g f te iarisent - university of kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7mkk948g74/data/0219.pdfremember this...

G a J t F j- i t BOURBON NEWS 1 j tin TTT UCKY A RIL 2 r 1907 cw1 TE iARISENT > < > For Home Lighting Electricity Is the Best Light It is Cheerful Safe and Easy tb Regulate Touch the Button there You Are No Matches No Dirt No Soot Positively will not discolor your decorations or soil your draperies Remember this when selecting your Spring Decorations and install Electric Light LIGHT Manager S L ALLEN GEO W DAVIS BOTH PHONES DAY 137 NIGHT 299 IOWA SEEK OATS Test Forty Pounds to the Bushel Best Red Alsike and Alfalfa Glover Government Test on Alfalfa 99 Per Cent Pure Germanation 97 Per Cent Ky River Cultivated Hemp Seed Chas S Brent Both Phones 14 NEW SALOON The finest of Whiskies Wines eers Cigars Etc can be found at the New Saloon corner of Main and 10th Streets lately purchased by T F BRANNON Messrs JOS MULL ANEY and PHIL DEIGN AN the popular bartenders are in charge of the place and invite their friends to call ITS NO WIEDEMANNN- O BEER AS GOOD ftS T GOOD For Sale at ill f iFstCEass Saloons Recommended as nest for Famii- yULYONS1 SALOON Paris fiy r I Recause and 0 1 In- If fI PARIS ELECTRIC C- OL J- m FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND UCENSED EMBALMER i J r l I I Bro I- P aBIS BENTUC5Y I I- I J t r fit t fI r 17 i FI i- 7ii g L 1f ibp j t L- I c 1f 1 BEER I- t WIEEM ANN A z i g 1 1 Xnoles le gent ti rk1W- WJ 1 S S Thu ii wwj S- j r r t r r w r I f 3tAc q It c1 r r r I yf 7 c- i Y 1 t4 4 i s t J- c e I r r r a x d 1 f t s w It > > > = M22ZPENNYROAf PILLS Safe xnd reliable they l ovorcomo weakness in crease vigor banish pairs No e MOTTS PENNYROYAL S Sold by Druggists and DrMotts Chemical Co Ohio equals DR f eland For sale by Qbecdtafer- v us buying your seeds we have a full line of the best jade Fine lot Of Seed Potatpes and Onion sets 224t LAVIN CONNELL I J 77 f i Garden 4 See before f il r- o u T Seeds garden u = ELITE BAE SOp Proprietor Cold and Hot laths Only Barbers 6fKb ltlW fORD J r- Ef VE S Fir tr1ass Employed j 0r NO wuais = < etfy and he By FRANCIS A COREY Copyright 1M7 Ly P C Eastracnt And this vonugr from the wooll- yI t was her employer Betty nn involuntary gasp He was so ele- mental so unlike one with whom she had ever come into close personal contact before Ive dubbed him the Bear Mr Ilenderson whose desk was next to her own confided to her Hes straight from the Rockies you know And then lie is so big so brutish so ungainly Looks as mucji out of place in a New York office as a bull in a china shop Henderson himself was slender handsome polished immaculate oC at- tire liettys glance rested upon his smug clean shaven face approvingly His wen bred tones were indoscriba bly soothing after the hoarse rumble of Mr Sterling deep bass She was re joiced to find one congenial person in this place where the failure and and deu death pt father had left her stranded There are reduced gentlemen as well as reduced gentlewomen she thought with a feeling of womanly sympathy for him that later on found expression in unexpected ways For instance although short 1o curt ness with her employer she would linger after hours for a friendly chat with Ilenderson and even permitted him to take her out to dinner or twice One day when they alone in the oflice Henderson swung around in his revolving chair and said abruptly Miss Vandevere did it ever strike you as a bit strange that the Boar should have given you the best berth in the office This is your first experi- ence and good stenographers are as plenty as blackberries Arc they Betty answered I didnt know i Do you mind telling i o how you happoneil to apply to I received a of his ad- vcriiscincnt and wrote immediately sling for the place Tim And got an oncvcr by return mail saying1 you night report for duty Why yes so T did Is that so very surprising Oh no Henderson meditated a moment queer little spark Hashing into eyes See hero Im going to tell yon something he announced abruptly The Pear is in love with you Absurd Betty cried reddening panfully I know the signs Watch him Youll see for yourself Cant come nigh you without flushing nUll trem- bling Genuine ease of love at first fight 1 guess he knew what he was about when he took you into his em- ploy How can you say such things Betty was indignant She realised for the first time that there was a vein of native coarseness under the mans veneer A pile of money comes into tins of after an interval lacking at her keenly The Bear js beastly rich That counts for a good deal Youll marry him for his wealth- A cowboy from the plains Not if he were made of gold Ilendersjn looked relieved be- fore he could reply Mu came into the office Dotty bent over to her desk with a scarlet face When presently she yen lured to steal a glance at her employer she encountered his fixed gaze and knew from the loot in his eyes that Henderson was right The hough t that this west erner dared aspire to a Vandevere made her furious Later on when an j errant took her into the inner office j whither her employer had withdrawn she made ail possible haste but he spoke to her before she could slip back again to her place Miss Vandevere one