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Vol. 1. No. 4 Fourth Issue

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  • Vol. 1. No. 4

    Fourth Issue

  • Call for applications

    National Water Mission Awards



    Interested applicants may

    submit their applications at

    How to applyFor enquiries call at

    +91 9717212233

    Email Id- [email protected]

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    Comprehensive Water Data Base in Public Domain

    Assessment of the Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources

    Promotion of Citizen and State Action for Water Conservation, Augmentation and Preservation

    Focused Attention to Vulnerable Areas Including Over-exploited Areas

    Increasing Water Use Efficiency by 20% for Local Individuals/Farmers/Citizens

    Increasing Water Use Efficiency by 20% for Water Users Associations (WUA)/ Self Help

    Groups (SHGs)/Resident Welfare Associations (RWAs)

    Increasing Water Use Efficiency by 20% for Public Agencies (ULBs/Cities, Govt. Organisations)

    Increasing Water Use Efficiency by 20% for Industries/Corporate

    Increasing Water Use Efficiency by 20% for SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises)

    Promotion of Basin Level Integrated Water Resources Management

    National Water Mission

    Ministry of Water Resources,

    River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation

    Government of India

    Entries open for National Water Mission Awards in the following categories


    Chief Editor : Nitishwar KumarEditor : Girraj GoyalSub-Editor : Mohit SharmaDesign & Comm. Team : Fusion Corporate Solutions Pvt. Ltd.Photographer : Arvind Singh TomarPublisher : Amit Kumar Singh[as Under Secretary (IEC), Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga RejuvenationShram Shakti Bhawan, Ra� Marg, New Delhi -110001]Printer : Krishna Enterprises2070/5, Chuna Mandi, Paharganj, New Delhi - 110055

    Reproduction in any form is prohibited without wri�en permission.Any dispute related to the content of the magazine should beaddressed to the publisher.

    Please write your letters and suggestions to [email protected]

    VOL.1. NO.4

    Website: | Facebook: | Twi�er: twi�

    — मु� संपादक की कलम से

    — River Basin - Narmada

    — Know Your Dam

    — Groundwater Recharge in Chittor

    — First “Water-Talk” by National Water Mission

    — International Co-operation

    — Workshop on Spring Rejuvenation

    — Participatory Groundwater Management

    — Namami Gange

    — Know Zone

    — Swachhta Pakhwada 2019

    — News In Brief

    — NGO

    — Institutes

    — In Newspaper

    — CSR

















    Bhakra Dam Page No: 4

    River Narmada Page No: 3



    �जय जल

    मु� संपादक की कलम से

    गम� का मौसम श� हो गया है और धीरे-धीरे आने वाले समय म� कछ �े�� म�, जहां पानी कम मा�ा म� बरसता है और साथ-ह�-साथ जहां कम मा�ा म� �टोर या कम ु ु

    हाव��ट �कया जाता है, उन �े�� म� पानी क� सम�या श� होगी। �पछले अकं म� हमने “रा���य जल पर�कार” से स�मा�नत कछ �यास� क� चचा� क� थी, िजसके जल संर�ण के ु ु ु

    �े� म� सकारा�मक प�रणाम �मले ह�। इस बार के अकं म� उसी सीर�ज को आगे बढ़ात ेहए कछ और अ�छे काय� क� चचा� करत ेह�।ुु

    श�आत करत ेह� राज�थान से, एक िजला है बारां। बारां म� तकर�बन �व�भ�न �कार के जो वाटर �टोरेज और �ाउंड वाटर �टोरेज ���चर बनाये गए, �मसाल के तौर पर ु

    पानी का प�का चेक बांध, तालाब, इन सब के मा�यम से तकर�बन 400 से �यादा गांव� को लाभ पहंचा और 1,22,000 हे�टेयर जमीन को वाटर कंजव�शन ए�ट��वट� से कवर �कया ु

    गया। वहां जो जल �वावलंबन अ�भयान चलता है उससे बारां िजले म� जबरद�त लाभ �ा�त हआ है। सात म� से 5 �लॉक ���टकल जोन से बाहर आ गये। वाटर लेवल 0.9 से बढ़कर ु

    1.2 मीटर तक हो गया। जो फसल उ�पादन है, उसके अतंगत� जो �े�फल आता है उसम� 20 ��तशत क� बढ़ो�र� हई। यहां जो ट�कर से वाटर स�लाई होती थी, उसक� सं�या भी काफ� ु

    कम हो गई। बहत सारे �डफं�ट ह�ड प�प थे, वो सब चाल हो गए, बहत सारे �यबवलै जो सख गए थे, वो �फर से िजंदा हो गए ह�। इस �कार बारां िजले म� काफ� अ�छा काम हआ। जल ू ू ूु ु ु

    चौपाल के मा�यम से लोग� म� जाग�कता लाई गई और प�रणाम हमने देखा। Aspirational District for Ground Water Recharge �ेणी म� हमने बारां िजले को �थम पर�कार ु

    से स�मा�नत �कया।

    ऐसा ह� एक िजला है झारखंड का कोडरमा। इसे Ground Water Recharge & Rejuvenation of Water Bodies क� �ेणी म� ई�ट जोन म� हमने �थम पर�कार से ु

    स�मा�नत �कया। इस िजले म� �ोजे�ट संर�ण और इसके साथ-साथ अ�य �क�म� के मा�यम से 200 से अ�धक नए वाटर बॉडीस ्बनाए गए, जो क�ट�वेशन कमांड ए�रया था, वह

