garland quilt guild newsletter october...

Garland Quilt Guild Newsletter October 2015 Words from the President It's already fall and time to start thinking about renewing your Garland Guild membership. Last count we had 174 members! Jackie will be set up and ready to take renewals at the October meeting should you choose to avoid the last minute rush. We have great plans for next year - I know you'll want to be part of the fun. Speaking of fun, how ‘bout the barn quilt workshop? If you've not seen the finished products maybe those who participated will bring theirs for Show & Tell. Nice job keeping the noise down at the September meeting. Our speaker mentioned how much she appreciated our enthusiasm and attentiveness. Our schedule is packed this month - Quilts turned in for the Granville Display, Secret Pal Tea Party, In Town Retreat, Raffle Ticket sales, and other things I'm sure I'm forgetting to mention but will think of in the middle of the night. Let's have a fantastic rest of the year. Suzy Boyle, President

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Garland Quilt Guild Newsletter October 2015

Words from the President

It's already fall and time to start thinking about renewing your Garland Guild membership. Last count

we had 174 members! Jackie will be set up and ready to take renewals at the October meeting should

you choose to avoid the last minute rush. We have great plans for next year - I know you'll want to be

part of the fun.

Speaking of fun, how ‘bout the barn quilt workshop? If you've not seen the finished products maybe

those who participated will bring theirs for Show & Tell. Nice job keeping the noise down at the

September meeting. Our speaker mentioned how much she appreciated our enthusiasm and


Our schedule is packed this month - Quilts turned in for the Granville Display, Secret Pal Tea Party, In

Town Retreat, Raffle Ticket sales, and other things I'm sure I'm forgetting to mention but will think of in

the middle of the night.

Let's have a fantastic rest of the year.

Suzy Boyle, President

Program News

The Garland Quilt Guild started their own Quilt Trail with the Suzi Parron’s workshop! WOW, weren’t

the barn quilt panels colorful and great?

Quilting Guru, Rose Davis, will be our speaker on October 4, 2015. Her lecture is “Lucy Boston, the

Patchwork Crosses”. She does it all—long arm quilting, applique, both hand and paper, and hand

embroidery. This will be a captivating lecture. Beware, her philosophy, a quilt is not a quilt until it is


M. J. Fielek will join us on November 3 meeting. She will talk about “Bucket List Quilts”. Do you

have any ideas for that one special quilt you have to make? You probably already have the material!

She will give you the incentive to make your quilt happen. M. J. Fielek is an accomplished quilter and

instructor with a lifelong sewing passion.

SHHHHHHHH----it a MYSTERY! Stay Tuned as Inspector Sharon Heironimus is looking for darks,

lights and contrasts. Help us solve the Mystery quilt at the Member Workshop on November 7th. $20

charge for the fun! Clues provided—let the hunt begin. Stop by the Program table! Got darks and


Congratulations to guild members who have their winning work in the State Fair of Texas. Grab a corny

dog and head to the Creative Arts and look at the beautiful displays. Enjoy this fall weather and the

blessings that this time of year brings.

Carla Byrom, Vice-President

Granville Performing Arts Center Quilt Display

The City of Garland can boast about its beautiful Granville Performing Arts Center, located at 300 N.

Fifth Street. Garland is also the home of the Garland Quilt Guild, with a membership of 150 quilters.

This guild is dedicated to education, service work, and fun. Education includes many local and

nationally known quilters giving workshops and lectures on new techniques. Service work is

demonstrated by many members donating their time and skills and providing quilts to children and

families in need. Fun is what happens at every monthly meeting, with members showing their beautiful

quilts, door prizes, refreshments and listening to riveting speakers.

Starting the 2nd of November, 2015, until the 30th of November, 2015, the Granville Arts Center will be

the site of the Garland Quilt Guild Display. Members’ quilts will be hanging and ready to be viewed.

The public is cordially invited to attend this free event. An Open House will be Wednesday, November

4, 2015, from 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm, so save the date and plan to attend. The Garland Quilt Guild

wishes to share their love of quilting to all.

Jean Blaylock

Community Service Special Projects

Sunshine and Shadows

Stacey Young has asked for prayers for her mother, Zeta Thompson. Zeta fell and broke her femur just

below her hip. She is now in rehab. She is 85. Please keep the family in your prayers.

Barbara Cissne’s husband, John, is home now, is using a walker and is doing things for himself.

Barbara wants to thank everyone for their prayers, cards, food and the extra help she has received from

the guild members. She really appreciates all you have done for them.

Carole Murray

TAQG Rally Day Donations

Our guild has decided to donate charm packs for the 2016 Rally Day. At the March 2016 meeting, we

will cut and organize baggies of 10-five-inch charms for our contribution. A total of 500 baggies of 10

charms is needed.

