fulford carroll nancy 1969 safrica

POHT KUZ-iiiibTH CHta^TlAi^ KlSisIUN ICESSxUKARItiS Carroll oc Nancy Fulford "Maranatha" Raymer St. Howallan Park Port i:ilizabeth, S. iifrica Bear isrethren: .>e bring you our ivarm Christian greetings from the southern coast of Africa. i;e v/ant to take this opportunity to bring you the latest report on the Lord's work here in Port j;:;lizabeth. Our faioily is now in its tldrd year of service in tiiis city of almost a half-million population. iCnown as the "Betroit of Africa" Port rilizabeth is the home of General motors, ford and ilre- stone to name only a few. Regular meetings are held here in our home in the ivestem suburbs. I'he Bible Bcliool is capably led by Raymond Baddy of Rabega Park, at Christnas he took the children for "beach-buggy" rides and passed out pamphlets. He and I recently made several calls in the neighborhood, vdien my brother came up from Cape Vown we hit the "bush-trail" on my Honda, calling on families in the back woods. V/e have Bible btudies each week here and in i.almer. Yet tiie work among the white people is small and disappointing. In contrast, the Coloured work is going ahead by leaps and bounds, adaed to our original group in Pienaar btreet, which started meetings in a school, we liave another group of 100 strong, up in Springbrook btreet attending the Bible btudy film strips, and another on Pearl btreet id.th "Oom Frans" where 2 have already confessed Christ as i^ord. Among the pure-blooded African tribes-people the kingdom grows as well, vath new church groups from the orcliards of Rirkwood to distant Oubos (old Busli) 100 miles west. The African brothers « of the Bay (as Port ^lilizabeth is known to tliemj brouglit a traditional tribute to their minister at Christmas, stamping their feet to the beat of tiie Vom-Tom and slamming their money on the table. Lach Saturday in the African townsliip I have Leadership Classes for African men from all denominations vath lessons now on "THb CIiRIoTIaN lIFu." Travels 'over the past month have taken us to a new, African township called Ngobuhle to start a Churcli of Clirist—to Cradock in the north to welcome a new African minister—to Gelvandale for the funeral of "Oupa" Peterson—and to new Brigliton several "Comfort Heetings" in the home of an eider whose son had been stabbed to ueath a bj.ock from tiie church hall, Caster time is almost upon us, and our African bretnren from ali over the Cape Province are mak ing preparations for tlieir first Area Convention. The pj.ace selected for this Convention is Port i:ilizabeth,and our men are praying and working hard for its success. Program Chairman is Brother Limmerman, and the programs have already benn mimeographed entirely in the kliObA ILITYiu ijLi'iBHOriBHu AiiuiU.i^U" and it is certainly fitting for such a meeting I am sure you'll agree, 'we are looking forward to ...what's that?...Oh, you want to knov/ what it means. Terribly sorry... That is: "CHiUbT Thm ulilii?'' CURnimi-bTOLn." i'^ay we ask this; That you remember our labors liere in your prayers. The work is not easy, and there is so much to be clone. Yet by the Lord's j^race the lig^it of the gospel shall continue to shine here on Africa's southern shores, and still more shall come to know Him, vrliom to loioxv a- right is life eternal. Your raissicjnaries f^d^your friends. Carroll ana Nancy Fulford and^amily PORT Li.IZABr.TH CHiaoTlAN hIbblON CHURCH Oi?' LHRIbT BikLLVILlB, OHIO b 44815 FORi'i 3547 ihuQUx.STBD i-iiiRCH, 1969 u'J'.-. vS''---- jj'OHv^ARDli^G AGm i'ir. and t^'Irs. Herb vjoodford 514 Hobart St, iiau Claire, Wis. 54701 Non-Profit urg. U.b. Postage PaIB Bellville, Ohio Fermit No. 2

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Page 1: Fulford Carroll Nancy 1969 SAfrica

POHT KUZ-iiiibTH CHta^TlAi^ KlSisIUN


Carroll oc Nancy Fulford"Maranatha"

Raymer St. Howallan ParkPort i:ilizabeth, S. iifrica

Bear isrethren:

.>e bring you our ivarm Christian greetings from the southern coast of Africa. i;e v/ant to takethis opportunity to bring you the latest report on the Lord's work here in Port j;:;lizabeth.

Our faioily is now in its tldrd year of service in tiiis city of almost a half-million population.iCnown as the "Betroit of Africa" Port rilizabeth is the home of General motors, ford and ilre-stone to name only a few.

Regular meetings are held here in our home in the ivestem suburbs. I'he Bible Bcliool is capablyled by Raymond Baddy of Rabega Park, at Christnas he took the children for "beach-buggy" ridesand passed out pamphlets. He and I recently made several calls in the neighborhood, vdien mybrother came up from Cape Vown we hit the "bush-trail" on my Honda, calling on families in theback woods. V/e have Bible btudies each week here and in i.almer. Yet tiie work among the whitepeople is small and disappointing.

In contrast, the Coloured work is going ahead by leaps and bounds, adaed to our original groupin Pienaar btreet, which started meetings in a school, we liave another group of 100 strong, upin Springbrook btreet attending the Bible btudy film strips, and another on Pearl btreet id.th"Oom Frans" where 2 have already confessed Christ as i^ord.

