forgive the shit out of your life lesson book · it's simple really - you know you've...

58 Forgive the Shit Out of Your Life Lesson Book This booklet is here as a way for you to remember and use the lessons that we went through in the Forgive the Shit Out of Your Life course. Forgiveness is one of the most powerful forces for good. It’s my honor and pleasure that you chose this course as a way to tap into this power. The thirty lessons are here so you can revisit them as often as your heart wants. You can also go through them at your own pace. Enjoy!

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Forgive the Shit Out of Your Life

Lesson Book

This booklet is here as a way for you to remember and use the

lessons that we went through in the Forgive the Shit Out of Your

Life course.

Forgiveness is one of the most powerful forces for good. It’s my

honor and pleasure that you chose this course as a way to tap

into this power.

The thirty lessons are here so you can revisit them as often as

your heart wants. You can also go through them at your own



An Intro Message For You

Here is the link to the short PDF Prep Booklet for you!

Please read it thoroughly since I'll be asking you to use one of the three

methods I talk about in it for the 30 day Forgive the Shit Out of Your Life


I also have a forgiveness meditation that's only 4:21 minutes in length, so

you can get your forgiveness on without needing to take hours to do so.

Download it to your computer, tablet or phone, so you can use it quickly

and knock out your forgiveness practice with ease, grace and a good solid


Every day, you’ll receive an email with that day’s lesson, a few journaling

questions and your assignment.

It’s recommended that you do the journaling questions last, but please do

whatever feels right to you.

This course is designed to be simple and break down the process into small

10-15 minute increments, so feel free to do more work if you feel called to.


Okay, so you're ready to forgive. You have your issue, your person who

gone and did you wrong, your box of tissues and you're ready!


For some reason...

You're not doing it.


The first lesson of forgiveness is that you will resist it.

That's totally cool.

Send that resistance some love, light and a glitter cat photo; then take a

DEEP breath and do the work anyway.

Don't think.

Just do.

Assume that you'll do it right, perfectly, and that the glitter gods will smile

down on you and grace you with perfect healing, because when you dive in

with an open heart, you can't HELP but forgive.

Your heart is what matters.

Now that you have Lesson 1, choose one of the three forgiveness practices:

prayer, meditation or Ho'oponopono and drop (resentment) and give me 5


Reflection Questions:

Are you experiencing any resistance to forgiveness?

What do you believe forgiveness will do for you?

If you have any fears about forgiving, what are they?

Lesson 2... Truth & Denial

Ok, I'll come clean. I LOOOOVE talks about authenticity as much as the next

spiritual and soul centered nut.

But the truth is we like to muddy up the whole "authenticity" thing when it's

really simple.

Authenticity = tell your own damn truth.

Not the truth someone else thinks you should have.

Not the truth you think I think you should have.

Not the truth your parents think you should have.

Not the truth YOU think you should have.

But the truth of the moment.

When it comes to forgiveness work, one of the BIGGEST things that keeps

you stuck in your shit is lying to yourself - which is also called denial.

To quote Dr. Phil: "Call a spade a damn shovel."

In your practice today, take extra care to tell YOUR truth.

Forget what you've learned about what it should be and honor what it is.

Choose one of the three forgiveness practices: prayer, meditation or

Ho'oponopono and drop (resentment) and give yourself 5 (minutes).

Reflection Questions:

What truth are you resisting in your own life?

What prevents you from speaking your truth more often?

What’s one way you can honor your truth today?

Lesson 3: Why is it so damn hard to forgive?

Oooh boy, do I EVER find it hard to forgive.

You'd think being all ordained in the ways of love, light and (wait for it)

glitter cat photos, I'd be able to forgive easily and effortlessly.


So why is it so hard to forgive?

Because we're human.

No, seriously, we're these immense, all powerful beings of love and light in

our non-physical form.

We are a soul that stuffed our non-physical asses inside a meat suit that is

wired to have weird emotional responses.

Oh! And we're wired to REMEMBER those emotional responses so we can

replay them and mentally rehearse them and then have them again at the

exact (in)appropriate moments in the future.

