fresnoza, jefferson c. design 9 final req. (part 1, 2, 3, related appendices)

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  • 8/10/2019 FRESNOZA, Jefferson C. Design 9 Final Req. (Part 1, 2, 3, Related Appendices)


    Mid-rise Resettlement Housing: Tropical Building DesignFresnoza, Jefferson C.2009180022

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    Part 1: Background and Its Problem

    Chapter I.1 General Overview


    The National Housing Authority (NHA), which was established in 1938, is the national

    agency in the Philippines that is mandated to construct houses for low-income Filipinos to address

    the housing problems in the country. Some of the housing structures the agency builds are Core-

    housing, Mid-rise Housing and Community-based Housing. It is the agencys mission to provide

    decent, adequate, and affordable housing, with the necessary utilities, to poor Filipino families in

    order to secure their access to basic social services and economic opportunities.

    The Housing London: A Mid-rise Solution (2014) explains that providing solutions to end

    homelessness is a great leap in recognizing structural societal problems that bring about poverty.

    Thus, the construction of mid-rise resettlements is designed to address the housing dilemma not

    only in England, but also to the other parts of the world such as the Philippines. In general, the

    resettlement project provides permanent residence for the poor citizen of these nations.

    Background of the study

    The Mid-rise Housing Program is implemented by the NHA under the Republic Act 7835

    (RA 7835) or the Comprehensive and Integrated Shelter Financing Act of 1994. In essence, this

    legislation mandated the NHA to provide low-income Filipino families decent, affordable and

    sustainable housing infrastructures. As the years have gone by after the turnover of the

    structures to the respective beneficiaries, the condition of these facilities has deteriorated. A

    common example of the worsening status of public housing programs is the low-cost

    resettlement in Camarin, Caloocan City. Aside from the declining over-all building aesthetic, the

    human population residing within and adjacent the area is disproportionate to the allotted space

    for human activities. Apparently, the structure was not constructed to be sustainable and

    appropriate for tropical environment.

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    Statement of the Problem

    The deterioration of the existing mid-rise, low-cost resettlement in Camarin, Caloocan

    City is greatly evident today. Its over-all building aesthetics is declining due to the

    disproportionate large number of residence over the allotted space for human activities. The

    fundamental architectural challenge of the resettlement area is to rehabilitate the standing mid-

    rise resettlement to be suitable for the growing resident population in the area. The rehabilitation

    project includes the construction of multi-purpose facilities inside the community in order to divert

    residents lifestyles. These multi-purpose facilities may also be venues for livelihood programs for

    the residents to provide additional income. Also included in the rehabilitation efforts is the regular

    maintenance of the resettlement structure.

    Project Goals, Objectives and Strategies

    This study will be conducted to design a sustainable medium-rise, low-cost housing for

    the informal settlers in Camarin, Caloocan City. Specifically, this study aims:

    To review the existing medium-rise buildings, located in Tala, Caloocan City,

    intended for resettlements by the National Housing Authority (NHA);

    To examine the biophysical features (topography, rainfall, vegetation, soil, etc.)

    of the proposed site; and,

    To design a sustainable, tropical approach for the construction of mid-rise

    resettlement building.

    Significance of the Study

    The study on rehabilitating the mid-rise resettlement project in Camarin, Caloocan City

    addresses the need to maintain government resettlement projects and provide additional

    amenities for the residents. This study shall also provide information for students and researchers

    conducting academic inquiries on the topics of public resettlement and tropical architectural


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    Scope and Limitations

    This study will focus on the design of Mid-rise Resettlement Housing: Tropical Building Design.

    It will also include the study of space requirements for mid-rise housing in our

    country so that it will be easily determined that there is a transformational relationship on

    every housing type.

    The structure content will be limited to local and international mid-rise

    resettlements. Moreover, it will also include contemporary resettlements to modern


    The study will be limited only on the users field of interest and innovative

    designs of space.


    The primary assumption the student stands in this study on mid-rise resettlement in the

    Philippines is that architectural design alone cannot provide solutions to the various socio-

    economic problems, especially the disparate proportion of residence population to the

    depreciating condition of the area, in the proposed site of Camarin, Caloocan City. The proposed

    mid-rise resettlement housing plan by the student shall only address the current architectural

    problems of the site: deterioration and unsustainability of the resettlement structures. The

    proposal will help students and individuals who are conducting academic researches because the

    proponent will design the tropical vertical building as a place where people living inside the

    structure can uplift the socio-economic aspects of their lives. The target users of this study will

    be the residents living along inlet canals (estero), railways and streets. It is assumed that the

    proposal will be effective in the present period today due to the use of modern methodologies in

    the design approach.

