functionalbehavior assessments and positive behavior support … · 2019. 4. 4. · udemand 100%...

4/4/19 1 Functional Behavior Assessments and Positive Behavior Support Plans Deb West Wested Consulting Functional View of Behavior u Behavior occurs for a reason u Must identify current reasons in order to plan u Response equivalency uBehavior gets the same functional response u Response efficiency uAnd it gets it quickly! Definition of an FBA- Minnesota Rule 3525.0210 u Includes a description of problem behaviors u Identification of events, times, and situations that predict the occurrence and nonoccurrence of the behavior u Identifies the antecedents, consequences, and reinforcers that maintain the behavior u The possible functions of the behavior, and possible positive alternative behaviors u A variety of data collection methods and sources that facilitate the development of hypotheses u Summary statements regarding behavioral patterns

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Page 1: FunctionalBehavior Assessments and Positive Behavior Support … · 2019. 4. 4. · uDemand 100% obedience uUse conditional procedures unless someone is in imminent danger of harm



Functional Behavior Assessments and Positive Behavior

Support PlansDeb WestWested Consulting

Functional View of Behavior

u Behavior occurs for a reasonu Must identify current reasons in order to planu Response equivalency

uBehavior gets the same functional response

u Response efficiencyuAnd it gets it quickly!

Definition of an FBA- Minnesota Rule 3525.0210u Includes a description of problem behaviorsu Identification of events, times, and situations that predict

the occurrence and nonoccurrence of the behavior u Identifies the antecedents, consequences, and reinforcers

that maintain the behavior u The possible functions of the behavior, and possible

positive alternative behaviors u A variety of data collection methods and sources that

facilitate the development of hypotheses u Summary statements regarding behavioral patterns

Page 2: FunctionalBehavior Assessments and Positive Behavior Support … · 2019. 4. 4. · uDemand 100% obedience uUse conditional procedures unless someone is in imminent danger of harm



Selecting Challenging Behaviors

u Does the B interfere with the student’s learning?

u Does the B interfere with other student’s learning?

u Does the B interfere with or impede social relationships?

u Does the B have a negative impact on the student’s self esteem?

Selecting Challenging Behaviors

u Is the B harmful or dangerous to the student?

u Is the B harmful or dangerous to others?u Does the B occur frequently or infrequently?u Is the B age appropriate?u Does the B exclude the student?

Description of problem behaviors

u Describe all problem behaviors clearlyu Describe behaviors operationally

u Label or title for behavioru Brief description of the topography of the behavioru Description of the intensity & duration of the behavioru Identify to the extent different behaviors occur in a chain

or predictable sequence

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Description of problem behaviors

u Define the Ecological/Setting events that predict or set up a behavioru Medicationsu Medical or physical problemsu Sleep habits or routinesu Eating routines or dietu Daily scheduleu Number of peopleu Staffing patterns/interactions

Identification of events, times, and situations that predict the occurrence and nonoccurrence of the behavior. u When is the behavior most likely to occur?u When is the behavior least likely to occur?u When, where, with whom and during what


Identifies the antecedents, consequences, and reinforcers that maintain the behavior u What occurs immediately prior to the behavior?

u Demand? No attention? Sensory need not being met? Request denied?

u What is the consequence or outcome related to the behavior?

u What is reinforcing or maintaining the behavior?u Response equivalency

uBehavior gets the same functional responseu Response efficiency

uAnd it gets it quickly!

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Determine the possible functions of the behavioru The BIG 3 (or 4)




Determine the possible functions of the behavioru Power and controlu Protection/escape/avoidanceu Acceptance/affiliationu Self expressionu Gratificationu Justice/revenge

u Identify functional alternative behaviors that the student already knows

u Identify functional alternative behaviors that the student needs to be taught

u Question? Will or could alternative behavior be more efficient or equivalent to the target behavior?

uThis should guide your determination of a reinforcement schedule

u Determine methods of prompting and reinforcing skills student already has or will be taught

Identify possible positive alternative behaviors

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A variety of data collection methods and sources that facilitate the development of hypotheses u ABCu Frequencyu Durationu Interval

Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence recordingu Observe and record anecdotal information

over several observation periodsu Record all behavior as it occursu Permits objective information to be obtained

about events that happened just before and after the behavior of interest

u Link to google


u Count the targeted behavior every time it occurs during a specified periodu Not appropriate for high rates of behaviors

u Must see and be able to count a definite beginning and end

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Durationu Use when the concern is how long a student

engages in high-rate, extended or continuous behaviors

u Total durationu Amount of time the student engages in the behavior during a

period of observation

u Duration per occurrenceu Amount of time for each instance of the behavior during a

period of observation

Frequency vs Duration

u Frequency gives a number to the occurrences of the behavior over a period of time

u Duration gives how long the behavior occurred


u Used to measure the presence or absence of a behavior with specific time intervals

u Intervals range from 5 to 30 seconds with observation periods from 10 to 60 minutes