We are souls living in a HUMAN. (For now.) So that's why.

And since we're souls living in these human beings, it becomes our job to

train them on how to respond appropriately while unlearning the shitty

emotional lessons and responses we got first.

So today, honor your human animal by recognizing it for what it is - a

biological computer. Give it a little love, light and forgiveness training.

Choose one of the three forgiveness practices: prayer, meditation or

Ho'oponopono and drop (resentment) and give yourself 5 (minutes).

Reflection Questions:

What shifts for you if you think of yourself as living in a human animal

rather than BEING a human animal?

What’s ONE thing your human animal has learned incorrectly?

How can you shift your attitude towards that mis-learning?

Lesson 4: Are we ever victims?

A question I get a lot from those who have done a lot of forgiveness or

metaphysical study goes something like this...

"Well, since who we are on a soul level is always perfect, whole and

complete, can we ever be victims? Or is that just a misconception of the

human condition?"

This is obviously paraphrased in my own words, but that's the gist.

Here's my take...

YES and NO. (Aw, shit, here I go with paradoxes again.)

You see, from the soul's perspective, we are always whole, complete and

perfect, and NOTHING can ever damage that. So we can never be victims,

in the truest sense of the word.

But from the human perspective – this body? Not quite as indestructible as

the soul.

It has emotions, limbs that can break, and organs that can breakdown.

From the human incarnation standpoint, of COURSE we can be victimized

by other human beings who have forgotten who's in charge (their


We often feel victimized because we're living as human.

Listen, we incarnated to live as human and taking steps to create a safe

place for your emotional, physical and spiritual well-being is very wise.

But when you’re thinking and FEELING about an event or person who is not

in your present moment experience (they aren’t RIGHT in front of you), ask

yourself a question…

Are you living from your soul or your meat machine?

The soul DOESN'T need any of the following (but the human thinks it






Sometimes a simple change of perspective is all it takes. Try it on and see

what shifts.

And of course, choose one of the three forgiveness practices: prayer,

meditation or Ho'oponopono and drop (resentment) and give yourself 5


Reflection Questions:

Have you ever been victimized (as a human)?

Are you still carrying some of that victimhood even though that

situation is done?

What shifts in your thinking can you make to see this from your soul’s


Lesson 5: Ow! You're stepping on my foot!

Have you ever been in a situation where someone does something that

hurts you, then you ask them to stop and they look confused? Or say they'll

stop and then... don't?

We ARE all powerful beings of love, light and cat glitter. That doesn't mean

that we won't have pains - emotional and physical - while we are on this

physical journey.

It's our job to figure out whether we need better boundaries (hint: I've

found the answer is almost always "yes" to this...).

If you are experiencing pain, that's your experience for now. It's not wrong.

It simply is.

Yes, you can let it go, but if there's a wound that needs healing, boundaries

are the golden key to give that wound space so it CAN heal.

Think about a physical burn. If you don't protect it by putting the physical

boundary of a bandage on it, then the smallest little thing will hurt a LOT

and could delay the healing OR create a scar.

It's no different with emotional wounds. You can create a boundary that will

assist with your healing right now and when you are healed, you may find

that boundary isn't necessary anymore.

Choose one of the three forgiveness practices: prayer, meditation or

Ho'oponopono and drop (resentment) and give yourself 5 (minutes).

Reflection Questions:

Is there a place in your life you need to create a boundary -

permanent or temporary - to keep you feeling strong and healthy and


What boundary makes sense to put in place?

What actions can you take TODAY to create that boundary?

Lesson 6: How do I get out of my own way?

Today we're gonna switch things up. Why?

Because I'm going to give you the answer to the BIGGEST obstacle to


This one is even bigger than resistance.

What to do when you don't feel like forgiving. Maybe it's resistance. Maybe

you don't think you're worthy. Maybe it's something else entirely.

Whatever it is, when it comes up, there's only one action to take.

Ready for it?

Love yourself.

“Whoa, wait... what?”

Yeah... that's the secret ingredient to just about everything.

Love yourself.