    The potentiality of this proposal will serve as a improved model of the site; thus, the site

    will be pleasing for the residents. On the other hand, designing a resettlement housing structure

    is very distinctive. This is different from other housing projects wherein cost is only the main

    target. On this proposal, housing, sustainability and social problem is the main concern.

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    Conceptual Framework

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    Through the gathered concepts and ideas derived from various authorities, the researcher came

    up with the following formulation to be adapted in the current thesis problem.

    We cannot ignore the perennial problems and convenience that attend life in the tropics.

    Sweltering summer heat, typhoons and resulting floods, power disruptions and water shortage

    create discomfort for the users. These factors must all be considered in architecture to adapt in

    what the condition of the place we are in to.

    A satellite design by Sigmunds book of Landscape Architecture is the appropriate design

    concept for the site development wherein the structure will be in harmony with the site and with

    each related site areas.

    Organic Architecture by Frank Lloyd Wright expresses that to build forms which are

    natural than nature itself it must go with our environment. Architectural forms must be

    determined in each case by the particular function of the building, its environment, and the type

    of materials employed in the structure.

    The relationship of each input (independent variable) wherein it undergoes certain

    processes (intervening variable) that could possibly help create an output (dependent variable).

    An accessible, well planned and functional tropical building design could be achieved by making a

    selection of the site which meets every consideration of the major conditions; site analysis to

    identify the type of planning that is suitable for the site development; space programming and

    analysis of the space required; interpretation and translation of adapted concepts into visual

    forms according to the aesthetic philosophy, design concept, and principles of composition;

    structural design analysis of structural design principles adapted; layout and specifications of

    utility components for the required engineering and utility systems.

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    The Site

    Site Development

    o Necessary and

    applicable site

    planning concept


    o Required spaces

    and facilities by



    o Theories of space

    planning, principles

    and concepts

    oAesthetic philosophy,

    design concepts,

    principles of


    Major considerations

    given in the Selection


    Site Development

    o Site analysis

    o Site- structure studyo Site use program


    o Space programming

    o Space analysis


    o Interpretation and

    translation of

    adapted concepts

    into visual forms

    Tropical Building


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    Definition of Terms

    Iconiciconic means like a symbol.

    Innovativebeing or producing something like nothing done or experienced or created.

    Tropical Architecture A concept or a style that focuses on energy reduction, reduced use of

    chemicals, and supporting local labor and community.

    Organic Architecture A concept that was a point of convergence on harmony that is among

    human habitation and the natural world.

    Rehabilitation Toemphasizes retention and repair of the building.


    NHA National Housing Authority

    HUDCC - Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council

    MRH Medium Rise Housing

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    Chapter I.2 Review of related literature and studies

    The process of site planning begins with the gathering of basic data relating specifically to the

    site under consideration and the surrounding areas. The data should include such items as

    master plans and studies, zoning ordinances base and aerial maps, surveys, topographic data,

    geological information, the hydrology of the area, types of soils, vegetation, and existing

    easements (De Chiara, Site Planning Standards).

    The idea on this statement is to consider all the aspects around the proposed project,

    and every detail and characteristic must be studied and analyzed by the proponent to be able to

    arrive a much more sustainable and suitable for the particular project.

    The sustainable approach to site planning and design goes beyond combining and comparing site

    inventories. A sustainable process attempts to determine the relationships between site factors

    and how these factors will adapt to change (Planning and Urban Design Standards by John Wiley

    and Sons, Inc.).

    The main thought in this account is appropriate to this study in terms of analyzing the

    site for the proposed project. There are the features that must be measured and be analyzed to

    provide the necessary requirements to make the project capable for development. These matters

    about investigating the whole thing about the proposed site with due process to come up with a

    master development plan that suite with the condition of the site

    A building should be designed to accommodate the most diverse functions. The four functions

    are: living, communication, work, recreation (Herman Hertzberger).

