fully abreast of the times,...

THE COEItECTOB, * SATURDAY , JUSTE 16 , 18SS. - : i: ' . ' ;.; ' .:. Brace Up. . Yon tire reeling' depressed , your appe- tite is poor, yon ara bothere d wth Head- ache, you ii rp fid gety, nervoap, and generall y out of sorts, aud want to brace up- i :Br:ice _np, bat not with stimulants, spring medicines , bitters, which have for their basis very cheap, bad whisk y . and which stimulate you for an hour , and then ' eave you in worse condition than hefortt. What yon want is HU alterna- tive that, will puri f y your blood , start healthy action of Jj iver and Kidneys , re- store your vitality, and give renewed health and strength. Sncli n medicine yon will find in Electri c Bitters " aifd onl y /SO cents a buttle at \V. W. Tooker and J E -IjobstOHf8 . A KEH VEKABLE FISIL —Peop le living in the nei ghborhood of L ike Winona are a good <1eal exercised over tiio ap- pi>arance of an enormoiiH flub which Hjiuuts water fifteen or twenty ft-et in tn ' o air , and is declared bj' m-uy to I e a species of -whale. The fisJi in >aid to be four or five feet lonj» , ~ v«vy 1'trge and heavy, with smooth akin and without scales. His movements in the water werO j Sluw and slugg ish and lie seemed tu be ircqnoutl y burrowing with his head into the hi ghway as if seeking an outlet from the lake. One man emptied a repenting rinV at the uncouth visitor, but the bullets stained "to glance from the fish' s skiu and to make no impres- sion whatever. Scores of people saw the fish Suuday uiid vouch /or tue truth of tho atui'y DON'T. let that oold of years run on. You think if ia a lifjht thing. IJut it may run into ca- tarrh. Or tutu pneumonia. Or consump- tion. Catarrh is disgusting. Pneumonia IH dangerous- Consumption is dnat.li itself. The breath' .ng apparatus must be kept healthy and clear of all obstructions aud offensive matter. Otherwise there is trouble ahead. All the <tf.iea.ie of these parts, <bead .no.se , throat , brouohial tubes and lung, can be delightfull y and entirely cured by the use of Boschee ' s German Syrup. If yon don ' t taow this already, thousands and thou sands of people oau tell yon. They have been, enred by it . and "know bow it ia , themselves. " Bottle only 75 cents. Ask any drugg i st. Ailvicc to Nuihcrx. Are you di sturbed at ni ght and broken af your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth ? If so, lend ai once and got u battle of Mrs. Wins- low' s Soothing Syrup for Children Teeth- ing. Its* value is incalculable. It will re- lieve thft poor little s- .ifYerer immediately. Uepend npoo it . mothers, there ia no mis- take about it. ' It cures dysentery and diarrhoea; regnlates the. - rtoraucli aud bowels ©ores wind colic, softens the gntas , reduce? inflammation , aud gives tone and energy to the wholesyatera . Mrs. Winslow' s Sooth- ing Syrup for Children Teething is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescri ption of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physicians in tbe United States, and is for sale by all druggists throug hout the worl d Priee 25 cents bottl e 31yl m j* Are you failing. tryWEiis* HEALTH KB- H - KZTTE ^ , a pure , clean , vbolcsomo Ej ^oiE^mo ,! For Brrrfn. Verves . Ptnranch, Liver , Kidneys, (5 Lmi^s. .Aa Vu equaled lnri-orauU Cures. 3 xrxrs:]e:sjesijfc_ 3 1 Hcadcciie , fever , ARBe , Chillg, §f DEBILITY & WEAKNESS . § Nice to take , true merit , rmequaled for B XORPID LIVER l and Wightg bweats , Nervous Weakness,! Malaria , Leaun&Aa, Sexual JVclme. B i-i. 'W per not , 6 for ?5JXi at Druggists. H E. S. WELLS , Jersey City, N. J-, V. S. A. g i a^B J tira<^ir^^- i^^flr^i««g^MSB^ ^ ^ Buchu-Paiba^J § EemarkuWo Cnres of Catarrh of the § Bladder, Inflammation , Irritatioa of Kid- 3 neys and Bladder . Stone or Gravel Dto- 9 cases of tho Prostate Gland , Dropsical p S-BreUliura, Fcmalo Diseases , Incontia- & once of Urino. all Discuses of the Genito- B Urinary Organs in either ser. For XIa- B healthy or Unnatural Dischar ges use 3 als o *'ChaphV^lBiection Fleur , "e ach SL. B i' or S1THIUS. either contracted or B hereditary taint, use Chapin' s Constitu- B Uon Bliirr S yrup, §1.00 per bottle , and 5 Chnphi ' s Srphilftic Pills , SiOO; and Cha- g pin' s Syphilitic Salve . SLOO. 6 bottles B Syrup, a of lUIs , 1 Salve , by Express on 3 receipt of S10.00 . or at Druggists. S E. S.. VTEi jJi , Jersey Cftr. ^- J.. P. S. A. g WANTJED . Tne nMesi , most saoves slul ai>* ' onlr oxUslac XXVK STUCK Mirri'Ai. HBSKKrr socurrv Die sjnte wishes to incn>.isi ' its rat>nn>erslii|i , and want a inau of re- sponsibility au.l influence to take tlie management »r its Uiisiiies-s in tliis countr. Must be aciiualut&tt •«iUU *iwiivra of hursca. This is an exertional op. pormtiUr lo oniwge in a permanent aud lucrative fcuaim-xs . au.1 c-ntv :fr,»se possessing necessary quali- Hcjitinns and who can give bonds need applv. PKO- TKCT1VK I.IVK STOCK M lTrUA I. BENEFIT SOCIBTV, 116 West i3d Street, New York. WORKING OLASSES^TSS^? prepared \o {unilih all ulasses with einplovinent at kotut- , tke wholi>of the time, or for their spare mo- ments. Knsiuess new . Hcht and profitable. Persons «f either ses easily earn from 50 cents to $3. 00 per ei-euluii. and a jnoj ^rtiouAl sum by devoting- all ikelr time to ibc baiiu&ss . itovs an<l girls eara uear- \y as taiicl as aien. Tast an w>o see this rnajt sead iheiraildresa. and te*t the business , we mate tats offer. T«> such as are not well satisaed wo "Will send oaedollar i«» pay for tiw tr.>uble of wrUlnjr. Pall par- ticulars and oi.tut free. Address GKOUUS STIXS OX A Cc l' oriland Maine. Slyl T AUT ANI> OENT1.KMKX A OKXTS. WANTED Jin evciv citT and town. A crest opportunity. Aureeable worK. Address THE WOMAN PCUHSU- XC CO.. 12S Nassau street. New Yorfe. ^£ * eZ A - MOXTU and BOARD for S Rripht SOU VAtthff M-Wl . V»" Ijl.ll^i J,, «ao.K Ortuhiy. «wl V. Vk - . ZX KULKK A Cv> .. Palladelphia. r*. CREAM BALjvl J^^rl LY, |^ Cleanses the Nasal Ifcft^uircW* Passages, Allays &W*>>?0i£UL ^ "tAU Pain and I= fl . m- g" fEVER %^ mation , Heals the g^ -jr ' j&§m Sore?, Restores the^^^a^j ^?^©^^ Senses of . TastelJ |p S^ > x ^ us.A: and SmdI . . HAY-EEVE H TRY THE CURE. A particle, is? applied into each nostril and is agree- able. " Priee 5ft cents ar, Dnarnists; i>y iniiil . Tesisle.r- ed. 60 CM. Ef.Y BKOTIIEKS, 235 Greenwich St., iSew YprK., For Thirty Years this valuable combi- nation has been used a specific for AGUE and MALARIAL FEV * ERS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION , and all NERVOUS DIS: EASES, such as NEURALGIA , ^SLEEP- LESSNESS and PROSTRATION. , ItSs AN UNRIVALLED TONIC , restoring tone to the deb'rfitated System^ NICHOLS' BARK AHD IRON : - , ¦ - t - ; for overworked men and women , invalids and children is. recommended by Physi- cians. Where other Tonics have failed this has made a conspicuous success. Nichols Bark and Iron can ba obtained at alt Druggists. BILLINGS, CLAPP & CO., Propri etors , Boston, Mass. L1EBIG COMPANY'S jEXTIiA-CT oF MEAT ; INVALUABLE FOR DYSPEPSIA " . An fficient Tonic for Irnralids INSTANTANEOUS BEEF TEA. Ai§o fvr flavoring Sonps i Sawea and Maac Dislics. X. It.—«c it ii I no only ivitit I' : LC-K i m i 1 o of Itstrou t . i v h i ji ' i 2>i ^finittire iu btuu ti.cru<>s tnbol. To tic had of storekeepers , Grocer.? and Druggists. -MAKES- - wiioiir tiiililio artificial srstteiUK Any i>iM)K Jeitr;ic<! in ono rejuilngr. Cl;i?si-s or i nfi? at Hnliimn:.. , ioi>5 at Detroit t50«> nt. PIiH;iiIeliiliia . U13 at WMsliiiifron . I-1 f< •» Uosloii . Ist rjjo- classes of Columbia haw sviiileiiK «' •• TiilP. Wellcsluv . Oborlin . - Uni- versity of Pt'int.. Jticliinnii Uiiivursitv , Chautauqua , Ac., .t<\ Kn.loraol l'j liiuHAiii) PKOcroit .tli e Sclentisf , lions. \V. \V. Asrrt i: , J UUAH P. JJ ESJAMIN , .luiijie Giusos , Ur . BUOWN . R. II. OooK , , Principal }J. Y. Siatc Normal Ciilh'jrf , Ac. The svsiem is per/ecMv langii i by corrosimiKiouve. Prnsiir.ciu .6 VOST FKK ' E from Pijot" . LOIHETCK, 237 Kifiiv Ave., Kew York. GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. EMPIRE WELL AUGER CO., ITHACA, H.Y; Glnten Floor andSpeelnllHahctfcFoodare lnTaInabh yraste- -^DaiTnig nonrs for PTBPCDsin. PlabetcsjDebillt/arfd Childrjn ' s^ood. Nc Bran, maSJy free rrqA^ etarch. j For/ tll fairnl j nsca noQiij g eqnala flMy^eaitlilFTohr. ^ Send _ for circnlat o3iering &ftafree. ___ AstGrolors for om Tatej itBj fiaey «Chry6nnC' aSew, itDrivaledCeren[ Food ior Breakfast, Tea and vA)csser ^. If not Eoldptere , write ns for free samples. FARW.EI.X &ItILDCES , -Proprietors , -Watertown , N.Y. e ^ AT A D t> U SAMPLE 'L'HEATHE ST. . E Q C C n I rtnu n\Ve iiiiiilpnoujjh toconvincei nCC T5 S. I .AXJDEKBACH & CO., 7T3 Broail Street , Newark. 2J. Jl _ . - . . . fc^SuE&gJ®J k^S^°l v i I *M MIYJ -M . Have j-on Cocsh. Bronrfiltls. Asthma, Indigestion f Uso PARKER'S GINGER TONIC without delay. 