Now, before you go hit "reply" and tell me that you have no idea how to do

that, I'm going to show you exactly how to do this step by step. BEFORE I

do that, you have to make a solemn vow that you are going to do this 3

minute exercise, no matter what.


So, are you committed?

If so, visit the link below and follow these instructions.

Click the link (

When prompted for the password, type: nomatterwhat

Do the exercise exactly as outlined.


Reflection Questions:

Did you find any resistance to the exercise?

What did you notice in how you felt both before and after the


Lesson 7: How do I know when I've forgiven??

Ah, the age old question... how do I know when I've completely forgiven


It's simple really - you know you've completely forgiven someone when you

can imagine their face and feel nothing but peace, acceptance and love

about them and whatever situation they helped to create in your life.

When that happens, you've completely let go, you are free and you've


So if you're there, woohoo!! Good job! :D

And if not, just do the 5 minutes a day until you do reach it.

Trust the process.

Trust yourself.

Choose one of the three forgiveness practices: prayer, meditation or

Ho'oponopono and drop (resentment) and give yourself 5 (minutes).

Reflection Questions:

Who are three people you feel resentment toward?

How do you feel when you imagine their face in your mind’s eye?

Would you be willing to feel peace, acceptance and love toward

them, even though they wronged you? Why or why not?

Lesson 8: Is complete forgiveness possible in this lifetime?

When I sent out the survey to see what people thought about forgiveness,

this is one of the questions that came up repeatedly. "Is it possible to

completely forgive in this lifetime?"

The short answer: Yes... and no.

The longer answer: Yes, there will be times as you do the work of

forgiveness that you will experience complete forgiveness.

These can be short or long lived, depending on about a billion factors that

include your willingness to go deep, how ready you are to forgive, how

much you love yourself, how your body-mind is wired, and many more.

But you are human and someone will likely do something that triggers the

resentment beast once again.

Does this mean you're doing it wrong? Nope. You incarnated to have the

full range of human emotion. It's simply a call to go deeper in your practice,

which is why I like the super short 5 minute practice you're playing with in

this program.

There's always more to learn.

There's always more to discover.

There's always more to love.

Choose one of the three forgiveness practices: prayer, meditation or

Ho'oponopono and drop (resentment) and give yourself 5 (minutes).

Reflection Questions:

Have you had moments of complete forgiveness and peace in your


What realizations did you make during those times?

What belief can you cultivate today to encourage more peace in your


Lesson 9: How to keep from slipping back into resentment

As you go forward in your forgiveness journey, you may find that the exact

same issue comes up over and over and over again.

You may find that you keep slipping into the same

resentment/anger/fear/whatever again and again.

So how do you stop the cycle?

When you see an issue pop up that triggers the same emotional reaction,

it's a call to learn a soul lesson. It almost always involves a change in your

life, whether it's a change in perspective, a new boundary that you

communicate, a new decision or anything else.

It's a call to change.

So if you want the resentment to go away and stay away, you want to get

that deep soul lesson truth and apply it.

Here's the tricky secret: Until you APPLY the deeper truth in your life

through physical action, you haven't yet learned it.

Book learning and knowing isn't enough. You must apply that knowledge

to your life.

Keep digging until you find that truth, then keep working at it until it's

integrated and applied in your life.

Choose one of the three forgiveness practices: prayer, meditation or

Ho'oponopono and drop (resentment) and give yourself 5 (minutes).

Reflection Questions:

What is one recurring resentment/anger/fear in your life?

Why does it hurt? (Hint: look here for clues for the lesson.)

What is one lesson you can take away and apply in your own life?

Lesson 10: Why we punish ourselves

Why do we punish ourselves by holding onto hurt, anger and resentment?

When we KNOW the power of forgiveness to heal ourselves, why do we

hold onto pain?

Well, the answer is simple: Because we believe that the pain we hold onto

will protect us from pain.

Yeah, it sounds crazy when it's stated like this.

It IS crazy.

But we believe it, nonetheless.

It’s honestly and truly a form of self-protection.

A highly ineffective one, but hey! No one said humans are perfect. ;-)

So I'd love for you to look at your pain a little differently and start to ask,

"What am I protecting myself from? How does this serve me?"