    The mixture of function creates a social basis that contrasts with the separation of

    functions. The structure must function as if everything a man needs is found in there. This gives

    the researcher an idea to create something that the occupants will be comfortable with. The

    structures must be functional, efficient, and easily maintainable. The design should encourage

    visitors to move above the buildings, grounds and trails in an efficient manner and that it is, as

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    well, accessible to handicapped visitors. The buildings funct ions are designed to fulfill the goals

    and objectives of the structure (IOWA Association of Naturalists, 1990).

    The passive or bio-climate approach means designing systems so that various potentials found in

    our immediate environment are utilized creatively to provide a desired level of sustainable

    qualities within the built space (Idea, Form, and Architecture: Design Principles in Contemporary

    Architecture by EgonSchirmbeck).

    This statement focuses on the passive design approach such as day lighting, passive

    heating, shading, ventilation cooling, water spraying/evaporation and composting. In this design

    approach, the proponent will have an idea on how to endeavor a tropical building that can

    sustain, easily maintain, cost efficient and can improve through time.

    We are living in a tropical country and is experiencing two seasons the wet and the dry season.

    Building design speaks of the climate where-in it its located because building design is essential

    to the persons who occupy the space for this could help minimize the problems brought by


    Ingenious fusion of materials and minimal use of technology is appropriate concept

    for the building structure.

    The aesthetic philosophy is that architecture cannot be divorced with nature.

    The locally available product and recycled materials should be used. The use of bamboo, nipa,

    stones and etc. are recommended. (Mary Jane R. Cabarles, 2009)

    This statement by Cabarles contributes to the thought of the researcher that climate can

    influence the aesthetics of the structure. The materials to be used in the structure must be

    capable of handling the forces of nature. It is a matter of being practical that it would cost less in

    terms of the maintenance of the structure.

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    Technologies and Techniques for Tropical Design

    Tropical architecture focuses on designing structures that can adapt to the usual hot and

    wet weather systems in a tropical environment by reducing the energy consumption. This

    specialized design field evaluates the biophysical features of the tropical environment in order to

    plan and design structures using appropriate materials. The Moulmein Rise Residential Building in

    Singapore, for example, created windows suitable for the tropical rainforest climate of the

    country. The developers used horizontal openings in projecting ledges to allow cool air to come in

    while keeping the rain out. The Newton Suites, also in Singapore, has repetitive sun shades used

    in its faade. The sun screens combined with the protruding balconies provide a separation of the

    rooms to the sunlight (Hassel and Wong, 2009).

    A well-designed, building envelope will help save more energy. Aside from that, an

    effective building envelope must control solar heat gain, provide passive cooling, and adequate

    shading. Wind speed and pressure is directly proportional to altitude; thus, there is a rapid heat-

    exchange between building envelope and the outside environment. The ideal external wall should

    act as an environmentally responsive filter. These filters may be applied on the building envelopes

    as operable openings that will provide view, ventilation, and protection from outside elements

    (Hong Na and Park, 2009).

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    Related Studies / Projects

    Foreign Studies:

    Forte Apartment Building

    The Forte Building Apartment Building, located in Australia, is the first tallest apartment

    in the world. This revolutionary design approach of the building can reduce carbon dioxide (CO2)

    emission by more than 1,400 tones more or less its equivalent to 345 cars removed on the road.

    It is a five-star green building. It was equipped with LED lighting in home displays linked to smart

    meters and rainwater reuse. The use of timber in construction phase is more efficient and

    environmentally friendly.

    The engineered Cross-laminated Timber (CLT) is widely used in Europe in many years

    because of its sustainability and lower environmental footprint features.

    A building material that has been around for centuries, timber, enables the permanent

    capture of carbon so buildings become essentially carbon sinks.

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    The Park Apartment

    The Park Apartment in Jaipur, Northern India

    The twenty two-acre residential Park Apartment in Northern India has a scenic lawn to

    boast. The structures was developed by the New York-based architectural design company u+a.

    It includes basement car parks, health club and community retails.

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    Mile-End Lofts

    The Mile-End Loft in Montral, Canada is a mixed-use structure which includes 42

    housing units and two ground-floor commercial spaces. The design responds to the urban context

    of the area. Distinctive treatment of its corner volume addresses the shift in Parc Avenues axis at

    this intersection. The upper floor balconies and main commercial entrance are leaning to the

    south, whereas the structure as a whole stands parallel to the north axis of the avenue, creating

    a strong urban attraction for the Mile-End neighborhood.