moment please You are looking pale You are not used to application Youll snake I have a box let the opera but I seldom go Id be i more titan pleased to have you it Bettys breath had stopped and she recovered it with difiiculty Think you much Mr Ster- ling she said icily but I must de cline to take advantage of your She lied with hot cheeks but at heart she was not so angry as she tried to make herself believe She knew in tuitively that the offer not been prompted so much l yva desire to win favor as by real solicitude for her welfare t Further proofs of the big mans j were forthcoming That same evening on returning to her hoarding place she was met by a smil ing See wliats come for you Miss Van i tlevere The woman triumphantly held up a basket of delicious fruit Who sent it Betty asked search- ing for a1 card None was to be found and Mrs Fryitt could jonly tell her that the bas- ket haul been left by a boy Not one of her fair weather friends knew her present address Naturally she thought of Mr Henderson For some time there had been a growing tenderness iii his manner toward gifts continued to appear daily she took occasion re omtrate with him- Heittiouse grapes are expensive lux- uries he said Dont send any i Ton cant afford to liss Vandevere allow me t correct 0O00000O 16 gl- l 9 f 9 I O OOOO OO O O- giant I I I office I mall ed H i tic said I I lUt i j l I i I j I you ilL i I hall f thoughtfulness j landlad I I messenger her I to- t I j o Bcar- Q 4 0 Q gave any her were linen cay n h liq Sterling uncouth St11 close aclf use vary kind- ness anonymous more > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < < 4 wrong conclusion I have not to send out or anything tide Who did If I may hazard a guess the Boar Betty was so angry that she marched forthwith into the next room where her employer was busy at his desk Mr Sterling she its an im pertinence for you to make me pres- ents The fact that I work for you is no excuse He looked disconcerted J hoped you wouldnt know the- iriflosrame from me Why did you do it she demauuod hotly Youre not used to making your own way of oomve you miss things And then I knew your father and I wanted tohelpymi for his sake She half incredulously You knew papa When Where Jn San FraiHiico last winter Ve mot in a business way nnd got to be- frjendlyl IT to talk about anti ojiCft lie sho woil nu your picture So you seealei like an old friend from the first c 3es Jsatl boon ononeil but the look of nnoauco leave her face- I can supply 1113 own wants Please do not iisytliinj more site said aiW with her heal ruUl high went back to her nest Henderson Jan ed inncringly his face revealing hAli d n im- pulses iu i mauy sCtom Sr i JenIy- he rose tool sue nuaivi and Jogan speaking ripidly in husky wlilsper Miss Vaadevcre listen Im gouig to toll you a s urot 1 have fallen heir to a fortune I take the train for Canada cIaiv the legacy No one is to know of this until after Im gone not even Steriiii Will you come top away from this hateful life You know I love yor Decide at once Theres tine for dallying Say cornel The startle J girl trembled in the hot breath of his passion Every vestige of color left her face It is sosudden she faltered I must think it over live me time Ill call at your boarding house at 10 oclock Be on the watch And fe- meinber how munch there is at stake But I know I can trust you Bettys seoinod to have drop- ped down into her throat There was no response A silence fell in which she could hear the imiHlcd beating of her own heart That night Henderson was the first to leave Sterling was in the room and ho could only give Betty a ganco of mute appeal as he went out She crouched over her desk with blurred eyes For a time there was no sound the rustle of the paper Sterling pretended to read At length throwing it down he crossed to her side Still at work he said a new note in his big voice Ill soon finish now she answered AUtilout lifting her Dont wait ifrfiba Ill lock up Tottv heard him sigh as he went out liked you lint mi1ni fo Vance Pre- sumed grapes cried staged let 3 l ttitl send lit a lit lie you II voice save Hiss ere eyes ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ < Affanta JLittte Rock Ark Richmond Va MeridIan Miss II Gag These pictures are made from houses on which we have made loans BUY YOU J J tJJIJ ru UIIII tlnrnrurcull WE WILL 1I1 I r IJ I J AAA AA RATA Ar ARAA tlCrtlti rs r tnksr rirezher re rtr o rtY r idri t A Hastily iockhig jcbr on inside she withdrew the key and returned to her seat An hour dragged by Now there were shadows Time cor- ners were black with theki She a suffocating terror as if the walls contracting and might shut to- gether and crush her Suddenly a key clicked in the lock She had barely time to drop behind a chair before a man tiptoed into the Office As he passed by her hiding place the light from the street struck across his face Fw a minute she ceased to breathe lie went hurriedly von to the inner room and after a little whiie a gentle clicking her that he was working the combination of the safe Now was her chance Quaking with fright she crept to the door opening on the landing One quick step and she was oiitsidc Then the unexpected happened A flood of light suddenly