Feel free to post in the Facebook group about this!

Shared experiences help you understand yourself and others better.

And, of course, choose one of the three forgiveness practices: prayer,

meditation or Ho'oponopono and drop (resentment) and give yourself 5


Reflection Questions – Choose a place where you feel resentment or

pain and ask yourself:

What am I protecting?

How does this serve me?

What’s a more powerful view to take on this that is equally true?

Lesson 11: Why?

When someone does something to hurt us, it's common to ask, "Why did

they do it?"

The answer varies.

Maybe they had something similar happen to them and the only way they

know to deal with it is to make the behavior OK and act it out.

Maybe they're deeply broken and hurting and don't even realize the impact

of what they're doing.

Maybe they feel incredibly weak and that was the only way they knew to

experience confidence and power.

The reality is that it really doesn't matter "why"...

When we ask "why" we're trying to figure something out.

The only reason to figure something out is because we think it might

happen again.

By forgiving and letting go, we aren't saying they did the right thing or

shouldn't be held accountable.

We're saying WE deserve to be free.

The truth is that people who are in pain hurt other people. That's the long

and the short of it. It's your job to heal yourself. Hopefully they will heal

too. But if they don't, YOU deserve to be free.

Choose one of the three forgiveness practices: prayer, meditation or

Ho'oponopono and drop (resentment) and give yourself 5 (minutes).

Reflection Questions:

Do you find yourself asking “why” when someone has hurt you?

How do you choose now to reframe it so you are back in your power?

Lesson 12: Why am I so hard on myself?

You know how it is... you do something and then you realize that's not what

you meant to do or it wasn't the best decision and helloooooo regret city!

And while you're visiting the good ol' city of regrets, you may as well pick

up a baseball bat and beat yourself up while you're at it.

Because only a stupid person would do/say/be whatever you did/said/were,



Hell, most of us know that beating ourselves up is a poor strategy to

getting what we want in life.

You know, happiness.

But we KEEP doing it.


Because most of us weren't taught how to safely express our anger toward

others, and that means we can only express our anger toward ourselves.

And this can get nasty.

Because we don't always do a great job of monitoring abusive behavior and

words towards ourselves.

So what can we do to fix this?

First, recognize that effective communication is a skill.

Skills can be learned.

And the first skill? Forgiveness for whatever did or didn't happen.

If you've been beating yourself up, I'd encourage you to use the forgiveness

practice today on yourself. You deserve it.

Choose one of the three forgiveness practices: prayer, meditation or

Ho'oponopono and drop (resentment) and give yourself 5 (minutes).

Reflection Questions:

How was it to focus on forgiving yourself?

Did you find you needed a lot of forgiveness or was it an easy


What can you do today to give yourself permission to be exactly as

you are?

Lesson 13: Root causes of resentments

The root causes of resentments can be found in a really easy way.

Keep digging. :D

I know that sounds too simple, but that's how it works.

You choose a resentment, and you work on releasing it using the

forgiveness processes.

Sometimes what comes up to be forgiven makes sense, sometimes it


It doesn't matter.

Just keep doing it.

At the end, you'll have released a whole ton of shit and you'll be free.

So let the process be what it is, and keep doing the work.

It really is that simple.

Choose one of the three forgiveness practices: prayer, meditation or

Ho'oponopono and drop (resentment) and give yourself 5 (minutes).

Reflection Questions:

What progress have you made with your resentments?

Where do you already experience more freedom in your life?

What’s one simple thing you can do today to bring even more

freedom into your life?

Lesson 14: How to let go of stuff you don't know you're holding onto

When I was researching what people thought about forgiveness, I got this

question quite a few times...

"How do I let go of something I'm not consciously aware of?"

The answer?

While this is a great question, there are very few of us who are so

resentment-less that we have nothing that we can think of to forgive.

Practice letting go of what you ARE aware of, and eventually letting go is a


When letting go is a habit, you do it naturally. It becomes second nature.

Then, you no longer need to be aware of what you're letting go of, it's

something that will just kinda happen whether you're tuned in or not.