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    Chapter I.3 Research Methodology

    In conducting this study, specific research and deeper understanding of the problem will

    solve the design solution. The content of this data will be based on the relevant studies gathered

    by the proponent.

    Research Design

    Qualitative ResearchFurther studies on public resettlements and private mid-rise

    apartments and tropical architectural design will be extracted from different digital and print

    sources (books, articles, academic journals, annual reports, etc.).

    Data GatheringRelevant studies and materials on the subject matter must be included.

    Pertinent data from the National Housing Authority (NHA) are also incorporated.

    Case Studies:

    East Residences

    Existing Structure

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    East Residence is a Mid-rise condominium located at Ortigas avenue. Its a modern contemporary

    design having a 5 storey walk up condominium with a maximum of 6 units per floor

    Building issues

    Artificial lighting is always needed for corridors caused by inadequate daylight

    Low natural ventilation due to limited operable windows in residential spaces

    Corridors have insufficient ventilation due to enclosed corridors

    Lack of open spaces at the higher floors

    Katuparan Ville / Mid-rise housing program

    Existing Structure

    Katuparan village is a housing program of the National Government implemented by the

    National Housing Authority; the R2 Builders incorporated was the developer of the project in the

    amount of 218 million pesos.

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    Building issues

    Unstable foundations

    Illegal extensions of units

    Unsafe staircase

    Deterioration of the building

    National Housing Authority Medium Rise Housing (MRH)

    Existing Structure

    National Housing Authority Medium Rise Housing (MRH) is a housing program of the National

    Government for the informal settlers living in the dangerous areas in the country. It consists of 5

    storey low-cost Mid-rise buildings within the given site.

    Building issues

    Units are too small for the occupants

    Units have a high amounts of direct solar radiation because of a minimum window


    The structure are insufficient for the over populated tenements

    The structure itself was deteriorating

    Buffer zones are not present

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    Population and Sampling

    The proponent will base its sampling population from the users of mid-rise resettlement

    building. The primary respondents are the key individuals in the area. People who lived or

    regularly visit within the site will also be based as a sampling population since the proposal is

    about the existing mid-rise building.

    Research Instrument

    The proponent will use references like books coming from different facilities, digital media

    files, magazines and the World Wide Web. Further observations from the case studies are also

    done by the proponent because the essence of the proposals comes from the different studies

    both foreign and local.

    An interview will be conducted on the proposed site. The respondents are residents of

    the area. In the next chapter, the results will be discussed and further explanations provided

    with analysis about the research development.

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    Interview 1:

    Nelda Sipe, resident for almost 12 yearsResident of Mid-rise housing Building 6a, 5 thfloor unit 11

    According to Nelda Sipe, the usual problem of their building is the faulty roofing

    and the small space of each unit to accommodate members of the extended family. The

    roofs leak during the wet season. Then during the dry season, the roofs do not help in

    insulating the high temperature which brings inconvenience to the residents.

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    Interview 2:

    Mr. Tante and his family resident for almost 4 yearsResident of Mid-rise housing 3b, 2ndfloor unit 3 and 4

    According to Mr. Tante, home-based livelihoods (like sari-sari stores) provide

    marginal income to their family. Because of the small unit space, their windows (facing

    outside) serve as the faade of their sari-sari store. He added that the first floor units are

    not all occupied by their residents. These units could be used as small commercial

    spaces for residents who wish to establish their own backyard businesses.

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    Arch. Jovenito OndinaNational Housing Authority, Principal Architect B

    According to Arch. Ondina, designing a resettlement project gives him fulfillment as an

    architect because he has the opportunity to extend service to his fellow Filipinos.

    He was asked regarding the applicability of tropical designs in the country, particularly

    here in Luzon, and he stated that there are many appropriate design schemes suitable for the

    resettlement project. He added that utilizing tropical design principles in resettlement projects is

    currently trending to minimize the future over-all costs of their resettlement units.

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    Chapter I.4 Summary of Findings and Analysis

    Presentation of Collected Data

    Need Analysis and Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis

    The proponentstarget audience for the mid-rise building in a tropical design approach is

    the residents of the proposed site. The potential users are for all ages since the proposed

    structures are open to all. Basically, the buildings have no restrictions for the users. Visual

    marketability must be considered to magnet potential users and to have a better ambience and

    improved living experience.

    The analysis for traffic flow is also relevant since it is part of the potential site

    consideration. Consistent flow of vehicles is considered to maximize exposure of the project and

    to have a visual demand. It is another way of adding income to the project itself.