    6000 हे�टेयर से बढ़कर 6500 हे�टेयर हो गया। 25000 से �यादा प�रवार� को, जो खेती करत ेहै, उ�ह� लाभ �मला और 12000 से �यादा प�रवार� को डबल �ॉ�पगं स�नि�चत हो ु

    गई। इन सारे अ�भयान से कोडरमा िजले म� वाटर �टोरेज क� �मता 5 से 6 गना बढ़ गई। इस अ�भयान म� जन जाग�कता और जनता क� सहभा�गता स�नि�चत क� गई। इसके �लए ु ु

    वहां जला�भषके काय�� म, से�फ हे�प �प, वाटर शडे कमेट� �े�, �ाम �तर पर, ये सब वहां बनाई ग� और इसका लाभ उस िजले को हआ। ु ु

    आइये अब, द��ण भारत म� चलत ेह�, Revival of Rivers क� �ेणी म� हमने करनल िजले को �थम पर�कार �दया है। इस िजले म� िजला �शासन ने वाटर बजट बनाने ु ू ु

    म� बहत कछ लोग� को �सखाया। वहां एक नद� होती है कंड नाम क�। कंड नद� के �कनारे जो रहने वाले लोग ह� उनके बोरवेल म� पानी सख गया, �य��क नद� म� ह� पानी नह�ं था। नी� ु ु ू ु ू ूु

    चेटट के नाम से एक काय�� म वहां चला, लोग� ने इसम� �मदान �कया। अपनी जाग�कता को बढ़ाया। प�रणाम यह हआ �क 6000 से अ�धक फाम � प�डस, 900 से अ�धक चेक ड�ैस, ू ु

    176 के आसपास Percolation Tanks और 6000 के कर�ब अ�य ���चर बनाए गए। इन सबके प�रणाम �व�प 540 �मल�यन �य�बक �फट �टोरेज �मता बढ़� और इससे ू

    तकर�बन 150 �कमी लंबी नद� पनज��वत हई। साथ ह� साथ इस नद� के �कनारे के जो �कसान ह�, उनको माई�ो इ�र�गेशन अपनाने के �लए भी �ो�सा�हत �कया, िजसका प�रणाम यह ु ु

    रहा �क 16000 हे�टेयर से अ�धक जमीन जो क�ष यो�य थी, माई�ो इ�र�गेशन के अदंर आ गई। इस नद� के Revive होने से प�रणाम यह हआ �क नद� के �कनारे रहने वाले जो लोग ृ ु

    थे, उनके बोरवलै म� पानी आना श� हो गया और उनक� खेती-बाड़ी पर सकारा�मक �प से �भाव पड़ा।ु

    आगे चलत ेहै पि�चम म�, Aspirational District क� Rejuvenation of Water Bodies �ेणी म� राजगढ़ (म�य �देश) िजले को हमने �थम पर�कार �दया। यहां ु

    देखत ेह� �क तकर�बन 5 �वभाग� ने आपस म� �मलकर काफ� अ�छा सामंज�य �था�पत �कया और अपने-अपने �वभाग क� �क�म� के अतंगत� �व�भ�न �कार के वाटर �रचाज � ���चर

    बनाए, जसेै वाटर �रसोस � �डपाट�म�ट ने इस िजले म� ड�ैस, बरैाजेस, मी�डयम, मेजर, माईनर ट�क बनाए। मोहनपरा �ोजे�ट के अतंगत� काम �कया। कंड�लया �ोजे�ट, पावत� ी �ोजे�ट, ु ु

    बरैाज इन सबके अतंगत� इ�ह�ने बहत सारे ���चस � बनाए। �फर �ामीण �वकास �वभाग ने Contour Trenching, चेक ड�ैस, बांध, �न�तार� तालाब, Percolation Tanks और ु

    Recharge pits बनाए। कल 10 Blocks म� इ�ह�ने काम �कया। इंट��े�टड वाटरशडे मन� ेजमे�ट �ो�ाम के अतंगत� ���चर बनाए गए। �रल इंजी�नय�रगं �डपाट�म�ट ने काफ� सारे ु

    सरोवर या छोट� झील� बनाई। इसी �कार फोरे�ट �डपाट�म�ट ने Percolation Tanks, Ponds, चेक ड�ैस एवं Stop Dams बनाए। क�ष �वभाग ने बलराम तालाब बनाये। बलराम ृ

    तालाब 30X35X3 �य�बक मीटर का Pond होता है, जो �कसान� क� जमीन पर ह� बनाया जाता है। जो �कसान इसके �लए इ�छक होत ेह� उनके �लए क�ष �वभाग ने राजगढ़ िजले म� ू ु ृ

    ये Ponds बनाए थे। इस सबके आपसी सामंज�य से �ांउड वाटर म� काफ� सधार हआ।ु ु

    आइए, अब आ�खर म� एक अखबार और एक �यज चनैल क� बात करत ेह�, िजसको हमने रा���य जल पर�कार से स�मा�नत �कया। उ�र �देश म� एक िजला आता है ू ु

    सोनभ�। सोनभ� म� दै�नक जागरण ने एक �मशन श� �कया- �मशन सोन जल-आ�ह। �मशन सोन जल-आ�ह और दै�नक जागरण ने सोनभ� िजले म� अपने 24 संवाददाता और ु

