franklin d. roosevelt-the great communicator the master ... · del iberately into tho i scard . as...

Franklin D. Roosevelt- "The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898, 1910-1945 Series 1: Franklin D. Roosevelt's Political Ascension File No. 179 1920 September 25 Ogdensburg, NY - Campaign Speech

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Franklin D. Roosevelt- "The Great Communicator"

The Master Speech Files, 1898, 1910-1945

Series 1: Franklin D. Roosevelt's Political Ascension

File No. 179

1920 September 25

Ogdensburg, NY - Campaign Speech

EX!l!l4C1'., u.f S. :cB OJ' KOJI •• D ,Jl\103&~

OOllE!ISJ!IL <G, a . Y . , SEPT, 2 , 1920

1 hope that &Tory Toter will make a opeol al eff ort

to think baok OT&r the hiatorJ of the paet two yoara ant to Bake

application of that history to the preeent campaign, J'or inatanoo ,

it io of idetinot interest to think oTer the ohnnge of Glind whloh

oert 1n opubl1oen Leadoro havw auatainod on the aobjeot of the

Leagoe of at1ona. The important thing 1e that where there hna

been a chance of mind,, ~bore must have been eome motive l or it .

tbat that moth• la, io alao written ln hiatocy. !'e

re1110mber that when r reo1dent •. neon returned to t)le United Stotea

tor the firot tlao , bringing with him the tiret draft of the

Covenant of tho League, he held oonteroncee with -.enator Lodg,t and

with othor ~epublloan Leadore, inoludiug ~anator U&rdlng, ant re­

ca1vod auggoationa tros them aa to aevoral waya in which they

'bel ieved t he Covenant ooult be improved.

rreaidont llaon returnot to ~urope ant it became obTioue

that he would bo able to incorporate the aoggeeted ohnnsea , 1nolud-

1ng that of definite rooognition of the uonroe Doctrine ,

~la waa the turning point in the ~ole epublioan policy ,

It beoame obvious that the lreoldent we.o obtaining in t·nria n

!'Aague of !lations oatiofbotory not morely to the E.enato of the

lin1 ted Stnteo, but to the whole Altorioan Jo&OPle . llere ie wha re

partisan politioe first oame to light.

history of what reall7 happened -

'1'h1a ia the unwri tton

111 H. !/aye , Chairman ot' the Iiepublioan JaUonal Committee,

hurried to aohington and oalled llenatora '.Odgo , Lon.h, Brandegeo and

others into aocret oonforenco. Flo pointed out to them that a

'.uooeeatal outoa.e o tho reeidont'a effort• to reatore peaoe and

to ''"" ..... SA ateot ob jeot of

2 -

to gain the groateet ob1eot of the War - a poraanent peace through

the League of Dation& - would epall ine?itable Republioan defeat in

the c~ing Prealdenti al Eleotion , then about a year and half away .

Be • olnted out that Presi dent iloon would bo accl aimed throughout

the orld, as be wao being in the United States, as the man who had

a) last been able to accompliab the orld ' s ideal of putting an ond

to future wars .

Wi l l Bays del i?ored 1n effoot an ~iimatua to the

Republican Senators t hat they muot ohooco between a surrender of

power to tho Demooratio Party, and a deliberate and oaretully planned

campaign to throw o?er the troat of peaoe and to discredit the

President of the United States, in order to secure a ?tctory f or the

Republican Party ,

b choice was made at that time . Partisan advantage was

placod first, and the restoration of nonce to civilization was thrown

deliberately into tho di scard .

As a result of that detor.ination of moro than one year

ago, the reotoration of ponce still hangs in the balance. Thio ia

recognized not only here but throughout the r.orld .

I reoogoise that this deliberate statement of fact will

moot with howls of protest and t hat t he Republioans in the Senate

who were responsible for what I oonsider a cri.a against thoir own

Country and against the peoples of other Uations, will seek to be-

f og the 1esue by bri ngi ng 1n all kinde of small details and irrele'Yilnt


Anybody who was in l'lallhington during that period knows , bowe?er, in the bot tom of his heart that the big essential fact a• outlined abo?& 1B true .

llr , Will Ha;ve W!loB employed for the eole purpose of eleoting a Republ1081l President - the methode - ttered not.

1 o,. ~\ tn•ory TO\e!' wU

1.0 1.billk o. oTOr tt>e hie or. or ~

of 1-tono.

leon o CU!