1c ons «ureu many of tlie -worst Oiiacs and is tho best remedy for all affeclions ol tho turoai ana lanes, and djsenrc3 orfrin;? from impnro blood and exhaustion. Tho feeblo ' and sick, struK^llug against disease, and slowly drifting to the grave, will ia many rates recover their health by tho timely us3 of Parker ' s Gin^erTonic, but delay is dsn- fferoiiB. Take it in time. It is invaluable for all paina - and disorders of stoautdi and bowels. t>Oc. at iJragsistSL 1^ " PAKKlR'S BSilli HA5K BALSAM- j^S^^^ Cleanses and bcantifiea tho hair. yilgSg.^j ^* 1^3 Proinotesaluxuriant trrowth. fegJt'aS ^^^ Never rails to Restore Gray i&^&j^LilesSl Kair io its Youthful Color, BaP^tt^ET - ^^* Cure36caJii tilssasosanu liairralllng iiTfL^ef ^r S* SOe.at nratnrlrts. Hl . fMDERCOR^S. Tho safest , surcetnnd bo*t euro for Corns. Buui^«s. &o. Ctot>dal>xalrk Eofflire^cooifoctto the foot. Never falla to cure. J£cen£dail^rusi£ist3w Siscox «2: Ctx , K- T. BEST TRUSS JSVEli USED. ^sj^eSlB ^isSB **. Improreif Elastic Truss. /PS3-" ' '"'*- 1 '" ,1: s ^^^L w*«r " niKfe; ana day. Posi- ftf a E L A S T LG iHl tivt'ly curoa Kuptur«. Sent «?L TRUSS R^ bT ,,ia »1 everywhere. Write ^Cfc ™^; . ^^.2 stc%r r Iul1 descriptive circulars % ^^^^^^^ "^ THE urn HOUSE x. Y. ^^B^ \8f vy ELASTIC TRUSS CO. ^cfir \^^ m itroailwar, AH PrurrifU. 35c.. iOc. and J I.no. Prepared only iy 35r. Setii Amoid. Med. Corp.. W<Ma<ock£l . H. L TWTC T> 4 PPT) Jnaybe foun.lon flle at Geo. 11HO A /\JL JZ<lt/P.RoweH<«:Co - ii>" owKpaper ad-»cr*l*lnR Cut>-au <W Sprues §tr«rt). whose ailtvrt!*- bi' ftHitnwts jnaj- be inado for <t I>" NEW VOItK. LADIES ARE OFFERKD plain neeJlesorK ax their own homes (town or couutrj) by a -wholesale house. lYofitable , Reuulne, Good pay can be mad*. Kvervtbing fumlsaed. PiMiculars " fiee. Addre* Artistic Ncedlewori ^ 1S5 Sti Si.:S*w York City ^v m -^ fir A WEEK and upwards pasitfre^r secured 5? ^C «J bi mon agonu sclllnir Dr. Saott' s Geuuinc Klectric Ben . Suspensory and other appliances^ Sample free. These are the only original and j cen- uine. Xo Uuinbus. l>r. SCOTT. Ml Broadway, K. Y. ¦ ¦ ' jr f^^^&v f i l V F^ " - ' " wwMwnmwHiki ' - Uli . Cp . , *= ¦ ¦ ¦ - I ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ^J^^ «R> ' ; . i Coo.dAp|ietite! 1 . . :®.. . Mm , N . ew?1r0ngiii f _ / ^t" - " ^ u ^ et; Nerves I/^^ _ J ^^%HAPPY; D^XS ' I "I - fc^rtsWEET SLEEP - A POWERPUIJ TONIC ' lhal the most delicate stomach will bear. A SPECIFIC FOR M ALI RIA, KHiEUJIATISSM, .- . . . NKKVOC7S PKOS njAflON , aud all Germ Diseases. . THE M OST SCIENTIFIC AN1> SUCCESSFUL BLOOlv r.UBlF'IEK. Superior to nrilnlhe. - - - : ¦ - "Ko r eifrht years I Iiud dmiili nsue inlolcralily. U'iahed myself doad a seovo of limes. - 1 never found a medicine worth the bottle that held it , until I" too k Kttskiue. That was a happy day for me. It gav e me appetite and strength. ' . I can sleep like " , a top. I stand by every word of tills.—Thos. TooTe , Schuyler- ville. N. Y. . . -; ¦ - .. - ., - Mr. John C. Scarborough , Selmn , N . C , writes : "I got malaria in thcri>>iirherii army, aha ' Tor a dozen years .suffered from. Its debilitating effects. '- ,I was terribly run down when I heard of KasKine. the new quinine. It. helped me at once. I gaiiiert ' 35 pounds. Have not.had such good health in '2() ¦ v ' eS^rB . , ¦ - ' ¦ - ¦ Mrs . Caroline Asten , Astoria , N. V., says : "J.ast winter I rail down so- faultily . from .malaria that I would falut away, sitting in my clinir . I heard of ICaskine , the new quiaine. ' Using it three weeks ] was well . It eauVed a general gettins: up of my na- ture. I ihtnk but for IC askine I should now be dead. " Letters from the above persons , giving full details , will be s*nt on application. - . - Uaskin<- . can ba taken without any special medical advice. $1.00 per bottle; Sold by druggists ' , or sent by mail on receipt of price. , THE KAbKINE CO., 54 Warren St., N. Y. liicJiartlson & lioyntom C' o ^ s SANiTBY HEATING FURNACES Coutuivi the niwest patterns , comprising latest i imprnYCttH'iii s.possible to adopt, in a. Heating Fur- nace where Pmre-r . Kfllciencv, Economy ami dbira- bilily is desired. Medical " acid. - Sicljmitble Experts protiouiice tlie.si: Furnaces superior ii> eitery resjiect ta all otUory. for gunnlyiiig \uira air , rraa from gas •ami dust. -. - - .. ' '-— Send for eircnlars—Sold by all Drst-class dealers. KlCI-IAKOSOi\ & BOY.M'ON CO. Jirrs . 232 ,t as* " Water St., N' .Y. Sold bv all first-class- dealers—Semi 8dr circular. .. . - _ ¦ - ¦ - - - ' v - :- ¦ ¦ ' -¦ ffiS^OT CS lnThe Rnest Irench Gbfn^i ©I^A^RcesTea^poap WeHswood^/Airfo^ In Gnsa.1" Vzxnsh^ & Ownph B ricitfe Fu llbn Ub Wrk Streets BROOKLYN : **~le*-^—0% 1^ S M -hi ^!7sts3 il l W&- l^^sS|tCS fe o s|l° * , - ~* -;s * rg jd2 I LADIES ^^^CAMM VM^ L^M ¦ - EnamelyourEattgos twlce a year, tonsouce - "*&* ¦ a week and you liave tuelluest-polisuedstovo in tho world. r " or sale by all Grocers aud Stovo Dealers. S^^^^^^ 'Nw ^ralian\ lriour & Corn in tho 100 per cent , mnre made in keeping Poultry.. Also POWER amXS ami FARM FEEil MHJCS. Circulars ami testimonials sent on appll- «atlon. WILSON BROS., EASTON, PA. . ¦ C . AU- ' JP . il; . i|% v ; TTIt f X.n.rgrcKt ICutn.il .Steele- ever showo, | Ut lvr»o<*** l«.vv<s-K- thivik c>'4' v before, known. - '¦ ' ;. - We are receiving daily, fro m the Looms of the oldest, and best Manufacturers In. 1 the .Worl d ,, n.11 tl»o Late. <.t JVoveliiew, and we retail them ai.a I small advance above the mamifactnvers 'Jpriccs.. , M ATTINGS ; > AV liHe, £r«ui ft .00-yer roll. Iced Check unci Fine fancy patterns, Fru-lU SS.011 po»- yu.li. UFHOI>S 1'E RY GOODS J : AND LACE CURTAINS IN Ei;Dr,E3S VAlttETT. . . . .. . ' WIN I) O I'/ SUA-J)ES a Speciitttff. ' SHEPPARD EN APT & ob ,; ' Sixth Ave. A 13th st ^nv YorK City, Special Attention paid l ri the Tarnishing of CottaRes and Country Kesideuces. , ;•:. 13tu3. Buy your Fnriiitm-e u»d Ca rpets ^ i EPSTEIN, KAUTS0WITZ & CO., Soods dt-iuered n _ -vr v u froe of charge. J J Uowery, JNew lork. THE BARGAIN BOOK STORE, SKNH VOR GUA'SD CII1USTMAS CATALOGUE Of UOLll>AY and JUVENILE Books at ilARVELOUS- LY LOW PlUOrJS. . I.IBE .RAL TERMS to SUNDAY SCHOOLS and LI BRARIES. - . ' " . ¦ »IclBAt.K > KOIIOE^CO., 7 n.mt 3- Coiirtlandt St reet , Mew STor . lc. I bare ft positive remedy for tho above dlsewa: by its «so thousands orcA^osol tho worse kind and of Ion ? n»Bvllnsh8Toi'y?iKniTU.IiirtM(Il foHrpnKliniifi»lfh m Its rClcacT.in.it I irlll »nnd TWO BOTTLES FBBB. together with a VAI.UABI.KTKUATISK on thljdljooM M aaj fealTerur. Glv-o express and 1* . O.addiviis. UU. T. A. SLOCVU . Ml rewlSt , X«VYor»» : i«gf ' le HQMESEHG MINE &QRAN QE :MASSL . . CHICAGO - . 30 UNION SQUARE . N.V:- DALLAS, •^ | : - -ST L0uis, Mp/^ ^^^ ^- 3fli<reflHcisc^cjiL , - ¦ i ljS TEEL "^S j. : PENS ^^^^ . j /^^^^^ ff/ ^ Coyrcspondwiis ¦ - ^^^^RE THE BEST. ^^^^^^ -Sofd b-y a.l l Staetoners. I Disease Cnrei floiif IMiw. . h. ::i . ^mELW IHVEMTSOi ' " | . ! FOa iJEAULNQ Till! BICK AK» OONQUES- ! . ; r . . . ... - v. . .JKGPAIJiV ' : . ¦ I ¦ A Valbable nlicoTsrr for snpplrln^ Blagnellcai (9 tbo bn. ! i KOa ¦ jatonj. Ktc' clrlcll/ an'l Ifln^iicllnn UUllx«d ' - . M SoTOrlleforB for Healing tbo Siclu We wnsroDO warfare ag-nlnst physicians or. tho | . j medical fraternity generally. Tlieirsnliero of use- I > fulness is laryo and we desire to aid them in fur- ! ! pishing auxiliary means for curing; the sick. Tho I ! honest physician occupies a high place . In public £ ¦ * esteem and deservedly, so, too. While our Appll- i anccs are not a panacea for every ill , they are what ( I we claim for them and will u-fTora a speedy euro oft- \ Centimes after medicines havo failed to give relief. GEHUINE MAGNETIC APPL IANCES CLASSIFIED. | MAGNETIO l M3km%'gl$£&£3£ I Ben.d tiirooCsl\o« Nvorn. Svnd for circulars. BiAftHETIG aaj Sabll^S^i Jffi* j per pair. Send measure ot wrist. Bend for circular. : - | ^AGKET!C mh ^^%^MLr ^ \ ( of anklo. Send for circulars. i ¦ . f^BfiMPTJJ* SLEEPING CAP for nervous i ; .BvaftfiawK E 3l£ heauache, neuralgia ., sleepless- I j ncss, Catarrh, etc. frlco ?8 by mall. Send for i circular. -•- > .- ¦ - . . - . ¦ ' EfiSftSJPTfP SCfATJC SHIELDS will posl- triltUnGliv tirely cure sciatic rheumatism, hip disease, etc. Frico 85. Send size of waist ana i leg at hip. Send for circulars. ! S BSflfiMSTBf* OFFICE CAP for gentlemen | 8 EnnuiaSi fi Cv troubled with nervous noadacho, neural jCla ' or catarrh , will give relief immediately. Price 85 each. Sena size of hat worn. Bond for circulars. - - ¦ § "flGNETlG tfioFncoi3aposi r ti r vo ° curo. !