    तीन फोटो�ाफर को अपने इसी अ�भयान को कवर करने के �लए लगाया और इसके अतंगत� तकर�बन 60 से अ�धक Articles इ�ह�ने मई, 2018 से लेकर अग�त, 2018 के बीच

    �का�शत �कए। इनम� 26 Articles ऐसे थे, िजनम� वहां क� Best Practices को लोग� तक पहंचाया गया। तकर�बन अपने एक लाख पाठक� तक ये सारा अ�भयान पहंचाया। Best ु ु

    �हदं�/इंि�लश �यज पेपर के �े� म� हमने दै�नक जागरण सोनभ� एडीशन को �थम पर�कार से स�मा�नत �कया। ट�वी शो क� बात करत ेह� तो दरदशन� का एक टेल��वजन सीर�ज है ू ु ू

    “जनता दरबार” िजसम� महारा�� सरकार के जल�हत �श�वर अ�भयान पर, �पछले 2 साल� म� 25 �मनट के 200 से अ�धक ए�पसोड �दखाए गए। उ�ह�ने इस अ�भयान के अतंगत� , जो

    भी जल संर�ण के तहत अ�छे काय � हए वो सब इ�ह�ने कवर �कया और मजे क� बात यह है �क 300 से अ�धक ए�पसोड YouTube पर “जनता दरबार” के नाम से उपल�ध ह�। य�द ु

    आप देखना चाहे �क �या अ�छा काम हआ तो आप YouTube पर “जनता दरबार” को ए�सेस कर सकत ेहै। Best TV �ेणी म� डीडी जनता दरबार को हमने �थम पर�कार �दया। ुु

    मझ ेउ�मीद है �क इन सब �यास� से हमम� थोड़ा उ�साह ज�र आयेगा और आने वाले मह�न� म� हम जल संर�ण/�बंधन पर ज�र कछ न कछ कर�गे।ु ु ु

  • RIVER 3

    River Basin - Narmada

    Ÿ Narmada basin extends over an area of 98,796 sq. km. which is nearly 3% of the total geographical area of the country.

    Ÿ �e basin is bounded on the north by the Vindhyas, on the east by the Maikala range, on the south by the Satpuras, and on the west by the Arabian Sea.

    Ÿ Lying in the northern extremity of the Deccan plateau, the basin covers large areas in the States of Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and a comparatively smaller area in Maharashtra and Chha�isgarh.

    Ÿ �e basin spans over broadly 27 districts and 20 parliamentary constituencies (India- WRIS 2009)comprising 15 of Madhya Pradesh, 3 of Gujarat, and 1 each of Chha�isgarh and Maharashtra.

    Ÿ �e hilly regions are in the upper part of the basin, and lower middle reaches are broad and fertile areas well suited for cultivation. �e average annual water potential of the basin is 45.64 Billion Cubic Meter (BCM). �e utilizable surface water in the basin accounts to 34.50 BCM.

    Ÿ Narmada river is the largest west �owing river of the peninsula India. It rises from Narmada Kund, located at Amarkantak, in the Anuppur district of Madhya Pradesh, at an elevation of about 1057 m in the Maikala range. It forms the traditional boundary between North and South India.

    Ÿ �e river �ows through Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Gujarat between Vindhya and Satpura hill ranges before falling into the Gulf of Cambay in the Arabian Sea about 10 km north of Bharuch, Gujarat. �e total length of the river from the head to its outfall into the Arabian Sea is 1,333 km.

    Ÿ For the �rst 1085 km, it runs in Madhya Pradesh and therea�er forms the common boundary between Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra for 39 km, and Maharashtra and Gujarat for 43 km. It has the longest stretch in Gujarat of 166 km.

    Ÿ �ere are total 41 tributaries of Narmada river. Out of these, 8 important tributaries join the river from right bank and 11 important tributaries join from the le� bank.

    Ÿ �e �rst major tributary, the Burhner, joins Narmada from le�. Further downstream, it receives the Banjar from the le�. As Narmada enters the upper fertile plains, it receives the Hiran on the right bank. In continuation, the river receives several tributaries - the Sher, the Shakkar, the Dudhi, the Tawa, the Ganjal from the le� and the Tendoni, the Barna, the Kolar from the right.

    Ÿ During its journey through the middle plains, it receives tributaries - the Chhota Tawa, the Kundi from the le� and the Man from the right. In the lower hilly regions, Narmada receives the Goi from the le� and the Uri, the Hatni from the right. �e Karjan from the le� and the Orsang from the right are important tributaries joining the river in the lower plains. Finally, the river drains into the Gulf of Khambhat (Arabian Sea).

    Dhuandhar Falls River Narmada

  • Know Your Dam


    Bhakra Dam, Himachal Pradesh

    Around 226 m high and 518 m long, Bhakra dam is the 2ⁿ� highest dam in India a�er the Tehri dam. Bhakra dam is constructed on Satluj river and located in Himachal Pradesh and Punjab border near Nangal city. It is intended for irrigation as well as hydro-electric purposes. It has le� & right bank power houses. �e installed capacity of Bhakra Right Bank Power House is 785 MW (5x157 MW) and that of Bhakra Le� Bank Power House is 594 MW (3x126 MW + 2x108MW). �e construction of dam was completed in 1963. �e Operation and Maintenance of the Bhakra dam is done by Bhakra Beas Management Board(BBMB). Bhakra dam is straight gravity cum concrete dam having four spillway radial gates with designed spillway capacity of 8212 cumec. �e Gobind Sagar reservoir of the dam has gross storage capacity of 9621 Million Cubic Meter (MCM) and effective storage capacity of 7192 MCM. �e organizational set-up of Bhakra Dam consists of Chairman at the top and three directorates for design, construction and quality control.