:h'.l t 1.1 't~OUT la, la abo 111'11.1-en tn blatoQ. o

re.:~na :r that I! en • N~l111181 t 1l&<la. :returc.e4 \0 t.llo tatoR

tn u.e fJrat t1

o"'nru:' or \be l.e . , .. oeho4 g t.Uona rro t •

otteve~ ~· oTe \ ooul4

rtrt~t 4r n or t. ;.q

tb • tor .o r ~

~rqll:fl, Nld n ·

n1n to. tM;

~D1Gent ob•tone

tl\:1t .• ~ 1ncl -

lllfl t'bt>t of clatlnl tB Nr<IO'

•• x ley .

\ •• tu.rrl t1.0o


to 1,, .....

t.llit.l:. o trro1' the Ill u~or;v or t

eppU 'ion ot ' \ hla\ocy to '•

s• Ia or l• au .ot lnt.tnac t.4l 1.llm; o<r r \1:4

• t~7 t 1hln· !a t

or 1n , there a:.

~ r 1.~11\

tor u-.. 1'1:r>at t•

1 tb ot.her op11!JUe o

n1To4..:; au

bollOW<I tho OTOD&llt ou't. l.: Wp:r'O\'<J4.

r.~ol nt 1\n nturn 4

tlmt. 1111 lA bo able to In o l'llte

bt to or !!hat

.111 • ta;e , CbD1

t:nrrlo4 to ulll

o\ •. oTo 1.1~ .. out oontoro

a;.o041 " . t oat .. .- or t


u.u :!loll poll

uta a

2 -

to gain ,tho greatest obJect of the ar - a permanent peaca through

the League of .lat1ona - would apell inevitable llepublioan defeat in \

the o~ing Prooldontial Election, than about a year and half a•ay .

De fOinted out t hat President ' iloon would be accl aimed throughout

the orld, ao he wao bo1ng in the United States, aa the l!llln who had

a' l ast boon able to acco~pl1eh the .orld's ideal of putting an ond

to future ware .

~ill Raya delivered in effoot an .tiimatum to the

Republican Senators thAt tbe7 mUot ohooao betwoen a surrender ot

powor to tho I omocrat1o ~arty, and a deliberate and oaretully planned

ewnvnign to throw ever the treat of peaoe and to diocredi t the

President ot the United States , in order to secure a victory f or the

Republ ican Party .

The choice 11811 111848 at that time . Partisan advantage \"188

placed first, end the reotoretion of ~oooe to civilisation wno thrown

• deliberately into the discord,

Ao a roault ot that determination ot moro than one year

ago, tho restoration of peace still hongs in the balanoa . !hie is

recognized not only hero but throughout the .orld .

I rooognlze that this deliberate statement of faot will

meet with bowls of proteat and that the ilapublioans 1n the Senate

who were reeponeible for what 1 oonaider a ori .. sgatnat their own

Country Gnd asatnat tho poopleo o~ other Bationa , will aeek to be-

tot tha ioeuo by bringing 1n all kinds of a.a1l data1le and irrelevant

data .

AnybOdJ who was in 'aeh1Dgton during that porlod lmowe ,

bowevar , in tho boU011 o~ hio heart that the bi& oeaantial taot aa

outlined aboYe le true. Kr . Wi l l Da7a waa e~loyed ~or the sole purpose of aleoting

a Republioan Prealdent - the 118thoda .attend not,


H 11 or I ot.i at; lntc:t u~ t lo

u uecn tero t t

ol' Uooa . •zoe •

ator,v. 0

' wt 11 reat<'to 1. llt ~II

for &J-.. rsra t t1 ....

Ulat at polley .

w plo U•o Jl!'Oateat obloot of the

tt.e t o f:U• of ttona - '"'" tel spell 111nUablo epubUoan 4d ... t ln

tho otr.1DB aeotlon. then obou't. a JIG!' arad halt' ailal'.

llo polute& out t hat 11'8iJ1 ont H""n woulcl be aoolaiiMd tbroOI/()Iollt

tho orL , oe he wae bo1n ln the United t/totoa, a1 t.he IDBJl who ba4

a~ laat beer able to oceompll&b the orld •a ldaal of an en4

to tut.un were .

ill lta;,a &ol1nre4 1D aft ot an ~!M.tla to tba

epublloM o.enat.ora tna.'\;r muot oh.Oooe t.otwaeo 1 aur-ren40r of

pO<'or tA the 001ooratlo I'art)', Uld a diUberate Ul4 oaratull.y plallllll4

o...,..1,.,. to throw o.,.r the treat 01 penoa ancl to 41ooreU t the

real4ont or tbe nJ t,e4 ... wtee , in or4ar to ncure a "Ylotor1 tor Uw

a publican art;r .

fho oholoa waa made at that U110. J'art1MD aciWAu,;. ••

placo4 f1rat. , at~d tho reotoraUon ot .o.ooe to o1Tlllutlon •e thrown

delibontel:; into the 41aoarcl.