    Another factor to be considered is the justification of the site. The proposal must fit to

    the natural environment of the potential site to maximize its usage.

    The survey will be conducted on the proposed site. Fifty individual respondents will be

    the tentative population size.

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    Question # 1

    1. Gaano kadalas kayo naka-stay sa pabahay?

    (How often do you stay at the home ?)

    Question # 2

    2. Ilan miyembro kayo sa pamilya?

    (How many are you in the family?)

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    Question # 3

    3. Ang laki ba ng Unit ninyo e sapat ang at kumportable?

    (Is the size of your rentable unit sufficient and comfortable?)

    Question # 4

    4. Ano-ano ang mga kadalasang problema na nai-encounter ninyo sa structure ng pabahay?

    (What are the common problems the neighborhood encounters with the structure?)

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    Question # 5

    5. Kung magkakaraoon pa ng isang malaking espasyo sa pabahay, ano ang gusto ninyong

    itayo sa nasabing espasyo na mapapakinabanangan ng mga naninirahan sa gusali?

    (If a wide vacant space is provided in the building, what do you think would be the most

    appropriate function of the said vacant space?)

    Question # 6

    6. Naiangat ba ng pagtira sa pabahay ang estado niyo sa buhay?

    (Did residing in the resettlement building uplift the socio-economic status of your lives?)

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    Question # 7

    7. Nais niyo bang madagdagan pa ng isa o higit pang palapag ang inyong gusali?

    (Are you in favor of adding new floors to your current building residence?)

    Question # 8

    8. May mga nais po ba kayong baguhin sa kasalukuyang disenyo ng pabahay?

    (Are there any design recommendations/revisions that you want to share regarding yourpresent resettlement building?)

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    Question # 9

    9. Alin po sa dalawa ang nais niyong maging disenyo ng inyong pabahay: tropical building

    design o ang lumang disenyo?

    (Which of the two designs you prefer more: tropical building design or the current

    building design?)

    Question # 10

    10. Nais niyo bang magkaroon ng isang mid-rise resettlement housing - tropical building

    design na pabahay dito sa Pilipinas?

    (Do you prefer to have mid-rise resettlement housing - tropical building design here in

    the Philippines?)

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    Chapter I.5 Conclusions and Recommendations

    The research design used is a qualitative research. The problems stated will be

    answered based on the results provided in the study, it should be practical and there must be a

    need to do the proposal. The target users of the proposal are the tenants of the resettlement

    building and local residents adjacent the site because their lifestyles are also inclined with the

    structure. Target users include all the tenantschildren, families, elders. The mid-rise

    resettlement housing - tropical building design will fulfill the target users preferences. Socio-

    economic status and living experience of the residents will be improved.

    The recommended research approach for the proposal must be modern and innovative.

    The building design must have enough aesthetics that will serve as a landmark for the potential

    site. The activities inside the building must be also modern in such a way that the lifestyle in this

    generation is more on fast-paced activities. By means of technology, this will be done easily for

    the users and also for the proponent itself. The tropical design of the proposal must also serve

    as a way of communicating for the users who will benefit a lot especially the residents of the

    resettlement building.

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    Part II. Research Focus

    Tropical Design Spaces through Building Technology


    The overall design of the project has a new approach in terms of its spaces to promote the

    Tropical Design part of the proposal. Basically, the proposal has its uniqueness of spaces

    especially in the typical design of Mid-rise building, relating users activity in tropical design inside

    the space.

    Tropical Design Equipments

    Vertical Farming

    - Its a sustainable design approach its typically apply to the high rise structures.

    Its aspace wherein the users can plant their and developed their vegetations

    and can sustain and assist their socio-economic problems.

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    Building Envelope

    - Building envelope must be able to contribute to the buildings energy efficiency

    - Control direct solar heat gain through shading devices

    - Provide shading while also providing view of the outside

    - Building envelope should help bring in wind and regulate the airflow especially at

    - higher altitudes

    Ramp System

    The overall design of the proposal mainly consists of ramps which is a very strong concept for the

    circulation of users and activity inside the building. Ramp system maximizes the spaces

    throughout the structure and lessens the need of elevators inside the building. Since it is a long

    span passageway and it doesnt conflict any enclosed areas.