    Interesting Snippets

    Ÿ �e erstwhile Central Water & Power Commission (now called Central Water Commission) decided to have the Bhakra dam built by Indian Engineers which saved some 30 to 40 crores of rupees. Indian Engineers were provided specialized training in all aspects of organization, design, equipment, research and construction of a concrete gravity dam of 226 m high above the deepest foundation.

    Ÿ Bhakra dam construction was done exclusively with departmental labour. �ey were recruited, trained, supervised and paid directly by engineering officers of the Punjab Government.

    Bhakra Dam


    Ÿ Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) constructed 27 arti�cial structures in Chi�or district of Andhra Pradesh.Ÿ Groundwater level rose in Karvetinagram, Kollakadriga, Se�inetham, Pathapelam and Santhabylu localities; yield of

    wells increased nearly by 3 times.Ÿ Recharge structures also resulted in expansion of cultivable irrigated area. Responding to the deteriorating groundwater levels across the country, Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) of Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation has been undertaking steps to recharge the groundwater in various states. �e efforts of CGWB has not only resulted in the improvement of groundwater levels, but has also led to an increase in cultivable land.

    One such success story unfolded in Chi�or district of Andhra Pradesh where construction of arti�cial recharge structures enabled immediate rise of water levels. �e Mandals in Andhra Pradesh where the structures were constructed include Vedurukuppam, Karvetinagram, SR Puram, Nagri, Palasundram, Vijaypuram and Madanpalle. �e executing agency of the project was irrigation department, Government of Andhra Pradesh. �e project was funded under Central Sector scheme by Central Ground Water Board (CGWB).

    In the project, 27 arti�cial recharge structures were constructed out of which 26 were check dams and one percolation tank. Check dams are small barriers built across the direction of water �ow to reduce its velocity. Check dams are built on shallow rivers and streams for the purpose of water harvesting. �e small dams retain excess water �ow during the monsoon rains in a small catchment area behind the structure. Pressure created in the catchment area helps force the impounded water into the ground which leads to replenishment of nearby groundwater reserves and wells. �e water then could be used for irrigation and domestic needs. Percolation tank was constructed to store excess �owing water. It is an arti�cial surface body to entrap the surface run-offs for recharge of groundwater.

    With the construction of 27 arti�cial recharge structures, immediate impact was witnessed as groundwater levels rose sharply in Karvetinagram, Kollakadriga, Se�inetham, Pathapelam and Santhabylu localities.

    �e creation of new structures also resulted in expansion of cultivable land by 18.5 hectare for paddy, 25.4 hectare for non-Paddy in kharif and 23.8 hectare for non-Paddy in rabi. �e yield of wells also increased from 2,500 litre per hour to 8,000 litre per hour and from1666 litre per hour to 8,000 litre per hour in monsoon and dry seasons respectively. �us, the creation of 27 arti�cial recharge structures in Chi�or served the twin purpose of Water Conservation and Agricultural Productivity improvement.

    Niti Aayog in its Composite Water Management Index has �agged the issue of deepening water crises in India. While the Government of India is making all possible steps in the direction of Water Conservation and Water Management, it is the duty of each and every citizen of the country to contribute in this mammoth but critical task.

    Groundwater Recharge in Chi�or

    Check Dam at Karvetinagram in Andhra Pradesh. Percolation tank at Pathapelam village in Andhra Pradesh.


    First “Water-Talk” by National Water Mission

    National Water Mission (NWM) has initiated a seminar series 'Water Talk' to promote dialogue and information sharing among participants on variety of water related topics. �e aim of 'WATER TALK' is to stimulate awareness, build capacities of stake-holders and to encourage people to become active participants in conserving and saving water on earth. �e programme is intended to serve as a gateway of knowledge sharing, open dialogue of information resulting into cross learning on new developments in water sector. NWM organized �rst edition of 'Water

    ndTalk' on 22 March, 2019 as a part of World Water Day celebrations in Dr Ambedkar International Center New Delhi.

    �e �rst 'Water–Talk' was inaugurated and delivered by Shri U P Singh, Secretary, Ministry of Water R e s o u rce s , R i ve r Deve l o p m e n t a n d Ga nga Rejuvenation in the gracious presence of Shri Rajiv Ranjan Mishra, Director General, National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG), Shri G Asok Kumar, Mission Director, National Water Mission (NWM), Shri Alok Sikka, India Representative, International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Shri Manu Bhatnagar, Principal Director (National Heritage Divison), Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH), Shri Sachin Oza, Executive Director, Development Support Centre (DSC) and Shri Pushpendra Singh, Coordinator, Aapna Taalab Abhiyan, who were also the panelists for the inaugural 'Water-Talk' and each of them shared their experiences regarding water management

    Outlining the concept of “Water-Talk”, Shri U. P. Singh said: “�ere are different Ministries in the Government of India working on different aspects of water. �e idea of Water-Talk series is to exchange ideas and to gain knowledge of different aspects of water”. He highlighted various aspects of Water such as supply side and demand side, water management, water pollution and sewage management, irrigation efficiencies, water footprint etc, thus covering almost all the aspects of water which was necessary for the participants to understand the whole subject of water and its complexity. �e highlights of the event were 'Water Kalash' pujan, Pledge on 'Water Conservation' and a cartoon exhibition on 'Water for All' theme. �e event drew a huge response from various organisations of MoWR, RD & GR, schools, colleges, and many other agencies working in water sector. More than 700 people participated in the event.

