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    Functional SpecificationFor

    Unit recipe creation from Base


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    1. Introduction / Subject...................................................................................3

    2. Deveo!"ent re#uire"ent...........................................................................4

    2.1. De$cri!tion of Progra" %e#uire"ent and Deveo!"ent &a$'..................4

    2.2. (once!tua De$cri!tion of Progra" %e#uire"ent....................................)

    3. &ec*nica De$cri!tion of Deveo!"ent %e#uire"ent.................................10

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    1.Introduction / Su!ect

    &*i$ docu"ent define$ t*e deveo!"ent $!ecification$ for t*e (reation of unit reci!e derivation

    !rogra" for a t*e !ant$ +it* !riorit, fro" t*e -a$e reci!e created centra, in !ant 3000.

    ". #e$elopment re%uirement

    ".1 #escription of &ro'ram (e%uirement and #e$elopment Tas)

    O$er$ie* of Functionalit+,

    &*i$ functiona $!ecification define$ t*e !roce$$ of creating nit

    reci!e$ ba$ed u!on -a$e reci!e$. &*e -a$e reci!e and t*e unit reci!e are not*ing but t*e -i of

    ateria$ - defined for %eci!e$ coo'ed di$*e$. &*e -a$e reci!e con$i$t$ of !roduct code$ a$

    it$ co"!onent$ in Pant 3000. In a !ant ne nit reci!e +i be created for eac* outet a$ a $e!arate

    aternate -. &*e nit reci!e$ are created auto"atica, b, a !rogra" in eac* !ant.

    &*e !rogra" deter"ine$ t*e rig*t "ateria "a$ter record in t*e re$!ective !ant for t*e

    corre$!onding !roduct code in t*e -a$e reci!e. or a given outet if a branded "ateria $*oud be

    u$ed t*en t*at infor"ation i$ "aintained in a tabe -, !ant/%egion/Sector for eac* !roduct code.

    During t*e auto"atic creation of t*e nit reci!e t*e !rogra" fir$t oo'$ for t*e "ateria "a$ter

    record in t*e tabe If it i$ not "aintained t*en t*e "ateria "a$ter record i$ deter"ined ba$ed on

    t*e ea$t !rice ogic.

    &o ao+ t*e !rogra" to deter"ine t*e ea$t !rice "ateria $o"e

    additiona data i$ "aintained at "ateria eve in SP. co"!onent "ateria$ are "aintained +it* a

    c*aracteri$tic vaue b, t*e reevant !roduct code +*ic* identifie$ t*e ra+ "ateria i'e %ice Da etc

    "ateria$ contract$ are "aintained +it* 8et 8et !rice. &*e !rogra" ogica, identifie$ a

    "ateria$ *aving t*e c*aracteri$tic vaue a$ t*e !roduct code in t*e ba$e reci!e and t*en get$ t*e

    8et 8et !rice to deter"ine t*e ea$t !rice "ateria and t*at "ateria "a$ter record i$ defined a$ t*e

    co"!onent in t*e unit reci!e. &*e !rogra" *a$ to c*ec' t*e !eriod $*oud be active in t*e vaidit,

    !eriod avaiabe in t*e tabe.&*ere +i be four ba$e bo" ,ing in t*e !ant 3000.:;.

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    ateria 8o





    &*e ba$e - co"!onent$ +i be P%D( co"!onent$ +it* t*e corre$!onding "ateria #uantit,.In

    t*e unit bo" tabe on, t*e "ateria na"eaong +it* t*e !ant in +*ic* t*e unit bo" need to be

    created +i be "aintained.&*e, !rogra" +i read t*e "ateria na"e a$ 400000050%.&*e $,$te"

    $*oud read t*e a$t t+o etter$ of t*e "ateria na"e % and t*e $,$te" $*oud c*ec' for t*e ba$e

    bo" -% in t*e !ant 3000.&*e !rogra" $*oud !ic' u! t*e "ateria$ ba$ed on t*e brand and ea$t

    net net !rice ogic.

    -.&ec*nica De$cri!tion of Deveo!"ent %e#uire"ent

    &,!e of deveo!"ent



    P%D( "ean$ !roduct code. -a$e reci!e con$i$t$ of P%D( "ateria$ a$ t*eir ingredient$.

    2.CNF/CFD Material:

    (8 "ean$ con$u"abe$ non food$ and (D "ean$ con$u"abe$ food$. -ot* (8 and (D are

    $i"iar to ra+ "ateria$. &*e$e "ateria$ +i be ingredient$ for nit reci!e.

    3.Base Recipe:

    -a$e reci!e$ con$i$t$ of P%D( "ateria$ a$ ingredient$ and are created centra, in !ant 3000.

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    ig 1 -a$e %eci!e

    4.Unit Recipe:

    nit reci!e$ con$i$t$ of (8/(D "ateria$ a$ ingredient$. nit reci!e$ are created in t*e re$!ective

    unit$ for eac* outet +it* t*e derivation of branded "ateria or ea$t !rice "ateria$ a$ co"!onent$.