u Good for high frequency behaviors that are difficult to count

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u Whole Interval recordingu Requires that the behavior is present for the entire

interval to considered an occurrence

u Partial-Interval recordingu Observer records whether the behavior was present or

absent at any time during the observation periodu Not concerned with how many times the behavior

occurred or how long it was present

Interval Recording

u Partial-Interval recordingu Observer records whether the behavior was present or

absent at any time during the observation periodu Not concerned with how many times the behavior occurred or

how long it was present

u Whole Interval recordingu Requires that the behavior is present for the entire

interval to considered an occurrence

Affect Levelsu Provides detailed description of the range of a

students behavioral stateuAffect level – following directions, hands to self,

calm uAffect level 2- loud vocalizations (“No!”, “Don’t

do that!”), leaving seat, wandering around the room, flapping hands

uAffect level 3- Level 2 and hitting, kicking or pinching peers or adults

uAffect level 4- Level 3 and elopement uAffect/ABC chart

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Social Learning Profile



u O’Neill, R.E., Horner, R.H., Albin, R.W., Sprague, J.R., K., & Newton, J.S., (1997). Functional assessment and program development for problem behavior: A practical handbook

u Conducting Functional Behavioral Assessments and Developing Positive Programs for Students with Challenging Behaviors, (2000). Division of Special Education, Minnesota Department of Children, Families and Learning

u PowerPoint presentation by Dr. Wolfe, (2003). ABA II, Penn State University

u Wayzata Public Schools Special Education Procedures Manual, (2003).

u Cooper, Heron, Heward, (1987), Applied Behavior Analysis

Positive Behavior Support Plans

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PBSPu Set up environments for student successu Teach and elicit more appropriate skillsu Build on student strengthsu The plan should indicate how staff, family,

support personnel and environment will change and not just focus on how the person of concern will change


u The plan should be technically soundu Consistent with the principles and laws of human


u The plan should be a good fit with the values, resources, and skills of the people responsible for implementation

PBSP should

u INCREASE (reinforce) appropriate or desired behaviors

u DECREASE (reduce) inappropriate or maladaptive behaviors

u Improve the student’s quality of lifeu Consist of multiple interventions or support


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PBSP should not

u Expect students to change without adults changing something first

u Demand 100% obedienceu Use conditional procedures unless someone

is in imminent danger of harm

Key Features

u Operational description of problem behavior(s)

u Summary statements from FBAu General approach for making the

problem behaviors irrelevant, inefficient and ineffective

u Specific descriptions of typical routines and most difficult problem situations

u Monitoring and evaluation plan


u Consider the hypothesesu Brainstorm possible interventionsu Seek clarification of particular items on the

brainstormed list u Discuss the appropriateness of the

interventions on the list

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u Select interventionsu Identify the types of support team members

will need in order to implement the interventions

u Document the interventions and support for for staff and the student in the plan

u Determine implications to IEP

Antecedent & Setting Event Modificationsu Primary benefits

u Powerful and quick actingu Can immediately reduce problem behavioru Provide immediate relief from frustrating or problematic

situationsu Provide the opportunity to teach alternative skills and

build supportive environments

Antecedent & Setting Event Modifications

uAvoid problems and negative consequences often associated with reactive strategies

uStudents may avoid the risk of being excluded from activities as teachers and peers maintain positive interactions

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Antecedent & Setting Event Modificationsu Questions

u How can antecedent and setting events be changed so that the problem behavior can be prevented?

u What can be added to the daily routines to make desired behaviors more likely and situations more pleasant for the student?

Antecedent & Setting Event Modificationsu Remove a problem eventu Modify a problem eventu Intersperse difficult or unpleasant events

with easy or pleasant eventsu Add events that promote desired behaviorsu Block or neutralize the impact of negative


Antecedent & Setting Event Modificationsu Provide structureu Use visual scheduleu Implement social storiesu Examine environmentu Remove staff/student triggersu Proximityu Reduce length of assignment

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Teaching Alternative Skills

u PBS should teach students alternative means for achieving desired outcomes

u Typically, students with disabilities engage in challenging behavior becauseu They don’t have the skills to meet their needsu They have learned that their behaviors bring about the

desired changesu Efficient & effective

Teaching Alternative Skillsu Questions

u When a problem arises, what replacement skill could the student use that will serve the same function as the behavior?

u What general skills might help the student prevent the problem?u Social, communication, leisure, academic, sensory

u What self regulation skills are needed to help the student cope with potentially difficult or frustrating situations that cannot or should not be changed?