™ vifl reduce tho swelling: and restore to natural , size - jjg Immediately. Price §2 each, by mall. Send size of f lmoe. Sendforeivevdara. - - felAfiglPTifi LUNO PROTECTORS are ! IflMuialallW priceless so persons with weak ! lungs. They prevent and enre cold, rheumatism, j neuralgia, pneumonia, throat troubles and ca- ¦ - tarrh. Price 85. Bend for circulars with, testl- | monials. - . ,. i -1 mmzm 7 0mm ' *mhs&^ benefit to elocutionists , public speakers and sing- : ore. They strengthen tho vocal cords and prevent . hoarseness. Send for circular, fries 31 each, by mail. Bond size ot nock. r^«f. . . RSAfiBIETIP LaOCINS for- gout, riouma- i mnUnE I Iv tisin . lamo legs , fever sores and. E . ' varlcoso veins. Theaft leerplns liave acquired unl- I i versal praise for their medical qualities , and for S tho e&s&N-slth which they are worn. Price 83 each by-mail. Send size, of leg around calf and ankle. 8 Send for circular. i SrsAUriElTlu ly alleviates Indigestion , conatl- ! ; nation , kidney anil liver trouble. Quickly removes | i backaches pc«w31ar to ladles, cuio. imports -vvonder- ! ful vigor to the whotobody. Persons of sedentary ! habltu-and Impaired nervous power will find them ' . i a valuable companion. Price S2 each hy mail post- . I paid. Sond for circulars. j ! WM mm ¦ WVBTWiB&f Bf iZ \ lowln?;diseases wi thout-saectl eln©: Pntn in the - i -back . - head , or limbs , norroua debility, tumbapro. ; I general debility, rheumatism, paralysis, neuralgia , t sciatica; diseases of' the kidneys, torpid Uver. 8em~ Inol omissions , lmpotoncy, heart disease, dyspep- sla; indigestion, hei-nia or rupture, niies. ole. Con- sultation free. Price of Belt , tcith Magnotie In- soles, S10. Send measure of vcaisi . anu size of shce worn. Send for cirtuUrsv HAGMETIO iUmsmks 8 .5ffiS?ffi£ ! rheumatism, neuralgia, nervous exhaustion, dys- j pepsin or with Utoeasca of tlio liver. Kianoya,hoiKl- nche or cold feet , Inme back, falling of tho womb, leucorrhoea , chronic inflammation of the womb, an abdominal belt and a pairof Jingnetie FootBatt e ' r- W ics liave no superiors in tho relief and euro of all g these complaints. They- carry a powerful maic- \ notlc force to the seat of the disease. Prlco of Belt 5 with Magnotio foot Batteries . 310. Sent by express « I CO. D., and examination allowed , or by mall on jj | receipt of priw). In ordering, send moasurs of 1 S waist and size of shoe> . § MAGNETIC ^^eI S an?|o ^?Jl S cIr 8 e B chronic; rheumatism, gout , lumbago, paral ysis, bronchitis, lunjj disease , and other complaints, ! ! which baffle the skill of our best physicians. Price ! 820 each with insole. Send measure of chest or \'' bust and waist. Persons living at a dlstance . who j can not consult us in person should give a clear ! statement of their diSicuItics by letter, and we will designate the kind oi Appliances required in each case to elfecfc a euro. Send vour address for the ?'New Departure in Medical Treatment With- ! [ a out MciUcIno, " Tritli thousands of Testimonials. I The Magnetic Garments are adapted to all ages , r ure ivwn over the underclothes (not next to the U body like tho many galvanic and electric humbugs I B advertised so extensively) and should be taken off i t at night. They hold their power forever, and. lire § l v/orn at all seasons of the year. : 1 I C3TOrder direct through j-our Drugplst; Physician. 1 i General Store Dealer, or through the publisher of this | I -paper. . ¦ ! E THE MAGNETIC APJPtlAJfOE CO., | 8 1U4 l>earhorn St., Chiooeo , HL 3 ¦ fl' T i\ B^L>an live at liome , ainl make more money Bill 1 . 'work roni s, than at anything else iu H Mi I this . world. Capital not neerted ; you are - . H HI H ; starttsViree. Both saxes ;--all ages. Any [ B SB 1 ' one can do the ' work. Large earnings sure 1 M. S.F uJ.from.il/st start. Better not delay.. . Costs you nothing to semi us your ml ilress anil lind out; if f you are wise yon iviil do-so at once. II. 1UU. ETT i ! Co.. Port)!iiu) »Maine. . . 31yl ; ¦ -igaa aaaaBiaa COOP' MEWS : :- ^^^H[' Ifi B- APtES, - : - B^^Sf ^ 7 - Greatest inducements evero?- g3 3f§i - forcd. How"syourtimo to setup I " craeSS'TSSS^a ordersfor onr colehrated Tens r^sSaJsisS j find Cofl' ecs. ai>d secure a beauti- l£v??toi33?Sa falGoldBnndceMossKoseOhma ESaEEa^SEgS Tfia SoU orflandsoino DeooriteU Gold Band MORS Eoao Dinner Set, or Gold Band Mass Decorated Toilet Set. For fnU particular* aa?™ 51 THK (JRliiT AMERICA N TEA CO., P. O?B0i £33. SI and 33 Vesey St.. Hew York. < ECVX Ti fields are aenrce. Imt tho50 who trrito to 11 1 , I. l Stiiisan£Co. ,Poi'tlan«;Mftlite ,wilI rGcefvo 1 g | I ffffee i. full! rafornmlion about work which III ill they cuit do, and live at homo,Hint will pay . V/ AJ Jj them from SS to ?25 per day. Some have . eanied ovcrjai in a day. Either icx.yoang or old. Capital not rcfiuired. You arestartc<l free. Those who start at onco arc absolutely Bare of snug little fcs&anes. All ia new. SfOOO ' REWAR D For aiiv cose of Blind , Bleedlntr. Itching, Ulcerated or Protruding PI.LES that DEUINO ' S TILE EBitBD ir tails 'to cure. 'Preparar by J. P. Miller, M. D. - , 915 Arch Street , Phila., Fa. Noae genuine fritUout- his signature. "Send tor circular. All druggists or gen- eral stores havfrlt or wilt get it for you. $l.> Sold in Sap;.Xlarbor by W. \V. Tooker. DrugRist. FUBJSlTtJRE ' EEPAIRED I - CLOCKS PUT EST ORDER , And w©rlc of similar class done-qnicKly and on ire-as- onabl& terms. . W. L. COOK , ¦ . aaj l . Hp. lO AtechanifrSt. BAKGAKvo in nannels, Suitings , lc-, a ' „„„ COOPERS. d~^l l. : OII> ! Th* best rrfl in tho market may be VJTfouna »t Bitowvs S; :: y ' ' :MM&% $ ' . |jEt^T .HE : , BEST t " \ A Superb Quarto Religious , Literary an el: " . , /. . Fa iyiiijf - -Newspaper. ¦ :CT^^ :sa^s- :EsXj .3:Q-A- y ¦ ; " - . . . ¦ - It has not only attained great influence and popularity among those right-thinking and progressive people , . of-nll denominations who prefe r purity nnd Bound instruction to sectarian dogmasand bickerings, but nluo>, for tho , superior ability and versatility displayed in its various departments. ' Employing the VEnr BESV T ALENT, ond with ahuadant facilities andtvell-directed enterprise, tho constant aim is to furnish the ' " . ¦ BiEjST ¦ WEEKLY : . IN ITS SPHERE. ~ . ' .TVhilo ' faithfully laboring to make its Contents superior in PCBITT and USEFULNESS, the experienced con. ductors of TiiE.CHnisriAK AT Wonu heartily . unite in earnest endeavors to render every issue in all respects FULLY ABREAST OF THE TIMES, * For, in addition to the ample space dovoted to Religious and Literary subjects , it comprises it reflex of Current Events at Homo and Abroad , and much practical and tirttely. information- for iTarmetsj Gardeners , and Housokecpess, ' while the Young.Pcople are by no moans neglected; - Indued, we believe it supplies in ita Twenty«four Lnrgc Guarto Ptigos tho beat lteliifiousi Literary and Family NawapiipBri combinedi On this- Continent. Frequent sermons by eminent ministers will be published , and if TIIE CIIRI 6 TIAK AT Wo 'iiK doea - not prove even bettor than ever during the coming year it-will not be for lack of either earnest feffiwt of libera* expenditure. ¦ ¦ ' ' " .; ' ¦ - One Sabscriptton one year, in aavanoc ...... S3 OO Pot slat nvowtlia 1 ¦ ..... : .... . " ...i. ' :i:i.ii:;...: 1 GO v Twenty-f ive liundred Copies are sent to Suffolk County at Half Kates. " .. - ¦ *' >KS»Tho sums duo on subscription s from tho "SUFFOLK Cotrsfi HALF BATE Ci,rin " nrosdsmall;nnd.%o aroso well acquainted with tho character of the people of our owii county that (until further notice) all money sent from Suffolk may be considered at our risk. You need not even go to the ' extra expense and trouble of n Money Order for so small a sum. Simply tako the precaution to let a friend see you enclose the dollar bill - ' - (and pounce stamps for change) and. ttal tho letter and mail it to us, and the money ia at our niav ' Subscribe now, and get tho low «lub rate for Siiifolk County. -- ¦ J. ' N. HALLOCK , Publisher , Box 3359. 216 BROADWAY . NEW YORK. HI ¦ —'.!¦¦¦¦ ¦ I ™^ »*»^——— ¦ —— ¦ !—I lll II I H ill ¦ ¦ ! ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦ I I.IU M . IIIIM ——.