And if you are at a place of complete peace, then in that moment there is

nothing TO let go of.

So go ahead and choose one of the three forgiveness practices: prayer,

meditation or Ho'oponopono and drop (resentment) and give yourself 5


Reflection Questions:

If you had to rate yourself, how good are you at letting go of your


What’s ONE resentment you’re willing to drop for good? Don’t censor

yourself, you’re only focusing on your willingness today.

Lesson 15: What's the quickest path to forgiving myself?

Self-forgiveness... ahhhhh, big topic.

You may have noticed this isn't the first time I've talked about it.


Because it's a big topic. (Wait, am I repeating myself? Oh, well. It's true.)

And the path to forgiving yourself quickly?

That's the path of self-love.

Want to practice self-love?

If so, visit the link below and follow these instructions.

1. Click the link

2. When prompted for the password, type: nomatterwhat

3. Do the exercise exactly as outlined


And choose one of the three forgiveness practices: prayer, meditation or

Ho'oponopono and drop (resentment) and give yourself 5 (minutes).

Reflection questions:

Was this exercise easier for you this time?

What was different for you doing this exercise again?

What’s one way you can show yourself love today?

Lesson 16: How can forgiveness be irreversible?

Forgiveness will be irreversible once you've fully integrated whatever

lessons you need to from the interaction.

Ok, before you get all riled up, let's get clear about something: Bad things

sometimes happen to good people, and it's not the person's fault.

But once you have an experience that requires forgiveness, there's a deeper

lesson that you can incorporate into your life.

Once that lesson is fully integrated, you'll be free because you know you

can handle whatever comes your way.

You see, resentment is a form of self-protection, so once you upgrade your

boundaries/learn to say no/don't take stupid risks, then that resentment

isn't necessary.

So do the internal work and choose one of the three forgiveness practices:

prayer, meditation or Ho'oponopono and drop (resentment) and give

yourself 5 (minutes).

You've got this.

Reflection Questions:

Think back to your childhood. Was there a situation that caused

resentment at the time that you now feel at peace about?

What lessons did you learn in that interaction?

How can you bring that same approach and mindset to your current

forgiveness work?

What deeper lesson can you integrate in your life today?

Lesson 17: Isn't forgiveness an act of grace?

"Isn't forgiveness an act of grace? Can you even do it?"

When I was doing research on this topic, this question initially threw me for

a loop.

I was totally confused.

Here's the deal - there are multiple definitions for the term "forgiveness"

and one definition is absolution by God. This definition is out of your direct

control (though I have it on very good authority that God/the Big

U/whatever you call it gives out forgiveness to anyone who asks.)

The definition of forgiveness that I work with, especially in this course, is all

about freedom.

You are free of the past that used to bind you - whether it's circumstances,

beliefs, or a person who did something wrong or unpleasant.

So forgiveness = freedom from resentments and old patterns.

That's it.

And that IS within your control.

So do the internal work and choose one of the three forgiveness practices:

prayer, meditation or Ho'oponopono and drop (resentment) and give

yourself 5 (minutes).

Reflection Questions:

How were you raised to think about forgiveness?

Do you believe forgiveness has to be given to you by God?

What does freedom from the past look like to you?

Lesson 18: How to build your confidence and forgive like a mofo

It's no secret I did a LOT of research about people's perception of

forgiveness before starting this course.

And one question I got that hit me in the gut was...

"How do I build my confidence and love myself enough to forgive myself?"

Oh, geeze. It's so heartbreaking because I've been there.

Sad. Feeling unworthy. Feeling broken. Feeling "less than" in every

imaginable way.

The truth is there are SO many ways to build your internal sense of


I have already talked about a few of them in this course, and today I'll

introduce one more.

Sometimes we just need to adjust how we're holding our physical body so

it can release those old anxiety and shame related feelings.

Sometimes it really is that simple and that easy.

Here's the link to learn how to use your body to create all those feel good


Choose one of the three forgiveness practices: prayer, meditation or

Ho'oponopono and drop (resentment) and give yourself 5 (minutes).

Reflection Questions:

How do you hold your body most of the time? Open or closed?