il- lumined the darkness she saw that the passage was full of policemen And she had rushed straight into Tom Stoning arms You Oh Im so glad she gasped hysterically Quick The safe You are being robbed Henderson But the men in blue had already dashed past into the office There was the sound of a struggle then a voice shrieking dreadful curses the same voice she had once thought sd cultured and refined I overheard this afternoon Ster ling said quietly 1 had grown sus- picious before If you really love him he shall go free Love him Oh no no Betty cried with her face hidden on the big mans shoulder I didut know until this afternoon whom I loved hut I do now Making Thirg Clesr Au old Peebles worthy and an Eng- lish lady were one day recently occu- pants of a railway carriage in an Edin- burgh bound train The train hall bcra waiting Ions at a certain station aud there was no appearance of its start- ing when the worthy remarked They are a geytaiglesomelot here- I beg your pardon said the lady Im saytin theyre an awfu daidlin squad here said the old fellow I really beg your pardon sir she rejoined Im remarkin theyre a dreich lot here the niclit tIle old gentleman further ventured Really I again beg your par- don said the lady with marked ejm- barrassment but I do not eompre- ihcnd you I was just trying to siy the train was late he finally blurSCd Indeed sir it is very late agreed the lady And the conversation Collapsed Dundee News A The Friend If your married life is so unhappy why dont you get a from your husband Unhappy Wife Because ho wond then uaaiyy some other woman mid make her un- happy Chicago News tile felt l t I r I I I I rem I I j artyr tiff everywhere were I must di- vorce ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ 000 2000 3000 4000 5000 I Only 5 per cent Simple Interest You return the principal at the rate of 750 PER MONTH on the 31000 giving TEN AND A HALF YEAR back the loan Can the loan as souu i you like thereby STOPPING FURTHER INTEREST Our plan will enable you pay off that MORTGAGE BUY OR BUILD A HOME I you pay payoff to n Why Rent Pay An UngcHant Actor A well known American actor v is old enough not to consider himself- a matinee idol by any means was somewhat surprised and pleased in a St Louis hotel a short time ago when I a pretty girl stopped him in time I riflor and presented him with a rosey without saying a word He i surprised and less pleased to a note the following day reminding j him of the incident and asking send the giver of the flower two at the theater in which he was playing as a memento of the occasion- I My dear young lady the actor re- plied waxing sarcastic as he i what hull been the object of the at tent ion he haul been paid I would be- v glad to send you the seats your ask for but on consultation with the manager of the theater I have been informed that the seats are all fastened down and that he is opposed to having them sent away as souvenirs in any event- i so that you will have to be contented with an autograph for a souvenir of your benevolence of yesterday Jn stead Ilarpers Weekly Limitations of Fame In Professor Knights reminiscences I of Tennyson it is related on i occasion when the poet laureate stopping at an inn in the island o Skye the landlord was asked jf he knew who had been staying in his housed and on being informed that it was the poet Tennyson he replied Lor to think o that And sure I thought he was shentleman At Stirling some one asked landlord of the house where was stopping Do you ken who you had wi you night 1 Nan but he was a pleesaht shcntel man It was Tennyson the poet And wha may he be Oh lie is a writer o verses sich as e see i the papers Noo to think o that Teest apoob lic writer and I gied him ma best bedroom But the charms of Mrs Tennyson Ijer gracious manners did not pass un- noticed for the landlord said Oh was an angel Snow and Rain The first man to whom it ever dc- curred to find out how much rain represented by a given fall of snow was Alexander Brice of Kirknewton who in March 1765 made a simple ex- periment with the contents of a store jug driven face downward into six inches of snow What he learned was that a greater or less degree ofT cold or of wind when the snow its lying a longer or shorter time the ground will occasion a differ- ence in the weight and in the quantity of water produced but if h added- i I may trust to the above trials which- I I endeavored to perform with care snow newly fallen with a moderate gale of wind freezing cold will pro duce a quantity of water equal to one tenth part of its bulk So that a fail 6 of ten inches represents rainfall of one inch London Chroni v I I I him I U I J I I that one waS I I the the poet I I I I I I c- on t 4 0 snow J le I I t who cog r wasp more receive i to seats realized r t other she was i over i falls and i e a < > ¬ > > = = WHY PAY RENT HOME You have delayed long enough and For your life right by a contract the company operating plan in Standard Trust Go INCORPORATED CAPITAL STOCK SSOOOOOOO in beg n large t ql America The c olive securing mil this State Office LOUISVILLE KENTUCKY j i V itfre dfe plan telephone or add ess I c Keller iUdiftt- F tfi l 1 J CETAYLRfordham I t E omil Hotel Parts 7pIIuI iiULL w <