% WEBSTER'S- UHABBIDG-Eir XVItlt or witUout Patent index. Tho Attention of School Ofllcors, nnd others, is invited to the faot that in purchasing tho latest isstio (if this work, they get A DICTIONARY iggawir. i IAUA ^ —umu'jMiMMMi— containinp RIK *) more words and nearly 2000 moro il!tii<tration» tlinn any other-American Dictionary. A j flTOER OF THE WOELD eonfainin . ^ over B, fl(»l Titk-s, with their pronnnal- ' ation and n va^t umount of other informat ion , (just added , 1SST.) and A BTOMICAL DICTMARI giving pronunciaiion of ' names nnd brief facta concerning nearly IO . IHH ) Notod Persons- also various laUo-j j-ivine; valuable infonnation. ALL::IN ONE EOOg. Webster' s Unabridge d Dictionary is recornmend- cd l>y the Strito-Superintendents of Sehools in36 States, nnd bv lencliiijr C' ollegn Presidents of tho Uniieil Sl,»los s.n.l Can^la. It is Sta.iul n. r- d Au- thority with tho United Slates Supremo Court, nnd in tho Government Printing Office. It has been selected in every ease where SffitePurchases hav o bee n made for School s, and is tho Diction- ary upon which nearly all the sohool books oro iiwcd. . GET THE LATEST MP BEST. It is nn invaluable companion in every School and at every Fireside. * LLC. MERRliy* L CO., Pub' rs, Springuold , Mass. A IV<j«'»p:>per supporting; ih<> . Principles ot u Dcmocrutto Admtnlstrntiuu. Published in the City of . New York. _ •? *? WILLIAM DQRSHElftlER , EDITOR. Daily, Weekly, and Sunday Editions. THE WEEKLY STAR, An Eight-page Newspaper , Issued every Wednesday. A clean, pnro , brlarbt nnd lntcrcttlna FA MILY PAP ER. It contains tho latest news, down to the hour of going to press. Agricultural, Market, Fashion , Household/ Financial and Commercial, Political , Poetical , Humorous and E d i t orial Departments, all under tho direction of trained Journalists of tho highest ability. Its column! will be found crowded with good thing! from beginning to end. Original stories by distinguished American and' foreign writers oX fiction. TERMS OF THE WEEKLY STAR TO SUBSCRIBERS. Free of Postage In tho United States and Canadoi" outside the limits of New York City. ONE DOLLAR FOR ONE YEAR. Clubs of 10 la the name-P. 0. Addre&s, with an addition al copy to organizer of Club , . . $1 0. 00 FOR THREE MONTHS , on trial , .2 5 cent* Special terms and extraordinar y Iiulaee> ments to aircnta and cauvaiscr *. Send for Clrculur *. THE DAILY STAR. THH DAILY STAB contains nil the news of the day ha an attractive form. Its special correspondence by cable from London , Farli , Berlin, Vienna and Dublin, iaa commendable feature. At Washington, Albany, and other netrs centers, tha ablest correspondents , specially retained by Tan Six * , furnish the latest newBby telegraph. Its literary features are unsurpassed. Tho Financial and Market Reviews are unusually fun and complete. ¦ . TERMS OF THE DAILY STAR TO SUBSCRIBERS , ' Srea of Postage! n the United States and Canada , out- side the limits of New York City. Every Day, for on e year (including Sunday), (T.0O Dally v without Sunday, one year, . . I 6.00 Every Day, six months, . . » . . 8.6ft Daily,, without Sunday, six months, » , » 8.00 Sunday, without Daily, one year, . . « 1,00 J.dii'6iS , TK[E ; gTAB ) Broadway and Park Placo, New York, Ib^Ji^J^ivS^^^Ksl After Forty yoara! 1 , 3 1 62^^S2'\ JK HlaTTti J I RK oxporionco- in tho w ^rir^wn^^!j3JLS.y-oSi nroparation-of mora a B~J iSZ r T»--»"-a«va- . t. -hWA > lhan 0no lIundre(4 3 &>i W L Thousand applications for patents in. S M^-^ ibe United ^intws- and Forei gn ' coup— , - ffl lf^ tea *-r'efi . tn0 I'tiblishprs of tho bcionlin*- r <»3Bi% Amorican contnuio to net as solicitors: j SSfflba j? for i>ntonts . civynts. trnde-ninrks .copr- 1 -- ¦" rights , etc., fur tho Uniiod States , anct to obtain patents in 0J.in.Kln., Knglnnd, France, Germany, and nil oth^r- countries _ Their oxpori- enco is une»inaled aua their faciUtioa' iiro unsut» " Daesed. - ' i Drawings nnd upefilientinna prepared and Glod lo tbo Cut cm Olfine en short notice. Torms very. Poasnnnhto. Ni. cli:truo for. oaiuHilialiou ot.uiodois. or drawincrt .^.ilvice liy m.MfcSi'ea- I Patentsnht-miiiMlihninph Miinn*(' n.nronoticool intho SCIK.V1'JF* IC .\ M l-lVICAX, which ha* the l*rirorfl. n>oulnli,.n »».! i* MM ino-.l induontiat at«aga|wr nt in k::»l | MI I I II *H MI I in tho-world; ¦ ?!.& fc.l.-ui>i n gv» of . ..lob a uotiufr ««iiy. pitontoot ianiicr>tiiinl« Thi« l«r?r- .tTiii *].!pr!<riiVW. ili-n«h*arnd' nnwspapor- Is publHlii-il WKKKiiT' ni M.W a year, and adiutued tc l>° 4 ih».-l,n»i im;»(!r oovoted lo science^ mocuutiicr . invoni.oii'v . ensineorinc: works , anot other d.'i.Hrltiicntv of i'ldnsti-jji l progress, pub— I I ^: HM { HI nny rnuntrv. It cmt. -iin* the names oV ill patnnleus aud Ittlu of uvory iiivcntitm iifUoiitctlt onch wt'ck Try it fnur iiiunthj fur ono dollar*. Sold by all n«'\v.,.le:il. l r-. If run li.ivo nn invention try pnlont ltrilo to Jlunn .t I' d- , piihli.'hi.r. 'i of Scientific American ^ SCI llronilwny. Nf.v Vnrk HaudbuuU about xialuuts mailed tree. * EXHAUSTED VITALITY = ^j -. ' j, nnHE SCIENCE OF /Sff rHf ^WiPiiircM ¦ *- LIFE ' the s 100 * m : wM * M Medlcal Work of Uw ' U OF MM/ IFF $$ a S eon 3Ianhood, Nerr- ^^^ ^^mzL~M cm and Pn y sica ? Do * M#±^t3 ^sss3&f Dility, Premature Do- " 1/UnU/ T "UVCCI F dine, Errors of ronth , . I\inU¥i 1 III dLLt land the untold miser- ies conecqucnt thereon , 800 paces 8 vo., 10S pro^ scriptions for all diseases. Cloth, full gilt, only J1.00 , by mail, sealed. Illustrative sample freo to all young and middle-aged men. Send now. The Gold ana Jewelled Medal awarded to the author by the Nation- al Medical Association. Address P.O. Box 1895,Bos- ton, Mass. , or Dr. W. II. PARKER , graduate of Har- vard Medical College, 25 years' practice in Boston^ who may bo consulted confidentially. Office , No. 4 Bulflnch St. Specialty, Diseases of Man. Cut thin out. Yon uiuy never sec it again* AGENT* WANTKD TO SELL THE NEW BOOfC £ I^AI^THA « ^ SARATOGA Jb'UiVNY HITS ! ftUICK SAMJS ! FI/ iV iW Y. CUTS I «I« ntOFIXS I' One AKentmade in three weeks 8I . 3S; one in Bis days 851-1 40 one in 10 days 81.-15 ; one in 3 days* 50; one In 3 weeks SU):i 50—85OO in x ¦ wceKs ! It takes oir Sara t oga follies , ilirtstlons, l ow- nec ks, dmles , pug dogs , etc.; In the author ' s in imita- ble mirth-provoking s<ylc. The 100 comic cuia are- 'just killing.. ' People crazy to get It. Price (by malj or agent) SU.50. Apply for agency (and makt. $50 or $75 a week) to HUBBARD BROS., Philadelphia, Pa. eCACMCCQ Its causes , and a new and sue* t n r 1M t D u cessfui <;UKE at your own home by one who was deaf twenty-eigii t years. Treat- ed by most of the noted specialists without ben- efit. Cured himself in three months, and since then hundreds o! c-' .aeia. Full particulars sout on appli- cation. T. S. PAG E, N». 11 West 3ist St., New York City.. (^t llOICE BLACK SfLKS , Nuns Veilings, Combira- j tloa Suiting^ , Ac, ic, now opening at Ap"U 2S, 18S3. - COOPER'S. ¦ I—.— —I. . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ " ' " ¦ " - ¦¦ - ¦! ¦ - I .^ Blankets . .Special bargains In Blankets , purchased from the recent grea t auction sale in New York , at . October 13 , 1SS3. COOPfSR»S. •TUIft n a RPO ! ¦ > on Moin Philadelphia. I HlA HArCKa' 'be Newspaper Adven~ 8 " ,<J I b " tlalnif Agonoy of ' MoBert H,W. AVER &SOH, our outhorii<. -a oguata UOW ' LOST, HOW KESTOltED Just published ' , a new eilition of Dr. htlverwell' Celebrateil Essay s>n the radical cure ot Hpermator rhoj a or Seminal Weakness , Involuntary' Seinina Losses, Irnpotonoy, Mental and Physical Incapacltj Impediments to Marriage , etc.; also , ConsumptioD Epilepsy and Fits , induced by self-indul gence; a sexual extravagance, Ac. The celebrated author , In this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years ' successful practice , that ti»« alarming consequences of self- abuse may be radicaily cure*! ; liolnilug oat a mo»ie of care at once simple , certain, and effectual , t>) means of -which every sufferer, -no matter what hla condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, private- ly and radically. - - te^Tbis Lecture- should be In the- hands of ever? youth and every man. In the land. Sent under seal , in a plain emrolope- . to- any address, post-paid , on receipt of four cents or two posta? stamps . AtKlress THE CULYEEWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 Ann St.. New York , N. Y; Post Office IKM. . -wa pMSTS 4 cents , Gingnaras T cents, SP^^K^ 11 * TRADK^J "f^MAHK F0K TUE CORK 07 FEVER AND AGUE AND INTERMITTENT MiiLAHI^Ii S'SVSSIS. VITA COMPANY r K KYPOBT, N. J., April 24, isss. DHA« Srits—* * * I have b«en sull' ering with mala- rial intermittent, fever for more than twenty years , until iny life had become a burden to me. The last attack , -which was four yeazs since , threatened to terminate fatally . Ttiroagi my tarortiei-in-law, wlio had been reeeutljt carc-d af fe ve r ami ague, 1 heard of the Piu.s , and procuring them, was cuusn by them in a few weeks and have had no return to this hour. I most cheerfully and earnestly recommend these PiM.a to all suffering from this miserable dls- , ease. J ESSIK II AJ- .^ BN U AKI ;. Price 50 cents. Send for circular. I VITA COMPANY , 12 & UCkLff Street , New York , i ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers h y addressing Geo . P- . Rowell & Co.* Newspaper Advertising Bureau , lO Sprtaoe St. , New Yoik. Send. !Oot& lor ^OO-Page Para phlet. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. - This Magazine portrays Ameri- can thought and life front ocean to ocean , is filled with pure high-class literature , and can he safel y nvel- comed in any family circle PRICE 25c. OR $3 A YE AR BY R3AIL. Sample Copy of current number malted upon re- ceipt of 25 ets.; back numbers, IB eta. Premium Xdat with either . t Address : : R:T. BUSH & SON, Publishers , 130 & 133 Pearl .St., N. T.