A~ a reau~t ot cl.etwN:ID&tlou of oro tAn OM JO&r

ero , t.h.o reetorat.tor1 o f po. ce still han.e;e 1D t.he bolanoe. nrta 1•

r eco,..,l red not onl' bare but throughout tbe orl4.

1 rvoo 0111la that tll1a dallherate aw.wuoo~ or faot will

et •Jtll bowla or protoa\ and that tbe epubUa<no in the "•oato

IIIlo ftra rer.ponal'ble f or _, I oar. icier a ori .. ara1Dat their o..,

oQftt%'7 ana 81:aloat lollo poopleo ot other i CLtlo,., • 111 Nol< to he-

fOG \J"A lana b;y bril1jfllll; 1D all Jtin4o Of -.ll doteile Blld 1rrelnant


I.JlllbO<I~ wbo •• In aoll!Qton clurtna that porlod tno"•• howonr, In the 'bott0'2 or bia he..r\ tMt the 'b1a ooaeot1aJ. t:.ot •• outlloa4 "'bon Ia t1'118.

lr . ill 11a7• waa 8!!q>lo;ya4 tor the aob JfUl'pollo of aiaoUJI& • apubllDBD rraaidant - tlla -\bode .. unad DOt.

~Oc 4r' n or t.'le

-l'W:IC!\ n


• Uow

0 1owa

"• 11101. -

t.ldio ~ nu

~:.0!'1 fla • nt.~ to O!le

oUt10t1 nn: - to u

• I •

to piD IJio f:"ll\eD~ objeol. of u. ~ - a po_.n\ .,_ \llro~

t.ll .. Le.,... or UonD - '"'"''' spell 1neY1tAl>la oplll!l1 ... l..,., in

tto c ,tr:t: l'reel«ont.tal a. .. tton, U>en at.oot a :V'"" ~nol '-lf .....,.. lle pointe& out tll!lt ?0~1 ont lllJOn """lA l>o acola '""'' turoui;ho~tt. tho o>:l', .a llo won MlnJ! 1ft tbo tnt teO ~ tawo, ae l.ha ..,. wbo 1144

a) hat hon al.le \o h~O<>pl.!~ \be orll'a t&eol of pu~Ullll "'' ""'

1.o .l'ltwre .,...;, .

Ill 111110 UU'NH4 lD eff· ct CUt \lll1..101.- to \lie

op111>UOIIXI !lellAtortl t b.olt tl>e,\1' . IIWit cho~DO bot 100.0 a t<llrNJl""l' .of

po""r to tlio !oaooerat1o ·artr, on4 a Aallboft\e aD4 oan.tll.l.l;o pl~

fllU!IP61t':ll to throw ow:r t.lle l.raat of' peAM au4 to ll811n'41 t

Pro• 11ont or tllo n1 w4 CU.toa, ln orller \o 11<101U0 a vlotors tor tile

nopal>Uoazt arty .

'I'M oholoo wao •II.• at that u.. l',. ...... ~ -

plocol :tlrot, ana tbo reotori\UOD of 10 .ae to ol'<Uill&tlon _. \broa

aol1MX'I\tol.7 1n1.0 tbo dtooara.

M " rohlt or l.llnt &>tomlaeUon of oro t .. ., - iOU:

a!i O, \bO :roatoretlo"' or,... •• et1\l llano!'8 in U• lo&.l...,.,a , .'Ida 10

rocol!'lh•4 not onl) hare bat t!u'o-:;l>o'llt 1.ha orU.