Between now and March, we will be collecting 5" squares and 5" strips of any good quality cotton

fabric. Please bring your donations to the Guild meeting. Look for a basket near the entrance.

Marsha Meeks, TAQG Representative


October 9-10, 2015 Common Threads Quilt Guild Fri. 10AM-5PM "Quilt 'til the Cows Come Home!"

Sat. 10AM-4PM Gainesville Civic Center 311 S. Weaver, Gainesville

October 29-November 1, 2015

International Quilt Festival Houston 2015 George R. Brown Convention Center Houston, Texas

Hours: Wednesday (Preview Night): 5 p.m.-10 p.m. (for class enrollees and IQA members) or

7 p.m.-10 p.m. (general public)

Thurs., Fri., & Sat.: 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.

Sun.: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Daily Admission $12 adults/$9 seniors & students

Children 10 and under free

$42 Full Show pass (includes Preview Night)

January 8-9, 2016. Waco Homespun Quilters Guild For more info go to

February 19-20, 2016 Bear Creek Quilt Guild Biennial Quilt Show

For information go to

October Birthdays

Congratulations to the following members who are celebrating birthdays in October. Please remember

to bring snacks to share at the meeting.

Jo Reiter Oct 1 Marge Krempl Oct 14

Cyndie Lubbeck Oct 2 Suzan Crocker Oct 15

Madeline Bark Oct 5 Karen Rainville Oct 17

Marie Blackwell Oct 6 Joyce Curtiss Oct 22

Mollie Tabell Oct 6 Judy Hall Oct 22

Susan Helt Oct 10 Linda Boyer Oct 28

Reta Day Oct 11 Bev Favilla Oct 29

Carolyn Cortez Oct 12


Happy Birthday October Birthdays!!

As most everyone knows, in the month of your "Birthday" it is your turn to bring refreshments for the

enjoyment of all our members.

This month's honorees are:

Marie Blackwell, Linda Boyer, Carolyn Cortez, Suzan Crocker, Joyce Curtiss, Reta Day, Bev

Favila, Judy Hall, Marge Krempl, Cyndie Lubbeck, Jo Reiter, Mollie Tabell, Madeline Bark,

Susan Helt, and Karen Rainville. I hope I have named all the Birthday people.

You can bring any refreshments (desserts, veggie snacks and drinks) and please pick up your empty or

not dishes at the end of the evening.

I would also like to ask everyone on their way out at the end of each program if you have liquids in your

cups could you please put those on the counter and I will empty those in the sink before throwing them.

Reason being when thrown in the trash cans that I take to the dumpster they end up being very heavy

and as I am only 5" tall. It’s hard to get them up and over into the dumpster.

A little note to all who do anything for the Guild when shopping, cooking and bringing items for the

guild those are recordable volunteer hours and those hours can be tracked and given to Barbara Cissne

at [email protected]..

Thanks to everyone,

Diana Fisher & Cynthia Bennett

Raffle Tickets

Ticket sales are moving along. Look for sign up sheets for various locations at the next meeting. Keep

on selling tickets. There will be more tickets and pictures available to those who need more.

I was asked where the money goes to for the raffle quilt. It goes into our general fund to help hire

speakers and pay their miscellaneous expenses such as mileage, food, or housing in some cases.

Virginia Hauer

Money Matters

The financial statement for the month of September 2015 is attached separately.

Roxanne Garrett, Treasurer

Small Groups

Small groups are a good way to get to know members of the Guild better, form bonds, learn new techniques, get

help with projects, sit and sew together, and support each other along life’s journey. We currently have six

groups. If you are interested in joining a group, contact the leaders or our Vice-President, Carla Byrom, 469-

338-5749, [email protected].


Meeting time: 3rd Saturday

Contact: Shirley Michie


[email protected]


Meeting time: 3rd

Monday 10 AM – 2 PM

Contact: Diane Randolph, 469-556-4996,

[email protected]

Sue Lewis, 972-495-7655, [email protected]


Meeting time: the last Tuesday 9AM – 4 PM

Place: Blue Ribbon Quilt Shoppe, Wylie

Contact: Shirley Ostinelli


[email protected]

At this time we have a waiting list.


Meeting time: 3rd

Wednesday, 11:30 AM, Light

Lunch provided

Contact: Carla Byrom


[email protected]


Meeting time: Bi-weekly Thursday evenings at 7

PM in member homes

Contact: Marsha Meeks


[email protected]

We are not seeking new members at this time due

to space limitations.


Meeting time: 4th Thursday, 7 PM

Contact: Barbara Cissne


[email protected]


Meets 2nd Wednesday, 7:00 PM

Contact: Suzy Boyle


[email protected]

Membership Renewal


October means it’s time to renew your membership for 2016.

The renewal fee is a bargain at just $25 for the year.

Here are some quick reminders:

1. Bring along your checkbook if you intend to pay by check.

2. Pick up your pre-filled Renewal Form at the table just inside the church entrance (near the Secret

Pal table).