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Page 1: FULLY ABREAST OF THE TIMES, i«gfnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031606/1888-06-16/ed-1/seq-4.pdfTHE COEItECTOB, * SATURDAY, JUSTE 16, 18SS.:i: '.'Brace Up.. Yon tire reeling' depressed,



:i:'.' ;.; '.:. Brace Up.. Yon tire reeling' depressed, your appe-tite is poor, yon ara bothered wth Head-ache, you ii rp fidgety, nervoap, andgenerally out of sorts, aud want to braceup-i :Br:ice _np, bat not with stimulants,spring medicines, bitters, which have fortheir basis very cheap, bad whisky .andwhich stimulate you for an hour, andthen 'eave you in worse condition thanhefortt. What yon want is HU alterna-tive that, will purify your blood, starthealthy action of Jj iver and Kidneys, re-store your vitality, and give renewedhealth and strength. Sncli n medicineyon will find in Electric Bitters"aifd only/SO cents a buttle at \V. W. Tooker andJ E -IjobstOHf8.

A KEH VEKABLE FISIL—People livingin the neighborhood of L ike Winonaare a good <1eal exercised over tiio ap-pi>arance of an enormoiiH flub whichHj iuuts water fifteen or twenty ft-et intn'o air, and is declared bj ' m - u y to I e aspecies of -whale. The fisJi in >aid to befour or five feet lonj»,

~ v«vy 1'trge andheavy, with smooth akin and withoutscales. His movements in the waterwerO j Sluw and sluggish and lie seemedtu be ircqnoutly burrowing with hishead into the highway as if seeking anoutlet from the lake. One man emptieda repenting rinV at the uncouth visitor,but the bullets stained "to glance fromthe fish's skiu and to make no impres-sion whatever. Scores of people sawthe fish Suuday uiid vouch /or tue truthof tho atui'y

DON'T.let that oold of years run on. You think ifia a lifjht thing. IJut it may run into ca-tarrh. Or tutu pneumonia. Or consump-tion.

Catarrh is disgusting. Pneumonia IHdangerous- Consumption is dnat.li itself.

The breath'.ng apparatus must be kepthealthy and clear of all obstructions audoffensive matter. Otherwise there istrouble ahead.

All the <tf.iea.ie of these parts, <bead .no.se,throat, brouohial tubes and lung, can bedelightfully and entirely cured by the useof Boschee's German Syrup. If yon don'ttaow this already, thousands and thousands of people oau tell yon. They havebeen, enred by it. and "know bow it ia,themselves." Bottle only 75 cents. Askany druggist.

Ailvicc to Nuihcrx.Are you disturbed at night and broken

af your rest by a sick child suffering andcrying with pain of cutting teeth ? If so,lend ai once and got u battle of Mrs. Wins-low's Soothing Syrup for Children Teeth-ing. Its* value is incalculable. It will re-lieve thft poor little s-.ifYerer immediately.Uepend npoo it. mothers, there ia no mis-take about it. ' It cures dysentery anddiarrhoea;regnlates the.-rtoraucli aud bowels©ores wind colic, softens the gntas, reduce?inflammation, aud gives tone and energy tothe wholesyatera. Mrs. Winslow's Sooth-ing Syrup for Children Teething is pleasantto the taste, and is the prescription of oneof the oldest and best female nurses andphysicians in tbe United States, and is forsale by all druggists throughout the worldPriee 25 cents bottle 31yl

m • j *

Are you failing. tryWEiis* HEALTH KB- H -KZTTE , a pure, clean, vbolcsomo Ej^oiE^mo,!