Do you struggle with confidence?

If you do, can you commit to changing your posture so your body can

experience confidence and expansion?

Lesson 19: What to do when it won't go away

Forgiveness, like many things, happens in layers.

Sometimes you'll get to a place of perfect peace about a person or

situation, and you'll celebrate being clear! (Good job, celebrating is good.)

Then later something comes up and BAM you feel all those pesky old

emotions again, and it's obvious you have more forgiving to do.

Does this mean you didn't forgive the first time?


Forgiveness happens in layers.

You can be perfectly at peace about something at one point in time, and

then in a different point of time need to do the work again.

It's all good, forgiveness warrior.

That's a normal part of the process, and all it means is that you have

another layer to release.

Choose one of the three forgiveness practices: prayer, meditation or

Ho'oponopono and drop (resentment) and give yourself 5 (minutes).

Release another layer.

Reflection Questions:

Where in your life have you noticed forgiveness happening in layers?

How did you feel about it?

How can you re-frame it into a more positive light (even if you’re

already feeling good about it)?

Lesson 20: Trust yourself

When you're learning to forgive, one of the hardest parts is learning to trust


As we’ve covered, there are different experiences of victimhood. Sometimes

we create the dynamic in our minds.

Sometimes someone is acting out their inner meanie head and puts us in

physical, emotional or psychological danger.

Once this happens, one of the three foundations of self-trust can be

violated. It can be difficult to trust…

1. If something terrible happens again, you'll be ok.

2. You can and will make better decisions in the future.

3. You can create safe boundaries.

So while you're working on the internal work of releasing the shit,

remember that those three things are can be true - you can do this.

Choose one of the three forgiveness practices: prayer, meditation or

Ho'oponopono and drop (resentment) and give yourself 5 (minutes).

Reflection Questions:

Are you struggling with any of the three foundations of self-trust? All

three or zero are both acceptable answers – just speak your truth.

Reflect on any you are current struggling with. How can you “prove”

each one to yourself?

Lesson 21: When you feel you're missing out

Sometimes I'll get questions from someone who has had something either

taken from them, or a specific thing that they wish to have that is NOT

materializing the way they think it should. (Like, for instance, money...)

Since I'm a minister, I have a parable for you. (Then I'll explain it in plain


Once upon a time, in a dark room a man lost his keys. He thought he saw

something shiny in a part of the room that had a little better light, so he

went to that area where the light was and searched for his keys there. He

couldn't find them! No matter how many times he looked in that small area,

his keys just weren't there. He cried to the glitter cat gods, "Why have you

hidden my keys from me?"

The glitter cat gods responded, "Dear child of glitter and internet cats, why

are you looking in so small a spot? Your keys are obviously not there."

The man replied, "But that is where the light is!"

And thus, the glitter cat gods allowed the sun to come up once again, and

instead of being in that small spot, the keys were found quite plainly in

another part of the room.


Translation: You don't need THAT specific thing you feel you are missing. If

there’s a specific deal you expected to go through and didn’t, that one

specific deal isn’t worth worrying about. There’s something else for you that

will get you what you want.

The more time you spend on "THAT" stuff, the less time you are taking to

find where the good stuff really is.

Choose one of the three forgiveness practices: prayer, meditation or

Ho'oponopono and drop (resentment) and give yourself 5 (minutes).

Reflection Questions:

Where in your life does that parable fit?

How can you shift your perspective?

If light represents awareness, how can you increase your awareness to

“find” that thing?

Lesson 22: "I fell off the (forgiveness) wagon! Gah!"

At this point in the program, it's fairly normal to have fallen off the damn

forgiveness wagon at least once.

Guess what that means?


You have complex thoughts, needs, and a life and sometimes things fall

through the cracks.

That's cool.

Once you notice you're off the wagon, however, it's time to get back on the

damn thing.

So regardless of where you are (or aren't), commit to 5 minutes today.

(And if you never fell off, WOOHOO! Good for you. :-) )

Choose one of the three forgiveness practices: prayer, meditation or

Ho'oponopono and drop (resentment) and give yourself 5 (minutes).

