free trade - fair trade

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  • 8/12/2019 Free Trade - Fair Trade


    Free trade

    The unrestricted purchase and sale of

    goods and services between countries

    without the imposition of constraints such

    as tariffs, duties and quotas (non-tariff

    barriers). Free trade is a win-winproposition because it enables nations to

    focus on their core competitive

    advantage(s), thereby maximizingeconomic output and fostering income

    growth for their citizens.

  • 8/12/2019 Free Trade - Fair Trade


    Features of free trade

    -Trade of goods without taxes, other trade barriers (e.g.

    quotas on imports), or trade distorting policies like

    subsidies that give some firms, households or factors of

    production an advantage over others.

    -Free access to market

    -Free access to information

    -Free movement of labor between and within countries

    -Free movement of capital between and within countries.

  • 8/12/2019 Free Trade - Fair Trade


    Fair trade

    A movement which strives for fairtreatment for farmers. In a fair trade

    agreement, farmers, who in other

    situations might be more susceptible to

    the will of the purchaser, will negotiate

    with the purchasers in order to receive a

    fair price for their products. Farmers who

    engage in fair trade also aim to pay theirworkers a fair price, and engage in

    environmentally-friendly practices.

  • 8/12/2019 Free Trade - Fair Trade


    Features of fair trade

    -Creating opportunities for economically disadvantaged producers

    -Transparency and accountability

    -Developing producers independence

    -Fair pay to the producers, equal pay for, equal work by men and women

    -Fair traders ensures prompt payment to their partners

    -Gender equity: womens work is properly valued and rewarded

    -Working conditions: safe and healthy working environment for producers,

    labor. The participation of children (if any) does not affect adversely their well-

    being, security, educational requirements and need for conforms to the UNConvention of the Right of the child as well as the laws and norms in the local


    -Environment must be protected

  • 8/12/2019 Free Trade - Fair Trade



    Both seek to help farmers and other

    producers get access to the global market

    and to improve wages for producers.

  • 8/12/2019 Free Trade - Fair Trade



    Say youre looking to buy a cup of

    coffee, which should you buyfree or fair?

    (Pros and cons of each?)

  • 8/12/2019 Free Trade - Fair Trade


  • 8/12/2019 Free Trade - Fair Trade


    Fair trade means you believe there are some rules in trade that

    must be placed in order to provide for producers who have

    disadvantages in a free market. If you buy a fair trade cup of

    coffee, it means that the farmer who harvested the beans in adeveloping nation had some help getting his specific product to

    you. Fair trade aims to help producers in developing countries

    obtain better trading conditions and gives an extra boost to those

    producers who promote sustainability (that is, eco-friendly

    agriculture). Rather than leaving environmental standards andwages up to the market, fair trade actively pushes for higher price

    for producers as well as social and environmental standards.

    Opponents of fair trade say that any solution that favors one group

    over another harms growth overall. Producers in developedcountries, for instance, resent having to compete with what they

    call cheaper, lower-quality imports. The agreement, they say, is

    unfair because developing nations often sell more of their product

    but end up buying less from other countries.