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Post on 01-May-2018




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UCKY A RIL 2 r1907cw1 TE iARISENT> <


For Home Lighting

ElectricityIs the Best Light

It is Cheerful Safe and Easy tb Regulate

Touch the Button there You Are

No Matches No Dirt No Soot

Positively will not discolor your decorations orsoil your draperies

Remember this when selecting your SpringDecorations and install Electric Light




IOWA SEEK OATSTest Forty Pounds to the Bushel

Best Red Alsike and Alfalfa GloverGovernment Test on Alfalfa 99 Per Cent Pure

Germanation 97 Per CentKy River Cultivated Hemp Seed

Chas S Brent

Both Phones 14

NEW SALOONThe finest of Whiskies Wines eers Cigars Etc can be

found at the New Saloon corner of Main and 10thStreets lately purchased by


popular bartenders are in charge of the place andinvite their friends to call




For Sale at ill fiFstCEass SaloonsRecommended as nest for Famii-





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Safe xnd reliable theyl ovorcomo weakness increase vigor banish pairsNo eMOTTS PENNYROYAL

S Sold by Druggists and DrMottsChemical Co Ohio

equals DR

f eland

For sale by Qbecdtafer-

v us buying yourseeds we have a full line of the bestjade Fine lot Of Seed Potatpes andOnion sets