    Shri U P Singh, Secretary, MoWR, RD & GR delivering the �rst Water Talk

    L to R - Shri Pushpendra Singh, Shri Alok Sikka, Shri Rajiv Ranjan Mishra, Shri U P Singh, Shri G Asok Kumar, Shri Manu Bhatnagar, Shri Sachin Oza

    �e dignitaries during the ‘Water Kalash’ pujan


    Efficiency studies have been taken up for three projects under India - EU partnership by State Projects (SPR) wing -. Gollavagu of Telangana, Lower Panzara of Maharashtra and Mahuar of MP. Visits were conducted during 8�� to 10�� March 2019. In Gollavagu, Shri BRK Pillai, Commissioner (CAD) accompanied the team and in Lower Panzara, Shri Kushvinder Vohra, Commissioner (SPR) accompanied the team.

    On the occassion of World Water Day (22ⁿ� March 2019), A u s t r a l i a n D e p u t y H i g h Commissioner Rod Hilton cal led on Shri U.P. Singh, Secretary, Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation in his office. Discussions on issues of river basin planning, irrigation efficiency, �ood forecasting were held during the meeting to promote water partnership between the two countries.

    Shri S. Masood Hussain, Chairman, Central Water Commission (CWC), Government of India and Chairman Wa t e r a n d E n e r g y Co m m i s s i o n Secretariat (WECS), Government of Nepal signed the Minutes of the Meeting of 3�� meeting of India-Nepal joint team of experts on Pancheswar project on 28�� February 2019 in Kathmandu, Nepal.

    International Co-operation



    A one day workshop on “Rejuvenation of Springs for Water Security through springshed development in hilly areas of the country” was organised by Central Ground Water Board, MoWR, RD& GR in association

    thwith the Government of Himachal Pradesh on 14 March 2019 at Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh. �e workshop was a�ended by nearly 170 delegates with participation from various Central and State Government depar tments , NGOs, academic institutions, international organisations etc. �e programme began with an inaugural session and was followed by two technical sessions and a plenary session. Shri U.P. Singh, Secretary, MoWR, RD&GR was the Chief Guest during the inaugural session of the workshop. Lt. Gen. Girish Kumar, Surveyor General of India, Shri Sanjay Kundu, Addl Principal Secretary to CM, Himachal Pradesh and Shri Suman Vikrant, Engineer in Chief, IPH, Himachal Pradesh were the Guests of Honour during the occasion. During the inaugural session, Shri U.P. Singh highlighted the important role of the springs in the hilly regions and stressed upon the need for a national initiative for addressing the issues related to springs. A mobile app developed by Survey of India named “SAHYOG” which has been customised for capturing springs related data was also launched by the Chief Guest. A total of 13 presentations were made during the two technical sessions. Presentations were made by experts from NGOs like ACWADAM, Arghyam, CHI�G, P�SARI, Mountain Institute, Tata Trusts, State Government departments from Sikkim and Nagaland, Central Organisations like Survey of India, G B Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment &Development, NIH Roorkee and from University of Jammu. �e presenters shared the success stories and lessons learnt from their endeavour. �e panelists in the plenary session included Lt. Gen. Shri Girish Kumar, Surveyor General of India, Shri K. C. Naik, Chairman CGWB, Dr Himanshu Kulkarni, ACWADAM, Shri G.C.Pati, Member, CGWB and Smt Sarika Pradhan, Addl Secretary &PD, MGNREGA, Sikkim.�e recommendations of the workshop include: Ÿ �e need to launch a National Programme on

    Rejuvenation of Springs under the MoWR, RD &GR for which four Working Groups were suggested - Capacity Building, Data and Action R e s ea rc h , Pro g r a m m e A rc h i te c t u re , a n d Institutions & Governance.

    Ÿ Use of advanced technologies to create a national database on springs like Sahyog - Mobile App which facilitates the stakeholders to enter the information on springs.

    Ÿ Digital Spring Atlas ( Spring –GIS) can act as a preliminar y inventor y to provide �rsthand information on the springs in the country to the stakeholders.

    Ÿ An urgent need of mainstreaming and convergence of exemplary work being done in the spring revival and spring shed rejuvenation.

    Ÿ �e need to develop a comprehensive mechanism for public participation involving local communities through suitable polic y inter ventions & a community driven approach.

    Ÿ �e need to organize National and State level workshops/seminars more frequently for capacity building, awareness and sensitizing about the springs related issues. It was also recommended to develop training modules and organize training programme on hydrogeology of hilly terrains.

    Workshop on Spring Rejuvenation

    Shri U.P. Singh addressing the delegates on the role of spring at Dharamshala

  • 9


    �IPUR: An outreach workshop on “Ground Water Management in Chha�isgarh: A Step Towards Public Participation” was organized on 8�� March, 2019 at Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Auditorium, Raipur. �e prime objective of the workshop was to share knowledge, technology dissemination and capacity building on various issues pertaining to participation of all stakeholders in the management of ground water in the State. �e workshop was a�ended by 726 participants which included 349 farmers, 96 NGO representatives, 128 academicians, 20 participants from Neer Nari & Mahila Sanghatan, 12 industrialists, 121 Central and State Govt. professionals. �e workshop was inaugurated by Sh. Kesari Lal Verma, Vice Chancellor, Pandit Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur, as Chief Guest along with Sh. K.C. Naik, Chairman, CGWB and Sh T.G. Kosariya, Engineer-In-Chief, Public Health Engineering Department, Government of Chha�isgarh as the Guests of Honour. �e Chief Guest released (i) �e report on “�e Story of Participatory Groundwater Management in Cha�isgarh” (ii) �e Ground water pro�le of Cha�isgarh and (iii) “Aquifer Map of Cha�isgarh”.