For Brrrfn. Verves. Ptnranch, Liver, Kidneys, (5Lmi s. .Aa Vuequaled lnri-orauU Cures. 3xrxrs:]e:sjesijfc_3 1Hcadcciie, fever, ARBe, Chillg, §fDEBILITY & WEAKNESS . §

Nice to take, true merit,rmequaled for BXORPID„ LIVER land Wightgbweats, Nervous Weakness,!Malaria, Leaun&Aa, Sexual JVclme. Bi-i.'W per not, 6 for ?5JXi at Druggists. HE. S. WELLS, Jersey City, N. J-, V. S. A. g

ia^BJtira< ir -i ^flr i««g^MSB^

^^ Buchu-Paiba^J §EemarkuWo Cnres of Catarrh of the §Bladder, Inflammation , Irritatioa of Kid- 3neys and Bladder. Stone or Gravel Dto- 9cases of tho Prostate Gland, Dropsical pS-BreUliura, Fcmalo Diseases, Incontia- &once of Urino. all Discuses of the Genito- BUrinary Organs in either ser. For XIa- Bhealthy or Unnatural Discharges use 3also *'ChaphV lBiection Fleur," each SL. Bi'or S1THIUS. either contracted or B

hereditary taint, use Chapin's Constitu- BUon Bliirr Syrup, §1.00 per bottle, and 5Chnphi's Srphilftic Pills, SiOO; and Cha- gpin's Syphilitic Salve. SLOO. 6 bottles BSyrup, a of lUIs, 1 Salve, by Express on 3receipt of S10.00. or at Druggists. SE. S.. VTEijJi , Jersey Cftr. - J..P. S. A. g

WANTJED.Tne nMesi , most saovesslul ai>*' onlr oxUslac XXVK

STUCK Mirri'Ai. HBSKKrr socurrv i» Die sjnte wishesto incn>.isi' its rat>nn>erslii|i, and want a inau of re-sponsibility au.l influence to take tlie management»r its Uiisiiies-s in tliis countr. Must be aciiualut&tt•«iUU *iwiivra of hursca. This is an exertional op.pormtiUr lo oniwge in a permanent aud lucrativefcuaim-xs. au.1 c-ntv :fr,»se possessing necessary quali-Hcjitinns and who can give bonds need applv. PKO-TKCT1VK I.IVK STOCK M lTrUA I. BENEFIT SOCIBTV, 116West i3d Street, New York.

WORKING OLASSES^TSS^?prepared \o {unilih all ulasses with einplovinent atkotut-, tke wholi>of the time, or for their spare mo-ments. Knsiuess new. Hcht and profitable. Persons«f either ses easily earn from 50 cents to $3.00 perei-euluii. and a jnoj^rtiouAl sum by devoting- allikelr time to ibc baiiu&ss. itovs an<l girls eara uear-\y as taiicl as aien. Tast an w>o see this rnajt seadiheiraildresa. and te*t the business, we mate tatsoffer. T«> such as are not well satisaed wo "Will sendoaedollar i«» pay for tiw tr.>uble of wrUlnjr. Pall par-ticulars and oi.tut free. Address GKOUUS STIXSOX ACc l'oriland Maine. Slyl


Jin evciv citT and town. A crest opportunity.Aureeable worK. Address THE WOMAN PCUHSU-

XC CO.. 12S Nassau street. New Yorfe.

£*eZ A -MOXTU and BOARD for S RriphtSOU VAtthff M-Wl .V»" Ijl.ll^i J,, «ao.K Ortuhiy.«wl V. Vk-. ZX KULKK A Cv>.. Palladelphia. r*.



|Cleanses the Nasal Ifcft^uircW*Passages, Allays &W*>>?0i£UL "tAU

Pain and I=fl.m- g"fEVER

%^mation, Heals the g -jr ' j & § mSore?, Restores the^^^a j^?^©^^Senses of . TastelJ |pS >x^us.A:and SmdI. . HAY-EEVEH

TRY THE CURE.A particle, is? applied into each nostril and is agree-

able. " Priee 5ft cents ar, Dnarnists; i>y iniiil .Tesisle.r-ed. 60 CM. Ef.Y BKOTIIEKS, 235 Greenwich St.,iSew YprK.,

For Thirty Years this valuable combi-nation has been used a specific for AGUEand MALARIAL FEV*ERS, DYSPEPSIA,INDIGESTION , and all NERVOUS DIS:EASES, such as NEURALGIA , SLEEP-LESSNESS and PROSTRATION., ItSs

AN UNRIVALLED TONIC,restoring tone to the deb'rfitated System^


¦ - t - ;

for overworked men and women, invalidsand children is. recommended by Physi-cians. Where other Tonics have failedthis has made a conspicuous success.

Nichols Bark and Iron can ba obtainedat alt Druggists. BILLINGS, CLAPP &CO., Proprietors, Boston, Mass.



An fficient Tonic for IrnralidsINSTANTANEOUS BEEF TEA.

Ai§o fvr flavoring Sonpsi Sawea and Maac Dislics.X. It.—«c it ii I no only ivitit I':LC-K i m i 1 o of

Itstrou t . i v h i ji'i 2>i ^finittire iu btuuti.cru<>s tnbol.

To tic had of storekeepers, Grocer.? and Druggists.


wiioiir tiiililio art if icial srstteiUKAny i>iM)K Jeitr;ic< ! in ono rej uilngr.

Cl;i?si-s or i nfi? at Hnliimn:. ., ioi>5 at Detroitt50«> nt. PIiH ;iiIeliiliia . U13 at WMsliiii fron .I-1 f< ••» Uosloii . Ist rjjo- classes of Columbiahaw sviiileiiK «'•• TiilP. Wellcsluv. Oborlin.- Uni-versity of Pt'int.. Jticliinnii Uiiivursitv, Chautauqua,Ac.,.t<\ Kn.loraol l'j liiuHAiii) PKOcroit.tlie Sclentisf ,lions. \V. \V. Asrrti:, J UUAH P. JJ ESJAMIN, .luiijieGiusos, Ur. BUOWN. R. II. OooK ,, Principal }J. Y.Siatc Normal Ciilh'jrf, Ac. The svsiem is per/ecMvlangii i by corrosimiKiouve. Prnsiir.ciu.6 VOST FKK'Efrom Pij ot". LOIHETCK, 237 Kifiiv Ave., Kew York.



Glnten Floor andSpeelnllHahctfcFoodarelnTaInabhyraste-- DaiTnig nonrs for PTBPCDsin.PlabetcsjDebillt/arfd Childrjn's ood. NcBran, maSJy free rrqA etarch. jFor/tll fairnljnscanoQiijg eqnala flMy^eaitlilFTohr.^ Send_for circnlat o3iering&ftafree.___

AstGrolors for omTatej itBjfiaey «Chry6nnC'aSew,itDrivaledCeren[Food ior Breakfast, Tea andvA)csser^.If notEoldptere, write ns for free samples. FARW.EI.X&ItILDCES,-Proprietors,-Watertown , N.Y.


^ AT A D t> U SAMPLE 'L'HEATHEST.. E Q C Cn I r t n u n\Ve iiiiiilpnoujjh toconvincei nCCT5 S. I .AXJDEKBACH & CO., 7T3 Broail Street,Newark. 2J. Jl _ . - . . .

fc^SuE&gJ®J k S^°l v i I *M MIYJ -M. Have j-on Cocsh. Bronrfiltls. Asthma, Indigestion f Uso

PARKER'S GINGER TONIC without delay. 1cons «ureu many of tlie -worst Oiiacs and is tho best remedyfor all affeclions ol tho turoai ana lanes, and djsenrc3orfrin;? from impnro blood and exhaustion. Tho feeblo 'and sick, struK llug against disease, and slowly driftingto the grave, will ia many rates recover their health bytho timely us3 of Parker's Gin erTonic, but delay is dsn-fferoiiB. Take it in time. It is invaluable for all paina -and disorders of stoautdi and bowels. t>Oc. at iJragsistSL



Cleanses and bcantifiea tho hair.yilgSg. j* 1 3 Proinotesaluxuriant trrowth.fegJt'aS


Never rails to Restore Gray

i&^&j^LilesSl Kair io its

Youthful Color,BaP tt^ET-^^* Cure36caJii tilssasosanu liairralllngiiTfL^ef ^r S* SOe.atnratnrlrts.

Hl .fMDERCOR^S.Tho safest, surcetnnd bo*t euro for Corns. Buui «s. &o.

Ctot>dal>xalrk Eofflire cooifoctto the foot. Never fallato cure. J£cen£dail^rusi£ist3w Siscox «2: Ctx, K- T.

BEST TRUSS JSVEli USED.sj eSlB isSB **. • Improreif Elastic Truss.

/PS3-"'''"''*-1'" ,1:s^ ^L w*«r" niKfe; ana day. Posi-

f t f a E L A S T LG iHl tivt'ly curoa Kuptur«. Sent«?L T R U S S R^

bT ,,ia»1 everywhere. Write^Cfc ™^;. ^.2stc%r f°r

Iul1 descriptive circulars

%^^^^^^^" THE urn HOUSE x. Y.^ B \8f vy ELASTIC TRUSS CO.^cfir \^^ m itroailwar, K» V»

AH PrurrifU. 35c.. iOc. and J I.no. Prepared only iy35r. Setii Amoid. Med. Corp.. W<Ma<ock£l. H. L

TWTC T> 4 PPT) Jnaybe foun.lon flle at Geo.11HO A /\JL JZ<lt/P.RoweH<«:Co-ii>"owKpaperad-»cr*l*lnR Cut>-au <W Sprues §tr«rt). whose ailtvrt!*-bi'ftHitnwts jnaj-be inado for <t I>" NEW VOItK.

LADIES ARE OFFERKD plain neeJlesorK ax theirown homes (town or couutrj) by a -wholesale

house. lYofitable, Reuulne, Good pay can be mad*.Kvervtbing fumlsaed. PiMiculars "fiee. Addre*Artistic Ncedlewori C©^ 1S5 Sti Si.„:S*w York City

^v m-^ f i r A WEEK and upwards pasitfre^r secured5?^C«J bi mon agonu sclllnir Dr.Saott's GeuuincKlectric Ben. Suspensory and other appliances^Sample free. These are the only original and jcen-uine. Xo Uuinbus. l>r. SCOTT. Ml Broadway, K. Y.