77 fi Garden 4

See beforef il


o u T Seedsgarden





Cold and Hot laths

Only Barbers

6fKb ltlW fORD

J r-


Fir tr1ass Employedj


NO wuais



etfy andhe


Copyright 1M7 Ly P C Eastracnt

And this vonugr from the wooll-yI t was her employer Betty

nn involuntary gasp He was so ele-

mental so unlike one with whomshe had ever come into close personalcontact before

Ive dubbed him the Bear MrIlenderson whose desk was next toher own confided to her Hesstraight from the Rockies you knowAnd then lie is so big so brutish soungainly Looks as mucji out of placein a New York office as a bull in achina shop

Henderson himself was slenderhandsome polished immaculate oC at-

tire liettys glance rested upon hissmug clean shaven face approvinglyHis wen bred tones were indoscribably soothing after the hoarse rumble ofMr Sterling deep bass She was rejoiced to find one congenial person inthis place where the failure and anddeu death pt father had left herstranded

There are reduced gentlemen aswell as reduced gentlewomen shethought with a feeling of womanlysympathy for him that later on foundexpression in unexpected ways

For instance although short 1o curtness with her employer she wouldlinger after hours for a friendly chatwith Ilenderson and even permittedhim to take her out to dinner ortwice

One day when they alone inthe oflice Henderson swung around inhis revolving chair and said abruptly

Miss Vandevere did it ever strikeyou as a bit strange that the Boarshould have given you the best berthin the office This is your first experi-ence and good stenographers are asplenty as blackberries

Arc they Betty answered Ididnt know

i Do you mind telling i o how youhapponeil to apply to

I received a of his ad-vcriiscincnt and wrote immediatelysling for the place

Tim And got an oncvcr by returnmail saying1 you night report forduty

Why yes so T did Is that so verysurprising

Oh no Henderson meditated amoment queer little spark Hashinginto eyes See hero Im goingto tell yon something he announcedabruptly The Pear is in love withyou

Absurd Betty cried reddeningpanfully

I know the signs Watch himYoull see for yourself Cant comenigh you without flushing nUll trem-bling Genuine ease of love at firstfight 1 guess he knew what he wasabout when he took you into his em-

ployHow can you say such things

Betty was indignant She realisedfor the first time that there was a veinof native coarseness under the mansveneer

A pile of money comes into tins ofafter an interval lacking

at her keenly The Bear js beastlyrich That counts for a good dealYoull marry him for his wealth-

A cowboy from the plains Not ifhe were made of gold

Ilendersjn looked relieved be-

fore he could reply Mu cameinto the office

Dotty bent over to her desk with ascarlet face When presently she yenlured to steal a glance at her employershe encountered his fixed gaze andknew from the loot in his eyes thatHenderson was right

The hough t that this westerner dared aspire to a Vandeveremade her furious Later on when an

j errant took her into the inner officej whither her employer had withdrawnshe made ail possible haste but hespoke to her before she could slip backagain to her place

Miss Vandevere one momentplease You are looking pale Youare not used to applicationYoull snake I have a box

let the opera but I seldom go Id bei more titan pleased to have you it

Bettys breath had stopped and sherecovered it with difiiculty

Think you much Mr Ster-ling she said icily but I must decline to take advantage of your

She lied with hot cheeks but at heartshe was not so angry as she tried tomake herself believe She knew intuitively that the offer not beenprompted so much l yva desire to winfavor as by real solicitude for herwelfare

t Further proofs of the big mansj were forthcoming Thatsame evening on returning to herhoarding place she was met by a smiling

See wliats come for you Miss Vani tlevere The woman triumphantlyheld up a basket of delicious fruit