    5.Characteristic Creation:

    c*aracteri$tic P%D(&

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    ig 2 (*aracteri$tic$

    6.Class creation and Assignment:

    (a$$ I8=%:DI:8& *a$ to be created and t*e c*aracteri$tic P%D(&

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    ig 4 ca$$ and ca$$ t,!e a$$ign"ent to "ateria

    ).Z table or branded materials:

    tabe i$ created for a t*e !roduct code$ for corre$!onding branded ite"$ $ector > region created

    centra, +*ic* i$ u$ed for creating unit reci!e co"!onent$ ba$ed on brand.


    contract i$ being created for eac* (8/(D "ateria$ +it* IP 8:& P%I(: and 8:& 8:& P%I(:.

    t*e !rice$ $*oud be "aintained.

    ig 5 (ontract$ for IP8P88P

    #$"Portion si%e:Portion $ie re!re$ent$ t*e +eig*t of t*e reci!e. nd Portion $ie #uantit, +i be "aintained b,

    cient. &*e !ortion $ie i$ a$o caed a$ %a+ +eig*t.

    ##" Portion:

    It i$ t*e unit of "ea$ure for reci!e.

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    #&" '(antity o components:

    ?uantitie$ of eac* P%D( "ateria$ +i be "aintained in t*e -a$e reci!e.&*e e;act #uantitie$ "u$t

    get reected in t*e unit reci!e -.

    #)" Coo*ed +eight:

    &*e coo'ed +eig*t re!re$ent$ t*e coo'ed +eig*t of t*e reci!e. &*i$ data +i be given to u$ b, t*e

    cient. &*i$ coo'ed +eig*t infor"ation i$ ju$t for infor"ation !ur!o$e and not for cacuation !ur!o$e.

    14.nit reci!e$ are created in t*e re$!ective unit$ +it* t*e derivation of branded "ateria or ea$t

    !rice "ateria.

    ".". Conceptual #escription of &ro'ram (e%uirement

    Branded material:

    If t*e !roduct code i$ "aintained in t*e brand tabe .&*e !roduct code +i be

    a$$igned to t*e concerned ra+ "ateria$ a$ c*aracteri$tic vaue !reviou$,. $ing t*e +*ere u$ed i$t

    t*e !rogra" +i !ic' u! a t*e ra+ "ateria$ for +*ic* t*e "entioned !roduct code *a$ been

    a$$igned a$ a c*aracteri$tic vaue. fter !ic'ing u! a t*e ra+ "ateria$ t*e !rogra" +i c*ec'

    +*et*er for t*e !articuar "ateria$ t*e countr, of origin i$ $a"e a$ t*e countr, of origin "aintained

    in t*e brand tabe if t*e countr, of origin i$ $a"e t*en t*e !rogra" +i c*ec' for t*e ne;t fied

    brand. &*e brand +i be "aintained a$ a c*aracteri$tic vaue under t*e c*aracteri$tic na"e


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    c*ec' t*e ran' 2 "ateria$ if t*e t+o condition$ are $ati$fied. If t*e

    $econd "ateria$ !a$$e$ t*e t+o condition$ t*en t*i$ corre$!onding $*oud get u!dated in t*e unit

    reci!e -.&*en after t*i$ t*e !rogra" $*oud avoid t*e ran' 3 and ran' 4 "ateria$ +*ic* i$

    "aintained for t*e $a"e !roduct code. &*i$ i$ t*e ogic for t*e branded "ateria. If a t*e four ran'ed

    "ateria$ fai t*en t*e $,$te" $*oud t*ro+ an error "e$$age $tating t*at for t*e !articuar !roduct

    code no "ateria i$ vaid.

    ,east price material:

    If t*e !roduct code co"!onent ite" i$ not avaiabe in t*e brand tabe t*en t*e

    !rogra" c*ec' t*e corre$!onding !roduct code +*ere u$ed i$t. &*e $,$te" c*ec'$ in t*e +*ere

    u$ed i$t and !ic'$ u! a t*e "ateria$. &*en for a t*e$e "ateria$ t*e vaidit, date i$ c*ec'ed in t*e

    corre$!onding contract if t*e contract i$ vaid for t*e !articuar "ateria$ t*en t*e !rogra" $*oud

    c*ec' for t*e !ic'ed "ateria i$ t*ere an, deetion fag avaiabe if t*e !ic'ed "ateria$ *a$ deetion

    fag t*en t*e $,$te" $*oud ignore t*e "ateria !ic'ed and if t*ere i$ not deetion fag avaiabe for

    t*e !ic'ed "ateria t*en t*e $,$te" $*oud go and c*ec' t*e ea$t net net !rice for a t*e !ic'ed

    "ateria$. nd +*ic*ever "ateria !rice i$ t*e ea$t it $*oud u!date in t*e unit reci!e -.nd t*i$

    "et*od i$ foo+ed for a t*e P%D( "ateria$ in ba$e - for t*e creation of

    unit reci!e. If t*e "ateria i$ not avaiabe in bot* t*e brand tabe and contract t*e $,$te" $*oud

    di$!a, an error before t*e 8I& %:(IP: - i$ created $tating t*at for t*e !articuar !roduct code

    t*ere i$ no "ateria "aintained bot* in brand tabe a$ +e a$ contract.