Reflection Question:

Did you fall off the forgiveness wagon in this course so far?

What story did your mind make up about that? For instance, did you

beat yourself up or make yourself wrong when it happened?

How can you change your story to be more compassionate towards


Lesson 23: Is it bad to protect yourself? Is that just the ego?

Okay, so we have to talk about something. You and me.

You see, the ego gets a bad rap in a lot of spiritual circles because it's

based in the body and the human form.

One popular saying says “ego” stands for, "Edging God Out."

What’s the problem with this theory? It's not the whole story.

The ego is a part of the physical, human self. If you try to ignore it or NOT

have an ego, guess what? Next time you go to cross the street, you may

just be so in your bliss as a non-physical being of love, light and

awesomeness you forget to look both ways and get smooshed.

The ego serves a very important purpose - it keeps us alive.

So, yes, the idea of self-protection is unnecessary in our non-physical state.

But (for now) you're human.

And that means protecting yourself.

The ego isn't bad. It simply shouldn't be in charge because then fear runs

the show.

So for the love of all that is holy, give yourself permission to have an ego

AND to protect yourself when it's necessary.

And forgive so you can be free.

Choose one of the three forgiveness practices: prayer, meditation or

Ho'oponopono and drop (resentment) and give yourself 5 (minutes).

Reflection Questions:

How do you feel about your ego?

Do you let it run the show or push it out completely?

How can you lovingly accept it as one voice without letting it control


Lesson 24: Bliss

I'm a firm believer in the healing power of bliss. When we allow ourselves to

be happy, it's a lot easier to forgive others and release what no longer

serves us in our lives.

Why? Because from the state of bliss we see resentments and pain don't

serve us.

We can feel our strength, and we can give ourselves permission to be


Allow yourself to open up to happiness as you do your daily forgiveness

practice today.

Choose one of the three forgiveness practices: prayer, meditation or

Ho'oponopono and drop (resentment) and give yourself 5 (minutes).

Reflection Questions:

Do you find reasons to be unhappy when you are feeling “too”


What is one way you can allow more bliss into your life today?

Lesson 25: Decide what you want

Forgiveness has a weird reputation. Some say forgiveness is wishy washy or

weak. Some paint forgiveness as all sparkly unicorns and rainbows.

I call bullshit.

Although glittercorns ARE awesome, forgiveness is about deciding what

you want in your life and experience and ruthlessly letting go of all the shit

that's in your way.

Whether it's physical clutter in your space, or a shitty relationship that's

keeping you down, or an old resentment that you've used as an excuse to

not step into your beautiful and sexy power.

Let go. Forgive. Go get what you want.

Choose one of the three forgiveness practices: prayer, meditation or

Ho'oponopono and drop (resentment) and give yourself 5 (minutes).

Reflection Questions:

Have you used resentment as an excuse to hold back?

Can you let go of that desire?

What do you REALLY want?

Lesson 26: Shake it loose!

Sometimes you try to forgive and you get stuck... I've chatted about this

before, and it's important enough to get more than one mini lesson

devoted to it.

There's nothing wrong with you or your process if you experience this.

There are many reasons this could happen.

It might be that you simply are USED to feeling a certain way toward a

person or circumstance, so you're just spinning your wheels when you are

doing the forgiveness exercises.

If you find yourself in this situation, you can shake it loose by using this

cool little trick I outline below.

Think about the person or situation or whatever your trigger is. How do you

feel? Write the negative feeling down. Now think about how you would

PREFER to feel. No censoring, just own your damn truth.

Now, just repeat two phrases back to back, allowing about 5 seconds so

you can FEEL and EXPERIENCE whatever comes up...

I allow myself to feel (past feeling) about (person/situation)

I allow myself to feel (preferred feeling) about (person/situation)

If you've been feeling stuck, use the method above to shake it loose OR

use one of the three forgiveness practices: prayer, meditation or

Ho'oponopono and drop (resentment) and give yourself 5 (minutes).

Refection Questions:

How did going back and forth feel?

What did you notice as you tried it a few times?

How can you use this tool in your life when you’re feeling caught up

in your story?