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    Chapter II.1 Rationale

    The objective of this research is to study design a sustainable medium-rise, low-cost

    housing for the informal settlers in Camarin, Caloocan City. The focus of the study is building

    technology of the proposed medium-rise resettlement housing.

    The proponent aims to change the users activity inside the mid-rise resettlement.

    Normally resettlement buildings seems to appear abandoned, but when the technology arises, it

    may somehow change the seemingly lifestyle of residents when they are inside the space.

    The design of every space should be based upon the anthropometrics because people

    always come and go on each space and they shouldve feel the adaptation in a tropical

    environment while staying inside.

    Chapter II.2 Principles and Relevance to the Project

    The research focus is relevant because it is the primary backbone of the proposal. Being

    a tropical design mid-rise housing in terms of building technology, it adds appeal to the space and

    can uplift the living experience of the users of the building. The main principle is to change the

    face of the typical resettlement building.

    Chapter III.2 Application to the Project

    The effectiveness of the proposal will promote the resettlement housing in the

    Philippines. Mid-rise housing concepts today differ from the typical medium-rise buildings.

    Modern and tropical concept of the mid-rise housing give additional appeal for the users and

    since their activity will become different from the others that they usually do inside the

    resettlement building.

    The orientation of the overall design should also be considered in order to maximize

    potential of the various tropical design elements (wind direction, sunlight path, soil stability etc).

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    Part III: The Site Identification and Analysis

    A suitable space is needed for this project type. Selecting a site for a proposal is one of

    the critical stages in formulating the project. To determine the appropriate location of the project

    site, the residents socio-economic attributes must be addressed. Apart from this, the biophysical

    aspects of the proposed site should also be weighed in. These biophysical aspects are as follows:

    water supply, topography, soil type, adequate zoning area, drainage, land rights, land ownership,

    orientation, site area, aesthetic value of the site and technical description. In the economic part

    of the project, the site criteria mainly focus on providing additional income to the locals.

    This research study includes the compatibility of the proposal to the site and its

    surroundings. The site criteria should consider the following:

    The site should be accessible on the major roads surrounding on it.

    The site should cater all potential users especially the residents.

    The site should be marketable to all target users.

    The site should be given more importance in terms of infrastructure redevelopment

    The site should be open for development.

    Site Option Description

    In this proposal, there were three site options that are suitable in developing the project.

    Quezon City, Caloocan City and the City of Manila are the potential sites since these areas have

    huge resident population.

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    Site Selection and Justification

    Among all the three potential sites mentioned, the chosen site is in Camarin, Caloocan

    City. It caters all the characteristics in the site criteria selection. It has an appropriate standard

    of living where in users/residents will benefit the most. The main goal of the project is to achieve

    its sustainability, marketability and feasibility within the chosen site. It is also accessible to

    Zabarte Road, one of the connecting roads in Caloocan City.

    Chapter III.2 Site Evaluation and Analysis

    The Macro Setting

    Map of the Philippines

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    National Capital Region Map

    Caloocan City Map

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    Road Map

    Site Location (Macro)

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    The Micro Setting

    The site is located near Zabarte Road in Camarin, Caloocan City. The road in Franville

    Subdivision is also a major access point to the site.

    The site is surrounded by residential lots. The northern part of the site faces the Palmera

    Subdivision. The eastern part of the site faces an empty lot owned by the government. This

    vacant lot is planned to have row house subdivisions. The southern and western parts of the site

    face residential establishments.

    Site location (Micro)

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    Transfer Certificate of Title: Page 1

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    Transfer Certificate of Title: Page 2

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    Location plan of National Housing Authority

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    Chapter III.3 Site Development Options

    Site Analysis

    Sun path Diagram

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    Site Analysis

    The analysis used for the site is essential in the efficiency of the design for the

    Proposed project. The analyses for this proposal are the following:

    Sun Path

    The sun moves from east to west with varying heights and intensity. As shown in the

    figure below, the highest temperature is represented by red and the lowest temperature is

    represented by blue. The hottest time of the day is from 12 PM to 3 PM.

    Prevailing Winds

    The prevailing winds for the site is based on the detailed data given by the Philippine

    Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA). The data

    shows the directions of the wind for the year 2012. As shown in the figure, the prevailing winds

    are coming from the north, west, east, south east, and south west directions.

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    Mid-rise Resettlement Housing: Tropical Building DesignFresnoza, Jefferson C.2009180022


    Appendix A


    Sample Questionnaire