    Con-ersion logic:

    In t*e conver$ion ogic t*e Price conver$ion of order unit to ba$e unit +i be done. or e;a"!e a

    "ateria 10000156)3 *a$ t*e ba$e unit of "ea$ure in 'g but t*e order unit of "ea$ure i$ in (%.$o

    for t*i$ !articuar "ateria in t*e contract t*e "ateria +i be on, !rocured in carton$.

    e;. 6 carton B 6 :D

    In t*e "ateria "a$ter of t*i$ "ateria 10000156)3 t*e aternative unit of "ea$ure +i be "entioned

    a$ (% and t*e conver$ion #uantit, of carton to 'g +i be "entioned. e;. 1 carton B 4 'g.

    So t*e !rogra" $*oud cacuate t*e !rice on, in t*e ba$e unit of "ea$ure +*ic* i$ in 'g and not in

    carton. &*e conver$ion ogic fro" carton to 'g +i be a$ foo+$

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    $ince 6 carton B 6 :D and t*i$ 6 :D +i be "aintained in t*e net net !rice.

    1 carton B 1 :D

    Since 1 carton B 4 'g

    t*e !rice for 1 'g +i be 1/4B0.25 :D !er C=.

    &*i$ i$ t*e !rice t*e !rogra" $*oud con$ider for co"!aring t*e ea$t net net !rice "entioned in t*e

    contract$. nd t*e "ateria +*ic* *a$ t*e ea$t net net !rice +i be u!dated in t*e unit bo".

    -.Tecnical #escription of #e$elopment (e%uirement

    O$er $ie* of Functionalit+

    &*e !rogra" $*oud create unit - for !*anto" reci!e +it* reference to ba$e - created

    centra, in !ant 3000. &*e fied vaue$ re#uired to create unit - are "aintained in t*e

    foo+ing tabe. tran$action code $*a be !rovided to acce$$ t*i$ tabe.

    8I& %:(IP: &-A:

    aterial &lant (a* *ei't Coo)ed *ei't


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    #escription of te Fields

    aterial,It i$ na"e of a !*anto" reci!e for +*ic* aread, ba$e - i$ created centra,.

    &lant It i$ an organiation unit it refer$ to a unit +*ere reci!e$ are !roce$$ed.

    0tale for Brand ra* materials, tabe *a$ to be created to "aintain P%D( "ateria$. It *a$

    vaidit, !eriod. &*e brand tabe $*oud be a$ foo+$


    #escription of Fields

    &roduct Code #escription , It i$ de$cri!tion of !roduct code.

    (an) &*e ran'ing of t*e "ateria$ +*ic* *a$ t*e $a"e !roduct code +i be "aintained in t*i$


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    &ro'ram Lo'ic ,

    =o to t*e initia $creen of - creation u$ing t*e tran$action code (S01.


    &a'e t*e vaue$ of "ateria !ant t - and @aid fro" t*e nit reci!e tabe and !a$$ to t*e

    fied$ "entioned beo+ re$!ective,.





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    ig.9 (o"!onent$ of unit reci!e -

    &*e co"!onent$ of t*e unit reci!e tabe +i be !ic'ed u! fro" t*e conce!t of

    -rand/A:S& 88P.If t*e "ateria i$ "aintained in t*e Ebrand tabe t*en it $*oud !ic' u! t*e

    "ateria fro" brand tabe t*en t*e "ateria +i be u!dated in t*i$ co"!onent fied. If t*e "ateria i$

    not found in t*e Ebrand tabe t*en t*e P%D( "ateria$ u$ing t*e FG:%: S:D AIS& a t*e

    "ateria$ +*ic* i$ *aving t*e c*aracteri$tic vaue $a"e a$ P%D( "ateria$ $*oud be !ic'ed u! and

    t*e ea$t 88P +*ic* i$ in t*e tabe C8PEC-:&% $*oud be !ic'ed u! for a t*e "ateria$ and t*e

    "ateria +*ic* *a$ t*e ea$t 88P $*oud be u!dated in t*e co"!onent of t*e nit reci!e -.

    F*ie t*e aternate - i$ creating for t*e unit reci!e t*e $a"e aternate - no $*oud be !ic'ed

    u! fro" t*e unit tabe and aternate - no $*oud be u!dated in t*e fied %(298ES&AA of t*e

    unit reci!e -.

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