Who sent it Betty asked search-ing for a1 card

None was to be found and MrsFryitt could jonly tell her that the bas-ket haul been left by a boyNot one of her fair weather friendsknew her present address Naturallyshe thought of Mr Henderson Forsome time there had been a growingtenderness iii his manner toward

gifts continuedto appear daily she took occasionre omtrate with him-

Heittiouse grapes are expensive lux-uries he said Dont send any

i Ton cant afford toliss Vandevere allow me t correct



l 9f 9I O OOOO OO O O-






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tic saidI









I you ilL


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St11 closeaclf























4 wrong conclusion I have notto send out or anything

tideWho didIf I may hazard a guess the Boar

Betty was so angry that she marchedforthwith into the next room where

her employer was busy at his deskMr Sterling she its an im

pertinence for you to make me pres-ents The fact that I work for you isno excuse

He looked disconcertedJ hoped you wouldnt know the-

iriflosrame from meWhy did you do it she demauuod

hotlyYoure not used to making your own

way of oomve you miss things Andthen I knew your father and I wantedtohelpymi for his sake

She half incredulouslyYou knew papa When WhereJn San FraiHiico last winter Ve

mot in a business way nnd got to be-

frjendlyl IT to talk aboutanti ojiCft lie sho woil nu your pictureSo you seealei like an old friend fromthe first

c 3es Jsatl boon ononeil butthe look of nnoauco leaveher face-

I can supply 1113 own wants Pleasedo not iisytliinj more site saidaiW with her heal ruUl high wentback to her nest

Henderson Jan ed inncringlyhis face revealing hAli d n im-

pulses iu i mauy sCtom Sr i JenIy-he rose tool sue nuaivi and Joganspeaking ripidly in husky wlilsper

Miss Vaadevcre listen Im gouigto toll you a s urot 1 have fallenheir to a fortune I take thetrain for Canada cIaiv the legacyNo one is to know of this until afterIm gone not even Steriiii Will youcome top away from this hateful lifeYou know I love yor Decide at onceTheres tine for dallying Say

cornelThe startle J girl trembled in the hot

breath of his passion Every vestigeof color left her face

It is sosudden she faltered Imust think it over live me time

Ill call at your boarding house at10 oclock Be on the watch And fe-

meinber how munch there is at stakeBut I know I can trust you

Bettys seoinod to have drop-ped down into her throat There wasno response A silence fell in whichshe could hear the imiHlcd beating ofher own heart

That night Henderson was the firstto leave Sterling was in the roomand ho could only give Betty a gancoof mute appeal as he went out

She crouched over her desk withblurred eyes For a time there was nosound the rustle of the paperSterling pretended to read At lengththrowing it down he crossed to herside

Still at work hesaid a new note in his big voice

Ill soon finish now she answeredAUtilout lifting her Dont waitifrfiba Ill lock up

Tottv heard him sigh as he went out

liked you




Pre-sumed grapes



let 3l






lieyou II



Hiss ere




> ¬



Affanta JLittte Rock Ark Richmond Va MeridIan MissII Gag

These pictures are made from houses on which we

have made loans

BUY YOUJ J tJJIJru UIIII tlnrnrurcull


AAA AA RATA Ar ARAAtlCrtlti rs r tnksr rirezher re rtr o rtY r idri



Hastily iockhig jcbr on insideshe withdrew the key and returned toher seat

An hour dragged by Now therewere shadows Time cor-

ners were black with theki Shea suffocating terror as if the walls

contracting and might shut to-

gether and crush herSuddenly a key clicked in the lock

She had barely time to drop behind achair before a man tiptoed into theOffice As he passed by her hidingplace the light from the street struckacross his face Fw a minute sheceased to breathe lie went hurriedly

von to the inner room and after a littlewhiie a gentle clicking her that hewas working the combination of thesafe

Now was her chance Quaking withfright she crept to the door opening onthe landing One quick step and shewas oiitsidc Then the unexpectedhappened A flood of light suddenly il-

lumined the darkness she saw thatthe passage was full of policemenAnd she had rushed straight into TomStoning arms

You Oh Im so glad she gaspedhysterically Quick The safe Youare being robbed Henderson

But the men in blue had alreadydashed past into the office There wasthe sound of a struggle then a voiceshrieking dreadful curses the samevoice she had once thought sd culturedand refined