• ¦¦• ' jrf^^^&v fi lVF^"

- '" wwMwnmwHiki ' - U l i.Cp . ,*=¦¦¦-

I '¦¦¦' • ^J^^«R>';.iCoo.dAp|ietite!1.. :®.. . Mm ,N .ew?1r0ngiii

f _/ t"-" ^u^et; NervesI/^^_ J ^%HAPPY; D^XS'I"I - fc^rtsWEET SLEEP

- A POWERPUIJ TONIC 'lhal the most delicate stomach will bear.


. NKKVOC7S PKOS nj AflON,aud all Germ Diseases. .

THE M OST SCIENTIFIC AN1> SUCCESSFULBLOOlv r.UBlF'IEK. Superior to nrilnlhe. - -- : ¦-

"Kor eifrht years I Iiud dmiili nsue inlolcralily.U'iahed myself doad a seovo of limes. - 1 never founda medicine worth the bottle that held it, until I" too kKttskiue. That was a happy day for me. It gave meappetite and strength.'. I can sleep like ",a top. Istand by every word of tills.—Thos. TooTe, Schuyler-ville. N. Y. . • .-; ¦ - .. - . , -

Mr. John C. Scarborough , Selmn, N. C, writes : "Igot malaria in thcri>>iirherii army, aha 'Tor a dozenyears .suffered from. Its debilitating effects.' - ,I wasterribly run down when I heard of KasKine. the newquinine. It. helped me at once. I gaiiiert '35 pounds.Have not.had such good health in '2() ¦v'eS^rB.•,

¦- ' ¦-• ¦Mrs. Caroline Asten , Astoria , N. V., says : "J.astwinter I rail down so- faultily .from .malaria that Iwould falut away, sitting in my clinir . I heard ofICaskine , the new quiaine.' Using it three weeks ]was well . It eauVed a general gettins: up of my na-ture. I ihtnk but for ICaskine I should now be dead."Letters from the above persons, giving full details,will be s*nt on application. - .- Uaskin<-. can ba taken without any special medicaladvice. $1.00 per bottle ; Sold by druggists', or sentby mail on receipt of price. ,

THE KAbKINE CO., 54 Warren St., N. Y.

liicJiartlson & lioyntom C'o^sSANiTBY HEATING FURNACES

Coutuivi the niwest patterns, comprising latesti imprnYCttH'iiis.possible to adopt, in a. Heating Fur-nace where Pmre-r. Kfllciencv, Economy ami dbira-bilily is desired. Medical"acid.- Sicljmitble Expertsprotiouiice tlie.si: Furnaces superior ii> eitery resjiectta all otUory. for gunnlyiiig \uira air, rraa from gas

•ami dust. -. - - .. ' ' - —Send for eircnlars—Sold by all Drst-class dealers.

KlCI-IAKOSOi\ & BOY.M'ON CO.Jirrs .232 ,t as*" Water St., N'.Y.

Sold bv all first-class- dealers—Semi 8dr circular... .- _ ¦

- ¦ - -• -'v - :-¦ ¦' -¦

ffiS^OTCSlnTheRnest Irench Gbfn^i

©I^A^RcesTea^poapWeHswood^/Airfo^In Gnsa.1" Vzxnsh &

OwnphBricitfeFu llbn Ub Wrk StreetsBROOKLYN :

**~le*-^—0% 1 S M -hi ^!7sts3 ill

W&- l ^sS|tCS fe o s|l°*,-~* -;s* rg jd2 I

LADIES ^^^CAMMVM^ L^M ¦-EnamelyourEattgos twlce ayear, tonsouce • - "*&*¦a week and you liave tuelluest-polisuedstovo in thoworld. r"or sale by all Grocers aud Stovo Dealers.

S ^ ^ ^ 'Nw ralian\ lriour & Corn in tho

100 per cent, mnre made in keeping Poultry..Also POWER amXS ami FARM FEEilMHJCS. Circulars ami testimonials sent on appll-«atlon. WILSON BROS., EASTON, PA.

. ¦C. AU-'JP . il;.i|%v; TTIt f X.n.rgrcKt ICutn.il .Steele-ever showo,| Ut lvr»o<*** l«.vv<s-K- thivik c>'4'v

before, known. -'¦';. -

We are receiving daily, from the Looms of theoldest, and best Manufacturers In.1 the .Worl d,, n.11tl»o Late.<.t JVoveli iew, and we retail them ai.a

I small advance above the mamifactnvers 'Jpriccs.. ,

M ATTINGS; >AV liHe, £r«ui ft .00-yer roll.Iced Check unci Fine fancy patterns,

Fru-lU SS.011 po»- yu.li.


IN Ei;Dr,E3S VAlttETT. . . ... .' WIN I) O I'/ SUA-J) ES a Speciitttff. '

SHEPPARD EN APT & ob,;'Sixth Ave. A 13th st„ nv YorK City,

Special Attention paid lri the Tarnishing of CottaResand Country Kesideuces. , ; •:. 13tu3.

Buy your Fnriiitm-e u»d Carpets i

EPSTEIN, KAUTS0WITZ & CO.,Soods dt-iuered n _ -vr v ufroe of charge. J J Uowery, JNew lork.


' ".¦»IclBAt.K> KOIIOE^CO. ,

7 n.mt 3- Coiirtlandt Street, Mew STor.lc.

I bare ft positive remedy for tho above dlsewa: by its«so thousands orcA^osol tho worse kind and of Ion?n»Bvllnsh8Toi'y?iKniTU.IiirtM (Il foHrpnKlini ifi»lfhm Its rClcacT.in.it I irlll »nnd TWO BOTTLES FBBB.together with a VAI.UABI.KTKUATISK on thljdljooMM aaj fealTerur. Glv-o express and 1*. O.addiviis.

UU.T. A. SLOCVU.Ml rewlSt , X«VYor»»



:--ST L0uis,Mp/^^^^^-3fli<reflHcisc^cj iL, - ¦

i ljS TEEL " Sj. : PENS


j / ^^^^ f f /^ Coyrcspondwiis

¦- ^^^^RE THE BEST.^^^^^^-Sofd b-y a.ll Staetoners.

I Disease Cnrei floiif IMiw.. h. ::i . mELW IHVEMTSOi ' " | .

! FOa iJEAULNQ Till! BICK AK» OONQUES- !. ; r. . . ... - v. . .JKGPAIJiV ': . ¦

I ¦

A Valbable nlicoTsrr for snpplrln^ Blagnellcai (9 tbo bn. !i KOa ¦jatonj. Ktc'clrlcll/ an'l Ifln iicllnn UUllx«d '- . M SoTOrlleforB for Healing tbo Siclu

We wnsroDO warfare ag-nlnst physicians or. tho |. j medical fraternity generally. Tlieirsnliero of use- I

> fulness is laryo and we desire to aid them in fur- !! pishing auxiliary means for curing; the sick. Tho I! honest physician occupies a high place. In public £¦* esteem and deservedly, so, too. While our Appll- i

anccs are not a panacea for every ill , they are what (


we claim for them and will u-fTora a speedy euro oft- \Centimes after medicines havo failed to give relief. •

GEHUINE MAGNETIC APPLIANCES CLASSIFIED. |MAGNETIO lM3km%'gl$£&£3£ IBen.dtiirooCsl\o« Nvorn. Svnd for circulars.

BiAftHETIG aaj Sabll S^iJffi* jper pair. Send measure ot wrist. Bend for circular. :

- |AGKET!C mh^^% MLr \( of anklo. Send for circulars. i ¦

. f^BfiMPTJJ* SLEEPING CAP for nervous i; .BvaftfiawK E 3l£ heauache, neuralgia. , sleepless- Ij ncss, Catarrh, etc. frlco ?8 by mall. Send fori circular. -•- > . - ¦ - . . - . — ¦

' EfiSftSJPTfP SCfATJC SHIELDS will posl-triltUnGliv tirely cure sciatic rheumatism,hip disease, etc. Frico 85. Send size of waist ana

i leg at hip. Send for circulars. !S BSflfiMSTBf* OFFICE CAP for gentlemen |8 EnnuiaSi fi Cv troubled with nervous noadacho,

neuraljCla'or catarrh, will give relief immediately.Price 85 each. Sena size of hat worn. Bond forcirculars. - - ¦

§ "flGNETlG tfioFncoi3aposirtirvo°curo. !™vifl

reduce tho swelling: and restore to natural , size- jjg Immediately. Price §2 each, by mall. Send size of

flmoe. Sendforeivevdara.-

- felAfiglPTifi LUNO PROTECTORS are! IflMuialallW priceless so persons with weak! lungs. They prevent and enre cold, rheumatism,j neuralgia, pneumonia, throat troubles and ca-¦- tarrh. Price 85. Bend for circulars with, testl-| monials. •-.,. i-1 mmzm 70mm '*mhs&^benefit to elocutionists, public speakers and sing-

: ore. They strengthen tho vocal cords and prevent .hoarseness. Send for circular, fries 31 each, bymail. Bond size ot nock. r «f.. .RSAfiBIETIP LaOCINS for- gout, riouma-

i mnUnE I Iv tisin. lamo legs, fever sores and.E .'varlcoso veins. Theaft leerplns liave acquired unl- Ii versal praise for their medical qualities, and forS tho e&s&N-slth which they are worn. Price 83 each

by-mail. Send size, of leg around calf and ankle.8 Send for circular. •

i SrsAUriElTlu ly alleviates Indigestion, conatl- !; nation, kidney anil liver trouble. Quickly removes |i backaches pc«w31ar to ladles, cuio. imports -vvonder-! ful vigor to the whotobody. Persons of sedentary! habltu-and Impaired nervous power will find them '