Among the pure-blooded African tribes-people the kingdom grows as well, vath new church groupsfrom the orcliards of Rirkwood to distant Oubos (old Busli) 100 miles west. The African brothers «of the Bay (as Port ^lilizabeth is known to tliemj brouglit a traditional tribute to their ministerat Christmas, stamping their feet to the beat of tiie Vom-Tom and slamming their money on thetable. Lach Saturday in the African townsliip I have Leadership Classes for African men from alldenominations vath lessons now on "THb CIiRIoTIaN lIFu."

Travels 'over the past month have taken us to a new, African township called Ngobuhle to start aChurcli of Clirist—to Cradock in the north to welcome a new African minister—to Gelvandale forthe funeral of "Oupa" Peterson—and to new Brigliton several "Comfort Heetings" in the home of aneider whose son had been stabbed to ueath a bj.ock from tiie church hall,

Caster time is almost upon us, and our African bretnren from ali over the Cape Province are making preparations for tlieir first Area Convention. The pj.ace selected for this Convention isPort i:ilizabeth,and our men are praying and working hard for its success. Program Chairman isBrother Limmerman, and the programs have already benn mimeographed entirely in the kliObA ILITYiuijLi'iBHOriBHu AiiuiU.i^U" and it is certainly fitting for such a meeting I am sure you'll agree, 'weare looking forward to ...what's that?...Oh, you want to knov/ what it means. Terribly sorry...That is: "CHiUbT Thm ulilii?'' CURnimi-bTOLn."

i'̂ ay we ask this; That you remember our labors liere in your prayers. The work is not easy, andthere is so much to be clone. Yet by the Lord's j^race the lig^it of the gospel shall continue toshine here on Africa's southern shores, and still more shall come to know Him, vrliom to loioxv a-right is life eternal.

Your raissicjnaries f^d^your friends.Carroll ana Nancy Fulford and^amily



BikLLVILlB, OHIO b 44815

FORi'i 3547 ihuQUx.STBD

i-iiiRCH, 1969

u'J'.-. vS''----

jj'OHv^ARDli^G AGm

i'ir. and t^'Irs. Herb vjoodford

514 Hobart St,iiau Claire, Wis. 54701

Non-Profit urg.U.b. Postage


Bellville, OhioFermit No. 2

Page 2: Fulford Carroll Nancy 1969 SAfrica

NhlWS OF THu; i?^uLFOKl;a

October, 1969 U,W, FuKord

770 9th Ave. N. W.New Bri^toni^innesota 55112

Bear Brethren,

AS you can see from idie above tiiere has been a change in our address, we are sendingyou this special newsletter to bring you up-to-date on the events which have led to thischange.

You already know tliat our baby boy Timothy has been seriously ill since birth. Thisresulted in us sending him to the btates with my wife, Nancy. The doctors here discovereda blood-deficiency, clironic broncliitis and asthma, and a blood tumor that would take severalyears to cure.

TlrLs made it necessaiy for m.-) to return to the states. Fortunately, the work in thePort Elizabeth area could continue. The African and Uolored men, whom I had been teactdngregularly for over two years, were both willing and able to carry on their labors for theLord. In addition, they would also have assistance and guidance of a white man, BrotherRaymond Baddy of Kabega Park, Port Elizabeth.

Brother Raymond is a part of the Restoration i-jovement, and personally acquainted withseveral of our missionaries in bouth Africa. Previously associated with the Bantu Administration of South Africa he is fluent in imigiish, Afrikaans and Ahosa. He is currentlySecretary forihe iddlands Chamber of Printing in the i^-astem Province.

I first contacted Brother Raymond Baddy in a routine survey ana distribution of invitations in Kabega Park. Since then he has attended our services regularly, and for the pastyear and a half has served as Superintendent of our Bible School. He has also preached forme while I was away working with our African brethren in distant places.

On the Sunday before my dep^ture ^ came_ w_ith me to a baptiamal service at the Zwart-'kops River. There he announced to the brethren that he would be willing to work with themafter my departure, and told Brother jvaptein in particular that he wished to start a Coloured Sunday School in Gelvandale. At the close of tiie service he led in prayer, and was warmly greeted by the brethren.

/ilandra', odr eldest dau^ter, and i left South Africa by jet on August 10, and arrivedin Wisconf-in, U.o.A. on August 15.

I applied for a preacliing position at the New Bri^ton Christian Church near idnneapoiis,and received a call to become their minister beginning this month.

There is still tiplSOO outstanding to pay back the debt on our travel Fare and medical expenses incurred, we hope that you will lay tiiis need upon your hearts, and help us to settletills amount. Please send your contributions to us at New Brigiiton, and mark your gifts "i-iiss-

•" */e v/ill advise you in a Final Report when sufficient funds have been received.Of necessity our future plans remain indefinite. We are willing simply to wait upon the

Lora and to follow as and when He leads. i-Iay we take tliis opportunity to thank you for 1your prayers and your continued support. It is our prayer that God shall bless and load youin all your labors for Him.

Your missionaries and friei^,Carroll and wanoy Fulford

Port Elizabeth Christian Mission Non-Profit Org.Published by Church of Christ U.B. PostageBeilville, Ohio 44815 PaID


Bellville, OhioPermit No. 2