Teaching Alternative Skills

u Replacement Skillsu One to one replacement skills that serve the exact

function as the problem behavior

u DRI: Differential reinforcement of incompatible behavioru DRA: Differential reinforcement of alternative behavior

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Teaching Alternative Skills

u General Skillsu Broad based skills that alter problem situations and

prevent the need for problem behaviorsu Teach organizational skills to prevent student from becoming

frustrated when faced with multiple tasksu Teach social skills so that student can interact more

appropriately with peers

Teaching Alternative Skills

u Coping and toleranceu Skills that teach the student to cope with or tolerate

difficult situationsu Teach relaxation techniquesu Teach the student negotiation or conflict resolution skills

u Teach the student anger management techniques

Consequence Interventions

u Goal of consequence interventions is to teach the student that u alternative skills are a better strategy for bringing about the desired

resultsu Problem behaviors are ineffective, inefficient or a socially

undesirable means for achieving goals

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Consequence Interventions

u Also include crisis management-reactive strategies used to safely prevent people who engage in certain problem behaviors from hurting themselves or others or damaging their surroundingsu Do not contribute to the teaching function of the planu Purely an emergency procedure used to protect and de


Consequence Interventions

u Questionsu How will we reinforce the use of replacement skills, so

they become more effective and efficient than the problem behavior?

u How will the school staff teach the student that the problem behavior is no longer effective, efficient or desirable?

u What can be done to de-escalate crisis situations and protect the student and others from harm?

Consequence Interventions

u Will increase the use of alternative skills through differential reinforcementu Reinforce when the student compliments a friend

instead of a put downu Use praise or stickers for completing 3 assignmentsu Have student self record when he raises his hand

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Consequence Interventions

u Reduce the outcomes of problem behavioru Redirect the student to another activity and prompt him

to use the alternative skillu Provide corrective feedbacku Implement an age appropriate consequence

u Loss of privilege

u Time outu Restitution

Monitoring Progress and Making Modificationsu Meaningful outcomes should reflect

u Increases in the use of the alternative skillsu Decreases in the incidence of problem behavioru General improvement in lifestyle or quality of lifeu Positive side effects

u Grades, attention, peer acceptance

Monitoring Progress and Making Modificationsu How will team collect this information?

u Interviewsu Informal or anecdotal reportsu Rating scalesu Natural documentsu Direct observation (data)

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Monitoring Progress and Making Modificationsu Questions

u When and how will the information be collected?u Who will collect what pieces of information?u Who will compile the information?u Who will meet, when and how often to review and

discuss the information for decision making?

Monitoring Progress and Making Modificationsu How will the team use the information to

make decisions?u Re-evaluate components of the planu Strengthen support strategiesu Expand planu Re evaluate strength of reinforcersu Is the function being served?

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Guidelines for Effective Use of DRI/DROu Incompatible/alternative behaviors should

u be in the learner repertoireu Learner emits them with regularityu Will help the learner acquire more skillsu The learners natural environment will support after

termination of DRI/DRO

©2008 Ruth Aspy, Ph.D., & Barry G. Grossman, Ph.D.

Schedules of Reinforcement

Behavioral Momentum

u Teaching technique that uses high probability tasks to achieve a low probability tasku Task that someone enjoys and performs at least 70% of

the time

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Behavioral Momentum

u Stepsu Select series of tasks student enjoys doingu Ask the student to do 2-3 of the tasksu Praise completion of tasksu After student has done the high P tasks, ask the student

to do the low P tasku The high P task should have built momentum and

empowered the student to do the low P task


u Often combined with DRI & DRAu Purpose: to decrease behavioru Definition: Reinforcement for a previously

reinforced behavior is discontinuedu Extinction is not:

u Any decrease in performance or respondingu a behavior is not extinguished, reinforcement is discontinued for

a previously reinforced behavior


u Often used to decrease behavior reinforced by teacher, adult, peer attention

u Behavior maintained by positive reinforcementu Ex: a child cries to get candy at check out

u Mom buys candy and behavior is reinforced by candy

u Withhold the reinforcer

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Extinctionu What happens to behavior placed on

extinction?u Initial increase in behavioru Gradual decreaseu Often spontaneous recovery

u Resistance to extinctionu History of reinforcement

Self Monitoring

u An individuals self-recording, self-observation and self-assessmentu Behaviors must be countable/make chartu Event recording can be aided by a picture promptu Can also do duration self monitoring using a timer, clock

etc.u Accuracy?

u Dependsu research

Other toolbox ideasuPenny Boards (Token System)uDuration MapsuVisual SupportsuTask MapsuSchedules and mini schedulesuFunctional Communication InterventionsuSensory dietuStop, Drop, BreatheuRelaxation Sequence

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Case Study

u Ianu John


u O’Neill, R.E., Horner, R.H., Albin, R.W., Sprague, J.R., Storey, K., & Newton, J.S. (1997). Functional assessment and program development for problem behavior: A practical handbook. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.

u Minnesota Department of Children, Families and Learning (2000). Conducting functional behavioral assessments and developing positive programs for students with challenging behaviors. Roseville, MN.

u Cooper, Heron, Heward (1987). Applied Behavior Analysis. Columbus, Ohio. Merril.

u Introduction to positive ways of intervening with challenging behavior. The Institute on Community Integration, Minneapolis, MN.