Lesson 27: "OMG, Rev. Kerti, does it never end?!"

One of the biggest questions to answer as we wrap up this 30 lesson course

is: WHEN will you feel completely free?

When will you be in that perfect state of forgiveness in which you'll live in

peace, happiness, and all things glittery forever?

Well, if you mean for the rest of your life with no anger or resentment EVER

popping up, then probably when you're dead. Sorry.

The nature of being human means engaging with life and then processing

what happens once we've engaged. Sometimes that means we feel anger

or resentment - and that's not terrible.

If you mean as a new "normal" for you, that's up to you. Set up some good,

long term forgiveness habits, and you'll be in a great spot to move through

the ick and get back to the good vibes as quickly as possible.

Take what you're learning here and design your OWN ideal forgiveness


Or play around with the techniques that make you curious. NOW is a great

time to explore.

Use one of the three forgiveness practices: prayer, meditation or

Ho'oponopono and drop (resentment) and give yourself 5 (minutes).

Reflection Questions:

What forgiveness practice has been the most powerful?

How can you add this to your life?

What one habit can you create that will help you stay in peace?

Lesson 28: Honor the process

I recently had the honor of being a guest speaker on a call about

forgiveness. There was a great question that brought up a good discussion.

Can you rush forgiveness? Can you just skip the anger and get straight to

the peace? Why not skip anger, if it's a low vibe emotion?

Alright, here's the deal: If you try to SKIP the anger or the "low" emotions

and ignore them, then guess what? You're just trying to put a happy face

on a crappy situation.

If you take out a sheet of paper and draw an angry face on it, then

immediately write over it with a huge happy face, does the angry face



It's still there... only harder to see because it's covered with bullshit. Now

you have emotional clutter.

Acknowledge the anger first.

Sometimes anger passes quickly. Sometimes it takes some time.

It's ok for it to take however long it takes. It's ok for it to be fast. It's ok for

it to be slow.

It's ok. Just keep at it.

Use one of the three forgiveness practices: prayer, meditation or

Ho'oponopono and drop (resentment) and give yourself 5 (minutes).

Reflection Questions:

Have you tried to rush unpleasant emotions in your life?

How did that work out for you?

How can you give yourself some love and acceptance for those

feelings instead?

Lesson 29: Expand

One way to find the peace that you get through forgiveness is to dive into

the shit and release it through various practices.

Another way is to expand into happiness.

Here's the REALLY cool thing: both work.

So remember on your journey:

When you forgive something, you’ll gain happiness.

When you practice happiness, you’ll forgive something.

It doesn't have to be conscious every step of the way.

Just expand.

Use one of the three forgiveness practices: prayer, meditation or

Ho'oponopono and drop (resentment) and give yourself 5 (minutes).

Reflection Questions:

What’s one way you can expand into happiness today?

How do you feel knowing you don’t have to consciously know and

understand all the things you let go of?

Lesson 30: It's all perfect

As we close this 30 day experiment with forgiveness, I'm going to

encourage you to take one thing away from this:

You are perfect, whole and complete exactly as you are.

If you approach yourself and your emotions from this belief, you'll be

amazed at how quickly you can move through the uncomfortable emotions.

You’ll be surprised at how easily you can find your inner strength in every


Clarity comes from truth.

You are perfect, whole and complete in every moment. You do not need to

be more healed. You do not need more spiritual work.

You do not need more money, love, food, coffee or anything else to be

perfect, whole and complete.

This acceptance is perfect, whole and complete exactly as it is.

And if you resist, that is perfect, whole and complete exactly as it is.

If you're inspired to do so, use one of the three forgiveness practices:

prayer, meditation or Ho'oponopono and drop (resentment) and give

yourself 5 (minutes).

Reflection Questions:

What was your biggest gain for the last 30 days?

How are you perfect right now, exactly as you are?

What’s one part of yourself you choose to accept unconditionally


How do you choose to move forward with your forgiveness practice?

Thank you!!!

Thank you for choosing yourself and releasing what no longer serves you. Keep on forgiving and keep on embracing the good in life.

Xoxo Rev. Kerti