. i a valuable companion. Price S2 each hy mail post- .I paid. Sond for circulars. j

! WMmm ¦WVBTWiB&f Bf iZ\ lowln?;diseases without-saectleln©: Pntn in the

- i -back.- head, or limbs, norroua debility, tumbapro. ;I general debility, rheumatism, paralysis, neuralgia,

t sciatica; diseases of' the kidneys, torpid Uver. 8em~Inol omissions, lmpotoncy, heart disease, dyspep-sla; indigestion, hei-nia or rupture, niies. ole. Con-sultation free. Price of Belt, tcith Magnotie In-soles, S10. Send measure of vcaisi .anu size of shceworn. Send for cirtuUrsv

HAGMETIO iUmsmks 8.5ffiS?ffi£ !rheumatism, neuralgia, nervous exhaustion, dys- jpepsin or with Utoeasca of tlio liver. Kianoya,hoiKl-nche or cold feet , Inme back, falling of tho womb,leucorrhoea, chronic inflammation of the womb, anabdominal belt and a pairof Jingnetie FootBatte'r-W ics liave no superiors in tho relief and euro of allg these complaints. They- carry a powerful maic-

\ notlc force to the seat of the disease. Prlco of Belt5 with Magnotio foot Batteries. 310. Sent by express «I CO. D., and examination allowed, or by mall on jj| receipt of priw). In ordering, send moasurs of 1S waist and size of shoe>

. § MAGNETIC ^ eISan?|o ?JlScIr8eB™ chronic; rheumatism, gout, lumbago, paralysis,bronchitis, lunjj disease, and other complaints, !


which baffle the skill of our best physicians. Price !820 each with insole. Send measure of chest or \ ' 'bust and waist. Persons living at a dlstance.who jcan not consult us in person should give a clear !statement of their diSicuItics by letter, and wewill designate the kind oi Appliances required ineach case to elfecfc a euro. Send vour address forthe ?'New Departure in Medical Treatment With- ![ a out MciUcIno," Tritli thousands of Testimonials.

I The Magnetic Garments are adapted to all ages,r ure ivwn over the underclothes (not next to theU body like tho many galvanic and electric humbugs IB advertised so extensively) and should be taken off it at night. They hold their power forever, and. lire §l v/orn at all seasons of the year. : 1I C3TOrder direct through j-our Drugplst; Physician. 1i General Store Dealer, or through the publisher of this |I -paper. . ¦ !E THE MAGNETIC APJPtlAJfOE CO., |8 1U4 l>earhorn St., Chiooeo, HL 3

¦fl' T i\ B^L>an live at liome, ainl make more moneyB i l l 1 ™ .'work ronis, than at anything else iuH Mi I this . world. Capital not neerted ; you are

-. H HI H ; starttsViree. Both saxes ;--all ages. Any[ B SB 1' one can do the 'work. Large earnings sure1 M. S.F uJ.from.il/st start. Better not delay... Costsyou nothing to semi us your mlilress anil lind out; if

f you are wise yon iviil do-so at once. II. 1UU.ETT i! Co.. Port)!iiu)»Maine.. . 31yl

; • ¦-igaaaaaaBiaa COOP'MEWS: :- ^ ^H['Ifi B-APtES,-: -

• B^ Sf 7 - Greatest inducements evero?-

g3 3f§i - forcd. How"syourtimo to setupI "craeSS'TSSS a ordersfor onr colehrated Tens

r sSaJsisS j find Cofl'ecs.ai>d secure a beauti-l£v??toi33?Sa falGoldBnndceMossKoseOhmaESaEEa SEgS Tfia SoU orflandsoino DeooriteU

Gold Band MORS Eoao Dinner Set, or Gold Band MassDecorated Toilet Set. For fnU particular* aa?™51

THK (JRliiT AMERICA N TEA CO.,P. O?B0i £33. SI and 33 Vesey St.. Hew York. <

E C V X Ti fields are aenrce. Imt tho50 who trrito to11 1, I. l Stiiisan£Co.,Poi'tlan«;Mftlite ,wilI rGcefvo

1 g | I ffffeei. full! rafornmlion about work whichI I I i l l they cuit do, and live at homo,Hint will pay

. V/ AJ Jj them from SS to ?25 per day. Some have. eanied ovcrjai in a day. Either icx.yoang or old. Capital

not rcfiuired. You arestartc<l free. Those who start at oncoarc absolutely Bare of snug little fcs&anes. All ia new.

SfOOO 'REWARDFor aiiv cose of Blind, Bleedlntr. Itching, Ulceratedor Protruding PI.LES that DEUINO 'S TILE EBitBD irtails 'to cure. 'Prepararby J. P. Miller , M. D.-, 915Arch Street, Phila., Fa. Noae genuine fritUout- hissignature. "Send tor circular. All druggists or gen-eral stores havfrlt or wilt get it for you. $l.> Sold inSap;.Xlarbor by W. \V. Tooker. DrugRist.


And w©rlc of similar class done-qnicKly and on ire-as-onabl& terms. . W. L. COOK, ¦ .aaj l . Hp. lO AtechanifrSt.

BAKGAKvo in nannels, Suitings, lc-, a'„„„„COOPERS.

d~^l l.: OII> ! Th* best rrflin tho market may beVJTfouna »t Bitowvs

S; :: y ' ' :MM&%$ '. |jEt^T.HE:, BEST t " \

A Superb Quarto Religious, Literary an el : ". , / . .Faiyiiijf --Newspaper.

¦ :CT^ :sa s-:EsXj .3:Q-A-y ¦;" - . . .

¦- It has not only attained great influence and popularity among those right-thinking and progressive people, . of-nll denominations who prefer purity nnd Bound instruction to sectarian dogmasand bickerings, but nluo>,

for tho,superior ability and versatility displayed in its various departments. ' Employing the VEnr BESVTALENT, ond with ahuadant facilities andtvell-directed enterprise, tho constant aim is to furnish the

' " . ¦BiEjST ¦ WEEKLY : . IN ITS SPHERE.~ . ' .TVhilo' faithfully laboring to make its Contents superior in PCBITT and USEFULNESS, the experienced con.

ductors of TiiE.CHnisriAK AT Wonu heartily .unite in earnest endeavors to render every issue in all respects

FULLY ABREAST OF THE TIMES,* For, in addition to the ample space dovoted to Religious and Literary subjects, it comprises it reflex of

Current Events at Homo and Abroad, and much practical and tirttely.information- for iTarmetsj Gardeners,and Housokecpess,' while the Young.Pcople are by no moans neglected; - Indued, we believe it supplies in itaTwenty«four Lnrgc Guarto Ptigos tho beat lteliifiousi Literary and Family NawapiipBr i combinedi On this-Continent. Frequent sermons by eminent ministers will be published, and if TIIE CIIRI6TIAK AT Wo'iiK doea -not prove even bettor than ever during the coming year it-will not be for lack of either earnest feffiwt of libera*expenditure. ¦ ¦ ' ' " .; • '¦ - •

One Sabscriptton one year, in aavanoc .. . . . .S3 OOPot slat nvowtlia 1 ¦.....:.... ."...i.':i:i.ii:;...: 1 GO

v Twenty-f ive liundred Copies are sent to Suffolk County at Half Kates. ".. -¦* '>KS»Tho sums duo on subscriptions from tho "SUFFOLK Cotrsfi HALF BATE Ci,rin" nrosdsmall;nnd.%o

aroso well acquainted with tho character of the people of our owii county that (until further notice) all moneysent from Suffolk may be considered at our risk. You need not even go to the' extra expense and trouble ofn Money Order for so small a sum. Simply tako the precaution to let a friend see you enclose the dollar bill - ' -(and pounce stamps for change) and. ttal tho letter and mail it to us, and the money ia at our niav 'Subscribe now, and get tho low «lub rate for Siiifolk County. -- ¦

J.' N. HALLOCK, Publisher,Box 3359. 216 BROADWAY. NEW YORK.

H I ¦ —'.!¦¦¦—¦ ¦ I ™ »*» ——— ¦—— ¦!—Illl II — I H ill ¦¦! ¦—¦.¦¦ II.IU M.IIIIM ——.%


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TERMS OF THE WEEKLY STAR TO SUBSCRIBERS.Free of Postage In tho United States and Canadoi"

outside the limits of New York City.ONE DOLLAR FOR ONE YEAR.Clubs of 10 la the name-P. 0. Addre&s, with an

additional copy to organizer of Club, . . $10.00FOR THREE MONTHS, on trial, . 2 5 cent*Special terms and extraordinar y Iiulaee>

ments to aircnta and cauvaiscr*.Send for Clrculur*.

THE DAILY STAR.THH DAILY STAB contains nil the news of the day ha

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At Washington, Albany, and other netrs centers, thaablest correspondents, specially retained by Tan Six *,furnish the latest newB„by telegraph.

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TERMS OF THE DAILY STAR TO SUBSCRIBERS, 'Srea of Postage! n the United States and Canada, out-

side the limits of New York City.Every Day, for on e year (including Sunday), (T.0ODally v without Sunday, one year, . . I 6.00Every Day, six months, . . • » . . 8.6ftDaily,, without Sunday, six months, » , » 8.00Sunday, without Daily, one year, . . « 1,00

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Ib Ji J ivS^ ^Ksl After Forty yoara!1,3162^ S2'\JK HlaTTti J IRK oxporionco- in thow rir wn^ !j3JLS.y-oSi nroparation-of moraa B~J iSZr T»--»"-a«va-.t.-hWA> lhan 0no lIundre(43 &>i WL Thousand applications for patents in.S M -

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