    Participatory Groundwater Management

    HYDE�BAD: In order to sensitize the people on issues related to public participation in ground water management, CGWB organized a day long public outreach workshop on “Ground Water Management in Telangana - “Way

    thForward in People's Participation” on 18 March, 2019 at Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University (PJTSAU) Auditorium, Hyderabad. A total of 550 participants including 250 farmers, members of NGOs, experts, academicians, scientists and officers from central/state govt departments took part in the deliberations. �e program was inaugurated by Dr. V. Praveen Rao, Vice-Chancellor, Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agriculture University (PJTSAU), Hyderabad and Sh. K.C. Naik, Chairman, CGWB among others. A brochure on Ground Water Resources of Telengana State was released on the occasion.

    Address by Sri. K.C. Naik, Chairman, CGWB

    As part of a training programme series being carried out in various parts of the country on “Participatory Groundwater Management”, the Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) organised interactive activities, trainings and workshops at three locations in the month of March 2019. SIKKIM: A training programme on “Local Ground Water Related Issues and Participatory Ground Water Management” was organized by CGWB

    thKolkata on 19 March 2019 at Nirman Bhawan, Gangtok, Sikkim. �e training was designed to provide insight and understanding of the key concepts, discuss the varieties of research methods for spring studies, landslide studies and disaster management and groundwater exploration in Sikkim. Dr. �omas Chandy, Principal Secretary, Department of Commerce & Industries, Government of Sikkim was the Chief Guest on the occasion. A total of 41 participants included officers from various departments, students from Sikkim University and representatives from various industries.



    �e Great Ganga Run was organised by National Mission for Clean Ganga on the occassion of International Women’s Day on 8�� March 2019 in Varanasi. More than 4000 students from various schools and colleges participated.

    National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG) in collaboration with Arcadis and Tata Consulting Engineers organised a ‘Master Optioneering Session’ during 28�� to 29�� March 2019 at New Delhi which focused on rehabilitating (including pollution abatement) a section of the Najafgarh drain in Delhi. �e ‘Master Optioneering Session’ was a high level design workshop where designers, stakeholders, �nancial engineers and investors came together to conceptualize and develop �nancially bankable and integrated design solutions to solve a particular problem within a city and to support cities around the world to develop design solutions.

    Shri Rajiv Ranjan Mishra, Director General, National Mission for Clean Ganga received a cheque of Rs. 10 Lakh from Shri Krishna Kumar Bhagat, Manager (Project), National Safai Karmcharis Finance & Development Corporation for Clean Ganga Fund on 27�� March, 2019. NMCG appreciated the contribution from NSKFDC and thanked them for joining the Clean Ganga Movement.

    Shri U.P. Singh, Secretary, Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation gave a cheque of Rs. 25,000 for Clean Ganga Fund at NMCG office to Shri Rajiv Ranjan Mishra, DG, NMCG.

    Namami Gange

  • 11


    3. Run only_____loads of laundry & dishes

    5. Never use_____as a trashcan

    7. Check for______around the house to save water.


    *1.Plants 2.Broom 3.Full 4.Time 5.Toilet 6.Lawn 7.Leaks

























    a a



















    r sold






    Can You Decipher �e Message ?

    1. Pour the water le� in your glass into the _____

    2. Use a ____and not a hose to clean sidewalks and driveways

    4. ______your shower.

    6. water your ______at night or early morning.



    2 3






  • Swachhta Pakhwada 2019

    Kalindi Kunj Ghat (CGWB)26.03.19 Part-2

    Old Yamuna Bridge (NWDA)29.03.19

    ��ता पखवाड़ा 2019

    Cleaning of various Ghats of

    Yamuna in Delhi during Swachhata



    Chhat Ghat (WAPCOS)29.03.19

    Kalindi Kunj Ghat (NMCG)20.03.19 Part-1

  • 13

    Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation along with all the A�ached Offices, th stSubordinate/ Autonomous Organisations and PSUs under the Ministry organised Swachhta Pakhwada from 15 to 31

    March 2019. th�e Swachhta Pakhwada was inaugurated on 15 March 2019 with Swachhta Pledge at Shram Shakti Bhawan led by

    senior officers of the Ministry followed by Shramdaan at the Ministry and surrounding areas by staff and officers of the Ministry.

    During the fortnight, more than 125 major events were organised all over the country. Emphasis was on going beyond symbolism and working on a more sustainable and long term solution for swach�a through generation of mass awareness by organising group cleanliness activities involving local people, events like swachhta sandesh rallies, educating school children through lectures, painting competitions, plantation activities, awareness through social media platforms etc.

    Swachhta Pakhwada 2019


    Swachhta Pakhwada events organised by MoWR & subordinate organisations


    News In Brief



    A Roundtable of States on Interstate River Water Governance was organised by CPR-CWC Dialogue Forum and chaired by Shri U.P. Singh, Secretary Mo WR, RD & GR. Representatives of states and various central government organisations participated in the deliberations.