3. Update the form with any changes.

4. Bring your Renewal Form and payment to the Membership table.

5. If we don’t have your picture, let us take one and add it to the new directory.

We look forward to seeing everyone for another wonderful year in 2016.

Jackie Black and Robbin Peck, Membership Chairs

Retreat We will have an in-town retreat on Friday, October 16th and Saturday, October 17th. The retreat is full

at this time. The location is the same, First Christian church of Rowlett at 7301 Miller Rd., Rowlett,

TX. Because of limitations with electricity, please do not bring individual irons. There will be ironing

stations for the group to share. Please bring your food to share. The hours are on Friday, 10am to 9pm

and Saturday, 9am to 5pm. I will be contacting some of you to bring electric cords, irons, and ironing


Sharon Heironimus

Garland Quilt Guild

Meeting Minutes – September 1, 2015

The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by President Suzy Boyle.

Minutes: Debbie Simms presented the minutes. They were accepted with no additions or corrections.

Treasurer’s Report: Roxanne Garrett gave the treasurer’s report for the month of August. The

Beginning balance was $14,902.23 with income of $1,557.3 and expenses of $901.10. The ending

balance was $15,558.43.

Raffle Quilt: Virginia Hauer asked that you turn in your ticket sales to her at the break.

Programs: Carla Byrom reminded us of the upcoming programs and workshops.

BOM: Marsha Meeks showed the BOM for next month.

TAQG: Marsha Meeks showed examples and explained the three items that would go into the goody

bags for next year. They were voted on and the charm packs were the winner.

Sunshine and Shadow: Carole Murray gave the sunshine and shadow report.

Membership: Robbin Peck reported that there were 99 members and 9 guests present.

Community Services Special Programs: Jeanne Blalock will take your applications for Granville. The

quilts will be on display November 2 to December 4. Open house will be on November 4 from 6pm to


Suzy wished Happy Birthday to our September members and thanked those that provided the snacks this

month. Suzy explained the Standing Rule vote regarding the purchase of flowers or donation to

designated charity. Ballots were distributed and after the break they were counted and the standing rule

was passed. A reminder was given to please bring food and water to donate to the church for their


Show and Tell: The quilt holders were Vicki Maloney, Jo Reiter and Margaret Neyman.

Break at 7:34pm.

The meeting was called back to order at 7:46pm.

Carla Byrom introduced our program speaker, Suzi Perron.

BOM. There were 29 blocks this month and $65.00 in tickets were sold.

Door Prizes were donated by Blue Ribbon, Dan Chenault and a friend of Sally Ashbacher’s.

The winner for the Support our Sponsors drawing was Charlotte Kingsley.

Dana Dunlap gave us take-down information for the room.

The meeting was adjourned at 9pm.

Respectfully submitted, Debbie Simms, Secretary

Dates to Remember

October November

6 GQG Meeting 7:00 pm

First Presbyterian Church – 930 W Ave B

3 GQG Meeting 7:00 pm

First Presbyterian Church – 930 W Ave B

13 GQG Board Meeting 7:00 pm

First Presbyterian Church – 930 W Ave B

4 Garland Quilt Guild Display Open House

at Granville Arts Center 6 – 8 pm

16 – 17 In-town Retreat – First Christian

Church - Rowlett

7 Member Workshop

10 GQG Board Meeting 7:00 pm

First Presbyterian Church – 930 W Ave B

2 – 30 Garland Quilt Guild Display at

Granville Arts Center

Sack Lunch Ministry

The demand for the church’s sack lunches has grown tremendously, with the church now giving away

about 35 lunches a week to the homeless or the hungry. The following is the list of items for the sack

lunch ministry operated by our facility location host, First Presbyterian Church. Just pack the lunches in

a small brown paper sack with non-perishable items, such as:

canned tuna or chicken salad

peanut butter and crackers

cheese and crackers


fruit cup



You may also include a drink (although not necessary) as well as a napkin and spoon. Items should not

require a can opener. Bottled water is also much appreciated... You can find many of these items at a

Dollar Tree, Big Lots, Wal-Mart, etc.

The church also collects pancake mix and syrup. We also have a tip jar at the sign-in table, and if

everyone were to throw in their loose change we could donate a great deal to the church each month.

Thank you so much!

The Garland Quilt Guild Meets at:

First Presbyterian Church 930 West Avenue B

Garland, TX 75040

Corner of 9th and Avenue B

The first Tuesday of each month at 7pm.

Find us online at: ~also visit us on Facebook~

Executive Board meetings are held on the Tuesday

following the regular Guild meeting at 7:00pm at the church

Please note that if the Garland or Dallas Independent Schools are closed for inclement weather, the Guild will not

have their scheduled meeting. Our members’ safety is very important to us.