I reoo n1M t.hllt tbio 4ol1bo,.,.te at.ato~:><ll\ ol hot wtU

... t •lth ho .. la or ana tloet u. lepQb\10UI8 ln the ,. ... to

who "" n~-poaa1ble tor uhet 1 eo<,•l4•r a cr1 .. ..,.1Det \llollr -

Cout17 ";"' a{';lllao\ U.o J>OO" .. o1 ot.ber at.l-, wlU -k to-fOI the to .... 'bJ b:rllllllllll 1D aU tin J1 of ..U •etoile Nl4 lnol.a .... t


l.o t.hlnlt

U tlOll 0" \ htD~O. \A)

st Ia t 111 u ot. ln\u..-o~

eo: :r rn lll> vo ttona. -~ " ore hila

a. to 11>0 , H.1.oo I ll hliiWQ• o

.-l;tll 'I'

to,. u. ura•

retlll'nll to UIO "D!~d . t.t.wa

nnt Ar n uf 11)8

,..,. , 110 hel~ co ~l'O oeoo w1 th ,;e :.tAn" .o.1pr

. ro 1 ~

~·be 'WI() i1 "" ~!•



f1. t• ol...-lc:tQB

c.o • tnol m IDB, aZl4 n- • t<:

~ ol t.l lUll "* t.l !U t.ol'1 .., ~ nl~ to

Qtt.oot t."!I.WO, "!"lll \0 t ~lo '1'1u:m piiO

raru n oUt.toa ttnt QA";..I 1.o litb , l'blo ta

t:J ~C'J or • ~ ll Ul 11.

ton Pd

ot. •"' lat. ae-c»"ot onro:roonee.

IIUO«HfflfUl ... o tr

to •• ... :t• _.., olJ~t. of

I -

to fl"ln U>o oateoL objoo~ o! '"'" ar - a pe....,.nt peace LllrOIIf.ll

IJIO • ' ••• or uone - 011 4 opell iM'fi\41>10 opub\1"*" ute&t In

~. c• I 'e pointed out thAt roel.~eo\ nron """14 be " .. 4 thXOue'llout

IJI• orl • , aa .,. """ boin ln the •n\ted ~tBtoe, na the,...., who ba4

"" 1set boon aHo to Kacoll'uab the orl4 •a ideal o:t putt i lll'! a and

to rature ..... ill 11&70 uunre4 in e!f Bt an uJJoi:l&tlD to the

opubliOOJI !iei>BtOT8 tt111t tbO~ 01110\ oh0080 tot .... OC 0 OI1TTOTI4aT O!

J>OWOT tO thO JOilOOTt>tiO .!&TtJ, and 8 deUboTOto dd aaTOtiJJ.l.J plMM4

c801J>•I.'n ~· tbTOW oYer tllo tr<~d o~ penoo an4 to 41soreU \ tbot

•r.,.iAout o! tho tnl te4 :to-tea, in ol'4•r to """"" a 'fiOWTI tor tM

T.o~ubliOall ar17 . !be oboioo waa -~· at tMt \1110• tart!_.. o4....,.tei!O ...

plGco4 tlrat, &>Dd tbo reDtor~otton of oooo t.o oi'fi.U ... tlon ""• tbrOWD

4ellbart~-tol7 tnto tU uac•r4. ~oa a roa\;;lt oi thl't ciet41"!11DL\Uon of rrore 1.".&n OJ.• )'eu.'

81!'0 , t~>• roatorattoa of po<>co etill MDI'O in tM bOle.DOO•, ~· I.e

reool!l'i,.d not onl7 bero \out tbTouehout the or14· I rooomi .. ~hMt thio 4el1bor&te etot.o11l t or t<;ot "1U

oet 11 tb 1.0111.• o! proto at ana tlll't thO .opullli., ta tM ,..nate

who t10T8 ro ·onoi'bl• to• what 1 oonuiole!' e. orl .. or;m tnat thoir own

to1lntr'1 an~ agsiOat the poOP••• of other llatio!Ul, wiU eoelt to be-

toe '"'" iaoue 'b7 br1~11lt in aU Unda of ..all de~ 111 an4 trrolnant

&at& • l,ny'bo4;, wbo •• In ..aJ\iJ>ll.oft &arlnc that por1od biO a , bow'Yar, in the toL\011 o! hia haart U>at til& HI eoee>tial f&O\ 11

ootlln14 ·~O'YO II tr'M • · •r. ill llalD- omplOJ84 f or tbot 11010 purpoeu of eleotiJII

a !lepo'Dli""" naoldent - tlte aetl>odl •'"""'' not.