    Shri U.P. Singh, Secretary, Mo WR, RD & GR addressing the gathering during “PMK S Y-HKKP-GW Irr igat ion: A Centrally Sponsored Scheme” workshop at CSMRS, Delhi on 28�� February 2019.

    National Institute of Hydrolog y (NIH) participated in the �ower show “Pushpavali” organized by the Bengal Engineering Group (BEG, Indian Army). NIH team won two trophies and a total 71 prizes in cut �ower and other categories. It was one of the best performances of NIH in the �ower show.

    National Institute of Hydrology (NIH), Roorkee organized a training course on “Advance Hydrology” from 5�� to 9�� March, 2019. �is course was designed for in-service engineers/scientists from NRSC Hyderabad, Department of Irrigation, Punjab, Water Resources Department, Rajasthan and Irrigation Department, U�arakhand under National Hydrology Project (NHP) to impart the knowledge and skills of advanced hydrology. �e topics on processing and analysis of hydro-meteorological data, rainfall processing, water availability, �ood estimation, �ood routing, design �ood estimation, �ood frequency analysis, hydrological modelling, reservoir operation, drought monitoring, groundwater modelling and GIS applications were covered in detail during the course.

    Pani Ki Chitthi�e Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga

    ndRejuvenation launched a new Radio Show – “Pani Ki Chi�hi” on 22 February 2019. �e show is intended to communicate real stories on water conservation through narration. It is hosted by famous RJ Neelesh Misra and is broadcast on Red FM, Big FM and Radio Mirchi.Stories out till now: -

    Ÿ बदलाव क� बँद ।ूŸ ठहर� हई बँद ।ूुŸ मज़दर से मशहर तक ।ू ूŸ घर वापसी ।

    Ÿ ट�न क� छत ।

    Ÿ हर हर गंगे ।

    You can �nd the link to all above real stories on or @mowrrdgr




    th�e 17th meeting of the Dams and Spillways Sectional Commi�ee was held on 28 March 2019 at Central Water and Power Research Station (CWPRS), Pune. Commi�ee members from various organisations participated in the meeting. �is was followed by a one-day seminar on “Development and Innovation in Dams and Spillways in India” which was organized by Water Resources Department, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, in association with CWPRS, Pune on 29�� March 2019 at Pune. Shri N K Mathur, Member (D&R), Central Water Commission, New Delhi was the Chief Guest of the inaugural function of the seminar. Seven speakers from various organizations like CWC, BIS, Sardar Sarovar project, CWPRS, IITs, delivered lectures on the topics like Standardization in the Field of Dams and Spillways , Numerical Model Studies of Morning Glory Spillways , Construction Aspects of Dams and Spillways etc. during the two technical sessions. Overall this seminar was designed to share the experience and contribution of eminent personalities in the �eld of dams and spillways.

    �e rock mechanics team of Cent ra l So i l an d Mater ia l s Research Station (CSMR S) visited the proposed 191 MW hydroelectric project in Mandi district of Himachal Pradesh to d e t e r m i n e t h e r o c k m a s s parameters required for the d e s i g n o f t h e d a m a n d u n d e r g r o u n d p o w e r h o u s e . CSMRS team comprising Shri Vikas Kumar Jain, Scientist 'C', Shri R.K Bharti and Shri Satyajit Roy, Scientists 'B' visited the project site of Bhaunrat Dam Project, U�ar Pradesh as per the conditions of the MoU and carried out the quality assurance tests for soil.

    CSMRS team comprising Shri Sandeep Dhanote, Scientist 'C' and Shri Uday Bhanu Chakroborthy, Sc i e n t i s t ' B ' v i s i te d K a n h a r Irrigation Project, U�ar Pradesh and conducted �eld densit y, moisture content, gradation and permeability tests to check and suggest improvement work for Kanhar earth and Rock�ll dam.

    News In Brief

  • NGO

    �e story of the transformation of Neknampur lake in Rangareddy district of Telangana inspires con�dence. Dhruvansh, a non-governmental organization, led by Ms. Madhulika Choudhary transformed the lake, sprawling across 25 acres, from a �lthy dump yard into an a�ractive spot for outing. For this work, Dhruvansh has been awarded the second prize under Best Religious, Recreational and Tourism Water Users category of the National Water Awards 2018 organized by Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation. In 2009, Dhruvansh claimed, the lake started ge�ing polluted due to �ow of untreated sewage. Besides, the lake increasingly became ecologically vulnerable due to reduction in catchment, dumping of solid waste, siltation, abandonment of recreational activities, absence of water quality monitoring , open defecation etc. Dhruvansh then adopted this lake for restoration and conservation. �e affordable technology of Phytoremediation was adopted which uses green plants to clean up the contaminated soil, groundwater and wastewater. A mass scale plantation (5000 saplings) was done around the periphery of the lake. Aerators and �oating treatment wetlands were introduced, garbage dumping and siltation were checked, awareness programmes were conducted and aquatic weed regularly harvested and composted. �ese actions led to improvement in water quality parameters which was corroborated by return of rich bio-diversity. Fish began to be sighted and a plethora of species which could not be spo�ed came back. Also, the outlet quality of water in the lake has improved up to an extent that the water could be used for bathing. Now, people from all walks of life throng the lake which has become a hot spot for tourism. �e natural self-puri�cation techniques which have been used to restore Neknampur lake are worth emulating to bring back to life various deteriorating water bodies around the country.

