac Foy (consultant MBC radio)


Glass ceiling effect

Strategic media ownership

Increased convergence and concentration of ownership

Big business have stake in media to protect their interests

Political affinities / ties

Media at confluence of politics and business

Areas of male domination: boardrooms and national assembly


Global Media Monitoring Project 2010 (43 countries)

The % of stories by female reporters is exactly similar to that in 2005 : 37%Stories by male reporters continue to exceed those by female reporters in all topics More stories on television are presented by older women now than 5 years ago (40 - 50% for 35-64 yrs)Since 2000, the % of stories reported by women compared to those reported by men has increased in all major topics except ‘science/health’Stories by female reporters contain more female news subjects than stories by male reporters

News Sources

Only 24% of the people heard or read about in news are female

Women remain lodged in the ‘ordinary’ people categories, in contrast to men who continue to predominate in the ‘expert’ categories

Female news subjects are identified by their family status 4 times more

26% of female subjects in newspapers appear in photographs, in contrast to only 17% of males (cf Berger: male gaze)

News Sources

Journalists are almost twice as likely to mention the ages of their female news subjects as they are to mention the ages of their male news subjects

News continue to portray a world in which men outnumber women in almost all occupational categories. Out of 25 occupational categories, women outnumber men in only 2:

as homemakers (72%) and

as students (54%).

News Content

13% of all stories focus specifically on women

Only 6% of stories highlight issues of gender equality or inequality

46% of stories reinforce gender stereotypes, almost eight times higher than stories that challenge such stereotypes (6%)

Stories by female reporters are visibly more likely to challenge stereotypes than those filed by male reporters and are also less likely to reinforce stereotypes than those reported by men

Gender Logic in JournalismMasculine

The public sphere/ elites

Male sources and perspectives


Autonomy (“professional” criteria)


Private/intimate sphere/everyday life

Female sources and perspectives


Oriented toward the reader’s (etc.)needs and interests

Monika Djerf-Pierre, 2007, Nordicom Review

DSK, Polanski, Clinton...Omerta by French media until Sofitel episode (cf Sexus Politicus)

« Le seul vrai problème de Strauss-Kahn est son rapport aux femmes. Trop pressant, il frôle souvent le harcèlement. Un travers connu des médias, mais dont personne ne parle (on est en France). » Jean Quatremer

Exception française: la galanterie, la séduction, le libertinage*

Roman Polanski case

Bill Clinton / François Mitterand / Jacques Chirac

SSR / Navin Ramgoolam ???

Female candidates

Kahn & Goldenberg (1991)*

receive less news coverage

coverage they receive concentrates more on their viability and less on issue positions

viability deemed more negative - deemed non-competitive

Tendency to evaluate looks + seduction

Women, politics & media

Feminist discourse to justify war in Afghanistan and Iraq (Time Magazine)

Wives of candidates (Clinton, Sarkozy, Obama, Blair)

Women candidates: Palin, Royal

Successful women have to be ruthless and adopt male attitude (or lack feminity): Gandhi, Thatcher, Merkel

Nita and the microphone...