gatling @ human talks paris (12/02/13)

Download Gatling @ Human Talks Paris (12/02/13)

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  • 1. Blast your web app with GatlingStphane LandelleRomain SertelonCTOJava ConsultanteBiz - Excilys eBiz - Excilys @slandelle@BluePyth

2. Yet Another Stress ToolJMeter, Grinder,Tsung, LoadUI, LoadRunner, Neoload 3. Issue #1High Performance 4. 1 user = 1 thread 5. With 50 threads on a JVM 6. With 2000 threads on a JVM 7. Blocking I/O 8. Threads? Waiting 9. and sleeping 10. Is that a real problem? 11. Can you trust your results?JMeter 2.8 perf test, expecting 300 tr/sec 12. Issue #2Usability 13. Graphical User Interface Listen, its not that complicated... 14. Issue #3Maintainability 15. What was this change about? 16. Gatling can change all that!, copyright by AFP 17. Say hello to my little friendVersion 1.4.2Released January 2013 18. Be asynchronous, embrace theactor model 19. Use non-blocking I/O Async HTTP Client Netty 20. Scenario = Code (Scala) = DSL 21. Easy 22. Use the rich DSLChecksregex / css / xpath / jsonPathfind / findAll / countis / in / not / whateverStructures doIf / repeat / during / asLongAs randomSwitch / roundRobinSwitchError handling tryMax / exitBlockOnFailFeeders csv / tsv / jdbc 23. or write your own Scala code 24. or use the Recorder 25. Integrations Maven archetype (run in IDE) Graphite live reporting Maven Plugin Jenkins Plugin 26. Coming soon Requests Grouping Websockets, JDBC Clustering 27. Really efficient?Jmeter perf test run with Gatling,expecting 300 tr/sec 28. http://gatling-tool.org 29. Q&A