    Transformation of Neknampur Lake Telangana

    Before After

    �e lake is habitat for 132 species of �ora and fauna including 178 species of birds like Eurasian Wryneck, 12 species of mammals like Mongoose and Civet Cats, 21 species of reptiles like Pythons, Monitor Lizards and Terrapins. Varied species of insects and over 20,000 �sh population including Rohu, Catla, Mrigal and Grass Carp was recorded a�er the restoration of the lake.


    �e administration and students of S C Girls Government Residential School turned the disadvantage of being located in drought-prone Latur district of Maharashtra into an opportunity. Today, the school claims to collect every drop of rain that falls as a result of construction of storage structures within the school premises and spreading awareness through various interactive activities. �e school was awarded the second prize under the Best School category of the National Water Awards, 2018 which have been instituted by the Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation.

    A�er facing drought for consecutive seasons, the school administration decided to act and awareness was spread about conservation of water. One of the water storage tanks of 2 lakh litre capacity was created besides reuse of water through soak pits and recycling of rain water . �e school spreads across an area of more than 4 acres and is able to capture all the rain that falls within their campus. �e school has made 2 storage lakes in the campus and 1 soak pit that is able to store rain water. To collect the roof water, one water tank of capacity 1000 litre has been built.

    On public participation front, the school made the Haritsena movement successful with 100% participation for which they received a Certi�cate of Membership of Hartisena from the forest department of Maharashtra. School also received National 'Swachh Vidhyalaya Purskar 2017-18’ for cleanliness .

    In the year 2016-17 school organized competitions like essay writing, drawing, speech, debating and quiz. �e topic was “Pani Aadva Pani Jirva”. In the year 2017-18, the school organized class wise extra curriculum activities like drawing, speech, essay, debating, quiz, drama and rangoli competition on topics “SAVE WATER”, “IMPORTANCE of Water In Our Life”, “Jal Hai To Kal Hai” etc. In the year 2018-19 the school organized similar competitions on “Importance of Water In 21st Century”, “Water Conservation by My Eyesight” and “My Responsibility about Saving Water”.

    With the problem of water scarcity becoming acute in rural and urban areas, the steps taken by the students and administration of this school augur well to create water consciousness in the country.

    Student Rally on importance of water in our life. Digging for water storage lake

    SC Girls Government Residential School Latur



    In Newspaper


    In Newspaper 19

  • CSR

    Ambuja Cements

    Community-based infrastructureAmbuja Cements Ltd through its CSR arm Ambuja Cement Foundation has been working on Water Resource Management as one of its thrust areas amongst other livelihood programmes. Along with the support of its partners, it has invested 160 crores to create a water storage capacity of 55.60 million cubic meters.�e semi-arid Rajasthan has always had to adapt to limited water supplies. Working hand in hand with local communities and government since 2003, the programme has built drought resilient villages – empowering the community to secure their water future. Till date, they have created 7291 roo�op rainwater harvesting systems, 426 check dams and 8048 hectares covered under micro irrigation across locations.

    �e company and foundation have together invested in

    using less water and to invest in water harvesting both 'within the fence' and outside it. It works with the rural communities surrounding Ambuja's plants and collaborates with the state governments, local NGOs, other partners and academic institutions to implement various state speci�c water conservation programmes.

    �e company has extended its water resource management which has also improved the agricultural livelihood in the areas with the use of sustainable practices. Igniting a sense of ownership within the community, local institutions like water-user associations and watershed communities have also been created and their capacities built. �ese can help monitor and maintain village-based water conservation structures. With a vision to generate rural prosperity, water resource management has been one of the main focus of its CSR activities.

    Water conservation structure in Rajasthan to improve agricultural livelihood

  • शा��� म� जल क� म�हमा

    पानीयं �मनाशनं �महरं मूछा��पपासाहरं त�ा��द�� वब�ह�दलकरं �न�ाहरं तप�णम।।


    पानी शर�र और मन क� थकान को दर करता है, कमज़ोर� को न�ट करता है। यह �दल के ू�लए अ�छा है, संति�ट देता है, कोमल, �प�ट, रस� का �ो� है और उ�ट�, नींद क� �व�� और ु ृ

    क�ज को न�ट करता है।

    पुंसां यथादेन �शरा�थैव ��ताव�प �ो�त�न�सं�ाः ।


    प�वी के नीचे पानी क� �व�� मानव शर�र म� नस� क� तरह ह�, कछ उ�च और कछ �यन।ु ु ूृ ृ

    उ�ीव व���वतो न �स�ते �नती� धीतयः।।

    सर�ती सरयुः �स�ु��म�� मम� हो महीरवसा य�ु व�णीः ।

    देवीरापो मातरः सूद�य��ो �तव�यो मघुम�ो अच�त ।।


    प�वी पर कओ,ं न�दय�, वषा� और �कसी भी अ�य ��ोत से �ा�त जल का उपयोग बि�दमानी से ुृ ु�कया जाना चा�हए �य��क जल सभी के क�याण के �लए �क�त का उपहार है ।ृ

    बह�ुव��व�� वात�े�ामया��तः ।

    देशोनूप इ�त �ात आनूपं तदभवं जलम् ।।


    िजस �े� म� पानी और पेड़ �चर मा�ा म� ह� और वात और कफ रोग� को रोकने म� स�म ह� ुऔर इसके जल को अनपम जल कहा जाता है ।ु

    (आयुव�िदक �ंथ)

    (आयुव�िदक �ंथ)

    (वृहत संिहता)