I overheard this afternoon Sterling said quietly 1 had grown sus-picious before If you really love himhe shall go free

Love him Oh no no Betty criedwith her face hidden on the big mansshoulder I didut know until thisafternoon whom I loved hut I do


Making Thirg ClesrAu old Peebles worthy and an Eng-

lish lady were one day recently occu-pants of a railway carriage in an Edin-burgh bound train The train hall bcrawaiting Ions at a certain station audthere was no appearance of its start-ing when the worthy remarked Theyare a geytaiglesomelot here-

I beg your pardon said the ladyIm saytin theyre an awfu daidlin

squad here said the old fellowI really beg your pardon sir she

rejoinedIm remarkin theyre a dreich

lot here the niclit tIle old gentlemanfurther ventured

Really I again beg your par-don said the lady with marked ejm-

barrassment but I do not eompre-ihcnd you

I was just trying to siy the trainwas late he finally blurSCd

Indeed sir it is very late agreedthe lady

And the conversation CollapsedDundee News

AThe Friend If your married life is

so unhappy why dont you get afrom your husband Unhappy

Wife Because ho wond then uaaiyysome other woman mid make her un-

happy Chicago News













Ij artyr




I must

















Only 5 per cent Simple InterestYou return the principal at the rate of 750 PERMONTH on the 31000 giving TEN AND AHALF YEAR back the loan Canthe loan as souu i you like thereby STOPPINGFURTHER INTEREST Our plan will enable you

pay off that MORTGAGE BUY OR


I youpay payoff



Why RentPay

An UngcHant ActorA well known American actor v

is old enough not to consider himself-a matinee idol by any means wassomewhat surprised and pleased in aSt Louis hotel a short time ago when

I a pretty girl stopped him in time

I riflor and presented him with a roseywithout saying a word He

i surprised and less pleased toa note the following day reminding

j him of the incident and askingsend the giver of the flower twoat the theater in which he was playingas a memento of the occasion-

I My dear young lady the actor re-

plied waxing sarcastic as hei what hull been the object of the attent ion he haul been paid I would be-

v glad to send you the seats your ask forbut on consultation with the managerof the theater I have been informedthat the seats are all fastened downand that he is opposed to having themsent away as souvenirs in any event-

i so that you will have to be contentedwith an autograph for a souvenir ofyour benevolence of yesterday Jnstead Ilarpers Weekly

Limitations of FameIn Professor Knights reminiscences

I of Tennyson it is related oni occasion when the poet laureatestopping at an inn in the island oSkye the landlord was asked jf he knewwho had been staying in his housedand on being informed that it was thepoet Tennyson he replied

Lor to think o that And sure Ithought he was shentleman

At Stirling some one askedlandlord of the house wherewas stopping

Do you ken who you had wi younight 1

Nan but he was a pleesaht shcntelman

It was Tennyson the poetAnd wha may he beOh lie is a writer o verses sich as

e see i the papersNoo to think o that Teest apoob

lic writer and I gied him ma bestbedroom

But the charms of Mrs TennysonIjer gracious manners did not pass un-noticed for the landlord said Ohwas an angel

Snow and RainThe first man to whom it ever dc-

curred to find out how much rainrepresented by a given fall of snowwas Alexander Brice of Kirknewtonwho in March 1765 made a simple ex-

periment with the contents of a storejug driven face downward intosix inches of snow What he learnedwas that a greater or less degree ofT

cold or of wind when the snowits lying a longer or shorter time

the ground will occasion a differ-ence in the weight and in the quantityof water produced but if h added-

i I may trust to the above trials which-I I endeavored to perform with caresnow newly fallen with a moderategale of wind freezing cold will produce a quantity of water equal to onetenth part of its bulk So that a fail6 of ten inches represents

rainfall of one inch London Chroni v











that onewaS



the poetI






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You have delayed longenough and For

your life right by a contractthe company operating plan in



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c Keller iUdiftt-

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E omil

Hotel Parts

7pIIuI iiULL w
